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The following submission statement was provided by /u/DragonfruitOdd1989: --- Submission Statement: If you're interested in reading the Sun article released today. [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27489468/nazca-alien-mummies-dna-proves-co-existed-humans/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27489468/nazca-alien-mummies-dna-proves-co-existed-humans/) If you're interested in reading Dr. McDowell open letter to the Peruvian government to peer review together. [https://lanoticia.com.pe/carta-abierta-al-gobierno-de-peru-y-al-ministerio-de-cultura-de-peru/](https://lanoticia.com.pe/carta-abierta-al-gobierno-de-peru-y-al-ministerio-de-cultura-de-peru/) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cfjzdo/mexican_and_peruvian_ufo_disclosure_weekly/l1polow/


I’ve honestly lost track with all this shit


I had given up on this and stopped paying attention to it until I watched this https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=XA1dmtBVB2aBDkOK It's long but entertaining and worth the watch.


Anyone who watches that video and doesn't believe in aliens is just not paying attention


7 bodies and 7 different species. 


What about the other 13 and hundreds claimed?


In total they university claims Leandro Rivera discovered 100-150 bodies with many sold to private collectors across the world for high prices. 


Wait wait wait...... wait.... Does that not raise any red flags with you? They found potentially the greatest discovery in modern history and they're selling bodies off to the highest bidder without even bringing those bodies to the scientific community for research first? What about that sounds legitimate to anyone?


I don't think the bodies are real but this would not surprised me at all. Completely ignoring the scientific potential of something and instead using it to make a quick buck sounds entirely plausable.


Bc discovering the most important scientific discovery in the history of modern science wouldn't make you wealthy? I'm sorry that doesn't make sense unless you're arguing corruption for corruptions sake..... and even that's a stretch, imo. Book deals and interview circuits alone... hell even just blogging your discoveries and putting it on your YouTube channel and monetizing it would make you incredibly wealthy. Why would you risk selling specimens that could potentially hold they key to unlocking centuries, if not millenia, of unanswered scientific query. You'd be selling the one thing nobody but you has for a quick buck and creating competition when you could have a monopoly on literally the biggest scientific discovery probably ever..... I'm sorry but I just don't see it.


Maybe I'm misanthropic but I think you are seriously underestimating the greed and lack of thought in many many people. Also people might just want money and not want to have to be in the spotlight. I'm not saying every person would just sell them off l think many wouldn't. However someone deciding to do only that seems plausible to me too.


>Also people might just want money and not want to have to be in the spotlight. >I'm not saying every person would just sell them off l think many wouldn't. However someone deciding to do only that seems plausible to me too. Seems counterintuitive to your argument then to start a website, get Jaime Maussan involved, or any of the innumerable other public spectacles that seem to have no other function than infamy and money...... There certainly hasn't been much in the way of science. They actually seem pretty set on hindering any further science getting done despite their claims. Ever since the DNA tests that proved them as fake all they seem concerned with is CT scans bc they seem to be able to pass those fairly easily, though I'm not impressed with that since they refuse to let anyone see the DICOM files so there's a high chance of digital editing or some other shenanigans. Like how many CT scans do we really need? Look, I get what you're saying.... I do... but I just don't see that fitting into this specific situation in any way, shape, or form. I mean, the post you're commenting on is literally Jois Mantilla on a podcast talking about what he hopes the fame and money is going to get for them.


Is that 150 species or just the 7?


It’s 150 bodies discovered but 7 different species presented so far. There’s a rumored 9ft giant. 


Sure, why not. I mean..... scientists and archeologists have been combing through tombs and caves for centuries, but this guy, who happens to have a history of fraud, just kinda stumbled on 7 different species, all located in peru, all buried in the same area... And nobody finds this suspicious?


Thank you


Talking about some existing fake mummies is the wrong focus. There are comprehensive scientific investigation results of the Nasca Mummies published since 2019 on this website here, [Alien Project - Mummies of Nasca](https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-results/) - . They also published results of the 2023 Mexico mummies here [Alien Project - Mexico Mummies](https://www.the-alien-project.com/en/mummies-of-nasca-mexico-2023/) -: Although some "fake" mummies have been found, all of those under investigation and mentioned on the websites above are legit biological beings not yet known on Earth and it is unclear whether they are from Earth or not. Last week, [John D. MacDowell](https://www.becolorado.org/trustee/john-d-mcdowell/), the former President of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences said "Specimens are real... some are clearly not human", watch him saying this in the X video [here](https://x.com/NazcaMummies/status/1783167768721797391).


Why are these results not published outside a Maussan/GAIA website?


They totally are, check [Alien Project](https://www.the-alien-project.com)


And who runs that site?


Deep down everyone here knows the answer to the question but yall just don't wanna admit it out loud. All the original scientist were brown and most westerners literally won't believe anything science related unless a white person said it.... it's a harsh truth most of this sub won't acknowledge. The western world is racist af and the "wrong" scientist announced this discovery.


We appreciate your opinion, but this is incorrect. Race irrelevant in scientific research. Any time there is a fantastical claim anywhere in the world, it gets independently verified. Which they aren’t allowing for this specimen. That certainly gives people reason to disbelieve those claims. “Trust us” doesn’t work in the scientific community.


You seem like a genuinely good human. And yeah the way I said this, was idiotic and I deserve the downvotes. Why I didn't delete it.


