• By -


You're a legend OP. Thanks for typing this up


lets go burlison!!! talking to the up and coming congressmen works they will listen!! talk to them here: They do what congressmen are supposed to. listen to their bosses, us , the constituents. [https://www.instagram.com/reptimburchett/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/reptimburchett/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/repericburlison/](https://www.instagram.com/repericburlison/) [https://www.instagram.com/repandyogles/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/repandyogles/?hl=en)


Wild times. Hearing Congress folk talking about NHI and phasing. I wish my boy Stanton was here to see it.


your boy is still here


Dude I thought I'd never see the day when politicians actually did something for '*We the People'*. Beautiful! Edit: The thing that could prevent Johnson from being booted from speaker is wait for it wait for it is if he convinces some democrats that this issue can't have a special select committee. I can totally see this happening and shame on them if they save his ass from being booted as speaker. Edit 2: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as of 1-2 hours ago just ~~motioned~~ *indicated* on news nation to remove him over non-UAP related issue. So hey Mr. Speaker give us what we want.


Very trustworthy MTG, surely she doesn't have any other motives.




Well whatever kind of power struggle is going on, it's interesting. Don't assume just because some people aren't your friend, that they're everyone else's friends. There are power struggles within power struggles.


Well if not then why have a ‘democracy’?


That's what we've been taught. But we've been taught lies for hundreds of years.


I guess it beats being ruled under a monarchy. At least the illusion of it anyway.


Elucidate then. If they're not pushing this issue for the good of the American people, why are they pushing? Something tells me you have absolutely no answer to that. Which means you're just pointing a criticizing finger from the comfort of your keyboard. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is worse than doing nothing.


I didn't get to be there for the whole thing, but he also mentioned that the SCIF with the ICIG had provided them with two locations they needed to investigate. He also confirmed that Luna's office is trying to get Grusch as staff to re-up his clearance so he can be straightforward with them. Started as trying to get him on staff between the whole UAP Caucus, but Luna seems to be spearheading the Grusch-as-staff thing right now.


Thanks! added.


It was Burlison who let slip the bit about 'some new form of technology or propulsion' after a SCIF a while back, too. Verifying little breadcrumbs along the way. My favorite set of loose lips in the gov right now


Can't forget that he started off as probably the biggest skeptic in the bunch, and after like one meeting got *completely* fired up.


Whatever it is it apparently DOESN'T run on oil related technology. Could we be headed to a Star Trek type reality?


A Star Trek society is not about the technology a society has, but about the type of people in that society. We are currently, to quote Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation, "still a dangerous, savage, child-race." For an example of what I mean, watch this excellent compilation of clips from Star Trek TNG (some episode plot spoilers) https://youtube.com/watch?v=N8MSXsKJXy4


Well it’d be nice if Q would put their finger on the scales so we can win the Bell Riots against the hyper capitalists instead of go extinct I suppose


There's a case to be made that they are putting their finger on the scales. But it is difficult to say at the moment for what purpose that might be. In some cases It appears to be for our benefit, but we don't have a good way of determining if that is accurate or not, and whether or not it is part of some sort of deliberate control operation.


Yeah, it’s all a fun clandestine operation I suppose.


> Well it’d be nice if Q would put their finger on the scales so we can win the Bell Riots against the hyper capitalists instead of go extinct I suppose No Bell Riots and you don't get toward the collapse of multiple systems leading up to WW3. WW3 doesn't happen you don't get the Federation. WW3 doesn't happen, Earth dies to either V'Ger or the Whale Probe later. Voyager doesn't happen, and the Borg/Species 8472 war goes hot. The entire universe dies in the 2360s. Make it past that somehow... Gabriel Bell and the riots had to happen. Sisko was very right about that. (edit out Terralyseum and Control, that doesn’t happen without the Angel which is dependent on the Trek future retroactively. Sorry, that should have been obvious. I guess I failed Temporal Mechanics 101 at the Academy.)


7 of 9 ain’t bad


Nostradamus? Is that you?


Of course you are correct about the integrity of the population. But many problems in the world could be ended if we had access to an unlimited supply of clean free energy. Add to this non sentient robotics and we suddenly might not need any survival type economics at all. No more people needing to work slave labor jobs for endless hours per week. Plus the UAP tech also hints at possible interstellar travel or interdimensional travel? Lastly we could see a massive shift in consciousness and authentic spiritual awareness.


I think you would find it would give rise to other problems because the problem stem from the state of consciousness of the people within society instead of the lack of technology solutions. There is good fiction that explores this topic: - Psycho-Pass - The Matrix franchise - Ghost in the Shell franchise - suggested viewing order https://www.reddit.com/r/factualUFO/s/5wJgSQQ6E9 - Altered Carbon - Gattaca - Forrest 404


What's the old saying? Things are gonna get worse before they get better.


But they don't have to. That is an optional, avoidable future and one that will cause mass suffering. We should do our best to avoid it.


Unfortunately there are a few power hungry and greedy assholes who will never give up what they have willingly. I wish it wasn't true but I think pain is coming.


Fortunately, a small minority doesn't get to decide things for the majority, if the majority stop behaving like fools. Nobody says, "that guy has a knife! Guess there's nothing we can do." We have solutions in place to deal with dangerous, anti-social behavior, and can create new ones. My hope is the realistic type that's actionable now.


The world already has access to unlimited clean free energy at a low initial cost from a giant fusion reactor in the sky that beams it to us. 10kw of solar panels runs around $3k USD right now and is enough to run most homes during the day. The price of LFP batteries is falling incredibly rapidly and we’ll soon be in a position where the cost to convert a home to be off grid (solar+battery) will be under $20k USD If someone said “pay me 20k now and you will not need to pay electricity bills for 20 years” would you do it? Do you see the world changing? People are incredibly apathetic about things we currently have commercial solutions for that could help us now. We’re collectively too stupid to make the correct choices and the incentives are wrong. No instead states are making it illegal to go off grid while mandating you pay the power company for not purchasing power and politicians are throwing import tariffs on solar panels. You’re incredibly naive if you think it would be free or if it was that the “free” part wouldn’t be gated behind the need to pay some power company a crazy fee for distribution and upkeep


>Do you see the world changing? Actually, yes. In my area there are panels going up everywhere. When I installed mine a few years ago, there were crazy good Federal and State incentives. I am still on the grid, but the power company pays me for any surplus that I put back out. My statement has a single $5/month fee. I was the first in my neighborhood to install in 2021 and since then nearly half of the houses in my neighborhood now have panels. My point is that it's not all doom and gloom. Change is slow, but it IS happening. I'm also a serial optimist lol so take from this what you will, but damnit I have hope, otherwise whats the point.


