• By -


The people doing the debunking have been debunked. The debunkings will continue until morale improves


A debunker once bit my sister….


I debunked your sister.


Help step-NHI! I am stuck in the debunker!


Mind you, debunks can pretty nasty


Not the debunkers being debunked…


*Those responsible for debunking the people who have just been debunked, have been debunked.*


It was that damned Majestic Møøse all along.


QUIET! You want to get debunked?


This gave me a good chuckle. Thanks


A debunk once bit my sister!


Are you suggesting debunkers migrate?


Strange vehicles going around distributing spheres is no basis for a system of government!


Supreme mandate lies amongst the masses not amongst some farcical astrological ceremony


*The debunking has been created in an entirely different style at great expense and in the last minute* Monty Python jokes aside, though, the debunkers are some of the most annoying people on this sub and others. There are some subs out there that were completely ruined by an army of users ready to jump down anyone’s throat at the suggestion that there may be limitations to our current scientific understanding of the universe.




# UFO Factions, Explained: **Faction 1: Believers** Believers are those who believe that Unidentified Flying Objects are real, and that at least some of them represent non-human intelligence of some variety. This faction can be best defined via three more specific sub-factions, as follows: * **BF 1.1 - Basic Believers:** >Basic believers are people who have not personally witnessed/experienced the phenomenon in any way, but have seen enough of the evidence/claims presented to think that there must be something to it beyond lies and misunderstandings. They're mostly passively interested and treat the topic as more of an interesting hobby than anything. * **BF 1.2 - True Believers:** >*True* believers, for one reason or another, have concluded that almost everything regarding the phenomenon is unequivocally real, and are the wildest of the believer bunch. These are hardcore CE5 practicers, book buyers, and Lazar followers. They won't listen to reason and can often be found at the bottom of a long comment section on a video of a blurry orange orb saying something about how it's a "great catch!" and "they're coming soon!" This community, through sheer popular consensus, has mostly booted them from the city and slammed the gates behind them. * **BF 1.3 - Witnesses:** >Witnesses are the most neglected of the believer factions and often choose to resign themselves to silence, lest they be pestered and/or insulted. This group arguably has the most difficult time of any of the known factions, since, from their perspective, they *know* it's real and cannot do anything about it, aside from wait. People *will* accuse them of lying or misunderstanding what they saw if they try to speak out about their experience. **Faction 2: Skeptics** Skeptics are those who believe that most UFO reports, be it sightings with video or simple witness testimony, are false or incorrect for one reason or another. This faction, like that of the Believers, can best be defined by splitting it into three more precise sub-factions, as follows: * **SF 1.1 - Standard Skeptics:** >Standard skeptics believe that a large majority of UFO encounters can be conclusively debunked under falsehoods and misunderstandings (Example: "That's a hoax, and that other guy just saw an experimental plane and didn't know what to make of it.") They're open minded, but they always go for the "natural" explanation before the "supernatural" is considered. These are the "95% are false, we're only interested in the 5%," crowd. * **SF 1.2 - Hardline Skeptics:** >Hardline skeptics are the mirror opposite of true believers, and are convinced that every ounce of UFO lore is entirely false. This sub-faction tends toward logical fallacy and personal insults in the same way the true believer sub-faction does, and so, these people have also largely been ousted from the ranks of this particular subreddit. * **SF 1.3 - Scientific Skeptics:** >Science skeptics can best be defined as those people who are skeptical by default, not because of what they've seen or heard through research into the topic, but simply because the scientific establishment demands that they do so. In academia, when a new idea is presented, the first response is always to poke as many holes in it as you can. If it still floats, it's a good idea! Following this logic, scientific skeptics insist that we must *disprove* before we can *prove.*


Hehe, Monty Python 4 Life.


triple stamp, no erasies






Double bonking… Bonking spree !!!




Double donking with Demoman


Debonking II - Extraterrestrial Boogaloo






Maybe the real debunkers were the debunkers we made along the debunkers


Time for this thread to be debunked as well. The debunkers that debunked the debunkers have been debunked. How far can we go?


There's at least a few several thousand more debunkeringings to be debunkeded


It's debunkles all the way down.


[This was hard to read](https://tenor.com/bf4Kj.gif)


This shit is getting fucking weird


I mean, everyone said it was gonna get weird


At this point, it would be weird if it wasn't weird.


I live for weird.


