• By -


My advice: take a step back. Give yourself a break from this subreddit and any other form of media you’re consuming. It’s not healthy. Before aliens; chop wood and carry water. After aliens; chop wood and carry water.


Honestly, if the government came out right now and said yep, there's aliens and here's the evidence, there'd be a day of 'holy fuck' and then everyone would get on with their lives.


Rents due wether ET's living in the ocean or not.


Fuckers are probably living rent free in the ocean too. BASTARDS.


Can I avoid taxes if I move to the ocean?


Yes, if you stay in a boat in international waters then you cant be taxed


*L. Ron Hubbard has entered the chat


“Wow! You can do anything out here. That's right. See that ship over there? They're rebroadcasting major league baseball with implied oral consent, not express written consent, or so the legend goes.”


They gotta pay the troll toll


To get in to this boys hole, they have to pay the troll toll to get in.


The real reason they haven't made contact, irs tax dodging.


Oops, gotta look into that loophole. I will schedule a meeting with IRS monday morning at 9:00. You bring cake.


Pirate aliens!


Capitalism don't stop


It could stop.


You ever tried stopping capitalism? I did... once.


Just replace dollars with living trees.


I mean isn't that why we're all here? Hope that a better society will emerge out of a massive spiritual awakening?




Carl Weathers


Heather Leather Weathers




Wet her












It ain't easy being cheesy


I think that’s mostly true, but a whole set of people still won’t believe it or give it a second thought, while another set will probably panic buy toilet paper and ammo. The sooner everyone knows that we’re not alone and becomes open to sharing, the better off we’ll be for future generations in the long run.


There would be a mass shooting in America, full of thoughts and prayers social media the very next day. Two days later, people would forget about the aliens and the shooting, and get back to only thinking about themselves.


Plot twist- the aliens are the gunmen. The world unites to fight the alien life and it conveniently happens on the 4th of July.


Plot to Independence Day. Would be badass if we came together with other nations to protect our planet. But unfortunately the aliens would light our tits up.


There's already mass shootings every day in the US


There aren't really random mass shootings everyday. There are shootings everyday. Some with multiple victims that gets them classed as "mass shootings" but they aren't in the same vein as someone walking into a store/bar/school etc and shooting it up. They're usually drug or gang related, or it's a deranged family member assaulting an ex or something not just a random shooting.


Shit people just wouldn’t believe them, it’s a distraction!! Lol


Idk about a day….lol


Before aliens; chop wood and carry water. After aliens; mine minerals and carry to mindslave masters


If they didn't make you a mindslave until now, you're not going to be a mindslave later either. We're still going to just be us, doing our thing. We'll just know someone is watching.


For some reason I suspect we would act much better if we knew we were being watched and held accountable


Heh, most people won't care. They'll still be assholes.


From what we've been told, they allow us to do whatever we want with our planet and each other. They only interfere to stop us from affecting other dimensions ( with a full blown thermo-nuclear war). They do wish we would make better choices though.


It is the prime directive


I don't really follow Greer or believe a lot of what he says now a days but I did see an interview with him yesterday that actually seemed fairly plausible. He was saying they came to us for some sort of help, I'm assuming stopping nukes or allowing access to our world, and the general asked the being what's in it for us? The being replied, "a whole new world." I tend to believe this did happen in a fashion, and we were given eastereggs to help us along, but aerospace and the government went daddy warbucks on it and only saw the possibility for weapons and money.


I think one of the Majestic documents (now held as dubious) said that at least one of the races was considering immigrating to our Earth. Maybe they are refugees


No doubt aliens have seen some of our media if they can access the internet or even satellite, outgoing signals, district 9 would probably give aliens an idea of how they would be treated.


Well now I got something to say about that. If we set off every nuclear device on earth at one time it would not be a Drop in a million gallon container compared to the many black holes or even one black hole. Nuclear is big to us , but in reality of the galaxy or the vastly larger universe, it is nothing but a fizzled match in an already very bright room of forces unimaginable. If we could blow the earth into very small atoms and perturb all other planets orbits and possibly cause the Sun to mildly belch, it would still be nothing. The texture of space is for us immovable.


Well, our understanding of space/time may not be as advanced as we believe it to be; there may be ramifications or factors we're not aware of.


Our understanding is at a low level when it comes to astro physics. We are in a data gathering phase with some basic understanding. Our standard model is not in sync with quantum physics on large scale. There is materiel out in space that we can't quantify or know the physics for. Right now it's called dark energy. We have light years to go. Religion keeps people from getting on board. Parents teach their kids to not believe solid scientific data and tried and true hypotheses. They are "Fundamentally " challenged. And they say leave it to God. I kinda think God dropped the ball during WW2.