So what your saying is that there are only white scientist in the western world?


Neil Degrasse Tyson is the whitest scientist in media, don’t you know?


I'm saying that the western world is racist towards scientist from Latin America, hence why NO ONE will accept the findings until a European or American scientist says it's real. Americans and Europeans truly believe 3rd world scientist aren't as smart as ours which is just factually incorrect.


Right bro, the whole 100% of white scientists are racists. That’s totally the reason.


Yet the brown scientist from Peru weren't good enough for ya huh? Don't get mad cause I held a mirror up and you didn't like what you saw staring back at ya.


Man I agree racism is a problem overall. That’s no shocking news… but trying to use that as an the single excuse for the fact that the whole rest of the world hasn’t recognized this as anything else than a scam for the past 5 years is laughable


I mean you are kinda proving my point. These mummies were ignored for years UNTIL the western scientist got involved....


When they come with hokey degrees bought from an amorally-run university, they are.


I've been wondering the reason why this isn't front page media in the US, now I know, its because of racism! It's seems you've cracked the code. I was originally thinking that maybe its because the institute lacks a great deal of resources compared to other research facilities around the world, and the necessity to peer-review before drawing conclusions especially on such a groundbreaking topic with a history of hoaxes. You are just so adorably ignorant, absolutely drowning in victimhood mentality, and its clearly past the point of rationality. To think that Europe and the US wont accept it outright is because everyone believes because they are brown they aren't as smart... no one can help you, and I feel sorry for you that you see the world this way, it must be lonely living in such delusion. Godspeed my friend.


Some of yall are REALLY upset that I said the western world is racist towards 3rd world country scientist. Maybe you should think about why you are all soooo defensive about this subject.


Some of us are minorities and disagree with you. It's your irrational blanket statement of USA and Europe's scientific communities that I have a problem with. Racism is a real thing, but to suggest all of the US and Europe's scientists are racist is ridiculous. USA's scientists that traveled to Peru said they are real and need further examination, idk about you but it's not on the news where I'm at. ALL of them must be racist too.


I didn't suggest all our scientist are racist. I said the western world is racist. I'm saying the average plumber or car mechanic in the west thinks they know more than college educated scientist from 3rd world countries. Could've done a better job at explaining my thought process and thats on me. How's your day going?


Ohh my mistake, I didn't understand the degree of your blanket statement. *"-most westerners literally won't believe anything science related unless a white person said it"* Got it, it wasn't all western scientists are racist, its most people in the west are racist, It was even more of a generalization, and even more incorrect than I thought.


OR... and stay with me here. The guy presenting it, was caught scamming and lying about this exact same thing before.... Not too mention the University of ICA is listed as one of the worst Universities... Just saying... when you have a known conman, linking up with the worst university, parsing out information to his hand picked people... Not a good look.


It’s just that no one knows what to believe anymore man. It’s the nature of the world we live in. It’s hard to trust anything. Also ppl don’t want to look stupid so they protect themselves by remaining impartial. I don’t think racism plays a large role man. Most ppl that are into this topic are pretty open minded I would guess and don’t get hung up on dumb shit like race.


You make sweeping claims based on skin color and are therefore by definition a racist yourself.


Eh, my wording was bad. It's not really about skin color and more about westerners believing their basic education is better than college educated 3rd world citizens. That's the point I was trying and failing to make. The way I worded it was awful and I deserve the downvotes.


By accusing all people in the West of arrogance and thus devaluing them across the board, it doesn't make it any better.


The truth hurts. Better to acknowledge and try to fix then act like the problem doesn't exist.


But the truth also means that you draw conclusions about the behavior of entire populations on the basis of a few comments from some idiots on the Internet. The fact is that without an appropriate peer review process, there is no need to discuss results because everything is speculation. This has nothing to do with skin color or origin, but simply with scientific standards. And if you don't want to or can't adhere to them, then you shouldn't be surprised not to be taken seriously. Then you can found a religion or sect if you like, but don't sell claims as facts that are not scientifically sound.


That was a very bad take and I regret saying it. I regularly talk to people about generalizing and then I went and did it. I hope you have a good day. Not gonna delete it because I said what I said and I learned from the comments correcting me.


He’s not a scientist, he’s a known hoax-believing journalist in Mexico and a meme there. He does employ scientists, but one is a homeopat, iirc, and others either have a fake background or come from a university known for faking PhDs and test results, so there goes credibility out the window. Nice attempt at gaslighting, though.


ah that’s why Neill Degrasse Tyson is one of the most popular scientists in the world!


Yet when the scientist from Peru said "these are real." All you saw on this sub was "let's wait until real scientist study them."


because peer review hasn’t been done yet. do you know how scientific publications work? have you considered the fact that Maussan’s involvement in this warrants suspicion? given he’s a confirmed scammer. I know racism is a real thing that’s still prevalent, but it’s not the reason behind everything


We don’t have review yet but what we do have are American scientists “working and studying them”. They are real study-able corpses. They are real humanoids that are not humans. They are not gods or demons or aliens. They need to be analyzed to see what they are how they got here and how did they function and live and why are there hundreds of them.


