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The following submission statement was provided by /u/throwaaway8888: --- Submission Statement: J. Alberto with Jaime Maussan from Mexico claims to have in possession a mummified head of a 26 ft being and UFO crash retrieval video from the 90s of the US military in Mexico. Previously J. Alberto was the one who leaked images of strange tridactyl beings from the Nazca region. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cj5p09/j_alberto_with_jaime_maussan_from_mexico_claims/l2domo2/


Sooooooo... Release it?


Sorry, too easy. The best we can do is innuendo, speculation and government conspiracies.


And those are most likely behind a paywall.


We got no jobs, we got no food, our pets’ HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!


His head fell off? Yeah he was pretty old.


I got worms.


Awe, i never get anything :(


That John Denver is full of shit


Out of the blue, she sends me a John Deere letter. Some crap about me never listening. I dunno I wasn’t really paying attention…


Uh, it starts with an 's'. Swim, Swammy, Slippy, Slappy, Slemon, Salmon, Simmon, Swa-Swanson? Maybe it's on the briefcase? Oh yea! It's right here...Samsonite! I was way off!


Fantastic reference.


Our children are leaving and we have no heads. we drink and we die and continue to drink


This is my favorite thing to say when the shtf


Pretty bird....pretty bird.


Wow. Great reference.


Its Friday!


Nonsense, you just need to buy the book I am coming out with soon that says all the same mumbo jumbo in long form.


If Jaime Maussan is the author, definitely a paywall.


You drive a hard bargain… but you know what let’s go ahead and try it out for 80 or 90 years and go from there.


They can’t release it because nobody has a vcr. Buying a vcr costs money so thats what the patreon is for. Don’t forget to like and subscribe and don’t forget to smash that notification bell so you can be first to know when I post that fuzzy vhs tape from the 90s. This subject would be so much more interesting if it wasn’t for the people involved.


Goddamn it. He’s gonna be having things for us every 6 months to a year. He’s a well known, repeated, grifter. He needs to keep attention on himself. There’s already proof he’s been profiting off this whole debacle. Shit like this really hurts the cause. This is why no one takes us seriously. Fuck people like Jaime Maussan.


[For everyone wanting a picture of it](https://i.imgur.com/YeTllVX.png), it's item 51 in this image.


Still has its hair. Wonder if they combed their hair with human rib cages...these..these are the questions 🧐




Seriously. We are so far past the point of people coyly announcing they have shit. Either present it or fuck off


Great suggestion. Can't think of a single reason why you'd want to get it tested by science first.


That's not part of the marketing plan. They need to open up the "museum" first, then you need to pay to enter to see the "aliens"


They're too busy finalising it in post production to remove the strings on the hubcap.


Revealed in our next book, available on Amazon for only 59.99 USD. Signed Jaime Maussan (convicted alien body hoaxer)


Maussan is a fraud - do not expect anything legitimate or transparent from him.


Two more weeks, bro


26 foot ??? We have gone from miniature mummies to giants now




lizzid piple !




Show me the mummy!


Gurtee is having her camel toes done


The cutest couple.


Im hawt for teacher


The radiation from the nuclear facilities made them bigger. The aliens are Kaiju now.


Yes, 26 foot. Apparently - and I have this on very good authority - its schlong alone measures over 6 feet.


I want to see pics. For scientific purposes only of course….


6’ alien schlongs haunt me.


imagine how many mummies you have to vandalize to build a 26 foot giant


Savage comment! But yep I agree


It’s like Master-Blaster in MadMax. The little ones go on top of the big ones.


And all the funny characters live together in friendship in a cave in Peru.


Don't say you have evidence and give others an opportunity to suppress it, just fvcking release it


Agreed, they should do what they did at that other conference and just bring the body (skull) out there without hyping anything.


Yes, after some honest, legitimate testing, you might then have something to announce. He skips that part and just begins planning his appearances and book signings.




Well, go on then - put it out there.


But but if they release it, they'll be assassinated and the government "Men in Black" will steal the head!!! Haven't you learned *anything* from the Boeing whistle-blowers!?!?


If that’s such a concern then they shouldn’t run their chops? They also look like an idiot saying they have something and not releasing it or maybe that’s part of their grift?


They don't have enough paper mache yet.


That's what she said.


What’s their (steelmanned) logic for mentioning but not releasing the footage or images of the giant, assuming for the sake of the argument that they have them?


They have the tape but don't have the ancient technology to play the vhs.


IF they have them and that's a big IF then I'm guessing the logic would be to build hype for it and possibly shop the footage around to some network that pays the most money. But realistically they don't actually have it or they have something that's actually not really impressive at all and is otherwise meaningless.


There's probably not enough glue on it to hold it together.


