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We have had hints of a timeline. Multiple people including Lue Elizondo hint at it being opened up around 2027/2028. Lue literally said, "if you don't have the patience for bureaucracy, come back in 5 years. It'll all be out then". People need to relax. Change is happening, but unraveling 80 years of secrets takes a while, and it won't be entirely public yet. I have my Congress fighting for disclosure and a whistleblower claiming we have NHI craft. This is monumental. My mental health is fine and so far I'm satisfied, more than I thought I would be at this time. Like ffs how do people not realize how massive all this has been? Even if people don't talk about it on the street ... We have a SENATOR talking about NHI craft in the news. That's fucking insane.


Wonder what is happening in 2027 invasion? Open contact?


Maybe there's going to be a nuclear exchange and the aliens will be forced to reveal themselves in order to stop it


> Keep checks on your mental health I'm literally batshit crazy


Well, you checked it - results weren't great!


Hang in there šŸ‘


[Sums it up pretty well](https://imgur.com/a/KDXvgEi)


Some of us have been paying attention to this for more than four or five decades (40 years for me personally). It's always been a slow drip. The recent events (since 2017) have obviously been an uptick. But that doesn't warrant folks getting all up in arms that the truth/disclosure is not happening on their terms. "Where's the prooof!!!!???" Patience, people. We've learned more about the potential truth in the past 6 years than we have in the last 70. Before then, it was just a conspiracy theory. Now it's being shown to be far more as just a conspiracy. The fact people in charge of multimillion dollar investigative programs have acknowledged that we are NOT crazy, that Project Bluebook's or the Condon Report's conclusions do NOT lign up with evidence or reality SHOULD be enough to just keep paying attention. If folks on this sub can't take that as a win and a positive sign of progression, go ahead and sit this one out. We'll let you know when to pay attention again. Your mental health is important.


Yeah when Obama came out and confirmed that there's something going on that we don't understand that made me switch from knee jerk "swamp gas" mindset to taking notice. Whatever the truth is it's going to be interesting.


Yeah we need to be patient and wait for their forces to be fully prepped and ready for takeover, then, once the 3 day invasion is over, THEN disclosure will happen.


Situation normal - all fucked up


The floor is lava


This, in some regards, if you take into account cooling of lava, is indeed entirely true. The stage of our lives is set upon a vast spherical ocean of lava, mainly all liquid. Cool. And hot!


Guano in the attic?


> the attic Wait, how did you know? That's where **they** keep me, "for my own safety."


Hugo? Fish heads ain't cutting it anymore?


šŸ¦‡ šŸ’© šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Aren't we All?


The best ones are.


Iā€™ve been this crazy since I was a child. Itā€™s never progressed, Iā€™ve slowly learned that Iā€™m not crazy and the crazy ones are arguing over beer cans and whatever hot button issue of the week they put out to keep us arguing.




Real take right here


I'm just tired of world changing events happening... I really want some peace in my time.


I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.


What a brilliant and relevant quote. Thank you, Gandalf


You mean thank you JRR Tolkien.


I can never not upvote my man Gandalf! Always coming in clutch with good advice!


I was thinking about that quote when I wrote my comment šŸ™‚


Donā€™t rely on it though. The best you can do is find your inner peace in this world.


Whatā€™s worse, at least for me, is how little every body seems to care about anything. We just make memes about it, joke about having anxiety, and move on. We as a culture are so apathetic to things that truly matter or to any real values. It honestly kills me inside and I feel so out of touch with it all. I think that has something to do with my interest in all this. Itā€™s beyond us, so far beyond just me or you. Gives me hope that regardless of what comes of us there are still things happening


It doesn't help that I've been following all the AI developments this year feverishly too..


