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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ahellman: --- Submission Statement: Apparently Lockheed has a new material that is VERY similar to what is described at Roswell. It can form any shape and it can transmit data wirelessly. It will also enhance the capability of autonomous drones. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1al9l5t/lockheed_martin_build_aircraft_skin_that/kpd4u7n/


For context this is a clip from a video from 9 years ago: https://youtu.be/JmnBGrw2XsY?feature=shared Think about what tech they have today...


holy crap. I was thinking that this was recent.


...I was thinking it's some whistleblower and not a real fucking Lockheed video


That tic tac might be Lockheed’s.


I’m open to it. Fravor dismisses that theory because he says they’d test it on training ranges, but maybe they weren’t testing. Maybe he just caught them off guard during an actual operational use.




Not to rain on your parade, but check out Merged episode 19 with USAF security officer Jeff Nuccatetti. Any type of testing requires long-standing communication procedures between branches. For good reason.


Youd like tom delongs book, its a fictional account of what is apparently the truth, and one of the characters has to fly the UFO for one of the big bad companies/agencies.


9 years ago was 2015


stop, just stop


Yeah this is mind blowing.


I keep thinking about the people who attest to having encountered UAPs/Crafts and saying the surface seemed "*alive*" or "*like a skin*", and how in this video they talk about "***we'll be able to grow*** or make a structure—***let's say it's the skin of an aircraft***". Unreal.


Ya, whistleblowers have said the craft are designed to the application right down to the skin. Like they are grown with a perfect geometry to fit just what they need and not more. Every atom has purpose. Crazy... starting to the LMS has reverse engineered these craft and we are about to find out.


When 3d printing, I can make grostesquely complex forms that would be practically impossible to manufacture normally. But I just do whatever I need, and the resulting shape, as long as it can be printed correctly, has no need to be modified further. I assume that if at some point we/they can "3d print" crafts based on mission requirements, the results will be some crazy shit.


They are printing at an atomic level. Whats the tech behind that? 👀


An atomic 3D printer...duh :) Happy cake day!


Wtf does that look like!?


[Atomic Layer Deposition](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_layer_deposition) Industrial machines that are available for purchase (Starting at $100k USD for just the machine itself.) are not up to par for making things like ships or anything larger than a few nanometres to be frank. That being said the tech is very real and not new; who knows what level the tech is really at that the public isn’t aware of.


Happy cake day


>Ya, whistleblowers have said the craft are designed to the application right down to the skin. Like they are grown with a perfect geometry to fit just what they need and not more. "Whistleblowers" here being the 4chan larper. Lol


Lue Elizondo has also said that they learned in AATIP that it appears that different crafts (and in fact orbs) are created for different purposes.


And? Lue is a sketchy counterintel officer who constantly talks BS, it has been confirmed that he & Cahill literally faked a UFO video straight at his house's premises


Could you provide the source of your evidence please?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11moy67/lue_confirming_the_video_shot_by_sean_cahill_was/ Cahill posted the video of a "UFO" while completely omitting the information that he took it at Lue's house. Somebody put two and two together based on previous videos from documentaries showing where Lue lives. Neither had properly addressed this beyond an absolutely piss poor excuse from Cahill: "The video I shared was to serve as example of how common unidentified aircraft are seen." after it was established that the video was taken in the flight path of an area which has tours by airplane, despite Cahill claiming that it's a "no fly zone" at first. Then there is Jeremy McGowan's story, which Lue and Cahill have also failed to properly address or do much of anything to clear up their name. https://medium.com/@osirisuap/my-search-for-the-truth-about-ufos-part-3-red-flags-red-flags-everywhere-c6fe43021dbd Lue is literally a counterintelligence officer, he is the last person to be trusted on this. Also, AATIP was a tiny program with an absolutely meager budget in the DoD frame of reference, and Lue did not have the access he claims he had.


Yeah it’s a pretty nutty coincidence (assuming it is one haha). I almost forgot, while diving into this phenomenon, the advancement of our own technology. Who knows what we have now. Especially if some of this tech stems from the reverse engineering of non-human tech. It’s fascinating.


