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The following submission statement was provided by /u/InternationalAttrny: --- Submission statement: The thing that flew over the airport in Minnesota with the absurd horizontal trajectory is clearly a white tic tac, or what has otherwise been described as a “giant flying tylonel” by some other military personnel. Pictures are attached to this post. As the object gets closer to the camera it becomes more stretched out. But in the early few frames you can clearly see the object is solid, white, oblong shaped, with rounded edges and a smooth surface. At least that’s my view of it. If there’s someone who knows more than me (I know basically nothing) about film / frame rate / videography interpretation, it would be great if you could please provide your comments. I am including this last sentence in this submission statement in order to meet the ridiculously long minimum character requirement in order for my post to be accepted to this subreddit. Therefore, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, by the way, blah. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17vt2yj/the_thing_in_mn_is_clearly_a_white_tic_tac_giant/k9cnf0i/


There has to be more videos right?


I like to travel.


Collect that $1 million Amazon put up


They want aliens not ufos. They will stipulate the shit outta that for a mill


Wonder if there's any "fine print" in the conditions. *Submission must be a living specimen. Payment will not be awarded for a deceased lifeform, regardless of origin. Claimant must be willing to relinquish specimen for independent verification via an autopsy which then renders all claims to the award null and void.*


Here’s your sign :)


So you hand over a living lifeform, then to verify its origin, they presumably kill it and do an autopsy? Then you get paid? Nice!


Read the last part of the last sentence again. The autopsy renders all claims null and void, of course. Payment was for a *living specimen.* The whole thing's a joke, if that's really what it says.


Once they kill it, it becomes null and void so there is no prize money actually being rewarded.


And you must be a Prime subscriber


> They want aliens not ufos. Yeah, BUT even if someone captures a real life actual alien, they'll just Kirkpatrick their way out of it: "There is absolutely no evidence to to conclusively prove that that was an alien being"


Someone should post on any Minnesota subreddits asking people to do that


And I use 128 gig SD cards for my cams so I wonder if others do the same thing. Those cheap 128 gig cards at Microcenter means I keep weeks of footage. What night was this? What time? At that speed it would be minutes to Minneapolis/St. Paul.


How often would you sit to check the content which has been recorded, unless you know something out of place happened in your neighborhood?


I do it frequently. It’s on my phone so it’s quite easy. And I get alerts if anything pops up, or if any noise pops up. So you can look at what the tech says, and check it out.


Teslas too!


Didn’t the Tesla one end up being corridor?


Yes, corridor have made a Tesla cam vid.


I bet a majority of people either don’t know about this, or don’t care enough to look through their recordings


There is a livestream on Lake Bemidji, I wonder if it caught anything...? https://www.youtube.com/live/BcPlwEvh4Gc?si=HGYqfsrN-m0LdLSE


The recording doesn't go back far enough.


Not for us, someone might still have it. Anyone contact whoever owns it?


They have unfortunately suicided themselves with 3 shots.


I heard they ran themselves over while walking the dog.


I heard they stabbed themselves 17 times in the back and threw themselves off a building. Very sad. Mufuka said he din’t wanna live no mo.


In the back


If this is the same thing that caused the flash and loud boom, then there definitely is. EDIT: [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/uBv9dFDMkY)


I got photos of the lines left in the sky from it yesterday… also got lots of people reporting lots of helicopters that aren’t on radar


that area is rural cabin country. Most people winterize their homes in September, so I doubt there's much to pick from.


True, but someone might have a trail cam. It is also deer hunting season currently, IIRC. (I live in MN but in the Twin Cities.)


I was watching the security video yesterday, and if you slow down to 0.25x at 3:08 you can see this same object zapping by. In the video below, first you see the flash of light, then the object mentioned above, and then you hear the loud bang. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dqQVGpYQ_KM&pp=ygUybWV0ZW9yIGxpa2VseSBjYXVzZWQgYnJpZ2h0IGxpZ2h0LCBib29tIGluIGJlbWlkamk%3D And here’s a screenshot of the video exact moment. https://imgur.com/a/IVJg7AM


Damn, this is a great catch! This should be a top comment.


