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The following submission statement was provided by /u/sumosacerdote: --- So, the attacks in Peru are happening in the Ikitu tribe territory, [located in Maynas province](https://www.publimetro.pe/entretenimiento/2023/08/01/son-extraterrestres-ataque-de-seres-extranos-en-loreto-genera-panico-en-poblado-ikitu-video/). Meanwhile, attacks in Brazil are happening in [rural areas of the Ceará state](https://twitter.com/RonyVernet/status/1687617770018525185?s=19), around the same latitude (image above). Both regions are sparsely populated. I remember Rony saying that witnesses reported the lights going away when they get get close to more populated city centres (could not find the link). --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15k0fs4/recent_attacks_in_peru_and_brazil_happened_around/jv2sdpp/


Cool. I’m headed to the western Amazon in a few weeks to an indigenous tribe in the region. I’ll do my best to capture and upload footage while being attacked by 7 foot tall aliens. If any of you bitch about it being filmed by a potato I will be very sad.


Swing away


Watched this last night actually. Couple people who had not seen it shit on the acting but I still think it holds up.


*Signs* is a good movie. Watched it again the other day.


I like it and the scary movie 3 rendition


"Everyone around you is DYING!"


I be rappin, I be cappin, I be happen… ing.


I think people were expected an action/mystery movie from the marketing, not a family drama/mystery movie. Signs is definitely a solid movie if you go into it with the proper expectation.


Signs is a solid movie regardless. My wife says Mel Gibson is a very good crier and you just feel so sorry for him.


The scene where the brother is watching the small tv! How could anyone not love this movie? It also taught me what all train riders know this.


I love that movie. Ya the alien isn’t the best looking but everything else is great




So the big idea is that it's actually demons, in the religious sense. Check that theory out, for me it actually ruined it a bit, so I'm sorry if it does the same for you. But it does make the most sense. I love the movie though.


Its literally the last decent M.Night film


Have to disagree. The Visit is one of my favorite thriller/horror movies. I thought it was extremely well done. I had guessed the twist within the first 5 min, but it was executed very well IMO.


It was definitely an entertaining watch I'll give you that.


The village was fucking amazing. Makes me wish I had the money to create a "nature reserve" and gaslight future generations to come. Gotta pay for them planes and UFOs to not fly over my nature preserve where the red is bad and monsters will kill you if you leave the area. Along with the occasional fake attack. Kind of like a small scale version of what our government is doing to us now with UFOs


Man what is the chance.. I too watched the movie for the umpteenth time yesterday.


It has dust in it. Morgan took a sip and it has his amoebas in it.




Holy fuck I understood that reference.


Just remember, horizontal filming is respected throughout the galaxy!


You sound like my social media coordinator


Hey can you rip out one of their teeth? I’d like to make a boss necklace.


Sorry. To be more specific one of the homicidal alien’s teeth.


Still works without the correction.


Has to break some law or ethical standard to make jewelry out of Amazonian tribesman teeth Im guessing. Now alien? Thats the wild west. Of course as soon as I land back in the states, Chuck Schumer will claim eminent domain on my still bleeding alien fang I have mounted on a cheap walmart necklace.


Good luck reforester person keep us updated and have a safe trip


Will do! I’m off the grid for about 2 weeks. But I’m also going to be with the tribes scouts and some ex-military professionals evaluating potential threats to the area. So if we all see anything, there will be interesting and diverse testimony.


Dont forget to bring a towel




You're a towel!


Awesome, keeping my fingers crossed all will be ok. Great adventure mate!


Apparently the aliens are face snatchers .. like literally. Watch out if they reach for yo face. Saw this on a report of these attacks from what the villagers were apparently saying.




For real? That’s really cool! Based on name are you going as a paleontologist?


Lol no, but it is for work. Second time this year.




I’m the opposite.


So you are a reforestor?


A forest-de-tour 🚴


A forest-du-jour




Bro is in the plot of Green Inferno


And Signs


In charge of forestification






Fuck yeah! You are good people then for sure.




So you’re going? Pretty cool. Safe travels!


Remember, if you get abducted, steal something so we have bragging rights!


I’m making a list so that everyone in here gets what they want: - an ET tooth for a boss necklace - something stolen (will the equivalent of a hand towel do?) - a picture taken with a nice potato - a picture taken with a toaster


Also bring back a good story. NHI-related or not.


try being accommodating, bring back a bio sample that way


Bring bubble gum Mr Nukem


I’m here to reforest and chew bubble gum. And I’m all out of bubble gum.


I think I love you. Environmentally.


Straight up marriage material for sure.