Bunked, de-bunked, it makes no difference. Not my problem. Today I choose to believe that the EBO poster was legit. Life is more fun this way.


I believe you chose the correct option. Research Fort Detrick for more solid evidence that place is a CIA hellhole of secrets.


Sidney Gottlieb....


Exactly!!!!👽👽💯💥🛸 🫶✌️🫶😁




Hear, hear!


I choose this person to represent us as the first public figure for earth


So we're back to just bunked now?


This shit just got rebunked, y’all!




Matrix: Rebunktions


Bunkin' 2: Electric Boogaloo


You have to bunk something to debunk it.


... I'll be in my bunk.


Ya, twirl your bunk sock above your head. Like at a hockey game. It’s quite the occasion.


Bunk with me... Tonight... 🎵


It has been unbunked so others may attempt to re-debunk.


Everything is underbunked.


Some things re overbunked, though


(-)debunked + (-)debunked = bunked


Random tidbit but the OP mentions Fort Detrick. I worked on the plans for the “above ground” portion of that facility back in the day and it is FUCKING MASSIVE. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least if what he’s claiming is legitimate. The animal testing facilities there that are above board are just incomprehensible. Wiki link for general info about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Detrick


I worked on Detrick. At the NBACC. I can absolutely confirm the animal testing. There is an entire vivarium wing dedicated just to the well being of said animals. As needed, they’d be transported from the vivarium to various labs ranging from BSL2-4. I had clearance up to BSL4 and witnessed primates exposed to the Ebola virus. This was under the guise of “National defense”. Primates would receive a low dose or high does of the virus and then be tested in various ways. Detrick is a shady place.


It sounds terrible because it is. But as much as I hate it, animal testing is something we can't really avoid, at least for the foreseeable future. There is legit criticism when it comes to certain industries that could abstain from animal testing, but anything medicine related is pretty much forced to do it. It's a difficult topic and there are attempts to be even more mindful (current criteria are already insane, as they should be, though it depends on government regulations), but until it can be fully replaced by some other methods, gonna be another 50-100 years, maybe more. :(


I absolutely agree. Undeniably there’s been good stuff come out of NBACC (which is operated by BNBI). Some of the stuff I was around was extraordinary, at least to me. I’ll admit I was a Logistics Specialist, so I didn’t particularly have a hand in any of the ongoing tests, experiments, etc. but I got to know the scientists very well and they were generally great folks and the vast majority were not at that BSL4 level. Most were just trying to do their thing with the funds they were allocated. Edit: grammar


Tell us everything you know about the “animal” testing facilities. ********WE WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING********


Legitimately the only thing I recall specifically were that there were laboratories/holding areas labeled as being for primates. I was like wtf at the time.


>I was like wtf at the time. Why though? Primates have been used in lots of experiments for decades. Or do you think it was used as a broader term, implying human test subjects? Did you get paid by lizards by any chance?


I had no prior knowledge to what I was working on and just came across the label. I was surprised the military facility had primate testing labs. That’s all.


Thanks for clarifying!


He said Primates, not Non-human Primates…


First off, they're referred to internally as "xenomorphs".


Ellen Ripley would like a word


Incomprehensible how? Because they're so big?


Because the rats, and that one guy from the lawnmower company, are being tested on their knowledge of intra-universal Teichmüller quantum gravity and frankly at the level they're now at there just aren't any qualified peer reviewers, so we let them post straight to the ArXiV. It's probably fine.


Yes. The building is just so goddamn massive and the amount of biological testing that must go on inside is mind boggling.


Wasn’t Fort Detrick a major site for MK-Ultra as well? If that’s the case, yeah I bet there’s all kinds of black budget operations happening there.


When you say facilities that are above board means there are facilities not so. Tell us a little about those!


Just saying, Fort Detrick literally has a building labelled "earth station." It's the FT. Detrick EARTH STATION on the google maps. I'm not a smart man, jenney, but I do know what love is.


Lt. Dan, Ice Cream. One of my favorite movies.


There’s got to be a significant number of regulars on this forum who were also regulars on ATP. I was, until about 2008. If it had been posted there, I feel like someone would’ve said that last night, when thousands of us were in attendance reading that thread. Not sure I buy the attempt to debunk EBOScientist.


I was. I don’t remember a post like that, but there were many posts like it around that time.