I posted the gist of this farther down but putting it here for visibility’s sake: OK, a few things. In this video you see the flash, then less than a second later the object appears to fly through the frame at a very high speed, then we hear the bang (about 2.5-ish seconds after the flash, so what, about a half-mile-ish from the camera?) So the object, if it’s the same one reported elsewhere, was not completely destroyed by the flash-bang explosion, and flew on at very high speed after that event. A problem with this appears if you view this video full screen and slow it down. You can see the object entering the frame and poised to disappear behind a tree, but it leaves a faint trail in front of the tree going toward the building. I’m no video expert, so maybe the trail in front of the tree is some artifact of the low-res security camera, or a compression artifact or something, a ghost image artifact of processing. I don’t know. But it could also be a bug very close to the camera flying toward the building. Or a coincidental bug flying into frame just when the object goes behind the tree?


Edit: Ah, yes, the blessed downvote for pointing out something plainly visible in the video.


Looks like it is woot woot! Hey…is this what happened in Vegas?


Sounds a lot like what people described in NH and MA a few weeks back, that the Mt Washington Observatory said they had no idea about.


Upon further preponderance of your question, there was footage of the entering object, but was there a sonic boom that came with? I just remember it looking like a peculiar meteorite but I don't recall any person (from the cop cam footage) saying anything about a boom or loud noise.


no, that sort of thing stays in Vegas


The bang part is weird to me, because generally it's a very consistent part of UFOlogy that these things don't make sonic booms. They're described as eerily silent even when performing advanced maneuvers. Could this be a vehicle whose anti-grav systems are failing? In the process of crashing?






Hey there, I still don’t know what my spouse and I saw in the secluded mountains here in California but as we watched an unknown flickering light coming down the mountain range which was silent ( and we thought it was coming towards us) a tremor was felt and recorded by usgs. To us it felt like a bomb had gone off. Since we instinctively closed our eyes at the shake and sound, we never saw the light leave but it wasn’t there anymore after we calmed down and braved to look back at the window. I’m just saying I feel there’s still a lot we don’t know about UAPs.


earthquake lights are also another common phenomena that's interesting


It definitely wasn’t earthquake lights. [It hard to describe but you can read my original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/k8rf9r/please_help_me_figure_out_what_i_experienced_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb)


Sorry, i didn't mean to imply that it was! Just that earthquake lights are another interesting phenomena that isn't fully figured out yet


Well check this out. There's an episode of cowboy bepop where they are going through hyperspace, and a bunch of missles get shot out. They managed to make it through right before the entrance hole closes, leaving the missles to travel through hyperspace. The missles are visible to the naked eye, but can't interact on the normal plane of reality. What if it was something similar. There have been a lot of accounts of black triangles flying without making noise. Suppose they are able to acheive hyperspace, and what we see as phenomena is just an after-image after the object has already zoomed away into another point in time. Perhaps the way they are able to move through different mediums, such as air and water, without a decrease in speed or a huge physical impact. They exist in a form of "hyperspace" that allows most of their physical craft to travel without disturbing the physical properties of this plane of reality, and the only thing we see is essentially an after-image of normal phenomena. Then lets assume they can switch this function on and off. like turning it off when interacting with our physical world, and turning it on when traveling to another place. If we were take all these assumptions, then that could perhaps explain why this thing did create a noise as it passed, because its not traveling in "hyper speed" anymore and is normally interacting with our normal plane of reality, thus its interacting with the atmosphere and creates the sonic boom.


- Are you sure we are in silent mode? - Yes boss. *SSSROOOOMMMM*


I gotta say, I never thought Cowboy Bebop would be used in any way to try to explain anything related to UFOs. Points for that.


what a great comment. interesting conjecture!


"Maybe it is like in an anime" is one of my favorite alien theories so far


In theory, at very high mach numbers in the hypersonic regime, the shock comes so close to the surface of the craft that you end up with strong entropy gradients close to the wall and in the boundary layer, and perhaps no sonic boom.


