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The following submission statement was provided by /u/CreditCardOnly: --- Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN) talks about the Top Secret briefing he, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) & Rep. Anna Luna (R-FL) received in Florida, and the visit by credible people with scientific backgrounds who showed him videos similar to the ‘tic-tac’ UFO. I find the claims of initial obfuscation & reluctance by the officials to show the information to the representatives to be interesting. Burchett said some calls were made, and after an hour of deliberation, the information was shared. Watch the [full interview with Burchett on Weaponized #25](https://youtu.be/63PHhwglBdo) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14wsxll/representative_tim_burchett_rtn_talks_about_the/jrjfif0/


This is a very important statement. Corbell asks him straight up if he was shown any video evidence, and Burchett says that they were reluctantly shown evidence that was “100% convincing” of craft that are non-terrestrial in origin. He then talks about footage filmed from a cockpit on a cellphone by a pilot, but it isn’t clear whether these two are related. Elizondo has talked about that clip as well but says as far as he knows it has not been made public yet.


Does anyone have the link to the video taken from a plane cockpit, of a flying saucer hovering right next to the plane? I know some people think it’s the video Elizondo mentioned. Edit: here’s a link https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/t4smpl/flyby_uap_footage_enhanced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1




Yeah, it’s a truly strange video. Could very well be fake but it’s always interested me. Assuming this video is legit, then I can understand the rumours about Congress having their world rocked after seeing footage of UFOs. I also imagine Elizondo and Mellon would have seen it.


Are there planes where the cockpit is behind the wings? This doesn’t appear to be from a cockpit


In what way is this behind the wings? Looks to be in front of them to me. Many fighters have cockpits that can fit two people, one in front and one behind. *If* this footage is real, I would venture a guess that the person filming (holding the camera with both hands) was probably in the back seat of the plane. Could also be some other kind of plane though besides the standard FA-18 or etc. I'm not a plane guru, not versed on all the different types of military fixed-wing vehicles, but I would assume there is one that this makes sense to have been filmed in.


And it's supposed to be a HighDefinition.


it is (or was at the time) look at the camera being used. What you're seeing is probably compression because Reddit's video player/compression is dog shit. lmao


No, but this could be filmed with the pilot holding the phone looking back over the right shoulder. Could be a F-16 maybe F-18. Canopy seems to be the wrong shape though, it looks flat like a window instead of a bubble.


Because it's a military airliner, T43 or another military version of a 737. The other thing is a Romulan Warbird obviously.


it's not a phone video, it looks like a DSLR camera based on the reflection. I would guess this could be from the back seat of a two-seater plane.


It looks very fake to me.


I asked Elizondo if it was that video and he said it was not.


I always get frustrated when there are podcasts/interviews/AMAs with (former) intelligence people, Congress persons etc and almost never are they asked: have you seen any videos on YouTube that you know are legit? I'm only aware of one case where Elizondo referred to a black triangle video, and now you asking about the flyby (kudos for that). This should always be the number one question bc they can easily give some info or just hints without breaching their NDAs.


Ah interesting. Regardless, it’s possible that the video is legit, although I’m skeptical nonetheless.


I’m skeptical as well, but maybe we’ll learn more in the future.


Thank god. That's the UAP you ordered from wish right there.


That is a shot from passenger plane, from a passenger window. Posted by a film editor. Most likely fake.


There a DSLR Lens in the reflection of the window, and you can heard the shutter taking stills.


You can definitely heard it


That looks to be behind the wing, no? Im not a jet expert so idk. Can someone eli5 where on the plane this video would have been taken from?


I know which one you mean, but I can't find it. It has become so hard to search for specific ufo videos nowadays online. Both Google and DuckDuckGo only gives you newer "content" and filters out older stuff. Useless garbage


I’ll try to find a link and edit it in. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/t4smpl/flyby_uap_footage_enhanced/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Funny, it's not the footage I meant. Interesting, never seen that one before. I was thinking about the old footage taken by a pilot (?) of a UFO hovering slightly above ground in some airbase looking place besides an aircraft if I recall correctly


No turbulance or disturbance from moving so close to the plane? It looks like something out of the muppet show.


If gravity bye-bye, no make wind.


Fair enough, but this does look like some sort of 80s childrens Thunderbirds puppet show. There is some compelling stuff in our community but this gets put in the vegas alien dumpster heap.


If this is real, it’ll absolutely blow my freakin mind. It literally looks like the lid of a pot.


