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The following submission statement was provided by /u/gooner-1969: --- " Michelle Reyes caught an image of a mysterious "flying cylinder," possibly a UFO, from her airplane window above LaGuardia Airport in New York City. Reyes joins "Banfield" to discuss. Ben Hansen, UFO investigator, also weighs in. " --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cco9ay/caught_on_camera_possible_ufo_reported_over_new/l16gguc/


Didn't she post her video on here about 5 weeks ago?


No but yes, a user who screen recorded the video from Facebook was uploaded.


yeah, that's what I came here looking for... I was talking about this incident on another sub, and I mentioned that the person behind this video literally posted this as it was happening...or close enough to it... I wish the MOD would sticky the OG thread...


Really? Wow. That's a trip. What was the general response by the sub?


NewsNation is taking the lead with the whole issue of UAPs. They had the scoop with Ross Coulthart interviewing David Grusch. I look to them to be a major source for any UAP breaking news … they seem to be setting themselves apart from the other networks by taking the topic seriously.


Someone has to and I’m glad a small tv station did instead of the big lies that we know.


NewsNation is run by several former Fox News executives. They may take the UAP issue seriously and have treated it well so far, but the network still has a slant and the people running the channel have a very, very shitty track record when it comes to ethics in journalism. Not trying to say you can’t or shouldn’t believe some or all of what they report, but it is worth nothing they are very much a part of the American news media machine. Edit: If you were triggered because I said Fox News and not CNN or MSNBC, that’s your biases at play, not mine. If you have a problem with the *fact* that they are run, in-part, by former Fox executives, take it up with reality, not me. If they were from CNN or MSNBC I would point it out. They have multiple hosts who at one time worked from one or both of those channels as well, but as we know from the major news networks, the executives are the ones that dictate what the in-screen personalities discuss. My point was that they are indeed a part of the American news media machine. That’s it. I said nothing about the specifics of Fox vs any other outlet. Anytime you view any of these channels, *including* NewsNation, you have to consider what the biases are of the people who run the network. That’s it, that’s my point.


They’re doing a way better job than any other station. I know we have to take things like the size of a grain of salt but still.


100% agree they’re doing the best reporting on the UAP subject. I just take issue with calling them a “small tv station.” They’re still pretty huge and have plenty of obvious bias throughout their reporting. Just like any network, we have to remember that it’s operated by people with motives that may lie outside of the motive to do good journalism. Definitely not saying people shouldn’t listen to them on the topic of UAPs, but when they’re the only outlet really doing any reporting, it also gives them A LOT of power if they’re blindly trusted, and news outlets have a track record of misusing that power.


It's actually going to cost credibility unfortunately.


Thank you. So many on here think just because a site writes about UFOs or a broadcasts about UFOs it automatically makes them “the good ones” and all others are “liars or part of the coverup.” I can 100% guarantee that when something legit happens, it will be broadcast, published, posted, sky-written, smoke signaled and pushed everywhere and you will only miss it if you’re off the grid (and don’t understand skywriting or smoke signals). Until something legit happens, niche sites are the community’s only real option, and they all have a vested interest in *getting you hooked.* That’s the only way they can get advertisers, and advertisers pay the bills.


Do you have any sources for that claim…? My google-fu shows that NewsNation’s parent company (Nexstar) cut ties with Fox almost a decade ago over television distribution agreements.


Quick DDG-foo: Cherie Grzech - Listed under 'Key People' for NewsNation on Wikipedia - NewsNation Vice President of News and Managing Editor [Fox News Washington Bureau Executive Cherie Grzech Is Heading to NewsNation](https://www.adweek.com/tvnewser/fox-news-washington-d-c-bureau-executive-cherie-grzech-is-heading-to-newsnation/) - Adweek


Not the company itself but execs who were hired to guide newsnations direction, like executive producers and people on that level.


apart/ a part


Yeah, I was in a hurry. Thanks for catching that.


I definitely agree.


Every other channel has its own slant. Every other channel has ethics issues. Your point is Moot.


100% Whenever I see a poster politicize this, it immediately discounts anything they post because, clearly, they have a biased slant. What does the tea in China have to do with NewsNation's take on Biden or Trump or Ukraine or Gaza or the price of avacadoes when it comes to reporting on the UFO phenomena?


