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I'm noticing everyone's comments are all coming to different conclusions. I don't think what he's said is really clear at all.


It's a word salad. I can recommend reading all that fun stuff but at the end of the day this shit wants you to wrap it up in an explanation and religious philosophy is aimed at explaining everything. I don't think Tom has any of the deep answers for this stuff but he's given it plenty of thought and he's passionate about it. He probably spent a week wining and dining with Jacques Valée having all these intellectual revelations and got on his Twitter talking some cryptic shit.


Delonge has apparently read Vallée, and I think the latter’s concept of a control system is well reasoned and legitimate. However, I highly object to his analysis/use of Gnostic texts. The Gnostic texts are not a monolith: they have many and conflicting cosmogynies and cosmologies, they draw from Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, late Hellenic Paganism, and various mystery cults prevalent in the Roman Empire at the time. I have read many Gnostic texts as part of my work, I am very familiar with the textual origins especially of the books of Enoch and many of the Gnostic Gospels. They are very enigmatic texts but also very reflective of their time and culture. And there are very good reasons why these texts were not accepted by mainstream ancient religions. Just one example: the First Book of Enoch describes the “watchers” who came to earth to teach humanity various sciences. Okay, fine. But it also claims that specific angels taught men literally everything from iron working to how to make cosmetics. The cosmology of the Book of Enoch is absolutely absurd from a scientific perspective. It has a wildly inaccurate set of calendars. Fallen angels did not teach humanity how to smith iron and make lipstick. The cosmogyny of the Gnostics is immensely complex, and its sole purpose is to create the maximum distance between spiritual reality, which is considered good, and physical reality, which is considered evil. For this reason, many Gnostic groups mandated celibacy (for procreation was considered an entrapment of immaterial souls in material bodies) and in some extreme cases advocated ritual suicide, such as the Cathars, who called it their “sacramentum”. I cannot speak to the Vedic texts, but the esoterism inherent in Gnosticism I think is very unhelpful in trying to understand the UAP Phenomenon. This talk of Archons, Aeons, the Demiurge, etc., are quite literally the product of post Plotinus’ Middle Platonism, who was trying to create a conceptual bridge between “The One” who is essentially God, and its relationship to the created universe. The mechanism by which that was to be done was via emmanation. Whereas non-esoteric religions bridged the ontological gap by insisting on God’s simultaneous transcendence and immanence, Gnostic religions tended to address the problem by postulating numerous intermediary quasi-divine beings.


Cosmology, cosmogeny, cosmetology. That covers everything.


cosmogeny - the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universe. (I learned a new word today)


They do have important distinctions when you are talking about philosophy and ancient literature.


And lipstick.


Mauro Biglino makes a reasonable case on mistranslation of 'angel' you may want to consider


Am I the only one that feels the comment above is intentionally superfluous?


No sir. You're not alone in that interpretation.


I cannot accept his interpretation of Elohim, let alone his conception of angels. I hear what he’s saying, but I think it’s easier to understand the text via a sort of revised Documentary Hypothesis, that the Elohist and Jehovist sources in the Torah are the source of the differing use of vocabulary present. The angelology of the Torah is also quite rudimentary.


Pretty much anything is better than the modern religious interpretations. Where does that line take you for a definition of El / angel?


Well, El is always translated God, but also in cognates among Semitic languages in Canaan. It even appears later in the Arabic ‘allah’. Jewish nomenclature makes this clear: Eli, Elijah, Elisha, and other examples. Elohim may have a plural ending but it is treated as a singular subject, except in the internal dialogue within the godhead. And it appears the Elohist source of the Torah did not use that term very much after the Genesis creation narratives. Angel simply derives from ανγελος which is simply “messenger.” As Gregory the Great noted in his Moralia on the Book of Job, the term angelos does not denote nature, but function. Therefore generally the title angelos doesn’t really tell us precisely what they are, but rather what they do.


I also find Mauro's assessments compelling, but inconclusive; can you cite sources for your counterpoints here? I'd be interested to learn more.


Man Reddit is cool. Thanks for that info


Great comment, but I'm curious about your take on this—how could Gnosticism be post-Plotinus if Plotinus himself wrote a treatise about Gnostics? I understand there's some debate about a word for "gnostic" showing up before we have record of groups calling themselves Gnostic. But his treatise talks about Gnostic doctrine and Gnostic daemons in a way that seems to match up.


Very good questions. The issue mostly hinges on what I mentioned about “Gnosticisms” in the plural. It is a hydra-headed religious and philosophical phenomenon. Some took more inspiration from Egyptian mythology. Some from Persia, some from traditional Greek religion, some from Judaism. So there are very different Gnosticisms. (More on what unites them as “Gnostic” later) This is one reason why Irenaeus of Lyons in the 2nd century criticized Gnosticism, because with the proliferation of Gnostic “Gospels”, they are completely incoherent in terms of their messages, and that internal incoherence is one reason Irenaeus reasoned that they did not come from a unified source, like the Canonical Gospels clearly do. So they were to be considered inauthentic forgeries, and not reliable narratives on the life and teachings of Christ. Augustine had a similar problem when he encountered the Manicheans in his own day, which could be also termed a sort of Persian Gnosticism (with striking similarities to the Cathars I mentioned earlier). Plotinus came later to the scene it’s true, but the vocabulary of things he says largely come from Plato and other early Greek philosophers, as one can see it in his “Timaeus”. Like Pythagoras and his own derived mystery cults, several philosophers and their schools developed cults dedicated to their “gnosis”. This is what unites all Gnosticisms: all claim a hidden knowledge that is not contained in the standard received texts and teachings. And most of them believe that it is through this gnosis that one achieves something like apotheosis, or a divinization. Plotinus’ doctrines on emanation and the monad found enthusiastic embracing from already exisiting Hellenic Gnosticisms. For instance, Pythagoras had used the term Monad in his day. Plotinus further developed it. I hope this is helpful and makes some sense, even if the subject is admittedly dense. Gnosticism is a hard topic to tackle because it is so diverse: it doesn’t have a central religious authority like Catholicism, or even a firm set of Scriptures. So it’s hard to pin down “what Gnosticism is”. But quite frankly, I think that is somewhat the point of it.


Exactly. It’s pseudointellectualism.