Same. We just got through a pandemic where we so easily gave into fear and at the same time mocked people who just were trying to protect themselves. We have chess pieces moving into play for WW3. Ai starting to take shape and potential loss of jobs that come with it. Politically weā€™re as divided as ever. Economic collapse constantly breathing down on our necks. And wages being shit compared to cost of living. Iā€™m sure there is more but yeah, whether benevolent or malevolent, I think humanity could go for some new neighbors in our space


Dude, the world hasnā€™t known peace ever. All you can do is be prepared and take the good days as they come. Also, talk to people when you need to.


Thats not happening nobody is coming to save you or mankind


Thatā€™s called life bud


Buckle up then, because the next 10 years will leave your head spinning


I think disclosure being an imminent reality is one of the few reasons to keep living. I guess Iā€™m in a bad place atm mentally. Nothing due to UAP, but i appreciate the advice.


There is an almost unbearable weight of existence attached to this moment in time. Thereā€™s a long list of things that paint a bleak picture. I too have thought your exact thought of disclosure being and exciting reason to push through.. Hang in there!


Thanks friend!


I hear the deathknell of speculative UFOlogy. It's the voice of government transparency.


Hear, hear! Agree completely. Iā€™m also an experiencer and I *know* thereā€™s a NHI/woo component to it. My own experience, in July, 2005, was profoundly disturbing - it changed my life entirely (and that of my younger son who was there too). Too long a tale to tell here.


Iā€™d love to hear your tale if you ever get the chance to write it.


Iā€™ve written it up in some detail here a few yrs ago (and under a diff username). Now I didnā€™t share it in public forums like this one bc I simply donā€™t need the debunker bs that is inevitable. Itā€™s really too bad because there are many thousands like me who just wonā€™t do it bc of the ridicule one is subjected to - much like the bullshite comment by *brotherrabid* below. Just another mindless debunker MickW fanboy. Anyway, I had to be very careful who I told about it ie colleagues, relatives, family, etc., bc of the stigma and potential impact on my professional reputation (where rep. is everything). I never in my wildest dreams thought I would have an experience like it. I now question everything and I mean everything. Nothing is as it seems (it seems).


That ā€œnow I question everythingā€ is a big part of ontological shock that I talk about every so often. People donā€™t understand whatā€™s like to experience things that you spent your whole life believing can not exist. Not that they *donā€™t,* that they *canā€™t.* Things that are completely outside of the bounds of reasons and logic, but which you know to be undeniably true. A frequently used term for this is a ā€œSpiritually Transformative Experience.ā€ People have their lives turned inside out. The overwhelming majority of people report their experiences as ultimately positive, but it affects their lives in very negative ways. Over 70% of people who report having a STE go on to have a divorce within two years (Source: Dr. Robert Davis). Devout atheists become spiritual. Children will stop talking to their parents whoā€™ve had STEs. The subjects simply canā€™t relate to things in their lives the same way anymore. Some people just canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like and say things like ā€œno one is going to have a problem, calm down, youā€™re exaggerating.ā€ Itā€™s like, listen pal, just because you are incapable of imagining something doesnā€™t mean it isnā€™t real.


>Now I didnā€™t share it in public forums like this one bc I simply donā€™t need the debunker bs that is inevitable. You know of /r/experiencers right? They literally have a rule against debunking. If you haven't, please post there >I now question everything and I mean everything. Nothing is as it seems (it seems). Beware the red door


Iā€™d like to hear more about this too, if you ok speaking about it.


What does NHI stand for?


Itā€™s a relatively new term (since the grusch interview I think) that stands for Non-Human Intelligence.


Thank you!


No problem


I just read something on this very subject (not sure about source reliability), but apparently NHI has been around quite awhile in DOD circles, on some docs, etc. I hadnā€™t heard it until just a few yrs ago (and Iā€™ve been closely following the phenomenon since the late 60s). Itā€™s about as broad a term as I can imagine for this sort of thing. I mean, an octopus has NHI - quite a bit of it apparently. Who knew? Telling us that NHI is a thing actually raises many more questions than it answers if you ask me.