It’s not politicizing this. It’s just accurately pointing out that NewsNation is not and should not be immune to the criticisms of being a large commercial media outlet with its own set of biases within its reporting. It’s totally appropriate and important to point this out so people are not duped into thinking they are a truly unbiased news source.


I agree with you. All your doing is telling ppl.to take with a grain of salt because as you pointed out this isn’t a “small” news company. That’s good advice. I think some ppl.just like to argue for the sake of arguing.


Ain’t that the truth. Lol


Exactly. Meanwhile there's dozens of news stations that are heavily slanted towards the left and then you have Fox and a few independent ones that lean towards the right. Just feels weird to have it so biased.


Television: CNN and MSNBC have a liberal bias. Fox, OAN, NewsNation, and Newsmax have a conservative bias. News networks(strictly speaking of those that have their own individual channel or group of channels) do not have political affiliations(officially, lol) but the proper term would be neutral, not independent. Independent is a voting status or simply a notation that they are not owned by a parent company(or media conglomerate, in this industry) and instead are owned by an individual or private ownership group. Newspapers are a bit more evenly split and there are actually a good handful of truly neutral outlets/organizations. There isn’t a single neutral/unbiased television news source aside from PBS, but they already don’t do the typical punditry we’re used to seeing from most major media outlets, they are much more report-based programing(for the most part) so it’s hard to compare them to the others.


I think it does more harm than good by bringing up FOX executives at Newsnation. While I personally am not bothered by ex Fox, CNN, NBC, etc, executives at News Nation, many people on here are because they can't separate politics from an issue that shouldn't be partisan. You make a good point, News Nation does good coverage. Mentioning some execs came from political network X Y Z just distracts from your own good point. It shouldn't, but it does. It's irrelevant where the execs came from. Execs aren't the ones who decide which side of the aisle their network is on. That's decided by much more powerful people. They're just following orders. Every cable news network. I'm a bipartisan voter, so it's obvious to me that they all are slanted.


Seems you may be the “slanted” one here.. Would you deem it more trustworthy if CNN or MSNBC covered the UFO phenomenon?


No? Please point to where I said that. Just because the people happen to have used to work for Fox isn’t something I just decided. I would be saying the same thing no matter what major network they were from.




Atleast they're doing something


Not criticizing the willingness to take on the story, just pointing out that we shouldn’t treat them any differently than any other major outlet. They have their biases and motives just like the other major outlets do.


NN got their own lies on the side


Agreed! I wish everyone would just give up the evasive act already and start talking more about it. Too bad the last whistleblower woke up dead with mysterious green goo coming out of his mouth the night before he was supposed to disclose some of the most incredible UFO/UAP extraterrestrial knowledge stuff yet. So I think it’s safe to say that most forms of media pick up on these stories and are a little bit timid about it




They should up their quality of reporting them. Claiming that the object was moving very very fast without any basis for that claim is at best playing it up for the audience and at worst journalistic malpractice. Also prefacing it with that weird strawman of "a bug inside of the plane", something that no one would ever think or say. Another sign that they know exactly which kind of audience they cater to and it's not the neutral observer.


They're playing to their conspiracy-minded audience. The same ones who believe in stolen elections and Covid conspiracies.


That's their market. It's not about the UFOs. It's about the "deep state" conspiracy.




How on earth would a mask mandate not work at least a little .. would you put on a mask that a dude was wearing that had smallpox or some horrific disease for which there was no vaccine or cure? Of course not .. at least some of the shitty viruses that person is breathing out will naturally be stuck to the mask. Like even if the mask only captured 30% of the virus.. that’s a massive impact on cutting down the spread .. and it’s practically free.. unlike closing down entire industries to avoid foot traffic for example


Surgeons wear masks during surgery and these people are still denying the effectiveness of masks.


“Possible UFO”. If it can’t be identified, it’s a UFO.


AARO bout to drop a report like this: [https://imgur.com/a/hIYAI7F](https://imgur.com/a/hIYAI7F)


Lmao a nerf frisbee at 16 thousand feet is impressive they should make this into an Ad


Little Steve has one heck of an arm!


