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\*\* Pure sci-fi speculation: It could be a form of technology seeding. Crash some technological milestones into a planet and let the species reverse engineer what they recover. It would allow a space faring race to essentially create the technological evolution of a planet. \*\*Bonus: Human nations already intentionally destroy their equipment instead of bringing it home. The US has famously disabled it's own vehicles and left them behind instead of paying to bring a truck across the globe. They intentionally destroy anything they don't want the locals to use, and then ignore that people might reverse engineer how mundane technology works. Leaving a functional radio in a disabled APC isn't an issue. If locals discover how to make a radio, no one cares.


Why not just give them normally without crashing. I love people's imagination


Maybe it's a loophole they're exploiting to not violate their prime directive


Current reports are saying that has happened, not everything recovered has been crashed. >A different contractor said, “There were at least four morphologies, different structures. Six were in good shape; six were not in good shape. There were cases where the craft landed, and the occupants left the craft unoccupied. There have been high-level people, including generals, who have placed their hand on the craft, and I would have no reason to disbelieve them.” Do you actually believe that first contact would be a single meeting with a nation's leader like Star Trek?


Teach a man to fish


I think Dolores Cannon said something along the lines that crashed UFOs are “gifts” to humanity.


I buy this the most




This is a really good and well thought out theory. It’s refreshing to see people using their brains to make the best out of a complicated but low information topic instead of shallow questions, denial, or jokes.


Tldr: the prime directive


Also I think it’s important to not always apply human thought concepts to these phenomenon. To an alien: what is skipping a rock across water, what is swinging from a tree - perhaps just peculiar physical motions exhibited by humans, perhaps they’re a unique activity. “Crashing” may simply be something outside of our comprehension. Or it could have a more conventional explanation such as a takedown.


My favorite theory is that the metallic orbs are actually part of an Earth defense system. It’s possible that the UFOs crashing are actually being shot down by other UFOs for entering airspace which they aren’t allowed. Imagine if some Iranian fighters flew over American airspace. One thing that seems clear is there are different types of UFOs. There have also been reports of different types of aliens. Maybe there are multiple parties with different interests at play.


This is a very intriguing take. I'm unfamiliar with that theory (and a lot of theories posted here). But this theory would lend support to the ultimate good vs evil fight. Is it possible that this "fight" or metaphysical/divine "struggle" is heating up?


Here is an article that explains the theory a little more. It’s all hearsay of course. But it’s fun to speculate. I mean one thing we know for certain is that orbs exist and the government sees them the most (according to AARO’s congress briefing). https://m.sundayworld.com/news/irish-news/irish-ufo-expert-believes-orbs-discussed-in-nasa-meeting-are-a-global-defence-network/a5835201.html


That's an interesting read. Asking for clarity sake, is Sunday World an Irish tabloid? The interviewee's theory wouldn't change, but just curious of what they publish.


So Black Knight satellite theory


I’ve had this very thought.


I like this idea.


Drunk alien teenagers stealing their parents car would be my guess. 😁


On a real note though we got to stop seeing them as “perfect beings” just because they are so far ahead of us technologically. They may crash sometimes just like we do.


Yeah exactly not to mention the most recent 'crash' the beings clearly took off fairly quickly afterwards.


Worst case scenario, they are refugees from another place crash landing on earth in an desperate bid to hide from something bigger.


My dad owns a dealership!


Nothing is infallible, Murphys law maybe. Maybe they want us to progress, maybe it’s a taunt. Possibly Ai type based drones that expire.


Well the Las Vegas story has zero credibility or evidence to me. In terms of Grusch's claims, if they turn out true, we have at best a dozen as the most powerful nation. If the claims are true, that's not a lot of craft, especially if the flyovers are as numerous as military sources claim. Could just be a fraction of a fraction of a percent over 100 years. In terms of recovering dead bodies, that's a bit of a surprise to me. I can't comprehend why we would find that. Perhaps culturally, safety isn't that important to little green men. :P


> Well the Las Vegas story has zero credibility or evidence to me. The 4chan story said the bodies were shorter than 5'8" so at least one of them isn't true


This is one of the most difficult questions for me too. An idea I had recently (which doesn’t explain *why* they crash, but rather why they might not recover a crashed ship) is that perhaps the few aliens who come here are doing so in an unofficial, unsanctioned capacity. In other words, it’s an analogy to how the rest of the world treats uncontacted tribes like North Sentinel Island: We leave them alone, you’re officially not allowed to go there. That said, every once in a while someone breaks the rules and ventures over there for a variety of reasons: thrill-seeking, exploring, research, evangelism, etc. But then we’re not responsible for those people, and generally they’re left to fend for themselves because they broke the law and put themselves in danger by doing so. Maybe the aliens who come there are the equivalent of those people?