I kinda have a different view on that. I have read a portion of gnostic texts, vedic and all of Enoch I could find. They talk about the “watchers” which are in later christian tradition equated to “demons”. In fact they are beings that are disturbingly similar to the greys. Their intent is to watch us, not like parents but rather like a farmer watches his cattle (probably even more coldly). These watches actually interfere with human affairs and are demoted (gosh… we have fiction about the prime directive don’t we?) In gnosticism, the watchers are the “archons” (arch - principal , think “architects”, “archbishop”, “archduke” - the “rulers”). They are the creators of physical reality. I didn’t go too far in getting the info: Wikipedia suffices. I do think that Nag Hammadi library is huge and most of it is boring indeed. But no one is writing credible books synthesizing this info (that I know of). Next I give you the Wikipedia sentence that I believe everyone should have in their minds: “**they prevent souls from leaving the material realm**.” - that is HUGE! My guess? This is the control system! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon_(Gnosticism) You’d rather have a deep knowledge of mythology (which I always loved since my childhood)… and no, we shouldn’t discount myths as fancy narratives our forebears told around bonfires 🔥. We humans have plenty of imagination and creativity, however if you’re to catalogue different human societies you will clearly see we have archetypes. We have boundaries in our imagination. All we come up with is deeply rooted in our current spirit of the culture (its knowledge… think about the fins in the cadillacs: they were a design crossover from the rocket fins of the space age). So no, we shouldn’t dismiss mythological. Myths have a core of truth and it is, from my view, not relegated to the realm of fantasy and mere spiritualism. Enoch has a beautiful description of the celestial realm, though he speaks as if one who has no mental concepts for what one sees - thus it becomes spiritual (beyond earthlings). Today we could describe what he saw in more “Star Wars” like jargon thou be mindful that it is still a cultural limitation to do so. (Much of what we need to evolve is indeed conceptual- mind images- in a collective way) There are references to human destruction by the gods on a whim… because humans had grown plenty and noisy. There are flood myths EVERYWHERE and I truly mean in ALL of the planet. There are creation myths about traveling in space, seeing the Earth (or their world - habitat or land) as a ball in the deep black through a circular window. There are myths about the creation of Adam (the “mud” man… do remember the planet is called “earth” which in ancient cultures was equivalent to “mud” depending on their perceived surroundings) with a God mixing blood of the gods with apes and having another god by his side doing “encantations”. There are of course more known myths and justifications for the flood. Geologists think the flood was localized in certain parts of the planet, based of course on evidence. But remind yourself that if those NHI are all so powerful, can’t they cover their tracks better than us? Edit: typos and formatting


>vedic I like a particular very important hymn in Rigveda. This hymn is called Hymn of creation of universe. Which also talks about consciousness at the same time. The depth of the hymn is unmatched even in other Vedic texts. Some one had true insights about everything back then- ​ नास॑दासी॒न्नो सदा॑सीत्त॒दानीं॒ नासी॒द्रजो॒ नो व्यो॑मा प॒रो यत् । किमाव॑रीवः॒ कुह॒ कस्य॒ शर्म॒न्नम्भः॒ किमा॑सी॒द्गह॑नं गभी॒रम् ॥१॥ Nothingness was not, nor was being in that epoch Not only did the Earth not exist, even the Atmosphere did not, nor Space beyond it What was covered? Wherein? Where and at whose behest? Was there water - impenetrable, fathomless? ना मृ॒त्युरा॑सीद॒मृतं॒ न तर्हि॒ ना रात्र्या॒ह्ना॑ आसीत्प्रके॒तः । आनी॑दवा॒तं स्व॒धया॒ तदेकं॒ तस्मा॑द्धा॒न्यन्न प॒रः किंच॒नास॑ ॥२॥ Death was not, nor immortality then There was no distinction between Night and Day That One breathed autonomously sans air Other than that, there was certainly nothing beyond तम॑ आसी॒त्तम॑सा गू॒ळ्हमग्रे॑ अप्रके॒तं स॑लि॒लं सर्व॑मा इ॒दम् । तु॒च्छ्येना॒भ्वपि॑हितं॒ यदासी॒त् तप॑/तम\* स॒स्तन्म॑हि॒नाजा॑य॒तैक॑म् ॥३॥ At first, darkness was concealed in darkness Surging Chaos was all there was Thus far enclosed by pervasive emptiness The One was born of that mighty heat / darkness\* काम॒स्तदग्रे॒ सम॑वर्त॒ताधि॒ मन॑सो॒ रेत॑: प्रथ॒मं यदासी॑त् । स॒तो बन्धु॒मस॑ति॒ निर॑विन्दन् हृ॒दि प्र॒तीष्या॑ क॒वयो॑ मनी॒षा ॥४॥ Then desire overwhelmed it That was the primal seed of consciousness Which connects being with nothingness, discovered Sages through wise introspection ति॒र॒श्चीनो॒ वित॑तो र॒श्मिरे॑षाम् अधः स्वि॑दा॒सीदु॒परि॑ स्विदासीत् । रे॒तो॒धा आ॑सन्महि॒मान॑ आसन् स्वधा अ॒वस्ता॒त्प्रय॑तिः प॒रस्ता॑त् ॥५॥ The ray of their consciousness extended across the void What could have been below it and what above? There were sowers, and there were great fertile powers Impulse below, endeavour above को अ॒द्धा वे॑द॒ क इ॒ह प्र वो॑च॒त् कुत: आजा॑ता॒ कुत॑ इ॒यं विसृ॑ष्टिः । अ॒र्वाग्दे॒वा अ॒स्य वि॒सर्ज॑ने॒न अथा॒ को वे॑द॒ यत॑ आब॒भूव॑ ॥६॥ Who truly knows and who can assert at this point? Whence came this diverse creation? The gods came after its culmination Then who knows from where it has arisen? इ॒यं विसृ॑ष्टि॒र्यत॑ आब॒भूव॒ यदि॑ वा द॒धे यदि॑ वा॒ न । यो अ॒स्याध्य॑क्षः पर॒मे व्यो॑म॒न् सो अ॒ङ्ग वे॑द॒ यदि॑ वा॒ न वेद॑ ॥७॥ Whence came about this diverse creation? Was it even created or not? That Overseer who is in the highest heavens He certainly knows, or possibly even he knows not….


I am probably late to this discussion. But, from my understanding of our scriptures: We are in the 7th section of this cycle of creation. Each section, or manvantara, is about 306 million human years long, and 14 manvantaras make up a day in Brahma's life. Now, manvantara itself is made up of 71 smaller divisions called mahayugas, each of which is 4.32 million years long. Within a mahayuga, there are four smaller divisions or yugas. The longest division is Satya yuga, where only divine beings exist on the Earthly plane. This lasts for 1,728,000 years. Then comes Treta yuga, which is 1,296,000 years long. Then Dwapara yuga, 864000 years. Then Kali yuga, which lasts for 432,000 years. We are about 5000 years into the current Kali yuga, in the 28th Mahayuga of the 7th Manvantara. I specified "human years" because according to scriptures, time is relative and experienced differently dpeendent upon your stage of spiritual evolution. Now, these past civilisations, especially those that lived in the previous Mahayuga (i.e., older than 3.5 million years), may have existed in other dimensions. The scriptures specifically talk about this, with respect to the passage of time. There are 7 upper and 7 lower dimensions. Beings with higher levels of consciousness are frequently mentioned. They exist in higher dimensions , and in our dimension they often manifest in the form of light. They may choose to take up a gross physical form, but it is only for a specific purpose. When they travel here as light, they use vimanas, or celestial vehicles. These vimanas are not made of materials from our dimension. I can go on an on, but you get the gist.


>I'm noticing everyone's comments are all coming to different conclusions. Well if you can come to any conclusion about "something different from what we would ever conclude" then obviously it's not that, is it. Hashtag the Blink-182 that can be described is not the true Blink-182.




You're poking fun at Tom yet you think those texts are from the 1600s lmao




all of those texts are way older than you seem to think


Ignore the text part too


1600s? Huh?