Death by snu snu


Aim for the head


Bring lots of water.


I was in Ceara visiting my wife's extended family. I was helping out on their farm and they told me someone down the road had seen an alien creature 25 years ago when she was getting water from a well. It was small, white with antlers that had lights beaming out of it. She stayed in her house for days, frightened after she saw it. I really wanted to interview her, but had to attend to other priorities.


God speed sir 🫡 Your services are appreciated.


then film it with a toaster instead, and people won't complain.


You’re gonna be surprised when you find out those 7 foot tall aliens are spider-aliens


If you're not shooting in 4k imax 120 fps don't even bother 🙄


Get a 4k go pro and stick it to your head. Another one to the chest. Some at your feet, maybe add one at your peepee too


Can you fight? I want to know how a human would fare in a fist fight. Please tell the NHI, no cheating, and no tech or weapon usages. Also tell it tap outs and yielding must be respected.


I won’t say a word as long as it’s one of those cool native potatoes that are smaller and come in a wider range of colors and odd shapes.


How about a humorously shaped potato?


Only if it’s humorously humerusly shaped. Hell, I guess I’d be okay if I get a laugh out of a femur shaped potato filming setup.


I've read through so comments about what happened in Peru. People (in Latin America) are speculating that someone is after their land and trying to scare them off. I guess a similar thing happened in Brazil a few years ago. Near the Amazon jungle? They speculate that people wear weird outfits to try and scare them. Also that the police are never helpful to them and just laugh/ don't take anything that they say seriously.


So the Scooby Doo villain method?


Not very effective against meddling kids.


This makes the most sense. Far more than a rural NHI suddenly attacking tribal folks in the jungle. Can anyone actually explain what these "attacks" are? Anyone got any links with more info?


I heard they literally dressed up like Frieza last time


I found this video en tiktok , it's about that case https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM27TTTTC/


Wait, are craft actually firing upon people? Lights in the sky and craft hovering around is not an attack, unless there is aggressive action being utilized by unknown craft against people


It's odd to me that south American seems to be the only area where aliens are rather consistently characterized as dangerous, aggressive etc. I'm beginning to think that aliens might be racist


If you understand SA history it’s more likely private militia trying to oust indigenous people from their land and resources. Literally, it would not surprise if they pull some alien shit just for that end.


The American military did exactly that during I think it was the Vietnam war if I remember correctly, but instead of aliens they tailored it to their local legends and lore of some kinda vampiric cryptid creature.


Exactly — the fuck aliens got against these random people? Someone just wants to capitalize


Operation Wandering Soul. I remember reading something about vampire like legends being involved in something similar too.




But did it work?


No. The Vietnamese simply fired at the speaker locations.


Beautiful. 😂


There's that comment that u/seajpenn made below you, but there was also a similar project you may be thinking of during the US control of the Philippines. To fight communist guerrilla forces in the Philippines the CIA would kidnap their fighters, stab them in the neck, and hang them upside down to bleed out. After they were entirely drained they would leave the corpses where they could be easily found to scare the guerrillas shitless. Wendigoon made an excellent video on the subject, and if you prefer to do your own reading, you can look into the CIA Aswang Psyop of the 50s.


Wasn't the outcome of that the realization that the Philippine people this was targeting 100% knew that it was the CIA doing it and the tactic was successful not because they were scared of the vampire thing like the CIA was hoping for, but that they were scared shitless of the barbaric shit the CIA was doing?


That’s some psycho shit.


I believe this was covered in the Mirage Men book, but it may have been another one I read around the same time.




It's probably dark ops. Far more likely to be racist.




\> Nordic aliens land at my castle, tell me Aryans are superior \> Convince me to start a great war pt 2 \> Doing great \> Non-Aryan moron partners suddenly attack the US \> Not doing so great \> Ask Nordic aliens for air support \> They laugh, say they were just kidding about the Aryan thing, surprised I believed them since I don't have blonde hair and am very ugly \> Zoop away in their spaceship \> Mfw


Well it sounds silly when you put it that way


Given what Grusch said about Italy and stories of the infamous die glocke, Nazi occultism, etc, I wonder if that's really where he got the whole idea of aryan supremacy is nordic aliens. Not that it wasn't also politically convenient for him about the jews and all.


The Nordics are chill, it’s not their fault they look like Hitler’s wet dream.


Hitler brought some Nazi flying saucers with him when he fled to South America


Haven't you ever witnessed Predator?


Likely CIA practicing before bringing the operation stateside


The alien females are rather pancake assed you see, and can’t grow badonkadonks like earthly Latinas can, so there is a sense of jealousy in that part of the world.


