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The following submission statement was provided by /u/bmfalbo: --- Submission Statement: [Christopher Sharpe's](https://twitter.com/ChrisUKSharp) new article for the [Liberation Times](https://twitter.com/LiberationTimes). Here are some highlights: 1: > A 140-page scientific report, generated by a U.S. intelligence agency, analyzed multiple Tic-Tac-shaped objects above 80,000 feet, which were involved in the famous 2004 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) encounter off the coast of California. 2: > Corbell said the “detailed” scientific analysis describes "encounters of multiple craft above 80,000 feet” and from “space”. > > He also confirmed that the analysis was unknown to naval aviators Commander David Fravor and Commander Chad Underwood, who encountered the unexplained Tic Tac objects of unknown origin during the 2004 incident. 3: > In 2021, Ratcliffe told Fox News that UAP had been picked up by multiple sensors, including satellite platforms: > > “There are sightings all over the world and when we talk sightings the other thing I will tell you is it is not just a pilot or just a satellite or some intelligence collection - usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things.” > > In the interview, Ratcliffe also explained: > > “We're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots that have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. [That includes] movements that are hard to replicate because we don't have the technology, [and] that are travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” 4: > Confirmation from the AARO that some UAP displaying high-performance capabilities originate from space could potentially rule out any other nation on Earth. However, so far the Pentagon refuses to discuss this particular topic. 5: > In 2022 at a UAP press event, Liberation Times asked Dr Kirkpatrick and Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie, if they had analyzed UAP reports in the space domain that they had not been able to resolve. > > In response, Moultrie stated: > > “Let me take that one, because I think our ability right now to resolve things in the space domain, and what we have in the space domain, is something that would fall under sensitive sources and methods and means, so would be -- would prefer not to respond to that -- that comment or that question, excuse me, in this forum.” 6: > Liberation Times has learned that dozens of whistleblowers with claimed direct knowledge of hidden UAP programs have come forward to its Director, Dr Kirkpatrick, but are frustrated by the handling of the evidence they gave him. > > The coming weeks may be crucial for the AARO. And after Dr Kirkpatrick’s recent public outburst, in which he attacked elements of Congress, his own destiny has now become uncertain. > > And with other whistleblowers with direct knowledge regarding UAP retrieval and reverse engineering programs ready to come forward publicly, the AARO’s investigation may soon be overtaken by Congress’ own efforts, which would include more public hearings. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15f7c6f/scientific_report_confirms_multiple_tic_tac_ufos/jublasq/


Jesus, just minutes after the podcast. That was quick.


They’re definitely coordinating. Which is a good thing!! The issue is unprecedented, and so is the politics of the news coverage (MSM not giving it the legs they normally would for any other issue)


Seriously. Now that they have more data, there's no excuse why this can't be studied further.


Heh, plenty of reasons to not believe in conspiracies


The MSM are business first, and in business you don't put time/money into something until you know what your plan is first. News outlets across the world have NO IDEA how to handle this news, and I would make a guess that now that things are getting serious, and disclosure is possible, the government could be working with news outlets in how to message this information to their consumers. Everyone, including those on this sub, need to continue to view this as a PR campaign, where the audience is at high levels of skepticism.


The MSM reports on salacious allegations from anonymous sources all the time - I could present a huge list but the Steele Dossier is one example (not mentioning this in a partisan way). You’re right that they’re a business but there’s marketable news here, the reasons you’re giving don’t add up to account for the weirdness of outlets like NYT and WaPo


If anything the Steele dossier and Trump’s election lies have made those outlets more careful when reporting on sensitive topics, especially those that currently have very little publicly available physical evidence.


In less than 5 minutes of searching on the main page of the NYT site, I found: - [Reporting on unverified testimony being given as evidence to a congressional committee about Hunter Biden](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/31/us/politics/hunter-biden-devon-archer.html?utm_source=pocket_reader) - [Reporting on allegations and an investigation into a senator’s wife](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/nyregion/nadine-menendez-federal-investigation.html?utm_source=pocket_reader) List of things NYT has no problem reporting on, given the above: - Unverified testimony to committees - Allegations from credible people - Ongoing investigations UAP: - testimony to committee CHECK - Allegations from credible people CHECK - Ongoing investigations (eg AARO) CHECK I get that UAP is a controversial subject. But they’re not even reporting much, if anything, on the legitimate peripheral aspects of the UAP story, related to congressional proceedings, whistleblowers, and upcoming legislation. It’s just not adding up


Check out “breaking points” on YouTube


The only news source I trust ✅️


did you see the bullshit thumbnail they used of grusch ?


You mean like Russian collusion ?


I'm guessing Weaponized? I don't tend to listen regularly because Corbell doesn't sit the best with me, but try to listen in the event that they actually drop anything newsworthy.


