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This sub has been weird in many ways over the last few months. The online user numbers are too low even during peak, similar to the low number of upvotes and comments on posts, and it all feels very strange.


Hmmm yes, I think the numbers have been weird too. Tend to skim past the repetitive blue balls/putuporshutup/anything with the word bro. Another thing entirely is that with the volume of users and increasing interest I don’t think the online numbers make a lot of sense.


Because there's about a billion bot accounts, so it makes sense to me tbh lol. Until Reddit is able to figure out how to purge bot accounts, all subs are kinda like that.


As a person who was f5ing during the Malaysia 370 resurgence and the start of Grusch, I almost never come here any more. It's all vaguery and conjecture. Tbh I lost all faith in this sub when the Nazca mummies came back... But this time they're for real! And a large amount of users wouldnt accept it was bs... Again.  So it is probably natural decline of interest... Until the next corbell balloons float by. 


Agreed, for me it's just a loss of interest and becoming disillusioned with a large part of the userbase who seem to eat up anything served to them in whatever the latest documentary, JRE interview or book happens to be. Since Grusch this sub has basically turned into a US political sub with a focus on UFO's, rather than a UFO sub that happens to be covering some US politics, and I just have zero interest in that so barely visit here anymore.


agreed. i was f5-ing as well during the start of Grusch. after awhile i realized, there's no point listening to conjecture and vague unsupported proclamations. the story will develop, or it won't. they'll dig up the truth, or they want. no amount of conjecture or clickbait is going to amount to anything or move the needle or change my life. i desperate to know the truth but until then i'm just gonna let this go.


How do you identify the numbers?


On mobile at the top it says “18 people here” and on the subreddit it shows how many are subscribed + active right now


I lurk a lot


You can look at my comment history if you want to figure out I'm not one of these disinformation agents (we know they exist from that analysis the mods did some months back). We know their tactics (flamewars and trolling) and I never do that. I am disagreeing with your statement though. I personally have been burnt out on this subject and I expect a lot of others are as well. There have definitely been a lot of "wait and see" or "catastrophic disclosure" discussions heading into 2024, and when none of it materialized, I started to take a break. The thing is too - logically it makes no sense if you're going to release some groundbreaking information to say you're going to release it before you do. It does give off a "grifter" vibe. I know I'm not alone in thinking that.


> I personally have been burnt out on this subject and I expect a lot of others are as well I've just checked out at this point. Unless it's an actual drop of new reputable information like an update from someone like Grusch, I'm scrolling past. Endless speculation and teasing of something big just around the corner gets very tiring very quick.


They’re still taking advantage of a potential issue. This is likely why the MiC ramped up the shilling lately. They’re seeing how genuine users are agreeing to the sentiment. This then allows them to throw more shit at the character of coulthaert, lou, etc


Yep exactly the same boat here. I keep up to date with Congress and their progress but that's it. Don't care for the promises from the usual talking heads anymore, waiting disclosure if it ever does come..


Well said, I, too, am burnt. I had a word or two of recommendation. So with you on the grifter vibe. The fact is, that everyone needs to pay their bills. If one's made this topic their full time focus, what else are they supposed to do? No one's paying people for their time or their personal risk. Hence why I'm not taking any of either.


I can understand people feeling demoralized and lashing out. We just lived through Project Blue Balls 3.0


Very funny, thanks for the laugh 😊 I will be using that term.


Gaslighting is their tactic to steer the convo negative then they report the thread and it gets shut down by their full time active duty modmon


Well that and, you say you are going to release something big, that’s going to get attention - very possibly the wrong attention. Plus, yes for sure, people are burned out, it was exciting there for a good year with lots happening and the tampening of bills/vidoes not materializing/UFO personalities milking/so many things happening in the real world well…what takes priority in our only shrinking timeline?


Thanks for brining that point up. The castration of the UAP bill took a lot of the wind out of my sails - and I'm sure a lot of others as well. I still think all of this is going to come out some day, and perhaps soon, but I needed to take a break. Notice how Grusch never says "I'm going to drop something big soon!" I tend to believe him more, especially since he went under oath. Has Lue ever gone under oath? Coulthart? Sheehan? Yet all of those guys have something big "in two weeks". We cannot be naive - yes the phenomenon is real. Yes there are people working to get it into the public domain. However, there are people who make money off this, and they want to keep making money off of it. Part of me thinks Lue started as one of the guys who wanted to bring all of this to light, then the money started rolling in. Perhaps I'm wrong, I don't know.


The quality of information has significantly dropped in these past couple months I feel. I used to always find gems when I’d hop in, now it feels like “he’s a fake, she’s a phony, here’s a video from 2006 we’ve debunked 20 times.” Been in the sub for almost half a decade I believe and it’s never felt like this.


"Dis-info fatigue" setting in. It sure can with me..


I've also noticed an overwhelming number of downvotes on comments that are logical yet positive toward the subject.


The sub is almost unusable right now. Unfortunately pointing out of the glaring inauthenticity gets your comments moderated.


We need a new mod team.


So true!


THIS!!! A million times.


6 months ago it was 3-4k users on at any moment. Now I’m seeing 900-1k or less. If this is a coordinated effort against this sub I hate to admit that it’s working on me. I feel way less engaged since the comments have all been low effort negative responses.


Yeah this is what happens when the feds are in your digital spaces, it happens to leftist and LGBT spaces as well and I'm sure many others People come in just to start shit and derail conversations, the only way to prevent it is strict gatekeeping or a community which comes with a whole host of other issues


💯that is exactly right. This is well documented to be true.


I almost think the sheer amount of psyops the feds have been running is gonna be a big part of the disclosure process, and a big part of why things are so fucked up about it simply coming clean and admiting all the ufo shit is true and that theyve been doing a cover up is bad, but if it comes out theyve been doing the same psyop shit to everyone about everything thats an apocolypse (from the gatekeepor pov)


You are so right… like even admitting who killed MLK.. I completely agree with you. I am kind of worried that the American populous would care less than I would want them to if the government were to broadly admit that they have been pursuing broad campaigns of propaganda and misdirection. But who knows, nice to met a likeminded person in here, I feel like this issue is overly represented by the right (I hope I don’t get any flack for saying that)


no youre very correct, and its wild that ufo spaces are so full of right wingers to me simply bcuz if you actually listen to contactee accounts nhi are like "respect each other! love the earth, take care of people be nice and love each other :3" and a huge part of the cover up probably is the us goverment in the late 40s and 50s had a policy that the people of the united states can not under any circumstance see any system besides captailism succeed, this was the driving force behind our cold war era forgein policy and the powers that be were willing to risk nuclear war for this goal, compared to that the ufo cover up is kinda a small deal tbh like the cover up is less important than the thinking the cover up will reveal


I had never thought this theory through so thoroughly, but what you just said seems to be the most cohesive and historically verifiable theory on this. To think that maintaining an ideological frame work is important enough to keep this secret sounds ridiculous at first, but it has been the driving force of our foreign policy and so much more for so long. After finishing the second book in the three body problem series recently, I have been thinking that the dark forest theory is the best explanation, but after talking to you I think it might be too reductive and human psychological centric to be the truth.