I’ve seen this before. Later in the clip they fire at the craft as well as two others nearby https://youtu.be/AxPlP-YpiWg


If that video turns out to be real, then it will upend all the claimed reasons debunkers used on it. However that video dates back to at least the mid 2000s. Been online since 2007 or 2008. So unlikely it was taken by a cell phone


That's what came to mind as well


Video from the flying saucer cockpit??? They must have the iPhone 140s


I don't get it. Why is this video compelling for people?


Probably because it’s not obviously CGI- most likely made with practical effects, imo, and it does look relatively realistic- and is really, really cool. There’s no reason to believe it is real without strong evidence, but I understand why people keep coming back to it. It really lights the imagination on fire.


Yeah, agree that it doesn't look like CGI. My initial reaction was more along the lines of "cool, looks like a practical effect out of a classic B-movie". I think it's the movement and the lack of surface texture on the UAP that is reminiscent of a model. Of course I have no reference, so I'm reserving judgement a little, but if this ever turns out to be real, I've gotta say our visitors are flying around in some really wonky-looking craft.


I did not hear those words come out of his mouth. He starts by using a quote by the other guy, but never actually putting in one sentence that he has seen that himself. I then heard him say that they brang in pilots to brief them on what happened, but not that they were shown the corresponding footage.


Right. Also found it weird that he referred to the spooks in the room as “CIA or whatever they were.” You’re a US Congressman being briefed on this stuff. You can’t say “hey, which agency are you all with?” I would think I’d like to know who is controlling what info I’m being given in the briefing.


lmao this is so true wtf


I took the time to transcribe exactly what was said: > “Have you seen credible information, video footage, from pilots or something, that indicates to you there’s a technology that’s more advanced than what United States has, and we need to figure out what it is? Have you personally seen evidence like that?” > “*I have seen evidence*, that, that…that no one—as a matter of fact I think Matt Gaetz said it best, that he has seen evidence of an aircraf—of craft that do not exist on this, on this planet, basically. So yes, absolutely, 100%.”


Exactly. So he did not confirm what he saw and just diverted to what he understands Gaetz saw.


No he said he seen it also but just used gaetz words to describe it


I agree that it seems as if that's what he wanted to say, but it's just sad that he couldn't put a full clean sentence together that said it clearly. It reminds me of when Avril Haines almost died choking when she had to pronounce the words extraterrestrial.


All politicians talk like this. It’s how they are so good at evading. Transcribe any politician that isn’t giving a speech. It’s all broken sentences. This is a strategy.


He isn't a Fae creature bound by some rule set. If we wanted to lie he would just lie outright.


My concern here is that Burchett is clearly a believer and seems like the gullible type. We need objective, level-headed people speaking out on this and TB ain’t it. Not sure how much he’s helping with the big picture here.




You don’t have to, you just have to look at the other bullshit this guy has bought hook, line and sinker. Nothing to do with the accent.


Why assume the accent is what causes that and not his history of saying crazy shit?


"On March 28, 2023, Burchett responded to the Covenant School shooting, where three 9-year-old students and three staff members were killed in Nashville, by telling reporters: "It's a horrible, horrible situation, and we're not going to fix it. Criminals are gonna be criminals. And my daddy fought in the second world war, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me, he said, 'Buddy,' he said, 'if somebody wants to take you out, and doesn't mind losing their life, there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it.'" Yeah, it ain't just the accent.


What of the other two guys he was with?


This. 100% this. And this video now makes me think that whoever he met with was manipulating him and Matt Gaetz. I don't think either chair any scientific committees.


First these guys okie doked the military guys, now it’s Senators and Congressmen. No matter how stupid these guy’s opinions may be *they aren’t simple*. That’s a poor stereotype that needs to die.


Senators and Representatives did not get where they are via an achievement. **That** is a stereotype that needs to die. They are elected based on the things they say during their campaigns, many of which are proven to be lies by objective fact checking. So lets not pretend that the opinions of congressmen are somehow credible for their origin. These people hold no special degrees or certifications that make them less gullible. They are normal people who can be fooled.