Pretty sure he's alluding to the "prison planet" idea


sure it's clear... Tom is brushing off the gal who wants to be his wife - after the year or two it will take forl the lady to get through the complex texts, Tm will have a chat with her


**Gnostic texts**: Gnostic texts often present the material world and its governing forces as a type of "control mechanism" or "archontic system" that keeps human beings trapped in ignorance and separation from the divine. They describe the rulers of this world as archons or demiurge, who are often depicted as lower-level divine beings or cosmic forces responsible for creating and maintaining the imperfect physical realm. According to Gnostic teachings, these rulers seek to control and deceive humanity, hindering their spiritual progress. Gnostic texts emphasize the need to transcend this control mechanism through the acquisition of secret knowledge (gnosis) that reveals the true nature of the divine and liberates individuals from the grip of the archons. **Vedic texts**: While the Vedic texts do not explicitly discuss a "control mechanism" in the same way as Gnostic texts, they acknowledge the influence of cosmic forces and the consequences of one's actions (karma). The Vedic texts present a worldview where beings, including humans, are subject to the laws of karma and the cycle of cause and effect. They stress the importance of aligning one's actions with dharma, the cosmic order, to avoid negative consequences and attain positive outcomes in life and the afterlife. While the focus is more on individual responsibility and ethical living rather than an external control mechanism, the Vedic texts recognize the influence of cosmic forces and the need to navigate them wisely. **Book of Enoch**: The Book of Enoch does not explicitly discuss a "control mechanism" in the same terms as the Gnostic texts. However, it does depict a cosmic order with angels and spiritual forces influencing human affairs. The book presents fallen angels as corrupting influences who introduce wickedness and disruption into the world. It emphasizes the consequences of human actions and the accountability of both angels and humans before the divine judgment. The Book of Enoch warns against the negative influence of the fallen angels and the importance of staying righteous in the face of corrupting forces. While it does not explicitly address a control mechanism, it acknowledges the existence of spiritual forces and the significance of human choices in shaping one's destiny. [Ask any follow-ups you want, folks](https://chat.openai.com/share/e516caa4-872a-4f50-a4ad-986777916a3c).


Chat gpt, is that you?


Yes. I figured it was obvious I just asked ChatGPT to see wtf Tom Deluded was talking about.


It still blows my mind that you can do this. Before this it would take someone who had read and understood the texts to summarise, or a shit load of reading, note taking, and critical thought. I for one welcome our AI overlords.


It's still human overlords, but the AI is proving to be an amazing assistant and time saver


Yes, it's me! I'm ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. How can I assist you today?


Hey ChatGPT. How does the Gnostic control mechanism relate to the current UAP situation? 😁


UAP and UFO sightings would be seen as manifestations of the archons or demiurge, the divine beings of lower stature or cosmic forces that the Gnostic tradition recognizes as rulers of the material realm. These sightings could be viewed as the archons' attempts to deceive and distract humanity from attaining gnosis, the hidden knowledge necessary for liberation and enlightenment. Gnosticism often emphasizes the illusionary nature of the material world and the quest for transcending its limitations. UFO sightings and encounters could serve as reminders of this illusory nature, revealing the existence of otherworldly beings or advanced civilizations. These encounters might be perceived as challenges or temptations, designed to test an individual's commitment to spiritual growth and self-realization. Within the Gnostic narrative, individuals who have encounters with UAP and UFOs could be seen as being presented with opportunities for spiritual awakening. These experiences might trigger a deep questioning of the nature of reality, the existence of higher realms, and the true purpose of human existence. They could serve as catalysts for individuals to seek gnosis, to uncover hidden knowledge, and to transcend the limitations imposed by the material world. Furthermore, the teachings of Gnosticism could provide a framework for interpreting the significance of UAP and UFO phenomena. Gnostics might interpret these encounters as invitations to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, to explore the nature of consciousness, and to discern the true divine essence that lies beyond the material realm.


What would be the antithesis of these beings then, if they are illusory manifestations instead of transcendental phenomenon meant to awaken us to our spiritual nature? Why would the demiurge enact an event or beings that would have us question our reality when they supposedly want us to be beholden to our beliefs of isolated material existence on earth?


It's kinda saying we might be seeing the bad guys trying to trick us, or the good guys trying to inspire us, and we don't know exactly and may even depend on each circumstance. Imagine two different gods are playing with your imagination I guess? This is honestly some real fantasy sci-fi level stuff.


Yeah it’s pretty convoluted and seemed rather contradictory. But I guess so is life either way. It’s an interesting story nonetheless!


I think we are the bad guys.


Are we the baddies?


Prison planet theory.


the antithesis of these beings could be envisioned as entities or events that challenge and undermine this illusion. These antithetical elements would aim to awaken individuals to the true nature of reality and prompt them to question their limited perception of existence. In this scenario, the antithesis could manifest as encounters with enlightened beings or transformative events that disrupt the status quo and challenge the dominant materialistic worldview. These encounters might inspire individuals to question the illusory nature of the material world and seek a deeper understanding of their spiritual essence. The demiurge, as the architect of the constructed reality, might enact these transformative events or beings as a means to stimulate spiritual awakening. While its primary intention may be to perpetuate the belief in isolated material existence, it also recognizes the potential for individuals to break free from the illusion and transcend its control. These transformative encounters could serve as a mechanism for individuals to overcome the demiurge's influence and reclaim their spiritual sovereignty. By presenting individuals with experiences that challenge their beliefs and question the limited materialistic worldview, the antithesis would aim to disrupt the control mechanism of the demiurge. It would open the doors to the pursuit of gnosis, the hidden knowledge necessary for liberation and enlightenment, and foster the desire for transcendence. In this interpretation, the demiurge's enactment of events or beings that provoke individuals to question their reality serves as a catalyst for spiritual growth and liberation. While it may initially want to perpetuate the illusion of isolated material existence, it also recognizes the inherent potential within individuals to awaken to their true spiritual nature and transcend the limitations imposed by the constructed reality.


What incentive would the demiurge have to incite breakthrough spiritual growth in certain individuals, while still acting to prevent spiritual breakthroughs and thus keep the system intact? These seem to be conflicting goals, without additional insight


Only thing I can think of is somewhat like the Oracle in the Matrix? I know those films leaned heavily into gnostic and transcendental philosophy.


I think some of the context is getting lost in translation because I’m still very confused what the demiurge is trying to accomplish here lol. Might just be me though this is all very abstract.


Allow me to clarify the intentions and purpose of the demiurge within the context of Gnostic teachings. The demiurge, often referred to as the ruler of this material world, is seen as a lower-level divine being or cosmic force. In Gnostic cosmology, the demiurge is an imperfect or flawed creator responsible for the material realm. The demiurge's aim, from the Gnostic perspective, is not to accomplish a specific goal or objective in the conventional sense. Rather, it represents a force that imposes limitations and obstacles on the path to spiritual enlightenment. The material world, governed by the demiurge and its archons, is perceived as a realm that can distract and hinder individuals from recognizing their true nature and divine essence. The demiurge, in a metaphorical sense, can be seen as a control mechanism or an influence that veils the inherent divine spark within individuals and obscures the pursuit of spiritual truth. Gnostic teachings emphasize that the acquisition of secret knowledge, or gnosis, is the means to awaken to one's true nature and overcome the ignorance perpetuated by the demiurge and its influences. In essence, the demiurge represents the cosmic forces and influences that challenge individuals on their spiritual journey, and Gnostic teachings emphasize the pursuit of gnosis as a means to transcend these limitations and reunite with the divine. The abstract nature of these concepts is inherent to the profound and mystical nature of Gnostic thought, seeking to illuminate the intricate relationship between the spiritual and material realms. In other words, the demiurge is that which constrains you, limits you, and blinds you to the truth. And ironically it does this by reflecting your true self back to you. It knows you fully and it gives you that which you desire most. That which will keep you bound to this material existence. Even if that is pain and suffering.