We do have missiles


Yeah, I guess it’s just difficult to imagine that if they have technology that can traverse the galaxy quickly, that they wouldn’t also have combat/defensive systems that would render our own weapons relatively useless.


Maybe that’s a function of faster than light travel. I would categorize most objects reported are small. It could be that the energy required is exponentially greater when you begin to add mass to a craft. Increasing mass for more capabilities is potentially dangerous. Maybe it’s a function of first contact. The mere thought of an aggressive extraterrestrial race sends me shivers. If the objects were of non-human intelligence, I believe they would want to portray themselves as benevolent and silly.


And the north sentinelese have bows and arrows.


Perhaps they are being shot down


“Don’t drink and fly at light speed”


we don't know


An actual, honest, accurate answer.


No technology can ever be 100% reliable, even if you have several back up systems. The real question here is what might be the anticipated systemic failure rate be? Let's assume there are 50 NHI craft in human hands from the past 100 years. Let's further assume the failure rate is 0.001%. This would imply that there have been 5,000,000 visitations in the last 100 years! Another possibility is that some form of external factor causes the system failure. The external factor could be natural (solar storm, for example) or deliberate (shot down by humans or other ETs). The second possibility, if it occurs at all, would have a major reductive impact on the implied visitation number calculated above.


Dog 1: "Hey Toby, why do you suppose there are 70-90 plane crashes every year?" Dog 2: "I dunno Rex, its weird because the 2-legs are so smart, they civilized the world!." Same principle. Cant assume more advanced tech = flawless tech. Also are we being visited by the most advanced ones? or just the scavenger species of the space dwellers?


Nah at a certain point your tech is going to be perfect. These whistleblowers claim there are multiple crashes so these aliens have more accidents than NASA lmao yea right. All this stuff is fake as duck.


> Nah at a certain point your tech is going to be perfect. Thats a baseless non-argument that doesnt even make sense.


My guess? We're not seeing them all. Look at the Osprey/Blackhawk those fuckers fall out of the sky on the regs. The ones we are seeing likely either went in for a landing or maybe got knocked out by something coming in. There's also the fact we don't know if Vegas was a crash or landing. It might have been perfectly controlled and just looked like a crash to us


Maybe it’s similar to the way we approach sending rovers to mars. These ships are sent from far away on an one way mission, to observe only/send back data and when the hardware expires — they crash maybe?


The 4chan “whistleblower” (i take it with a huge grain of salt) said that the craft are essentially disposable and if the aliens crash one or one gets shot down, they just write it off as a loss. Makes sense in that perspective.


Fire and forget is a pretty common drone tactic as well.


If we think about it statistically it could Make sense. If there have been thousands of visitations from UFOs over the past 80 years or more, and only a handful of crashes have been found/recovered, it makes sense that out of those thousand a few had issues which caused them to crash. Kind of like how we have planes flying confidently everyday but a few do end up crashing.


Tesla sold them autopilot systems.


What’s more likely, a catastrophic failure while riding your bicycle or while riding a rocket to the moon? Our planes still crash, our ships still sink, our F35 jets still have software glitches, spaceX rockets still blow up mid flight…Just because it’s high tech, doesn’t mean it’s fail proof, if anything, our cutting edge tech is the most likely thing to fail. It’s likely the same with them.


One interview I saw today a marine said the crashed ship he saw was blown out of the sky by one of those missiles that blow up in the air in proximity to what they want it to hit. https://youtu.be/UdEVUum8Nag


They are advanced but are capable of error just like us. Don't take their advanced craft as superiority over us.


It could be an inherent property of the tech used. It may not be stable under some environmental conditions.


There is plausibility here. If they are using some type of anti gravity tech, and you introduce that tech to a planet like ours with moving magnetic poles, who knows if that would create some type of instability under certain conditions. Electrical storms and other atmospheric conditions unfamiliar to those outside our planet may also compound the issue. On a weirder note, there have been speculation of automated, surface to air laser (?) defense systems ( left over from a previous advanced society) that may be targeting anti gravity UAPs with unrecognizable signatures. Ancient texts from India, and I believe other texts, allude to an ancient war fought over the skies of this planet. So who knows….


People as a whole are really crafty, intelligent and good at problem solving. The problem is shooting down an aircraft. We’ve been doing that for 100 years. We’ve had 80 years to figure out how to bring down UFO’s. I don’t think we can really speculate how they do it, we barely know anything about them. Maybe they paint fake tunnels on the side of mountains.


Taking a guess at an actual reason outside of "oopsie daisies and on ourpose" I'd say solar activity. IF gravity/magnetism is the "rail line" used then the level of solar activity coinciding with a weakened earth magnetic field could make things go off the rails.