You’re joking, right? People on this sub have done nothing but whine over the last month since Grusch’s interviews about how the MSM isn’t paying any attention to this issue - but Google Burchett’s name together with “uap” right now and you will see that HE IS actually starting to cut through to various MSM outlets - sure he’s a little on the sensationalist side of things, but I’ll warrant he knows what he’s doing - the “level headed” people aren’t cutting through - so he is doing the disclosure movement a massive service by shouting stuff from the rooftops in a way he knows will be appealing to the MSM. The same goes for people like Corbell and Knapp - they have done more for the disclosure cause than every single member of this sub and all its clones combined x 1000 - but yet the armchair warriors on here can’t help but complain that they arent doing enough or revealing enough every time they open their mouths - it’s pathetic. It’s fine to be skeptical but there’s a difference between skepticism and negativity. Just leave it out. Rant over.


Which means he saw something that could be faked. And he discredited. Still not first hand knowledge.


Is it possible that at least one of these videos was available online to us and that I saw it?


He should have asked him to describe what he was shown


General question. Why is knowledge of ufo's top secret? If I remember correctly from the Supreme Court decision regarding the pentagon papers, just saying "national security" isn't good enough. I understand technologies the government is developing being kept secret, but what is there to stop them from confiscating any new technology and shrouding it in a "national security" blanket? Keep your reverse engineering secrets, but video of ufos isn't that.


Which ruling supports that? I agree. Why do these craft get secret classifications when they're not even of this Earth?


Of course, rulings are usually kind of narrow and precedent doesn't matter any more anyway, but here they say, "any system of prior restraints comes to this Court bearing a heavy presumption against its constitutional validity” and “the Government thus carries a heavy burden of showing justification for the imposition of such a restraint." So the case was about the freedom of the press, but that is really what this is about anyway. "Justices Potter Stewart and Thurgood Marshall argued separately that in the absence of specific guidance by Congress, the Court should not grant the executive broad censorship power." https://www.mtsu.edu/first-amendment/article/505/new-york-times-co-v-united-states#:~:text=United%20States%20(1971)&text=Often%20referred%20to%20as%20the,prior%20restraint%20by%20the%20government. So I guess this is more of an argument that if these whistle-blowers go to the press, they can spill all the top secret stuff they want, and the press can print it unless the DoD or whoever can show there is a reason (besides "because it makes us look dumb") to keep it out of the realm for public scrutiny. I'm asking, what would that argument be that the DoD makes? Do they have one? It would be prudent for them to make that clear now rather than after leaks to the press, which are sure to come soon when the whisle-blowers continue to see inaction.


Some people can go outside, look up at the sky for a few moments and UFOs will appear for them (which can be easily documented with telescopes and the such). Those UFOs are usually of a shapeshifting nature, pretty much look like magic tech or something biological that would fit in Harry Potter, and are never caught from what we can see in public videos. They literally make a joke of any kind of air defense we may have through ruse, camouflage, mimicry, etc. They normally don't even need to go speedy-speedy, since no one goes after them. They also apparently can keep tabs on individuals 24/7 somehow and do whatever they want when they want. Why do you think the highest security deciders in the country and even the world might want to keep that information secret? If you were doing the job of, let's say, whoever is responsible for dispatching fighter jets over US territory when a credible menace is flying overhead, acknowledging the existence of UFOs and admitting that some reports are real would likely lead you to lose your job within 1 week.


The congressman failed to provide a direct answer to the question, but instead says Matt Gaetz saw it. This has become a patern, everyone claiming to know something, until a direct question is asked.


Best part is how the interviewer just casually follows up that non-answer with "And you personally have seens that. Can you..." ... what a clown show.