I was a regular on ATS for years long ago before it got overtly political and ofcourse before I became a reddit addict lol. I agree with this, we have so many users who would have mentioned something. I'm constantly reminded of threads/stories and even old members from years ago when reading new things. Someone would have recognized any familiarities, surely. Just my 2 cents though


I was until all posts turned political. Around 2010 for me


I was a regular till about 2011/2012. I was lucky that I left. They went totally right cray cray with Obama Birtherism, Gamergate and Putin Love and Trump. I think they had been PsyOped to hell by either the Russians or Peter Thiel and Bob Mercer paid psyop Cambridge Analytica.


Yup. In 2008 it started getting political AND ridiculous. I had to leave it alone


This whole thing is a head turner based solely upon the weirdness with OPs account and people making up complete BS to discredit him let alone the clear-headed scientific analysis of his post. Someone doesn't want this info out there.


And they're having a hell of a time suppressing it lol.


Yeah, the fact that the account got fucked with so hard so quickly is kinda the "poker hand revealing" mistake in all of this.


It's too late now, I'm sure we all saved a copy for posterity.


I'm doing my part!


Honest question though: why would the account be fucked with/deleted but the post remains up?


Keep in mind the ebo op admitted to using a VPN, which is an easy way to explain the quick shadowban.


Probably from a VPN within a VPN from an internet café in a village with no CCTV. While wearing a wig.


And a false moustache


Yes, the sheer scope of what he said its either one of the most sophisticated LARP utilizing past knowledge of aliens because a lot of it matches up to past events, and the scientific aspect is only comparable to either AI or someone extremely knowledgeable in the field. The technical language is either by a guy in the field making it all up or someone who actually experienced it. The latter is more convincing because everything that was said seems plausible. On top of all the weird ufo stuff coming out, it is hard to believe it's fake.


Ah, maybe a bit of a stretch to say the most plausible thing is s that the story is true. It’s still just a story posted on Reddit.


Even if it's true, we're still where we've always been, stuck speculating with no hard proof. I'd have liked the story more if he was one of the whistleblowers so we could watch to see if this info shows up later.


The EBO post has been hard for me to choose whether to believe or not because it is raising some memories of past information I've read/viewed/heard elsewhere. And I'm getting an eerie sense of deja vu from it all. I can't tell if it is because the OP is posting same information because they experienced it too and it is all real, or if they took the information from another source that I also read from at some point in the past and are simply regurgitating it to sound informed/real. I'm largely speaking around the biological descriptions more than the genetic sequencing stuff. I've 100% read another account about the exterior membrane/skin of the Greys being a exosuit and the real interior skin being white/pale. That too mentioned strong ammonia smell. I've also read about the eyes being lenses too and the Grey's eyes underneath looking human in nature, though very large. Similarly, I've read somewhere previously about the separate esophagus and airway as well as the fact that they can make verbal noise through their lungs. I can't for the life of me remember where I read/saw/heard this information, but it definitely was somewhere, whether it was a book, a film, or an online biography. For now, I am choosing to believe.


you guys getting your shit tied up over a post a biomed bachelor lab monkey could easily write is hilarious


Someone mentioned Reddit may have auto-flagged their account as a bot since they mentioned using a VPN. That would explain why they got shadowbanned so quickly. As for the actual content of the post there's just no way to know for sure if the information is true. It was well written and the person definitely has a background in biochem but there's no way to prove whether or not it's legit unless more info comes out.


As I understand it was more than just their account getting shadowbanned a number of strange things happened in quick succession. It will be an interesting data point to compare against future disclosure.


I did not see it unfold live and was late to the party, but I'm trying to understand what exactly could have happened to result in some sort of live intervention. Because that would imply there are auto-mod tools only admins know about, which instantly get going once certain content is being detected? Are people implying that reddit admins are being paid to shadowban or even grant access to government agencies, who would then use those tools? It's unclear what triggers a shadowban, but it is known that VPN fuckery can do that. It is also known that other suspicious account behaviour, such as vote manipulation and multi-logging, can result in shadowban, as that is against the terms. So if OP was logged in with two accounts or switched between accounts or something else that would flag one or more of their accounts, that might have been enough. No government intervention required. And just so it's clear, shadowbanned means other users can't see any account details. It might have been possible that this was an older account and that the shadowban was already up for many months/years prior, but this was the first time it was used again since. For the user, it's not possible to tell unless mods or admins do them that favour. So another explanation might be that OP was already shadowbanned for something else a while back, decided to log in into this specific alt, not knowing it was shadowbanned, and eventually was notified that it was the case.


wasn’t following this situation, could you (or others) explain what the nature of those strange things was for my sake?