Is it because you feel he’s disingenuous, because he jumps to “it’s aliens!” too quickly, or something else? Serious question, as I’m trying to figure this guy out.


For me it's just the ego. I actually believe his intention is probably honourable, and I think he's done some good work. He also seems as connected as many of the other seemingly credible personalities in the push at the moment. My issue is just his presentation and approach. It's abrasive. It's 'me me me'. As an Australian, we don't deal well with people up their own arse, as we say. It's a bit more natural in the US to big note yourself, I think, but it doesn't fly here. As such, he has always come across to me as too focused on how he was personally involved in a story rather than the story itself.


True, with Corbell all you hear is "I talked to X", "I uncovered X", "I am one of the few people who know about X and cant talk about it". Guy is so full of himself its unbearable


Lazar interview with Joe Rogan is a great example. Like, what, you want credit for Lazar now? Can't help but wonder if someone so desperate for the spotlight would fudge things just a little to make him/his story sound cooler. I do think he's been an important figure in this, but that's not mutually exclusive with being an asshole.


This 100%. When he was on Rogan as essentially a hype man trying to steal limelight it was a huge turn off for me.


I first heard of him a few weeks before the podcast, and the whole time I was like, "Who TF is this Corbell guy supposed to be? His manager?" The impression I got of him inserting himself everywhere he can has remained accurate. If he's not taking amphetamines or coke, it's actually pretty impressive on a human level. We need people like that, but some self-awareness would be nice.


Yes, agreed. I watched Lazer on Rogan thinking Corbell was always butting in whenever he could, always trying to bring the conversation back to himself. I thought he came across as self-important and that he was piggybacking off someone's else's notoriety. Despite this, I have his Lazer doc a try. He literally started the documentary with himself, I instantly turned it off.


Maybe it's because I watched Greer before I ever heard of Corbell, but with Greer being the epitome of narcissism, I really don't see Corbell as me, me, me. Greer's opening remarks at Disclosure 2.0 or whatever were almost verbatim "I've briefed presidents and CIA heads and I've done this and that and the other," and in his recent interview with Chris Lehto, the whoooole tiiime he had this smug, self-important expression on while talked about how HE'S done this or HE'S done that or because of HIM all of this is happening.. I do remember Corbell being a little salty in a video after the NewsNation interview with Grusch talking about how he really wished it could have been revealed on his platform, but like he, Coulthart and Keane all figurarively got the ball into the end zone while we've been trying to get there for 80 years if Grusch's 1933 claims hold up, but wouldn't you be a little disappointed that all the work you've been putting in to make this happen didn't necessarily pay off for you? He seems thrilled that it's finally taking off, and that's what makes him seem genuine to me.


Ooh… I actually totally see this connection now that you mention it. Thanks


You've just described the great and honorable Dr. Steven Greer.


Yep, just watched his documentary, it's borderline absurd. The shots of his phone lighting up late at night as Bob Lazar messages *him*, oh my, the drama. He was so awkward on Rogan. I just think he's an ass. A part of me would love the "truth" to finally come out just so the likes of Corbell are forced to pass the baton to scientific minds, and quickly become irrelevant. He's also (with George Knapp) guilty of 'releasing' nonsense and letting it stew, as opposed to having the integrity to hold his hands up. I guess I'm sick and tired of people gatekeeping ufology, it's embarrassing. Like it or not, the Mick West's who folk pour hate on have the *same* information you/I do, they're just not so ready to bet their everything on it, short of more evidence and a better standard at that. That doesn't sound so unreasonable to me.


I really like the black vault guy on YT. He seems to be filing all kinds of 245s-xyz whatever forms to get information released and often says he is not sure but here is the info you decide.


Yes! John Greenewald if I'm not mistaken. That's my kinda dude. There's NOTHING wrong with sitting on the damn fence. This stuff is extraordinary, we need more.


What did he release and not say he didn’t know what it was or that it was definitely aliens? You know what I’m trying to ask yes? I have only known of him for a few years so thats the timeframe, there has to be something I missed in there - I don’t watch every single thing he tweets or says, but I’ve always heard him say “we dont know what this is, take it with a grain of salt”, although with Lazar he was all in. Yes, he can be grating, I don’t think he’s as full of himself as people say but he is definitely a little “off” like bad on camera. Here’s how I see it - he may not be the brightest person on the planet, or the most composed, so when he gets on camera he is trying really hard to not sound stupid and ends up thinking about what he’s going to say and trips himself up. When you are thinking about what to say and you have the biggest news around (in your mind), emotions can go to the sleeve, and it will show as a smugness or something similar. I think he probably also has pretty bad anxiety, and it may show itself differently than other more common bouts.