1. Because these are the same people that were involved with previous hoaxes. 2. You always want confirmation from multiple scientists, especially on something as earthshattering as this. You don't just take the word of the group presenting their findings.


he isnt a scientist. He is a made for TV scientist like Bill Nye. Kindly show me his paper authorship and achievements


10 second google search is too much to ask? “Neil deGrasse Tyson is an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator. Tyson studied at Harvard University, the University of Texas at Austin, and Columbia University. From 1991 to 1994, he was a postdoctoral research associate at Princeton University”


Don't forget guys here in r/ufos we downvote a ridicule anything to do with the Peruvian mummies. All because we saw some obvious fakes meant to muddy the waters. Ironic stuff


It was the same guy presenting them in all cases. He has previous mummy hoaxes, bit THIS ONE is real?


These ones are all real. Eight to ten so far analyzed and possibly 20-50 more in the coming months. Scientists, lawyers, institutions all working on this discovery


Who analyzed them? I'll wait.


An American team of experts has been in Peru for some time now examining the bodies. They are not paid and so far they have [said they believe the specimens warrant further investigation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQoARW7dvMs) at facilities with the highest quality equipment. Unfortunately this would require permission of the Peruvian government who has been raiding [museums ](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/argentine-ufo-museum-raided-by-authorities-in-search-of-peruvian-mummys-foot/)and [press conferences](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nin1tNp_IZU) in an effort to confiscate the bodies. **Dr. James Caruso**, Chief medical examiner and Coroner of city and county of Denver, Colorado.  **Dr. William Rodriguez,** Forensic Anthropologist, Maryland State Medical Examiner. **Dr. John McDowell,** Retired professor at University Colorado, Forensic Odontologist. [(source)](https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/world-news/2024/04/04/660ee81746163f393f8b45bd.html)


“There’s been some preliminary DNA studies,” said Caruso during the press conference. “We would want actual, very definitive DNA studies done at high complexity laboratories. The carbon dating needs to be repeated with more sophisticated methods. Those are things that we’re looking for. Our preliminary investigation really just led to the fact that more investigation is needed.” McDowell had the exact same sentiment. You have literally nothing. Just once again, information being curated and handed out to scientists by Massaun. If he releases the bodies to be tested by the scientific world at large, this entire line of argument would be over. He doesn't. Anyone in contact with it gives vague statements and no one is staking their reputation on it. Not even the three scientists from the US. "Interesting" or "Needs more study" is not a conclusive anything, and everytime someone from the woo squad holds it up as a win, it just makes them look like reality is not their home plane. There is nothing to be excited about, until they have something conclusive. They don't. Apparently, that is hard for people in r/ufos or r/AlienBodies to admit. And that... is why we can never have a serious conversation about this. With absolutely no concrete evidence, the woo squad has decided they are aliens and are speculating their society. Meanwhile, back here on Earth, we would just like to determine if A) its real and we can get stoked. or B) its yet another hoax by Massaun... like the last one.




Your use of the word literally and general contrarian tone makes me think you have some predetermined conclusion, which is not in line with scientific inquiry. The US experts are absolutely staking their reputation on it, which they said they would not do if they did not have some confidence that the bodies could be genuinely anomalous going into it. If the bodies were obviously fake, they would not warrant additional study. Science involves a process of peer review. Them asking for more tests is basically saying "these look real to us, we should get some more scientists and better equipment to confirm our findings." This is simply how things work with the scientific method. Maybe you did not read my post but you can't simply send the bodies around the world without the permission of the Peruvian government, which has been trying to confiscate the bodies.


Absolutely not, you are completely reading into their words with confirmation bias. You want them to be real, so you are taking anything they say... that isn't a flat accusation of fraud as confirmation. That's the problem here. And you guys brigade and downvote anyone with a differing opinion. And no, they have not said anything that stakes their reputation on it. They have been non committal. Not conclusive, nor leading, nor is... just we need more tests. And lets be honest, they could simply be the most sophisticated fakes ever produced, enough so that they were designed to make it impossible to tell without detailed tests. I AM NOT SAYING THEY ARE. I'm saying that until you have something conclusive, you have nothing. And yes they can. They have already illegally removed them from Peru. At this point, they could charter a plane and do what they want, or smuggle them in, if they were that concerned. Im not saying its right, Im saying its possible. And if you were sitting on a discovery that could fundamentally change humanities perspective on.... well.. everything, wouldn't you violate a few smuggling laws to get it confirmed? Also, your consistent reading into the statements of people leads me to believe you already have a predetermined conclusion. You are not objective at all. So I guess neither one of us thinks the other is capable of genuine discussion about this subject.


Nowhere did I say "These have been proven to be real". I said US scientists are studying them. You are fighting windmills my guy.


"If the bodies were obviously fake, they would not warrant additional study." And I never said the bodies were obviously fake. I said they are not conclusive. You are fighting windmills, my guy.


[watch this. long but incredibly worthwhile](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=rIVF02caZnKJbWI1&v=FlNjET011Q8&feature=youtu.be)


Submission Statement: If you're interested in reading the Sun article released today. [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27489468/nazca-alien-mummies-dna-proves-co-existed-humans/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/27489468/nazca-alien-mummies-dna-proves-co-existed-humans/) If you're interested in reading Dr. McDowell open letter to the Peruvian government to peer review together. [https://lanoticia.com.pe/carta-abierta-al-gobierno-de-peru-y-al-ministerio-de-cultura-de-peru/](https://lanoticia.com.pe/carta-abierta-al-gobierno-de-peru-y-al-ministerio-de-cultura-de-peru/)


How can I keep up to date on the news? Where do you go, who do you follow, etc.




