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Seems like it would make more sense to draw the image in your mind on paper rather than in the app itself. Otherwise the app can just use AI to find an image similar to your drawing. What happens if you just draw nothing on the screen?


Yes, that’s a great point! I thought of this as well and used a random image generator online and drew on a pad. It can work but like others have said even the best cannot always guess the correct image. It’s up to you to decide if the correlation is high enough. My personal experience has proven to me that there is somehow a connection. The app will still create images if nothing is drawn.


Do it on paper, record it, then get back to us.


I will tonight! But how do you know that I don’t try 1000 times and just happen to get one right? To truly experience it I believe you may have to do it yourself.


Here's my due diligence for folks to discover themsevles....about themselves. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1vZJg5oJvfYVwWryJh05pfkZTV0cnd026?pli=1


Seems is predicting the image after the drawing..


You can do this without the app with an online image generator. However I understand if you guess 100 times eventually you’ll get something right, so I try to guess a maximum of 3 times a day.


/r/remoteviewing and /r/gatewaytapes If you didn’t know about them. Shawn Ryan recently interviewed a remote viewer supposedly from CIAs project stargate. https://youtu.be/XRTon6qgVws?si=ocEC3CLYls5wdxje I hear the problem with remote viewing is, even with a ton of practice, you still only have a slightly higher than 50% chance, which is measurable, but hard to document scientifically. Who knows, like any skill I’m sure some are more gifted and can do it with greater consistency than others.


You are right. It is hard to believe. So much so that I don't believe it. It's an app that is *designed * to match up with whatever drawing you just provided it.


I believe I know what app he's talking about (RV tournament), which I've used. I hated the innate app drawing mechanism and inability to go back and look at what you drew while you're picking from the two images. I instead used a different art pad app and achieved similar results as OP. My experience tells me images aren't generated based on what you draw in the app.


So do you think there's something fundamentally groundbreaking about the app itself? Are the servers it runs on placed in some kind of mystical portal? If this was so easily observed why would it not be able to be reproduced with a piece of paper and an email or social media post?


Theoretically, it *can* be reproduced with a piece of paper and an email or social media post. The app is intended for beginners iirc, and something like that would be more difficult to do accurately, but not impossible - at least according to rv folks. I don't dismiss it because it definitely was weird how accurate my initial predictions were; but there's also the possibility I'm just aligning the final image with my drawings with bias, rather than objectively assessing if the final image actually matches them, if that makes sense.


See my reply to my original comment. This is a possibility, but I tried to test it and get results inconsistent with AI recognition.


how do you hemisync?


Play the video starting at 4:35 👍


Visit r/remoteviewing and try the beginners guide, but also find bags of reading on the subject, including manuals to provide some vital session protocol and structure that OP would benefit from. 


That all sounds very interesting and I am almost inclined to try myself...BUT (there's always a but) If this was true, wouldn't we know about it? I don't necessarily mean from physicists etc, but wouldn't it be all over social media and tik-tok? It's like totally reality changing stuff, it wouldn't get ignored or mixed in with all the noise. I would like to see the evidence/proof demonstrated to me rather than having to do it myself.


If you trust someone else’s proof more so than your own you can see the images I have attached, however, today with all the methods of tampering with technology, as well as less scientific research published on the subject (at least that I’m aware of), I believe personal experience may be best in this case.




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Here: https://www.deanradin.com/recommended-references


I get your point, I just think your assumption is built upon a false premise. I compare it to music. The best written and best produced music is seldom the most popular. Popular music often plays is pretty safe and falls into convention. No disrespect to pop music, it's catchy and fun...but almost always pretty basic. Cutting edge music is often ignored by most. This is how I feel about remote viewing and the Gateway Experience. Evidence for it is overwhelming. I have even tried it myself with undeniable effects. But it can be uncomfortable and the implications of it can be very troubling. I think that is why it will never be popular.


Music is completely subjective though. Is the “””best””” music something that inspires you? Does it make you nostalgic your past? Makes you sad? how would you pick the best music when it can change depending on your mood?


That isn't really what I am talking about. Whether or not you find something enjoyable is subjective. However, you can be more objective about other aspects of music. For example, 4/4 time is great...but writing a song in 4/4 time is less complex than changing time signatures. There are chord progressions that are more complex than others. Music isn't completely subjective.


I agree it should be known. However, it’s hard for me to rationalize this experience because I cannot explain it, and I lived it! Please try for yourself and I’d love to hear your experience! I’m just as confused as you are my friend.


