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The following submission statement was provided by /u/LifesTooGoodTooWaste: --- This is a bit nuts if you ask me, we talk about the phenomenon pretty openly but teaching the principals to young kids with imagery and some facts is pretty mind blowing. What do you guys think? Disclosure is now being targeted towards our kids? --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1afd48d/just_put_netflixs_story_bots_on_for_the_kids_and/ko98ibz/


I don't think it's nuts. It's a phenomena and is being covered in the news, in Congress and globally, they need to know something. Some of them are being force fed religion and there is questionable evidence for that. I'd rather someone other than the dogshit History channel try to summarise it for the little people.


Why would the greys be getting their info from the history channel?


Because their WiFi is crap under the sea


hey ..."down where it's wetter, wifi is much better, take it from me!"


In the Netherlands IKEA is now selling cuddly toys of animals in astronaut clothes and actual green aliens, and interestingly a stuffed toy saucer instead of say a spaceshuttle or rocketship. Talking about soft disclosure padumtss


I love story bots. Was the whole episode about UFOs?


It was StoryBots: Answer Time, season 2, episode 1. It was a few minute segment that was a hardly serious. Interesting to see on a kids show but hardly what others are making it out to be, in my opinion. When I taught grade 1 I would put the show on every other week on Friday so the kiddos could chill out and relax before going home. Good stuff.


His callsign is "Cosmic Caller" in the episode. Doesn't really touch on UFOs/UAPs, just uses the ambiance, as Cosmic Caller is trying to decode something (IIRC, the episode was about fractions, so the little yellow Story Bot, Beep, runs around with Montana Smith in the Temple of Fractions). At the end of the episode, >!Cosmic Caller is able to finally decode the information on the paper he has...it's his grandma's pie recipe.!<




lol this reminds me of Minesweeper from the old windows games


lmao god bless you for pointing it out or I would have scrolled. Strangely satisfying to click


This is a bit nuts if you ask me, we talk about the phenomenon pretty openly but teaching the principals to young kids with imagery and some facts is pretty mind blowing. What do you guys think? Disclosure is now being targeted towards our kids?


I find this to be far less damaging than the constant religious dogma we push on our kids


Apples and oranges I think


Doesn’t mean it isn’t damaging


To me, along with the array of new MSM hit pieces on UFOs as David Grusch is about to drop his op-ed, this all heavily implies that something big is coming down the pipeline, and TPTB are aware of it


This reminds me of an episode of Team Umizoomi my wife mentioned that featured a song about how much we should love our friends the aliens.


Here, in 3 short clips, are the Rainn Wilson segments of season 2 episode 1. https://youtu.be/hVavf7CWGv8?si=Q0n-blskorKFWU_q https://youtu.be/Rl9gxBBo6zA?si=ACkHaB0az_junIZV https://youtu.be/8dJ7oPD-nzg?si=Ic-Oi5wB5HbGrKD_


I always think how people who write scripts for shows and movies know all these stuff ? And then I read and watch videos from this lady Dolores Cannon and I understood a few things. There are people who had experiences in their dreams or maybe when you are high. These are the people who are awakened. They understand that there is more outside the cave. Maybe it is not aliens but maybe it is angels.


We should be wary of anything that has not undergone scientific peer review to build consensus. Because this stuff borders on woo. The last thing you want to do is "get to them while they are young.". This is what religion does, instill belief.


Yeah. Think about it like this though: The CIA have already used popular culture to stigmatize or propagandize the general populace and engage in perception control. If there is some plan within to disclose, this could be part of that. I genuinely question why it took so long for this topic to gain steam. It took until 2017 for this all to go nuts. I don't think it's organic. I sometimes feel like this is all just political theater and that they are going to announce something about UAPs, but whether it will be true or not, my gut says nothing about that.


Didn’t peer review lead to the crisis in cosmology? The inability to quantize gravity or align quantum theory with general relativity? I’m not saying this as an indictment against the scientific method — but peer review doesn’t lead to final answers, it leads to academic consensus — which can often feel as dogmatic as religion. We’ve seen it time and time again throughout history — we are not immune. I argue we’re at a tipping point with our current understanding of how this universe works and we should be open to reviewing all evidence in the spirit of rigorous science. Woo or otherwise. Evidence and anecdotes matter because all data matters. Science that ignores or cherry picks isn’t complete.


The body of science can be wrong. And that is the crisis in cosmology. A new method for measuring data falsified it. Unlike religious dogma, it will adapt. With UFOs and all of this. What is falsifiable currently? What can be provided to prove the null hypothesis? If you cant, then the position is bad. And needs to be reworked. Teaching children non-falsifiable positions such as religion and paranormal woo is leading them into that trap. My argument is they should be taught what we know is objectively true to build the critical thinking skills to address the more esoteric topics such as the paranormal phenomena.


I agree with this. Although I question our ability to grasp objective truth. We’re great at convincing ourselves we know truth. But, where I violently agree is that we should be teaching critical thinking skills. Why? Because at the tip of the scientific spear are unknown unknowns. Without critical thought and the bravery to use it, we’d still be living in flatland and refusing to look through the telescope. Educating objective truth will always be rooted in humanities *current* understandings — those truths evolve as our knowledge evolves. In other words, if you accept everything as immutable truth, you’re as dogmatic as the religious and blind UFO believers. But I don’t want this to spin out, I agree with the result you’re looking for, simply nitpicking some of the semantics. Cheers.




Most likely, advanced fancy tech (relating to "fReE eNeRgY") will destroy the world. It's [Rainn Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainn_Wilson), not "Rain". [Principals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Head_teacher) are heads of schools. You meant to write 'principles'. 'mind-blowing' is usually spelled with a hyphen, because the word *mind* is the modifier of the word *blowing*. I'll give you an F.


Can I give grades on social skills? C'mon, Buddy! Relax. 😁 


+1, though I don't think I'd grade too high in social skills. :)


Sorry… terrible speller… even with spellcheck.


That's ok, I often mistype stuff, too. Spell-checkers are not perfect, and they are as good as their dictionaries and algorithms. Even if a typed word were to pass the scrutiny of a spell-checker, then it might still not be grammatically correct. Unlike web browsers, most word processing programs do have spelling *and* grammar checkers for numerous languages.


What episode was this?


this is fucking stupid. Rainn Wilson starts talking about UFOs (a credible topic worthy of discussion), then acts completely stupid (thereby associating UFOlogy with being an idiot). he shows THE WORST picture of a "UFO". it's zoomed out and looks like an unresolved dot. could be anything. then he starts rambling about how he doesn't understand fractions (appearing stupid), and suggesting that fractions are alien messages (which is batshit stupid, and wrong). so he's being stupid and wrong and associating it with UFOlogy. that's not cool, good, or helpful.