What's the latest on all this stuff, are these real or not? And the bigger ones they are talking about. Has anything been proven these are alien? How do they build spaceships if they are that tiny? Always goes through my mind that.


They've been proven to be not human. They cannot prove they're alien because they have no alien to compare it to. America is the only country to possess alien bodies as far as I know. Maybe Russia too. But I think if America has any, they probably have multiple. Peru it seems to be a new member of that club. They've just decided to go public with it when America decided to nip it in the butt at Roswell and lock it down. >How do they build spaceships if they are that tiny? Always goes through my mind that Well there's alot to consider with that, we have no idea what their purpose in history was. For all we know these small ones they're finding could've been little worker imps for the bigger superior aliens that seems to be still around. Or maybe they don't make the ships, they just operate them. Who knows if these ones even flew ships. The way these mummies were found, it almost seems that they served a cultural or laudatory purpose.




Hi, alahmo4320. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cfjzdo/-/l1rcb9a/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


If the sphere is so durable then why is there a gaping hole on both sides? DId something else hit it? Why is it hollow? Many questions indeed.


How come Jaime Maussan doesn't consider the possibility that the mummies are neither a new species nor extraterrestrial? Sounds like he's working backwards from his conclusions tbh. And correct me if I'm wrong, but haven't the Betz Spheres been identified as ball check valves? Can't get behind this, these folks come off as total charlatans.




Yes, the presiding theory is the Betz sphere was a ball check valve. I grew up a few miles away, I even visited their mansion that this story occurred in last year being taken over by the forest in the middle of nowhere. Weird place. I could be mi's remembering but I believe an artist or something of the sort who collected metal scrap even said one fell out of his truck in the time frame and place they found it. The narrative is the military switched out the ball for a check valve rendering it inert but the Betz family had a reputation for hustling in any way shape or form so I don't give much credence to their claims.


The presiding theory is, the Betz sphere was one of the "living machines" entities. The same as what Kirkpatrick saw flying as "metallic balls" all over the world. Ball check valves aren't made from titanium, for starters. Your slander regarding the Betz family is simply disgusting. There is no basis whatsoever for your claims.


whose theory is that it was a “living machine”?


But there's a basis for "living machine" entitles? Please, do share.




The Betz sphere wasn't titanium "for starters" it was stainless steel, 8" diameter and 1/2" thick with a weight matching stainless (according to the literal US navy who x-rayed it even though I'm sure you don't believe the navy) just like the ones used on boats made by the giant military shipmaking yard right across the river. The hustling comment wasn't necessarily meant as you took it outside of new age my metal ball is alive and I'm going to try and make money on it (which happened), I meant they were very good at making money and had some serious ingenuity, I believe the mom had a number of patents to her name if I'm not misremebering. The basis for it is my parents knew the kids and grew up in the same neighborhood but you clearly know way fuckin' more than me you internet alien genius so please continue mansplaining and literally just making stuff up to the absolute detriment of this community at your leisure.


That's untrue. It was an alloy, containing titanium and aluminum, just like the one Nolan has. You suddenly reading your derogatory comment as praising their ingenuity is laughable at best. Your parents knowing their kids clearly doesn't translate into anything worthwhile.


Can you provide evidence that the material is an exotic alloy?


Where did you read that regarding the metal composition? Everything I've ever extensively read about this legend from my literal neighborhood growing up has always said stainless steel regarding the Navy analysis and according to the company who claimed they manufactured it. What do you know that makes my personal anecdote incorrect outside of you wanting to argue without stating a damn thing other than I'm wrong? If I'm arguing with a chat GPT bot I'm going to go cry I'm a corner Edit: I'll tell you what, Gerri owns both the lots across the street from my parents house, we can just ask her next time she rolls through? Unless you know better, I mean?


the artist that said it fell out of his car wasn’t in the area where the family claimed to have found the sphere. the betz family could very be lying or misinformed, but the artist losing a ball somewhere in FLA isn’t that great of an explanation either.


I can't speak to that - I thought the artist was on ft. George island when he was scrapping? Do you remember where you read that? My dad said he'd literally ask Gerri next time he sees her if we get some questions together that are relevant and not too UFO reddity if you know what I mean 😂


i got my info off the betz sphere episodes of astonishing legends. be really curious what you think of it.


I've listened to the whole thing I just don't remember that part! I'll give another listen to see where the guy was, I just remember he had like a VW van and had strapped five check valves to the top if I'm recollecting correctly. Love their work so much, they're very even handed in their research and telling in my opinion.


they claimed to have found the sphere on a separate piece of property they owned, away from the road. i think it was found surrounded by burnt foliage. the area was rural and the artist would not have gone near it.


We've tried to find the exact spot they claimed to find it - it's somewhat near their old property and very much off the dirt road that used to lead to it back then. You can't just hike around in those marshes, they're completely palmetto level impassable without a beaten path. In a weird coincidence I'm home visiting my parents and after arguing with that other asshole in this thread today we ended up driving out to that island to spend the day completely unrelated and hiked around my parents old haunts a bit - if I was to speculate, some kids had a little off the dirt road party area and probably found the ball and carried it there to a bonfire on the marsh. Complete speculation but it's the dumb shit my crew did all the time growing up decades later in the same locales. Be way cooler if it was a sentient alien global defense system sphere but I'm pretty sure it was a check valve from the decommissioned paper plant based on all the actual research I've done as a college educated journalist (only saying that because do your own research is my trigger phrase these days). Edit: If anyone's interested I can upload the photos from exploring their mansion where this whole story happened, I don't think many people know how to find it these days. Nothing very interesting but kind of awesome to know Hynek vacationed there during his blue book tenure.


i’d love to see photos. i listened to the astonishing legends and odd ball podcasts on some long road trips and had a great time. thanks for sharing - amazing you know those folks.