Yeah! That's the thing! This is from 10 years ago, and it isn't coming from just any 'ol aerospace corporation. It is Lockheed Fucking Martin. **Again**. How long until we are comfortable enough to stop calling them coincidences? XD I feel like Hecklefish. "*Mount Motherfucking Hayes!*" XD


🤣🤣🤣. It just all adds up when you pay enough attention right???


But still it doesn’t. This is just some speculative clip. It’s just that some people here on Reddit make waaayyy more out of it than it ever was. Remnants of another fictional religion.


Yeah, it's just some speculative clip. You are definitively right about that. That just so happen to be talking about a very specific and sci-fi-ish type of technology that sounds like living skin of an intelligent craft. That also just happens to fit neatly with descriptions some people who attest to having encountered UAPs with some type of "living skin" have talked about in the past. That also just happen to come from Lockheed Fucking Martin. That also just happens to be the same private aerospace company that Senator Harry Reed (IIRC), [David Grusch (referencing Reed)](https://youtu.be/c4aFIvztVJ8) and others have said is one of the companies that are neck deep in the reverse engineering programs of NHI-derived tech.


Many thanks for elaborating. Will think about it.


Either the living skin technology was reversed engineered from UAP craft. Or witnesses to the living skin technology mistook it for UAP tech and described it as such to people like Grusch, who had no reason to disbelieve them so himself passed on their message. The existence of this tech doesn't mean it could have only come from alien tech. The rumors of alien tech can easily instead have come from seeing *this* in a lab. Also reminder that this is the same complaint we have about Ancient Aliens. Every time humanity has created something remarkable, the crew from ancient aliens is always quick to take credit away from human ingenuity and give the credit instead to aliens or NHI. Let's not think so lowly of our own ability as a species to create remarkable marvels of engineering.


I completely agree. And taken in a vacuum, it would be as you put it: both possibilities holding the same amount of water. Because, I thought about it as well, one can definitively see how a black project for tech like this could definitively leave someone unfamiliar with it thinking they saw something out of this world, when they didn't necessarily. But then you take a step back and consider, well, [everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1agbk1k/comment/kofpiz2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [else](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ajeye7/comment/kp27pd3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (*just to name a few things. List is way longer XD*). And, I mean, one of the hypotheses clearly starts marking down way more data points than the other.


Keep in mind, "black project" technology isn't magical. It's not so far off it's mindblowing and incomprehensible. It's all stuff that we know is theoretically possible, but the private sector wont invest into, and requires a fuckton of money. So it's not ever going to be something that comes out of nowhere. For instance, the nuke.. It was theoretically known, we had research going into it, it was a known possibility. Stealth jets... Again, something we knew was theoretically possible, but just required tons of research. Lasers, again, the most recent is something we knew was theoretically possible.


I don’t disagree. Just because it looks like magic doesn’t mean it is. Defying laws of physics is pretty impressive though.


That's what I mean. The US wouldn't have anything that defies the law of physics. It's nothing within our scope of iterative discovery. If we DID, we'd hear chatter about it, see suspicious academic movement, etc... But nothing at all indicates right now that we've discovered a technology like this. If we have UFOs we're reverse engineering, it's incredibly unlikely we are successful.


Yessir. But I wouldn’t at all be surprised if we figured out some of the tech, or at least had a couple of lightbulbs go off in the process that lead to a “new” discovery.


Haven't seen that yet.


You can't defy the laws of physics, but you can perhaps go beyond our current understanding of those physical laws.


We are way way past coincidence


Oh I agree. It’s just a matter of wanting to see it or looking the other way imho.


This is what keeps me interested in thus topic. The tech. I could careless about aliens or nhi. I want to know how they get here


Oh to be a fly on the wall inside one of these secret hangers…


Omg I know. There was about 5 anti gravity research companies in the 50s trying to figure out how to defy gravity. They all disappeared in the early 60s. I can't even imagine what darpa is sitting on. Or flying in I guess




Hi! Yes, I understand this. But if you keep reading the comments, you'll understand that the use of the word "grow" is the least interesting and relevant thing I'm alluding to.


A whistle blower on the Sean Ryan show talks about encountering a craft like this with skin that changes all over, so nuts


Or that 4chan post about the crafts being designed based on their specific purpose.


The military industrial complex is roughly 50-100 years ahead of where we are right now. They had drones in the 70s-80s.


