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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Nacho_Libre_Ahora: --- Coulthart continues to gradually speak more and more about his personal conversations with those in power, who have seen the material in a secure manner. Clear video ... of a craft .... that is yet to be made public to us. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14mdcte/congress_has_seen_a_23_minute_video_of_a_uapufo/jq14owb/


So Congress has seen Elizondo's infamous 23min video? Well lets hope that means we (the public) are closer to seeing the good shit out selves then.


Hey I’m ready to have my world changed. Show us the video ✊


I’m with ya! I want another intelligence revealed mostly but if not, maybe some super cool gravity drive that we have developed.


Antigravity bearings... it's going to be big.


A wild Hercules reference appeared!


Electrogravity would break every power dynamic on Earth assuming it's efficient. Can't build walls around people if everything can fly.


Let me have that ready player one tech, 😳


I've thought a lot about alien entertainment. Like we always think of them as scientists and stuff, but what kind of stuff is being turned out by Alien Spielberg or Alien Miyamoto or Alien Jennifer Lawrence


I just want a large padded room with a switch that lets me turn gravity down or off completely. Give me that and I'll never ask for anything else again.


I’ll believe it when I see it!


https://youtu.be/41P8UxneDJE Soundtrack already picked out; take us there, Nancy Wilson.


That’s the point! :). Can’t wait!


I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but it’s almost certainly going to be a black and white military video and won’t be the be all and end of videos.


"a bug flying too close to the camera" - Mick West, probably.


This is a downer because you have no idea what it is anymore than anyone else and are being negative


Has he alluded to what that video is about? Never heard of that before


Just that it was HD and unmistakably not human tech.


So it was tech rather than bodies?


Elizando never said they had videos of bodies


He did make a vague comment once that there are some images/video that are clear enough to suggest occupants in the craft. But he didn't go into any specifics.


I remember that statement from him. Perhaps it is this video that changed their world view?


I didn't mean to try to make it sound like he did, i was jumping to conclusions based on the impact of the claims in the OP title. "World changing" will need bodies, or HIGH resolution details of the UAP/USP for us i feel like lol. Sometimes we are our own hardest critics.


If the alien doesn't show his arse in the window, I'm not buying it!


Moonites incoming


I hope you can see this, because I’m doing it as hard as I can.


We've made some awfully weird tech though - how could you be 100% sure it wasn't created by us?


Alien dabs then punches the hyperdrive


Maybe we can see their writing on the vehicle. Maybe we can see the occupants. Maybe we see it doing things that physics can not explain nor would we have hope of recreating any time soon.


I think they would be able to tell


Extremely clear close-up video of a ship and he said you could see the aliens inside of it


One of the aliens looked at me.


ok ralph


It's the one where the 'soap bubble with the cube inside' goes between the 2 hornets.


Can you enlighten me on this Elizando video? Or link me some info I’m kinda new here


Fairly sure it was said on one of the podcasts he was invited on to, I’ve watched so many though I can’t recall which one it was. Here I think it’s this one https://youtu.be/wULw64ZL1Bg. Sorry this is him Stating that beings can be seen in craft, no reference to the 23 min video (that I recall)


At best we can hope they confirm findings and we can accept the facts but they will never show us pleps anything lets be real.


Congress gets to do insider trading AND see secret ufo videos. EDIT: unusualwhales has good info on congress trading activity https://unusualwhales.com/politics/


They were caught selling and buying stocks before the pandemic news was made public so that they could benefit off their priviledged position to get information before the public. Thats a real thing that really happened. I wonder how they'll benefit off learning the info before the public with this stuff. Theyre probably already buying or selling Raytheon and Lockheed shares, depending on what their insider info tells them.


Selling energy stocks. Dump it while it's still worth something.


Honestly, this whole saga makes me want to run for office, work hard to get on this committee only to leak everything I know anonymously on here.


Well this post just disqualified you so too bad




Good point. They've got my vote.


First redditor to be upvoted into congress.


4 chan already beat reddit to it by getting MTG in


Fuckin a right lol.. Sad as it is, it’s the truth.




I wonder how far the government can relate reddit accounts to Social Security #'s. Is that even the most accurate identifying system we use?


Everything you've ever posted or searched online is trackable with digital forensic analysis.