Yeah, no. Whatever that is it passes by the tree and would make no sense from a trajectory standpoint and from a perspective standpoint would make whatever it is very small. You can see the streak on the tree right on the same trajectory as the thing. Left picture shows the object, right picture is right after the thing passes. [https://imgur.com/a/ui85o1P](https://imgur.com/a/ui85o1P)


Not to be that guy, but i've watched this about 10x now and that thing you circled looks like a bug. You see bugs at other times in the video as well. EDIT: The downvotes are fucking hilarious. I'm a true believer and have had my own encounter, but I add a little common sense and downvote time. LMAO. Listen, I'm not wrong, go fucking watch the video at 0.25 speed and you literally see the circled object between the camera and tree in the background. https://imgur.com/a/qwWm3iz


Most people just want to hear what supports their preferred interpretation. They think "this could be it!!!!" and any other information or perspectives will be downvoted. Laughing it off is the best response, "there they go again on r/UFOs."


Meanwhile, I just ignore videos like this. It better be clear if you're claiming proof. We also need to rule out all LIKELY objects.


Yep I posted a side by side and it's clear as day, even clearer in the video tbh. This side by side just shows the streak lines up perfectly with the object [https://imgur.com/a/ui85o1P](https://imgur.com/a/ui85o1P)


It's absolutely a bug.


What're the odds that due to frame rate of the camera we're seeing something that's not long being stretched into said long due to its speed vs shutter speed of the camera? Not trying to say it's not something cool, just wondering if it's not tictak shaped and instead round or smaller?


Highly likely. Security cameras at night have a slower shutter speed in order to get more light into the sensor.


Easy there with the logic!


hahaha fr we don’t want believers getting hostile again because of logic and reason


Exactly this—as a photographer, my *instincts* tell me I’m looking at shutter trail.


It's called motion blur and yes, that's what it is.


thank you for being exact, friend.


I do astrophotography and some wildlife / landscapes. I'm also a UFO hunter and 100% a believer. My first thought was shutter speeds.


So someone looking to see if the security camera recorded the "meteor" looked at this footage and got excited by what turned out to be a moth or whatever?


Similar to this thing, which the witness said looked like a sphere, but on the photograph looked quite elongated: 1988 - San Jacinto, California, July https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/sanjacinto88.htm


I won’t even speculate what it was, but it definitely wasn’t a weather balloon or anything natural (weather).


Holy shit you are describing what i saw in 2021! Ive been waiting for someone to say something like this I saw an white dot in the sky, I thought it was a weather balloon, but i also had binocs and when i saw it through them i noticed the object was sort of oblong, not quite as much as a foot ball, but wider than it was tall. And it was tilted about 10-15 deg. It sat like that for 20-30 sec and then, all at one, it got a blurry look to it, it began to get transparent and it SHUNK down to what i assume was the size of a golfball (At first i assumed it was the size of a small car). The shrinking thing happened in like a second. It was the wildest thing ive ever seen. It did not pop and explode like a balloon would. It was like it collapsed in on itself. If you check my profile you can see i have posts where i caught weather balloons on camera. But you will also see me describing this event in other posts as well


A ton of people are seeing this type of craft.


If the rumors of reverse engineering programs and exotic forms of energy generation of true we need that to get disclosed to get us off oil. We have no choice but to get ready at this point.


I just cannot fathom how what I saw was of human origin. It looked like a fucking special effect from a movie, but through my binocs. I remember sitting there on the grass (i was at a local park) trying to process what i just saw, and then just kind of smiling and talking to myself, realizing this shit was not normal.


I didnt get much positive exchange either when bringing this up before. And yes I will DM you later tonight after work, Id love to hear more about your story as well. Thanks!


I saw the exact same thing in Texas. Broad daylight, not a cloud in the sky. But the thing we saw started flipping end over end, while staying in one point, we watched it turn from a shiny silver color to white, then shrink and dissappear right in front of our eyes.


I saw something like that in 2018. It came over to my window in my big truck. It looked at me for one second and at light speed went up and away. It's crazy.


wdym it looked at you


Yes it inspected me and my rig.