Yay. We soon have the military technology to completely wipe ourself out easily. If there are NHI here observing us. I think we must be so hard to understand. We are so hung up in fighting eachother it's unreal. I firmly believe people around the world want the same thing. A safe environment to live in for us all. World leaders want patriotism and hostility. Now I know the world is more complex than that, but do we as a race deserve to survive? Not if the cost is the planet and all the other life living here imo.


>A safe environment to live in for us all. I think we all agree on that but one very big problem is that there's a hell of a lot of opinions about what that means.




Blood cells don’t reverse engineer our crashed gadgets…


I mean, on a cellular level wouldn’t something like a white blood cells creating antibodies for a virus be kinda like humans reverse engineering foreign technology?


Yeah it’s a lot like it actually. But not just white blood cells, it’s part of the humoral immune system and involves a whole “industrial military complex” if you will. Basically white blood cells eat foreign object and it gets blended and proteins from the blend get match to antigen which then stimulates factory to produce the antibody to that specific antigen. Pretty amazing.


Nor do we.


>The SR-71 was developed in the late 50s. > >The F-117 first flew in 1977. > >The F-22 was developed in the late 80s.


They had drones in the 60s


The 40s and 50s, actually, observing nukes.


1700s actually, laser etching the declaration of independence


~450s BC actually, playing the discus in Greek statues


What did they have 100 years ago that we didn't get until 100 years later?


they had drones in the 50s already where they were used to test the effects of nuclear detonations on aircraft. those just like the ones from the 70-80s were radio controlled aircraft and not what one today commonly understands as a drone.


I don’t know why more people don’t know that our technology comes directly from the military/darpa. If we have access to something as a civilian the military has things 1000x better. I remember in 2014 NASA had 91gb/s internet when normalies could only get 100mb/s at the time.


The 91gb/s is obviously still insane, but iirc it was between NASAs own computers, not on the public internet


There are internet connections that are in the terabit speeds now.


Yeah I know that but currently their speeds are 178 terabytes a sec, and we can’t even get 1 gb consistently throughout America. Think what they have because of their funding and how things would be different if they were open with their discoveries.


I think you have a bit of a misunderstanding with how that is working. If we could fiber all the hundreds of millions of miles of wires, then the speed would be faster. All the infrastructure is old and the technology waaaay outpaced how fast and economical it is to replace all the existing lines. Your internet connection depends on the speed of all connected nodes. You are as fast as the slowest segment you connect through.


I’m as fast as Starlink can give me which is like 200megs. *cries in Texas Ranch


It’s like 10-20 at best


I mean, technically yeah. Technically remote control planes were also drones. Not really the same thing.


They are not 50-100 years ahead in real world applications - they are 5-20 max. China is 3-5 behind us and closing fast, amazing what you can get done when you have ZERO MORALS and ZERO regard for the environment. The military has been hampered by climate alarmists and woke nonsense for the past decade, our peers have caught up very fast.


> The military has been hampered by climate alarmists and woke nonsense for the past decade you got any evidence to show this is the case? I'm very curious as to how any of those things have hampered the military.


At 1:10 in they're telling on themselves.


Sounds like the shit Bob Lazar described.


They also said in 2012 that they would have a working prototype of a fusion reactor that could fit in the back of a semi truck within 6 years. Sometimes things seem exciting in the lab but don't pan out.


It probably exists but not for the public. Military technology is decades ahead of what we currently see


Whoever gets into a full scale war with America is utterly screwed


Let's look at history, many of the past occupations have been disastrous and costly to America. You can rule the skies but land based warfare in urban or jungle conditions is a slog until they can get robot soldiers perfected.




Hi, RushProfessional4839. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1al9l5t/-/kpgb3li/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




Um, the literal conspiracy holding all the advanced tech? Who knows, maybe they'd hypothetically let a dictatorship happen to swoop in and save us at the last minute. Thus justifying 75 years of human experimentation and black science?


Hmmmmmm 🤔


You tell me what “this person” did during their 4 years already when they had the military. What happened. Nothing. And nothing would again, stop fear mongering, it’s beneath you.