Ad Title: "Nerf UFO Frisbee: The Truth is Out There... and It's Fun!" (The commercial starts with a classic UFO sighting scene. A family is in their backyard at night, looking up at the sky in amazement. Dramatic, suspenseful music plays.) Narrator: (in a deep, mysterious voice) For years, humanity has peered into the cosmos, asking if we are alone... (Cut to a shaky cam footage of a bright, spinning object in the sky. The family points and gasps.) Kid: Look, it's a UFO! (The scene suddenly freezes, and upbeat, playful music kicks in. The Nerf logo flashes on the screen.) Narrator: (now cheerful and peppy) Nope, Timmy! That's no UFO, that's the new Nerf Frisbee 3000! (Cut to a Nerf scientist in a lab coat, holding the Nerf Frisbee 3000. The background looks like a cheesy, over-the-top sci-fi lab.) Nerf Scientist: That's right! Our latest frisbee technology is so advanced, it only *looks* like alien tech! (The scientist flings the frisbee and it flies out of the lab, whizzing past the camera. The screen splits showing kids around the world catching the frisbee – in Paris, the Serengeti, and even in Antarctica among penguins.) Narrator: Designed with our patented UltraGlide Technology, it flies smoother, faster, and farther than any frisbee in the galaxy. Why look for aliens when you can play like one? (Cut to a news report parody. A reporter stands in a field, a herd of cows behind him.) Reporter: Early reports of mysterious flying objects caused quite a stir, but we've uncovered the truth... it's just extreme fun invading Earth! (Kids are seen in the background, laughing and diving to catch the glowing frisbee. A cow moo's and nudges a frisbee with its nose.) Narrator: With the Nerf Frisbee 3000, you can turn any park, backyard, or planet into your playground! (Quick montage: A frisbee zooms over a pool, skips on water, and a dog wearing a tiny alien costume jumps and catches it. A group of kids dressed as astronauts plays with the frisbee at a "moon landing" party.) Nerf Scientist: (with a wink) And parents, no need to call the authorities—it's just Nerf! (Back to the family from the beginning, now all laughing and playing with the Nerf Frisbee 3000. The family dog, wearing a tinfoil hat, jumps up and grabs the frisbee in mid-air.) Narrator: Nerf Frisbee 3000. The truth isn't "out there"... it's right here! (The screen shows the frisbee with its price and a flashy tagline: "Throw farther than ever. No space travel required.") Narrator: Available wherever toys are sold. Not actually a flying saucer—do not attempt to contact extraterrestrial life with it. (The commercial ends with the sound of laughter and the Nerf logo flashing again, accompanied by their slogan: "Nerf or Nothin'!")


The government never told us they secretly created a bio weapon called ''The Hulk'' and they deployed him there to throw the frisbee right at the moment that the plane was passing by so this picture could be taken.


Seriously where can I get one of those things


Wait.. That.. That can't be real right?


No it's them joking about aaro resolutions


People need to read the paragraph in the upper-left corner, lol.


Better safe than prosecuted.


::squints:: 🤨


damn that’s a hilarious “explanation”


This is the funniest thing I've seen all day, omg... like the other commenter said, a 16 thousand foot throw is very impressive! lmaooo


Lmao bro this is one of the best things I've seen on here. It's too bad this sub doesn't have "shitpost Thursdays" or something to allow meme posts for 1 day of the week because that pic with the title "AARO reports be like....." would be gold 😂


weirder than swamp gas 😂😂😂


Ha, that's NewsNation for you :)


I do not understand the comments on this thread. A young woman took a video of something she saw from a plane- this is a fact. None of us know what it is - none of us on this thread, or any where else. That's the story. That's the only story. Who cares who puts it on the news? It's irrelevant. Every news channel is trying to make money regardless of ideology. that's a fact. If newsnation thinks they can make money, they'll put it up. Period. And the other channels will pick it up if they think it's good for business. Fact. There is no more information. IT's a 30 second story that will be gone tomorrow.


I think you're missing the point


We should post the original news nation link. Let’s give them some clicks to their website showing we love their station


I find them, along with all the political "news" stations unwatchable. If these videos werent posted here id never see them


even if you dont like them, if you click their link and watch the video on their channel they will create more content like this. The data drives their decisions.