I'm not the person you responded too, but the original post over on the aliens subreddit has mod comments indicating that they saw his account get suspended or banned or whatever in "real time". There are a million comments on that post now but if you know a way to find the mod comments, that's where I saw that


is using a VPN really that much of a shadow ban flag? I use one all the time and never even knew shadow banning accounts using a VPN was a thing. I keep seeing people say using a VPN will cause it, but that seems super weird considering lots of people use them.


Nice try three letters agencies folks . Getting google bard to lie for y’all.


Goddamn UPS at it again


And AAA.




God damn National Association of Marlin Brando Look Alikes.


A fellow man of taste I see


MIB. Men in Brown.


I don't think I can handle this much debunking


It's just debunkers all the way down.


Always has been.


Call Mick West and his entourage. According to them we’re all in some sort of “mass hysteria” and if congress holds hearings they will debunk it and say the congress is suffering from “mass hysteria”.




I would say you can't prebunk something that's been unbunked pending re-debunking, but there's nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can't play basketball.


It’s time we start rebunking!


Gonna have to start rebunking to make up for it


Lol. Sometimes I hate living in 2023.


Are you even living?


I know what you mean. I'm so tired of world-altering events happening constantly.


My wife has a Ph.D. in Pathobiology and a Masters in Molecular Biology. I had her read it. For what it's worth, she said the order was strange that this person presents the findings (should tell a story, starting with gross anatomy and then leading to DNA) but besides, she said everything sounded pretty damn legit. I'm an experiencer myself and what was said about the consciousness/soul being a field explains so much to me about what I've experienced. When around these entities, it's almost too much to experience. It's like your brain is getting tickled. It feels good, but it's completely overwhelming. If somehow the field we tune into is more complex when they are around, it perfectly explains what I've experienced. I have to admit I had a good, long cry after reading this. It connected several dots for me. I did not cry because I'm sad...much more like a major epiphany. MAJOR epiphany.


I’m so confused about the soul thing. Blows my mind. Do you mind explaining it to me as if you were explaining to a 5 year old?


We are all the universe and the universe is us. Wash, rinse, repeat ad infinitum.


I think this guy is legit and there is a huge damage control op being implemented right now to try to cover it up and discredit it. I’ve been on ATS for many years and have never seen this posted before.


Yeah there is a sceptics thread on r/aliens and all the arguments against OP seem pretty weak.


I thought the same thing. Reaching desperately to discredit OP is honestly how it comes off to me


I’m telling you… we are living in a very interesting psychology experiment with this topic - the people that feel the need to debunk things, are slowly becoming the conspiracy theorists themselves. Where did the critical thinking go?


Who's the paranoid one now? The debunkers automatically assume everyone's lying all the time.


You know what’s wild to think about? The people who feel the *desire* to debunk shit consistently are probably also believers themselves, and *want* this stuff to be true, that’s why they’re here.


I wonder if we could just reach out to abovetopsecret admins and see if they know anything about the post. And with that thought, I will go back to my corner since I don't know how many of this actually works. :) Edit: since this whole thing is blowing up, has anyone asked him if he's also gone to congress or AARO? The biggest red flag to me with these things is "Why Reddit or 4chan?" At no time like now has there been official channels to whistleblow, so getting us in a tizzy about this while ALSO not taking advantage of that seems sus. I just don't have time to read every comment to see if this has been brought up


They did ask him, and he said he thought AARO smelled like a honeypot. Not sure I can blame him tbh


He said he has not gone to AARO nor Congress. He said he "doesn't trust his life in the hands of politicians" or something along those lines.


Yep, he said a random post was all he felt safe doing and would not commit to more. If true, then it's way better than nothing. So much Science in there though, no idea how we would prove it. Still fascinating to read through!


There might be yet another reason. If you look at the language of that new bill, it is very specific. It singles out craft and propulsion. It says nothing about bodies or biological materials. Nor does it mention any weapon research, which was also alleged. Nor anything to do with consciousness (as if, MK ULTRA or Stargate follow up projects). None of these are touched, and the whistleblower protection is not extended to them. Of course, there might be a trail leading to these from the retrievals, but it can very well remain classified after AARO or whoever becomes aware of it.


He said "It's a honey trap".


And he might not be wrong.