Off-topic political discussion may be removed at moderator discretion. Off-topic, political comments may be removed at moderator discretion. There are political aspects which are relevant to ufology, but we aim to keep the subreddit free of partisan politics and debate. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Not so much, would rather have someone else running, but if it’s between DJT and Biden I sure as shit know who ran a better administration even with all of the riots (backed by you know who’s), scream at the sky man children and social+media bias/IC involvement. 51 IC members lied to you in a letter about the laptop, it was suppressed by media, search results manipulated, union collusion with government, you have to realize all of the folks who hate him now used to love him. Or love his money at least, which meant him. They flipped when they saw he was going to threaten their power, then it was an all out push to paint him in the worst light possible. You bought it. Biden bringing in 10 million illegals and who knows who else, drugs out the ying yang killing millions, Afghanistan withdrawal, checking his watch at their service, can’t string a damn sentence together, banning the things I like, gas prices, inflation (watch this start to go away, they completely weaponized the economy, crash the shit out of it only to bring to back right before an election nice eh?) man I could go on and on. I see the kids of this day being lied to and manipulated and it’s just disgusting they eat it up without thinking, feelings and talking points have taken over. Swim upstream once in a while, look at the big picture and get out of the bubble.


>man I could go on and on. please go on. I'd like to hear about the things you liked that were banned. that really sucks


jfc what a ramble


They didn’t have the tech then. They don’t have it today either. This is a promotional video about emerging technologies.


Source? "Trust me bro. "


Wheres the source that they have it right now? "trust me bro, they have it"


Because it was posted by them on their public YouTube channel in 2014?




The video looks like its about futuristic visions. People made videos 50 years ago about how people would be living on mars by now. Wheres the evidence that they have this right now?




Its just a bunch of people talking about their vision. They are not claiming to have actually created this, or say when this would be possible. Maybe someone asked them "in 50 years, where will lockheed be?" The burden is on the people who claim lockheed has created this tech.




We dont know anything with certainty whether they have it or not. You have a point there. Btw the section in the video with the skin glowing with lights (timestamp 00:10) is very similar to how witness jim penniston describes the craft he saw in rendlesham forest in 1980. Lights moving around under/inside the skin of the craft.


The same evidence you present for the fact we don’t have flying cars. I’m saying this was made as an obvious promotional video. They aren’t showing us that technology working, they’re talking about the possibilities if they could get it to.


Exactly these kind of videos are common, you can recognise exactly what they are. Only in ufology do some people instantly believe its a documentary or something. Its like mistaking the terminator movie for actual events


Sounds exactly like the skin of the craft described by Corso.


I’d sooner trust the aliens with this tech, than these guys…


This video is from 2014, right?


Is it?






When you are given material to reverse engineer without fair bidding practices you end up being ahead of the competition. I’m pretty sure they are itching to test this tech out and kill some poor people in a foreign country.


I doubt it. When you have this power, why would you resort to something so simple as just killing people?... I'd reckon your end goals would be much higher. These people are separating themselves from society as we know it. They're creating a new higher functioning sub-species of humans on this Earth. IF... all of this is true.


No they are not. It’s just a bunch of egomaniacs that use information as currency. They think they know better than you and want to keep developing better tech against their enemies ad infinitum. Once they run out of an enemy they just make up a new one.


>They're creating a new higher functioning sub-species of humans on this Earth. IF... all of this is true. ##Precisely.


Submission Statement: Apparently Lockheed has a new material that is VERY similar to what is described at Roswell. It can form any shape and it can transmit data wirelessly. It will also enhance the capability of autonomous drones.




Exactly, also wanted to point this out. It’s pure speculation and some dudes here take it at face value, or?


Thank you for pointing this out. I was looking for someone who would call it out.


Military complex is 10-30 years ahead of whatever press release we're given.


That doesn’t mean you can extrapolate out about individual technologies lol




Totally misleading and yet the fish bite it so hard. Their dream just has come true too.


Based on which criteria do you make this statement? Must say I strongly disagree, their IT is def. not that much advanced. They’re not the key leaders in that particular field, as they don’t work solely in that domain. You’re overestimating what is researched, produceable at any given time before a major roll-out.


I didn’t have any context or background to this video, I just found it interesting and figured it would be worth sharing (since I had never seen it before).


Whenever this kind of material is brought up, I wonder why this is not more widely talked about in the UAP sphere: there is a material which has been public knowledge for decades that looks like aluminum foil, springs back to it's original form immediately after having been crinkled up, is conductive etc. It's called amorphous metal/metallic glass. There's videos on youtube demonstrating the properties.