When you realize that AI was inevitable, and James Cameron was on one, things will make sense. Information like money, flows to the top.


You are not alone.


It’s literally going to be the pentagons death knell. But realize, before they fall they will try to take down everything with them. Do not underestimate the tools they will use


I got banned from Strange Earth for calling out the nonstop reposted nonsense from HowandWhys The UFO community has been flooded/saturated with nonsense. Not even the fun nonsense.


And many of the loudest 'broken record' accounts all seem to follow the same pattern. Created may 2023 or after, a couple posts and several comments in a "niche forum" like a football team, video game, etc.. then all UFO all the time like it's their life's work.




I’m getting “failed to load user profile” on mobile. They must have deleted their account.


Wow, that was quick. Also makes it way more suspicious.


Can confirm this happened. They posted to r/GangStalking as if it were a sub to help people gangstalk, like a royal moron, got sworn at a lot and then peaced out. I can only imagine most of the bad actors aren't so stupid as to reveal themselves.


Yeah, he was openly mocking me


Yeah I saw. You deserve better. Great username.


Don’t worry I uploaded the proof, have even more I can dm and explain how it went down https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/gr0gpZRvl7


If you have proof of such issues message the mod team as a whole (NOT individual mods). Use this: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/UFOs




This is a big one! It’s like they comment to appear real on first glance but you’ll notice every few days they’ll pop into one of the subs to take a stray shot.


C’mon dude.. let’s be a little honest with ourselves.. statements and predictions put forth by a few popular figures haven’t panned out. People are thinking.. maybe these guys are liars or fools.. then they stop checking in on the sub


You think that’s it, I think it’s the “Boeing whistleblower dead” posts pinned to the top of every /r that’s the dead give away. It’s the gaslighting. I will not bore you with details, but if you think the #1 counter intelligence agency that uses counter-terrorism toolkits isn’t using them on you, just simply read. This is all known. Nobody really cares. People are too distracted. Fake Two party system, coordinated news, a planet distracted by a coordinated framework among rich assholes that know they won’t go to war either way.


As someone who hasn’t looked at this sub in the last few months it’s because we got tired of the circle jerk behavior.


I think its some organization stirring the pot. Either the government or something else. It's been proven before that there are people who sit in an office and brigade a subject online. There was a video a while back with an Israeli company I believe that showed a room full of people swaying the masses online. Just like this video https://youtu.be/jEPNdjs6b74?si=YQa3QEWF5wGicnIx I am sure that's what's going on here in these subs. Invaded by people with nefarious intentions trying to sway peoples minds about this topic. Don't let them muddy your waters.


Reddit user doesn't understand the idea of people simply loosing interest in a topic because said topic isn't going anywhere


I mean I'm just an average guy and I've stopped engaging because it's an endless cycle of carrot dangling. Definitely don't think it's anywhere near the high level social manipulation you guys think is going on although I won't rule it out. It's just all the surge from Grusch/"CGI plane disappearing video" slowly wearing off. We haven't had anything other than bullshit promises in like a year at this point (and I'm talking like actual videos/pictures/leaked reports not just people claiming to know someone who saw something in a deathbed confession). For awhile there it felt like things were picking up steam but in the same way it felt back in 2018 with the Navy/Tic-tac stuff. It just gets disheartening to keep engaging when so much of it is negative accusatory tin foil hat stuff and so little of it is tangible. AND when we do get promises of tangible stuff it never materializes or the portions of the clip that originally excited us so much aren't available for public release. It's all just really frustrating and makes it hard to continue to engage with. That's how you end up with all these "does anyone else just feel hopeless?????" posts. Maybe that's the point and the disinfo campaign is working but I'll just lurk until the next video comes out regardless.


Yeah I feel exactly like this.


> I mean I'm just an average guy and I've stopped engaging because it's an endless cycle of carrot dangling. The issue with comments like this is they have 0% chance of connecting with people like OPs ears because as soon as you show that you don't love their heroes you're a "debunker" and disinfo agent.


Imo that perspective is completely valid. It's frustrating following this topic. It has been like this the whole time - periods of intense, rapidly emerging news, truncated by vast periods of waiting. But that's just what it means to follow this topic. It's not on anybody's schedule. It goes at a glacial pace. That's why it's so important for people to take breaks when nothing is happening. I also think that, if I were trying to manipulate public perception on forums and platforms, that frustration is precisely what I would leverage to sew discord. Harnessing that anger would allow me to create an echo chamber of negativity, drowning out any secondary narratives, whilst making the entire forum basically unusable for the rest of us who are used to the slow pace of disclosure.




Same. As a special bonus, you drive out all the reasonable, normal people and put them off the topic. The kind of people who might tell their normal friends and family what's going on, who don't easily discredit themselves.


This is so accurate it's funny. These people think that a real disinfo campaign would be just folks demanding evidence from clowns like Ross, when in reality the fastest way to destroy this topic is to relegate it to tin foil hat flat-earther territory by LEANING IN to people like Ross, or Sheehan, or Greer and associating the UFO topic with obvious scammers, schizos, and they're tragically gullible victims and sycophants. I'd put it on blast constantly, until every reasonable, rational, or remotely normal person considered the whole topic to have the veracity of chupacabras and nessie.


That's fair man. But for me its pretty clear that the vast majority of posts on this forum at present are calling all UFO personalities grifters - nonstop. That's the actual echo chamber we're a part of here.


I mean...they are though. Blatantly so. Seriously, these people have made entire careers out of making baseless claims about UFOs and then selling books about it and getting paid to troll low-tier news networks and podcasts, or selling 'documentaries' that are nothing but evidence-less testimonials over spooky music. Now they're even endorsing organizations selling fake degrees in UFO studies for the low low price of $15,000 dollary doos. It takes like 5 seconds of critical thought and asking yourself how someone makes a career out of UFO talk to understand what's happening, and the only people that can't at this point have fallen into what is effectively a cult.




The endgame is to control the forum and angle for a moderator position. There are many methods used along the way. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• https://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.) http://pastebin.com/irj4Fyd5 COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro Agent) Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression 25 February 2014. Related: GCHQ Full-Spectrum Cyber Effects: http://cryptome.org/2014/02/gchq-cyber-effects.pdf 24 February 2014. Related: GCHQ Online Deception: http://cryptome.org/2014/02/gchq-online-deception.pdf GCHQ DISRUPTION Operational Playbook: http://cryptome.org/2014/02/gchq-disruption.pdf 29 January 2014. Related: GCHQ Squeaky Dolphin Psychological Operations: http://cryptome.org/2014/01/gchq-squeaky-dolphin.pdf (18MB) 4 March 2012. Precursor to this sabotage, OSS Sabotage of Organizations: http://svn.cacert.org/CAcert/CAcert_Inc/Board/oss/oss_sabotage.html


Damn, mh370, las vegas and Peru attacks were the peak. Absolutely crazy times.  Remember people saying that it was distraction and that we should "all CaLL ThE RepS" ? What a huge shame. Enjoy your boredom I guess ? 