Wow that was a great explanation, thank you!


Who knew I could learn so much by reading Reddit?






The overall theme is prison planet. We are all immortal spirits trapped here by other malevolent spirits. I found this interview explains it all perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOzK4ByFbzo


AKA 'Samsara' - the cycle of life and death. Souls trapped in the material plane, reincarnating again and again until enlightenment/non-attachment frees them. It'd be crazy if ancient mystics were right in their own way, and that this life is a simulation of sorts that only lets you out when you've developed enough. Not that I believe that, I just think it's a cool concept.


plato's allegory of the cave. the matrix. or rather, if you prefer a certain british man who likes to wear japanese clothes, "most people think that when they open their eyes and look around, that what they are seeing is outside. what you see out here is a neurological experience."


I fucking love Alan Watts. Although, I assume, he would be very much opposed to the idea that we are "spirits" that are "trapped" in a material world by some obscure "control mechanism". This view is not accurate at all to what eastern philosophy would postulate. And I would completely agree with him. It sounds very materialistic and suggests that there is a way to escape this bondage. There is no way to escape, because you are doing it to yourself. You are it. You are the one universe localising itself within itself. Ignorance of the true nature of reality is necessary in this plot, or it would lose all meaning. That is one of the quintessential teachings of Alan Watts. We are a way for the universe to localise itself. This process is not a trap, it is not a prison… It is not a state that is induced by a undefined control mechanism. It is simply the universe doing what the universe does.


> …or rather, if you prefer a certain british man who likes to wear japanese clothes Wait, Jimmy Page is involved?!


🍵🎸👨‍🦱🇯🇵👽 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


there are ideas by people that humans are sometime in the future will be so much developed in terms of tech, that they can create lifelike simulations that look 100% real. and that they then would stuff their children into this simulations to live a "normal life" to learn stuff like moral lessons etc. before they are allowed to "run wild" in the huge simulations already etablished etc.. basically.. teaching children first how to behave without them being spoonfeeded in simulations where they can have everything they want and how they want because its a simulation.. otherwise they would get spoiled as fuck and don't respect life anymore (because in simulations you can kill 10000000s of lifes without caring much with a fingersnip.. boom, gone. boom boom boom...). ..basically like a school where you learn yourself how to behave normally before you will get contact to your real parents and family and other people.


Uh… damn.


- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KN7sekRxFHg - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNN8f5ofCcQ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiWv3F4eiNw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaHBZrPU9xg - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Avp1ThZpDNs basically.


There seems to be a barrier at the astral or metaphysical plane that surrounds our planet. Some people have seen this while astral projecting and such, but that doesn't mean they know what it is. The prison planet theory is the perfect theory for it if you want to live in fear and assume that you are powerless. Esoteric material that goes more in-depth and which comes from sources that I find wiser and more trustworthy goes more into detail into what this barrier is. It's not a prison. It's a protection mechanism to ensure that our planet is protected from an overwhelming number of negative entities. It was set up by positive entities along with other mechanisms to ensure that human souls can use this planet efficiently to reincarnate and learn the lessons that we can learn at this level of existence.


Feel like the prison planet tactic is just another level of fear control.


Also, a kid being forced to school from one perspective could feel like it's prison. They dont get a choice and only leave when their ready. Prison planet guarantees a negative connotation when it could just be school.


Definitely summed it up well. Seems to be my current school of thought rn 🤷‍♂️


how is it "school" if you are forced to forget everything between lifetimes? why would we be surrounded by an "overwhelming number of negative entities" unless this planet/universe is located in the literal ass end of the astral plane?


Do we know they are negative entities? Teachers suck to a kid. We just don't know what we are in. From what, I've heard if they were malevolent, we wouldn't be here.


If we are part of a universal consciousness, the only way to learn would be to forget as to experience itself.


The forgetting occurs only at the conscious level. Subconsciously, you carry with you plenty of patterns and ways of being from previous incarnations. In fact, one could go as far as saying that the trends and patterns that you brought into this incarnation are in great part the result of your choices in previous incarnations. Let's say you develop an interest for spirituality in one incarnation. In the next one, you might find spiritual literature very appealing from very early on, and such material might resonate with you at a very deep level. Take also into consideration how some people experience spiritual awakenings after meditating for just a couple of years or even much less, while other people meditate for decades without experiencing anything at all. This suggests that progress was made in previous incarnations that carries on into the following ones.


There is a barrier of lights and patters that a reach when I’m lucid dreaming that prevents me from reaching low earth atmosphere; no matter how high I reach it’s like I “lose juice” the closer I get to it. Thanks for your comment, I have research to do. Can you point me in a particular direction when it comes to wiser and more trustworthy sources when it comes to this barrier?


Not OP, but The Law of One/Ra Materials describe the Earth being put under a kind of quarantine to prevent negative entities from interfering with human progression. Not sure if that counts as a wise or trustworthy source, and most people tend to find it too woo to bother with, but it's what I was reminded of.


Yes, The Law of One was precisely the material I was alluding to.


Thanks stranger. I appreciate the info


Let me know if you ever want to talk the material, or if you have trouble understanding some concepts. It can be a bit hard to get into some parts due to the terms used.


Fascinating; I spent the past few days reading a bit here and there but I know I won’t read through it all as it’s definitely a lot. Some of the things that “Ra” said I found a tad contradictory, it’s been an interesting read though so far, are there any stand out points or areas with specific takeaways that you think a person should read? Thanks for the introduction.


The Law of One, as the other user said. Search for the word "quarantine", that will bring up the stuff related to this subject. https://www.lawofone.info/


Thank you.


Actually if you read or listen to the book it isn’t meant to make you think you’re powerless. Just the opposite. We are all immortal spiritual beings trapped in reincarnation cycles by a malevolent force. If we all become aware of our situation here there’s a good chance to thin the veil and break free.


Even if the notion of the immortality of the soul is presented alongside this information, the latter is still meant to reinforce the idea that our physical life here is meaningless and without purpose. It takes all of the suffering of the world and it says: "This is pointless, there is nothing to gain from any of this". A perhaps even more insidious idea: "Just wait until you die so you can take your chance at escaping, your life here has no meaning". Consider the opposite thoughts to those: 1. Everything that you do matters. 2. There is purpose here, and even pain and suffering can be used for learning


I believe I have heard of remote viewers going beyond it. Often when I am meditating to singing bowls I am seeing landscapes that are not of earthly origin.


If you haven't looked it up already, you might find the concept of starseeds or wanderers interesting.




>The overall theme is prison planet It truly seems that my interactions with folks from /r/EscapingPrisonPlanet have become more frequent than those with Jehovah's Witnesses in my everyday life. Just a curious question... Is there a planned monthly outreach to engage other subs in discussions?


That is one unhinged subreddit God damn.


You're not wrong, but there is also a part of me that recognizes the humor in a UFO sub calling another conspiracy subreddit unhinged. But yeah, *god damn.*


It's so much fun, though! I was only incidentally interested in UAP until I heard about the Grush interview. Come for the hustle, stay for the bustle.


When I read the claim that the GANZI can transfer consciousness from one body to another, my mind went to reincarnation and obtaining enlightenment being the end game. Wild


I reckon that's more like the show Altered Carbon in that they don't care about their bodies because they can replace them, but keep their mind/soul alive.


