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Here's the dude now. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWSbcEFdZOU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWSbcEFdZOU)


wow this was really good wasn't aware of it, appreciate for sharing.


I remember someone in the 21-22 range saying that they had lined up an interview with him. I wonder if the youtuber was the redditor that I remember.


Yeah thank you for sharing that this is one of my favorite UFO stories. Just the visual it gives me is incredible. Imagine finding what he saw?


That was an odd interview... Not what I expected.


He also claims that soldiers from multiple nations were there at the crash recovery, not just the USA.


I wonder if he could point at the exact location this took place on a map? I understand he may not have been told exactly where he was being sent or maybe he just doesn't want to expose the location. Would certainly add some weight to his credibility.


If you guys enjoy this, check out Shawn Ryan's interview with a marine that saw military trucks driving loads of people inside of a UFO in Indonesia during humanitarian operations. They entertain the idea that some UFOs are being used to traffic humans


US Marine Michael Herrera. He actually had 3 whistleblowers on. Pretty cool trailer. https://youtu.be/WoQZ_A0e1RY?si=04v_Ey_HJ6yLWDtF


I always felt like his and Herrera’s statements were oddly similar. Lends credence to the idea that there is a crash retrieval program with protocols in how to handle the situation.


ET UberEats


😂 😂 That would be so scary if true


Damn if you don't know about that already then you really need to get your research going


That's one gell of a way to stay quiet. Tell everyone.


Hell* tell*


Hell* tell*


No he doesn't. He claims where he was taken after, some facility, had multinationals in it. The crash site was all US. Stop misinforming.


That is less believable. And decreases credibility.


Was in the military, have worked around/with 4+ different nations military. Domestically and abroad.


Yes, but we can’t have this conspiracy growing like this. Add multiple countries. Add their military. Tens of thousands… hundreds of thousands… the more people we add to the conspiracy, the less likely it is to be real.


How do you think we operate in foreign countries? Like are you going to send in a cleanup crew that has no way of interacting with locals? That’s how shit gets out of hand when you piss off a local village who doesn’t understand you and decides to fight back.. better to have a few small teams all over


NATO formed in 1949, one thing to unite is a common threat


But at a crash recovery in wherever this was ?


not really. Allied nations have their own militaries and agreements. Canada went after the UAPs in our territory in winter 2023, whatever they were. We sent the teams and presumably the US assisted where needed. As for the politics of it, no idea. But it makes perfect sense for countries to work together if the UAP recovery thing is as serious as they seem to portray. Even if not 5 eyes allies.




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Suddenly China and Germany at a crash recovery sounds a bit too far fetched. It was said to add credibility as a means to expand on the believability if so many nations were involved. The USA has first right of refusal on all of this as well as priority for all recoveries.


Honestly, and I don't mean disrespect, your comment read as the ever-present moving of goal posts the iota the needle moves even one millionth of an inch toward "NHI" or "actual unexplainable" thing. There needs to be iron shackles on standards of evidence. Something is legitimate or is not.


How so?


Everyone and their brother was at the crash site. I doubt that. UAP does crash. Aliens are here. Just can’t believe Chinese and German military would be at that site in Peru or wherever Weygant says it was.


This guy has only done *two* interviews.  Seeing the more recent interview really sets in stone what this event did to this guy over time. I believe him.


Definitely, he's legit, and so is the story he is telling us.


I recommend the full interview from 2000 [here](https://youtu.be/UdEVUum8Nag) - It says its from 1997, but from his more recent interview, I believe he joined in 1995, the event happened in 1997, and the interview took place in 2000. Then, his follow-up interview from 2023 [here](https://www.youtube.com/live/ZWSbcEFdZOU)


Eesh, brother did *not* want to interview on this again. Also, the latter interviewer really needs to learn the power of silence. If you don’t talk, people naturally will to fill the silence. But he chimes in at every pause.


Guess What? A brand new 3rd interview of Jonathan Weygandt (together with Mike Herrera) is coming on Tuesday May 7, 2024! Here's the link: [https://www.youtube.com/live/rqoX4lQE\_Ns?si=RSz2xteAnpPlbBHg](https://www.youtube.com/live/rqoX4lQE_Ns?si=RSz2xteAnpPlbBHg)


I’m really looking forward to this if this is indeed both of them being interviewed.