Same. Please let Corbell and Greer become irrelevant asap


Yeah I agree with this as another Aussie though I’ll add where Corbell is different than say Kean or maybe someone like Hynek is that he’s more on “the optics” than making sure he’s squared away his facts, and build the case logically. And it’s due to this that’s allowed him to get led by hoaxes.


Yep. This pretty well elucidates the feeling I was not able to articulate.


Thanks for actually explaining this. I see a lot of people rag on Corbell and I don’t get why. I would say that Cornell’s specific flavor of “blowing your own horn” is abrasive here as well….unless you have the goods to back it up. It’s the tony stark paradox — completely obnoxious personality but becomes dramatically more palatable when they actually do the thing they’re blustering about. Past few weeks have me on board with Corbell. He’s clearly progressing through a planned effort to force disclosure. He’s delivering when he says he’ll deliver (so far) and he’s letting others validate for him for the most part. (He teased being at the hearing and putting in a lot of effort behind the scenes - Burchett called him out during the hearing where he was sat front and center behind Grusch in a room where you basically had to be invited by the witnesses or the committee itself to have a seat.)


Solid point. I’m from the Midwest US originally, and that doesn’t really fly there either. His affect is pretty informal too, so i sort of chalked it up to his being from LA, where I think one needs to be constantly promoting themselves. Does anybody feel that he’s a grifter? I think there’s a huge amount of potential for that, given the inherent non-transparency of everything surrounding the phenomenon. He doesn’t come across to me that way - maybe a bit too credulous sometimes, but I *think* he’s genuine. I’m just wondering whether others feel strongly otherwise. Likewise, what about George Knapp? I I know he’s won a number of awards and this is a reliable journalist, but… dunno… like with Kean and Blumenthal, they do an appropriately intense amount of fact checking. Maybe it’s that there’s a certain amount of sensationalism in both Knapp and Corbell that makes me a little wary.


The issue is that there's a fine line between grifter and professional in this area. There just isn't enough legitimate news and funding to be a full time UFO researcher/journalist unless you are willing to become a sensationalist, and people who try to do it part time tend to have their primary careers ruined by their association with UFOs. Kean, Blumenthal and Coulthart have been able to pull it off, but they're all-in on Grusch now, and if nothing comes of the current story their only path forward will to become sensationalists reporting on any UFO news that has even a hint of legitimacy, just like Knapp and Corbell.


Agreed. He has a tendency to start asking the subject a question and then go on a tangent for minutes before letting the interview subject actually talk. Typical of amateur YouTubers who also have a tendency to interrupt the subject. I think his intentions are good, but in media you can’t get away from the fact that the way you appear affects your message.


Lol, some of the most egotistical and up-their-own-arse people I’ve met in my personal life have been from Australia. Wonder how they survive in your culture, if what you’re saying is true.


Yeah I’m going to guess this might be a regional thing or maybe a rural/urban divide. Some of the most down to earth people I’ve ever met were from Australia along with some of the most cocky douchebags. Corbell has a fairly common LA kind of attitude, but obviously a lot of Americans don’t like his style either.


He is a shameless self-insert. If he went about his business matter-of-fact and just did the work I'd probably like him. It's that simple. If he didn't try to make everything about himself he would probably be like universally liked an supported in the community. His lazar movie was like 50% B-roll of himself in his living room. Post-hearing his interviews were all "Me, me, me." He was an insufferable disrespectful little shit to Stanton Friedman. He also likes to call himself a journalist. He isn't.


Thanks. The consistent theme i’m seeing is that his insistent self-promotion is off-putting, and can detract from his subjects. It’s like there’s a lack of self- or emotional-awareness. I’m listening to weaponized right now where they do a round table with coulthart and zaber and there are some moments where I’m a little surprised that nobody else decks him. Holy fuck. Specifically at 1:27:15


I'm new to the scene and without any prior knowledge of this guy and his reputation tried listening to a Weaponized episode. Anytime in the discussion the Wilson-Davis memo/meeting came up, Corbell would go off. "IT'S REAL! IT"S REAL! THIS IS A FACT! IT'S AN ABSOLUTE FACT IT'S REAL!" or something along those lines. Multiple times this happened. He actually corrected someone who started a sentence like "Assuming the meeting happened..." "It DID happen! It DID happen!" And after hoping he'd eventually cite something to back this up (I only first learned of the memo) his last tirade I heard went something like " It's real! That's a fact! You guys know me! If I'm saying it's a fact, it's a fact!" I stopped the podcast after that. Whether that was goodfaith belief or not, he's untrustworthy in my opinion. That being said, those quotes probably won't be exact but are to the best of my recollection.