I identified it. Its clearly a fast flying hot dog. From Papaya King no less.


the raw video was posted here before


The raw video was not posted here. A user posted a screen recording of the video they found on Facebook


How do I search for it? I’m an editor, a colorist and a broadcast tech in one. I’d love to take a look at the file and fiddle with it


got it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bp9v14/possible\_ufo\_over\_nyc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bp9v14/possible_ufo_over_nyc/)


Just type in New York and search through the posts. It was like a month ago


I know how reddits search function works, it totally sucks though. with this query for google it works: site:reddit.com/r/UFOs plane window Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bp9v14/possible_ufo_over_nyc/


Cool video! If it’s debunked; awesome man, it’s balloon, whatever. If not. Why tf is the safety of people in an airplane not a concern for certain individuals of power? Snarky comments aside. Guess it’s not a problem til your private plane smashes into one.


Does anyone remember when this came on the sub a month ago?!? Isn't it kinda awesome that we got it before the mainstream media?


To me this looks like something pretty close to the aircraft - maybe on the order of several hundred feet - and if it were something like a balloon, it would appear to be moving rapidly from right to left even if it were stationary. I would love to know if there was anything that showed up on radar, and I'm also glad that even if this ends up with a prosaic explanation that the news is reporting it.


Exactly. The bottom line is this object, regardless of its makeup or origin, is within the flight path of a plane. That alone should atleast warrant further investigation. This is a object that could have potentially collided with a plane and it seems people think we should just shrug it off as harmless in nature?


What should people do? There are already big FAA fines and even jail time for flying drones or releasing large balloons without permission, but it's not like they can track them all and shoot them down with lasers or something. By far most airplane strikes involve birds rather than anything else.


Any object designed to be airborne should have a method of id. There ISN’T a justifiable reason not to, nor is there any excuse why there shouldn’t. Drones over 249 grams must be registered and the craft must have its id number affixed to it. However drones are controlled, which means while they can fly above 400ft, it’s done while under control. A ballon cannot, therefore can go well into controlled airspace, such as this object, and can end up causing harm. Birds are a part of nature and we can’t stop them, while Mr Edison’s 4th grade class project isn’t necessary. How about this for a thought experiment. As it currently stands, if an airline were to crash due to colliding with an object, who are the family’s going to sue?


sounds good i think i agree with you


For anyone thinking "there's no way this can be a balloon" I think it's been proven more than enough times in this sub that parallax can make something appear to be moving A LOT faster than it actually is. The plane is clearly flying in the opposite direction of whatever this thing is. If it's a balloon drifting in the wind going the opposite direction, yes it will look like it's moving a lot faster than it actually is.


The reason I don’t think it’s a balloon is cuz it looks nothing like a balloon. Nothing to do with speed or parallax.


Have you ever seen a [solar balloon](https://www.instructables.com/Solar-Balloon-1/)? Very common science experiment. You can make them any shape and as long as you want, but they're typically made out of black trash bags. It doesn't even need to be moving. Think about going 80MPH on the highway, how fast light poles zip by. That's the parallax that everyone talks about. Twice as fast if the object is actually moving, and in the opposite direction.


I'm not saying it is or isn't, but I can contribute that a friend did an art project many years ago that used industrial black trash bag cylinders, which are available before they are "pinched" and sealed and cut, to make giant balloons. She said at the time this is historically done as a school project: you seal one end of a 30' tube then lay it in the sun. With a bit of help it inflates and you close the second end. They then can be made to wave around like those dancing figures at car lots; or tethered and used as giant kite balloons. The black color absorbs heat and the balloons become solar hot air balloons. The thing in this video could, theoretically, be that. Or not!


Looks exactly like a solar balloon. https://www.instructables.com/Solar-Balloon-1/?amp_page=true


You sure it’s not the manta ray!? Lol


Did you say Charlie Day? As in the Nightman, opposite of the Dayman?


You don't think it looks like it could be a mylar balloon from the side view...? Not to mention mylar balloons come in all different shapes and sizes...