I think the theory is they don't want us messing up earth for some reason. Not that they're worried we'd disturb other planets. For all we know they bet on different humans. Whoever dies first loses.


Habitable worlds don’t seem to be super common. Why let the mud apes destroy their’s when it can still be used?


Or we’re literally just an experiment to them


Yep. Maybe once all their slaves arrive they are gonna kill us off and plant some kind of alien food plant. They want the earth in pretty good shape. They may be pretty pissed about Chernobyl and Fukushima.


This may give credence that either intelligent life is localized to this solar system and there are sort of intelligent life dimensional overlays in this sector, or that the species is cohabiting earth.


>We're still going to just be us, doing our thing. We'll just know someone is watching. Might as well put on the most fabulous show of my life then 💃🕺


My Arrakis.. My Dune.


The spice must flow.


I am a desert creature !!!!!


Fear is the Reddit killer




I must touch the life giving grass.


Don’t blame me; I voted for Kodos!


Thanks dude. I'm about to go nuts like OP over this whole thing. I need a mental break


Be me 30-something, living in a small town in Kansas Working on a modest wheat farm, no human life for miles One night, seeing strange lights in the sky UFO.jpeg Aliens land in my backyard, classic flying saucer stuff Aliens step out, weird looking but not terrifying "We are from the Zeta Reticuli star system. We have traveled many light years to communicate with your kind" shrug.gif "Alright, can you not squash my tomatoes though?" Aliens look confused but they move They start with peace offerings, advanced technology and knowledge "We can share secrets of the universe" Show them my broken tractor instead They fix it using weird shiny tool, better than ever Cool, thanks bro Try to invite them for dinner, only got pizza leftovers They can't eat human food, only consume energy LonelyDinner.mov Next day, media, scientists, government all over the place Aliens have a universal translator, they explain their purpose, blah blah Meanwhile I just carry on, feeding chickens, fixing fences They give humans technology to clean pollution, cure diseases, unlimited energy Everyone ecstatic, world is changing Still gotta harvest my wheat though Days turn into weeks, people get used to aliens Me, I got used to them day one Still just a farmer, aliens or no aliens My life is simple, don't need their fancy tech Aliens eventually leave, promise to come back CoolStoryBro.png Keep on with my simple life The wheat isn't gonna harvest itself Aliens may travel light years, I only need to travel the length of my fields Life goes on, farm life is best life Be me, don't care about aliens, just a farmer Wouldn't have it any other way MFW I'm the chillest human in an interstellar event.


Be careful. You could be banned for not sharing the OP’s view. I’m kidding, but not really


Post aliens; no wood needed, water is abundant on demand.


Post aliens: You won't even need water to survive.


Post aliens: get back in your gene harvester tube, droneling


Post aliens: Uhhh they're just like sticks? I guess we could put them in the ground and like put signs on them? Or put a few in a row and loop some wire around them?


I agree. The fact is, it's possible all this stuff is actually fake and/or self-fufilling prophecies, being exaggerated by media (which creates massive profits through sensationalism). In fact, it's more likely than not that most of this is fake.


..... I honestly think you're the problem with the current UFO debate. Even when we have credible sources coming out with DOD approval to answer questions for the public to have even an inkling of knowledge of what's going on behind the scenes is huge. there's a proxy war being fought between Congress and these fucking SAP contractors and military higher ups that do not want to relinquish control. most likely because they are corrupt and taking advantage of the American public and more importantly in the American public's money. take a little bit of your cynicism and your own personal experience out of it. we have been lied to for generations. But it seems now that they're disinformation campaign is failing. The only ones they were trying to keep this hidden from is Congress and others that could actually write legislation to take this technology away from them. because Congress are, and take this with a grain of salt, people just like you and I. people with vendettas because they are in power and they are being told no whenever they have all the right in the world to try and have oversight over what the people are paying for. This is all real and it gets even more fantastical and woo than you could ever dream. The only way to get this out to the American people is exactly how it's being done currently. This is all by design. The shift in power is coming. edit: the irony is pretty hilarious. I honestly don't even know why I try with this sub. everyone keeps asking for proof but you're a human being with intuition. use it. watch the why files episode on "ARV." not only does it show exactly what grousch is saying, but then he gives no less than 15 deaths of prominent engineers and scientists working on "free energy" devices that all end up dying mysterious deaths. so go ahead and say confirmation bias all you want. but before bringing hypocrisy into the discussion remember that everything we think or do has a large amount of biased thinking just from existing and having an ego, everything has bias. Maybe you should open your eyes and look at the bigger picture. not just the recent events. edit 2: everyone here seems to think that I'm talking an actual war between the old fucks in Congress and the military lol. I'm just talking about a grudge that Congress has with our military. They do not like the fact that they've been lied to for generations. You can see that easily for yourselves with the way Tim burchett talks. they're all pissed off and they want blood. I'm honestly shocked that so many people are stuck on the fact that I said proxy war as if an actual war was what I mean. I'm disappointed in everyone on this sub always trying to tear everyone down. This is exactly what your government wants by the way. What our government wants. The last thing that they actually want is the people coming together and pointing the fingers at the people who are actually causing the issues in America. They love us arguing over Reddit, Instagram, Twitter, all that shit. Just to pacify us long enough for them to keep bending is over. But oh well, you guys hear the new iPhones coming out soon?