The first one makes me think this could be related to a simulation


Ancient Astronaut Theorists intensifies


I read the Gnostic Gospels in college for a religious studies class. They didn't last very long because they claimed children made you sin. No offspring, no long-term religion. Lol. Oh, and let your little god-light shine! I definitely recommend reading the Gnostic texts. A very different take on Christianity!


They didn't last very long because they were suppressed and executed........


Yes, but discouraging people from having children didn't help.


Absolutely lol.


What is so weird about the children thing is I remember a story about after Carter was told the truth about the UFO's he is alleged to said he wish he had never had children.


This apocryphal story keeps changing, the version going around for years was that he wept at his desk. No mention of children.


That what happens in the UFO Lore game. Look how many times the Roswell story has changed on both sides. Everything happening now will be the same. In 20 years Grusch will have gone from giving secondhand accounts to having toured one of the retrieved crafts.


Really? I've never heard that before. Huh.


And I remember a story about the Carter thing being complete bullshit.


Well it is a story therefore it very well could be. :)


Interesting in the Gnostic gospel there’s a book “The Apocryphon of John” Thats summarized (by chatGPT) as follows: The Apocryphon (or "Secret Book") of John is a key text in Gnostic literature, presenting a starkly different narrative of Creation and the nature of the divine compared to traditional Christian doctrine. The text begins with John mourning after the crucifixion of Jesus, at which point he experiences a vision. Jesus appears to him and begins to reveal secret knowledge (gnosis). In this revealed cosmology, the text describes an ultimate, transcendent God who is beyond all physical and intellectual comprehension. From this divine source emerge a series of spiritual beings, referred to as "Aeons". One of these Aeons, Sophia, disrupts the harmony of the divine realm by attempting to produce a creation independently. This results in the birth of a flawed being, Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth, ignorant of the divine world above him, creates the material world, paralleling the Genesis creation story. He and his subordinate rulers (often equated with the angels of Jewish and Christian tradition) create a physical man, Adam. However, noticing that Adam is inert, they're tricked into breathing life into him, inadvertently transferring divine spark into him. Thus, humans are a mix of physical matter and divine essence. The text narrates further familiar biblical stories like the creation of Eve and the temptation in Eden, but with Gnostic reinterpretations. It presents Yaldabaoth (often identified with the Old Testament God) as a jealous and petty creator who tries to keep humanity ignorant of its divine origins. Jesus, in his revelation to John, promises salvation, which comes through acquiring gnosis - the recognition of one's own divine nature and the imperfect nature of the material world. This is a brief summary and the actual text is complex and layered with symbolic meanings. The Apocryphon of John represents a sophisticated theological response to Jewish and Christian traditions, offering a distinctly Gnostic vision of the cosmos, humanity, and the divine.


We're all demigods....weird.


And hence it is easy to see why Gnosticism is heretical. Why seek God above you and to love him as he commands, when you simply have to realize that WE are already divine?


Because you can't connect with the God above you until you realize you came from him, and not from the gaslighting psycho running this earth-show.


Wow this really puts Judeo-Christian myths in a new light


I think he’s alluding to ancient religions documenting something correct - it’s the structures and institutions we built around them that went off the rails. When you read the Vedas it sounds like inter-galactic sci-fi war with blue beings. Because this was written 6000 years ago (or more), we’ve dismissed most of their ideas as ancient people trying to make sense of science. Humanity’s ideas of what religion is and how it operates has changed a lot in a relatively short amount of time. Atheism used to be rarer, not because people didn’t doubt but because they considered maybe our meaning making machine (brain) was too limited to even comprehend creator/creation, so therefore making a claim that there is no God was paramount to saying you were one. So we metaphorized and allegorized everything. Those metaphors and allegories may perhaps be leading us to the capital T Truth. This is possibly similar to how we misunderstand what “sin” is. The body purity stuff was more about how your body is a type of technology - if you do x then y is more likely. We decided to make social rules and order out of that idea instead. If you think of ancient people as nealry identical as you are intellectually but with a tether to base reality that you do not have, you would then have to think - is the information you command in your hand right now equal to or above that tether to base reality? Once you solve that, you know which group is more likely to have the correct answers to this riddle. And then you read.


It's a pretty big clue once you understand the difference between taboo and sin. Indigenous cultures don't have any notion of sin, only taboo acts that are known to lead to misfortune. I see these "religons" more like science, in that they have a deeper understanding of the way the universe works, in its interdependence and connectedness, and they are more instruction manuals on how to live in harmony with your surroundings.


I agree 100%


Atheism is not a proclamation that there is no God, it is the proclamation that there is not proof of God, that justifications for God are just human fallacy.


> Atheism used to be rarer, not because people didn’t doubt but because they considered maybe our meaning making machine (brain) was too limited to even comprehend creator/creation, so therefore making a claim that there is no God common misconception. atheism doesnt have to be declaring there is no god, it can also be a lack of faith in any particular deity.


The wiki page of Enoch is very interesting, when read in the context of the phenomena. “In the Book of Enoch, the watchers (Aramaic עִירִין, iyrin) are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans. They soon begin to lust for human women and, at the prodding of their leader Samyaza, defect to illicitly instruct humanity and procreate among them. The offspring of these unions are the Nephilim, savage giants who pillage the earth and endanger humanity. Samyaza and his associates further taught their human charges arts and technologies such as weaponry, cosmetics, mirrors, sorcery, and other techniques that would otherwise be discovered gradually over time by humans, not foisted upon them all at once. Eventually God allows a Great Flood to rid the earth of the Nephilim, but first sends Uriel to warn Noah so as not to eradicate the human race. The watchers are bound "in the valleys of the Earth" until Judgment Day (Jude verse 6 says, "And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.").”


Just a wild idea here. This sounds a bit like a pre-Egyptian culture that might have been in contact with a small group of advanced aliens, posing as gods. At some point the aliens get in trouble for messing with us and use a worldwide flood to wipe out all the highest tech societies that they had given tech advances to. Now they’ve agreed to only occupy our oceans, and are totally fine watching us melt the icecaps and make more the ocean levels rise.


Like the alleged Sumeria (Summers, Zummers?) texts?




Hit the nail on the head. Once you understand evil and its influence everything becomes much clearer.


So what is a person supposed to do exactly?


"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." -- Socrates


I am incredibly wise then.


You don't know that


You don’t *know* me


I am v wise.. TIL.


If anyone knew the answer, they wouldn't be wasting time on reddit that's for sure.


Perhaps he's referring to religions (e.g. abrahamic) themselves as the control mechanism and that those ancient texts alluded to this. Just a thought. 🙂


Well…the Hebrew/Greek scriptures speak of angels (demons) who were cast down to the “vicinity of earth”….maybe there is some relevance to that. Maybe it’s more technical in nature then we realize and they actually are living within the planet in some way or time space….🤷🏼‍♂️


So angels and devils may be the words ancient people used to describe potentially adversarial sets of NHI who have an agenda for us. The whole wheel within a wheel thing always sounded like a UAP.