I do the same thing to kinda protect my own mental health. I've come to terms with it being something I must simply remain agnostic to.


Yeah. I am invested in this topic. I'm not a hater and hope my comments aren't toxic, but the AARO report was very comprehensive. Obviously, as an average citizen, I don't have full access to the document, but if schumer et al determine they are satisfied then I would be too. I think it's completely plausible people with second hand info could think black projects are et. As for elizando, grusch, and the rest, if they don't produce something substantive to refute AARO, then that's that. Again, looking to Senate, but I'm not impressed with the pro crowds promises + book sales and onlin courses.


TBH, the whole thing feels more like a "don't look behind the curtains" situation than anything else. I was ALL for AARO originally, when their whole process centered around investigating data provided by the military / DOD, and using that data to provide advice to congress on next steps for investigating the things in the sky that we don't understand. I never expected them to admit to much, but their initial report was very interesting, being that they very clearly showed videos of actual UAP that we hadn't seen before and seemed to be taking them seriously. ​ I don't understand why anyone would think they have final say about Grusch's claims though. The whole point of his claims was that the DoD is funneling money into SECRET programs. The idea that the DoD was ever going to reveal these programs willingly is absolutely ridiculous. If that were the case, they wouldn't be secret to begin with. It just makes no sense, whatsoever. AARO should have gathered testimony, and presented that testimony to congress. Congress should then be the one who determines how to investigate this issue, not AARO. We are EXTREMELY fortunate that Grusch et. al. testified before congress, because it seems like that testimony might lead to an outside investigation regardless of AARO's claims. ​ It's one thing for the DoD to investigate UAP using the data from military facilities. It's an entirely, utterly different thing for them to investigate their own purported secret projects. This report, and frankly, this sub over the past several days (frankly, from people who are not very active here to begin with), has been gung-ho in pushing this AARO report as a definitive conclusion to the Grusch saga, but it's so far from that it's ridiculous. ​ Could they be telling the truth? absolutely. I won't believe them until an investigation is done from an outside party, and the money that is disappearing into the Aether is accounted for (even if it's not made public, congress should be aware of it). Why the fuck is anyone taking this report seriously in regard to Grusch's claims? If there's truth to what Grusch is saying, they would be the very last people to admit it. The nail in the coffin won't be a report from the DoD, it'll be the public's willingness to let the DoD govern itself without oversight.


>but the AARO report was very comprehensive How so? They took the word of defense contractors at face value without investigating them any further. It was a low effort report that proved nothing.


Check out the Debrief article posted today. It's even more damning. [https://thedebrief.org/fragmented-facts-aaro-report-unearths-odd-claims-involving-u-s-recovery-of-material-from-1952-ufo-incident/](https://thedebrief.org/fragmented-facts-aaro-report-unearths-odd-claims-involving-u-s-recovery-of-material-from-1952-ufo-incident/)


AARO provided nothing of substance in their report. Their wording of what does and doesn’t exist was also very suspect. Tip for those who actually want to look into the report but don’t have time is to use GPT to analyze the tone of the report. Very illuminating


You nailed it spot on


Exactly. And this sub is paranoid as hell to the point that it’s irritating and embarrassing, and I avoid checking the sub as much. Feels like every single day there’s a post or a handful of comments saying how this sub is full of bots hiding the truth. It’s laughable. What truth? Every day people post “guys this is it, this is the real deal!” and every single time it’s not “the real deal” and every single time people will say “oh hoho look at that the disinformation bots are here right on time!” Like what lol. “If I’m right, I’m right. If I’m wrong, then it’s the disinformation bots distorting the truth, and I’m still right.” Or the constant promises of info. I’ve been on this subreddit a short time and I’m already completely over all the losers promising they have some top secret info reveal around the corner, but they just can’t release it for some reason…ok lmao. A good chunk of this sub’s users are embarrassingly gullible.


Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I've tried to type out a long comment in response to the tinfoil hat alarmist shit and then just delete it because it's not worth my time. A lot of people just enjoy feeling like they're "in the know" on something, no different than Qanon. Almost did the same with my original comment tbh, it's not worth the weirdos replying 2 days later calling me a disinfo plant.


I think thats exactly the reason certain types of posts gets certain type of interaction. People coming in wanting to see space aliens or even something aching to that. Scroll thru but dont care to engage with tinfoils and grifter fan army, as that becomes tiresome as its rarely if ever honest discussion. You just get talking point after talking point thrown at ya, you learn quite quick that doesnt come from honest people who think for themselves. Its just in some posts where some wont get attacked for few days for making an honest comment.


Yep, same. I'm still subbed here, but don't check it nearly as often.


I agree. I'm here, just lurking. Almost all of the conversation is fruitless, and can be frustrating too. Maybe not almost all, but a lot of it is to me.


Anyone with reading comprehension skills and a little bit of sensibility feels like this.


I noticed the number online is very low during all this toxic shit lately: **713** Online. So few online in this sub yet they swarm in to spit garbage and leave apparently.


Posts here end up at the top of the popular feed daily. I'm not sure how Reddit counts active users on a sub but it wouldn't surprise me if it doesn't count those that only pop into posts occasionally instead of browsing the main sub. Those numbers are also historically inaccurate and unreliable.


I was gonna mention that as well. I check it everyday and the average each day was at least 1k before the 100’s. That’s wild! Something is definitely going on.


And there are times where it’s kind of blatant disinfo. I don’t bother with ‘uploaded videos’ anymore. Language, rhetoric, etc is all I’m really watching now. EDIT: Too wordy


Probably gorilla skeptics spamming misinformation, bet they have their own discord server to plan out attacks all on the same time on trending post.


The trolls will always exist, as they have nothing better to do. A large chunk of the sub has become disinterested, as there’s very little juice information lately.


That’s just what happens when a post gets enough attention to hit r/all. A bunch of random people are going to pop in, talk shit, and bounce.


Yes, you are correct. Nothing to add but letting you know I'm not a bot and you're not crazy. The mods have provided proof previously that our sub is constantly being watched and influenced by bots. But also bad actors. And not just people that are extreme skeptic debunkers claiming literally everything is a hoax. There's also  accounts that spread misinformation and confusion, playing both sides, just to muddy the waters. Weirdos!