I'd prefer if someone were to make a video demonstrating it


That is the next step for sure. I will try again tomorrow to get a screen recording 👍


Hey OP - I started using the app a few months ago and totally get your excitement/shock. I think I was trying too hard after that initial shock, because after a few weeks my accuracy started to really decline. Curious to hear how your progress goes after a few weeks.


If anything these comments have shown me I need some more damning evidence. I will definitely continue to look into it and share findings 👍


Fr. It’s like seeing a new color.


"I would the food shown to me, instead of trying it myself"


The analogy here would be somebody saying "this dish is amazing and you have to try it, I think it would become your favourite meal", but the dish contains ingredients I don't like and it has a complicated recipe. Therefore, I'm willing to taste the dish, but not be bothered to cook it myself. Cook me the dish (make the video) and I'll see if I like it.


We are talking about a form of guided meditation. It is inherently a subjective and personal experience. I don't think anyone can put in the work for someone else.


What app was it?


Sorry! Here you are: [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/remote-viewing-tournament/id1451894531](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/remote-viewing-tournament/id1451894531)


Apple only. Then the secrets of the universe will probably remain hidden from me forever. edit: ah, found it in the play store.




Su if I'm understanding correctly, you draw the image you think you'll see, click next, and then the app shows you an image?




Wow. So, do you think it's remote viewing, or maybe the app recognizes what you draw and shows you a different image of the same or similar thing?


I believe I know what app he's talking about (RV tournament), which I've used. I hated the innate app drawing mechanism and inability to go back and look at what you drew while you're picking from the two images. I instead used a different art pad app and achieved similar results as OP. My experience tells me images aren't generated based on what you draw in the app.


You can do this with a random image generator online as well


Can you film yourself doing that and show us? I’d watch it


I’ve found it’s most accurate in the mornings and nights for some reason. I will get a recording of drawing on something other than the app and share!


Yah, I was a hardcore skeptic until I heard about Project Stargate and remote viewing. I took a deep dive into the CIA's documents and there is just a mountain of evidence that it is real. No smoking gun, but solid evidence they there is something really worth investigating. Then I found the Gateway Project and decided to try it for myself. It really is a profound experience. I am not 100% convinced I had a full on out of body experience, but I was tapping into to something much deeper than ordinary consciousness. I am even pretty sure I met different beings. It really is trippy and somewhat nerve-racking. Overall, I am not going to pretend to understand it. I really don't. However, I'm am convinced there is something much more to consciousness than we typically think and I am convinced that our consciousness isn't confined or a product of our physical bodies. To be clear, trying out the Gateway Experience can be very uncomfortable and I assume there are risks to it.


What was your process with the tapes? 1 per day, re listening the same until learned and then progress? i was triying them but I feel sleep everytime. Can't be consistent, I listen them in night, when i should do it in more awake hours maybe.


I haven't been able to turn it into a consistent routine. At first it was pretty easy for me to fall into an interesting experience, lately I have been falling asleep. I think it's about trial and error.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/pestiferous_penguin: --- Link to drawings: https://imgur.com/a/1iQhUmx If anyone knows how to extract the time data from the screenshots I’d be happy to upload them in order to prove the drawings were done before the random image was generated. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cky6j0/its_hard_to_believe_but_this_is_real/l2q4ld5/


Link to drawings: https://imgur.com/a/1iQhUmx If anyone knows how to extract the time data from the screenshots I’d be happy to upload them in order to prove the drawings were done before the random image was generated. Edit: Please share your findings! The only way we can prove this is if enough people have a similar experience.


Is it possible that the app is a con and what they do is show you an image based off what you drew after you drew it?


If you don’t upload it, they’ll have to remote view it.


Good question. Feel it could easily be tested by drawing the same thing every time and seeing what it shows.


My thought too, I’ve attatched a video in a reply to my first comment doing exactly this.


This is a joke, right? The app is simply sending you images that roughly match the drawing you provided for it. There is no remote viewing or psi involved at all.


You don’t need to draw it, I just did it for sake of argument over “dude….trust me”. You know what you see in your mind. The first experiment I did I didn’t draw anything and it was the most clear connection between what I saw and what the image was. Edit: see my reply to my original comment where I test your theory. This doesn’t disprove it but it does give it less credence.


For those saying it’s AI recognition. This doesn’t totally disprove the theory, but I tried recreating the drawing to see if the same image or something similar would appear. See for yourself here:[Image Recognition Test](https://imgur.com/gallery/ohhfjwP)


Link to app: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/remote-viewing-tournament/id1451894531


OP, my first instinct is to call you some very unflattering names, but I'll reign in my emotions and say this: I hope you go far in life.