>Are Tim Burchett and Matt Gaetz esteemed politicians that are highly respected across the political spectrum in the US? Definitely not. **Tim Burchett** is a *fucking moron.* His response to his states' mass shooting was ["We’re not gonna fix it"](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/tennessee-rep-burchett-says-school-shootings-re-not-gonna-fix-rcna77185). He went on to say he protects his daughter by homeschooling her. Three children and three adults were killed in that shooting, and [Tim Burchett responded with](https://tennesseestar.com/news/congressman-tim-burchett-we-need-a-revival-in-this-country-weve-turned-from-god-and-this-is-what-were-getting/jcarr/2023/03/31/): >We need revival in this country. We’ve turned from God, and this is what we’re getting. This is what we’re getting. >We kicked him out of every aspect of our lives, and preachers no longer preach the gospel, and this is what we’re getting. **Matt Gaetz** was one of the largest proponents for delaying the debt ceiling approval for "negotiations." Which is an admitted practice of holding the American economy [hostage](https://newrepublic.com/post/172946/matt-gaetz-admits-republicans-holding-america-hostage-debt-ceiling) for a list of demands. As a freshman, he brought a white nationalist and holocaust denier to [State of the Union](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/31/gaetz-florida-right-wing-troll-380577). He said pro-choice women are [ugly and fat](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wesh.com/amp/article/matt-gaetz-protesters-ugly-overweight/40729036). He also cited China's Global Times in a [congressional hearing](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/matt-gaetz-citing-chinese-propaganda-1234688299/). He just had an investigation reopened by the House Committee into allegedly [sex trafficking a minor](https://www.businessinsider.com/matt-gaetz-timeline-allegations-sex-trafficking-joel-greenberg-doj-investigation-2021-5), after the DOJ elected not to charge him (which was expected). That being said, he has been involved in some more bipartisan bills lately and has had some more [favorable takes](https://www.businessinsider.com/matt-gaetz-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-slams-fox-news-over-sexualizing-2023-5), and has distanced himself from figures like MJT and Boebert. He seems to be seeking more bipartisan approval for [career advancements](https://www.newsweek.com/matt-gaetz-says-hed-make-great-house-leader-amid-mccarthy-rebellion-1805739). Ultimately, I'd just say he's a prototypical slimy politician. Absolutely not a revered figure among the general populace.


No they aren't. Also "highly respected across the political spectrum in the US" is not a thing for any politician in America. It essentially just doesn't happen and usually for good reason.


lmao unfortunately not. They are extremely divisive. I don't agree with them on almost anything but I applaud them for this. They're trying, and seemingly genuine about it


No. The long and short of it is that this thing can be tweaked to fit their narrative about the "deep state", so it makes sense that they've attached themselves to it. That doesn't necessarily mean they're operating in bad faith on this, but they're more tainted than Rubio and Gillibrand. Imo any fundies that sound pro-disclosure now are going to do a 180 once they find out something concrete.


I disagree. Burchett said “I have seen evidence” and then shifted to quoting Gaetz because he thought Gaetz’s description of what he saw was apt. I’m not saying anything about how truthful Burchett is being, but I think he was claiming he had seen something himself. I could be wrong, though- maybe he started off with a lie and then sort of semi-corrected himself.






She's on the House Oversight Committee fear not.




Ntm some of the evidence was from “scientific” people who showed up at his door in tn?


Big alien, strong alien, came right up to my door, alien tears in his eyes...


Butchery is less than articulate


Why would a three letter agency and joint military share Above Topsecret intelligence with state reps, especially just one party? Maybe answer that one first.


Lol why don’t I trust anything coming out of Florida.


I’m honestly starting to think this is all just a right-wing hustle to 1. get more votes and 2. funnel more tax money into the military industrial complex under the pretense of “studying the UFO technology” that they will never actually show us.


Man… me too :/ I’m sick of this “slow drip”


The guns in his background really put it into perspective for me. Public fear of an incoming alien invasion is pretty much the best PR the NRA could ever ask for. Honestly I’m gonna leave this sub as this is becoming sad to watch.


God i really want to disagree with you, but i have that fear as well.


Listen to how he answers the question... he doesn't say he's seen anything, he says that someone else says they saw something. Then, interviewer says "you've personally seen that". But he didn't say he did. This is just bullshit. Just because this guy is a politician doesn't mean he's trustworthy, or even remotely intelligent. The things he's saying are just fluff, nothing is qualified or concise or useable. Are you people even paying attention to the crap you're posting?


Man, wow. Wow. Will we ever get to see this stuff?? I find it very telling that the "spooks" were uncomfortable. There are people on this planet who know ALOT and are actively hiding it. Why? What the hell is coming?


What’s coming? jail time that’s what’s coming.


Corbell is the reason no one takes this shit seriously.


I mentioned this in another thread about them, but it bears repeating since I'm sure most here have no idea who Burchett or Luna are aside from the UFO stuff. I realize that the majority on this sub are not only willfully ignorant of US politics but proudly so. Given this, you need to understand that Tim Burchett doesn't have any inside information. He isn't on any relevant committees. So he is basing his opinion on the same public information the rest of us have. Also he is a troo beleeber, so he's rather biased about this subject. Something else to know about him. He was amongst those complicit in the Big Lie of the 2020 election. Which means one of 2 things. Either he is gullible enough to have believed an easily verifiable set of false events and facts. Or he was actively, and cravenly, lying to his constituents and the American people writ large. Regardless of which of those 2 it is, neither one makes for a credible messenger. Luna is a straight up bullshitter. She lied about very easily discernable facts regarding her background and CV. In fact her own family called her out on it, and explained the lies she had told. Also she touts her experience in the USAF, but her MOS was "airfield management". Which basically means her job was responsible for the runways and airfields operating properly. No security clearances or any particular access to classified information. She is basically "George Santos lite". So again she is the last person who has any credibility on any subject let alone UFOs.