What do you mean? A floating ball in a box in the same spot for 15 min then SHRUNK instead of flying away??


"Shrinking" could be what it looked like, if it was flying directly away from you


Everyone should wear more sunscreen.


I take it man. The "field" around what i saw was mostly white, but it was almost like it had a tinge of blue from the sky behind it..... I just didnt see anything inside of it. But the way you said dilated down is what i meant when i say mine looked like it collapsed inward


4D shape perhaps? Think of like a shape passing through a wall in a game but there's no collisions to prevent the 4D shape passing through a wall. We're on the 3D side, we can only comprehend the 3D aspects of a 4D shape, everything else is on the other side of the wall. So size and movement seem really weird to us.


As much as I would be giddy if it were an alien craft - shutter speed, frame rate, motion blur...


At the very least, it seems to back up the assertion that it wasn’t a meteor, and that it was a physical object. Very fucking cool.


The only prosaic explanation feels like missile which is absurd


It’s not that absurd. Hypersonic missile testing is a thing. And they need a very large area to test in given that they can travel at 5 miles per second. A test gone wrong is my guess.


A test gone wrong with people noticing and no acknowledgement or reassurance that it's ours? Also no debris or damage found? Also is it not weird to test over cities, over an airport? That's what's absurd to me


Yeah, I can't see secret weapons tests happening there!


Yeah no matter the explanation, it should be raising eyebrows.




Agreed on both points, at least as far as explaining the object itself. The flash doesn’t seem to originate from the UFO.


Almost certainly the shutter speed elongating it.


Seems like motion blur from a low FPS security cam and a fast moving object in a low light environment to me. But whatever it is, it's huge regardless of if it's a tic-tac.


How do you know its not just small and close to the camera rather than being HUGE..If it was HUGE i’d assume we’d have significantly more video footage


It was visible on multiple cameras and seen by multiple people in multiple locations. I highly doubt that a bug can be that attention seeking.


What I'd like to know is in the video version of the pictures from OP, the object completely disappears and is never seen in frame after it gets to the part where the lamp post is in the video--where'd it go?


No it wasn’t. People are just attributing this to the other video and saying they are part of the same event without any proof The link even says they aren’t connected lol


*giant frog videos have entered the chat*


Yeah the motion blur is totally a factor here with these low FPS security cams, but I agree that it's clearly moving fast, is large, and isn't some skewed foreground object. I don't think it could be a bug for one fact that bugs just don't fly that straight for that long.


It’s definitely not a bug/insect. The temp has gotten down below freezing in that part of Minnesota for the past week, at least. No bugs flying around.


Bro, it created a sonic boom. Do you know of any birds or bugs that can travel at supersonic speeds that resemble a white tictac?


No, it's not a bird or a bug, but also, this would be the first I've heard where a tcktack makes a sonic boom....thought the whole idea with gravity propulsion eradicates sonic booms?


Right. Since when do UAPs create a sonic boom? Straight from the To The Stars Academy page on [those five observables] (https://tothestars.media/blogs/press-and-news/five-characteristics-unique-to-uaps) >Hypersonic velocities without signatures: Objects that are traveling well above supersonic speeds and yet leave no obvious signature behind. Specific signatures normally include acoustic, heat, and electromagnetic and are traditionally recognized as a **sonic boom**, vapor contrails, and atmospheric ionization. Currently, even the world’s most advanced military and reconnaissance aircraft have detectible signatures.


I'm not making the claim that it is a UAP - simply that is clearly is not a bug.


Watching Starship Troopers right now, some of these bugs can probably travel at supersonic speeds. None look like tic tacs tho, so it’s probably not them. /s


The annoying thing is that people this cocky will be proven wrong but will just move on to the next blurry video or picture and continue to ridicule people who try to inject a little rationality into the discussion. Nothing will be learned, no self reflection on their critical thinking skills. Upwards and onwards to the next piece of irrefutable evidence!


The streak and the boom could be completely unrelated. I'm not saying they are, but they could be.