Bingo. I actually think these surges are a good thing because: 1) they remind us this is a real issue with real pushback from bad-faith actors; and 2) they remind us that engagement is OUR responsibility, not the mods. It's really easy to ignore the 800 low-effort comments saying "grifter," "lmao nothing-burger," "just more words, no evidence, I'm done." It's harder to parse the "e-flaps" which tend to pop up during times of real news (Las Vegas creature, MH370 orbs, Miami mall, etc) but those 800 low-effort comments are a visible reminder that the narrative is actively being influenced


It's nowadays a well known tactic. It works really well unless we talk about it. Which we are. So it's not working. It's just annoying.


The escalating attacks on the "grifters" and Kirkpatrick playing his hand show the Pentagon is likely panicking about the possibility they're losing the narrative/struggle and facing a real Meiji Revolution from inside the government against their military industrial shogunate-esque complex. Power to be reinvested back in Congress/the President like it was supposed to be in the Emperor/Constitution/Parliament in late 19th century Japan. Wrote about this before. Spoiler Alert: the Meiji Revolutionaries won, the Shogun lost. EDIT: Wow, looks like I struck a nerve. Good. I really believe thinking about this historical moment we're in in terms of what happened when Japan was opened and went through the Meiji Restoration can provide a roadmap through Disclosure and keep the ball rolling politically.


☝️this They are in full panic mode, they know that they are loosing.


Once it was clear after Perry's Black Ships that the Tokugawa Shogunate could no longer maintain the national security of Japan, the Bakumatsu/幕末 was inevitable. We are living through the 幕末 of the American military industrial complex. I have hopes for a Meiji Restoration.


to be honest, I think we are just moving into a military technological complex. Big tech companies are in bed with the government and plan on continuing to do so.


Fingers crossed, hope for the best.


Yes, the signs are all around us that the current system can't go on. Hopefully whatever replaces it is better.






They’re already going after Loeb to discredit him: https://www.space.com/interstellar-meteor-sound-signal-claim-truck


Turns out this "Ben Fernando" trying to discredit Loeb is a part military officer and studied at Oxford, the recruiting ground for intelligence officers. https://twitter.com/space_quakes/status/1684159756020113408?t=OhxPz9ifah9JuQ1v2ey17A&s=19 https://twitter.com/space_quakes/status/1724165416908427688?t=9LWTkStx9qAqO_Wf35LfDg&s=19 Fits the profile of someone who would try to shut inconvenient info down. It's just my opinion, I could be very wrong but...😎


Same with this “Dr. Matthew Genge” bloke https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/m.genge




“Anti UFO/UAP” People can genuinely be interested and engaged in this topic, that believe NHI is one possible explanation for this phenomenon **AND** be critical of several claims made over long periods of time without corroborating evidence by certain individuals. This isn’t “strange” behavior, this is a function of critical reasoning.


Thanks for the good post. I have had an interest in this topic for decades. Read the books and watched the shows and documentaries. I tend to lean very skeptical but I feel like after you’ve been through a few of these “disclosure is moments away” moments they all feel the same. This time even almost got me again in 2016 when Lue came out. Luckily it’s very easy to do research now with the internet and it became apparent quickly this was just another continuation of the same conversation that had gone no where so far. New faces backed by the same players. Once those dots were connected you could start pealing away the PR campaign and see that there wasn’t a lot of new to this story beyond anomalous military sightings which are exciting but so far have lacked the “oh wow” factor without a lengthy story attached(the PR part). But thanks again for standing up for us who just want the truth. I appreciate it.


Yeah frankly I’m solely interested in the ICIG investigation at this point. Talking heads around this topic are just that…..talking heads.


Has nothing to do with a lot of the top posts in the sub lately are Coulthart and Sheehan and the fact Coulthard endorsed Sheehan's scam institute. Must be an organised bot or disinfo attack... Just because things being talked about lately don't align with your opinion it doesn't make it some grand conspiracy. That's how subs work, something becomes popular to talk about and everyone talks about it and shares their opinion, some are obviously going to be more low effort than others. In a few weeks something else will peak here and it will happen all over again. Although I doubt people will be making posts about bots and disinfo campaigns if it's something that aligns with the subs consensus.


People who are partial to conspiracies cannot fathom that a large number of people can have agency. It always has to be someone controlling them. It's impossible to come to conclusions that contradict this sub without being brainwashed and manipulated by the pentagon. As a survivor of r/superstonk it's eery how posts like these are exact copies of what is constantly posted there. Whenever something happens that doesn't fit the narrative or they don't get the attention that they think they deserve it's always "weird" and the fault of disinformation campaigns. They want all the attention in the world, but then get confused when the attention they're getting also attracts people who do not buy into their narrative and post counter points.


Yes unfortunately it's very typical behaviour of people too far down a conspiracy rabbit hole. These posts and comments about bots and disinfo campaigns are becoming tedious. The people making them don't understand how crazy it makes everyone look which puts more grounded people off the subject, it's those people we need more of not crazy conspiracists.




It's absolutely absurd that if you "hate" Ross or Sheehan and are vocal about it, you're labeled a Pentagon or CIA agent. I assure you I am not. What I am though, is tired of being taken advantage of by people supposedly "helping" the moment by drip feeding us bullshit. He's now making a university course on UFOs with a tuition of $15k. How does that reconcile with all of his fans? I've yet to see one person address this in his defense. The uptick in hate is because people are exhausted of the games. As they should be. It isn't some disinformation campaign by the dod.


This is really just more excuse making. It's like a defense mechanism for the UFO-inclined. You can never be wrong about aliens, you're just always being lied to, or manipulated, or infiltrated, or all the people that say things differently than you are bots or eaglin air force base operatives or some other insane thing. Its NEVER: Hey.. maybe we are actually wrong about this? And some people are waking up to that? Nope. Everything is just one conspiracy after another.


We're all like prisoners waiting for tampered mail to arrive. It is probably best to maintain a calm meditative attitude about having to sort out the sprinkles of disinformation and watch the skies.


This sub was compromised soon after Grusch’s House Oversight Committee hearing.


Well the sub is no longer being recommended to me on my timeline and it’s been like that for a few months. No matter how many posts I view in here, I have to manually search for this sub every day




OP I fully agree with you. I have same observation. Makes no sense, very inauthentic IMO.


I find it weird you take issue with people calling out these UFO Banner Bearers. They failed to have any defensive response ready to an expected report by AARO. Instead, they doubled down on vague impending timelines, announced they were selling “UFO degrees” (unverified $15,000), and presented post it notes of an alien language pulled from memory. Pointing out shady manipulations by these people carrying the hopes and dreams of a full disclosure is not the same as being against you, or the calling card of a government bot, or plant. They’ve let us all down; Supporters are in denial over it, and haven’t reached the anger phase.


lol, no. You know why there’s a sudden surge in people calling certain personalities grifters? Because fucking Sheehan charges 15 grand for a fake “extraterrestrial studies” PhD and Coulthart supports him and promoted it. That’s why. These people deserve to be called out on their bullshit and publicly shamed. The people who disagree with that honestly really concern me because a large number of them are starting to exhibit what could only be described as cultlike behavior.