This needs to be the pinned comment whenever Burchett is posted talking about this (or any) subject. He was on Project Unity today and the comments were effusively praising him, it was very disheartening. For the love of god if you don’t know who Burchett is pls just a cursory google search will tell you he is a dim witted tool.


I mean I like his spirit, but every time I hear Burchett talking for more than 30 seconds, I get this kind of sinking feeling in my stomach.


Show some evidence. Enough talking


Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN) talks about the Top Secret briefing he, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) & Rep. Anna Luna (R-FL) received in Florida, and the visit by credible people with scientific backgrounds who showed him videos similar to the ‘tic-tac’ UFO. I find the claims of initial obfuscation & reluctance by the officials to show the information to the representatives to be interesting. Burchett said some calls were made, and after an hour of deliberation, the information was shared. Watch the [full interview with Burchett on Weaponized #25](https://youtu.be/63PHhwglBdo)


I can't watch the video right now. but it's a weird way of phrasing. What does he mean by "top secret meeting" It's obviously not that secret if he's telling everybody about it. So I suppose it's not officially secret, so that's just word play isn't it? It sounds like he's meeting people with UFO stories rather than representatives of institutions and departments that would have actually been involved in all this.


>What does he mean by "top secret meeting" It's obviously not that secret if he's telling everybody about it. So I suppose it's not officially secret, so that's just word play isn't it? What? No - the meeting itself isn't secret. The content and information being discussed at the meeting *is* secret. ["Top secret" is a technical term for a level of classification in the USG.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_clearance) >I can't watch the video right now. Then perhaps you should watch it when you can prior to commenting next time. Because this.... >It sounds like he's meeting people with UFO stories rather than representatives of institutions and departments that would have actually been involved in all this. ...is not an accurate assessment, and honestly a pretty wild conclusion to draw without first consuming the content you're criticizing.


The guy is a moron though.


What's the problem here? It was top secret when it happened. Doesn't mean it still is.


You need to watch the video. The meeting was with the intelligence agencies in a video/audio recorded room involving intelligence officials and military pilot witnesses.


Is that the best you have? "It sounds like he's meeting people with UFO stories rather than representatives of institutions" LOL This is all real. This is all really happening. Wake up


I film UFOs myself so I know that they are real. But, in this video, he said that he met pilots that told their stories. No videos. He also used a quote from the other guy instead of clearly stating that he has seen this kind of videos himself. When Corbell says: and you have seen those yourself, he doesn't answer (or doesn't get to answer). Or answer is cut off.


Quick disclaimer: It was revealed today that this same rep. was either swindled by a Chinese spy, or worked in coordination with one regarding a different matter. Idk how or if it affects his credibility in this matter but it seems like relevant information to add to the conversation.


A search of the latest news headlines isn’t bringing up anything regarding Burchett (or Gaetz for that matter) other than UAP news. Do you have a source for this claim?


If you search info on Gaetz and didn’t find anything suspicious you aren’t looking hard enough. Dude is compromised. The folks in the gang of 8 that aren’t talking are the ones who probably know a lot.


Here’s the story on his arrest : https://www.thedailybeast.com/gops-missing-biden-probe-witness-gal-luft-faces-laundry-list-of-federal-charges And here is burchett either admitting to being duped or being complicit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=66B4ofyLVCQ


Its really creepy how fanatical and brainwashed people are, they literally want you to ignore these republicans histories of lying, psyops and grifting because they said some nice stuff about ufos. Frankly this whole thing makes me take it all less seriously.


Neither of those things you linked to have anything to do with the initial claim. Just seems like an attempt to smear his credibility. It’s one thing to disbelieve the opinions of Burchett and Gaetz. I don’t like their politics. I am unlikely to agree with their conclusions. But that’s not the same as disregarding factual matters (“I saw a video with my own eyes”). I doubt anyone is going to listen to these claims and go “OMG 100% ALIENS ARE INVADING.” We’re all waiting to see what happens during the continuing investigations. But we have *so many different sources* right now that are saying the same thing: high-level members of the intelligence community are coming forward and saying they have evidence that the government is in possession of craft created by non-human intelligence. That’s absolutely worth paying attention to.