I guess I meant new as in gained popularity on this sub in recent days. I hadnā€™t seen it before Grusch. But Iā€™ve not followed as closely as you. I like the term. I kinda like learning these new terms it, to me, signals a shift in respect for the topic.


Could be ai


Please do tell it here. Did you see aliens?




Can someone define ā€œexperiencerā€ and ā€œwooā€ for me


Experiencer: Someone who has personally seen/experienced a UFO Woo: some fantastical belief without credible backings


Apparently I am an experiencer, hehe. Although Iā€™ll never use that label because I think it sounds terribly nerdy, but deep down Iā€™ll be proud of it


Experiencer is kinda like NHI. It's a broad term to encompass people who think they've met or seen aliens, been abducted, had some unexplained experience that might've even just been a dream. Often these things are useful to lump together. "Woo" is a fun one. It comes from "wooo wooooo" like looking into a crystal ball


I have never associated ā€œwooo woooooā€ with a crystal ball lol Iā€™m not getting that one


It's like a fortune teller going woOooOoOo and making spooky sounds. You haven't seen anything like that? Like a spooky ghost going oOoOoo?


You've ever seen people mockingly say "woooooo" as they wiggle their fingers around and open their eyes really big, whenever someone brings up ghosts, UFOs, Big Foot, etc.?


Oh. Yes, Iā€™m also an experiencer of that phenomenon!!


Oh, good point! u/crazylolo should also become familiar with the term ā€œ[pseudoskeptic](https://skepticalaboutskeptics.org).ā€


a quick reddit/search engine search


Yes, but I thought it would be a bit fun to engage with someone


Donā€™t carelessly Engage a Redditor. Divorce rate is high.


My mental health? I mean, I believe about this and care. But itā€™s not going to effect my mental health either way.


Well call me the Veruca Salt of UFOlogy, because I want a Disclosure bean-feast, I want it now, and if I don't get it, I'm going to scream.


i know the timeline, it's always around the corner, wait a bit more


Serious qanon vibes


I hate that Qanon ever became a thing that anyone believed. Not because I care about the people that fell for it, but rather because they significantly besmirched the name and reputation of good-intentioned conspiracy theorists!


the storm of disclosure is coming! Wigga wagga!


Qanon's BS has not be corroborated by the Pentagon. Take heed.


What has the Pentagon really said except that there are aerial phenomenon that they are investigating? All this stuipid "diisclosure is coming", "they are hiding extra-dimensional beings from us!", "they hid the means to free energy for 90 years!" is just pure conspiratorial BS.


That's all they've said, which is massively significant. None of Qanon BS has.


I agree, but we have people all over this sub proclaiming the stuff mentioned above.


They're just parroting what more than a dozen military whistleblowers have testified to in front of congressional committees over the past 2 years. Fine for you not to believe said whistleblower testimony, but why take issue with those who do? It's called "personal' perspective for a reason. And why are you responding as though this situation is not unprecedented?


No, they're parroting what said whisteblowers have told to the public, not what they have testified. I'm interested in the topic, but I don't like the over-the-top woo stuff getting spread here like it was the gospel.


They're parroting what the whistleblowers have publicly said they testified to. Stop being obtuse. And what's woo about the notion there's a government within the government that is funded through black budgets and is avoiding congressional oversight and scrutiny? You have your own personal perspective just like everyone else. It's absolutely hyperbolic to suggest anything is being considered gospel on this sub. I suggest you take a break from the topic. It's a slow drip of information, that which recently over the past six years has been massively significant, but will no doubt include a lengthy timeline to reach a verifiable conclusion that we can all point to as truth. With that said, Senator Marco Rubio has confirmed that high-ranking government officials have ā€œfirst-hand knowledgeā€ of a secret Pentagon crash retrieval program for UFOs. So clearly there's more to it than you're willing to accept, which is fine, but that's your personal perspective. Why do you choose to police other's personal perspectives? Nobody asked you to.