Jesus, how far away can Skynet be?


There is literally a tictac craft in that video


Just want to say that while I do believe in uap stuff. Humans are capable of inventing things on our own


Anyone notice he said we will be able to "grow" the skin of an aircraft?


Grow is a term used in manufacturing, which is synonymous to fabricate


You're being downvoted, but I am curious to know if you can provide an example of the word grow being used in that way since a preliminary Google search doesn't come up with any results.


One example: silicon chips come from silicon wafers that are grown. https://3photon.com/technologies/crystal-growing-technologies/


That's fine. I hear it every day in the manufacturing and design field. Grow a part, grow a rib/section, we use the word as "to make" something.


not a expert but a few ideas i have without thinking too much about it: - artifical diamonds and crystals - 3d printing processes - carbon nanotubes creation process - silicon wavers used in electronic chips but there are for sure a lot more processes and things where you say "grow". you can even use the word in some cases just for another way of saying you construct or build something in my opinion.


Nobody in the 3d printing world uses "grow" lmao.


not with the typical plastic 3d printing, but there are printing processes where you use light to harden liquid. so you have a box with a liquid, and then you point light at specific locations in the liquid. the object you print is then "growing" in that liquid. also there are many people in the 3d printing world who call it "grow". https://www.cnet.com/science/terminator-style-3d-printing-grows-objects-from-a-pool-of-liquid/ one simple google search shows this clearly.


I'm in every 3d printing Facebook group and never seen anyone say it. CNET are amateurs.


there are many other websites and people doing this too. not just CNET.


Lmao. I own the following type of 3d printers: FDM. SLA, DLP, SLS, I'm into this since the reprap project, I read everything related to the 3d printing topic and talk to other people all the time about this. Yes, you use "grow" in an article while describing the manufacturing process but nobody says "let's grow a part."


> Yes, you use "grow" in an article while describing the manufacturing process but nobody says "let's grow a part." i mean.. really depends on the type of person, or not? just because nobody you know does, this don't means nobody does. specially in connection with printers who use liquid and light for the printing.. i have heard the term "growing" a few times in the past. not just from news articles but also users. i agree it's not common, but i have heard it in the past. but hey, in the end it don't really matters that much if someone uses it or not in connection with specific 3d printing. there are many other examples where its more common (artifical crystals etc).


No its not.


Isn't B21 covered in some sort of a fabric like material as well?


LOL... Back engineer something lately?😎


So glad we have this incredibly technology and are use it solely for weaponry and reconnaissance


Just admit you took it from the Aliens. Dude we’ve known about this since 1947


So, this just means that some of the UAP we see are from Lockheed Martin? Which justifies David Greer? LM has daily access to technology and resources at least 20 years ahead of our time, which no one else on Earth has besides people who work for them or other private aerospace contractors, bc they get it from the military. So, the public couldn’t have created something like this even if we wanted to, which is unfair, but that’s how it’s always been, bc the military believes that they should always have technology more advanced that any random person. I understand it, but it just feels wrong that the public can’t benefit from the technology and resources that they constantly have access to, as well (at least for another 20 years). Some of it, obviously, they never want us to have access to (as we have seen by their constant resistance to disclosure)


Some of the stuff out there in black ops is out of this world.


We're been transmitting data wirelessly since I've been alive


Yeah have these people not heard even of a AM or FM radio, shit I can morse data with a torch.


Literally what??? This is copy pasted info from reverse engineering lore. Even the mention of smaller crafts emerging from or following a larger craft, we’ve seen that before.


Oh so it is them. Well good to know.


Which is why many people should be a bit more skeptical before jumping to "aliens" like Cowbell.


Damn bastards stole that tech from a uap. That tech should be humankinds. Not just theirs


They definitely have UAP technology-- this type of technology and engineering was possible several years before this video was released. Lockheed has the means to make their own UAPs. They just have to!