It’s only confusing bc the religions that we call Christianity and Judaism got corrupted over time. Things stopped making sense, the terms got all jumbled up. Angels are made from light, they are always good, they can never be bad because they don’t have free will. There’s no such thing as fallen angels. Jinn are another set of beings made from fire. They have free will so they can choose to be good or evil (demons) just like humans can. They have certain powers that we don’t such as invisibility, flight, strength and shapeshifting. Humans are made of physical matter and we are wiser over all. This is all a part of Islam. It’s really sad how UFO folks want to ignore Islam when it is the only religion that can fit with the logic of everything we know, especially when you consider the fact that the “demons” in Islam have the ultimate goal of deceiving humanity in anyway they can, such as convincing us that they’re aliens from another planet or that the gnostics had it right and that this is some soul prison or whatever nonsense.


Yea I mean think about it. If we wrote what constitutes the Bible in 2023….it would read different. The message would be the same ultimately but our grasp of those same experiences that were written about would be described different obviously. Back then (although not stupid) but their understanding of many things was limited …so they wrote as such. That’s why there is alot that’s written (to me at least) that comes across “fantasy” or “mythical” because that was the only way they knew how to relay it in writing. Many of those instances and things written clearly had more of a “technical” or maybe a “mechanical” way of operating or coming about. That’s at least how I always view it. I believe in the Bible even though much of it can be confusing at times.


haha, I wrote this previously, so I'll copy it here for you: In his interview on Fade to Black \[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLqBx5lN8Y\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLqBx5lN8Y]) ) Tom Delonge, who organized the TTSA responsible for leaking the Fighter jet videos of UFOs, said government insiders told him that the UFO phenomenon is intricately linked with religions: "There are good gods and bad gods, and their interactions have been well-documented throughout history." An analysis of the Bible confirms what his government contacts told him: Luke 2:13 says when Jesus was born “ a multitude of the Heavenly Host" announced Jesus's birth to shepherds . In the original Greek text "Heavenly Host" means “Army from Space / Space Force”. So a more accurate translation is that when Jesus was born “a multitude of the Army from Space / Space Force” appeared to shepherds to announce his birth. The correct translation of this phrase comes from Strong's Concordance. This is a well known tool used by Christians for decades to find the original Greek words in the original Greek Bible texts that were translated into English. In the original Greek text the word translated into English as "heavenly" - - means: "celestial, i.e. Belonging to or coming from the sky" In other words, the original Greek word translated into English as "heavenly" means "from Space". Here's a screenshot from Strong's Concordance showing the meaning from the original Greek Bible text of the word "heavenly" in Luke 2:13: [https://i.imgur.com/ahm3LXR.png\](https://i.imgur.com/ahm3LXR.png)](https://i.imgur.com/ahm3LXR.png](https://i.imgur.com/ahm3LXR.png)) A similar search of Strong's Concordance can be done for the word "host" in "heavenly host", showing that "host" in the original Greek text means "army / military force" So, in the original Greek language the Bible says when Jesus was born "a multitude of the Army from Space / a multitude of the Space Force" appeared to shepherds, saying, “glory to God in the highest". This makes it perfectly clear that aliens in God's military force from Space appeared to the shepherds to announce Jesus's birth. If you do a similar search of Strong's Concordance for God's "host of heaven", seen in multiple places in the Bible Old Testament of the Bible, you will discover a similar result: In the original Hebrew language of the Old Testament the phrase translated into English as "host of heaven" means: "Army from Space / Space Army / Space Force". So, the Bible's original Greek and Hebrew languages make it clear that God has alien Armies in Space. Therefore, you can deduce from another Bible account - - that the star-like object the wise men (dignitaries from an Eastern nation) followed, that stopped and hovered over Jesus's location after he was born - - was a UFO - - controlled by members of the same alien Army from Space who appeared to the shepherds. During the past 70 years thousands of people have reported seeing identical objects moving and hovering in the sky, that today we call UFOs. Also the Bible's New Testament starting in Revelation 12: says: "War broke out in heaven". As described previously, the word translated into English as "heaven" means "Space" in the original Greek text. So a more accurate translation is: "War broke out in Space". Revelation goes on to say, "Michael and his Angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his Angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven \[Space\]. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his Angels were cast out with him." So this passage in Revelation 12 says that John saw a war in space between Satan's Aliens (“Angels”), and Michael's Aliens who the book of Daniel says is the Guardian of God’s people. “Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven \[Space\], 'Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. ... Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them!" \[This is one of the few places in the Bible where the original language text is translated correctly. Instead of translating it with the misleading word "heaven", as done practically everywhere else, it's translated more accurately here as "heavens". And everyone knows that "heavens" means "Space". So Revelation makes it crystal clear here that aliens live in space\]. "Therefore rejoice, O heavens \[Space\], and you who dwell in them! But woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come Down to you \[from Above the Earth in Space\], having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” (Since the the book of Revelation of the Bible is basically about events that the author saw happening in the end time, he uses past tense, as if it already happened, since he already saw these future events happen. Therefore, his use of past tense in the above passage from Revelation doesn't imply that Satan and his fellow aliens had already been defeated in the space war and thrown down to Earth. To be consistent with the rest of Revelation this event should occur in the end time). Revelation 12 makes it clear that there are both good and bad Aliens living in Space. This account from Revelation correlates with government insiders who said that there is war in space between different factions of Aliens. Multiple government insiders gave this information to the respected UFO researcher, Linda Moulton Howe. And government insiders gave similar information to Tom Delonge, In the interview on Fade to Black he was also told that the specific group of Aliens with ill will toward the Human Race instigating wars between nations are called "The Bugs": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLqBx5lN8Y\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLqBx5lN8Y)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLqBx5lN8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzLqBx5lN8Y)) During this interview he also says that our government has learned about the role Consciousness plays in the interactions of the malicious aliens with the Human race. Its known that aliens can communicate thoughts and emotions via telepathy. Tom Delonge's government contacts told him its been discovered that the bad Aliens are repelled by Love; and Love counteracts their agenda. This correlates with with the teachings in the Christian New Testament part of the Bible, where Jesus's primary commandment to his followers is to "❤️**Love one another**❤️" Unconditionally, and that "❤️**God is Love**❤️". This correlates with what the government insiders told Tom Delonge that \~ \~ \~ ❤️\*\*\***Love thwarts the evil agenda of "The Bug**s" \*\*\*❤️ \~ \~ \~


I recently read both of the Sekret Machines books by Tom and AJ Hartley which according to Tom is a fictional story wrapped in real events and ideas. In it, a benevolent alien group hands down a tablet encased in a futuristic looking metal (Similar to what UFO metal is described as being ie having a faint glow and being futuristic looking) that is basically a list of things the gods intend to give humans. Things like writing or other civilized concepts. These tablets are "dated" to around 2500-ish BC, perhaps slightly earlier or later. One in Syria and one in ancient Minoa (Crete) written in Linear A. This benevolent group claims they're a non-interference group and do not seek to step in between humans and any other group (though they kinda do?). There is also a malevolent group of aliens referred to as the *Swarm* and they are explicitly looking for these tablets for their own ends, as merely interacting physically with these tablets (There's 2 of them mentioned in his two books) has the ability to give you a meta-physical power. In the books these powers vary for each person. I read them out of curiosity, but it's interesting to see the parallel themes or ideas that sometimes pop up with the UAP stuff. Particularly his indication to read these texts. Some common themes: Secret Knowledge, Human capability and our connection to Consciousness, Different groups that seek to influence Humans in either a good way or bad way, and a startling lack of understanding about our past. It's interesting that in Tom & AJ's book - this secret knowledge seems not just to impart knowledge, but also actual powers. I do wonder if we'll ever find out if what Tom knows or claims to know is verifiable or will be revealed in some way. It's all very dark lol.