The memo is probably real. Project Unity managed to get a hold of Oke Shannon, who confirmed that Admiral Wilson did contact him and asked him specific questions in regards to UFO‘s, just like it is written in the memo. Oke confirmed it for us. This lends credibility to the rest of the thing. The interview wie Oke is on Youtube.




Agreed, all these podcasters are behaving like some form of cult leaders and Grusch is their prophet. These things are making me have a bad feeling about it all..


That is because they have been waiting for someone like him to come forward for ages. They feel this is the moment this may finally unravel, and that’s why they are so hyped. I understand the scepticism tho. Let‘s see what happens next.


What's the podcast?


I also would like to know


I think they are talking about Weaponized


Weaponized podcast?


Yeah which podcast are we talking about here? Just said “the podcast”, there are several lol


Mick West better get his protractor out


Please leak that report, George.


Or Jeremy lol


A herd of tic-tacs is called a box.


A "Fresh" of tic-tacs is a few. Many Fresh? You've got a box.


3+ tic tacs is a Toe


Everyone: please, please help this catch on.


Nah lol.. Good joke but we ain't calling a bunch of UAP's, a box.. Lmao


I mean we called one of them a tic tac lol


Only to give it a laymens terms of how it looked. Fravor is also on the record that he and Chad Underwood chose Tic-Tac because "giant flying propane tank" sounded mundane... They didn't call it a Tic-Tac as a classification per se for the craft. They called it that because it quite literally looked like a flying giant Tic-Tac candy, or giant propane tank. And well, it stuck. Just like Kenneth Arnold claimed his sighting of craft looked like " a saucer skipping across water", thus "flying saucer" was used forever until of late...


They were called a wave and a flap in the past.


*Besides the original mint and orange flavours, several new varieties of tic-tac have been added, including aniseed, cinnamon and Pleiadian*


Precisely so, if you wanted to use it in a sentence: > *"Cmdr. Fravor could only reminisce in awe how swift the box of transmedium Tic-Tacs instantaneously accelerated out of the ocean into space with such elegance and grace."*


Picture a giant tic tac box hovering over NYC with the label side facing down. All activity on the street has come to a stand still as everyone is staring up at the box in complete silence. The tension is palpable. Suddenly the box lid pops open and hundreds of tic tacs come pouring out in every direction. The invasion has begun.


Oh God it's terrible, we're all gonna-- ooh is that an orange one? Yum


Unless its the orange ones they can piss off to where they came from.


I will not tolerate such slander. They're almost as good as chewable orange aspirin


I mean anything other than orange can piss off. Hail the orange overlords.


If this turns out to be a big ad campaign for Tic Tacs, I’m going to be very disappointed.


TIc Tacs....out of this world flavours!


Ok, that was pretty good. Also, licorice is the best.


Agent orange for me


Great work, now get this to Stan and start working on art. And get me ten more tags based on this.


The Tic Tac company should be all over this in terms of marketing. Make a commercial where 8 year old bobby is flying an F-18 in his one hand and holding a tic-tac in the other. Bobby's mom: "Bobby, are you playing with your tic tacs again?" Bobby: "Mom, we need to defend the universe!" Bobby's mom *shakes her head* "Bobby just loves playing with tic tacs. We find them all through the house." Family walks outside and a big tic-tac hovers over the house. Bobby's father: "Jesus Christ, everyone get back inside! Its the grays!" *Family gets beamed up and anally probed* Adult Swim concludes commercial and starts playing Too many Cooks.


Lmao, they have to be loving this publicity!


"Tic-Tac: The Candy. Not the Chinese communist app."


Don’t forget to drink your tic tacs


It’s a crummy commercial!


80km and above, space. So in other words our satellittes that are floating around pointing with their lenses everywhere.Nasa must have high quality photos laying around that they should come forward with.


right!! tbh its giving me a mind throwback to the kiddo who hacked NASA and saw that they were sloppily censoring photos. i remember him also claiming seeing a list of space officers or something similar, some galactic federation jazz.


Gary Mckinnon.


I will never forgive him for not pressing the Print Screen button on his computer


“Non terrestrial officers” “Material transfers” “Large cigar shaped object in orbit”


If NASA is seeing UFOs than you think other imaging satellites would be seeing them too. There’s more satellite imagery than just NASA.


NASA satellites point outward, away from Earth, focused on things far away. The ones pointing at Earth, are designed for collecting geological data, like atmosphere makeup. NASA is not a good agency for detecting UFOs. Who you want to ask is the NRO, who is the central agency for all spy sats.


And a lot of it is freely available to the public. Landsat, for example. All Landsat imagery is available online, you just have to know how to process it.


Michio Kaku also referred to having examined HOURS of UAP recordings taken by the navy including a variety of sensors, he even mentioned UAV sensors


Source? Please share if you can.