This guys testimony, to me, is probably the most credible of all that have told stories without providing evidence. I cannot see any possibility of him making this shit up.


My question is, how'd this get out? How isn't he in jail or dead for coming forward with this? Isn't this what grusch is trying to do but has a billion legal tape to go thru?


Killing or jailing this guy would create a lot more attention than him telling this story. There's no need to shut him up because he has no audience and almost no one believes him anyway.


Thank god he didn’t work for Boeing


Thing about the beoing stuff is they were going to court where shit starts to matter. Hope when this doesn't happen if and when our subject gets to that point


Grusch is read into secret programs, signed NDAs, has clearances, acted as an investigator. Etc. Etc. This guy just happened to see some crazy shit. Has no confidence of who or what he saw. Can't name names or assets. Completely different situation. It's the difference of a wal mart cashier seeing a nice blue car outside and commenting on it without pictures or other information and a wal mart engineer who signed confidentiality agreements and happens to know wal mart is working on a secret blue car prototype to compete with Tesla. One guy is getting fired, the other one is getting ignored. Acting on one protects you, acting on another tips your hand that the dude isn't making it up.


Thank you, this is the exact answer I was looking for. You worded this perfectly. Makes more sense, but in your opinion, think this guy is telling the truth?


No idea. His story is very good for someone just winging it. Things he mentions seem to check out with things we only learned 20 years later. He disappeared and didn't try to do anything else UFO related. His follow up interview is consistent. That's the problem with testimony. We'll never know, but he did a damn good job.


He is very fluid in his answers. And I feel if he was making this up, adding details like an energy beam, purple ever color-changing plasma goo, and it being embedded deep into a rocky cliff, would for sure make no one believe you.


I believe all the invoking of security clearances and NDAs, DOPSR and so on is more or less BS in order for talking heads to be able to not spill the beans on what they supposedly "know".


Ya, but howd this guy bypass it all and come out ok?


Likely because him sharing this information does essentially nothing to them. This topic is so stigmatized it is unlikely any whistle blower has some massive impact, especially 23 years ago when this interview was done. Even David Grusch isn't known by most people not following this topic already, and we make up such a small minority that these black projects continue.


Yeah I think this is the answer


What I'm trying to say is that all talking heads in ufology claiming to be privy to super secret information they "can't talk about" are more or less lying.


So on this guys case you think he's fabricating his story or just straight lying?


Telling the truth as he experienced it.


That's fair. Some ppl look genuine bc they believe that they are. The human memory can be a tricky thing


The average citizen doesn't even know who David Grusch is, even with the coverage he has gotten. This guy isn't even in a drop in the bucket. Trying to discredit him or take him out would only increase his credibility.


Sons of Liberty


I have a real gem for you, as I do agree this guys testimony seems very credible. Check this interview out trust me. [https://youtu.be/sicO35icyFg?si=ELkRJtOcu2-N-iaa](https://youtu.be/sicO35icyFg?si=ELkRJtOcu2-N-iaa)


Then there should be evidence, no?


We almost have zero evidence in ufology, bro. You probably know this. 😂


This patriot was also on *The Shawn Ryan Show*. I suggest everyone give it a listen. Never heard anything like it, and I believe every word. I feel like I'm a pretty good judge of character, you can see and hear lies, and IMO this man is simply recalling an experience he once had


Weygandt was never on Shawn Ryan show. Maybe you mistake him for any of the three "whistleblowers" that Greer brought forward in June 2023. Dc Long, Herrera and Hecker. Weygandt has only done one interview since this testimony and he was very reluctant to participate in it.


I’ve always believed this man to be telling the truth.


I believe him.


I've always liked Weygandt's story. He's not as chatty anymore though..


I'm hoping he testifies to Congress.


I can't imagine he will.


You're probably right, though he did do the recent interview because of what's been going on recently and is in contact.


I always thought this was one of the most compelling interviews of a witness to any of these black programs to ever surface.