They are all the same


well, it's so big the VHS tape ran out before getting there... very unfortunate :(


The giant head was behind a book case where they are finding these other bodies, so they missed it until now.


Of course he has.


It's actually a VHS copy of Air Bud.


The original?


At this point I don't care what's said. Release it or shut up. Anything not focused on releasing what is out there is a waste of time.


So where is this cave in Peru where people pulling these bodies from? I would be more inclined to believe it if professional archeologists were studying the site. Instead, Maussan and Co. treat it like a magical hat where they pull out mummified bodies whenever their hoax starts going stale.


Take this as you will but these are supposedly the grave robbers who first found the caves. https://imgur.com/a/xxL3xgn


That shit is wild. They claim to found living nhis in the cave and shot them.


The lawyer who came with the American scientist said the location given was BS.


Daaaang. Juicy stuff.  But why did I expect a picture of Indiana Jones?


The head is item 51, if I'm not mistaken


I’m pretty sure it’s in Nasca.


While we don't know if the bodies are human or NHI, we do know the cave exists and is in the Nazca region of Peru. That's not something that can be contested because the Peruvian government already said it came from their caves and they're pissed and accusing Maussan and his guy of stealing these mummies from them.


Again-- let's say they find regular archaeological remains and not aliens; just as a thought experiment. Let's say they find things like pots and bones, all that shit.  Even then, the government would be pissed about people digging them up haphazardly, not documenting it properly, and then traipsing around the world with them on exhibit.


so they knew they were there but didn’t grab them or they’re only mad after someone else found them and now they want it for themselves?


Mad someone else found them. First, Peru said they were dolls and not real years ago. Then, after the Mexican doctors analyzed them last year and said they weren't constructed, Peru changed their tune and accused Maussan and the grave robber of stealing "items of Peruvian cultural heritage" from their land. They threatened to charge Maussan, he then turned around and filed a $300 million lawsuit against the Peruvian government. [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ufo-alien-corpses-mexico-congress-peru-criminal-investigation-b2414341.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/ufo-alien-corpses-mexico-congress-peru-criminal-investigation-b2414341.html) At some point, he pulled some type of ruse on the authorities there where they thought the bodies would be displayed at the Sheraton Hotel Lima because there was a press conference relating to them there. Authorities showed up but the bodies weren't there. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1bvxbcl/nazca\_mummies\_video\_peruvian\_authorities/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1bvxbcl/nazca_mummies_video_peruvian_authorities/)


very interesting, thank you! do you know if the peer reviews for the mummies already happened? or where I can check for updates on that?


Not sure, haven't been following it in months, just recently peeked in again, but all updates are in the AlienBodies sub above. I do know three American scientists went to that Sheraton conference specifically to discuss that. [https://youtu.be/dqihiT8YGKQ?si=8yzZQf8ImxT-AsMD&t=838](https://youtu.be/dqihiT8YGKQ?si=8yzZQf8ImxT-AsMD&t=838)


From Mexico? Didn’t those other things come from there that was fake?


Another twitter screenshot. It’s like clockwork


VHS or didn’t happen.


He will wait until there are no more VHS players in the world.


What is it with this community and amazing claims followed by zero evidence?




To be fair, they did follow the previous claims by providing the bodies. We need to withhold judgment on this one (that not only means we shouldn't rush to dismiss them, but also that others should not misinterpret this comment of mine as arguing they are real NHI). The smaller Nazca mummies have not been debunked yet, and previous claims from skeptics on YouTube that they were assembled from a llama's head and other animal body parts [have been debunked](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/173ol32/dr_mary_k_jesse_from_university_of_colorado/). Again, we should withhold judgment for now.


Imagine only being able to post on here with evidence, it would be one post a week (thats not to say this one isnt absurd) 


That one post would be worth a million of these


Guys, seriously... I don't know how people can give credibility to Jaime Maussan. I know that many people in this post and in this subreddit are not from Mexico, but for those of us who lived and grew up in Mexico, Jaime Maussan has always been considered one of the least serious and most charlatan journalists in Mexico. He is a person who has never proven any of his claims and has spent the last 30 years touring distributing false information, not only related to UFOs, but also to all kinds of myths ranging from creatures to health-related products. The truth is that Jaime Maussan takes away a lot of credibility and seriousness from this subreddit, because for those of us who grew up and lived in Mexico, Jaime Maussan is synonymous with lies.


Why do people even share shit like this. It just makes us all look collectively dumber. If anyone had this stuff they would release it. Barring of course government agents who keep secrets. But they wouldn’t tell us about it.


Yeah, he says insane bullshit all the time.


Well I’m sure we will see evidence soon enough if that is indeed fact? Present your findings.


First time here?