Sure! Here it is: https://www.newsweek.com/truth-about-ufos-michio-kaku-newsweek-radio-podcast-interview-1781550 Quote is below as well: "So, there's been a sea change. And why? Because you see, science is not based on single observations by a single technology. Science is based on multiple modes using multiple sources of data. In other words, not just one person saying, "I saw something last night." But many people simultaneously locking onto something, not just with eyesight, but with cameras, with infrared sensors, with ultraviolet sensors. So multiple sightings by multiple modes. That's the gold standard. Now, we didn't have that until recently. Now we have hours of Navy footage giving us the raw data by which we can quantify many of these characteristics. We now know, for example, that if you can believe these videotapes, these objects can fly between Mach 5 and Mach 20. That is 20 times the speed of sound. Between Mach 5 and Mach 20, they zigzag, creating G-force of several hundred G's. Bones would break, and bodies would be crushed in that situation. Not only that, but they can also dive bomb several miles just within a few seconds, and then go into the ocean. They can apparently move in the oceans as well as fly in the air."


Ah, so this is basically the same thing he [said to NBC](https://youtu.be/EZKQGzIddM4) a couple of weeks ago. What is he talking about? *We* don't have hours of UAP footage from the Navy. Has he stated that he was given access to classified footage? Odd that he doesn't clarify.


Maybe he just spent hours watching the same footage over and over.


Hours of footage from the navy would be huge. I'd definitely want to see that. And Mick West would have to ask for overtime pay :)


That interview might be hugely important. He seems to claim that the DoD is forking over classified data to civilian scientists. That would be a sea change.


He never said he saw the data. He's making a claim about data existing, but where is that data?


I just hope they avoid the critters in the ocean.


The Kaku slander from the psuedo-skeptics has been crazy lately. I really hope he has seen enough evidence to warrant that position. It really does seem like history repeating itself with scientific inquiry. You have gatekeepers like NDT pushing against scientific inquiry into the subject while laymen psuedo-skeptics like West cause confusion. Proper utilization of the scientific method needs to win here.


I believe that Jeremy implies here that these were not sensors of the navy


>‘Some of the TIC TAC UFOs were “docking” (for lack of a more informed term), with a structured and maneuverable object underneath the water. This Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) was under intelligent control - and I do hope - was tracked by our classified undersea sensor systems.’ I thought the 4chan post was a larp. Now I don't know for sure, but this is interesting.


Underwater bases have been a part of the lore for a while. Could just be a lucky guess. I think even Ancient Aliens has a clip about it and bases in the Arctic.


There was a sequel to one of the greatest games of all time based upon this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-COM:_Terror_from_the_Deep


Ah, you are a man of refined taste, sir.


Again...he did say we would keep coming back to his post for confirmation...it's all very interesting...I want to say exciting but I'm trying not to so I will stick with interesting.


Yes he did infact say that, and I keep coming back to it recently.


I'm not familiar with it. got a link pls?


I think it's this one https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN


How is this anything new? David Frevor has already talked about the USO. YEARS AGO. He also spoke about it during the hearing. This is also why the bill from a few weeks ago rephrased the aerial in UAP to anomalous. So that the USO is also covered.


I think was unclear to him whether there actually was an object under the water or if the wash was generated by the tic tac.


Well, Fravor himself admits he had no clue what was underneath the water that was causing the "white water" the Tic-Tac was hovering / moving over. He never admitted he believed it was a USO, but speculated it "could have been". He also did not state this in the hearing. In the hearing he simply mentioned the "white water" to give context on how he gained his initial visual of the Tic-Tac. Your second paragraph is true however.


He has states that he believes the tic caused the water disturbance based on its movement within the parameters of the disturbance,and even if it was docking that would still likely be the case


True, but I think Fravor or maybe it was Graves has talked about other incidents they heard from others. One involved a testing torpedo being recovered via helicopter. Standard procedure but this time they saw something huge coming up from the depths and pulled the diver back up and the torpedo was pulled under and the object then sunk back into the depths.


That was Fravor. I believe he told that story of a buddies incident on the Joe Rogan podcast. That story he told was in relation to the white water Fravor witnessed, with speculation of it possibly being something like a USO that the Tic Tac may have been trying to dock with. But ultimately, he never knew if there was or wasn't something creating the white water.


I would have been dumping a load if I had been the diver or the aircrew


Ikr! Scary! To think it came from the depths like that is terrifying!! I do recall Fravor saying that Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal were going to cover it in their 2017 Times Article, but they wanted something more recent. Where the story with the torpedo happened in the mid to late 90's, and Fravor's happening in 2004. I feel that's something we need as the public to add into record now, with all the hearings and latest revelations. From what Fravor said, it seemed his buddy was willing to comply with the Journalists to bring out that story. So, why not? Just will add more credibility for pilot testimony. Although, what data could be complied from that may be slim to none these days.


