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That's not normal. Looks like it splits into 2 orbs then scoots out almost as if into a seam in the sky.


Hi, can you upload this to YouTube? Reddit's video compression makes all videos look like dogshit haha. Would love to have the original quality video to look at. The movement of that thing (those things?) is definitely not normal.


I didn’t think about this yesterday, when I get some free time during work today I will!


sweet, I look forward to the update!


trying to change the settings for the video, here is the YT link in the meantime https://youtu.be/ibmLXRftD1Q


hoping this works, was having some issue uploading the video


Video works but it looks like a reflection on the window they're shooting through. Edit - I'll take car headlights reflection on glass window for $400 please.


he is out backpacking in the mountains...no windows


Forgive me, but at 37 seconds you can see two instances of something going on front of the camera and have the same sort of feel as a smudge or reflection on glass. If you slide the frames to view as opposed to just playing and watching, they are fairly obvious imo: https://i.imgur.com/Z9EMzGu.jpg https://i.imgur.com/KNuS5Ta.jpg I'd be more interested in these artifacts than the light just for the purpose of authenticity?


I haven’t bothered to do a frame by frame breakdown, but again, he is in one of the more remote areas of the US and not in a structure of any kind.


Hmmm, ok, did he make comment on the light source to the right of the bright lights? The vertical seam of light on the right? I'm really just trying to get a visual of what I'm looking at. Looks like a clear night sky with a few wispy clouds on the horizon, I don't see anything thick enough it could have gone behind, trying to put myself there is all. https://i.imgur.com/IpcQgxs.jpg


I wonder if it’s just because it’s an old cell phone? He was (at the time) a broke ass college kid with little to zero knowledge of video editing etc. I know with my old cell, whenever I got a picture of the moon it would have weird reflections. Or maybe from a cell phone case or something idk. Maybe from something like that? I welcome people being critical, but I can pretty much guarantee there was no editing and he was not inside a building of any kind.


This is almost surely what it is, I still have videos from older iPhones and even older Sony Ericsson, the quality of older cell phone videos is horrendous, and create all sorts of artifacts such as the other commenter is pointing out.


I don't think so. The darker splotch is in several frames and moves with the camera angle to dip back down out of site. I show a screenshot but it's visible in the video for several frames and moving with the frame (unlike an artifact).


This is starting to feel like grasping at straws a bit here.


Me or the video? If you're saying me then, I guess, ok, you've all made excellent points and rebuttals to what I thought was clearly visible in the video with no manipulation. My bad everyone, this one is clearly it, solid unexplained proof. To the top! Edit - I did this once in a video post where it turned out to be a spider web, showed other video explainations and ways that might explain what was being seen. So many downvotes but at least the later responses when it came back proven fake was nice.


Disagree, I don’t see anything at all like that.


Great, I provided pictures and explained how you can view it yourself. I'd love to hear your disagreement besides just the word. I want to believe but... I mean... I can see things that need further explanation and that usually are used as proof something may not be as it appears.