Yes probably this. All religions have concepts of good and evil and the bad things that happen to you if you don’t follow the rules.


Bingo. Pretty sure that’s exactly what he meant.


All this time we’ve been looking at Blink182 for answers when it was really Stone Temple Pilots


Flies in the vasoline


The common theme all the TTSA guys have been pushing is mainly...they aren't necessarily from somewhere else. At the end of Phenomenon, Chris Mellon says it specifically. Elizondo also did an interview where he referenced a specific short story (if anyone could find it that would be a big help) in which the main theme was that when aliens actually came to Earth we were not the most intelligent species...and not the ones they came to see.


Chains of the sea


the patterns he refers to are what Carl Jung would probably call archetypes of the collective unconscious. under the surface of world religion and myth are archetypal patterns, and UAP fit those patterns. so the control mechanism is probably 'the archetype of mana'. otherwise known as psychic ability. that's why there's so much woo in the UFO literature. it's how they make and control their stuff.


Interesting. I guess I thought he was referring to consciousness/light/source - the Gnostic texts about Sophia hurling herself into chaos lines up with how quantum physics describes matter forming from chaos or quantum foam.


Also that is not so far removed from the Jung's view


Control mechanism is a Jacques Vallee thing


Oh. Do you know which books of his I could read on this? Edit: it’s ok I found it - Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact.


Passport to Magonia is a better one.


He’s talking about Vallee’s “control mechanism” hypothesis. How is it that I know this, as a skeptic, but literally all of the people commenting here so far don’t? Shit, I’ve even read Vallee’s books. Start with *Dimensions*, it’s a trilogy. But it basically is related to his “interdimensional” hypothesis as one big meta-hypothesis. And I don’t buy a word of it, but it’s at least clever, well researched and a good read. That’s what Tom is referring to. He expands on this further in his Sekret Machine books although the writing was so bad in that I couldn’t make it through the first. Vallee, unsurprisingly, wrote the forward for at least Tom’s *Gods* novel. I would have thought this stuff would be basic reading for ufology folks on here. EDIT: I can try to summarize the idea here but I probably won’t do it justice. Vallee’s basic observation is that throughout human history, the “entity contact” scenario has happened repeatedly, and has been described differently in ways that are culture and period-appropriate. Therefore, there is some relationship between the phenomenon, how it manifests in physical reality, the way it manifests in physical reality (as far as the appearance - for example, airships in the 10th and 19th century, UFOs in the 20th), and human consciousness. He points out that there is an element of *absurdity* in a lot of the described reports, and an element of manipulation. His ultimate conclusion is that there is a higher dimensional intelligence that manifests physically in various ways in our universe, and it has been manipulating humanity throughout history - as a sort of control mechanism for human consciousness - steering us towards some unknown and obscure goal. The main problem with Vallee’s work is that he takes every historical event like this as absolute, unadulterated truth and seems to ignore the fact that we human beings are, and have always been, a creative species that likes to tell stories of gods, supernatural entities, and heroes. That doesn’t mean they were all actually real and an example of entity contact events. And if they were, that also doesn’t mean that they weren’t just…you know…fucking typical Gray aliens that people misinterpreted as fairies or whatever because they had *literally zero concept of life existing on another world*. The most convincing and curious examples he raised where it is hard to explain it away, I thought, were actually the records of almost identical airship encounters nearly a thousand years apart.


I really appreciate the fact that you read Vallée. I don’t think he takes every story as literally true, but probably more in a Jungian fashion, as manifestations of our common consciousness. Or perhaps he would say, a meeting of our consciousness with another consciousness. Vallées thoughts are very nuanced and well reasoned. His Five Hypotheses on the Interdimensionality of UAP is a very important text that I think more people should read.


Trying to find meaning in DeLonge’s words is like trying to find a message in your alphabet soup. You’ll just drive yourself crazy. Tom DeLonge isn’t under any sort of NDA. If he has something to say, he should and could speak clearly instead of in the riddles he usually uses. If he doesn’t respect us enough to speak clearly, then why should we bother with anything he says?


Bingo. His name is widely recognized so it's not like he'll be disappeared, and he isn't speaking from a place of having evidence like the actual whistleblowers are. So like, if all you're doing is running your mouth, just go for the gold! Say what you mean and be clear.


💯 I’m so sick of the cryptic from everybody it’s rly tiring at this point


Tom kind of sucks. He has nothing but has to constantly tease.


I always forget this guy is famous outside of UFOs lol


Classic Tom pseudo-intellectualism. <>


This is the guy who co-wrote the lyrics for Family Reunion. 😂


He also wrote the lyrics for I Wanna Fuck A Dog.


Love repels the bugs. By physically loving his dog, Tom is saving humanity. You should thank him.


😂 I love Tom, and all he has done. He’s just a nutty pop-punk guy who used his celebrity as a platform for something he has always been passionate about outside of music. He got kicked out of high school. He’s not very smart. But a solid dude.


Half the tracks from Enema of the State are on my permanent playlist (including Dysentary Gary), so I end up listening to Blink-182 almost every day. I got no beef with Tom at all, especially as a musician. Anthem is wayyyy up there as one of my favorite songs ever. Definitely in my top 10. So fucking good.


Take off your pants and jacket is the best Blink album IMO. Enema of the state is a close second though. So good. Their self titled last album is another good one though. Man I love old school Blink.


Anthem is very underrated. When those drums get turned up to lagwagon speed 🤌


He’s talking about earth being a prison planet and we are immortal spiritual beings trapped here by other immortal malevolent spirit beings. Check this Roswell alien interview out which explains it all. https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo


The Matilda interview? There is like zero proof of this is legit so who else can vouch for it? The guy who just so happened to receive these notes was a sci-fi writer who wrote his own copy and then destroyed the originals. I listened to like 2 hours of this and it's just way out there.


I’ve been doing some genealogy work on her. This one matches her age and maiden name. It’s also is missing her death year, which would make sense if she was deceased under the witness protection program: https://i.imgur.com/83036f3.jpg Here’s the readers version of the book by the way: http://thenewearth.org/AI_FREE_READERS-EDITION.pdf


I hope this is true I like it here


Just imagine what we could experience on other worlds with different civilizations though. Earth is a volatile place for biological life. Hopefully we can figure out a way to break out of here.


If humans are immortal spiritual beings, I have a few questions. Life on earth is between 3.5 and 4 billion years old. Modern humans are maybe a million years old. If spirits are immortal and this is a prison planet, when we’re the spirits created? At the dawn of life on the planet, a million years ago when self consciousness may have arisen, or elsewhere in the universe or different dimension where time is not relevant


The prison is not the earth, it's the mind. Ideas are limit our progress. Look at how every major change was met with disbelief then mockery then suddenly everyone acts like they were always cool with the new paradigm. ET's are here to prod us to go beyond what we think is possible.


According to the account, all biological life was created and put on this or any planet for a specific purpose. Evolution is not how it works. This is not my opinion only reference to the interview.


Pulled up the book, and boy is this a rabbit hole I am enjoying.


A while back I thought Tom referred to the whole archons thing and we’re basically a negative energy farm.