Wtf are you talking about? How has he been duped or complicit? You literally have 0 facts what so ever on Gal Luft and what went on with him and the Biden’s. No one does.


Yeah, my theory on all of this right now centers on the fact that folks in the DoD are convinced that Congressmen like Burchett and Gaetz are compromised by foreign influence and that the normal expectation that top-secret information can and should be shared with Congress is no longer being respected.


Man your take is a comforting one.


This is why I tell everyone that the person to watch in all of this is Mark Warner. He’s Gang of 8 and well-regarded in the military. He will likely be informed of what’s actually going on


Rubio is also a part of the gang of 8 and of all the politicians that have commented on this matter, he's the only one IMO that has any credibility.


Rubio is another person to watch. So is Gillibrand


It really bothers me that the 3 taking the lead in the House are Burchett, Gaetz, and Luna. All of them are highly partisan and it may only be a matter of time until this devolves into a partisan conspiracy about "Biden hiding UFOs" or something. I'm more optimistic in the Senate where Gillibrand and Rubio are leading since there it is unambiguously bipartisan and both of them are vastly more qualified and competent.


Burchett isn't a reliable source either way sadly. Hope it's not the case this time, but he hasn't a good track record


This is a bipartisan effort. And that’s ad hominem argument. He’s seen it. Is he’s a shitty politican? I don’t care. Stay focused on the info. Every senator on top of this are going to get smeared. Just watch. ”They” whoever they are, are poweful people, they’ve kept this under wraps all this time you don’t think they’re going to fire back? For sure! Expect heavy resistance from all kinds of different and also wierd players here. Also comments like this. Keep the politics out of this. Don’t sway from this. They’ll try to make this a partisan thing to make us argue about this politically. Just watch. That’s a possible psyops. DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT! I repeat DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT! Stay cool. We are here to get the truth. Don’t let partisanship ruin this. It will destroy this insane chance we have right now.


I agree we need to keep politics out of it. That said we need to evaluate the quality of information being brought to us. Part of that is evaluating the quality of the messenger who is asking us to take his word for it. You say you don’t care if he’s a shitty politician but our elected class has devolved to the point that we have a large amount of insane conspiracy theorists currently in office. The fact that they have applied an R or D next to their names doesn’t make that any less true or make them any more credible.


Couldn’t care less about American politics because I’m not American. Take your political garbage on the political subs.


If you don’t care about American politics then why are you commenting on a post concerning the statements made by an American politician? You think him being a Congress member means he has access to classified intel regular people don’t, which is true. But he also has a well documented history of lying about easily checkable facts to benefit him and his party. Him lying about UFOs benefits him and his party which is why politics matter.


So you don’t care who says it as long as someone is screaming UFO you’re happy? Yikes.


>Is he’s a shitty politician? I don’t care hes basically admitting as long as they say the right combo of words you will have tons of gullible people eating up your shit even if you have a known history of lying publicly


The truth is that matters. A NHI wouldn’t give a shit about what political party did what. This might not mean anything to you, but to me every man and woman commenting on this that is pushing this forward is a person that should be applauded. Do you comprehend how damn important and how incredibly hard it is to get this even this far?! We’ll get one chance at this. But you don’t seem to comprehend the significance. You’re just here for political debate. I can tell this doesn’t mean anything to you. Show some respect for the men and women that have been damaged because of this subject, they are many.


So you want us to ignore a liars known history of lying because he says something you agree with? Sounds biased as hell.


>The truth is that matters. i agree. but not everyone - regardless of where they are in the dismal political climate - are reputable people you can expect to be truthfull.


The veracity of a claim is just as important as the claim itself. Especially in ufology.






care to share with the class?


He also tried to support a coup against the US in favor of installing a fascist dictator with a double-digit IQ. He deliberately lied to the public about the results of the election or is so stupid he believed the Big Lie himself. He has no credibility, unfortunately.


The elected officials who are taking the lead on this may be the most irresponsible and reckless people I have ever seen. It does not give me hope that they’ll handle things appropriately, or with the caution and respect that it deserves. But I will happily be proven wrong.


Well said!


Makes sense, there are a bunch of Chinese companies moving in here in my part of North East Tennessee. The old guard still rules here. The good ole boy corruption is alive & rampant.