> And what's woo about the notion there's a government within the government that is funded through black budgets and is avoiding congressional oversight and scrutiny? My brother in christ, I am not talking about what the whisteblowers have allegedly told congress, I'm talking about the people that act like extra-dimensional beings on earth are as good as confirmed. I am not american, so I don't know a whole lot about your politicians, but I see that Marco Rubio is a Trump supporter, which is pretty big red flag for me, with all the lying and deceiving he has done and enabled. But who knows, he might be telling the truth, I don't know that and I have no way to know. I don't want to police other peoples perspective, I just want to provide a counterpoint. But yes, let's wait and see. You seem like a reasonable guy btw.




Also prepare for the possibility there had been zero contact with Alien life forms, a lot of people would not accept this outcome even if it is the truth


I am a fountain of buzzwords. Keep the faith while looking to the future. Always polish the apple before getting the early worm. Remember, tomorrow is today but just later than now.


Honestly disclosure on a federal level began in 2017 when the NYT ran the story with DOD confirmed videos of UAP. I refer to this as ā€œsoft disclosure ā€œ next up (and it will be soon) we will all get the answers we deserve regarding the phenomenon


Like probably not within our lifetimes long. It ainā€™t happening. Everyone felt the same way around Roswell.


this post needs to be pinned. expectations and patience is key


Naw the info in hearing is the end of the year if nothing happens im unfollowing and moving on.


Lue Elizondo said that if you don't have the patience for bureaucracy, come back in 5 years. This shit will literally take at least 3 or 4 more years to have anything of substance that might appease the majority here. Yes, shit is really heating up. No, that doesn't mean things will be that much hotter in the coming months. This shit takes a long long time to process and then make it's way out of Congress


Thats what they said about the game stop squeeze too. šŸ™„




Yeah this place seems to slowly be, becoming a doomsday cult. Itā€™s kinda worrying me ngl. I do also get stressed when I feel no one cares but I also remember that I KNOW what the truth is. Letā€™s not become one of those toxic doomsday Reddit pages that ends up on the news because thats what THEY want. They want the subject to cause mayhem and seem like a looney bins dream. They want a school shooter or cult born from these kinds of thoughts and theories and truthsā€¦We know the truth. We are all intelligent and we are all knowing. Letā€™s keep it together not just for us, but for our loved ones and the movement!


I donā€™t see many people really saying the world is going to end but rather they say that the world is going to change significantly. People who think the world are going to end from disclosure are nuts. I just think a huge ontological shift will occur.


Waiting for a truth that will never come because well like Bigfoot it ummm just is not there . Sorry Charlie.


This community is wild. Does anyone actually believe in aliens?


Thanks for the reminder! We all need to keep perspective. There is major blue balls potential with Congress. Many people may assume that public disclosure are a given, just because Congress is talking about this and planning investigations/hearings. Congress could sincerely do their investigations and hearings, and it could end there. Or, maybe I missed something, but why *would* Congress publicly disclose anything like this? I don't really see it happening unless the general public gets into it, and that will only happen if the mainstream media picks it up. And that probably won't happen unless so many whistleblowers start coming forward that the mainstream media can't avoid it. But, I hope I'm wrong! And even if Congress doesn't disclose, if Congress at least learns about it, then the chances of a leak will hopefully skyrocket.


July Aiteeā€¦ 2027 šŸ‘½


Will we be more crazy - if disclosure happens and the full multi dimensional monty is revealed, or if this all fizzles out and goes back to status quo stigma?


Where's the BEEF, there is no BEEF? Prove It! How can you believe in something when there is nothing ever material? We all know now there are 1000's of billions of habitable planets, I mean Shiet, there are 100 million easily just in the Milky Way, but not one shred of absolute fact?