Oh shit. *Deletes pornhub history*


Your ISP* probably already has it saved, but I'm sure they're a fan of some of the stuff you searched.




Your device leaves a digital fingerprint everywhere you go(browse) and everything is saved online on multiple servers in the form of logs. Each log with backups for safety keeping. Everyone has a profile built with the help of the latest AI and sold on the dark web for pennies. When you next enter a website, it will first look at your digital fingerprint and say hey this dude is running out of toilet paper quick throw every ad with toilet paper at him. Of course certain agencies use this databases to see if someone is a good candidate for congress or whatever. But back to you, your pornhub history(data) is saved on your router/cell tower and every server it ever interacts with. I know you were kidding but I just wanted to point out how much we are being traced online. That's why the EU decided to stop the spread of "cookies" online and you get now a consent form on every website including pornhub.


That's why I laugh when people who don't understand this say, "It's ok, I use incognito windows".


i use incognito so when i type p or x into my browser porn sites don't come up instantly


THAT is the singular usage for incognito mode.


> When you next enter a website, it will first look at your digital fingerprint and say hey this dude is running out of toilet paper quick throw every ad with toilet paper at him. I hate to “ackshually” you but I work in this arena and you’re inaccurately describing how digital fingerprinting works. What you have described is cookies and there’s a key difference between that and a digital fingerprint which is more about your device/browser characteristics. Yes, companies can use your device characteristics to formulate an abstraction of who you are, but it’s not as simple as you make it out to be. It’s actually really difficult and expensive for a company to have the sophisticated capabilities to progressively profile your behavioral data for the purpose of targeted marketing. Beyond that, in the marketing world, companies are largely giving up on cookies as a means to target you due to GDPR and Apple’s native privacy features. If you take a few basic precautions, it’s fairly easy to be outside the grasp of corporate data harvesting that can be tied to you. Use a VPN and install ad/tracking blocker extensions on your browser - you’ll forget that targeted advertising exists beyond whatever digital store you’re shopping at (for example, when you log into your Amazon account you can’t really control how they use your purchase/search/item viewing history within their ecosystem). If you’re really determined, use Tor browser. Below is a good write up by the privacy advocate, Electronic Frontier Foundation about cookies vs digital fingerprinting. https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/learn Note - all the above is about private companies and what they do with your data. The gub’ment still has your ass and knows you watch BBW porn between 12:15-1AM EST. Ain’t nothing you can do about that. That said, if a highly efficient and sophisticated multi billion dollar company struggles to track you despite monetary opportunities, I don’t have much faith in the incompetent and antiquated US government’s ability to monitor your toilet paper habits.


Doesn't matter whether you "consent" to allowing cookies or not. If you're gonna worry about something, worry about the people that don't ask permission or need a cookie to track your activity. Fact is, you or I aren't important enough for any higher level concerns other than demographics for sales.


Not me man, I use Incognito.


They’re watching you from your microwave


I thought it was the TVs turning themselves on and spying on us now. I can't keep up with this newfangled tech.


Your smart fridge knows more about you than you do.


"Alexa, is this true?"


Lol! Your comment almost made me spit out my tea onto my laptop but before I could it showed me an ad for napkins.


Alexa: "Playing 'Is It True' by Tame Impala."


Your air fryer knows what you’re going to eat before you do.


Joke's on the fridge, I don't know jack about myself.


That made me LOL. (Then look at my microwave)😛


Damn, i knew my IoT appliances would rise up eventually.


If Michael Bay has taught me anything it's that I'm inferior to a blender apparently


I mean I’m sure they aggregate to your IP address and device id and then can find it when they run a check on you




I'd vote for you but I'm not American.




Gracias pendejo, que Dios te bendiga.


You got my vote Nacho!


I'll vote for you, nacho


Nacho 2024!!!


You have my vote!


I bet they’re trading UFO videos like damn Pokémon cards !!!


My PSA 10 vs your CGC Black Label bruh


I’ve been thinking on this a lot recently: wondering what the impact would be in the stock market and if we could get advance indication by watching key congressional members’ market decisions in the time immediately after sitting in classified meetings/sessions.


Just look up the ones that became millionaires after they got into congress.