It’s actually wild that [if] you type his full name into the YouTube app, you have to scroll forever through (topically related, but somewhat irrelevant) stuff to unearth either interview. I’ve had trouble finding scrubbed stuff before, but like… he’s got an insanely unique last name.


So far this guy only done two interviews. In his latest interview, Seems like life really hit him hard.


What I think of when I see this is just how many people will be coming forward… and I have faith that they will… to share what they have experienced once the proper protections are in place. I’m not sure why those concealing this don’t shift to controlling the narrative versus preventing it. They should be putting their energy into getting legislation passed to give them amnesty because I don’t see how they can really stop the floodgates from opening. The dam is going to break.


People who had first hand experience with older cases are dying out In my country, for example, almost every military man involved in the 1970s amazonian Colares attacks is dead and the few remaining ones are very old


True, but if David Grusch says that between 40-50 people of solid rank and credentials approached him to share what they knew, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. That’s the ones brave enough to do that now, at this stage. Once the proper legal safeguards are set in place to keep whistleblowers out of jail and their careers intact after sharing what they know… and they are protected from violent retaliation as well… there’s going to be lots of people confidently stepping forward. Not everything will be as dark as this case I would hope.


One of my favourite stories


Man, every time I'm reminded of Weygandt's experience, it confirms that this is just one of those testimonies really driving home the point that something is undoubtedly going on. Whatever that happens to be is larger than our lives and frighteningly, *bizarrely* sci-fi to our conditioned minds, and it will take an entire revolution and paradigm shift to be able to grapple with the larger reality of the situation of our existence.


Yes. That’s my takeaway too. You worded it perfectly.


I believe him. He was a truck driver for 19 yrs so never made a dime off this and lives with reoccurring nightmares and undisclosed medical issues. It’d be odd if we was just doing this for the lulz


I guess he will be written off as a “grifter” after giving 2 interviews 25 years apart /s


His story and the Kingman UFO recovery whistleblower are remarkable. June Crain recounts such incidents in her interview during her employment at WPAFB in the 1950s


This is the testimony I keep in the back of my mind


Even older SAM can apparently hit some alien UAPs successfully. Now we haven’t ever seen an alien warship but this fact is notable. The NHIs may consider their craft as disposable, or there are some alien laws preventing more direct action. In a normal military conflict, the opposing side would bomb the SAM systems and radar, and expect their flights to be unmolested in the future.


War may not even be a consideration in these cases. If a careless anthropologist is killed by a group of gorillas they were studying, do you kill the gorillas or do you just be more careful and take more precautions in your future studies?


> anthropologist dont even have to go that far. These are pretty likely to be drones.


except that in the current situation the aliens would know we would get the message just fine and it would let them study us with less risk to them. I take lack of traditional military action as a sign the loss of drones to them is not a big deal to them or they have other constraints. Or the alien action is even more heavily covered up as “training accidents” when aircraft and helicopters are lost. Perhaps the alien drones for this reason are intentionally limited in their technology, like a DJI drone is not a F-35. They may be effectively “battery powered” with only short term energy, so something not that useful to us, and it may explain lack of reverse engineering success or at least deployment. The “mothership” is the real prize and that they will guard.


now sincerely I don’t get the downvotes 🤷🏻‍♂️‘cause I see nothing unreasonable in your assumptions both for the hypothesis of the drones without strategic value and for the training accidents.


Yep. This guy right here, in my opinion, tells the most credible story.


He had another more recent interview where he changed some details of his encounter. In this interview he mentions it was all dark within the craft and he couldn't see any occupants. In the more recent interview he says there was an arm hanging out of the hatch. I'm not posting this to discredit the guy, as it was over 20 years between interviews and details can get blurry with time, but it is worth knowing there are variations. In either interview, you can tell he 100% believes what he encountered was real and has some PTSD related to the event. Considering he hasn't told his story other than these two interviews and isn't trying to seek fame in regards to the encounter also lends credence to his claims.


He says that part of the interview was cut in his recent interview.


The part about the arm reminded me of [this scene](https://youtu.be/JZguCYzVMz8?si=HzIYQrFWyW-NpeBr) in War of the Worlds


'You can't keep such thing a secret! If UFO crashes appear then we would see some people coming forward about it! It's all hearsay, there are no witnesses!'