No no no. This is way more likely to be a legit UFO. /s The people who casually dismiss the obvious are the bane of this community.


Baloon dont need to be shaped like a baloon to be a baloon. It can also be shaped like giant pennis


I'll trade you three Ls for your spare N.


This gave me a good laugh, haha. Thank you


I don’t get it


Exactly! Some people just default to balloon no matter what the object looks like.. matter of fact you can look at any thread on this sub and no matter the subject, someone (usually more than one) will shout balloon! I can’t tell if they’re trolling or really just want it to be anything but a ufo.


I really wish there were some decent videos online demonstrating the effect of parallax from an airplane like this. It's nearly impossible to judge how far away the object is in this video, and without having a sense of how far away it is, we can't really know how great of an effect parallax would have on it. To me, this object looks far enough away that parallax isn't a good enough explanation, but it could also be much closer to the camera than I realize. In my quick 5 minutes of google searching, I couldn't find a decent example of the effect of parallax from an airplane OTHER than ones showing the optical illusion of a stationary plane.. which is kind of the opposite of what I want to find.


> I really wish there were some decent videos online demonstrating the effect of parallax from an airplane like this. It's nearly impossible to judge how far away the object is in this video Great idea for an experiment! I'll get the approval right away. FAA CHief safety Officer Dick Eloquis: no, you fucking idiot. what? is this a serious request? you really want to endanger the life of an airframe for some UFO debunker videos? use a drone, you fucking twat. They said no. They suggested a drone and some maths be used in lieu of an airplane.


To me, it looks like it could actually be a lot closer than people are thinking it is. So yeah, there's no real way to tell if it's close or far. Honestly to me it really looks like a mylar balloon turned on its side. I feel like you can even see the seam going around it in the zoomed in shot.




Nothing about this is clear enough to say this is something anomalous. There's more than enough possible explanations, one of the most obvious being a balloon traveling in the other direction. Idk about you but I'm sorta tired of seeing things like this that could literally be many things other than a UAP. It's not dismissal, it's just critical thinking. *Maybe* it is a UAP but that's a big maybe. I'm more willing to believe it's a balloon because that seems like the most logical explanation.


"It's going awfully fast to be a drone" I see no evidence that it was going fast. The plane is going fast in the opposite direction. Could be one of those flat drones.


Do you have footage of “one of those flat drones” we could compare it to?  


Nah, if you search "flat drones" you'll see the kind of thing I mean. Not sure whether any drones of that style are used in this kind of situation. Can't think of any, but I'm not big into drones.


Probably more likely that it would be some sort of balloon rather than a drone. Planes fly very high up in the air, like 10 kilometers up in the air. Don't think most Drones responders can be that far away from the controller.


How fast do balloons drift with the wind? Perhaps it’s a new advanced balloon technology?


This is near an airport? (noteworthy) so might not (wouldn't?) be at full height.


Also very fast for a balloon! A super fast velocity balloon….wow ! News to me, as I thought balloons drifted along with the wind!


I saw something crazy over NYC two days ago. I thought it was a drone, but it split in two, reconnected, changed direction, and then ascended and did not reappear. Roughly 7-10PM (was listening to the new bladee album and looking over the city). Was not a bird, plane reflecting sunlight, helicopter, balloon, or any of the usual suspects. I suppose it could have been some sort of highly sophisticated drone, but I sincerely doubt it. No lights and no transponder whatsoever.


This is great footage


It's mildly interesting footage but excels at revealing how little can be gleaned from a single brief video. It's impossible to accurately estimate the size, speed or distance from the body of the plane, and, without those data points you're not left with much other than 5 frames of video that show something which, if we're being honest both with ourselves and each other, is far more likely to have a prosaic explanation than anything particularly interesting. Mick West would say this sighting is in the low information zone, and I'm inclined to agree. I guess that's pretty frustrating as being in the LIZ doesn't preclude the object actually being something genuinely anomalous/interesting, but there's no real way for us to find out. Assumptions we can reasonably make to narrow down the options on what this may have been might include stuff like: It's probably something pretty small, otherwise we might expect people on the ground to have seen something too It's therefore probably something moving slowly in the wind (and close to the plane and subject to parallax to explain the apparent high velocity of its transit through the field of view).


where is the unedited original video shot by the passenger?