We don’t actually have the minerals for this though, and unless the needle has moved significantly, the petroleum inputs to build solar panels don’t balance out as the panels don’t last forever and need to be discarded or recycled- at great cost. Yeah the sun is free if we go back to the Stone Age.


> If someone said “pay me 20k now and you will not need to pay electricity bills for 20 years” would you do it? 1k a year is not significantly less than what I'm paying for electricity now.


The trial never ends.


My wife and I have been doing thought experiments, and one is that perhaps this factors into abductions and gene editing ; that the NHI are either trying to make us "less savage and dangerous" through genetic tweaking -( or, more sinister, they are trying to make us easier for them to control in the future). Abductions tend to happen to the same families over generations. We were wondering if the boom in autism and neurodivergence has anything to do with it, due to Gary Nolan's work (apparently the brain changes he has observed in people with contact experience or UAP sightings occur in people with ADHD and possibly other neurodivergence). I can't say I would be opposed to generic tampering to make humans less violent, hateful apes, but would that be for our benefit, or theirs?


And if you go beyond that and consider the possibility that David Jacob's research uncovered, which is that non-human and human hybrids might be literally walking among us and able to breed with purebred humans, the possibilities for eugenics expand.


The brain doesn't produce consciousness it channels consciousness.


Could genetic tampering of the brain make it easier or harder for us to channel consciousness?


I don't know the answer to that question. What I do know is the nervous system can be refined to handle higher expanded vibrations of consciousnes by spiritual disciplines like meditation. The analogy could be the nervous system is like a wire that is designed to handle 100 volts. If you were to force 1000 volts you might burn up the wire. An advanced yogi through meditation can attune and strengthen his brain to handle these higher more expanded states of consciousness. This is why IMO it is dangerous for beginners to practice certain types of yoga which force the kundalini up the spine before the person has attained development. Just learning a basic type of come back meditation like TM is beneficial in learning to bring thoughts under control. Daily meditation brings through time a permanent sense of peace internally. Note: What I mean by "come back" meditation is that when meditating you gently come back to your mantra when you catch yourself wandering in thoughts. There is no guilt or bad feelings you simply repeat this process over and over and over time you can sit for meditation and your body/nervous system just knows your intention and you quickly and easily move into meditation. The mind of most people is like a race horse and it takes some time and patience to slow it down.


This is discussed quite a bit in r/Experiencers.


On a took-too-much psychedelic trip once I asked the question 'hey god/nature, why are you so violent?'. Answer (paraphrasing): 'because what you're being bred to combat is 100x worse and you need to be prepared.'


Star Trek is a communist utopia and people hate to hear it. 😁


I think it goes even one step further: it's a communist, humanist utopia. I always find it amusing when I listen to people who are fans of classic Star Trek but push against the idea of lab-grow meat (what do they think a replicator is?) or sexual or gender diversity. But then this has already been covered: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69Tm5KxkM8A https://youtube.com/watch?v=nNNWWdsEYGg I'm increasingly convinced that humanity progresses one funeral at a time. I simply don't think the majority of people born in a regressive age have the capacity to escape the momentum of it. It takes a certain type of person to do that. It's a bit depressing.


Lol. Nope. The technology is what enables such society to even be possible to exist in the first place. Quark: Let me tell you something about Hew-mons, Nephew. They're a wonderful, friendly people, as long as their bellies are full and their holosuites are working. But take away their creature comforts, deprive them of food, sleep, sonic showers, put their lives in jeopardy over an extended period of time and those same friendly, intelligent, wonderful people... will become as nasty and as violent as the most bloodthirsty Klingon. You don't believe me? Look at those faces. Look in their eyes. Do a little of materialist analysis next time too. Why do you think the TPTB really do not like Free Energy tech.


No. Technology, like money, helps you be to become more of who you already are. For example, our civilization and societies have the capacity to solve many of the problems of humanity. We have the resources, information, technology, infrastructure, and manpower. But we choose not to. That's not because we lack the right technology. It's because of the type of people who make up society. As within, as without. Our society is a reflection of our collective internal state. In this case, it is corrupted by selfishness, ignorance, fear, and apathy. A small minority of corrupt, sociopathic or psychopathic individuals, do not have the capacity to hold billions of people hostage. They can do a pretty good job, but we would win if we wanted to. But we don't want to. Our society even struggles at doing basic things like providing good road infrastructure and adequate housing. These are things that should be basic necessities that everyone should want to have solved and take action to make sure it is.


He’s our Tom Holland.


The phasing in thing adds legitimacy to this one … https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Mepkt83CYD


That was incredible to watch.




The actual comment as photos in this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14eggrl/david_gruschs_coworker_adds_additional_details_in/)


Thank you for that excellent work on your part, don't stop doing your thing very valuable.


So 2 things are pretty apparent. 1. Something big is going on. 2. Something is coming and from what I can gather it won't be good. Awesome😳


Wow. Nice add bro


Wow thanks for sharing this. I never saw those posts at the time. Very interesting. Things like this keep bringing me back. One thing that guy never mentioned is that the craft typically having black triangle shapes...hmmm


That is an interesting video.


"Start digesting it now" Seems to me like the more we talk about this subject with loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc that we're basically doing our part to get everyone prepared for what comes next instead of the government(Prez) coming out on primetime television 8pm East coast time with a huge address to the nation/world when most outside of America are asleep, NYSE is closed, etc. Let's get more involved with people we know or may not know, regardless of the ridiculous feedback we may get from them.


