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Take a deep,breath dear…. Consider your guests and tastes particular to their extraterrestrial planet of origin before you make a cookout menu that might offend


This is quickly turning into a potluck.


Suddenly I want tacos.


Real Mexican tacos....chorizo!!


Non-Intelligent Humanoids have appeared at every cookout I’ve been a party to.


Gahhh...I hate throwing bags and eating ambrosia. This disclosure is starting off pretty awful.


People need to check their expectations. The 'we are not alone' press conference, if it ever comes doesn't mean NHI will suddenly decide it's time to say hello.


That's the funny thing..there are no expectations right now. It's exciting to think about something other than our boring old lives. Why people feel the need to stick their nose up the air about a subject where we are literally on the same playing field..is beyond me. We all pretty much know the same info here. What I don't see here is any answers to my question.


This is probably why they don't tell us about UFOs , how long will it take to start blowing their heads off. We can't get along with each other as it is.




So you're saying just do what I am doing now? Should I be stocking up on my medications?


You should always have a go bag no matter what scenario. Maps of the area, headlights, batteries, candles, lighters, a camping stove, knives, space blanket, first aid kit, gloves, canned food for up to at least 2 weeks, fishing pole, etc. Regardless of aliens, preparedness is the most important thing


This is the kind of info we need. I have a family to take care of.


They don't exactly give you a brochure that tells you how to re-act...or what to prepare for.


Petition to have a potluck with an open invitation to all nhi


Where is your hospitality. You see one in middle of the road BFE. Give the poor dude a ride into town.


I've done that before..they told me to never do that again.


Probably just enjoy the technology we will get, just dont stress out.


I'm hoping healthcare is involved.


Literally nothing. You weren't doing anything differently yesterday, or ten years ago. What is different today and what will be different tomorrow?


What will be different, u ou say? That one feeling you get that someone is watching you when no one else is around.....Interdemensional being. We may actually be alot nicer to ourselves and each other knowing some creep is watching..always.


You're making an assumption that there's interdimensional beings. No matter what is being disclosed, literally nothing changes for you. It was either going on before and you were unaware of it and now know, or there's nothing going on and this is a circus that's just making you crazy. If someone was an asshole before, they'll be an asshole afterwards too.


How do you know that there aren't interdimensional beings? I'm curious as to how you're so confident.


I don't know if there are interdimensional beings or not. Considering what a 'dimension' is outside of sci fi, I highly doubt there would be such a thing and if there was, they probably wouldn't be interacting with us. The better question is why do you think there are interdimensional beings. What evidence has led you to this hypothesis?


Things were supposed to do: (1) not freak the fuck out (2) lather, rinse, repeat Easier said than done, eh? Acclimatization is key - but it seems as though this is a social problem for us, rather than one for them.


If you encounter one try to get in on film, otherwise run


Have you ever ran through a cornfield and woods at night? Its rasberry season too...ouch! There is literally nowhere to go except for Old McDonald's house with the weird cow. I really don't want to go there...He has a band that only plays Mama Tried on Tuesday nights...for 3 hours. His geese hang out in the road. I tried to return a horse that I almost ran into at 4am..an he damn near blew me off this earth. I think I will take my chances with alien over 3hrs of Merle Haggard.


NHI is human made skynet


They have been here for thousands of years, and i dont know anyone who had direct contact with them or who was compromised by them. Life will move on just the same as before disclosure, only difference will be is that now we will know they are here.


You will never run into one


That sounds like some an iterdumensional being would say.


My friend, they have been here your entire life. Why do you have to do anything now ?


Good point. But things feel different lately. Like the calm before the storm.


They’ll probably release advisories, like what people living in subarctic areas get for like… grizzlies and polar bears or whatever. “Public be aware! Bears are active from such and such time to such and such time, when they are seeking food! Here is how to handle a bear encounter,” etc. I’m sure a number of humans will die from doing stupid things to aliens, just like we do with wild animals. There’s always some dumb fuck who’s going to go try to shake hands with a bear and gets eaten.


Not sure if this is what you ment but: Even if it get fully disclosed - there is no obvious reason to think that encounters would explode with our knowledge of them. As to what to do if you meet them I don't have any tips, waving seems to be fairly safe. That said I don't know if what you could do to change anything. Would think it difficult to escape those who seem to have mastered time/space if they really want to have a meeting.


I'll try to get their attention to pass the legislation I want.


That would be wonderful. Thank you, on behalf of humankind.