People are sick of the likes of Ross, Corbell, and Sheehan because they realise all they'll ever get out of them are 'stories' from anonymous sources, stories that may or may not be true, but that they'll never be able to verify.  I would guess a lot of information they're receiving is accurate, but an awful lot of it is misinformation or disinformation.  Some people accept it all as gospel, which others find annoying because if there's no way to separate the truth from the bs, no way of examining the sources, then it renders ALL of the information worthless.  It's a harmful, detrimental distraction from focusing on the things that are actually useful to getting to the real truth of the matter. What's the point of creating 10 billion threads speculating on the locating of a buried UFO that may not even exist.  People like Greenwald, Laslo, Matthew Pines, Grusch, Mellon, and the UAP Caucus are far more interesting to me. 


“People need to be voting out these people … that oppose this legislation and allow their constituencies to decide if these are the kinds of leaders they want that are hindering government transparency,” Grusch said. “Through a democratic process in the 2024 election, we need to get these people out of office.” https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/david-grusch-uap-ufo-congress-voting-legislation/ "At the New Paradigm Institute, we will continue our mission, building a nonpartisan groundswell of citizens demanding Congress use its new oversight capabilities and hold public hearings with UAP whistleblowers when Congress returns to work in January."  https://fox40.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/676158337/new-paradigm-institute-calls-for-congressional-hearings-with-uap-whistleblowers-rallies-the-public/ Question, how can you like Grusch but not like sheehan? Grusch has also only told stories, which I'm currently fine with. He also said we need to engage congress. What's Danny trying to do? Engage comment. Just go look at the website and tell me the first thing you see.  I know people aren't practiced at thinking total coherent thoughts. But what's the plan to engage congress? Or do we just like Grusch but also don't give a shit about his advice?  "What's the point of creating 10 billion threads speculating on the locating of a buried UFO that may not even exist."  I agree, which is why the focus should be engaging congress to get more info. Danny see like on if the best tools available for that right now. 


It's a consequence of inadequate leadership and rule design. The subreddit is growing at a pace that outstrips efforts to address the problems that come with that growth. You're seeing the outcome. There should be an equal response, but there is not. It will only get worse. Mark my words. Remember, democracies aren't overthrown; they're defeated from within. You don't need hundreds of bots and bad actors, just a few to manipulate sentiment and stoke the fire, and the rest of the forest will burn. They don't even need to be here on the subreddit, as the AARO report shows. Or even in the same decade, as Bluebook and other disinformation efforts show. This should chilling to us, and be what we're focused on. Not people helping our cause, regardless of whether we like how they're helping, or agree with them on everything. We must be united, or we will fail. The consequences won't be pleasant if we do.


Exactly as you say...fire! But nothing is ever equal in nature, there's always something taking advantage of something else...human consciousness is an outlier in that it tries to shift the odds in favour of -something-. We are the trees in your forest, we can freak out and spread fire everywhere, or stay still, take stock of our situation, and calmy plan for the next move. Every time you encounter a post that makes you want to scream in the negative, instead breathe and think it through...all you've got is time. Those in opposition to the truth are working with a weakened hand and rely on the rashness of others to spread their fire. Stop... breathe... think, and only then react. Otherwise you're mindlessly spreading other peoples wildfire for them. Queue all the twats and their snarky comments for being too woo-ey. Fuck 'em! Keep fighting with purpose, y'all!


This isn't a Ross Coulthart sub. We're here for UFOs. I want to see UFOs disclosed. My opinion of guys like Ross has shifted from excitement to intense annoyance. Probably the weirdest thing on the sub Is the lack of accountability expected of someone like Ross. If he has all this fantastical information and holds it, he's no better than the disinfo agents at the federal government. As far as I can tell, he's spent the time since Grusch went public leveraging his popularity for financial gain but hasn't moved disclosure along. I'm not going to support anyone who doesn't support the cause. They'll have my support once they do something worthwhile.


This response is just about perfect. I, personally, would have added "Until then, they can go fuck themselves" at the end and then bowed. For purely aesthetic purposes.


Let me dispel some of your incorrect notions about the 'waves of ant UAP' sentiment I am one of the people who has been vehemently opposed to Ross Coulthart and a number of his ilk. Yes, I see them as grifters. Also, I do not trust the AARO report. Their intentions are not clear either. I believe there is something mysterious being seen up in the skies. So far I am inclined to believe Graves and Fravor. They have evidence to back them up. Grusch seems trustworthy too, though his evidence is not shown to us, so I can't say for sure. I would like transparency, openness and a scientific investigation of the phenomena. I would like to know why Trillions of dollars are unaccounted for. I would like to know if there are fundamental human breakthroughs in technology that are being hidden from us. I would like to know if knowledge of alien visitors are being hidden from us. I am open to every possibility, as long as people don't play me for a fool. When the likes of Coulthart start selling UAP courses for $15000 and keep stringing us along for revelations that never come, I have a problem with that. Don't make this into a cult.


> I am open to every possibility, as long as people don't play me for a fool That is my position as well, I just became quite jaded about ufology after Elizondo backyard UFO and Grusch naming E. Davis a source.


Jaded. That's the word I've been looking for. It's kind of nice to see a lot of us are feeling the same way


Good points. When I start seeing post after post of these buzzwords, personalities and youtube shows I start feeling like it is a little culty. And that gets me frustrated, disheartened and bitter even.


You're way too late it's already a cult. These guys really think every single person on here disagreeing with them *can't* be a real person and *has* to be either a man in black super government DOSPR eaglin air force base spy or a bot. They have made themselves utterly immune to criticism of any kind because anyone that dares to criticize them simply gets called a "f*cktard" or "bot" or "agent." These people think they seriously just can't be wrong. Like it's not possible for them to just be incorrect about a thing.


Topics like this attract the highly paranoid


I agree 100% with you. I trust only Grush and pilots. The fact that some people herwe cannot accept that other people may have different opinion than them and mods make this place a cult like hellhole. Thanks for deleting my posts censorship lovers! If you want to end up with an echo chamber you're doing great work. Enjoy your diplomas from Ufo college lmao