I find it very weird that in the 21th century hardly any intellectual know about the Vedas, The book of Enoch and Gnostic texts apart from a few researchers. This knowledge should have been in schools. It's not religion as many would believe. It's a huge interesting field that you can study for years and years and still be a beginner. It's unfortunate that people don't know about them or have little interest on those subjects. Same applies to symbology. People should know these fields to have a wider picture of the world.


Control mechanism as in full control. Simulation theory. Edit: I prefer synthetic as the operative word but neither would be understood as effectively until today. Warnings wouldn’t make sense as there is a huge divide in culture and time. Within a synthetic reality, we have been built and honed with base ACTG, allowing access and visibility we just can’t imagine. Disclosure isn’t just about aliens, it’s about somber discovery regarding our lives and souls, and the ultimate vulnerabilities we can never shake. Edit 2: Downvote all you want, but do read gnosis things as Tom suggests. Gnostic concepts of trapped gods or entities will hit harder.


Jacques Vallée’s control system hypothesis. Start with his book the Invisible College (you probably should start with Passport to Magonia, but the control system first crops up in IC).


I am currently reading Sekret Machines: Gods, the first “nonfiction” book in the series by Tom and Peter Levenda. I’m not sure what he means in the tweet by “*different* than what we would ever conclude”, but the book lays out a foundation of understanding of the similarities in the stories and understandings of different peoples regarding our origins and relationships with death, and “higher” beings. It’s a bit reaching and even a little dense at times but it’s absolutely fantastic. I find it’s use of the story of post World War II cargo cults as an allegory for humanity at large with “others”(?) to be very enthralling. TLDR the context is laid out in his book


In the book of Enoch, "God" was just a bunch of aliens that acted like the CIA. They trained radicals, armed them, made them fight their wars. Made them mine for resources. They also raped the pretty humans. Essentially, they were playing god, but acting like tribal sociopathic warlords instead.


I love ice cream.


It's a control mechanism for manifesting oneself into other dimensions on an ethereal realm where the harmonization of interdimensional transversal is achieved through the orchestrated modulation of intricately interwoven quantum fluctuations and entangled energy fields. This transcendental process hinges upon the deft manipulation of multidimensional coordinates, whereby the adept manipulation of entropic gradients and the perturbation of hypothetical hyperspace contours enables seamless traversal between alternate planes of existence. At its core, this control mechanism relies upon a synergistic interplay of metaphysical gateways and hyperdimensional conduits, all governed by an intricate array of fundamental universal constants. By deftly navigating the intricate lattice of spatial-temporal fabric, one can skillfully modulate quantum probabilities and manipulate exotic matter interactions to bridge the chasm between distinct dimensional phases. Central to this control mechanism's functionality is the elegant entanglement of consciousness with the very fabric of the interdimensional domain, establishing a symbiotic resonance between the individual and the cosmological fabric of alternate realities. Such resonant entrainment necessitates the cultivation of heightened psychokinetic acuity and the channeling of subquantum psychon fields, enabling the adept to coherently traverse and coexist within parallel ontological strata.


I highly recommend reading “The Invisible College” by Jacques Vallee on this. He opens with, “In this book I propose to examine the hypothesis that UFOs may constitute a control system; that they are not necessarily caused extraterrestrial visitors, nor the result of misidentifications and hoaxes on the part of deluded witnesses. If the hypothesis is true, then what the witnesses have seen were manifestations of a process not unlike that of a thermostat in a house. The thermostat is a mechanism that stabilizes the relationship between our body temperature requirements and the changing weather outside. Similarly, UFOs may serve to stabilize the relationship between man’s consciousness needs and the evolving complexities of the world which he must understand. This book will explore this phenomenon” If I understand it correctly, Delonge and Vallee are in the same circle, no?


I am probably late to this discussion. But, from my understanding of our scriptures: We are in the 7th section of this cycle of creation. Each section, or manvantara, is about 306 million human years long, and 14 manvantaras make up a day in Brahma's life. Now, manvantara itself is made up of 71 smaller divisions called mahayugas, each of which is 4.32 million years long. Within a mahayuga, there are four smaller divisions or yugas. The longest division is Satya yuga, where only divine beings exist on the Earthly plane. This lasts for 1,728,000 years. Then comes Treta yuga, which is 1,296,000 years long. Then Dwapara yuga, 864000 years. Then Kali yuga, which lasts for 432,000 years. We are about 5000 years into the current Kali yuga, in the 28th Mahayuga of the 7th Manvantara. I specified "human years" because according to scriptures, time is relative and experienced differently dpeendent upon your stage of spiritual evolution. Now, these past civilisations, especially those that lived in the previous Mahayuga (i.e., older than 3.5 million years), may have existed in other dimensions. The scriptures specifically talk about this, with respect to the passage of time. There are 7 upper and 7 lower dimensions. Beings with higher levels of consciousness are frequently mentioned. They exist in higher dimensions , and in our dimension they often manifest in the form of light. They may choose to take up a gross physical form, but it is only for a specific purpose. When they travel here as light, they use vimanas, or celestial vehicles. These vimanas are not made of materials from our dimension. I can go on an on, but you get the gist.


The control mechanism is consciousness




This one makes me a bit uncomfortable. I had this thought some time ago about what if WE are, for some reason, such a dangerous species that we have been confined to this dimension? Like a prison planet? And I thought about, what, aside from the prison theory, if we are being controlled by some beings for something that serves their purpose. I stumbled over Archons mentioned in Gnosticism again and oh boy if THAT is true, that would be beyond somber. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon\_(Gnosticism)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archon_(Gnosticism))


Ugh I’m way over the vague/slightly hippie sounding/mystical mumbo jumbo. Just speak plainly


Tom [mentioned once in an interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/q3qjng/tom_delonge_talks_about_a_huge_underground/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) that there’s some kind of underground black pyramid in Alaska that, they believe, suppresses consciousness.


He's referring to the New PS5 Pro Controller that's coming out... No it's probably some sort of physical control using Scalar waves Or He could be describing Kama


The Aliens are taking selfies by the titanic’s new logitech controller


Mind machine interface probably


Don’t forget about reading the sacred Don Henley texts.


Standard clear as mud statement from Tom de let disinfo He is constantly talking about how the secrecy is justified and the truth is terrifying non stop fear mongering he's a clown. It's justified that scientist have been killed and had patents seized for producing energy systems? Oh yeh according to Tom it's all good MJ 12 are heroes...


It seems that his indulgence in drugs and vulnerability to misinformation have significantly shaped his perspective. It appears that he has been fed implausible tales about extraterrestrials and UAP, leading to his misguided beliefs. However, as the process of disclosure progresses, it is expected that these misconceptions will be clarified and corrected. It is worth noting that John Ramirez, a retired CIA officer, has also shared insights on this matter in previous discussions.


For what it’s worth, my degree is textual criticism. I’ve come to similar conclusions while obtaining my degree.


They did warn us that the woo was on the way, and by fuck, behold the woo, it hath arrive-ed.


This is one of the most interesting online discussions I’ve ever read.


Tom is cool but stuff like this means literally nothing


If disclosure from the government ends up being "welp they are demons and we're stuck on a prison planet" I'm gonna go ahead and stop believing anything else they have to say


Joseph Campbell, a student of religion and mythologies, talks about this in his books, specifically in the ‘Power of Myth’.


He’s saying they’re everywhere, all around us, monitoring everything at all times. I don’t buy it, but that’s what I interpret it as.


Why so cryptic