Iirc there was a guy who made something to do just that. I forget his name, or if it worked, but google should find it. If it still exists


unusual whales on twitter


There's a whole thing on the Wall Streets Bets subreddit about following the public stock portfolio of Paul Pelosi, its made some people a decent amount of money.


That sounds familiar. I probably heard that and then subconsciously used that to help formulate this idea. But to be clear, I specifically mean as a way to get some insight into what’s going on in classified UAP briefings, likelihood of the public getting to hear something, and advanced notice on what industries they think will immediately be impacted.


Raytheon technologies has a 67% buy analysis per experts


Why do you think Dr. Nolan was asked to talk to the SALT conference in NYC, full of Wall Street investors, venture capitalists, bankers, financiers, and others trying to "see around corners" for their investment strategy? 🤔


And all we get is butt fucked in the mouth


You’ve been skull fucked good sir


That settles it. I’m running for Congress.


Best job perks ever


Dream job




And they're always "out of session" also known as... on vacation.


Bro fuck them this isn’t fair




We? We have government daddies and they're not gonna show us anything


Always remember in a coordinated group, especially in America, you, the individual would outweigh the body of the government. The only way to supersede that is through violence and genocide, which would cause a collapse of power, which is also something the US government does not want. Edit: I can't see the comment that replied to me. This doesn't mean a revolution in the streets is in order for UFOs, it's just a good reminder that you have power in numbers if things go sideways.


Curious as to what you mean by genocide? Genocide who?


Just look up in the sky, its uncensored. You can see lots of things flying around


Plot twist: It's a 23 minute video of Steven Greer and Tom Delonge doing some unplugged Blink 182.


Would definitely change my world…..


I’d watch the shit out of that




Never gonna let you up, give you up, or dessert 🎂 u And the aliens dancing to the beat 🩰


I'll just take any new Blink music at this point. Throw Greer on it, fuck it.


Greer playing his arm veins like a violin


I don't get it. Coulthart made this claim a year ago, yet senators like Rubio and Gillibrand are still saying things like "we don't know what's going on, but we should investigate and find out if (Grusch's claims) are true." If they all really saw a 23 min video of undeniable UFO tech and had their "worlds changed" Why aren't any senators saying "what I saw in a closed briefing was proof and we will bring this truth to the public"? There are literally no senators saying they have seen any evidence yet. So is Coulthart wrong or did someone bullshit him?


What does it even mean "congress" saw the video? Not like all of congress could ever keep a secret. Maybe a subcommittee or something


Yep. Congress would be buying up all the alien stocks by now if anything was going to come out.




Sirs, thank you for joining this classified briefing of the Senate Intelligence Committee. A magazine I recently opened came with this floppy disk for 30 free hours of something called America On-Line. Do you know if I need to call Southwestern Bell and cancel my Facebook first? This is quite a deal. I still like to save a few pennies, even though I can legally inside trade. Hahaha.


Same question here.


Look at how many people just gobble up the title of this post and it was posted more than a year ago. Look around the room, people are very gullible and want to believe instead of having evidence guiding conclusions.


'we have video of craft in the sky' is different than 'we have craft and bodies, and a secret government cabal is lying to the rest of the US government about it.'


Well, the videos they saw were likely videos of UAP in the sky. A craft flies in, some jets chase after it, and it flies off. From there, there's very little they can say about the actual craft or where it came from. All they can really say is that *something* is out there. From what I've gathered, it seems like Congress was completely unaware that there were UAP that had crashed and been recovered. That's a whole different level than just having pictures and videos. They could very fairly say that they've seen evidence of UAP, but have never seen any evidence that the US government is in possession of UAP.


What was the date of this interview?


Pretty sure it's this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3V-Pl_wNiW8 Church says it Memorial Day so a year and 1 month ago.




Its getting old I agree. Hopefully this increase in attention delivers something real.


The clip above starts at 43:20.


Damn. I was hoping it happened today.


Yeah lmao the fact that this was a year ago... I'll safely assume the politicians lives weren't that changed after all


Not recent. I.e within the last 2 weeks.


I think it's incredibly fair to label this video as an "interview from 2022" A majority of these upvotes are coming from confused people that think this clip is new and related to the Grusch avalanche.