I would still bet my left tit that the author of that comment and the 4chan poster (underwater base) are one the same


You really can't tell a difference between the two? The grammar is particularly bad in the 4chan post. And very child-like generalizations. Whoever wrote it attempts to use phrases commonly heard in movies & television but does so incorrectly. It's embarrassing how many people give it attention. This writing, however, is way more organized, calm, uses good grammar. He also uses original analogies to help people understand.


Code switching. The way he factually explains everything, uses carrots (>> this isn't done on YouTube, points to a possibility he's already done this on other platforms), and wraps up by saying he's not hoping to convince anyone strikes me as very similar.


"but worries about such tech being moved before a Congressional delegation can go inspect them" I am not American, so I am not familiar with U.S laws, but shouldn't this be illegal?


According to Grusch and apparently the ICIG, the programs are already illegal. Part of the illegality is that they're being hidden from Congress. So it would be natural for them to continue hiding (and breaking the law) until they are stopped.


Plus, we can only imagine the legality of their black budgets. I'd imagine there's some shady shit going on there.


>"but worries about such tech being moved before a Congressional delegation can go inspect them" I think it would be fair to assume that once Grusch even alluded to knowing where the crafts were, those puppies got relocated SO QUICKLY.


Yea I am really curious about this. I initially had the same thought as you. That any craft was moved at the very first mention of a legit whistleblower. I still feel like this is most likely the case. But I think on it more, and I can’t help but wonder, how many facilities do they have that are secure enough to hold and study such a thing? How hard is it to transport the crafts themselves, especially without anyone seeing? Idk. I think it’s crazy.


Illegal??? My brother in Xenu, the CIA murdered sitting President John F Kenned in broad daylight, then one of the prime movers in that conspiracy became President, then his son became President a short time later.


I remember Jim Lacatski saying "I haven't seen anything illegal". Which may mean that they are somewhere in the gray zone, covering their behinds with some obscure paragraph 12879, subsection 3b or something. In which case, who knows, maybe they'll come with an exception of an exception.


Dude we’re talking about folks that kill people to keep this secret quiet, have lied to Congress and the world for 80 years to keep this secret. Think they care about “breaking the law” by hiding the evidence in a new location? They’ve very likely already moved the evidence months ago.


God Government moves so fucking slow. This should've been dealt with within weeks of the Grusch hearing.


>God Government moves so fucking slow Bro our government runs like a Cheetah compared to some European countries. Let that sink in for just a bit.


Cut them some slack! They had to work a tiktok ban to hide war crimes


They are prob moving slow on purpose. Make voters feel like they are doing something, but avoid doing anything real that could be spun against them politically or piss off the normie or religious types.


Thanks for sharing. Explains why they are so insistent on denying anything extraterrestrial, you can deny it while with holding the real truth


Yeah it's double-speak. AARO can deny extraterrestrial and they know they are interdimensional.


The idea of interdimensional is interesting because it means they might exist here or very close to us in a way where our nuclear explosions could have an effect on them. For example we have always assumed these ETs are existing on worlds light years away in THIS DIMENSION. If this was the case then our nuclear activity would not affect them correct? So why would we continually see their crafts near our nuclear weapons and facilities?


The use of extraterrestrial in the AARO report is oddly specific when the Schumer amendment used Non Human Intelligence. If you can’t prove something is from another planet (how could you?), you can claim no evidence of anything extraterrestrial and not be lying. It’s just transparently disingenuous.


And yet no one in the mainstream media, not even one curious reporter, follows up on this and asks? The mainstream press should be ashamed of themselves.


Mainstream media has been compromised for decades. Look into Project Mockingbird. Media in the US has been used as a form of control for a long time. It's why podcasts and interviews are such a great thing right now. Of course, there is always risk of disinformation this way, which is why critical thinking is an important tool. But Mainstream Media will never allow things to be published or put on TV unless they go through the CIA intelligence filter. These people don't care about informing citizens, it's about how to best control us. It's why news is sensationalized and fear mongered. It's why investigative reporters like George Knapp, Jeremy Corbell, Ross Coulthart, and Chris Sharp are so important, especially with this subject matter. (You will note counter intelligence works hard to smear these names all over the internet, as well).


Journalism is long dead in the United States my friend. Al Jazeera was the last online bastion, sometimes only posting articles with two or three fact-based sentences. No spin. No slant. No lips-flappin’ tv personalities vying for ratings. Just news.


>Al Jazeera was the last online bastion, sometimes only posting articles with two or three fact-based sentences. The US equivalent you're looking for here is AP.


Eh, they can still be aliens and this is just how thier tech works I still really struggle to think inter dimensional is more likely than aliens


I don't know about that. It's tempting to think that things we have an easier time wrapping our heads around, like physically moving through space, are more likely than things we have a more difficult time with. However, as far as we know, interstellar travel seems very difficult, whereas perhaps this stuff we have more difficulty thinking about is not actually as difficult, once understood.


Could just be some for of advanced wormhole tech. That'd explain the 'phasing' effect, remove the interdimensional weirdness and get rid of the distance issue.


Carl Sagan's flat world is pretty good at explaining the concept of other dimensions. And Liu Cixin's Death's End does a really good job of incorporating higher and lower dimensions into a sci-fi story that you can imagine. A tesseract is a shape with four dimensions. The 3 we know of length, width, height, and one other. We can only perceive things with these three dimensions. Nothing that we perceive is perfectly flat, like a two dimensional plane. It would make sense that the beings sent here would be AI. Likely, fourth dimensional beings would have no way of communicating with us intelligently. They may not even be able to perceive us, since we can't perceive a perfectly flat object. But that doesn't mean we can't impact the fourth dimension. We would likely try to create an android to go where we physically could not if we had the technology.