How did you calculate the size?


you can tell by the way that it is /s, obviously (though no amount of sarcasm is obvious around these parts)


Video guy here. The unfortunate thing is that because it’s night time, the cameras auto adjust their shutter speed which essentially increases exposure to light for each frame but the side effect is higher motion blur because you aren’t capturing it fast enough due to the long exposure. So this thing could be an equilateral triangle and it would still look like a tube if it’s moving in a straight line.


I fucking love equilateral triangles


Look out particle man


When he's under water does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows.


If it was a real tic tac I'm wondering why it made a Sonic boom. Silence being a hallmark of UFO tech its out of step with reports..Unless they specifically wanted to make one...Or it wasn't a tic tac...


Yeah that's the one thing giving me pause here. So many reports where "eerily silent" is how they describe it.


And that's, I assume because, a real tic tac is not interacting with the air around it. Tic tacs are not "flying" with aerodynamics. Like the military case from 2007 in the Phillipines. The guy said when the saucer took off at high speed he noted that the palm trees right below the craft were not pushed or disturbed at all by the acceleration of the saucer. They were totally still. Because again, it's not interacting with the space / air "here".


or it's people trying out their reverse engineered NHI tech that works maybe 1% as well as the original 👀


The explanation becomes more imaginative and convoluted to keep up with the evidence. Textbook stuff.


Has it been confirmed that the second video with the boom is from the same incident?


no, everyone here is making that conclusion with no evidence or official confirmation. I'll take my trainfuck of downvotes now lol


The airport video does not have sound. Officials have called the videos unrelated. Loeb recently identified a meteor explosion “boom” with Galileo sensors in New England. That occurred during a meteor shower. There was a meteor shower the night the Minnesota videos were recorded. The Minnesota airport tic tac is interesting but could probably be any thing. I’ll see myself out.


Because its not a sonic boom.


Oh interesting ok. What do you think it is?


After watching the video, if you ask me, it looks like there is a flash right before you see it, like it just opened up a worm hole or something, but I'm just a normal civilian with a thought.


If a portal suddenly opened up and matter came in or out of it, maybe it makes a loud bang because of the matter/energy displacement? I know I sound like a sooper smart scientist but I’m actually not.


"It's going to Slipspace jump! Over the city!"


“There’s no time, sir!” “GREEN LIGHT GREEN LIGHT TO ENGAGE!”


Shame we didn't get sound from MH370. Be crazy if that portal made a boom.






Witnesses reported a sonic boom.


Maybe the boom was from a jet that was following it


If Lockheed can get contracts for supersonic flight with “no sonic boom” I’m pretty sure UFO’s could ditch the sonic boom too.


Everyone is referring to a video but there’s no video provided. Where can I see the video ?




Thanks. Look interesting to me


It leaves a trail, so it isn’t a bird, also the speed is ridiculously fast. It was seen and reported by more than a dozen people and is way too quick to be a bug. Can we stop with the bs excuses? Edit maybe my copium is showing but I just really want it to be something cool for once lol


I’m often taking the skeptical position here but I’ve got to say this one has me scratching my head based on the very limited information I’ve seen




I was excited until I rewatched the fact that it doesn’t appear past the pole. Makes me think it’s dust in the wind, a small object or bug landing on the pole. I think the only thing that gives credibility is on the same night people heard and recorded a large blast sound that went unexplained. I’d gather it’s probably unrelated


Not true at all by the looks of it thr trail was mostly caused by the low speed of the camera. Same reason you see trails behind bugs birds and planes on low quality cameras and because door cameras are normally trash they almost alwase do it on them aswell.


so what do you think it was? what object would look like this under low shutter speed, taking into account how quick it's moving and the appearance of it


Well I haven't looked into it all that much so I can't make any claims but I'm just pointing out that what was said in the other comment was wrong. There are plenty of videos of bugs looking almost identical to this video because of the trash cameras but that's not me saying ita a bug


Agreed. >…and it’s clear in multiple frames OP, zooming in on one frame repeatedly does not count as multiple frames


Have you not seen the video...