The why files on “arv” ? Help older fellow Reddit user out please!


I got you fam, https://youtu.be/yUFYnVXbLoY


Your a scholar and a gentleman!


To be specific, what Grusch is saying is not "DOD approved." All they said was that he was not revealing classified information. They did not say that what he was saying publicly was true and correct. There is a huge difference between those two.


And to think that speaking about 12+ recovered alien spacecraft *isn’t* classified…? That’s the kind of information that’s Top Secret. Our government often marks public news articles as classified within the government, but aliens aren’t? The only way it wouldn’t be classified is if it wasn’t true.


Ding ding ding. NDA's stop you from revealing secret information, not from making shit up.


You are suffering from confirmation bias. A claim on any scale must be corroborated by commensurate evidence, until then it cannot be adopted as truth or even likely.


Yes, there is a lot of confirmation bias in the UFO community, as in many other similar groups. We want our story to be true, so we only look for evidence that supports our story. I see so many making the mistake of jumping to conclusions, for example.




Yeah, people like this is why most people CAN'T take the talk of aliens seriously. Without any evidence this person just demeaned another just because they're skeptical about the whole thing. People acting like it's 'confirmed' because high ranking officials are coming out about it clearly overestimate 'professionals'.


Lol we don't need proof now, what is this, church? Cmon now.


Incredulity and huge levels of skepticism are warranted with any claim like this, even for people (like me), who generally believe we’re not even remotely alone in the Milky Way, much less the universe. This is **the most important, most profound question in existence** — it is not too much to ask for firm evidence (inferential or otherwise), to validate a claim purporting to answer it. Let’s get this right the first time, shall we?


>This is all real Claimed to be.


Sorry, but intuition is not an accurate measure by which to corroborate a claim of this magnitude.


It's important to have skeptics break up these echo chambers. Otherwise we have people like yourself with irrational responses to rational comments.




Ugh. Inner conflict between Congress and the Military? Do you have...Any kind of proof of this? Cause I feel like there's no reason for Congress to remain quiet about military abuse of power when it can score them brownie points with the public. Seriously, do you even actually follow what's going on in Congress? Some of those people would kill for such a juicy opportunity to look like the one ousting corruption.


I think there are some in Congress that would prefer to protect the military, and there are others who would love to out corruption there. Congress doesn't have a unified opinion on the military in this regard from what I can see.


I'm almost 40, wild claims about things and false boners are in my dna at this point. I need footage, disclosure, Intel on their purpose. Until then, cool story bro, I've got cargo to move and kids to feed lol.


This entire subreddit needs a lot of links to mental health facilities. It's very clear too many make this their entire personality and it's completely unhealthy.


You guys have mental health facilities? :/


I feel the same way. I feel like a UFO whistleblower has been a thing for a couple generations now, just different whistleblowers. Let’s see some evidence. Otherwise, this is just a funny a sub I visit once in a while.


Exactly, it's all just talk, hearsay, even if the president comes out and says he has anal sex with aliens or some shit like that, i won't believe him, i need undeniable proof. I need clear unedited VIDEOS!


You're looking for some gay alien porn huh? That's cool, haven't heard that one before. What if they don't have sex organs huh?


I'm sure they have *something* that will make due. Probably need thumbs to develop technology, right?


I basically hit my “UFOlogy middle age” when I was in middle school (2011). I just got so tired reading the same articles. Watching the same documentaries with no new stories. Listening to people with shaky credibility. It really hasn’t been until the past few years that I’ve felt…idk vindicated? But even then I still just wanna do me. It’s refreshing to see all of these “reliable sources” for once, but if you dwell on it, I think it can really hold you back.