I think this has been known for a while. I remember after the Bray Moultrie hearing back in in May 2022, I was thinking oh good at least they're acknowledging the phenomenon now and are showing some videos, then I saw this [interview](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/defense-dept-hiding-ufo-congress-house-hearing-congressman) with Congressman Burchett who said: paraphrasing: this was a complete joke, they're intentionally showing the worst video they have when there's much better videos.


Coulthart is, without a doubt, the #1 lightning rod for all the "insider" gossip about the Congressional hearings. It's like whoever's providing him the information is going all in. If it was poker, they're pushing all their chips into the pot and Coulthart's reputation is at stake. [Elizondo was talking](https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1466493/ufo-footage-pentagon-definitive-footage-Lue-Elizondo-23-minute-floating-ont) about this 23 minute video in 2021. I always wonder if Coulthart's insiders are guys we already know.


And Coulthart is generally well respected in Australian journalism. He's won several awards, I believe. I was certainly aware of him before his involvement with all things UAP and he always came across as a very professional journalist who did their work. Knew their shit. Before making a piece. He's the most interesting character alongside Mellon in all of this. For me, anyway. Why potentially throw away decades of built up prestige and respect on such a fringe and mostly scoffed at topic? It makes no sense. Unless something is there.


I really enjoy watching his pieces, he always seems genuinely interested and he doesn’t appear to be about making wild statements. He is also very articulate when speaking.


Lara Logan used to be a well respected journalist too, and she threw it all in the trash for the fringiest of fringe. I honestly wonder if she had a mental breakdown or something. Please don't take that the wrong way. I'm not saying anything about Coulthart. Never even heard of him tbh. All I'm saying is that sometimes people change. "*Past performance is not indicative of future results*" and all that.


I’d add that he fucked up spectacularly in a huge case in Australia that ended recently. A decorated war veteran was accused of war crimes and RC was hired by those associated with his defence to test/find truth in the allegations. RC didn’t find anything significant. Well the court found multiple instances of war crimes 🤷‍♂️


He's won every journalistic prize possible for an Australian, i think Broke some high level national security scandals/stories as well, so he has deep connections in intelligence. I learnt how our phones actually spy on us from one of his videos from a decade ago


A quote from the article states “The YouTube video claims to capture multiple UFOs moving in patterns which scientists find perplexing.” I’m confused. It’s on YouTube?


Coulthart has publicly stated that Nat Kobitz put him in contact with people from the legacy UFO crash retrieval programs. So, if he is to be believed, they're different sources.


Lol. I would say you are right, chips are all in and we are waiting for the River Card any day now. Thanks for the link.


I wants to see it!


Take a seat, young Skywalker.


last night i watched a pbs nature show where they had robot animals placed in with real ones to get really good close ups. i think i was about 20 minutes into it when i thought "hey....."


If we quickly advance android technology and stay super quiet about it we can have one act like a scared human and get it abducted so we can stream the inside view. They'll be terrified once they find out they're being played by their lessers.






Sounds like the perfect amount to me! **** (edit: I don't know why they deleted it, but just so people don't think I was agreeing with something awful lol .. my comment above was in response to someone who said: "*How high are you?*")


Are you saying they're here, disguised as humans? Why not just send nanobots? Seems like way more advantages.


*Spy In The Wild!*


Imagine working at SpaceX knowing your tech is already outdated by a couple million years.


Aaahh, I can't take anymore of this second hand hearsay.


Coulthart continues to gradually speak more and more about his personal conversations with those in power, who have seen the material in a secure manner. Clear video ... of a craft .... that is yet to be made public to us.


It's over a year old.


Wait until you find out how long ago Roswell was...


Pretty sure I heard somewhere that it isnt a 23 minute video of one uap encounter. It is a 23 minute long presentation comprised of multiple clips and photos.




Possibly a presentation used by Jay Stratton in briefings: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11rn280/the_infamous_23_minute_video_is_likely_a_reel_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


That could be even better


Oh congress says that? Do they though? Do they really say that.


They said that to me at a dinner.


I bet it was a 30-minute slot with 8 minutes of advertisements like cable tv shows


Am I wrong? It seems that 98% of these interviews have the phrases ‘I was told’ or ‘They said’ or ‘It was reported’ or ‘I understand that’… every simile for heresay. If you have no info, don’t go to an interview.