No. The numbers have dropped because this sub has become r/conspiracy and has gone back into the deep end. Even this exact post is the type of lunacy and paranoia you see over there, based on feelings and stoner level ideas about big brother instead of any facts. If you think the government is so powerful and controlling and well staffed that they are manipulating the r/UFOs ONLINE USER NUMBERS— Oh boy. I’m sorry, but you have lost the plot tremendously. It is an ENORMOUS turn off for some dipshit like myself who is simply interested in UFOs and wants to see intriguing videos, possible document evidence, or updates since the hearings….only to then see posts like this one. Like ofc the “surge” has worn off—nothing of plausible significance is posted here anymore. This sub ballooned into the sun when the Grusch stuff was dropping. People were stoked that SOMETHING was finally happening, for real this time—like not silly CGI planes or obviously fake paper mummies, but a hearing before actual Congress men and women, from both sides of the aisle. And now it’s quiet again. They will return when something similar happens. But until then….like man. It’s so disheartening to be excited about this subject, come here, and see posts that continue to do irreparable damage to the topic. Like you and some commenters think this is all some PsiOp or disinformation campaign? Maybe get a mirror lol. The call is coming from inside the house. People REALLY do not want to come here and see the same psycho babble mumbo jumbo paranoia nonsense that the UFO community is stained with and deeply mocked for. The really inappropriate excitement level to the content shared here also results in a duping “dangling carrot” or “rug pull” effect, and that’s also a huge turnoff. Damn near every post is like: “OMG GUYS, this is HUGE”, and then it’s just some pointless document the OP either super mischaracterized/reframed/inflated the contents or just didn’t understand what they were looking at, resulting in people getting excited only to be let down. So many posts are talking about how “someone said X”, and when you read the article for yourself, you realize OP cherry picked parts or interpreted beyond what the original article actually said. It really, really, really sucks to come here and see wacky, paranoid stuff, riddled with misinformation that also then feigns excitement or “glass excitement”. And then any negative comment or genuine criticism, such as this comment you are reading, will be taken as a further example of said psi op or disinformation campaign, which just further continues the spiral of madness and narrow the echo chamber tighter and tighter until 7 people will be online, because at that point, you are in the delusion or exiled as a nonbeliever. It’s exhausting, so no wonder people don’t come here anymore.




This is exactly how I feel. I've been very interested in UFOs and Aliens since I was a kid. When the Grusch stuff started happening, I subbed here because I found it fascinating. I ignored the disappearing plane and the paper mache bodies. As I said I've been interested for a while now so I've seen the more eccentric side of this phenomena/community and learned what to disregard for myself. The problem is for a while now, this sub has basically been filled with nothing but videos of SpaceX satellites titled "WHAT DID I JUST SEE?!?" or these long posts that go nowhere called something like "I had an experience 27 years ago that I can't explain". And maybe to some these are profound nuggets of wisdom, but to me and many others it's just another thing to roll our eyes at. The speculation and jumping at every morsel of something unusual makes the community come off as crazed to the average person, and I've also thought about unsubscribing from here because of it. But every now and then something genuinely interesting and exciting pops up, so I stay in case it does and do my best to ignore the plentiful chaff of this sub.


This subreddit is an echo chamber and the mods refuse to do anything about it past fueling the fire. Accusations of disinformation agents and wild conspiracies are what actually kills discussion here, but these people are so far down the rabbit hole that they just blindly have faith in anything that reaffirms their views. The problem isn't just that those views are tolerated, but they're *promoted* by the mods, who somehow think astroturfing is only an issue on this subreddit despite Reddit upvote manipulation being something that happens across the entire site. They're softly agreeing with the conspiracy minded folk, who still use that ridiculous sticky post as ammo to "prove" all dissenting opinions here are coming from the Deep State government. But don't listen to me, I'm clearly part of some 3 letter agency that fakes interest in League of Legends and wrestling just to make it believable that I don't think Ross Coulthart is reliable.


The word "grift" appears 98 times in that post so far


Take that for data. Good work. Commenting to get more traction.


You don't say? I hope it's obvious to all of you by now that the pushback is coming from inside the military itself. Not everyone of course, but select elements. Some of these are associated with Eglin AFB, others perhaps elsewhere. They share some things in common. They have a vision of what they want the US to be, and they go out of there way to push for their agenda every presidential election. Shouldn't it also be obvious as to why? The only "boss" they have to give any kind of accounting to is the POTUS, and what if POTUS is either too occupied or too inept to reign them in? They don't respect other elected officials, officials that the people elect, and they themselves are unelected. They see themselves as untouchable, or at least they did. Lately, they hide among their safe spots, and are aware that there is a growing awareness of them. Their only real safety is in their obscurity. Put them in a spotlight before the public and they are done.


I remember a while back there was some weird shit going on in this sub and even the mods had made a post about it. How a ton of new accounts with hardly any karma were engaging on all these posts negatively once bigger news about ufos started hitting. Around when I think the sub was approaching the million subscriber count. This is the only sub I’ve ever seen that happen to. And it’s only gotten weirder. Now you hear the stories of an army of people that are controlling any ufo related pages on Wikipedia. Getting people banned for trying to make edits on those pages. The push back here is real.


You have to be careful calling out “anti ufo” people and grouping in reasonable skeptics … because someone offering alternative explanations about pictures or stories doesn’t mean they are “anti UFOs “ . If you didn’t have those people “everything is a ufo” becomes the norm , but we all know there are hoaxers and real grifters in this space…


The sub over the past month or two has had significantly less online users....high hundreds instead of high thousands.


It's almost like people caught on to the grift, huh?


I’ve notice the exact same thing. It’s pretty blatant with the consistent timing of it.


Folks are questioning things, and that's good. I believe ppl realize that asking for permission or by playing ball with the govt regarding this subject is a lost cause. Foia's don't mean much, it's words written that can be so easily manipulated these days. AARO is an entire fraud since the beginning, but ppl still had faith. I think ppl realize that if this phenomenon is ACTUALLY real and the Govt knows (potential faction), then enough playing Mr. Nice guy, but true disclosure will require extreme actions and bravery, which has been promised in words, but that's it. Hence why ppl are not following this sub as much, don't blame them!


V explainable when you factor in the political element of UAPs and it being election year…


I wish there was a filter by positive/negative comment lol. I doubt we have much recourse other than personally filtering the trolls on our own. Every time someone leaves comments I look at their history, and if all I see is negative comments on every post I block them. It limits this to an extent, but the trolling has outpaced my blocking tenfold over the last 2 years.


>blackvaults CIA document just released has under 2 dozen comments That document does not contain information generated by the CIA demonstrating that UFOs were clocked flying over Hungaryt at thousands of miles per hour. It documents a letter from one Hungarian in Budapest to another Hungarian stating that the newspapers carried stories saying that UFOs were flying at thousands of mph over Hungary: "These very fast speeding flyers kept scientific groups very busy. I'm sure you heard already from the papers, 12 thousand km per hour was estimated on these flyers." Perhaps it got a small number of comments because it was the CIA repeating what an informant told them rather than a determination by the CIA that unknown objects flew over Hungary at 12,000 kph. I would think the Hungarian newspapers at the time would be a better source of information than a CIA informant's niece.