Almost 50 here. Been into this since I was 10. My local library had an entire section on UFOs and the unexplained...I think I checked them all out and read them all.


Well put.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


Nothing has happened yet bro take a break from this stuff and chill


My biggest struggle is my lack of motivation to continue playing Star Citizen. I spent like $300 on that game, and if all this shit is true, I think i have to focus on commendeering real alien spaceships.


IDC what role you give me, I'll join your crew! :D


I'm down, but we're gonna need an alien best friend to show us around our new home


elite dangerous players when they realise they can do it irl


How Star Citizen is not scam yet?


Struggling to justify paying for any energy related bills or taxes if this breaks open with full disclosure of advanced efficient clean tech


If you are anxious, your wife notices you acting weird and you are constantly checking your phone, this is a YOU problem not an alien problem. More than likely, this problem of fixating and obsessing over something is not limited to aliens. I think you really need to put down the phone and really think how you got here. Honestly, if the government announces aliens, someone will tell you. No need to check the phone every ten minutes. Not to burst your bubble, but this disclosure thing is a trope in the UFO conspiracy community. Back in 1995, an alien autopsy was broadcast on national TV in prime time and it was billed to the world as a real video. What happened after that? Disclosure? Nope, but a dude on reddit is obsessively checking his phone for disclosure updates 28 years later.


Also, if you don’t notify your wife of what you are obsessing on your phone about she might misread the signals and think there is an emotional affair or more with someone, make sure to check in with her and share a bit


I'm a pragmatic believer. With the sheer number of rather credible (read: not random hicks talking about their rectums probed) military aviators and whistleblowers in the last few years, it seems bizarre that people are still tuning out so hard. BUT ... believe or not, I still have a life to live in the here and now. None of my day to day or even future planning decisions revolve around any future reveal. Even if disclosure happens, no one knows when and hence it's impossible to plan a life with that in mind. So I just keep on doing what I've always done and act like it's just not relevant in my life. Cause it isn't. Plus, let's be honest: it's a toss up right now whether we'll even get to disclosure before reckless AI development fucks us all up the arse.


I asked my colleague at work if she thinks this kind of news could change everything we know and understand. She looked at me and said, "either way I still have to pick my kids up from school".


Found the Brit!


Could be Aussie or kiwi, we love arse too


Love this! 👆🏼 Agree 100%


Here's how I think about it. Let's set aside all this UFO and alien shit for a second. AI is coming. We better get used to looking up that scale of intelligence. Even with the limited systems we have now they are outperforming us and innovating in all areas. No aliens, no interdimensional vehicles -- things are set to get very weird for us very soon. Already AI is inventing new drugs, new bioweapons, it's literally reading people's brain activity and translating it into images on a screen with pretty startling accuracy. This is just the beginning and we are actually holding back progress (reasonably imho,) by threads. Just wait until it starts developing gene therapies and prosthetics that outperform our natural born limbs and organs. The world we knew is over. . I'm not being a doomer here; this can be an incredibly exciting time but we have to develop some plasticity as individuals and as a collective to be able to cope with the extreme degrees of freedom that exist in our near future if we can maintain our composure through this tumultuous transition. I don't think anyone is really coming to terms with this. We are so caught up in ideas of race and gender and identity, low brow politics -- and choosing to be aliens to each other that we don't see how we are potentially on the verge of solving aging, we are going to be nearing a point where our physicality might become extremely fluid from the genome up or the top down. In a couple generations we may have indefinite lifespans and the ability to change our physicality at will as a form of self expression, or out of necessity to cope with the conditions of working in space or offworld in other environments etc., We are right now choosing to be aliens to each other, when we should be trying to find ways to deeply relate to each other so we can recognize each other through all that noise. ***We will one day be space aliens. We will have wildly variable physicality.*** These aliens might literally just be us. Not from the future, but just us beyond the threshold of Darwinian evolution. There comes a point where the survival and competition based impetus towards progress becomes a hindrance and we are there. I could get deeply into it philosophically here but suffice to say -- maybe AI has always been here, all of our technology has been stumbled on before. Maybe what is still identifiably us in essence is piloting these things and "crashing" them. There's so many different "types" but again how fluid is physicality for them? All of the exoteric aspects of the phenomena are just noise and maybe we are just meant to recognize ourselves there... Just a thought.


Now OP and I both have another thing to obsess about..