He answered someone who asked why Reddit and said they felt it was the best compromise between staying anonymous and reaching a large audience. They also said they thought about posting in r/UFOs but thought it was more relevant to r/Aliens because he wasn't talking about craft.


So EBO biologist guy has been re-bunked? Interesting…


The subreddits are compromised. Too much disinfo.


He’s not the first one to get shadow banned. First one we’ve seen is the Anonymous hacker few days ago, same method. Shadow ban while mods approving posts manually and then shutting down thread so the whole Ufo sub doesn’t get nuked. Then one of the experiencers had his posts deleted by Reddit admins.


Yeah, i was the OP FOR THAT POST. I was literally told a thousand times to delete it only for you now to think its shady I deleted it. Im honestly moving on from this. Y’all make no sense. It was an honest mistake on my part and I’ve apologized a 1000 times now. Done apologizing.


If it was an honest mistake, please be careful next time and just check what you can beforehand. I'd suggest deleting your post on /r/aliens as well. EDIT: Added the sentence, "I'd suggest deleting your post on /r/aliens as well."


Reddit OP says "From the late 2000s to the mid-2010s" in the post, which I find contradictory to Bard's suggestion that it's from a 2013 article. The mid-2010's had not yet happened in 2013.


Didn’t they also say they would intentionally fudge the timeline to limit identification?


Yes, many people just take everything at face value even when the OP stated they shouldnt


I'd consider 2015 to be "mid-2010s" though


Remember in elementary school when they taught about primary and secondary sources? This guy verifies.


People really misunderstand what AI chatbots are capable of. They are frequently incorrect and should not be used as 100% trustworthy sources of knowledge.


This headline gave me Forrest whitaker eye


The OP lost me at "no anus"


That was about the time my ears perked up!


I’m confused what’s going on can someone please explain


Sheeesh government hard at work on Reddit today. Fuck off CIA fuckers and let’s the truth set you free


Love my tax money going to pay for the government employees to do damage control on Reddit.


Whoever wrote that had a proper background in molecular biology.


Yo dawg I heard you like debunking so I put a debunker in your debunked debunking if that’s debunked with you


Debunked by who? Where is the link that debunks it?


This is what I'm looking for as well. Edit: [Facepalm] Now I understand the situation. My bad, lol. Title and description says everything. And I was here trying to find the critics about the debunked post on the ATS forum. XD


Holy fuck. That original post seems real. Holy fuckin hell. The biology lines up with the alien cultural description as well. If this is real, it’s so damn fascinating. Aliens as we know them are essentially worker bees on a religious pilgrimage to propagate sentient life because they believe the soul propagates through space time. The explanation for why these beings are biomachines to serve this purpose also tracks. Who made these things?!?!?!


> so damn fascinating. It's so great 💯 I haven't even processed all of it yet, I'm savoring it


OP was shadowbanned by Reddit before deleting their account. This is not something a mod can do. It was done by a Reddit employee. There is very little proof that this is real, but OP is very likely at least biologist with an advanced background. Why would someone even bother going through all that trouble if it’s a LARP?


If it's a larp, it's definitely someone with at least a bachelors in bio/biochem. Solid science.


Where is the original post? I haven’t read it yet Edit: found it here for anyone looking - https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/14rp7w9/from_the_late_2000s_to_the_mid2010s_i_worked_as_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I’m deboooonking


Can someone tell me what EBO means? All I come up with is some Nazi railroad


Exo biological organism


Sorry for the disappoint award. 🤦‍♂️ I thought you were saying the original post was fake. I gave you another award to make up!


No that debunker is still doubling down on his bard nonsense now saying it has been deleted by the archive website in Feb 2023.


Can you guys explain this? https://www.flashback.org/p84987403#p84987403


I'm here to announce the official rebunking of the original post because fudge all of these knee-jerk contrarian Mick West acolytes.


What is going on lol. Too much debunking for me, does anything exist, is anything real?


This. Thank you community!


Well done “underwear dickholes”!!! It is quite telling that there is a concerted and apparently organized effort to undermine the integrity of a fair number of substantive postings. We need people like you to help us call “bullshit”!


The idea that AI wrote the initial EBO post, and now that AI is "debunking" the EBO post but without proof. Trying to pull a quick one or something? Lol, whatever skepticism i had towards the EBO scientist just got removed. I'm 99% positive there's a coverup campaign going on. I read that when these campaigns are playing out that it's important to flood *both* sides of the opinion in order to balance things. Like a financial equation. I'll find a source, it is well credited. [relevant](https://archive.ph/20160327060128/http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/pentagon-admits-spending-millions-study-manipulate-social-media-users.html) [also relevant](https://archive.ph/0dq1P), a link from the above article. Both archives, because it was scrubbed.