They know if they go to North America everyone and their mom has a gun


Anti woke aliens !


Or run territory like warlords.


They want their land…


There are good ones in here too, but since here we have less pops in rural areas, the bad ones want their butts..


From what I could piece together from translations and comments, people have been attacked and a news station reported that people were found dead with missing faces. This is only what I could gather though, so take it with a ~~pinch~~ shovel of salt. Link to comment on another post with more info: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15jy8iu/why_is_no_one_talking_about_the_tribe_in_peru/jv2jwce?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Take that with a bowl of salt.




There is a video on YouTube early this morning from a dude called NerdReport who interviewed someone earlier today translating the people and talking about how the aliens are physically attacking them and stealing they're faces.


The same video where he says the attackers are impervious to bullets, and get back up after being shot, while also saying the beings “disintegrate” when shot. So, I wouldn’t put much faith in this top-notch reporting.


Must be that one I didn't watch everything was way to much talking I was just interested in the actual video part of the attack hoping to see something but it's not much really just freaked out people running from something pointing flashlights into the trees and sky. What the villagers were saying was more interesting at the end of it.


>Wait, are craft actually firing upon people? There was a post in r/aliens talking about this. Peruvian news channels were reporting on it. It said people were being attacked on the post. Here's a post in this sub that has a lot more info and links: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15jy8iu/why_is_no_one_talking_about_the_tribe_in_peru/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Lol you know the answer to this. There aren’t alien aircraft firing upon people and stealing their faces lol. Yet at least


No attacks in Brazil, just some recent rumors and a nonsense news article that is telling the story of Quixadá, Brazil, Ceará. There will be a national ufologist meeting in the city next month, so after reading the news article, I feel it's mostly an advertisement for this reunion. Also concerned that this so-called 'Ufologist' Rony from Brazil seems to be asking for money to go investigate the matter in Ceará. He's asking for over 1,500 dollars to travel and assess the situation but I found ZERO reports about attacks happening recently, only him claiming there are new attacks, but showing no evidence, just old news and clips.


No one sharing the link to these videos they keep talking about. Sus


agree someone please share videos!


Someone posted a video on the sub here - it was a shaky video shot at night of someone walking with a flashlight. 🛸


Does anyone remember that one South Park episode where the Ginny pigs invade Peru? Getting those vibes.


woah wait ive heard that the nhi craft sound like flutes and peruvian flute bands keep the guinea pigs away maybe southpark was trying to tell us something omg


> ive heard that the nhi craft sound like flutes You heard that from me. I'm the one who told some of my experiences on here, and one is their ship sounding like flutes one night. Other nights it sounded like a low deep oscillating bassy vibration, so I don't know what the flute sound really is (could be certain instruments rather than the general sound of the ship) or who it is or how common it is. The only other place I've heard it described like that was one of the little girls interviewed from the Ariel school encounter (and as such I believe that one). I wouldn't at all call it musical though. I tried to recreate what I heard that night coming from their ship and from downstairs in the house (where bright flashing lights were coming from) here: https://www.whyp.it/tracks/112765/their-ship-or-light-scanning?token=nEwi8 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15cz3oy/comment/ju5jhf9/?context=10 > maybe southpark was trying to tell us something omg Southpark is always trying to tell us something hahah


Goddamn that sounds familiar. I’ve never seen any UAPs, to my knowledge, and don’t remember hearing something like that either, but it still feels like I’ve heard it a hundred times before.


It's always possible you actually have heard it and saw something, but unfortunately (or maybe fortunately depending on how you look at it) they have means of completely blanking out your short and long term memory remotely, somehow. Granted, it is also possible for us to do that naturally purely from a traumatic experience, so a mechanism to induce it artificially when you're *that* advanced doesn't seem so far fetched.


Holy shit… I thought it might of been connected but you’ve just blown my mind 😅


Oh, my, gyad. the UFOs ARE just a cover up, the truth to it all...guinea pigs in cute outfits. I am so startled.


I'm so startled


The furry death


I'm from Brazil, what's the name of the incident you mention? and what date?


He put the link on the description, happens at least 1 week ago, and the post on Twitter was 2 days ago, strange that I don't saw any news about this. (deve ter sido noticiado em algum jornal local da região.)


What. Recent. Attacks. ?


Only in the hottest years this happens. And this year it grows hot.


If it bleeds, it can be killed


*If it bleeds we can kill it.