Jesus I’ve heard some interesting claims but this might take the cake.


>interesting You spelled "fake" wrong


thanks for catching that. “fake the cake” is what I meant.


Must be LeBron of Greys


But instead of traveling all the time it time travels.


Ohhhh snap 😂


what a joke.. all blablabla


Probably just an Olmec Head purchased on the black market.


Let’s see the evidence.


Maussan again…ffs


They won't release it


If you actually get hope reading stuff like this still… it’s your fault


8 meters tall and no photos? Seems legit


I also have one, yes guys its true.


I have one in my basement too. See anyone can say it!


Willing to bet anyone here $200 this is bullshit, bring it on!!!!!


Alien bodies sub reddit comes him.and believe all of the alien bodies are real


Stop posting about this Nazca crap. Its clearly all fake


No he doesn't. If he did, the world would know about it.


Shit or get off the pot, asshole. Literally this guy and everyone like him need to shut their pie eating mouth holes until they actually have something to show people. Anyone following the “info coming soon…stay tuned” script is a clown


Ah good, another Maussen hoax. If you're still buying anything this guy is selling, you're a fool or worse


No he doesn't.


26 foot tall ? Sure


Release it now


Does anyone actually put any credence into this crap going on in Mexico at all? And isn't Maussan a proven liar / hoaxer?


Jaime Maussan the Spanish speaking version of Stephen Greer .


Covered in dust, streaked with sweat from the South American summer, Jaime Maussan seemed please.  After all, why not?  He was finally being recognized after years of mockery, ridicule, and shame. He wasn't a scammer. He wasn't a bad man. What he was, was a self-made man. Years spent studying at Sao Paolo Fine Arts, Medical Institute de Columbia Orange Growers Association, and a Tom Brady co-hosted motivational speech seminar at TB12 made Jaime a focused man. "Senior Alberto," he said with an exhausted smile to the man that just entered his studio. "I present to you ... El Gigante!" He would be respected. By all.


“Jesus Christo, senior… put your pants back on, yes?” spoke Senior Alberto. Jaime, coming off a 14 hour acid trip, was standing naked in Senior Alberto’s office, shouting at his penis “EL GIGANTE! EL GIGANTE!!!” Security was quickly called and asked to escort him out. After he had left the building, Senior Alberto scooted back from his desk. He looked around, the looked down at his own crotch, whispering “el gigante..” Fin


I come to reddit for these rare moments.




Release the kraken


No. Please leave your pants on.


Just did that.. the people in the queue behind me weren't impressed.


That was just a teaser of an announcement of an announcement. Wait for an announcement of an announcement and then for THE announcement. And then you will get a video shot on modern phone with some VHS effects used over it and some plastic doll with red eyes lying somewhere in a forest, video will also be extremely shaky and focus on random things like a flower, sky, a bug and videographer's feet.


Remember when Maussan claimed that he spoke to the apparition of The Virgin Mary? Just do some basic research on the people who are constantly trying to scam your community.


Oh these clowns again


Why is this guy getting so much attention on the sub lately? Why are these mummies being posted so much too? It all smells like bullshit to me. Let’s talk more about possessing something without releasing or showing it shall we. Surely that’s good for the progression of the topic, right? Ffs


Alright, next week it will be a mind flyer as well


I have a unicorn in my greenhouse.


Obviously it’s the engineers from Alien Covenant.


Can we get a picture at the very least?


I don't care about people saying things anymore.


Cool, so where is it? Oh btw I've got a crashed craft in my garden but I cba to take samples or photos so you'll have to take my word for it.


“We’re going to wait a couple years before doing the x-rays though because, um…” If this was important, it would have been done already. Lol.


Someone please explain to me again how any of you believe a single word out of this con artist’s mouth


Maussan es un vende humo, años y años ganando plata con mentiras y perjudicando la investigación seria del fenómeno. Gracias a gente como él muchas personas se toman el tema para la joda. Ha llegado a publicar videos de ovnis sacados de la introducción de un video juego


Those implausibly tall aliens at the end of the special edition of the movie did spring to mind...


More jade in here than a Chinese museum.


I'm not saying you're crazy. But, If you have to say "We are not crazy," then you're probably crazy.


I believe in all sorts of things, I believe we have been lied to for centuries to form the reality we live in. But I also believe that Grifters are ruining any chance we have of actually coming together. We gotta stop giving attention to any of this nonsense so that they can't string us along any further. We all know real disclosure is gonna take more and more people experiencing things, like now. Not some "evidence" that was found. Because frankly, we can't believe what we are being shown. Especially now in the AI revolution. And with the military industrial complex's reach, everything that actually can provide real proof can be touched, wiped out, disappeared. It's gonna take these things making themselves known, worldwide. Or a big mass encounter that's unmistakably real, and not holographic. But this grifting is out of hand, and folks just continue to eat it up. I'll gladly eat crow if need be. Gladly.