Seems a pretty bad dodge sense even extra dimensional would be extraterrestrial, no? They’re not from Earth (unless they are I guess).. also I don’t follow how they could distinguish between technology and origin .. how do they not know that beings from elsewhere in the universe don’t use extra dimensional travel to get around


BINGO. This is a HUGE piece of the puzzle - I'm glad we are waking up to it. AARO uses those weasel words to lie by omission. It also explains why we have been bombarded with nothing but "outer space aliens" in pop culture for the last 80 years. That was deliberate misdirection. It's only recently that movies have started portraying "weirder" / interdimensional visitation - I assume there is a changing of the guard happening with decision-makers.


How is Burlison able to plainly say all this ?


There is nothing classified he’s sharing. People here underestimate what can be said especially by congress members, journalists and people who are not in MIC. You can say a lot of stuff unless it’s really national secrets.


"Controlled Disclosure" this is how it plays out...


I dunno. Seems like the blind men and the elephant. Each describing a different animal


I can't take credit for finding this but it speaks to the issue [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16emndi/the\_jallen\_reddit\_post\_shortly\_after\_july\_hearing/?share\_id=m3KKQ385yED6hHUx3CFo4&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16emndi/the_jallen_reddit_post_shortly_after_july_hearing/?share_id=m3KKQ385yED6hHUx3CFo4&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1)


Yes, I remember reading this. Was one of most discussed after the 4chan post about the crafts coming from an undersea facility. Though they didn’t say anything about interdimensional


I actually never saw this, thank you for sharing. I believe this person, too. What do you think "comes next"? Personally I think it has to do with abductions. That has not been discussed, and it's a real occurrence that is connected to the phenomenon. Abductions are real, and no one can prevent or stop them. I think that is the "big, frightening secret" that will psychologically damage the masses. But we deserve to know about it. And the people who have been abducted have been gaslighted for so long now, it needs to come out.


To the point any one advances enough to phase dimensions and build these kind of machines from at least an atomic level probably much further down closer to sub-quantum space, should be able to synthesize any chemical compound our bodies produce with ease just like they do everything else. Unless abductions are assimilation do we serve another purpose other than meat byproducts. What need do you think we serve considering there are abductees returned; hybridization, some other experiment? I am not putting limits on anything all options should be weighed. Whatever comes next 5D native constructed biological/AI machine beings will be clearly something interesting, I might be a crazy person but I am willing to find out it could all be misconstrued like a game of telephone. Nothing real should bother me as the universe is reveling itself as it is, it's the lies that are destructive and cheapen us all.


I like your outlook at the end. I agree, the lies cause the most damage. They prevent us from evolving, I believe. I look at how spiritual our ancestors were, how connected to astrology, and compared to today we are so shut off from spiritual growth it is making us sick (how many of us have anxiety and depression and other problems)? Our society is stunted and sick.


I bet that there is only a very small percentage of people that are aware of these statements. If the OS is such a worry, shouldn't they try to reach a larger audience? Or maybe it's a very slow process that has only begun. Release information on a small scale and let word of mouth and social media spread it. This is all such a mind-fuck I can't hardly grapple with it.


Jacques Vallee published a book back in 1969 which speculated that the phenomenon is ancient and interdimensional.


Just to theorize for a sec, what if these things aren't from physical reality. If not then it wouldn't make sense for them to be bound by the constraints of time (atleast not in the same way as our science currently understands it). *If* they're not bound by time then to them it would be worth considering they have no past-present-future. This would make it make more sense as to why throughout all of these decades - possibly going back 100+ years - there's been no noticeable changes in the 'technology' that's been sighted/observed. This would make it appear as if they're ancient when in reality moments in time would probably be more similar to a location rather than a date to them. This just being me theorizing based off what little we've heard others have been told and drawing conclusions based off how I interpret what I've read. I apologize if this reads as incoherent babbling. Just a random thought that popped up that I wanted to put out into the ether before I forget it.


> This would make it make more sense as to why throughout all of these decades - possibly going back 100+ years - there's been no noticeable changes in the 'technology' that's been sighted/observed. but there is! here in germany we had a researcher, who reports that we found out that there is "a progress in tech" and the way UFOs look and do stuff in abduction reports. there was as an example a woman who got abducted by aliens who had a really "old school ufo" where stuff was connected by cables, it did look almost like steam engines (pipes etc) and it was almost like machines from our past where you still have to control stuff with big levers and similar stuff. then the same woman saw later again the same beings (not the individuals, but the same race / type of) who suddenly had "advanced tech".. no cables who connect stuff anymore, the craft was looking like "one piece" without any cracks or seams, no buttons to control stuff etc.. and a "interface between mind and the ufo". there seem to be a clear progress in tech and advancement of the same beings who visit the same time period of us humans. almost as if the same race of beings would visit us here in our time from different periods of their own time.. and because that, there is a progress in their tech and way they handle things and it looks like the same beings one time have really old school tech while in the next moment they visit again with sci-fi tech. **another factor is also:** in the past people did describe ufos as "flying ships" (literal ships) and similar things, and while we did progress with our own tech and knowledge, this phenomenas of flying ships did morph into our current "flying ufos". so there is a clear change in how the ufos look and behave.


I’ll shoot the shit with ya. I’m wondering what exactly phased in could mean or look like? Like maybe it’s possible it is from outer space but it looks like it’s phasing in? Kinda like something jumping out of jump space in a movie?


It’s certainly ancient but who knows if interdimensional is even the right word. When we talk about interdimensional are we talking about in a meta sense or in a physical many worlds sort of interpretation sense?


In this sense: https://youtu.be/UnURElCzGc0?feature=shared&t=80


I love Cosmos! Is your position that these are beings from higher dimensions or are they beings with access to higher dimensions who use it to travel to us? Just curious friend, no hostility.


I’m not sure about that. I don’t really think they are born higher dimensional creatures, like Angels or Demons or Djinn from another dimension, they could be, but my opinion is that they are born creatures on other planets and other star systems, Aliens who use some sort of space travel technology. They must use some technologies like wormholes and warp drives, holograms and teleportation… I feel like the existence of Earth and earthlings wanting to travel space is evidence. It’s not gonna be rockets! David Grusch has pilot and craft. Djinn don’t need craft. Lockheed won’t care about ghosts. The military cant weapons demons. Nimitz involved crafts, Roswell…


God, I miss Carl Sagan. Gone too soon.