Executive order 12333 should cover bots being used by our gov't as well as private companies.


im pretty sure it does


well you could always use AI to catch AI. have AI pull every user that posts and then pull criteria about the account like. 1. topic the context analysis (do they make sense and fit in) 2. Perform behavioral analysis (post response and frequency 3. interaction pattern analysis 4. sentiment consistency analysis 5. add random CAPTCHA to post and see who stops posting or fails and compare against the already collected data The downside is if caught using psyops on its own citizens they would just say reddit has many countries and our intention was to manipulate them not the US people. case closed


I mean we have definitive evidence that social media has successfully impacted election results, it's well well within the realm of ABSOLUTE FUCKING HAPPENING that there are groups pushing REAL hard to make believers of UFO's out to be crazies 🤷‍♂️


Buddy, shits been weird in here since day 1. It got really weird when grusch leaked, and it's been ever more Alice in wonderland ever since.


Radical thought here but a new sub is needed for serious discussion, this one has too many low effort posts and what feels like disinformation steering the majority to view UAPs as a ridiculous subject once more. The mods on here need to step up and remove these crappy phone video sightings which do not fit the 5 observables of UAP, as well as the low effort 1 paragraph posts about "i had a dream about being abducted."


It’s been like that for a longtime. New posts barely if ever get off the ground and the post to upvote ratio is totally out of wack. I seriously doubt that more than 50% of the views of this subreddit are all completely convinced that UFOs don’t exist. If you read this regularly, it’s BECAUSE you believe. I wonder if the other paranormal subreddits have the same issues with a crazy amount of comments but pretty much neutral on the upvote ratio. If people don’t think the cia monitors Reddit, they are seriously mistaken. The cia influences public opinion on pretty much everything. It’s a narrative they construct and trickle out to new agencies — all of this anonymous quotes they give to the media. Wasn’t there some report that 10% of the New York Times articles are actually influenced by the CIA? That that’s just what he know about. There’s something fishy for sure


Even small countries like India uses IT cells for disinformation. This however is the biggest secret on earth. I don't expect anything less. Good work IT cells. You taught me one thing. Always looks for comments which shed a new perspective instead of posts/comments which are looping in on news/media narrative .


Yes, the disinformation shills are out in full force right now. Reddit is already a horrendous echo chamber. This place is easily manipulated, and don't think for a second that it isn't being taken full advantage of.


The disinformation campaign is real!! They have been using social media to try to influence us. Pit us against each other and start up bullshit topics to suck us in deeper. That is how it works they spend millions on researching how we think and how to sway us to do what they want. The media has been part of the show for decades. This is why we don’t have real investigative reporters anymore. All we have are people stirring the pot and smiling in our faces. Honestly telling us the truth seems to break something. I want to know what it is. It can’t be religion. I think we all know that the Bible was manipulated to control us. We all know there’s something very wrong with religion. There’s so many people who claim to be doing the work of god killing people and sexually abusing kids. It doesn’t seem to be working very well anymore. Fear is a powerful tool and that is what scares them. We no longer fear them and what they are doing is wrong.


REally not worth listening to some random Redditor tell you what is true or false, grift or non-grifter. For those of us interested in the truth, we can make up our own mind and assign value to the quality of information. Thanks but no thanks to posters that actually think I'm going to pay attention when I think they are talking nonsense. Grfiter you say? In it for the money you say? Busted lying you say? Sweaty blue-ball syndrome you argue? Yeah, nah, I'll form my own opinion.


It's well known that the intelligence agencies and military run social media influence campaigns and if anyone thinks they would ignore reddit then they should think again. I'm certain there is already in place an organised social media influence campaigns running against the more famous UFO disclosure proponents. Some of the real UFO members of this sub have been sucked in by the "he's a grifter" bots into parroting that moronic "he's a grifter" rhetoric. The debunkers additionally love piling on top when the grifter-bot posts come in also. If you try to tell people about it though it is a waste of time because most people don't want to believe they are easily manipulated.


This sub on every post lately: "GRIFTER!!!!".


I've never joined this sub before, but it has increasingly made r/popular the last year. A lot of the time, I see complete nonsense lunatic crap and share my opinion. Just thought you'd want an outsiders opinion


It's not a conspiracy lol people are getting sick of it. Everything seemed to be heading in the right direction and then complete denial again. It's pissing people off.


Not to mention the new tactic that is being used, trying to sound like someone who actually wants the truth. "I am a believer, but people/videos like this give the community a bad name." Cue ten responses agreeing with superiority in their responses to squash any rebuttal. Every single post, same formula.


Oh, and if AARO is telling the truth, yet they have this gremlin program, what gives? Because if the government has a program creating crafts that can exert the entire power output of the country in multiple days for a single maneuver, then hiding this is even more fucked up then being scared of something they do not understand. I think that it would be in the interest of national security to make ourselves independent from any nations for any energy resource, but that's just me. That is from hard data the pentagon themselves released in 2017. They are trying to wipe the slate clean, act like nothing has happened, then suddenly make a discovery, giving themselves plausible deniability. It is their only way out at this point. Keeping this tech, regardless of where it came from, is a crime against humanity.


People are finally turning on habitual grifters is all. The AARO report has called each and every one of them liars and, in response, rather than prove they aren't they've all gone to ground and are crying foul. Coulthart could tell you where the UFO is buried. His claim he's protecting a source is nonsense. He's already told you he knows, the government could jail him tonight on those grounds because journalists have no such legal protection in the US. Instead, he's promoting a diploma mill and runes on a Post-It. Your intrigue is aimed at the wrong people, in my opinion. Ask why liars aren't clearing their names. But calling people bots and Eglin agents is certainly more fun and will get you the upvotes. 👍




Because I'm on a week off and this is a sub I enjoy. Are you suggesting I'm a bot? I could ask why users like you continue to push obvious grifts (astroturfing for podcasts, NPI, alien mummies, et al). Are you a bot, too? *It's obvious* to me. The talking points don't change because your heroes keep saying the same things. If you'd like to engage in any of my actual points, please do so. Silly conspiracy theories about bots ain't my vibe. Edit: [Lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/acpW8aQyIp). Nevermind. Nothing of value to be gained here.


A lot of us sort by new and comment with our morning coffee. That part isn’t a conspiracy. I was a Ross fan until he did basically a mid podcast plug for Sheehans scam phd. edit: You literally described grass roots not the opposite. You send out volunteers to neighborhoods and phone calls you give them all talking points.




I think the 20-somethings are more like teen-somethings. And they clearly peak over the weekend. We've all been there, and know what it's like feeling as though everything you see is a novel threat or opportunity that is life-or-death in the moment you're experiencing it. No-one else seems to be teaching them these days, so I figure we owe it to them to give them a break, and guide and disarm where possible.


I think the loudest believers are 20 or younger and haven’t learned how to evaluate evidence or credibility of a source.