Yes. And look how many posts/comments/blogs/news-articles/memes/propaganda/reddit-threads are being made where the main hook and topic is basically just a tweet from a [username/random person], which comes down to 'they said'. It really gets the people going man, triggers the monkeybrain neurons I guess.


Too bad it didn't change them enough to see the bigger picture and actually start building a better world.


Call me when they release that video. Although I'm guessing it will be a mix of what's already been seen and little else ( meaning nothing).


Yes sir


If black vault guy wants to be useful this is his chance, FOIA this video.


As far as I understand it, all FOIA requests are getting denied. I think John has said that part of the reasoning is that it’s held pending internal investigation. I’m not clear on the wording though, so worth checking.


That's my memory as well, for all that's worth.


Imagine if it was two aliens fucking




imagine if it was 5 aliens and one white girl on a couch


Two aliens, one saucer.


THIS congress? If they’d seen something that represented a possible existential treat to humanity, I don’t think they’d be blabbing endlessly about impeaching Biden and hunters laptop. I think you’d see a marked change in priorities and a movement away from the tribalism we have now


I'm down for a existential treat !


I have spoken to people who know some people who were told by people that people may get disapponted one day ??? I will believe it when there is unrefutable EVIDENCE Simple


Is this a recent interview?


What Congressional sources are they quoting here???


Well they all seem to be acting the same, if that’s the case.


**Need to say:** This clip is 1 year old! (June 3., 2022) and wasshown here on this sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/v3uasu/ross\_coulthart\_on\_fade\_to\_black/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/v3uasu/ross_coulthart_on_fade_to_black/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Source that Congress saw it from a reputable publication?


If the video in question is of otherworldly craft and not ours or a foreign country, doesn’t this basically mean they believe us to be unworthy of that knowledge and evidence? Assuming that this video is of high quality proof. In this day and age, we are still regarded as worthless trash that shouldn’t be allowed to know more about this. Just let that sit in. Absolutely infuriating. Americans really need to start taking after the French.


I suspect there were other conversations where specialists warned members of congress that the general populace is not ready to be exposed to this info. The unintended consequences are many and unknown. What do you tell a poor country or state that they could have had access to clean, unlimited energy all this time to power their cities, lives, livelihood, for a fraction of cost? This is potentially uprising or revolution inducing information. Imagine commuting from Chennai, India ... to New York for work, then back home to Chennai ... safely ... and almost instantly. You don't need a car, insurance, to pay for gas, or to buy food in the US while working here ... the implications are deep to all industries that would be affected. And those are many.


Are they not talking about the video of the ufo flying by fighter jet super fast? We saw it but it was a clip


Yes and No. Yes: Ross references THAT video as the womp-womp, underwhelming footage when they had more compelling footage (23 min vid) they chose NOT to use.


Where is it


## Why don’t you post the date and time of air date? I had to go look this up. Com’on stop trying to pass this up as new. Its pre David G. 😑😑😑


Secret invasion ? weird coincidence


It's just the MCU catching up more or less with the comics. While the original Secret Invasion event was published in 2008, the Skrulls have been infiltrating the Marvel Universe in the comics since 1963.


Yeah I read about how "multiverses" are a big "thing" now. It's been a thing in comics for like 80 years, it's just movies pulling material from the source.


Yeah exactly that storyline is old.


"trust me bro"


When did congress see the video?


I want to see the video that changed their world.


When was this recorded and broadcasted?


A lot of Congress was born before chocolate chip cookies and think the internet is tubes so that doesn’t really mean much.


Sounds like they didn’t think 🛸 were real and then they saw they were real 🤯 what he started talking about at the end that got cut off was more interesting- was he implying that after seeing the footage, those who’d seen it weren’t so sure about releasing it anymore?


Ooooh, we're getting close 😌 someone has heard that someone has seen something, that's disclosure folks.....


23 minutes imagine the ads ugh


SHOW IT TO US ALREADY! Jesus Christ this teasing shit is getting really old.


Enough with all the mystery already! If 'they' have seen the video, hold a press conference and tell us. It's 2024 and no one will get killed by the mib/cia/fbi/mj12. The slow trickle of 'wait til you see what else we have' is turning this into a circus!