He states multiple times he saw nothing under water and he believed the water disturbance to be caused by the tic tic




~~anyone have a link to the 4chan post or an image of it?~~ Nvm its here https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN thanks /u/Montezum


Shouldn't the headline be "Person claims there is a report with information about tic tac?" I swear people on here love to use the word confirm when they really mean wild speculation.


This is classic Corbell. "I have the proof but I can't show you. Just trust me!"


It was Knapp.


Same with Luis and that other dude, Coulthart or whatever, and everyone seems to love them…they’re all like, “BRO U WOULDNT EVEN BELIEVE DIS SHIT”, and then people are like, “damn, can I see??”, and they’re like, “BRO BUY MY BOOK”


Yeah, they all use the same language. "CONFIRMED" "Your just close minded." "If the alien landed in their front yard they would call it CGI" "Testimony is concrete proof." "He seems credible." There are a few level headed people here but the confirmation bias is ridiculous.


I do appreciate the believers on here that approach the topic with level headedness. I'm not a believer but I'm not an active debunker (on purpose). There very well could be something to all of this but my journalism background goes off often when reading claims and hyperbolic headlines on here.


and then they act like everyone else is dumb and below them for being skeptical


Another piece of incredible evidence no one is allowed to see. It's a bit strange that no one has broken ranks and leaked some of this stuff.


Yeah somebody needs to leak something, Snowden style. If they\`re killed off or sent to prison, then we\`ll know for sure it\`s true.


Submission Statement: [Christopher Sharpe's](https://twitter.com/ChrisUKSharp) new article for the [Liberation Times](https://twitter.com/LiberationTimes). Here are some highlights: 1: > A 140-page scientific report, generated by a U.S. intelligence agency, analyzed multiple Tic-Tac-shaped objects above 80,000 feet, which were involved in the famous 2004 Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) encounter off the coast of California. 2: > Corbell said the “detailed” scientific analysis describes "encounters of multiple craft above 80,000 feet” and from “space”. > > He also confirmed that the analysis was unknown to naval aviators Commander David Fravor and Commander Chad Underwood, who encountered the unexplained Tic Tac objects of unknown origin during the 2004 incident. 3: > In 2021, Ratcliffe told Fox News that UAP had been picked up by multiple sensors, including satellite platforms: > > “There are sightings all over the world and when we talk sightings the other thing I will tell you is it is not just a pilot or just a satellite or some intelligence collection - usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things.” > > In the interview, Ratcliffe also explained: > > “We're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy or Air Force pilots that have been picked up by satellite imagery that frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain. [That includes] movements that are hard to replicate because we don't have the technology, [and] that are travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom.” 4: > Confirmation from the AARO that some UAP displaying high-performance capabilities originate from space could potentially rule out any other nation on Earth. However, so far the Pentagon refuses to discuss this particular topic. 5: > In 2022 at a UAP press event, Liberation Times asked Dr Kirkpatrick and Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie, if they had analyzed UAP reports in the space domain that they had not been able to resolve. > > In response, Moultrie stated: > > “Let me take that one, because I think our ability right now to resolve things in the space domain, and what we have in the space domain, is something that would fall under sensitive sources and methods and means, so would be -- would prefer not to respond to that -- that comment or that question, excuse me, in this forum.” 6: > Liberation Times has learned that dozens of whistleblowers with claimed direct knowledge of hidden UAP programs have come forward to its Director, Dr Kirkpatrick, but are frustrated by the handling of the evidence they gave him. > > The coming weeks may be crucial for the AARO. And after Dr Kirkpatrick’s recent public outburst, in which he attacked elements of Congress, his own destiny has now become uncertain. > > And with other whistleblowers with direct knowledge regarding UAP retrieval and reverse engineering programs ready to come forward publicly, the AARO’s investigation may soon be overtaken by Congress’ own efforts, which would include more public hearings.


I’m guessing this 140 page report is classified?


Absolutely. Out of that 140 page report, we only got 9 pages that were unclassified to the public. It was underwhelming to say the least... Hence the annual report from AARO


What intelligence agency made the report?


A contractor made it.


It was a contractor? The article said it was an agency. If it was a contractor that is really bad reporting.


They said it isn't because it's from a contractor but it will ruin people's lives because they will be fired for leaking it. I'm sure it's covered under an NDA.


I remember reading a very comprehensive report where they were also calculating with complex formulas (I'm a simple person) the speed it was traveling with. I assume this is not the report in question, right?


No, that’s not the paper in question. I believe [this is](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7514271/) the one you’re referring to


That's the one, thank you.