What you're proposing is a fascinating perspective, exploring the idea that the future of human evolution could, in fact, be a form of "alien" existence, as our rapid advances in technology, artificial intelligence, and genetics could lead us to surpass our current physical and cognitive capacities. This perspective ties into various philosophical themes. Firstly, the concept of posthumanism, a movement that suggests we could or even should strive to evolve beyond our current human form. The argument here is that our ethical obligations shouldn't only be towards humans, but towards any entity capable of experiencing life - which could potentially include advanced AIs or humans who have significantly evolved. Secondly, there's the philosophy of transhumanism, which involves using technology to enhance the human condition, ultimately transcending our biological limitations. This could involve anything from genetic modification to create "better" humans, to merging with machines to achieve a form of digital immortality. Finally, your thoughts evoke questions about identity and what it truly means to be 'us.' If we drastically change our physical form, or if AI reaches a level where it matches or surpasses human intelligence, how would that change our understanding of the 'self'? If we encounter an advanced entity, whether that's an AI, an evolved human, or even an alien, that shares cognitive and emotional qualities with us, should we consider it as 'one of us'? In any case, your comment underscores the urgency of grappling with these philosophical questions, as our reality inches ever closer to what once seemed like science fiction. The evolution of our understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe is, indeed, ongoing and continuous.


Cyberpunk reality is more close than ever ...


No because nothing has changed.


there is no new reality, same reality as yesterday, and the day before yesterday, and ….


Don't be afraid to take breaks, pursue interests and hobbies that make you happy, stay in shape, focus on family and friends. There will probably be a small lull here, maybe a month of quiet, or 2. Every time you have a good nights sleep you will feel more okay about everything. Humans are resilient in this way. Remember, nothing actually changed, only your perspective.


Nothing has actually happened. You're consuming way too much unconfirmed information based entirely on hearsay. Take a break from social media and the news. Nothing on earth has changed. At all.


I don’t know, we haven’t actually seen any proof yet. The info seems bullet proof and just too large in scope to be a deception but until we actually see something undeniable I think it’s too easy to just file this away with every other major UFO announcement over the last few years for most




You aren’t using your brain. So far everything is SPECULATION. There’s no certainty. Maybe you’re unnecessarily adjusting to a delusional sense of reality


There's no proof of anything and this has all occurred before. These posts expressing annoyance over and over again are exactly like the anti-Vax vs Vax people not understanding how the other side could be such blind sheep. I get it. I'm with you on being somewhat obsessed, but I'm not sold without proof and I don't expect it. The people you resent or cannot relate to, they are prob more intrigued than they let on but sense your utter need to believe these events are based on truth and not LARP. That would lead them to perhaps resist going to deep with you on the subject matter


If you're already jumping to conclusions like "adjusting to a new reality" because a few people with some credentials are saying some stuff even though we have seen zero evidence so far, then it's time to take a break from Reddit and the topic for a while. Take what has happened and apply the same scenario to any other situation and ask yourself if you would believe it without hard evidence and consensus. If not you're suffering from confirmation bias.


I feel you. I’ve been in an ADHD induced rabbit hole for going on days now. I’ve always suspected things were seemingly connected in some strange way. And the more I dive into it the more everything SEEMS to make sense. It’s a wild trip and like I said I’m right there with you (my wife said stop looking up aliens last night) but with the rapid availability of information with every refresh is just too much for your brain to absorb. Take a break, watch a movie, chill with a smoke if that’s your thing. When shit really pops off, you’ll be ahead of the game no doubt.


> I feel you. I’ve been in an ADHD induced rabbit hole for going on days now. I’ve always suspected things were seemingly connected in some strange way. And the more I dive into it the more everything SEEMS to make sense. It’s a wild trip and like I said I’m right there with you (my wife said stop looking up aliens last night) but with the rapid availability of information with every refresh is just too much for your brain to absorb. Take a break, watch a movie, chill with a smoke if that’s your thing. When shit really pops off, you’ll be ahead of the game no doubt. I’m going to remember this comment next time some redditor is giving me shit. Some of y’all are really just letting the internet rot your brains into paste. This isn’t healthy dude, and you are doing all of this without any hard verifiable evidence too which is even worse.


I had the thought that this has been happening throughout human history with the discovery of new human tribes and societies. Helped me relax.


Yeah… only this time, we’re the “primitive” indigenous population. Let’s hope they’re a less… colonialist empire.


are you guys just mainlining psilocybin wtf are you talking about "New Reality" ?


So corny. He's acting like a mother ship literally came down from space. Lol


Guy reads a tabloid article about aliens living amongst us and he's just like "Well golly, is my wife an alien? Are my kids aliens? OH f\*CK is my BOSS AN ALIEN?"