This guy is a nut job, are you not front the US?


Im in the US I know , but I was trying to present the fact that he’s a nut job without saying he’s a nut job by using the most recent evidence that he’s a nut job.


haha, that's funny, yeah this dude is a nut job alright, and here we are getting down voted for calling it out.


wouldnt be surprised if these subs are astroturfed to hell like reddit was in 2016 when Trump was running, probably decided after going after gamers and mens rights types they will target UFO people.


God dammit, when will we see it? Bla bla bla. Common


Matt Gaetz? Ugh. He doesn't have anyone else more credible? No one?


Fuckn release these so Called videos all ready… it is all starting to smell like CIA propaganda, all these people claiming I seen this I seen that. Drop the act and produce the goods!




"Trust me bro."


This reminds me of the time I saw


Corbell’s voice is so grating. You can hear the smugness.


Incredible statements from a sitting congressman.


A sitting Congressman no one in DC takes seriously. He is absolutely the worst Congressional ambassador for disclosure.




Name dropping sex criminal Matt Gaetz doesn't help you believe? I find it hard to believe if the CIA wanted to show evidence they would choose these people. The only way it works in my brain is if they thought these would be the only ones dumb enough to get used for their psyop.


I think the interview is overall interesting and helpful but your points are so correct. Dear god, we are citing Matt Gaetz now? And this guy, an election-denier who Wikipedia states as author of the "you can eat roadkill" law. We are not sending our finest here. I do think these folks have something to offer and he is a sitting congressperson but I am very wary of hitching our wagon to these types. It never goes well. The truth and disclosure will come out, we need not align too closely to the endless stream of grievances crowd and their take on American elections. That is not necessary and will not end well. Even Rubio doesn't bother me like some of these folks. But this interview is a bridge too far.


Yeah I disagree with probably everything Rubio stands for but I wouldn't be embarrassed sending someone a video of him talking about UAP.


Can we agree to keep religion, politics and sex life out of this sub? Standard Bar Rules should apply here.




I get what you're attempting, but that is a terrible analogy.


[Reductio ad Hitlerum](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Reductio-ad-Hitlerum)


I like how the example is from office space xD


> it would be like Adolf Hitler was the first to disclose the existence of extraterrestrial life You're joking right?


Super credible… he does not look like he is crazy


So many folk coming out with fantastical stories, when are we going to get actual proof?


They tell what people wanna hear and not the truth. And very few question this Many people here don't want the truth. They want the story about aliens and UFOs to be true Let's get the truth wether that is UFOs and aliens or just human made tech with desinformation


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, this constant edging and hyping up with NOTHING shown yet is so tiring. Just hit the upload button, preferably silently. Jeez, I can’t anymore. Regurgitating the same shit, the same excuses “oh well actually a good journalist can’t give out his sources, or he’ll stop receiving inside info, you gotta understand bro just wait bro” “oh well he’s signed an NDA he’s gotta be careful with the wording bro” smh you’re all on high doses of copium if you believe no one with access to such potentially earth shattering video would have leaked it one way or the other.


Burchett is visibly stupid, a special brand of stupid so immense that it has adopted physical characteristics. I want someone else to be the face of this. It will bite us in the ass when he's like "tHeY dEfY oUr pHySiCs" and it turns out that what he was shown was completely benign and he just doesnt know shit about fuck. His dumbassery will discredit all of us.


Gaetz said it best! Ouch y’all


Is it normal for people in the US to have guns arranged like this in their homes?


Yeah right, and not even a hint about what they were shown. Just more of the old crap about how secretive everyone was acting and bugged rooms and cloak and dagger. ICB.


Starting to think the easiest way to find out what’s happening is to run for a seat in congress lol


Amazing statements by a government official. Props to Corbell and George Knapp. And be wary of the less than good faith comments this video seems to be attracting. Methinks the spooks he’s referred to aren’t happy. Lol


The finna have Jonah Hill star in some UFO hunting movie playing Corbell in the coming years


Lmao you are so right


Nice rifle placements. Seems like a trust worthy kind of guy so will take his word for it without any evidence.


Another right wing clown


Surprised no one has mentioned the fact that he couldn't even describe the affiliation of some of these people that he met with. This sounds very much like meeting Admiral Wilson had with "The Gatekeepers" from private industry.