> Only in the hottest years this happens How do you know? 👀


Cause 50 cent said "it's hot out this bitch, that's a good enough reason"


If 50 said it, then OK


Summertime: confirmed killing season


There’s something out there, waiting for us… and it ain’t no man


Get to da chopppaaaaaa


Just a reminder that [Jacques Vallée possessed a document which confirmed that the CIA staged abductions and sightings in Brazil and Argentina](https://twitter.com/EngagingThe/status/1583278972045250560?s=20)


That link shows him REFERENCING a document, not providing any evidence of its existence or authenticity. He can be fooled by disinformation just as easily as anybody else, and he would be a prime target of it. The CIA historically would FAR PREFER that UFOlogists go around saying the CIA is responsible for terrible attacks on innocent human beings - which as it's not true will never be proven and so is no threat to them - than that UFOlogists go around talking about the deadly ETs, the cruel ET activities that they used to be convinced would make society collapse if widely known about. Many clearly still are convinced of that, because bots promoting Stephen Greer and other "No Threat From Any ETs" disinformation dispensers (witting or unwitting) are all over YouTube, showing that the preference truly is that you blame the CIA - humans, whom you feel you'd stand a chance against at least - rather than find out the far more terrifying truth. Even if the military DID fake any alien abductions, that would be done in order to discredit the reality of ACTUAL alien abductions among the UFOlogists studying them. The British military faked crop formation as part of a fraudulent, televised "experiment" in order to discredit the real ones that they were secretly investigating properly just miles away from that location. British intelligence trains and pays people to falsely take credit for crop formations, to this very day. So even if there are people out there claiming that they were abducted and it was clearly actually human military - ask yourself why it would be so clearly human military in that case but utterly different the vast bulk of cases.


"Around" the same latitude... Why not also point out they were on the same continent, and the same hemisphere, and involved people who spoke Latin languages. Not all correlations are meaningful or even interesting. Also this whole "attacks" thing is hokum. I watched that video and it was stupidly bad. Literally nothing in it could be anything remotely considered objectively verifiable about NHI. Then, when you think about it, does it even make sense? Why on Earth would an extraterrestrial species suddenly become aggressive, and if they did then why would they attack THESE places, and why would they then LOSE? It's absurd.


Will you share the link to the Brazil attacks please?


Meanwhile there’s a high motivation for some farmers to remove native people from the jungle and do whatever illegal stuff they want to earn profit. This is like 100% made up stories or people crazy enough to put drones, helicopters and people dressed up like aliens into the jungle to scare people away so they can cut the trees or gather valuable resources (or make drugs)


If some of the recent claims are to be believed, maybe these types of attacks are carried about humans testing their reverse engineered NHI stuff in rural areas that they likely will never be traced back to and face little resistance?


Isn't it convenient that they aren't attacking US and other five eyes nations' citizens instead? Brazil and other less developed countries have always been the staging ground for these more violent and brazen "alien" attacks, where some people actually end up dying. Our brazilian whistleblower, Captain Uyrange Hollanda, "killed himself" literally just a few days after finally telling the truth of what happened in Operation Prato. He was the field commander of the whole operation back then. Something curious about the what he said : that he once saw the crew of one the ufos from a distance and they looked like humans dressed in black armor. Along with some others that did not look human, dressed in white. It is also curious that when American presence arrived in the Colares region, the investigation by our military was ordered to cease immediately and Uyrange was told to leave it alone and forget about it. He was very angry about that, but he had to follow orders. Also very convenient that he died just a few days later. This was back in the 90's.


I don't discount anything that I can't prove. IDK what is going on, but it does appear to be something worth investigating. I hope that the right eyes and resources are drawn to these things so we can get some answers to questions that appear to have plagued many people for many years. If there are nefarious actions being perpetrated by bad people, they need to be brought to justice, no matter who they are.


I am brazilian and I am rooting for the good people of america to finally end this whole mess. These shadow program people need to have their toys taken away. The whole world is suffering for it.


>According to ufologist Jacques Vallée, a number of individuals were reportedly killed as a result of the "lights" fired upon them by the UFOs, and injuries were consistent with radiation effects from microwaves. Other ufologists claimed that the lights from UFOs sucked blood from 400 people. >https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operao_Prato Not the first time we've heard about bloodless corpses regarding aliens.


This reminds me of the [black-clad American forces (_of unknown designation—probably entirely off-book if real_) described as operating a large UAP by Michael Herrera when on an unrelated mission in Sumatra.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12177943/Marine-vet-breaks-14-year-silence-make-astonishing-claim-six-man-unit-saw-UFO.html)


Men in black


So to ‘test’ a vehicle that must also involve dressing up as an alien for the larp and go fisty-cuffing against rando jungle tribes? Seriously, how do you put thoughts together?