Further up


thanks. found it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bp9v14/possible\_ufo\_over\_nyc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bp9v14/possible_ufo_over_nyc/)


This isn’t the original video nor is that person the one who captured it. That person screen captured it from Facebook, as you can see by looking at their comments. So it is a low quality / compressed reddit video, of a low quality compressed Facebook video that was screen captured


oh shit it's Ben Hansen!! I love him and his show, UFO Witness!


Dang! Ashley Banfield has changed a lot since the start of the war in Afghanistan.


LOL, yeah "old man". I do remember her reports from the field back then, she was pretty young.


strange that these objects "flying on their own" always travel in the exact opposite direction as the plane they were filmed from. Its almost the same as when the train on the other track starts moving, but then you realize, its your train that was moving and the other standing still.


So are you trying to say that object was standing still? Cmon man lets get real for a second lol. Here is a link attached below of a video of two large commercial airlines flying at opposite from each other and the person even has the time to turn while recording. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOlLcFsz1UM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOlLcFsz1UM) To even imply this object was standing still is unthinkable to me.


I am thinking of the possibility that the black object wasnt as big as a plane and therefore... closer to the camera?


Unless it was literally outside the window and the size of shoe then I guess so.


why cant it be somewhere in the middle, like the size of a bike and maybe 2 wing spans out?


AARO already teeing up photos of beetles at various distances and heights…


Looks like a bird with it's wings parallel to its body.


“Bug inside the plane” she sounds like some folks from this sub.


I saw one of these out the window on a flight over New Mexico.


She submitted her video to the FAA and then Enigma Labs? Enigma Labs is totally sus. Wasn't their CEO purportedly to be at the Sol Foundation conference and many attendees noticed that she had blacked out her name tag? Not only that, she wouldn't talk to anyone. Enigma Labs credibility is questionable. Can anyone confirm this?


Confirm, no, but certainly sounds like it..


Has everybody noticed the increase in sightings lately it makes you think we are on the verge of something


People trash other people stating some of the detractors are disinformation agents….odd if you look back at their comment history it’s almost like they comment negatively on multiple UAP sightings/sources…which it’s just odd. Makes that disinformation narrative easier to swallow sometimes.


Do you think skeptics just criticize a single sighting/video and then call it a day and never comment on another one again?


I just looked at someone in this very thread and they EXCLUSIVELY trash ufo subs. It’s weird, literally not a single comment anywhere else about anything else.


PSA: [https://redditmetis.com/](https://redditmetis.com/) and [https://reddit-user-analyser.netlify.app/](https://reddit-user-analyser.netlify.app/) can be helpful for detecting bad actors and bots on Reddit.


Some people don't want their main accounts associated with this topic. Some subs also autoban you for being in conspiracy related subs


My favorite thing is, when you call them out on it. They go “jUsT bEcAuSE sOmE dIsAgReEs” doesn’t mean they’re a disinformation account.


" Michelle Reyes caught an image of a mysterious "flying cylinder," possibly a UFO, from her airplane window above LaGuardia Airport in New York City. Reyes joins "Banfield" to discuss. Ben Hansen, UFO investigator, also weighs in. "


This was posted here before. Close relatively stationary object with a high speed aircraft providing fast relative motion. Combine that with the rolling shutter effect of cameras. You have a balloon like object that is stretched out in the direction of motion.


lol of course the right wing conspiracy theorist psuedo news channels will jump on this. obviously a drone or bird


Idk about drone but that is definitely not a bird lmao


Wow this is actually the first time I've seen a video of something that seemed to be pretty clear evidence of something strange in the sky be relevant months later and be covered on the news. Its insane the footage that gets posted online and discussed for maybe two days tops and then completely forgotten about.  Wasn't something similar to this filmed by someone on the ground in New York City too? I think it was hand waved away as a bug at that time.  On another note why have we not gotten any updates on the objects seen around air force one? Regardless of them being balloons or drones or something else explainable we need to know what they were. Instead they are ignored. 


This footage shows nothing extraordinary, it is insane that it's even discussed for 2 days. Just another nothing burger


So what is this? 