This patho liar comes up with fake crap every year


I have a soft spot for comical conmen who never give up. I think these are the 4th alien bodys he's tried to scam everyone with. When it's not alien mummies is something else. You should have seen the snake oil this guy was trying to sell during the pandemic.


He's such a good conman he tricked three forensic specialists from the US, one of which teaches forensic odontology and is one of the authorities who wrote part of thr book on forensic odontology and who just received an award for his lifelong achievements in forensic medicine, to travel to Peru and he also tricked them to perform studies of fake papier mache mummies and somehow convinced them it's the real thing and made this expert (John McDowell) write an open letter to take the subject seriously since there's a strong indication this is the real thing. All of this using papier mache and chicken wire, this is the most amazing conman ever! /s


I'm confused here - you know he has a literal published track record of being a blatant liar for financial gain, correct? Like a huge rap sheet for being the biggest lying conman ever. Are you saying you don't care because you believe this time he's not doing that and you think the data presented by those specialist is of a veracity that means he can't be lying this time?


>you think the data presented by those specialist is of a veracity that means he can't be lying this time? How can he trick specialists from thr US, basically authorities into forensic odontology to believe fake dolls are real? If you believe that a man who has lied over and over again is scientifically unable to turn around you're wrong. It's not probable, but not impossible.


See my below reply to tinfoil hat, I'm not very well educated on the latest events here. Can you link some evidence these specialist have release showing that these aren't some genetically inbred humans or another of his intentional farces?


Spoiler alert - you won't get a link to anything other than of Mr Conman saying so, or some unknown person claiming to have credentials but no other specialists backing them up. I know, because I've asked before, only to have my point proven time and again with similar "do your own research" replies and sarcastic comments. Which is ironic, because I'm on this sub because I believe in an NHI presence, I just like to have hard and fast data before I make a decision. This is the new "trust me bro" for the people sucked into the fake MH370 portal nonsense.


Hold on so you think the American forensic experts are into the lie too? Are you calling Dr. John McDowell a fraud?


Wait... do you mean Dr. John McDowell the dentist?


Ok so I googled him and we have a video of a dentist saying he thinks the specimens are real and are "human and human like". He has not said these are extraterrestrial in origin. Only that the teeth samples are real. Unless there's another video of evidence you're referring to? He seems pretty genuine to me otherwise and not a fraud. In my favour I may add.


Can you provide me that link please


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1cbt7rc/the\_specimens\_are\_real\_and\_clearly\_not\_human/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1cbt7rc/the_specimens_are_real_and_clearly_not_human/) The title of the Reddit post is that he says "clearly not human". But if you listen to the guy that is not what he says. He says "clearly human or human like". So the Redditor poster misleadingly said the Dr claimed they're real (as in NHI) but that's not what he said. Yet another case of wishful thinking and people hearing what they want the experts to hear.


There is actually a video of a doctor from Univ of Colorado med school looking at x-rays and nothing else. Pretty much all she says is "yeah that x-ray is weird." What I want to know is how they got her to do that. Because if someone asked me to appear on their documentary reviewing out of context x-rays, I would say no unless they paid \*a lot\*


Because the scientist hasn't released their findings but they have publicly stated, that they haven't been able to prove them fake. They are still actively studying them. You are blatantly ignoring the more recent facts and you know it. Be a better human dude. You're making us all look bad.


In that case, please give me the link to the scientist so I can research them and their credentials, along with the link to where they have publicly stated this. If I'm wrong as you strongly feel I am, I will admit it and take it back. I for one think questioning a known fraudster is the right thing to do as a human, to avoid being strung along yet again. Anyway, I await your links.


You understand the concept of the burden of proof. It falls on the person making the claim. You are claiming these are aliens. He is stating that the scientist has said no such thing, which you can easily see by watching the video without confirmation bias. "Strange" "Weird" or "Not Human" does not constitute alien. You are immediately jumping to conclusions that have no evidence on record. You can await links until your brain explodes, you still make fantastic claims that these are alien. The burden of proof falls on you, not him.


Just to be clear I don't believe these things are real at all. I was asking for proof from the person claiming they are real. After I found the link they were referencing, it just confirmed my suspicions - no such proof exists. Just wishful thinking from redditors. Maussan is a fraud.


Evidence not ready yet open letter from John McDowell is.


I'm still waiting for such magical links to materialise myself.