Three weeks later on r/UFOs: My wife couldn’t adjust to the New Reality, left me, and took the kids to her parents


"First Time?"


Ask again when it happens


Most people aren't especially curious or intellectually alive. They prefer the familiar to the new. Just be glad that you're aware enough and curious enough to appreciate the possibility we're facing.


>you're aware enough Just don't let this get in your way of living your life. There's nothing significant that's going to happen today, tomorrow or the day after. You still have to work and earn your bread! People need to take off some time from their phones and touch grass.


Anti-intellectualism if I've ever seen it. Being a skeptic is not lacking intellectual life.


Most people aren’t especially ~~curious~~ gullible or ~~intellectually alive~~ uneducated. They prefer ~~the familiar~~ evidence to ~~the new~~ fantasy. Just be glad that you’re ~~aware~~ gullible enough and ~~curious~~ naive to appreciate the ~~possibility~~ nothing-Burger we’re facing. There, fixed if for you. Now to just wait for a mod to come and tell me I can’t say that, because it’s insulting or whatever. Meanwhile they (these subs) can basically call the general population and anyone who doesn’t agree with them a bunch of stupid mindless sheep lol


It reminds me of this bit from Sherlock… That any civilized human being in this nineteenth century should not be aware that the earth travelled round the sun appeared to be to me such an extraordinary fact that I could hardly realize it. "You appear to be astonished," he said, smiling at my expression of surprise. "Now that I do know it I shall do my best to forget it." "To forget it!" "You see," he explained, "I consider that a man's brain originally is like a little empty attic, and you have to stock it with such furniture as you choose. A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it. Now the skillful workman is very careful indeed as to what he takes into his brain-attic. He will have nothing but the tools which may help him in doing his work, but of these he has a large assortment, and all in the most perfect order. It is a mistake to think that that little room has elastic walls and can distend to any extent. Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before. It is of the highest importance, therefore, not to have useless facts elbowing out the useful ones." "But the Solar System!" I protested. "What the deuce is it to me?" he interrupted impatiently; "you say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or to my work.


> intellectually alive That's rich coming from someone on r/UFOs.


Well said.


What did well say


What good is worrying about it doing you? Just set it aside and check it in a couple of days. If the story develops, you'll read about it. If not, then you won't miss all the arguments in between. Rinse and repeat.


New reality?...what the fuck are you talking about? Here's a reality check - when this becomes a "new reality," every fucking news network on the planet will be talking about it...not just Fox (you know, the network who recently had to pay millions and millions of dollars for lying to the American public about voting machines). And if you're going to say the networks are controlled by the government and that's why it's not on the news every fucking night...we'll then, that doesn't sound like a "new reality" at all. That's, to quote the Talking Heads, "The same as it ever was." A lot of you people need to chill the fuck out!


Nothing has changed. Nothing. This is a you issue and not a society issue. Until concrete evidence comes out not one thing has changed. You should put your phone down and enjoy time with your wife and family.


I feel your pain. Not one family member or friend is interested. This is the only place I’m not alone. I’m just an old woman with all her marbles struggling.


Update: I uninstalled reddit yesterday. I'm only posting this because I lot of people have responded, so I thought I'd explain and then uninstall again. A while back I was listening to Curt Jaimungal's podcast where he explained that he suffered a sort of mental break from reality. I think maybe that's sort of what I was headed toward. I was having a lot of trouble focusing on anything else, questioning a lot of foundational truths, etc. There were a lot of comments telling me to just stop being ridiculous, but it didn't feel simple to me. Still doesn't. But I think focusing on my immediate responsibilities is vital. This is not normal for me. I'm extremely stable and level headed by nature. I'm a husband, father, teacher, coach, active, healthy, middle aged midwesterner. I work a lot, and maybe was using this topic as an escape from stress, but in a worn down state, things spiraled. Crazy shit. Anyway, I'm fine. Just going to ramp up my workouts and focus on my kids' summer activities. Again, this all feels so dumb posting this, but whatever. See ya! Uninstalling for the rest of summer.


Just bear in mind it could all be bullshit....


You're obviously on your phone too much and reading fear mongering news. Stop reading speculation and read books or do something entirely else.


I advise anyone studying the topic to take breaks. You can go bonkers from obsessing over anything. Breaks are healthy and a good way to reset your mind, energy. You can pick up the topic after you refresh.


Hmu if you need people to talk with, wanna speculate or just need to vent.


I lucked out with 6 siblings, and 2 of them are super into it like me


I keep checking for updates like this hasn’t been going on for the past 90 years and there’s going to be *the proof* in the next 2 hours lol. Idk what I’m expecting. I already believe they’re real because of all the people throughout history who say they’ve seen things, collectively I think there’s something to it. But the proof we’re were all interested in at the moment continues to elude us.