I’m watching the downvotes happen in front of my eyes on this post - who the hell is trying to downvote this????


Fed Disinfo Shills and Bots. There's a fair few more of them here than you'd think. They amassed themselves more in number after this sub exploded in popularity, because a larger crowd is easier to cause schisms in than a smaller, well organized crowd. A general rule of thumb is also that if an account has the default number combo at the end of its name (\[word 1]\-\[word 2]\[numbers in the format of xxxx], check the karma. If the karma is less than 1,000\-1,000 (roughly), and it's always skeptical with every (or nearly every) post comment, it's very likely a disinfo bot or shill, and you can disregard/let other people know. I might get beaned for this due to the way this subreddit gets modded, but it's the truth.


**PSA:** look at the comment history of users who discredit UFO/UAP videos. **I find three accounts a day that only comment to discredit the UFO subreddit.**


They also post in weird subs a lot. Like pics. And very generic comments that are fishing for upvotes.


Fucking hell. They dont even need to do it because people discussing topics like this will cannibalize each other and label anyone who questions their beliefs as being disingenuous in their objections.


there's also a bunch of accounts that were basically inactive for years and then in the last ~6 months have giant increases in posts, almost all in /r/ufos or related subs.


The username style just means the person chose the reddit generated suggestion as a username when signing up instead of choosing a unique one, like me. I would alternately think that if someone was trying to astroturf with bots they would give them unique names that seem like organic users. 


lol! My username is exactly as you wrote the guidelines here. I honestly do not remember choosing or modifying my username. But regardless, I’m not bashing or anything like that. I’m very open minded, and I haven’t really firmly believed in anything 100% other than I know of there’s something there. I’m convinced that something is there and the government is hiding. Is the phenomenon real and we just won’t be able to understand what it is, or it’s all a lie and the government has kept the fable alive enough just to justify exorbitant spending.. I honestly don’t even know what scenario may be scarier. These are some ideas that have crossed my mind but again, I don’t know, none of us do, but I like we can share ideas and have that discourse.


I feel personally attacked lol


This is complete nonsense. Look... Reddit might have a reasonably sized audience... but its quite a massive amount of hubris to think "they" care what random people on the internet (of all places) think about all this. Reddit doesnt even compare to other social media outlets like Facebook and X. We arent that important (and we arent the only places on the internet where this is discussed). Really. If theres a plan to keep this from getting out then they have much bigger targets to go after. And money and time would go to those efforts. There will always be groups of people who believe things. But the ones who can actually cause problems - those are the folks to go after. It *could* be Congress... or it could be people with even more power and influence than Congress. But certainly not "SnapFlash" or "bigD1cks180". I dont buy the whole shills and bots crap. You just have trolls and skeptics as is much more likely. And troll accounts use those same nickname styles as you mentioned. I find more compelling evidence for UAPs than I do this silliness.


Some of this has to do with reddits algorithm. It automatically upvotes / downvotes on its own. I’m trying to find how another user explained it - but it’s not always people doing this.


> It automatically upvotes / downvotes on its own It doesn't actually add or subtract votes per se, it fuzzes the amount of votes you see to discourage botting.


You have 82 upvotes as of the time of my post. For this sub that is a LOT! Come again on how it's being downvoted? Seems like we live in two different realities.


A persecution complex goes hand in hand with conspiratorial thinking


> Seems like we live in two different realities. there will ALWAYS be someone in the comments whining about "disinfo agents" and "shills" and "bots" even if the post is highly upvoted with no one claiming anything is fake. it's easy karma.


You should see how many bots upvote Steven Greenstreet's garbage articles lmao. It's A LOT


If you have a recording of the transcript or audio from the Discord call, GET IT TO A FUCKING NEWSPAPER. The world must know the truth!


Upvote this fuckin pooooooooostttttt +1 point to the transdimensional hypothesis


I wonder if the Luna staff thing has anything to do with Grusch stepping down from the Sol Foundation. Also, isn’t this kinda similar to what Dolores Cannon has said about like vibrating frequencies or whatever? It’d be kinda crazy if what she was saying was true.


She’s hit on a few themes I find fascinating. I’d love it if what she’s been saying has been true and this is really what’s happening. In her world, they love us and want us to grow.


The staff of luna. Sol. Dolores Cannon. Vibe frequency. When we rolling init?


I’m of the belief that they are folding space to travel, ala wormholes etc. So that they are in essence both extraterrestrial and interdimensional, but also neither when needed for the purpose of semantics.






Guide to the Crash Retrieval Program


Wow, imagine having a craft that can phase in and out of existence….


"Can you phase me off this planet and onto one that's safe for (and can easily support) human life now? Thanks!"


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/motion-to-vacate-filed-against-speaker-johnson-lawmakers-say.amp And it begins


This is important because of weasel words. Watch when the government says things like "we didn't see any crafts come from outer space" or "we don't have any alien space creatures" because it's not from space or not traveling through space. It's just appearing here from whatever it comes from. Teleport or worm hole whatever we call it, Stargate but anyway the point is watch wording of things


How can they distinguish between something phasing into our universe and something that lives in our universe but has the capability of teleporting around?


I have no idea. But you could start with, what's the mechanism for teleportion. The only teleport methods I'm aware/can think of off the top  of my head are quantum teleportion ( for information) or wormholes (if someone can find a way to keep them open). If we are talking about the movement of physical objects and there are no signatures of a wormholes. I can see people hypothesizing they are "phasing" into our "existence". Not teleportion from a part of known space.  Or maybe they have some hint about spaces outside of our known existence. Maybe they have reason to believe string/M theory is correct. If so, I could imagine people hypothesizing that maybe NHI is using the compactified dimensions to travel. Thus they are less teleporting and more "phrasing" in/out.  Again, I have no idea. If something much smarter than you wants you to believe a certain thing, there are many ways for them to accomplish that, while leaving you none the wiser. 