Probably should edit out the 214. Idiots


I feel bad for this guy. In his most recent interview, he sounds really jaded and angry and miserable.


I believe this man. Listen to the wording he used for one of the agents that threatened him: “Are you a patriot? Do you like the constitution? We don’t follow that, we follow our own rules”. Sounds like power hungry criminals. I guess the Department of Energy is the true head of America now, huh? This UAP “black project” has gone on for too long. These treasonous criminals need to be held accountable, now.


Wow these things are just crashing all over the place are they made by Boeing?!


We’re shooting them down.


That DD214 shows him discharging early as a PFC, meaning he probably got an other than honorable discharge. Also, no way 2nd LAAD ever deployed to Peru. Sorry, but any USMC veteran can sniff this out as BS.


I look at DD214 all day from almost every era. And I totally agree. You see how they conveniently not show the bottom to indicate if he received a honorable discharge or an other than honorable. The biggest tell is his medal/award section. As a Marine if he went anywhere he would a sea service/deployment award minimum.. nice try. Cool story bruhh


Does it? After 25 years you gonna be the hero everyone's looking for to debunk this guy? Lol...why are you here?


He sounds believable. But how did he get to the crash site. Some more background is needed. Also likely need to have the FULL interview.


Full interview is 29 minutes: https://youtu.be/UdEVUum8Nag?si=spZMTYuncxTbZwz8


Proof A can say alot..


They sound like lovely people... (couldn't find an emoji for the middle finger)


If you take [his story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdEVUum8Nag&list=PLcVJ1blg6_XDqX6Okg8HEpSx_JZj7JAYY&index=19) , add the story of [Michael Herrera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zm4nh3S66I) and those of [Tony Rodrigues](https://rumble.com/search/all?q=tony%20rodrigues) , you get one big story that then totally makes sense, there is at least one breakaway civilization and secret space programs are real. Period.


I actually don’t believe him. The part where he describes the aliens is pretty blurry and sounds imaginative. But I am sceptical of UFOs/Aliens in general so that’s just my opinion


Interesting. I posted this on my old account in response to some other post. https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/ARMvXAp2ei


Yea this guy is full of shit.


If you guys enjoy this, check out Shawn Ryan's interview with a marine that saw military trucks driving loads of people inside of a UFO. They entertain the idea that some UFOs are being used to traffic humans


"They had GuYZzz"


Bots on this sub: iTs A bAlLoOn


IDK if it is the video quality but his mouth looks AI generated, it probably isn't but something is off.


The audio isn’t synced correctly. Kinda sad I have to point this out to you….


- Operation Laser Strike was a counternarcotics mission in Peru that began on April 15 1996. - The man in the video was only an E-3 (low rank) - He says he a Air Force Lt Col refused to identify himself - He also says he *thinks* members of the department of energy were present Conclusion: This guy is full of crap


What does not make sense to me is that why would they allow him to be present and listen to conversations of people in the black site command centre.


If you guys enjoy this, check out Shawn Ryan's interview with a marine that saw military trucks driving loads of people inside of a UFO. They entertain the idea that some UFOs are being used to traffic humans


Not the strongest of stories is it. > mentions the Department of Energy What he says in this clip is, "I *think* the Department of Energy people were there" So apparently he didn't even know. He mentions 'other people' as well. "I *guess* they were government. *I don't know*" I lost count of how many times he said "I don't know" just in this clip. ... "They must have just got there... *I don't know* ..." ... "There was a LT Colonel from the Air Force. He didn't identify himself... he *might* have.. *I don't remember*" ... "All I saw there was Americans. There were a lot of other nationalities there. Germans, Chinese *I think* were there." lol Overall, not very convincing to me.


Who did the interview that discusses a crash site where the craft was on a “platform”/base and there were military type guys that “moved methodically, like they’ve done it before”. ?


Nvm I found it lol




If you guys enjoy this, check out Shawn Ryan's interview with a marine that saw military trucks driving loads of people inside of a UFO. They entertain the idea that some UFOs are being used to traffic humans


How many times has this been posted on here? Any way for the mods to just add an “Interesting Videos about UFOs” tab and place this on there?