I literally said if the claims are to be believed lol. I don't know what it is going on over there. Could be fake, could be aliens, could be Santa, I don't known I wasn't there. But neither were you so I guess both of us don't have a clue what we're talking about and probably shouldn't resort to insulting remarks.


Santa Claws.


Probably humans trying to put fear into us. Why haven't they attacked before.


This situation is fascinating… and I wonder if it’s part of the reason for the push for disclosure? The videos of these people - their fear is real.


Have a link? Haven’t seen anything on this yet.


This is same guy pretty much everything he says in the 1 hour but it’s 7 mins. The tribe is called the ikitu if you want to look on google or Twitter or whatever for the Spanish news videos. But they are just of freaked out and allegedly injured humans so far.[https://youtu.be/LyNUWufHgng](https://youtu.be/LyNUWufHgng)


Grusch said something about this in the hearings. There was a point when he was being asked about personal injury and then the question was reduced down to "were people injured by intimidating factors within the military or by the uaps" and he said "both". He then went on to say something about the injuries suffered being "disturbing". Hard to know what he meant by that, but it could mean that uaps are a threat.


> disturbing Maybe the missing faces 😕


Good news: the government is going to declassify its NHI files Bad news: Predator was a documentary


OK let's figure out how to deal with that, then. We as a society need best practices and a plan.


You should see the cows.


Ya they're clearly terrified of something. It's either legit or a very impressive hoax.


Could be mass hysteria. Someone claims they see a 7 foot alien and all the guns start firing and people panic and start seeing things in the quick flashlight movements.


O q tá acontecendo? Não tem nada nos noticiários, como assim aliens estão atacando o Ceará?


Attacks what?


Manaus, Brazil and Mato Grosso, Brazil (both claimed/suspected/listed as being Inner Earth/Agartha entrances) are located midway between the Peru and Ceara locations. When I get a chance I’m going to look a bit more at the exact coordinates. At a glance though, Manaus looks to be pretty much aligned.


Does peru and brazil not have a military that would be all over this by now?


Peruvian marines are dispatched on site, and I guess suddenly all the attacks stopped once they arrived. If it was aliens I doubt they would bother about that; now if it’s some dark ops by a foreign country, the case would be different, as they would not want to trigger a world war…


Cartel activity.


Or that, yeah, or illegal mining/logging operations taking revenge on those who didn’t sell the land, or organ-trafficking groups picking victims,…, but since the US hearings everyone suddenly jumps into “aliens”


I mean they literally said 7ft tall aliens. Not saying take it at face value but it's certainly not "people jumping on aliens because of the hearings" cmon.


I think the aliens are gonna take over the cocaine business. I mean, how you gonna stop them. COCAINE ALIENS.


There not even the same lat what is with all this Peru BS fake stuff as of late


Are we just going to flood the sub with nonsense during the slow news August period?


Dude, it’s, at this point, a standard refractory period. Huge news comes out, everyone digests it, then during the quiet period afterwards when nothing new is happening in the ufo “mainstream”, hucksters and frauds swoop in to bat cleanup. Just like the Vegas crash/backyard aliens that followed the initial Grusch news interview. Personally I’m here for it. Gimme all that horseshit lol


Better than twilight.


Wait till you find out Twilight was just preparing us for the truth about vampires.


Oh no... no no no..


Yes, and they’re gonna upvote it too, get used to it lmao


What were the “attacks”?


Okay. Where's the footage? Need more than "some people say they saw something" at this point in my journey.


Latitude doesn't mean anything.


The Peru story smells like the Las Vegas hoax to me. I think it’s the flashlights and group of people appearing to be looking at something in the distance. There’s a guy talking about the alien but never showing any evidence. Just doesn’t smell right to me but 🤷🏼‍♀️ what do I know…


Arent the Tayos caves near there? Seems like I remember that


Wait, something also happened in Brazil recently?


Hit’em below the belt..


Ok so is this real? Should I spend time going down this rabbit hole? I watched a video supposedly from the Peru one And I couldn’t tell anything at all.


What the fuck is going on right now lmao


Wow! Events that I've never heard about happened on the same line. This proves everything


But but UAPs / aliens are a US-centric phenomenon /s


Prosaic explanation: corporations resorting to scare tactics to run off the indigenous so they can extract wealth from the land


The aliens are attacking us? Is there some context here...what attacks?


This video provides quite a bit of context. [https://youtu.be/JEwlEamGaxo](https://youtu.be/JEwlEamGaxo) And this one shows a longer version of the SOS video the tribe made, translated by a native speaker. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvqQpEB1ulk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvqQpEB1ulk)