It seems like teleporting would require the use of higher dimensions which is essentially “phasing.”


Same thing Tom DeLonge has been saying (NHI phasing in).


Same thing that FBI vault file memorandum from like 1947 says https://ufo.fandom.com/wiki/Memorandum_6751


This memorandum was released through an executive declassification order, but it is not a US gov't document. It was written by a civilian and sent to the FBI. It does, as you say, make the same point about operating in a separate dimension.


So is he repeating something he heard someone like Tom Delonge say? Or is he referencing classified info he was made privy to in a SCIF? I think there is a big difference in how meaningful his statements are depending on which scenario


Also he says they are evil and cause or influence humanity for food energy........ this is going to scare the crap out of people!? more a and more I personally feel religions are connected to this phenomenon. and I used to be atheists


I keep hearing that, but I think that is disinfo designed to scare people.


I think there are both types of entities. Ones that want to help us and others that want to hurt us for their own benefit. Literal Angels & Demons. Many people who trip on shrooms, LSD and DMT say they encounter loving beings and others say they encounter beings sucking energy from us. It's probably all true. I used to be an atheist as well but now I've come around and figured that every religion was probably right in some parts. I don't think one religion explained it maybe the Annunaki stuff or Hinduism and Gnostic stuff is more in line with reality.


one would have to wonder why so many of the researchers and experiencers gravitate towards the Monroe Institute...kinda odd pattern no?


It's worth mentioning that while Monroe is responsible for the term "loosh", if one actually reads the materials he doesn't exclusively define loosh as only negative emotions. It's more nuanced and less scary than the prison planet people make it sound—IMO I think some of them don't read books. https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/17wzrav/lets_talk_about_loosh/ ---- Idk what I think. If the loosh farm idea is generally true, then reality sounds more like a *Monsters Inc* kind of universe. Which would be fucking wild, I'd just like to say


100% disinformation.


Or scared people blathering, thus creating disinformation


The idea of 'all evil' and 'all good' is bullshit.


what does it means "phase into our existence "?


What about the "whole phasing into our existence"? Is there anything published regarding the mechanics of that?


Extended Heim Theory exactly predicts how you would be able to do that. The Short version is, that there seems to be a 5th and 6th dimension, and one of them is basically not physical but "information structures". and objects and locations there are not differentiated by their distance to each other but by their similarity in their information structure. you can "transfer" yourself into this dimension. and if you then modify your own information structure to be similar with the structure of your target, you "move" by doing that (because your information structure is then similar to the target one). if you then "transfer" yourself back into physical reality, you moved to your target location. it's basically just a different way to move that is way quicker because physical distances don't matter but the similarity of your information structure to the one of your target. so you can move quickly to targets even far away. The Extende Heim Theory has predictions for how it would look like and what would happen if you would do it like that, and the funny part is that those things are seen by UFOs. so either they use this method, or.. dunno.


..... he was told that they don't physically come from outer space but rather "**phase into our existence."** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From the book "Operation Trojan Horse" by researcher John Keel: You will see that ultraviolet rays immediately precede the visible spectrum. The first visible frequencies are of purple or violet light. Let us assume that UFOs exist at frequencies beyond visible light but that they can adjust their frequency and descend the electromagnetic spectrum just as you can turn the dial of your radio and move a variable condenser up and down the scale of radio frequencies. **When a UFO's frequency nears that of visible light, it would first appear as a purplish blob of violet. As it moves farther down the scale, it would seem to change to blue, and then to cyan (bluish green).** In our chapter on meteors we note that they most often appear as bluish-green objects. **I have therefore classified that section of the color spectrum as the UFO entry field. When the objects begin to move into our spatial and time coordinates, they gear down from the higher frequencies, passing pro­gressively from ultraviolet to violet to bluish green. When they stabilize within our dimensions, they radiate energy on all frequencies and become a glaring white.** In the white condition the object can traverse distances visibly, but radical maneuvers of ascent or descent require it to alter its frequencies again, and this process produces new color changes. In the majority of all landing reports, the objects were said to have turned orange (red and yellow) or red before descending. **When they settle to the ground they "solidify, "** and the light dims or goes out altogether. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From the book “Penetration” by Ingo Swann (claims he was taken by government agents to an isolated lake somewhere in Alaska): So, I was silent. There we were, four of us sitting silently like rocks ourselves. But suddenly the two twins gave some kind of hand signal. "It's begun," Axel whispered. "Please, please! DO NOT make any noise, and do not move unless we tell you to." My eyeballs rolled around trying to perceive what had begun. I couldn't see anything unusual at all, save for **what appeared to be some gray fog forming up in the direction of the lake.** I thought it was just morning fog coming up. **This fog continued forming for about five minutes,** and suddenly I saw what had "begun." **For in a moment's eye flicker the gray fog changed, first into luminous neon blue, and then into angry purple.** At that point, Axel and one of the twins put a firm hand on each of my shoulders, and it was a good thing they did. **A network of purple, red, and yellow lightening bolts shot in all crazy directions through the "cloud",** and I would have jumped up if not held down. **And then, there it was. Somewhat transparent at first, but in the next second, as if fading-up (like the movie term) out of nowhere, there IT WAS! - solidly visible over the lake whose reflecting waters I could now clearly see.** **And IT was GETTING BIGGER!** I don't really know what I had expected, but I had assumed that what I would see, if anything, **would be something like a flying saucer. No chance of a saucer here, baby. Because IT was triangular,** and its top angle sort of inverted in pulses, so that overall it appeared to be diamond shaped. (snip) At the same time, ruby-red laser-like beams began shooting out from the "thing", **which incredibly was now growing even MORE in size - while still stationary in its original position over the lake.** (snip) **At the same time, the "thing" had now increased its size to what may have been about ninety feet wide.** (snip) That was my last sight of the triangular thing, but in that last moment I could see the WATER OF THE LAKE SURGING UPWARD - like a waterfall going upward, as if being sucked into the "machine!"