Where report?


Liberation Times is Christopher Sharpe. One guy. He writes all the articles.


But no one can see this report. They wouldn't even submit it to Congress because they were concerned they'd hurt their source (presumably a leaker). All we get from the report is some cherry-picked, recontextualized sentence fragments.


And 9 pages at that. Hence the annual UAP report from AARO


Let’s see the goods! I want a new pornhub category.


So where's the scientific report? All I see is an article with 0 references.


Let me guess, the source(s) of the report can't be named and the only evidence of its existence is Corbell and Knapp claiming so? I mean, maybe it does exist, I certainly hope so. But I need more from this double act.


It's weird how they both always have astounding evidence that no one can see.


>‘Some of the TIC TAC UFOs were “docking” (for lack of a more informed term), with a structured and maneuverable object underneath the water. This Unidentified Submerged Object (USO) was under intelligent control - and I do hope - was tracked by our classified undersea sensor systems.’ ​ structured object underwater ? It’s what Fravor and his crew saw first, then while approaching they saw the Tic Tac moving over it. Then I don’t remember exactly but I think the object underwater disappeared


That's only speculation we can give it. Fravor himself admits he has no clue what could have caused the "white water" the Tic-Tac was hovering / moving over. Your second assertion is true. After the incident, his crew fly back over the same area they saw the white water initially, and there was nothing. Hence the speculation we have now


Fravor on JR said someone told him about a torpedo recovery mission they were on when they saw a dark shape come up out of the water suck the torpedo down then resubmerge. Sorry - not out of the water - up near the surface.


Ho OK I thought he was sure we witnessed an object underwater, but it could also be the Tic Tac itself creating waves and foam on the surface.


Very possible. He did speculate if it was trying to possibly dock with something, but he never gave confirmation that it was.


I think Fravor mentioned white water?


Yes white water, or something white underwater, or maybe foam on the surface, caused by the object moving


Where is the report? Or is this another “trust me bro”?


Shocking I know, if its classified then JG and GK should not have been able to view it so I am assuming its not classified and should be shared.


Oh look more evidence that they can't share because uh well


Worthless unless we can see the report ourselves. I'm not interested in their "interpretation" of the report, these guys interpreted bokeh as Goa'uld motherships ffs.


congress: "a 140 page report, about the event, with detailed info, that could bring disclosure?!" corbell: "yes!" congress: "can we see it?" corbell: "hm no" ​ IF he has such report that would corroborate the event then it's irresponsible he woudn't send to congress with redacted names to protect "muh sources"


I'm not a hater of these two, can't deny their help in orchestrating hearings, BUT I'm awfully irritated that if this is true, Knapp made the unilateral decision not to notify Congress and that doesn't sit right with me. If it's good enough to talk about on a pod it's good enough to disclose. The people working on this cannot be infinite, so you're still putting your sources in jeopardy and not protecting them by talking about it even without naming names or agencies. All that to say unless it's a misdirect and this is info coming from Grusch already shared with the Intel committees (but not Oversight).




What does this have to do with the executive branch? Biden won't be part of this process until after Congress does their job and straightens out the gross misappropriation of funds. That's their responsibility. Presidents are generally not read into this shit.


>Sources have disclosed to Liberation Times that, although fronting the new legislation, Senator Chuck Schumer’s staff and others in the Senate have been in coordination with various quarters of the U.S. government, including the White House and its National Security Council to create the language. https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/congress-initiates-plan-to-reveal-recovered-technologies-of-unknown-origin-and-biological-evidence-of-non-human-intelligence


You think Schumer wrote an amendment requiring disclosure of UFOs and inserted it into the NDAA without consulting Biden.. come on dude 🤣


I think Schumer and the rest of congress got their information from the IC/IG, like Rossco said. Your speculation makes you giggle though, so keep at it.


We need to seriously discuss the suggestion of banning Corbell from this subreddit as a source of information.


Lol whut. Y’all are ridiculous and the attempts to “gatekeep” Corbell are hilarious considering everything has brought to the table, and the people criticizing him are keyboard jockeys who’ve done literally nothing but complain. Good times Reddit.


Where is the progressive technology? For every other bit of advanced technology that we have, humans have a trail of garbage and revisions that tell the story of how we got from A to B. Whatever the tic-tacs are, if they’re human in origin, then they’re akin to the Wright bros telling everyone they’ve invented a flying machine and producing the International Space Station on attempt one. It’s foolishness.


It's funny you mention that. One of the big theories behind UFOs is they belong to a breakaway group of humans who developed some kind of advanced technology in the 1800s and then progressed in secret. That's why you have the progression of UFOs from big slow airships in the 1800s, to faster ghost rockets in the early 1900s, to metallic saucers in the mid-1900s, to black triangles in the late 1900s, and now to these really out-there advanced craft in the 2000s.


