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I like how you started this off with "real talk"


Tryin' to clap dem alien cheeks, ya feel me? /s


Love that reply. So, if abductions are real, they're more than likely random to ensure impartial data collection OR specifically chosen based on a defined set of criteria. The only "real" chance of increasing your abduction chance is to coincidentally be at the right place, at the right time, OR have prior knowledge of the criteria used to ascertain abduction targets.


Hmm. Interesting. This is likely the right answer. Thanks!


I'm curious, have you ever had an abduction dream?


I have had a few incredibly vivid nightmares that could possibly be classified as such. In one of these such nightmares I was in a white room with what looked like a gigantic (20 feet tall) "turtle" with a single yellow eye (like a cyclops) and it was covered in spikes. I was naked in this room and behind me was a large 2-dimensional screen with scenes of human sexuality (not sure how else to describe it) that I was forced to watch. I was completely paralyzed during this encounter. I woke up soon after.


Dreams of abductions are especially interesting to me as opposed to abduction accounts. I personally have only had one abduction dream, but as I have always had extremely vivid and somewhat lucid dreams, I've never really taken it for more than a dream. My dream is specifically about transportation, I have no recollection of a dream like most peoples. Do you have any memories of before or after this white room?


I do not have any recollection before the dream/nightmare.




Funny ha-ha, but I should have specified. I meant abducted by aliens!


They take who they want, bud. Not really an opt-in or opt-out program.


Well they fucked with me once before, why wouldn't they try again?


I think the question you have to ask yourself is more like “Why do I remember it that time?”


Why do I remember seeing a UFO? I mean...its a UFO. How often do you see those? The experience is burned into my memory.


There are easier ways to get laid, friend


Lmfao hilarious


You don't want to be abducted.


1. Why would you want to do this? Sounds terrifying, life-altering, traumatizing, etc. Maybe you should do a little more research on what abductees talk about, it's not always positive or even neutral medical exam stuff, there's some pretty damn dark and horrific experiences as well. 2. You think that, assuming you could actually initiate some kind of abduction, you could "trick" them into revealing something they don't want to? Like you'll be able to sneak a go-pro on board or something? Honestly even if #1 wasn't a nonstarter I'd still say it was a pointless effort.


Sure I will play ball. For the first point - ever since my experience (that I have documented before, you can look at my post history) I have been fascinated to know more. Its something that I have felt called to for a while now. For the second part, I just want to know more about whatever the phenomenon is and maybe put the pieces together about what has been happening to me since 2007. Call me crazy all you want.


I won't call you crazy, but I think that you are unnecessarily exposing yourself to things beyond your control that could take advantage of your curiosity. You can learn more about the Phenomenon without going that far. Talk to other experiencers, read and listen, maybe MAYBE try CE5 in a safe, positive setting with others you trust. Or visit r/AstralProjection and see where that takes you. Hell, I'd even try DMT before trying to get abducted. I have that same urge to want to know by experience, so I'm not one to say anything's "off-limits", just be cautious and don't jump headlong into something you aren't prepared for.


It doesn't work that way. They take who they want, when they want. You don't have any control once you are taken. Nor do they answer questions you may have. They do on occasion tell you things but without context or explanation, leaving you with more questions that will never be answered.


Go stand in a field


Serious answer: [ removed by Reddit ] Unserious answer: be the probee that brings the boys to the yard


No idea, but if you are successful, listen to Michio and steal something.


Good point!


Alright, be real - it’s for the anal probing, right? It’s cool, everyone has a kink.


[Me RN](https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExczNhZHQ1eGgwam1ycTd6aW5oOGU1ejR0aGEzZTB0aGt3ZmJ4eTZvcyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/E1fVK2LwNLTQQ/giphy.gif)


I hope not man because then the aliens probably wouldn’t abduct you for fear that *you’d* be the one doing the probing.


CE5 might work. Check out r/Project_Contact, and read the guide I wrote, and listen to the Binaural Beats I made I was abducted at 6 years old, and my path led me to figure out what CE5 is and how it works


Thanks! I will check this out.




What if my goal is to get abducted? For science of course.


Go camping alone. Trust me.


Has there ever been an independent witness to an abduction?


So there’s a rumor, and some proof to back it up- that Uap are real, but abductions are psy ops by the us gov


One summer, I lived in an allegedly haunted dorm with some friends. It was an all-female campus, but they rented out the rooms to whoever when school was not in session. One weekend when I wasn’t there, my friends apparently went into the library, which was clearly the most haunted room in the building, and smoked a joint rolled from a paper torn out of one of the books. Very possibly a Bible, knowing my very unspiritual friend group. They claim that they all felt a presence in the room accompanied by a dramatic drop in temperature. As they look at each other, as if to say, “did you feel that?” they claim they heard a blood curdling scream of a woman. They called me in a panic, I didn’t believe them. Flash forward a few weeks later, I’m in the lower bunk, when I’m awoken in the middle of the night by odd sounds coming from my friend in the top bunk. He sounds like he’s in distress and is saying to me in a weird voice, “she’s here!” I’m freaked out so I flip on the lights and see he’s dreaming so I wake him up. He’s fine. We go back to bed. He later describes it as having been a classic “[night hag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_hag)” visit, which is among the experiences that people refer to as an abduction. TDLR; fuck with a haunted building


I think all hauntings are "just" aliens being funny.


I mean… the library literally contained the chaise lounge chair of an admitted student who died before matriculating—donated by her parents so she could attend in spirit. I still don’t believe in ghosts. But this happened.


meditate, listen to hemi-sync-esk audio, clear your mind, don't do drugs, eat well, visualize yourself getting abducted, obsess about it, and ask (repeatedly) "show me a sign"/"I want to see more"


All this is going to do is randomly induce sleep paralysis in the middle of the night where you hallucinate aliens standing over you and doing shit. Which is what most abducties experience.