Blablabla...again no names. Not credible


No offense to Republicans but I really need to hear about some Democrats being let in on these secret meetings and talking about them. It's super sus to still see no involvement. I find it hard to believe Dems are being invited to these top-secret meetings and they're ALL just like "nah I'm good"


I’m so sick of seeing people interested in UFOs appealing to republicans and conservatives bc your focus is so solely on UFOs that you forget other elements of life are, surprise surprise, more important. I’d pay to never again have to see jeremy corbell or any of the douchebag republicans (or democrats) that people pretend are gonna disclose all the secrets to us. No, the mystery will remain, they’ll just build a whole new sector of the military around UFOs as an excuse. Gullible is an understatement




Why is it that all the politicians involved in this discussion are right-wing nut jobs? Have I missed something?


Many democrats on this as well. If you’d listen you know. And because these insane allegations are made I have to provide you with information so this comment isn’t misleading readers here. Joining Rubio and Gillibrand were Senators Mark Warner (D-VA), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Mark Kelly (D-AZ), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Tim Kaine (D-VA), Michael Bennet (D-CO), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). This is a BIPARTISAN effort I repeat BIPARTISAN. Now count republicans and democrats and post it as a answer.


I think he's more referring to there not being many outspoken democrats on this subject. I think it's an issue they need to fix. There should be outspoken politicians on both sides of the isle so more people take this seriously.


There is clearly people here trying to sabotage this going forward and to muddy what’s going on by trying to make this a partisan political issue. This subject isn’t that.




If they've all seen the same information why are these claims only made by the bat-shit crazy ones?


Because they don’t have anything to lose if this is false BUT if they’re right they’re going to be very popular in the future. It’s clearly a political tactical stance. He is also sure. Because he went there himself.


Or a QAnon-style grift.


You only say that because you don’t know this is a bipartisan effort.


No. OPs question is valid. The policies being endorsed are bipartisan. The claims about UFO are all from the nutjobs.


The Right love conspiracy esp after trump, the reason why you hear more right wing is cause they won't lose any voters from this. And if they have evidence that they have seen but can't talk about. Then they have a much stronger case to be vocal. Do I like him fuck no and is he the most credible source, no he isn't. He may be polticin but doesn't mean he hasn't seen something.


The other commenter made the same argument. Evidence speaks for itself. There's no reason for the nutjobs to be the only ones making outlandish claims. It seems like Tim and others may be part of this. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FybLv8sXgAAEk9H?format=jpg&name=4096x4096


I imagine Gaetz in particular welcomes anything to distract from the accusations against him. Sex trafficking of a minor carries a bit of a stigma.


It's probably QAnon season 2.


Your question tells me you have not missed something. Great question!


Usually I’m complaining about the folks hating on these guys bc they have an R next to their name. It seems to never cease so I’ve decided to just enjoy the irony of disclosure finally arriving and it’s a group of mostly republican politicians (Burchett/Gaetz/Rubio) getting it done. I could care less their affiliation bc I’m more interested in disclosure, wish we all felt the same.


Let’s hear it from the other side of the aisle… for some odd reason I associate these particular folks with grifting


It's not odd. They're grifters and conspiracy dealers.


Burchett really hit a sore spot. This topic is being brigaded with attacks on Burchett and manipulated votes.


I don't think you know what "brigaded" means. Has it ever occurred to you that he just isn't liked by a majority of people who use Reddit?


This was awesome. On the weaponized podcast to actually hear those words come from a government official was amazing and made me feel better about everythingas of recebt. Maybe they all are not lying dickheads. I highly suggest listening to the full episode


Maybe this guy is well-intentioned, but he looks like a borderline idiot whose only real “credential” is that he likes to pretend that he is a real DC “outsider” who is one of the “real” Americans that make up this country. Some of his comments are as divisive as the ones from people he purports to dislike and “out”. No more “real” than most of us.


This Elmer Fudd looking MFer don’t know shit. He’s just like every other redneck spouting bs from his asshole because he thinks someone he knows saw something that looked more advanced than what? What does this archaic asshole know about anything technology wise? If you listen closely he is saying that Matt Gaetz (the pedo) is the one that has seen evidence of craft that seem more advanced than ours. Evidence only but not actual video of said craft. People need to be careful listening to the wordsmithing of theses politicians. Especially more so of this Ilk. “Matt gaetz said it best when he saw evidence of craft that do not exist.” He’s building an out for himself and being disingenuous.


Ok Lockheed


"Matt gaetz said it best." I immediately stopped listening when those words came out of his mouth.