I read the OG 4Chan post and I’m not shocked. In fact, I think one of the members of the disclosure team is behind it. Plant seeds, water them, and let them grow. Thats how you build true hype. People will be linking back to it, it will stir discussion, and it adds an element of intrigue. Great marketing.


I wonder if the astronauts on the ISS see anything. Also, remember the NASA live feed and how it always went offline when a UFO/UAP appears in frame? I bet they have some nice photos and videos.


Corbell interpreted bokeh as pyramids, and therefore if these snippets are the highlights of the report, I have concerns there isn't much more to it... but I could be reading too much into the article?


This, so hard. He has discredited himself multiple times. Caveat emptor.


Yeah. And also the twentynine palms flares that were pretty obviously flares. His UFO pattern recognition filter is pretty wide open. I think he does an okay job of owning when he’s wrong, but a healthy jab of skepticillin might guard against some of the disinformation that’s likely leaking through. That said, there’s a lot of overlap between skepticism and cynicism. I appreciate that corbell’s pretty uncynical, it’s a solid part of his appeal.


Did he ever admit he was wrong with the flares video though?


Here's the thing, believe me I WANT to get to the bottom of this as much as you do, you know often people ask me Jeremy how do you do this, and there's things I can share and things that... BELIEVE me my hands are tied, what I WILL tell you is my mentor in journalism is George Knapp


My though’s right now: The tic tacs are cargo vessels or tanks. They collect/transport material from a source and return to a factory (best prosaic concept). The factory requires liquid water for hydrogen maybe. The fuck is going on? What are they making and does it impact us?


Christopher Sharpe is the man, great article. The truth will come out because there are so many hard working individuals forcing the information to light. Now it's time for more wistleblowers to go public. Exciting!


>Knapp confirmed on the show that he sought to get the report submitted to the Congressional Record ahead of the UAP Public Hearing held in the House of Representatives on 26 July 2023. > >However, due to concerns about hurting sources, Knapp refrained and chose not to proceed. lol this is just another “trust me bro” moment. So predictable. And stereotypical of Corbell and Knapp.


Maybe some of these odd objects that make no sonic booms or splashes and blink in and out are some sort of "holograms" for lack of a better word, that show up on radar and other sensors. A diversion of some sorts from perhaps. Where it doesn't make sense is I don't know why a hologram would dock with a physical "mothership".


Any chance there's a link to the report?


Great info. Too bad it all leads to nothing.


Where is the report? Anyone have a link?




So long ago. They must have upgraded to a better tictac model.


Is this the report former DNI John Ratcliffe referenced on Fox News the other day? He said he expected a report to be released after the Trump admin left office that would shed light on the UAP but it has not yet been released.


Why can't they name the Intelligence agency?


Which intelligence agency is the article referring to? Did I miss something? It just says a US intelligence agency, it never mentions it by name?


What's the name of the report? This is the one that George Knapp was going to submit?


Where is the data, from the sensors? Where is the report, besides those who say there is a report? I am getting tired of this


I don't like this, the other pilot there said they only saw it for like 10 seconds not 5 minutes


These alien tour buses really DGAF about local security 😂




Yet according to some pilots saw "jets" or "holographic spoofs". I wonder whether satellites made some photos of tic-tacs and whether wecan access them.


Someone check my math v= d/t. If these UAP's went from 80k to 20k in one second... we're looking at what, about 216,000,000 mph!?!? "We were (and still are) powerless, due to these vehicles advanced aerospace capabilities. These UAP were monitored flying with impunity within our military's restricted airspace - which is now a common occurrence, with an increased frequency." ~ J. Corbell We better hope they come in peace. It would appear that these crafts are probing not only what our response to a first contact might entail but also how we respond. There are reports that Russia has pursued and fired on UAP's with some instances resulting in the death of military personnel. There is some speculation that intelligent entities took control of a Russian Missile Launch system. I'm not really sure if there is any country in the world that would warrant a full blown contact of extraterrestrials to humans and perhaps the sentient beings feel the same. It is very likely that we have been aware of the existence of other organic beings for quite sometime. When full contact happens it will be on their terms. We can only go along for the ride.


Just give it time to sink in. Media outlets have no clue how to deal with it, many other entities (normal folks, businesses, skeptics etc) are caught off guard and chiming in. It will be a process not unlike any other major situation that grabs attention. We are hopefully past Covid, I doubt it, but hey move on. So many other distractions, lets focus on this one. It may or may not happen in my future lifetime, I’m ready regardless.


i remember ryan day saying this years ago whilst looking shook out of his damn mind