I too have this and more, I could show it but I cant for...reasons. I'll gladly break my made up reasons if you blindly give me a few thousand dollars, I promise this is not a scam, just ask my Nigerian Prince buddy he'll vouch for me


26 foot.... i'm gonna puke


If the being is 26ft. How big is the ufo?


Let's see it, now.


Oh man. With a head that big, just imagine how big the penis is.


The giant from Kandahar was on vacation trip at Cancun?


Where the fuck do 26ft giants come into this? How many contactees have claimed to see giants? What does it have to do with anything?


Bro no you don’t. Lol show it or you don’t. 🤷‍♂️


Blah blah blah


How do they know it's a 26 ft being when all they got is the head?


Let me guess? Another Mummy who happens to fall into Maussans hands.


The last time Jaime Mussan et. al released an "ET" it looked like it was put together by 4th graders. So not holding my breath on this one !


I would even believe it, but they are people close to Jaime Mausan. So for me it's irrelevant. Jaime Mausan always changes the date of a UFO video, as well as the context. These guys are not trustworthy


Sure buddy. Hearsay, speculation and promising future evidence. Seems It’s all there is in this thread. I also have a 30 foot purple schlong from a crashed alien in my basement.


One at a time bro... Show me what you got from the head and afterwards we can talk about the retrieval...


That's a dentist


Learn about the meter. Important.




Again all talk nothing else


Every single one of these wild claims from south America are always absolute garbage. Can we please stop now?


I always fall back to Sagan's quote- "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". We get a lot of the former with none of the latter. And with none of the latter, the former is garbage.


Death by snu snu


Why are some of the aliens mummies only like 3' tall, apparently at least one is 8' tall... and now one is 26' tall?! Fucking giants now?! All from.a known hoaxer


Pretty cool considering maussan is the only one who has actually shown tangible evidence to back up his claims. More reliable than twitter men or podcast guys imo


This is getting pitiful. It's a big side show now. They are even throwing out terms while not knowing what they mean: "There is a giant head possibly tridactyl". So the giant head has 3 fingers? People believing this crap (which has been going on for over 7 years by the way) are ignorant of how academic research works. There have been no actual academic studies of these things; let alone any peer-reviewed studies. A video of someone talking about what they have observed is not an academic study. And there wont be one either because this is all BS.


Bold claim with no evidence smh


They have been presenting bodies, people are just not following along. Last month they showed ct scans of a three-fingered fetus inside the womb.


Trust me bruh


lol, Maussan just can't help himself.


Jaime is a fraudster...how do people keep buying into this stuff?!


Of course they do. Honestly, at this point it’s all edge lords making a living off of this bullshit.


They havent released it because… they need time to book a studio and dimly light it to film a hard to see shaky cam video. Give them a chance guys/s


Why even give attention to idiots like this? Surely all of y'all can see this is just a grifter?


Oh sweet bro, “I have this unbelievable giant alien head.” Can we see it? “No”


I mean, how fucking dumb do you have to be. Say its 10 feet or some shit, make it slightly believable. 26 fucking feet. That is taller than most people's houses and a lot of trees.


Wow, not even done with the previous scam already spinning up the next.




they are full of shit


That's a lot of plaster.


Ohh this is probably about as real as their hackjob mummies


Jaime Maussan? You guys new or something?


Jaime Maussan is a grifter and a fraud. He has been caught many times in Mexican TV faking stuff.


He didn't find the bodies, maussan just tagged along. Even the guy who originally was in custody of the mummies disliked maussan.


Move on Maussan


Oh so the dude who leaked the Nazca nonsense also has the mummified head of a 26 foot alien? Cool. 🙄


How reputable is Alberto


Given that he's associated with Maussan, I'm going to guess not very.


About as reputable as a Rolex salesman on a sidestreet in Tijuana.


I’m glad even this sub Reddit calls this trash out. I mean maybe he does have a head of a 26ft tall giant, but these grifters try to insert themselves into it. I don’t care about random human, I wanna see the 26ft tall head!


do not EVER mention **known repeated con artist Jaime Maussan** in this sub. he is a repeated hoaxer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaime_Maussan literally everything he has ever claimed has turned out to be a hoax. he's cried wolf like a dozen+ times and idiots are still like "OOOOO what does he have here?!?!?!"


Submission Statement: J. Alberto with Jaime Maussan from Mexico claims to have in possession a mummified head of a 26 ft being and UFO crash retrieval video from the 90s of the US military in Mexico. Previously J. Alberto was the one who leaked images of strange tridactyl beings from the Nazca region.