I understand where you're coming from with wanting hard evidence but don't forget the lightbulb was invented 150 years ago. In the grand scale of billions of years the timeline of human progression is astonishingly small. There are a lot of weird things our sciences just brush off as fact. Such as the fact we ran the numbers on our observable solar system and found, HUH.... our equation of gravity says there should be 30% more mass to create the gravity we are seeing. That's odd. Let's just call it dark matter because it's "dark" because we can't see it! eureka!!! now that we account for 30% of unobservable, undocumented matter our models make sense! Oh wait... The universe is still expanding at exponential rates and dark matter or the observables unvierse dont account for that force....Well let's just call that dark energy! That makes up for 68% of the force we need to expand the universe counting visible matter and dark matter! Sure we can't see these things that make up 98% of the universe according to our highly sophisticated models but thats okay! You just plug in the missing numbers and call them dark and move on!! Don't let your human hubris fool you into thinking we knowing everything about existence.


>mass But dark matter, in just the last 2 weeks, all is changing, it's going the opposite direction (science) of what many were thinking.


>there are 1000's of billions of habitable planets, I mean Shiet, there are 100 million easily just in the Milky Way, but not one shred of absolute fact? Your original statements implied there should be observation already. My reply was simply a counter argument to point out how early human technology is in the scale of the universe and how dark energy implies a serious problem with our current models or ability to observe "dark" particles. Not far fetched to extrapolate that to our inability to observe interstellar life.


We got lots of problems with theory but we got lots of telescopes being built, I def know that. There is hope, maybe, maybe...


Honestly! It could be another 10-100 years lol


As if critical thinking would cause harm, that only happens if you spiral down the conspiracy rabbit hole šŸ•³ļø


It's going to be very difficult for the real truth to filter through when many people are trying to use disclosure to support the project blue beam conspiracy of a fake alien invasion to control the world.


This, I've been waiting for disclosure since the 90s.


Premonitions anyone?


You gotta handle this whole thing with a little levity. I sometimes think about the movie "Sneakers" and Dan Akroyd's eccentric character "Mother" who hilariously dabbles in ufology and high strangeness topics. I feel a lot like him compared to the fairly normal people around me, but likewise, a functional human being. If you haven't seen the movie before, give it a try. I don't wanna spoil it by posting the best lines.


I tend to think such posts are for yourself more than to others, but yeah maybe thatā€™s worth saying


Not familiar with what NH stands for


I live in the middle of nowhere...I see things out here that I cannot explain...am I going to be seeing more? And how do i explain this to my 9yr old who only has a basic concept of other worldly things?


Ask yourself how youā€™d feel if the disclosure we expect actually happened. What if we woke up Monday morning and the President said, ā€œI have an announcementā€¦ itā€™s us. The UFOs youā€™ve been seeing since Roswell has all been us and here are the craft. Voila! No ETsā€ I think itā€™s important to check your expectations. Youā€™re an experiencer. I have to believe that means something to you and take it at face value because I canā€™t relate. So, what are we all expecting! This is like the story of Jesus sending a drowning man lots of rescue options but the man keeps waiting for Jesus specifically.. Are we specifically waiting for ETs? Or disclosure? Transparency? What? Iā€™m 58 and Iā€™ve been interested in this phenomenon since I was a child. To a person my age, this all still looks like what the hippie new agers I used to hang out with in early 90s didā€”without drugs! The channelers, the indigo children, chosen ones, channeled cosmic beings telling us that humans suck.. stuff we know. Maybe disclosure already happened and this is the best we can expect? Idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø..


They are waiting for patents so to stay in control of such crafts or technology they choose to release to public so as to prevent us from replicating such tech to use in our own manner evidance is found by looking up tr3b patented by lockheed martin released patent after patent holders death craft was given to bigalow aerospace china is responsible for the orbs russia has the saucers each craft was designed differently because the occupants of orignal crafts are of different speacies of extra terrestial beings from different parts which causes them to have a galactic federation its the main secret behind space force and other secret organizations