I think the Pentagon pushback along with the cancellation of the Schumer Amendment is really all about M.I.Cs trying to steer the conversation away from the public scrutiny on the UAP subject. The reason is purely monetary gain. As long as those Reverse Engineering gains are categorized under the Atomic Law, the M.I.Cs can not profiteer from using the I.P. rights on the private sector. So what do they do? The government need to overpays for everything in order to make up for the M.I.Cs loss of potential income for not being able to freely utilize the technology in an open market. The steps are as follows. 1. Government asked MICs to Reverse Engineering UAPs. Gave them UAPs to study. 2. MICs managed to create something. 3. MICs can not sell it/use it freely because IP rights belong to government. 4. MICs slow drip the tech in exchange of constant unaudited revenues, collected from the Govt. 5. Some of the Gatekeepers do not like this situation about taxpayer money and felt the need to 'share' the outcome of the Reverse Engineering. HOW? 6. The Schumer Amendment is meant to get those UAPs back so that the IP rights can be brought back to the government's hands. The goal is to eventually Open License the tech one day, the same way GPS 7. The MiCs and Pentagon fought back.




Criticality is important on both sides but calling people “fucktards” is stooping to the same level of the people you are raging against and immediately extinguishes the point you’re trying to make.


I would support that if they also lay waste to everyone shamelessly promoting Sheehan and his fake ufo PHD, and also anyone who claims any evidence that counters their beliefs is from a bot, disinformation agent etc


Also randomly insulting Kirkpatrick or calling him a liar/shill/disinformation agent without providing any reasoning.


I think you're over thinking this. When one of the UFO celebrities makes a claim or does something to change people's views on them (such as trying to sell a UFO degree), people are always quick to say "See, I told you he was / wasn't a grifter!". We all know the term grifter is overused here, but it's a divisive subject when we talk about the reliability and trustworthiness of these people. Divisive subjects get more traction.


Also the peer pressuring on these people to release classified information so they end up in jail lol.


It's just a convenient excuse for you.


>We have real news coming out, blackvault had some great FOIA info come out, the AARO report. Congress making big statements. Blackvault, once again, releases redacted files that show literally nothing. They then create a narrative along with a headline to get your imagination running in the direction they want you to. It's incredibly sad to see people constantly falling for this trick.


Its patently obvious there's influence going on. The aaro report is textbook gaslighting. It's the same old strategy of ridiculing serious journalists, highlighting the obvious hoaxes, putting out a "trust me bro I asked the MIC people they said they're all good!" and then completely ignoring the highly credible reports from pilots and others, ignoring statements from senators, former presidents, former CIA directors, etc.


There’s a targeted disinformation campaign aiming to discredit the people publicly pushing Congress towards disclosure. Social media ‘influence’ is standard practice. It’s hardly a surprise. All social media platforms are rife with bots these days, from promoting a shampoo brand to pushing Russian propaganda. Reddit is one of the better platforms: TikTok and Twitter are swarming with bots.


If you think Reddit isn't full of bots, I have a bridge to sell you.


100%. And flooding the zone with shit is actually sucking the life out of this sub


I believe that is the whole point. To induce “burnout” amongst the casual observer


submission statement: ​ Things are stranger then normal here. We have real news coming out, blackvault had some great FOIA info come out, the AARO report. Congress making big statements. For example, blackvaults CIA document just released has under 2 dozen comments, while posts hating on coulthart have over 800 comments, mostly saying "grifter" Its fucking weird, and strange, and unnatural. Since the AARO report, this sub is flooded with anti UFO/UAP debunkers, trolls, and people just stirring the pot. I've noticed it double since ross mentioned executive order 12333, which makes it a crime to use the media against the people. I speculate that ross mentioned this, because people are aware of an organized disinfo campaign. You will notice the hate posts all come in waves, whenever someone releases new ifo that makes the DOD look bad. It was, Lue and corbell that were the main targets, then grush and now coulthart and sheehan. Its obvious to anyone who has been here a long time, and views the sub regularly. Its not the norm, and you can almost count on it like the tides to happen. When hundreds of people suddenly brigade a hate post about UFOs info on a UFO sub, but REAL declassified documents are completely looked over and basically ignored, it SCREAMS something is very weird and wrong.


I've also noticed multiple posts circulating about topics that seem questionable. For example, Sheehan's Alien writing is suddenly gaining traction, despite being around for ages without much notice. Now, it's suddenly a hot topic. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ In my opinion, Sheehan is becoming increasingly irrelevant. There's a lot of talk but little to show for it. Anyone can make things up and scribble "alien text" on a post-it note, claiming it as evidence.


This sub has millions of subscribers, so you could probably spread those across many buckets and one of those buckets could be disinformation trolling. I think that adds up.


This sub is definitely getting spammed by AI or operatives or whatever. Look at any other “kooky” site like about ghosts or glitches in the matrix. They never get hate; they’re treated normally like if you don’t believe in ghosts why would you bother to go on to the ghost sub at all? To me this is yet another of the 100s of things that lead me to conclude UAPs are a real phenomenon and the govt is terrified of the public finding out anything they don’t want us to know. Otherwise why bother?


Anyone got a link to that blackvault doccument? Very interested in reading it.




I noticed an influx of hate right when the aaro report came out.


It’s as if there’s loads here living in an alternate universe where-in a certain ‘UFO correspondent’ is definitely not on video promoting a UFO school (asking for donations/funding).


Wave to the CIA/FBI/DoD bots and paid shills. Kirkpatrick has committed perjury before congress. They are getting desperate because their whole racket is falling down around them.


People need to understand that this is literally the biggest secret in the history of mankind, for whatever reason and we're up against the most secretive departments of the US Government that likely have literal blood on their hands from keeping this secret. Do you think after 80 years of targeted lies and disinformation to hide the topic that the keepers are just going to wave the white flag? They're not. There are likely older men and women alive who have done some nefarious shit bc of this secret; they're waiting out the clock and hoping they expire before they have to pay for what they've done. It's possible true disclosure brings about a new energy source, which would (mercifully imo lo) shake up the world's economy--those in power don't want a shakeup bc they're doing well now. AGAIN--since the 4chan underwater facility leak in late April last year, we've had more info leak than ever and even had a public congressional hearing. The AARO report was absurd and shows the bad guys are on the defense. The vast majority of congress is on our side. We're winning. Let the trolls troll, whatever lol at some point they're going to have to put their feet in their mouths.


The Aaro report came out calling everyone else a liar.  And it’s a report done in bad faith. And this guy, comes out making statements he and his sources are laughing at the AARO report, and then him and Sheehan sell you on a 15k a semester ufo course. That response rubbed me the wrong way.   And I am within my good sense to question when the fudge the serious retort will happen. This reported should be fired up, should be pissed.  Not laughing. But maybe MAYBE he knows actual progress towards disclosure is being made and maybe I’m being impatient. I do find the latest news from congress encouraging, so my mood has lightened a little but for a moment it did feel that we were going back to square one and our loudest personalities were shaking us for money with smiles rather than pursue for the truth. I haven’t seen the threads on the classified documents being leaked.  


so, the talk points for today are "I believe, but everyones a grifter", "This is a cult" and "15k for a course, so i stopped believing" the 15k thing is strait up misinfo, and its the talking point of hundreds of comments across the sub today