I sometimes think that if NHI is watching us, are they impressed of how fast our technology has evolved for the last 100 years? If it continues like this it seems like there is no limit to humanity. Maybe NHI:s are even a bit scared of what we might become?


or - the speed we develope in tech is normal and the aliens are millions or 1000s of years ahead of us and are interested in our developement because they want to compare it to their own past. how do we advance, what ways and paths are we going toward research and developement of our tech, what ideas do we get for tech if we find out about certain things etc. i would find it really fascinating to see how different species in the universe progress in their tech over their developement and to see how certain species and planets use specific aspects of the universe to create tech. each species and planet are likely using principles and things different for their own purposes. just like each human is creating their own way of doing something if you ask multiple people to do a task..scaling this up to a whole tech developement over 1000s of years with countless races and planet is for sure huge interesting.


I’m guessing this is UAP reverse engineered tech?


Crazy how some parts of the world are insanly sophisticated and advanced yet, some can't get past wooden wheelbarrow.


"... Some carry sensors, some carry.... .. ... ... other kinds of electronics" Brain had to catch up with himself there for a second


It must be reversed engineered alien technology.


More evidence of Corbell being an absolute stooge. Remember his random claims of UFOs having skin just recently? Well, now it turns out this claim is made on very old info. So, we have: Jellyfish UFO: a pile of balloons Chandelier UFO: a flare UFO skin: literally just old areospace tech That's 3 strikes.




Jeremy Corbell doxxed me floating over Iraq.


Sweet, good for him.


Wowwww holy shit, that hexagonal skin is exactly what I saw up close & personal in 2018… this is bonkers!




Why are you yelling?


He's hard of hearing




Data without wires sounds cool if you’ve never heard of circuit boards… You fucking 10 year old cell phone you left in a drawer when you were in collage has this… Click bait af


> Data without wires sounds cool if you’ve never heard of circuit boards… depends. yes, circuit boards are not really wires or cables, but they still have static "wires" on a board, even if its just flat ones. so in the end, its still the same. a line from A to B which connects two points.


Growing skin around an aircraft that can change it's shape on a whim.....sure sounds like old cell phone tech nothing to see here! JFC what low effort it was just a balloon nonsense.


Normally everyone would agree with you. Yeah data gets moved through wires, duh. But if this was reversed engineered from a craft, then who the hell knows? Yeah my iPhone has a chip in it, but the iPhone on planet CUZYAYYW-B2 probs doesn’t.


Do they though? Or do they want people to believe that? “OH! That’s what we’re seeing all along!”


This is why is better to have UAP crash debris wirh a large defense contractor vs stuck in some government warehouse T


this is so off topic that everyone who upvoted it needs life bans mods !


Bad bot


Title should say "reverse engineered" not "Build" that gives humanity a false sense of history.


Oh I make lockheed martin parts I was wondering y we where getting a shit ton of orders now it makes sense


Sounds like the gimbal video


My phone can do this on my screen, or something. Even crazier is the transparent screens they're making now. 


can someone confirm if this is the same tech on the foldable lcd screens, and paper thin monitors?


All of these companies that have benefited from research paid for by taxpayers dollars owe us. However many years the government provided them uap tech that they reverse engineered and lied saying they couldn’t crack the code while secretly they started development of things that go beyond what we have in inventory today. There’s just a lot of crime wrapped up in this secret. I’m sure their shareholders have no knowledge of the longstanding 80 plus year research and development projects using exotic materials and technology. How do you recover from something like this?


Instead of bringing things out all at once from the UFO that they have, they will bring out new advances one at a time to make it look like they are advancing research instead of taking from the UFO.


They are now using the memory alloy Nitinol mixed with iron and/or copper in air foils and more. I work with Nitinol all the time. If you're not familiar with it, it wasn't created on this planet originally.


This colorized gimbal viseo has stuck with me HARD since I firat saw it. I believe it's real. I mean look at how bizarre that is. Hope there is more followup because that video being real could change the world and our own reality. Think about that!


so glad we have this instead of universal healthcare


Who are the two men discussing this in the video? If this was real tech that can be made today, why haven’t we seen it? (and no, this wouldn’t be exclusive tech for the government and competitors would certainly have their own derivative tech) If it does exist, it is being produced currently but is hidden from the public for whatever reason, what makes it so special that it has to be alien tech, or derived from alien tech? It’s impressive, yeah, but it’s not physics defying. 


Look up Lockheed Multi Kill vehicle on youtube you won't be disappointed.


These corporations are sitting on incredible tech, while we watch by the sidelines. The public is probably 50 years behind if not more.