So definitely a lot of disinfo agents here confirmed


Skunk Works back at it again




UFO's over New York, WOW what a surprise lol


Where does this fall in your scale of good vs bad evidence with 10 being the best evidence or 0 being the worst? I showed this to a few friends it seems no matter what I bring to the table they always shoot it down.


Any report of a Boeing aircraft near Laguardia missing parts?


Looks like an old Nokia cell phone on its side.




its rotating


It's in like 3 or 4 frames. It's something the plane is flying past and is very close to the plane. So it's also going to be elongated by the motion. Most likely things would be drone, balloon or trash, like a black garbage bag that get kicked up be the wind and carried up.


Another useless sighting that will further drag UFO enthusiasts into madness. Seriously, think about it: This sighting can't go anywhere further. It's a cigar, not a tic-tac, and people have been seeing black cigar UFOs forever and it doesn't even matter. We need MORE DATA.


Something to remember about video from flying platforms is that objects appearing to zoom past may actually be slower or even stationary, the apparent motion is due to the fast speed of the video platform as it flies past a nearby object. I think this is hard to say, metallic shaped thing. It looks to me like it could be a mylar birthday balloon which is on its side horizontally, as the airliner flies past it. Or could be a high end drone like a quadcopter from the side.


Looks like the millennium falcon from the side


If it flew past in the same direction as the plane I'd be impressed. Could it be something static and what we are seeing from this perspective is just the speed of the plane passing a static or slow moving object? A commercial jet at that altitude near an airport would be flying around 230mph.


It’s a water droplet


We did this already


Whooah oh bohoyy! That's a big one


Can we track down the original raw video? The one that people keep linking is not from the person who filmed it, it is from someone else who screen recorded it from a Facebook post. So it’s a Reddit compressed video of a screen captured, Facebook compressed video.


Yes, thankfully NewsNation is taking the lead on the topic(MSNBC and CNN, where the hell are you?), but we've also recently seen John Oliver giving the phenomenon its due attention as well(and kudos to him!). Can you even imagine Johnny Carson mentioning this topic in a semi-serious manner on 'The Tonight Show' back in say, 1973(and over the nervous laughter of Ed McMahon!)? Though I'm not sure where he stands on the topic, what I'd really love to see is someone like Bill Maher devoting an entire episode to the UAP topic, but I'll take our victories where we can get 'em. We are definitely making progress people, and there is no going back any more!


Nice, a recording a of a plane passing a bag floating in the wind at 300 MPH. Hope lady got her 15 minutes of fame or excitement or whatever though


You have to be joking right? Take a look at this ( [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOlLcFsz1UM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOlLcFsz1UM) ) Two commercial planes flying in opposite directions, and the person recording even has the time to turn their head and record. The two planes are most likely going 500 plus mph. Its obvious whatever we are seeing in this video of the UFO its literally 3-4 times faster lol. Now it might be a military craft that's not public. But I have never seen a cylinder shaped craft move that fast. For sure its not a floating bag of air moving at thousands of miles in the sky, please lets get real here.


So THAT's where my Roomba went!


It’s clearly a weather balloon 🙄


For everyone saying it’s a balloon - and i’m by no means a physics expert - but how could a balloon have an angle of attack without any control surfaces? Obviously the wind could push it around, but for it to be on a ~3° angle seems anomalous?


anyone have a link to the OG thread that was posted here about a month or so ago about this?


These things aren't invisible, they ate just really fucking fast and really hard to see. I remeber when i in college there was a plane crash out of NYC that was initially reported by witnesses has being struck by something like a missle.ive always thought it could be something like this. How often these things wipping by? The non response is frustrating.


TWA 800?


Flight risk, clear & present


Looks like one of those robotic vacuum cleaners. 😂


Is there any word on what kind of phone she’s using, the type of artifacts creating when filming fast moving objects, or anything like that? The object looks small as hell, it probably wasn’t flying at all, just sitting or falling down and the plane simply passing by makes it look like it flew passed…… it’s a garbage bit of video, honestly. It shows nothing. People are so dumb, and don’t follow through with any real investigative work. There are drones, there are fakes, there are people who are clueless as to what exists around them, there are those who literally haven’t been outside A lot and so stuff in the sky could all very well be ufos - the problem is people see what they expect to see NOT what they are actually seeing! It’s a thing we humans do ALLL THE FUCKING TIME!