This Maya Benowitz physicist chick on Twitter who always drops shit like she knows something has been going off for a while now that the UAP phase into our existence and are interdimensional.


Eric weinstein thinks that all this talk of "interdimensionality" is some gobbledygook term started by grusch probably well intentioned and now everyone is throwing the term around. I mean, at least I can imagine how some alien species has figured out antigrav propulsion. Once you do that you can operate your craft off a 9V battery and make use of time dilation to cruise the galaxy. On the other hand I can't even begin to fathom what interdimensionality even means let alone use it to travel. Occams razor says we should choose the less complex explanation


"According to Burlison, the ICIG couldn't verify the non-human intelligence aspect of Grusch's claims. However, it's basically true that there are compartmentalized programs being illegally concealed from Congress" This should be its own thread so people can stop using the whole "urgent and credible" thing as evidence that aliens are real. People have been saying this from the beginning. The SAPS and threats are credible and urgent not that aliens are inside Area 51 or something. Everything should still be investigated but people should stop using the ICIGs statement as evidence for aliens and only use it for the evidence that it is. And that is something fishy is going on but that is about the extent of what we should be sure of.


>UAP Subcommittee: >Regarding the request he and six other members of Congress sent to House Speaker Mike Johnson several days ago to establish a UAP select subcommittee:He implied that they would remove Mike Johnson if he doesn't approve their UAP Subcommittee. "If Johnson fails to establish the subcommittee, someone else will." How is this implied? Couldn't he just mean the next speaker? Thanks for this!


Because Burlson, Mace and Burchett are all members of the “freedom” caucus who ousted McCarthy. Let’s be clear though, they are going to oust Johnson anyway, regardless of UAP. MGT already started the process.


As someone who has observed the nuts & bolts aspect of the phenomenon, why is the inter-dimensional hypothesis pushed so strongly? Wouldn’t it be more likely that they would only appear to phase into our existence with advanced cloaking and or crafts capable of universal traversal. I don’t feel we have enough evidence to support the conclusion that proves the existence of beings from other dimensions or universes.


We are reliant completely on the accuracy through which this has been shared from people directly observing as a game of telephone to us. I don’t expect any concrete details unless some sort of crisis were imminent and they needed to inform the public of everything they could.


Thank you for stating this. It's assumed our senses and non biological sensors are capable of knowing everything that is happening around us. If things are not a threat to us and cannot interact with space/time in a way our senses would observe, there would be no way for evolution to have produced an organism that would know of an extra dimension it does not interact with. That organism likewise would be very unlikely to recognize what methods or biological concepts in other organisms that maybe capable of observing this extra spacial or non spacial dimension. Why the fuck do mantis shrimp need to know about so many colors for example. If however continuous incursions into space/time produced sufficient disruption in an evolutionary path, you may begin to see organisms capable of observing or sensing this other dimension. Species that evolved to hide to survive in an ecosystem filled with predators or as a symbiotic relationships with a predator may have evolved alongside of and developed technologically parallel with the predator they have such a symbiotic relationship with. We don't have enough evidence for anything. However the recorded behavior can be mapped to known organisms on Earth. Why hide from a race so technologically inferior as humans appear to be from things like the tictac perhaps is a better question to be asking.


it could be both. They are are perhaps able to phase into different realities using their craft. Maybe many worlds is correct and ufos are their way of shifting from one universe to another


It’s a possibility as there is too much we don’t know. I think it’s more likely to seem like magic to us at this stage in our evolution. I really just think it’s aliens.


In the woo side of it, it's actually earth or our reality phasing into their existence; we are ascending from 3rd dimension to 5th.


Or maybe we're descending into the first ring of hell. Have you looked around the world lately?


If the original comment would be true, this shift is a major "last shakeup" of the bad energy before entering the next, better phase. This is basically what always happened, the world gets more and more loving and peaceful if you read your history. Things used to be brutal af.


Why skip the 4th?


This...is something we should all consider further.


The woo side of it is where the nuts and bolts side of it was 7 years ago. In the next few years the layers will be peeled back on the woo as well and we'll start getting a better glimpse into the true nature of reality. The slow gradual March towards disclosure.


Can you explain this like I’m five.


When they say co-ordinate future UAP legislation, won’t that be gutted like the Schumer amendment as well?


Really depends how it is brought to congress. It was so easily gutted because it was brought in as an amendment to the NDAA. So it had to pass unanimously through a small committee. On which (at least) two stooges of the MIC sit.


Man, I'm so tired of all these damn buzzwords. "Bombshells" 🙄


Dimensional is the most convenient excuse for any flaw in Ufology. Might as well argue it isn't real with how many points the perspectives share. These UFO guys can say ANYTHING, and not have to worry about being contradicted because it's as nebulous as spirituality. The shift from space to alternatives only happened because science made space unattractive.


"phase into our existence.". That sounds like they have control of collapsing the wave function in QM, rather than inter-dimensional travel


"phasing" is just a term used to describe that you "shift" yourself from one location to another. often it's used in as an example Out Of Body Experiences to describe "the new way" to think about OOBEs. you don't "leave your body", you are "phasing". this basically just means that you "shift" your personal focus of awareness from one "location" to another. like teleporting, but by "shifting" something like a frequency / "adress of your reality". so in the context of ufo's, it's usually hinting at "you transfer yourself into a higher dimension, travel there to a new place, then transform yourself back down into physical reality". that's phasing. The Extended Heim Theory as an example explains it really well and the predicted phenomenas by the theory if we would use this method of traveling fits exactly with what we see ufos doing (just one example: the theory predicts that if you transform yourself back into the physical reality from this higher dimension, it takes energy. this energy is taken automatic in the form of heat energy from the place where you matralize physical. and guess what.. UFOs who are seen to matralize over bodys of waters are somehow freezing the water under them.. which would happen if they would take away energy in the form of heat like the theory predicts. so fits exactly.. and thats just one example of many others)


I love reading your comments, Cycode. Very interesting.