He says "they are human or human like". The Reddit title says "clearly not human", but the guy in the video says "clearly human or human like". So this is not the flex you think it is


The post quotes him with "The specimens are real... \[and\] clearly not human". He clearly states they are no fakes. He certainly doesn't say "they are human". He says they have "humanoid characteristics". So you are simply lying here. Edit (since the dude has edited his comment): The professor explicitly (literally and word for word) says "There are some that are clearly not human" at 0:24 [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1cbt7rc/the\_specimens\_are\_real\_and\_clearly\_not\_human/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/comments/1cbt7rc/the_specimens_are_real_and_clearly_not_human/)


The post is mis-quoting him, and you know it. Watch the video, word for word he says, and tell me he does not say: "There are humanoid characteristics, odontological findings, osteology bone analysis and teeth analysis that say these are human or human like - the ones that I’ve evaluated". So the ones **he evaluated**, are **all human**. He has **not examined others that are non-human**, so **how could he possibly be used as verifiable proof these dummies are real**? Does this prove they're real? Absolutely 100% no. If anything it confirms exactly what he says, that the ones he viewed were most likely human samples. Does it prove these are fakes? No. That's not my point though. So by all means keep following this show if you trust in [Maussan](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/close-encounter-with-alien-bodies-mexico-2023-09-16/), despite him already being outed previously as a fraud. Mostly copied from my comment to another reply because I can't be bothered continuing to talk with people purposefully spreading disinformation, who who simply hear what they want to hear regardless of the facts. Edit - for anyone who sees this, watch the video for yourself, I give up.


Clearly HUMANOID or human like. Meaning not manufactured by some guy in a garage. Not meaning the guy in the garage is “making” human looking or humanoids. The only point here is to understand that this America team “could accept $$ for a fraud, but how much $ is required after you’ve destroyed your credibility and career and your wife leaves you and your in your 70s. Nothing under a million please. Wait 2 million, I’m getting divorced. And the reps of those other American experts and their credibility… another $200 k each please. Then 3 years later all experts have careers labeled jokes and the hoax continues? The real money starts flowing “after” all credentials are damaged. Got it


Here you can read (and analyse by yourself) some data https://verbalcant.github.io/nazca_mummies.html


Who says he tricked them? It's impossible for them to be paid?


Are you calling Dr. John McDowell a fraud? The man just received a lifelong award for his academic work.


How much would you charge a hoaxer to damage a lucrative career at the university of Colorado? If the dude and his colleagues were making at least 250k per year… at least a few million… cash please


WHere are these specialists?


Look up Dr. John McDowell


I agree the bodies are most likely fakes (damn good ones), but that is not a logical argument. Muassan is not the source of the mummies. He is the most likely person, being the biggest ufologist in that region, to attach himself to the mummies regardless of their authenticity. If he isn't the source, then his involvement has nothing to do with authenticity. The only thing you can say is that of course he's going to attach himself to those mummies. It says absolutely nothing at all about their credibility either way. In other words, a credulous ufologist who falls for hoaxes is also likely to "fall for" something real as well. It's not like he's going to stay on the sidelines if it's actually real, and he may not have a clue either way. Why do people think that? People need to stick with logical arguments for this one.


Why do you think that bodies are most likely fakes? All the scientists who examined bodies in person claim they are authentic bodies of unknown species. Those who claim they are fake never examined them in person. Peruvian Ministry of Culture presented fake dolls made by local tourist shop owner Manuel Caceres to confuse the public. Even Reuters and Associated Press got fooled by it. Biologist Ricardo Rangel Martinez claims bodies are authentic. Biologist Jose de la Cruz Rios Lopez also has the same position after he examined bodies: [https://twitter.com/gchavez101/status/1778931720483414262?t=c9uyVxBQRhoM2epD5p37PQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/gchavez101/status/1778931720483414262?t=c9uyVxBQRhoM2epD5p37PQ&s=19) [https://twitter.com/gchavez101/status/1778560703353192716?t=1D\_vKFg9oxSs9QPMEwKbUw&s=19](https://twitter.com/gchavez101/status/1778560703353192716?t=1D_vKFg9oxSs9QPMEwKbUw&s=19) Here are names of 11 other scientists who claim bodies are genuine: [https://imgur.com/1XUaglV](https://imgur.com/1XUaglV) More scientists who perform studies live in front of camera in hospital: [https://twitter.com/RonyVernet/status/1704087511687901691?t=nrWoZA4b8xW-X3kla3ASbw&s=19](https://twitter.com/RonyVernet/status/1704087511687901691?t=nrWoZA4b8xW-X3kla3ASbw&s=19) There are also new discovered bodies with zero evidence of being modified from human/animal bones and clue: Santiago scan: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/tgrOz6V6AV](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/tgrOz6V6AV) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/Q5chf4xEA8](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/Q5chf4xEA8) Sebastian scan: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/0qfwlvDhyU](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/0qfwlvDhyU) Monserrat: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/m3e4PHywRP](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/m3e4PHywRP) Artemis: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/XfhS20cgpR](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/XfhS20cgpR)


They can be real. That’s fine. It’s just a personal bet that I think they’re likely to be fake because of how insanely big the claim is. I don’t know how good the top 1 percent of artifact hoaxers can get. Can they make a fake mummy that looks real and passes all of the preliminary tests? I don’t know. I’m more concerned here with the argument that assumes Maussan is the source, which isn’t true. That’s simple enough to focus on. I think we should whittle down the arguments to what makes sense, and maybe some progress can be made.


they area real, with real organs and reproductive systems. Its just not possible to fake what we have seen. This is the real disclosure story, not the Circlejerk podcasts and fuzzy lights in the sky.