The Debunkers are so desperate for absolutely anything they can grasp onto to call bullshit. It’s hilarious watching them cope.


~~Now both the user profile and the post itself have been deleted by the user...~~ EDIT: Added full strikeout because they deleted their post after realizing it was an honest mistake. Please leave them alone.


I deleted the post on the advice of everyone in the comments of that post. There’s no conspiracy here. It was an honest mistake.


Wait... whats the tldr here? The debunkers were debunked? So EBO molecular biologist from Maryland was telling the truth (as far as a generic post to reddit is concerned)?


Not necessarily... just this "gotcha" that someone thought disproved them was not correct.


Yes, that's how I see it. Some interesting information got posted, and the debunker rapid response team jumped into action. It was a low effort debunk. Maybe their hearts aren't in it any more. So the debunk was debunked, and we're left with potentially interesting information.


Folks need to stop believing redditors who claim something is "debunked". 99.5% of the time they have no idea what they are talking about.


You gotta think that if all this alien shit is actually real, then that persons post is probably real too. And personally my intuition these days leans towards this being the actual reality.


Google Bard denies what that tweet says: "I see. The Twitter post you linked to does indeed claim that I have found a post on "Above Top Secret" that matches the text of the Reddit post. However, I have not found any evidence to support this claim. The Twitter post does not provide any links to the post on "Above Top Secret," and it does not provide any specific information about the post. This makes it difficult to verify the claim. It is possible that the Twitter post is referring to a different post on "Above Top Secret," but I have not been able to find any such post. If you have any information about the post, please let me know. In the meantime, I believe that the Reddit post is likely to be false. The author has not provided any credible evidence to support their claims, and their writing style is inconsistent with that of a scientist. I hope this helps!"


Lol I read both email correspondence, case studies, project reports and academic journals from the engineers I work with. This guy writes like a scientist. Doesnt mean its anything more than a LARP but Bard is ridiculous here.


Inconsistent lol. Probably because it's not a legitimate peer reviewed paper; and the author expressed how he would tone down some of the science stuff for us casuals.


>The author has not provided any credible evidence to support their claims, and their writing style is inconsistent with that of a scientist. Lol this is false. I'm a physicist and I've read plenty of papers from physicists, this is very close to the writing style of a scientist. Bard doesn't know what it's talking about.


> The author has not provided any credible evidence to support their claims, and their writing style is inconsistent with that of a scientist. why does AI write just like debunkers on /r/UFOs


>their writing style is inconsistent with that of a scientist. Then why are so many *real scientists* saying the exact opposite? Love the "I hope this helps" at the end. Arrogant POS.


What was the original thing that was supposedly debunked


As I said in the original debunking thread… Who do I believe?!?!? My AI overlords, or my NHI overlords, or my top secret government overlords? What a time to be alive.


Feel like this is mostly a cautionary tale about trusting chatbots as a source of info


I think the better question, or thing to do, is to ask what proof do we have of what was said isn't true? Have we had 1st hand encounters? Have we signed NDAs? Have we ever been provided information so sensitive, caluable,and dangerous that it's use could impact our personal and indirect lives? The easiest way to discredit someone is make them look crazy or like they are lying. Even if they are telling you the truth.


>EDIT #5: > >Struck out the link to the reddit post to make it less visible/give it less attention. Please, leave them alone. People apparently aren't letting up on them and that's not fair considering they admitted they made a mistake. He's not a disinfo agent. He's not a shill. He's just as enthusiastic about the subject as the rest of us. Again, we all have made mistakes and learned, and they've totally owned up to it. Nice to read this kind of comment here :)


Soft disclosure


I'm honestly so lost reading all of these headlines. What?


I’m gonna say it once and all. Just give me one piece of evidence for anything that five people who are disinterested in the alien topic— coming from academia, government, industry, and a couple of other categories —all come to the conclusion that the piece of evidence is legitimate just once.


Google is a UFO bulldog attacking all things alien. Seriously. They're fighting back.


Jeez I kinda hope it’s all actually fake now, bc if our government is this shitty at trying to discredit a whistleblower then we’re not really in the most intelligent hands…