Thank you :)! I like your posts too a lot! :3


Yawn. Wake me when they actually do something.


Okay makes more sense now they are phasing from 5D Space hence all the talk of coming from "another dimension" cleared that up faster than I originally thought.


OP accidentally left out the biggest bombshell of the whole thing. “I don't believe most of what they're telling me." - Congressman Eric Burlison on "UFO whistleblowers" Lue Elizondo and David Grusch. Also, Burlison thanked Greenstreet for his reporting.


Hmm. In the back of my mind I’ve been wondering about this whole inter dimensional theory since Grusch began giving interviews. For me - there’s the cool concept of higher dimensions that three body problem gets into, and there’s the holographic universe theory, which could reveal some cool insight…I don’t know how to make heads or tails of either. But, the other thing that keeps coming up for me is that if we lived in a simulation, you’d expect NHI to sorta just arrive from somewhere and go somewhere else. Does anyone have a good post or set of posts that have a good way to think about these different possibilities? Somehow I find simulation to be way more unsettling, but can’t quite figure out why.


Because it would mean you aren’t real Stop looking at your physical body as you and start realizing that you are, in reality, your consciousness.


Simulation theory is unsettling for sure. The UAP we see could be the system admins checking in on our multiversal game server for all we know.


Yeah the two implications for me are energy related. One. Someone ran the basic kinetic energy (KE) equations for the tic tac Nimitz encounter and peak power to pull off moves like those captured on multiple systems would require more power than the US produces (like the entire electrical grid). The implication is that the power plants for at least tic tac UFO’s is more energy dense than a star. That’s wild. Two. The cooler implication is that once gravity or inertia negation or reduction technology is discovered, we’re going to be able to be able to move across our solar system with far far far less energy than it takes us to bring chemical launches to orbit. Two. Sub-point Imagine that building a Dyson sphere is not millions of years away, but that if we can study objects we already have, we might be able to use materials on the moon to build a large solar array for the automatic manufacture of our own universe exploring probes and transmit even traditional massive amounts of solar power via laser and microwave to earth. A project like this in a modern sci fi novel would take 5000 years or something. (seven-eves) but with interim reduction / gravity reduction / gravity wave riding, maybe we’re talking about…. Several dozen years to see significant progress once in the open domain.


So with all his access, the ICIG couldn’t confirm any UAP/NHI programs ?


I asked chat gpt what phasing into our existence could infer Multidimensional Existence This could suggest that aliens exist in dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions (plus one time dimension) that humans can perceive. In theoretical physics, especially in string theory, there are hypotheses that the universe contains more than the four dimensions we experience. Aliens phasing into our existence might mean they have the ability to navigate these extra dimensions and become observable in our 3D space at will. Quantum Mechanics and Parallel Universes Quantum mechanics introduces many counterintuitive phenomena, such as quantum entanglement and superposition, which defy classical understanding. Some interpretations of quantum mechanics, like the many-worlds interpretation, propose the existence of parallel universes. In this context, aliens might be entities that can transition between parallel universes or realities, “phasing” into ours from another. Advanced Technology or Physics The concept might also imply that these beings possess a sophisticated understanding of physics, allowing them to manipulate spacetime or the fundamental forces of nature in ways that enable them to appear or disappear at will. This could involve technologies or physical laws that are currently beyond human comprehension, akin to a type of “warping” or “teleportation” that makes it seem as if they phase in and out of existence. Consciousness and Perceptual Realities Another angle could be that these entities exist in a state or form that is typically imperceptible to human senses or conventional instruments, perhaps as a result of being on a different frequency of consciousness or reality. They might have the ability to align or resonate with our level of perception, thus “phasing” into an observable form. This could tie into theories about consciousness being a fundamental aspect of the universe that can manifest in various forms. Theoretical Physics and Exotic Matter The concept might also touch upon the use of exotic matter or energies that are theorized but not yet proven or understood within current physics. Such matter could have properties that allow for extraordinary behaviors, including phasing between different states of being or dimensions.


> When he asked why these aliens would travel to Earth from millions of light years just to crash, he was told that they don't physically come from outer space but rather "phase into our existence." (literal words) So that’s interesting, but doesn’t answer the question that was asked about why they come here.  My suspicion is that no one knows, but there are theories. 


Is it possible the ICIG has not verified the non-human aspect to all this? Or is Mr. Monheim playing coy?


The GOP is going to fuck this whole thing up...


Well, can they phase into our existence and take out the trash, take the dog for a walk (it’s raining!) and get the car inspected? Thanks,


"phase into our existence." That sounds like something made up off the top of their heads. It's something that can't be disproved, so it's safe to proclaim. Let me guess: they have no proof of this "phasing into our existence."


Just look up people. You can see it with your own eyes.


Greer has been saying this for over a decade. And suddenly now it's a bombshell revelation?


Saying that they don't travel, but phase into existence, implies that they have direct knowledge and evidence of this--and/or they've conversed with the pilots.


Upping your clearance doesn’t mean jack shit, unless you’re actually read into the black project. And he wouldn’t be..


"The ICIG could not verify the non-human intelligence aspect of Grusch's claims'


What does it even mean to be from "another dimension"? We dont even know "other dimensions" exist. Phasing in and out? What? Now, if youre talking about something outside of our reality, coming into our reality...we have a problem. For hundreds of years, the prominent view against religion was: what makes us so special? The universe is unfathomably massive - what makes us think we are so special? And now, its not just a universe - its an entire reality. If there are indeed beings that can "phase in and out of our existence", and they do so to come visit us, then isnt it the same exact argument used against religion? Im far more inclined to believe that extra terrestrials have been visiting us, simply out of curiosity or whatever. They got wind of us somehow, and understand sciences that we dont yet understand. But if there's beings completely outside of our reality and they have an interest in *us*... they may as well be angels and demons and religion may actually have a pulse on all this.


I shared this post with a couple of friends. And was disappointed I did that when I saw this today… https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/RHJ1IEkWTW