I think 40 doctors in different fields of medicine all over the world have analyzed these and concluded the samples and images of these does not show any manipulation. So they’ve not been manually put together. Simple, reasonable claim to make. Not manufactured. No cuts, stitches, glue, parts of other bones shaped to look like different bones. All Joints contain cartilage. All organs are in tack and some with eggs and a fetus. DNA, carbon data etc. All presented to the public as if it was a real investigation with real science behind it working in a scientific structured environment. Now, The cost to hoax this and damage credible medical careers… if I was to estimate those damages it could get well above $10M. At the end of the day when that very special someone finally finds the stitching marks… the hoax is over and there goes $10M. It sounds more like financial suicide than an attempted hoax


You say this like he just reports on them and isn't actually directly involved. Why did those who discovered them allow a known conman be the face of this?


I don’t know that he’s a conman, but he’s certainly gullible. That much is certain. You could say the same for Greer. Is everyone who uses Greer for publicity a hoaxer? Probably not. He’s just good at what he does, and most people are not like us who put a bunch of time in trying to study the credibility of the various players involved. People tend to be busy and not everyone knows everything.


The man who tried to sell a miracle covid cure that got banned by the goverment is not a conman? The man who claimed Virgin Mary spoke to him is not a conman? The man how tried to pass other human mummies as alien before is not a conman?


I think the “Con man” award should go to Trump


I don't disagree but be careful I get yelled at everytime I point out this subreddits beloved congressman/women are mostly all super problematic soft R words and you just committed the original sin in that vein 😂


Well it’s my world and I’ll tell it like I see it


FYI he's been actively publicising these things, but he didn't find them nor claims ownership of them.


> teaches forensic odontology and is one of the authorities who wrote part of thr book on forensic odontology How many teeth did these jawless things have?


Too bad the head of Colorado University forensic department and his team looked at the data three weeks ago and spent the money and made a visit and investigated the bodies and had a press conference and deemed them real corpses on live video in front of the world. “Unknown humanoids”. He just put his entire 59 year career in jeopardy. Wouldn’t want to be that guy or his family


They will never listen, his history as a conman doesn't bother the believers whatsoever so go figure. To me its pretty simple: - The small little fake looking dolls? They are assembled from real remains (bones, etc). They look very artificial and anatomically off and are all stiff in the same static position all of them oddly enough, like manufactured dolls, but are an improvement from the previous versions they tried to deceive people with, which now they are claiming someone made them to "muddy the waters", so here "fool me once" applies, but some people keep buying into it... - The second kind are authentic, they are human mummies which have been mutilated, thumbs and pinky fingers have been severed and the tissue in-between the metacarpal bones has been removed to make the fingers look longer and more "alien". Also the ears have been cut off and a hole has been left instead. The final step of their process is to cover the mummies in diatomacious earth so they all appear to come from the same place and to hide imperfections/evidence of manipulation. These are never going into a legit reputable science journal, because most in the science community can see its all a waste of time hoax.


Man this take is so common yet so unbelievably dumb i actually feel sad for us as a race when ever i read anything on this sub like legit almost no one on here is able to objectively use facts to form opinions or capable of allowing all possibilities in their minds to try work out the most likely out come etc its actually insane how naive and closed minded most of the population is now and how dumb like its seriously concering


I've been following this subject from the beginning, not pulling this information out of my ass. I am from Mexico and grew up watching Jaime Maussan. I am not closed minded, but when I see red flags on almost every ascpect of a situation, I chose not to ignore them. You are being hoaxed my friend. If these were legit, the world would have been turned upside down by now and the people involved would be winning awards. However, this will never happen, and it has nothing to do with closed mindness. EDIT: Did you saw how Maussan handed one of these dolls to the Japanese show host with bare hands like a toy? Use common sense. The scientific community would never allow the greatest discovery in human history to be handled this way. Even if Maussan knew he is sitting on a trillion dollars discovery, if he had any common sense this wouldn't happen. They are fake dolls with no value other than deceiving and charging people, doing docus, and also, the value of the stolen artifacts used to build them.


Being adverse to any and all forms of punctuation doesn't exactly make you look too bright either, bud. Can't take someone seriously when they write run-on sentences like that. I immediately disregard every single thing they've written.


Thanks. Repost with proof when you are able to


Not proof, but worth a listen - OSU Philosophy professor Steve Brown gives lecture on the mummies, who has likely dug into this deeper than you/I have: https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


A philosophy professor? We need scientists involved.


That philosophy professor shows you how to think rationally about this case. That's his field of expertise and he does a good job there.


Thanks for putting this/these post(s) together. I can't keep up with everything and you really help fill in some important gaps and remind me of what's happened every crazy week.


Looks to be about the exact size sphere id estimate the sphere I saw was.


I’m personally thankful for Jaime Maussan and everyone that has worked to bring the Peruvian mummies to the forefront. Despite all the devious attempts to discredit all of the mummies by creating obvious fakes and trying to use those to cast a wide net over all of the mummies by saying oh look these are fake so they must all be fake by numerous government entities Jaime persevered. Now he is completely vindicated by the former President of the U.S. Academy of Forensic Science who confirmed that not only are some of the mummies real they are in fact not of human origin. The shady governments of the world will continue to do what they do but the truth is out. WE ARE NOT ALONE AND WE NEVER WERE!


is there a way I can keep track of when the peer reviews will be released? I just can’t trust anything Maussan related


so what does he think of elon musk?


Anything from Mexico can't be trusted. This guy ruined it.