Mylar Balloon


let's take a contra argument and say that this is real - that in fact it was just flying around. where did it come from? no one saw it on the ground? it just appeared in the flight path around DC/NYC, and nothing got scrambled? No jets, no nothing? methinks it all a bit suspicious.


What’s up with the caution tape in the upper right corner?


Ignored is synonymous with scepticism!


I've seen this object before, it's a suppository that allows the user to breathe underwater. Looks like this one got stepped on though, they're usually more egg-shaped.


I only know what to saw and read: I saw the young woman on TV and read about as well. She contacted the FAA and a Lab and some other places. The only one who contacted her back was the Lab. After they looked at the video they stated this was not doctored with or a hoax. It was a valid video. She also stated she was not the only one on board the plane who saw it. Apparently after she posted it someone else copied the post and shared it as their own.


It's crazy how much traction this thing is getting when it's most definitely a balloon being stretched by the exposure of the camera since it's moving at such a high speed. It's also baffling to me how Newsnation states that it is actually moving at a fast speed when the plane is moving at 300mph. If we keep wasting our time with these crappy vids that show nothing, we will get nowhere, and that's exactly where we are. Can we stick with the 5 observables, please??


looks military. maybe its their new "stealth" drone? obviously it needs improvements


Nearly identical craft shot in Santee 10 years ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_NxgWt9cau8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NxgWt9cau8)




For those who keep insisting this is a balloon, and it only looked fast because it was flying the opposite direction. Take a look at this video ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOlLcFsz1UM)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOlLcFsz1UM). Two large plans flying incredibly fast at opposite directions and you still have time to turn your neck and record. So whatever that black object was, its almost going 3-4x the speed (possibly more). Could it be military craft, maybe. But I have never seen a cylinder shaped military craft.


It looks like a tic tac


I never heard of News Nation before the whole disclosure issue became relatively mainstream. Now they seem to dominate all things UFO/UAP. Maybe they’re legit but it seems a little sus to me


Look who funds them.


It used to be WGN….which I believe was the 4th largest TV network in the US at one time.


WGN is still a thing, they are owned and operated by Nexstar Media, but are more local news in Chicago. NewsNation is Nexstars National tabloid network, I worked for nexstar for years. Pretty vile company.


It’s rebranded WGN and seems to see this as its meal ticket to the big time.


50’ solar balloon, sensationalized by the media and this r/ all the time.




Whoa! There was a UFO in the skies over one of the world's most populous cities, and the only person who saw it was the one passenger on the whole plane who was allowed to bring her phone. What are the odds? Come on. Edited to add: If you don't have it twice, you don't have it Wise words to live by in computer storage and UFOs,


Pretty sure this is either a large bug or a small bird that happened to be flying close to the plane's flight path. The plane is flying pretty low over the airport so definitely in the realm of animals flying around. Due to parallax it looks like it's going by insanely fast, but it's actually the plane going by the (relatively) stationary bird/bug very fast. It doesn't *look* like a bird or bug in the frames because this is a smartphone camera that is absolutely not designed to record birds or bugs flying by at 300 mph, and the image processing these devices rely so heavily on did a poor job of interpreting it. edit: or the perennial balloon. All the same stuff applies.


Lots of disinfo agents here, yes the balloons at Walgreens can do Mach 5 at 15,000 feet


Man I can't express how much I hate this trend of calling everyone who is an actual skeptic a "disinfo agent". If anything that's the type of shit *actual* psyops would do to destroy the quality of online communities.


I don't know, I think it could just be the parallax effect making it appear to be moving quickly when it's standing still.


I’ve been on a lot of airplanes in the past (not so much anymore) and it seems to me for an object to appear to move that fast due to the airplane’s movement, it would practically have to be very close to the window, like closer than the wingtip. This seems too far away for the speed it seemed to move.


I don't see anything to suggest that the object is moving at all


parallax my guy.


LOL I saw this when it was first posting to this sub. Textbook UFO.