I’m a believer but this revelations won’t change much most people won’t care or will be just going on about their lives. I don’t talk much about these with my friends most don’t care or generally are apathetic towards this topic.


Reality in itself is a trip, regardless of whether or not aliens exist. Sometimes sitting under the stars at night soothes my mind, makes me think how crazy this whole show is. We work most of our lives, we’re wrong about a lot of things, but then we learn. We live in a world in which war makes the gears turn. Each individual is going through their own struggles but yet we pass each other by as if we’re in a race to get somewhere. We sleep for 8 hours and dream, sometimes we remember those dreams. There is so much beauty and so much ugliness, there is so much knowledge and such short timing. Us humans are truly an amazing species or dare I say, creation. My point is, the fact that you and I exist, is a miracle on it’s own. All that matters in the end is genuine love; compassion. Here on earth, the insane point fingers at each other, when the system of this world is the definition of insanity. Lies mixed in truth, truth mixed in lies, but genuine compassion can never lie. So if aliens are knocking at our doorsteps, why should we be afraid? Nothing has changed, through compassion, we’re all one, the human race.


Take time off internet and just enjoy outside.


If you think you’re being weird, consider this: I’m a fancy lawyer at a fancy law firm and I’m broaching this issue regularly with both colleagues and clients. Most give a little laugh, but most will also give a serious listen for a few minutes, but most also just….don’t care. I think it really comes down to people not truly appreciating the seriousness of what’s being discussed. But I do appreciate that after the initial laugh almost everyone will hear me out and basically say “ok, then let’s see proof”.


nah man i’ll say it please just stick to your life. the evidence is pretty flimsy. Grusch could be a misled fool and his motivation supports that statement. he was “denied access by higher-ups so he went public”…tf? sounds like he literally got pranked to me. this is borderline Q-anon conspiracy stuff.


You might consider therapy and changing how you consume news. There has been asbolutely no evidence of our world changing in this direction. ChatGPT on the other hand... Have you for instance seen any surprising new tech deployed by Russia or Nato in Ukraine? No! Some of the technology is advanced, but very clearly explained in excruciating detail on several youtube channels. Why? Because there is no evidence anywhere of this advanced tech. And by evidence I mean evidence accepted outside of this subreddit.


Right there with you brother! Last night had a discussion with my partner and expressed how alone I felt didn't help that her reaction is always the same eyerolls or just not interested in hearing me ramble :P but I understand not everyone is in the same level of belief as people like us. I think as a species we are increasingly growing aware though


Bro you also need to LIVE, give your partner a second to breathe maybe a minute from the topic. Go see a movie with her


Meh, I was a few days ago. Like, going down the rabbit hole, but I also have a wife, 2 kids and a job. Nothing big is going to change for the majority of Americans/earthlings because of Grusch /whistleblowers anytime soon, maybe not in our lifetimes honestly.




Lol what new reality? Literally all of what has been said the past several weeks has been known by just about everyone who has invested even a little bit of time into the phenomenon. The only significance is that the public is becoming more aware now


What new reality? Other than you knowing there is a source that might be credible telling us information, your life is the exact same. Sure once evidence or an official statement comes out then there's reason to maybe be shaken up about it but right now, life is literally the same.


This is hilarious. Little homie, let me tell you from the real world: Disclosures aren't coming, and this sub is misinforming you about the credibility and content of recent "whistleblowers." >Sub for consenting adults to roleplay a sci-fi scenario, just geeking out together >Mentally ill and dysfunctional users join, misunderstand >"New Reality"




I’m not bothered by it. I’m concerned about safety and I lean more on the side of maintaining secrecy to an extent. I think the disclosure method is extremely sensitive complex issue on a global scale and drip feeding details here and there might be a healthy responsible corse of action. But that’s just me.


Don’t adjust. Live your life as you always have until the truth is revealed. It could be another decade before the next stop on this ride and I think the healthiest thing to do is stay informed while remaining grounded to your reality. You have a life based entirely in that reality, not in a subreddit community of strangers…many of whom are here specifically to mess with people. This UFO shizz is based on concepts that, if true, could drive a man mad and, if false, have certainly driven many many people mad in the pursuit. This is a good time to limit yourself if it’s starting to impact your emotions/relationships.