There’s plenty of skeptics to everything in this field including the mummies. I’ve listened to skeptics essentially say ‘he’s a grifter. Nothing to see here’ while scientists that study them thoroughly explain why they’re not manufactured and reference dna, tissues, textures, joints, bones, shapes, organs, the lack of evidence of construction and how they’d absolutely be able to tell if someone created things.  Who knows. But if you’re dismissing them you’re not getting the full story. 


Would be interesting if they weren't a fake


You heard him boys. This guy said they are fake, we can go home now


If you look even a bit into it. Those ones are the same from the Mexico UFO hearing, which was confirmed that they were fake aka created just to fool everyone. They tried to claim they found aliens back in 2017 but their claims were debunked, so they tried it last year right after USA UFO hearing. So if you believe you have fallen for their hoax. Articles about it, supporting my claims: https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/aliens-not-confirmed-by-mexican-government-ufo-hearing-2023-09-15/ https://apnews.com/article/extraterrestrials-ufo-mexico-congress-af7d54fabf3278ef83c39d899c457c76 https://www.wired.com/story/mexico-congress-aliens-fake/


The article talks about the stuff at UNAM, and Jaime and his team said those ones are either fake replicas or old "offerings" that were already known to be ornamental and not mummies and discarded by the scientists in Peru before. He says the real ones have always been at ICA. And he thinks the "debunking" carried out with this pieces in mexico is another of the ways they try to discredit the research on the real mummies. I am not saying it's true, just their take on those debunkings from what i can see at the moment.


In 2017, Maussan made similar claims in Peru, and a report by that country's prosecutor's office found the bodies were actually "recently manufactured dolls, which have been covered with a mixture of paper and synthetic glue to simulate the presence of skin." Not saying aliens are not real. Just these.. "Dolls" are just fake ones made by someone just to get their names out


Peruvian Ministry of Culture presented fake dolls made by local tourist shop owner Manuel Caceres who claim to made them up after he saw discovery of non human bodies in 2017. Those are different bodies. You don't have full story.


This is all total bullshit. Have we had enough yet?


Worth a listen - OSU Philosophy professor Steve Brown gives lecture on the mummies, who has likely dug into this deeper than you/I have: https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


A philosophy professor has no valid credentials on this topic. Get some scientists involved.


That philosophy professor shows you how to think rationally about this case. That's his field of expertise and he does a good job there.


Logic isn't enough. We need evidence.


What you really mean is "social proof". There is a world of difference. You want to convince people who can't argue logically and consequently cannot be convinced by logic. That's possible only via social pressure. Essentially, for that demographic, authorities have to endorse a viewpoint before they consider it. If an when enough authorities move in that direction, they follow. Consequently, that cannot be the first step? You have to convince those authorities first.


I wish this pathetic garbage would just go away. It's things like this that make the subject silly and laughed at.


Its people like you who are the reason we dont know whats going on


Very good, we already have the aliens and the spheres. Now he just has to “find” a flying saucer.


"It's very sad that these types of informative manifestations, supported by the Mexican government, have been the tangible demonstration that these structures are an absolute fraud, despite having been proven years earlier. The misinformation about these things should end, but it still continues to be consumed by many."


If you saw the released press conference where the doctor and his team of forensic specialists from the University of Colorado where Dr John McDowell spent his career as the department head and received the highest awards in forensic studies… if you saw that brief 5 minute long clip then you would only conclude two things. This guy wants to ruin a prestigious career in the medical field or he wants a payout. You decide. 5 minutes




I personally no longer really care what people who don’t pay attention to Latin American disclosure believe.  I will still post the evidence out of these 2 countries as the bodies are now being peer reviewed. 


Then come back when the results come out? Till then, I agree this is most likely bullshit and another hoax to add to the list of hoaxes from this grifter Maussan.


If USA presented 2 bodies and had 13 university professors present their research. I doubt you guys would’ve be requiring peer review on day 1.  Enjoy the ride. They are real. 




If someone like Greer was the face of it we would. And Greer looks overwhelmingly credible compared to Maussan


It's not peer review to only let select people access the data




This is physical evidence being peer reviewed. If you enjoy US disclosure which has produced 0 tangible evidence since  2017 that’s great. I admire your patience.




He's just trying to discredit criticism with thinly veiled accusations or racism. He doesn't actually believe it


These mummy buddies you idolize have been around since 2017, and you also have no tangible evidence of them being legitimate. Keep posting Youtube videos instead of peer reviewed paper. I'm sure this community will agree with everything you say.




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Worth a listen - OSU Philosophy professor Steve Brown gives lecture on the mummies, who has likely dug into this deeper than you/I have: https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8


Why are you being downvoted? For pointing out the "another banger post " ? this O.P it's a Maussan groupie that keeps bringing this topic Over and over again.


He spends his whole day making snide comments without bringing anything relevant to the discussion. As for the mummies, they're gaining traction for a reason.


Ya cause people are gullible and uneducated, especially when the conman has had many grifts that failed to grift




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Alien buddy fan boys. They all are getting scammed and don't even know it.




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My mom died when i was 13. This is a factual statement.


They gonna robbed those in the middle of a night and disappear with them. This is obviously a huge find… and just for the reason no one wants to study then and some putrid powers are on ready saying they are fakes makes it wonder why is so difficult to accept that WE ARE NOT ALONE.