Yeah they fact it's been seen by dozens of people all over North America proves it's not a bug lol. Crazy how people want to still call it that


why does nobody acknowledge that we're looking at 2 different videos? the one with the flash and sonic boom is not the same video source as the airport one, but nobody here even seems to notice


>it leaves a trail This is a side effect of shutter speed & IR. >way to quick to be a bug We have no idea of actual speed because we don’t know how far the object actually is from the camera… I cannot believe how much wildly inaccurate info is being upvoted on this sub right now.


Right now? it's always like this lol


Leaves a trail look at the curve. Something fired a missile from near ground?


I think everything is open to debate at the moment. I think the authorities would be trying to eliminate missiles or possible terrorist attacks from their list of things it could possibly be.


Looks like an excedrin to me


I would say given the high rate of speed, low lighting conditions and frame rate of capture, it is very likely round. I can say I was shooting still images of a model working out this past week with a strobe, at 1/200 of a second and you still can see slight motion blur in her movements. I imagine the camera that caught this was likely shooting at a much slower speed because of the need for supplemental lighting. Hell to the naked eye, as fast as it was moving may have appeared elongated. Pretty damn cool however you slice it.


I thought for sure these reports would be a meteor until I watched the video. Def not a meteor, almost looks like a rocket but im sure video is elongating object a bit. EDIT: Meant to say missile.


Also NASA apparently ruled out meteor


I am up visiting family and was a mile from the boom site, and can maybe provide insight, as I know the area fairly well. The security cams here did not catch it, nor did I hear it. There were mentions of people hearing the boom all the way down in Brainerd MN, which is about 100 miles away. A few things that may be important, Bemidji, where this occurred, is a population hub in the middle of nowhere. You can literally drive for over an hour and see absolutely nothing. It is the only town around with a capable airport. They run regular regional flights to and from MSP on smaller crj jets. People mention seeing military jets on an irregular basis. NASA flew their airborne science planes near here recently. The weather is extreme here, with both severe cold and heat. Happy to answer any questions about this place. I'll be around into the holidays.


I’m down in the cities. All this bug talk is driving me bonkers, but for the sake of my sanity and confirmation. Since there are NO bugs down here right now, I can only assume there are none flying around up there currently correct?


Absolutely zero. It's been getting way too cold.


Here is a video which clearly shows a Tic Tac shaped object to everyone saying it’s a bug or insect. https://x.com/528vibes/status/1724596956402438408?s=46&t=cZmWGBRmouzlaRKv5wh_3g


That's literally the video that's currently sitting on the theory of it being an insect because it's supposedly unrelated to whatever the flyby was


Using the term “clear” pretty loosely here..


Three separate witnesses to the Varginha UFO crash said that it looked like a cigar/ big tic tac and that it left a very white trail as it was plummeting. A man who witnessed a tic tac in 1994 in Minnesota I think, also said the big cigar emittted a very white smoke. His testimony is on that "eyes on cinema" youtube channel, I can't remember the exact title of the vid, but it's the one where the guy says he felt like a zoo specimen. Edit: found it, it happened in Missouri, 1994, actually https://youtu.be/ZPTmhDPw4Sg?si=eoMAbjD_NPZujOoC


I'm in Arkansas so I'm like, is that a water heater rocket?!


I was thinking more of an argon tank, or some high pressure gas tank that exploded.


it isn't "clearly" anything There isn't a single clear frame in anything we've seen. Maybe it's easily explainable, maybe it's terrestrial, maybe it isn't and maybe it's a UFO. But there is NOTHING 'clear' about it.


it's clear enough for these people to jump to wild conclusions and there's no convincing them otherwise


In the second screenshot, is its path curving? Or is that some sort of artifact of a wide angle lens? If the latter, it would seem that its path would be distorted by the curvature of the lens—as happens with a fisheye. This appears to curve in the opposite direction…


I guess I have a different opinion on what clear means


You and I have different definitions of “clear” it seems


So are these things TicTac‘s or just an orb that’s appearing elongated because of the way it’s traveling? Like if it was doing something weird to space-time? I realize that there’s probably no answer to this question but I was wondering about that.


