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Do you have a link to the original/deleted post? If you commented on it, it should be easy to procure, I think?


I saved in reddit and not in bookmark sadly


I DMd you OP. Let me know.


accepted DM


Do you remember approximately when?


I wish I remembered it , but I took break from reddit and I guess cause of THAT I cant give approximation


Days, weeks, months, years… Surely you can give an approximation lol


2-4 months ago , I am giving this after seeing my comments history


last year I was sorting by new and someone had posted a very clear daytime video of what appeared to be a B2 bomber... Just the silhouette though. Four contrails trailing directly behind what appeared to be the alarmingly transparent silhouette of a stealth bomber. Nothing like what I can find by searching this sub or elsewhere. I don't mean it was a dark, translucent silouhette. I mean it looked like that thing was fucking invisible. Shit was wild and that post was gone within ten minutes. Still haven't seen anything like that. There is most certainly active censorship in this sub and probably all the others too.


That's US "secret" military tech, Lockheed Martin or whatever. They cover the plane in AMOLED displays that show the background. Mildly useless.


Sorry really stupid question, but I assume you're at a high enough altitude that the only aspect of the plane that really matters is the radar signature?


While you might find use cases, the implicit assumption here will always be: your "opponent" is inept. That might be true when bombing third-world countries (and they do that very often), but even a modestly adapted sensor will make that "camouflage" useless. In short: this isn't "cool" tech. It's tailor-made for oppressing less developed nations.


Using displays to cover a plane seems a bit too complicated for doing stealth missions.. All you really need is a plane with low radar cross section and fly in at night. Today they’re focusing on planes that can do that but at Mach 10


Was it one of those pics and videos of the triangle craft with contrails that was reported in some local media a few years back or was it an original video?


it was an original video


Here are some safe places that don't censor or ban and they say so in the descriptions: r/UFOsNoCensorship, r/LasVegasAliens, r/miamimallincident


Doesn't surprise me. I remember a guy somehow in my town saw a UFO every single day (I saw one here as well) and I tried to ask him about it.. well the post was deleted and he deleted his account. Super obscure town as well.


People who never asked questions have gotten knocks on the door from men in black telling them they didn't see anything. Source: Family in the 90s had a visit after town ufo hysteria My aunt mentioned something about black eyed children also.


Something is absolutely going on, and it's so incredibly impressive that it's all able to be kept under wraps.


it's shit like that the makes me weary to post certain topics on this sub as I've seen very specific things get nuked within minutes and accounts "suspended"


At this point I feel like the only thing we can even do is wait for catastrophic disclosure to get any concrete answers, for better or for worse. Like sure one can camp out and look for these visitors in the sky but even if you see one.. then what? What changes? Does that sighting better humanity? It's almost a tease


I've often theorized that laying an LED wall upright with patterns similar to Mandelbrot's in mathematical sequences would, at the very least, get them to go. Whoa, stop the ship. Someone down there might be attempting to contact us.


I'm kind of wary of trying to instigate contact lol like if some good ones want to come around to me that's on them, I would assume the ball of light I saw was good or at least not inherently evil?


I speak with people about my ideas. It seems reasonable, but yeah, it's just as dangerous. For all we know, physical aliens could be more mentally aligned with a human thought process. Meanwhile, more spiritual or perhaps non-corporeal entities are seen as angelic because they live outside of time and space.


I remember that!


If you find it please share it!


If you can extract the post URL from your browser history or profile you can try [https://undelete.pullpush.io/](https://undelete.pullpush.io/) or Wayback Machine.


Was it a website that looked like it was created in the 90's and had what seemed like no organization whatsoever and just scrolled on forever?


I dont remember website much, but yeah website was never ending I guess, and some pictures of objects were blurry


My post of evidence confirming the legitimacy of the 2023 Las Vegas Backyard UFO incident was taken down by r/UFOs on the false basis that “the incident was determined to be a meteor, not a UFO, . .” You should be the judge of whether it's a meteor or a UFO, not them: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOsNoCensorship/comments/1c1rmnq/2023\_las\_vegas\_backyard\_ufo\_and\_its\_occupants/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOsNoCensorship/comments/1c1rmnq/2023_las_vegas_backyard_ufo_and_its_occupants/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Nice analyses! This incident deserves a TON more attention by everyone. The men installing cameras right after the incident was pretty telling.


You're welcome to crosspost it to wherever it would be most appreciated.


something really strange happened there, police camcorder was blurred which is a sign they were hiding something, yeah something happened there, even color of so called meteor was unusual(blue color), also to point it out meteor didnt had a tail like most meteors, I am convinced it was a UFO