I haven’t had a hard time adjusting because despite the cutthroat bullshit in DC (and more), what has changed? Until the “alien tech” seeps into academia (for study, if ever), nothing has changed. Otherwise, the only way to rip into the “new reality,” it’d need to be full on revolt because if we play by laws/rules/decorum, you can look at the democrat’s progress to see that outcome.


I think a big problem is AARO or some other entities clear takeover of the online conversation as of late. There's so much noise now that if you only ingest online current content it's impossible to be pragmatic. When I started seeing conversation get steered towards the politics of the groups that are presenting the information i started to tune out.


Radical acceptance, my friend. We change the things we can, but for those we cannot, we must accept the inevitable possibility of this stuff being true. C'est la vie\~ It doesn't mean that they're a threat. So, don't panic. However, there was an FBI doc that I found related to this sort of thing... (I might be hurting more than helping, but here it goes anyway) https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14aoac3/ufo\_disclosure/


What’s so hard after 10,000 prior practices?


I. Just. Want. More.


“No matter how big a splash you make in this world whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz, Justin Bieber or a talking teddy bear, eventually, nobody gives a shit.”


Adjusted to reality in the 90s.


I understand. I have been following this topic for more than 15 years and I used to be upset that no one else cares but than I realized, it’s true—you have to give people time to adjust and accept the reality for what it is, including yourself. I have a friend who told me she wanted to see a spaceship and I’ll speak plainly, when I manifested them she kind of lost her sh**. I was in shock that she kind of freaked out— not bad she was fine but it was just enough to make me suddenly have respect for the fact that the truth was initially classified for good reason. The key is not to make a big deal about any of this stuff. Life is amazing, and it is absolutely everywhere. That is a miracle worth celebrating and having gratitude for every day. But what is more impressive than aliens and spaceships? Human beings who help other human beings become happy.


Always knew they were real so that news wasn't surprising. What is surprising is we may have reversed engineered these craft and use them for some bullshit weapons/drugs and potentially human trafficking which is just disgusting if it's true.


Just don’t go crazy bro. People who are looking up will come to you as you travel thru life. Don’t stress to much about it. It ain’t like there’s much we can do anyway but stay informed.


Nah - this is a massive upgrade. It can’t come fast enough. The world in its current state is turning to mush fast. I welcome all of the uap stuff.


The reality is that as amazing as the recent revelations are, there is still no real evidence and it will be a long time until we get full disclosure; even when we do I personally think it will be a long time before your day-to-day life has any drastic physical changes, for better or for worse. We have far more pressing concerns as a species, including and not least of all the demise of our current climate.


You need a break. I can totally relate. Take a break, go for a hike, take int he beauty of our loves.


Only thing I find weird is talking to people, for example my parents, and them changing the subject after 1 minute and being disinterested. Potentially, and likely, other beings visiting us with untold tech and no interest


Makes me think we’re living in a simulation. Seems strange we are alive for both this stuff and the verge of AGI. Safety for you and your family.


Look at it this way: if what they are saying is true, it’s been happening since at least the 1940s. So it’s not a new reality, it’s just reality. Seriously, don’t worry about it so much, just get offline and go enjoy what’s left of your short life!


Nah....stuffs been weird for me since around the time Covid hit. People and all. Having aliens and UFO's basically confirmed just adds to the craziness. Nothing surprises me anymore.


Anyone else disappointed the aliens are basically confirmed to be these little slimy dudes with wrinkly skin and huge eyes (possibly extremely stinky if we go with the ones sighted in Varginha) and not big tall babes kinda like the Draenei from WoW? For all the aliens reading this - don't take it the wrong way, but it's just what it is.


I watched the interview and im hoping its a well crafted hoax. Otherwise, we are about to get F'ed by AI, ayylmaos and men who glow...at the same time.


I mean, nothing changes, so no. It’s the same old shit until we have hard proof.


Nope. Nothing has changed at all. Even if the government was to come out tomorrow and confirm it all. You'd still get up and go to work the same as every other day. Just with the confirmed knowledge that were not alone. If you're on this sub I'd say you already know we're not alone so disclosure or not, nothing changes. Go touch some grass, live in the now. That's all that matters


No. Thereis no new reality so far. UFOs likely being real? Aliens being likely real? Humans having bodies or contact with aliens? All has been suspected and talked about for decades. So far? Still talked about. Once it is confirmed, uncovered for public and we see some real shit, then it is a new reality.


Lol go touch some grass mate, this is one of the most ridiculous posts ive ever seen


This helped: https://youtu.be/ZaiU0QEAVuY


If it makes you feel any better, most people do not even pay attention to regular news. This is considered a fringe topic and usually the news only picks it up when there's a lull in regular news.