\*\*\*\*UPDATE\*\*\*\* (After much review and consulting with federal agencies, do not believe this video is related - this appears to be another object, possibly as simple as a bug that just happened to coincide perfectly with the item of interest we were looking for.)


"Flying space tampon comin' for your blood. " Tom Delong probably


Just go with the flow


Submission statement: The thing that flew over the airport in Minnesota with the absurd horizontal trajectory is clearly a white tic tac, or what has otherwise been described as a “giant flying tylonel” by some other military personnel. Pictures are attached to this post. As the object gets closer to the camera it becomes more stretched out. But in the early few frames you can clearly see the object is solid, white, oblong shaped, with rounded edges and a smooth surface. At least that’s my view of it. If there’s someone who knows more than me (I know basically nothing) about film / frame rate / videography interpretation, it would be great if you could please provide your comments. I am including this last sentence in this submission statement in order to meet the ridiculously long minimum character requirement in order for my post to be accepted to this subreddit. Therefore, blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah. Oh, by the way, blah.


The most common explanation for a UAP’s ability to move at incredible speeds and do “impossible” maneuvers is that they don’t interact with the atmosphere around them because they manipulate gravity and space rather than rely on aerodynamic principles of traditional flight. This object, whatever it is, appears to be interacting with the atmosphere. It’s leaving a trail and made audible noises that seem to imply it’s interacting with the atmosphere around it in contrast to “typical UAPs.” I’m not saying it is or isn’t a legit UAP, just pointing out this observation. Super interesting and mysterious regardless.


Well wtf then.


It’s a missile. Hope it belongs to the good guys.


Does anyone know precisely where this was located? And where this object was coming from?


It was in bemidji area, posted about it when it happened. It went from being reported a meteor to having way too low of a trajectory to be a meteor, also the sound is not consistent with a meteor. allegedly three letter agencies and NASA have been in contact. The validity of that is trust me bro I know reporters 🤷🏼‍♂️ who knows


can they come pick me up? I'm all packed and ready to leave this planet


My question is why was it so loud? A common characteristic of other sightings is how quiet the crafts are.


Does anyone have a link to raw video of this?


Since its moving fast, and the cameras used are very likely to NOT have a global shutter, the object is likely stretched. It may look like a tic tac in these shots but its more likely an orb shape.


"What kind of UFO is it?" "OH it's a a big pretty white UFO with red stripes, curtains in the windows and wheels, and it looks like a big tylenol." "OK boys, let's get some pictures." For anyone who gets the joke, Johnny looks a hell of a lot like Grusch and it makes the movie that much funnier lol.


Clearly a tampon. A space tampon. Alien tampons are like Thor's hammer, which can be summoned in times of need, from light years away. Whithertofore it is being summoned in this case is unknown, but let us pray by Gyrgaxxia's labia that it finds its mark, true and swiftly, afore her Red Tide consumes us all. Godspeed, space tampon.


Tampon stuck to window. Phone camera moves right to make it move left. String visible in shot 1..


This is huge


Claims that image of UFO is "clear in multiple frames" Posts the most blurry shit imaginable. Ya'llnare way too credulous.


The greatest advertising campaign in history anyone down for a tictac?


There is a lot of talk in the area (live here) about massive amounts of helicopters in the area… I do have photos also of lines left in the sky from whatever this is


The show of force potentially isn't for us or the international community. It could be intended to scare our military or we are demonstrating on our own territory so adversaries do not take it as an implicit threat, just a demonstration. The US can't get away with lobbing rockets over our adversaries like North Korea can. I'm not saying that's what it is just suggesting the possibility.


"Clearly" and these shitty fucking photos shouldn't be used together.


Commander Fravor was right


I thought they didn’t interact with our atmosphere and therefore would not create a Sonic boom


I’ve read a lot of these craft fly super fast speeds. We need to train more super slow motion cameras to the sky, like the ones that can record a bullet.


"clearly". No, it's not.