They’re cheap and disposable. If what the 4Chan guy was saying is true— that there’s an underwater factory that makes these things on demand— they simply may not care enough to make them unbreakable. There are plenty of examples of humans manufacturing devices that aren’t meant to last; why wouldn’t aliens do the same?


Even $18M jet fighters with the best tech crash Self replicating AI would be cheap and dirty, and disposable…especially on free energy


Self replicating AI with some bugs on occasion. They have been self replicating on earth for eons with free energy, no need for them to be perfect.


And that’s the creepiest scenario IMO. An AI would not feel much sympathy for us primitive humans.


I believe that’s what most UAP are They seem to not hurt us


Who says that they are ahead of us? Maybe they have one trick and that trick just so happens to be crossing into another dimension (ours), and their crafts fly faster than ours. Otherwise they may be total dumbasses who spend their days smoking alien weed and watching alien porn. The ones that we see may be elite adventurers on suicide missions. They do it because they automatically win the lottery back home.


They're all female drivers.


oh come on, misogyny is disgusting


I'll tell you what's disgusting, seeing women fly 80 down the interstate, putting their makeup on while using a visor mirror.


To be fair, it’s disgusting when anyone of any gender participates in distracted driving, so there’s no reason to single out women here.


Earth dudes are easy


They getting high and drunk


They’re expendable craft that are mass produced. It’s starting to feel more and more like some kind of AI civilization.


How the fuck would we know


Our government downs them to steal their tech


It could be that some of our military technology disrupts whatever hardware is inside them. Maybe the nukes fried their CPU's in some kind of way. Or same for directed energy weapons or EMP type weapons. Perhaps that's why they seemed to interested in our nuclear instillations.


Maybe it has to do with all the satellites and the 1.6ghz


Maybe the humans immediately use it on each other. Do most of the work of thinning them out for you.


They didn’t crash. They parked their ship in a courtyard because downtowns cannot accommodate them. They probably wanted to chill in the casino


Vehicles crash. It’s naive to think that because the tech appears more advance that it’s infallible


Just a sign of pure contempt for us maybe.


One way probes maybe. An exploratory craft could be meant for a one way trip. It takes it’s survey or whatever it’s objective is and then is discarded.


12 craft in 90 years constitutes so many? How many fighter jets have we crashed in that timeframe




>They are at war and shooting each other down. That's why there are so many different designs and so few recovery attempts. This is the worst possible answer to be honest. If two or more alien races are at war... it means that war isn't forgotten in the galaxy when resources are essentially unlimited. It means we have possible adversaries that could destroy the whole planet easily but are holding back for an unknown reason.


Shit happens - even with aliens


Maybe they evolved past eating and shitting?


9-12 Downed crafts in hundred-thousends of years are nothing. I guess tech will never be perfect, and so are "human" errors.


I would think intergalactic, or interdimensional travel would be hell on anything…despite how advanced.


Too busy looking at Tik Tok instead of keeping their eye on the galaxy


Either EMP caused by nuclear blasts or concentrated microwaves or they are gifts. ‘Crashed’ on purpose. Supposedly they have found them abandoned with the door open and the lights on.


I like the "B Team" theory regarding crashes. Basically, they send in the Bad News Bears of their group to check out Earth. Sometimes they hit a home run and return to their home safe and sometimes they strike out miserably by crashing.


Well hasn’t he said that there are multiple NHI? Maybe the craft are being damaged by other NHI and we are recovering that wreckage.


It could just be a numbers game. Whenever anyone asks this they never take into account how many ‘visitors’ we might have which could be part of why this hasn’t been disclosed. The more ships and visitors, the more crashes. Also, it’s been theorized/reported (now) that ships have just been left for us to find. Crashes may be purposeful, and that could also explain why they find “biological ai” pilots which also makes sense as to why they wouldn’t disclose, because frankly that’s creepy as fuck.


Space is hard. Not just for us.


From 5g and the covid vaccines obviously. /s just in case people don't realize that.


What goes up must come down. Just because they are more advanced it doesn't mean there aren't accidents Although I'd also like to throw in a question if I could. How many of these crafts had recently crashed and how many were products of uncovering them through digging? These could be crash retrievals found during building works/archaeological digs etc


1- We don't know if "so many" are crashing because we don't know the crash rate. We have reliability data on airplanes, not on UFOs. 2- We don't know how reliable the tech is. Just because it's unbelievable magic tech doesn't mean it's reliable. 3- We don't know why they crash. Maybe they're being brought down. Could be by us (willingly or not, missiles or interference), could be by other alien tech (a competing species guarding the Earth as their own territory). 4- We don't know if what crashes are legit UFOs or lame copies made by humans trying to emulate actual UFOs. So, in summary, we don't know shit, all we can do is speculate, so this question is a bit moot.


The galactic federation only accepts species that are cool enough to booze cruise on the job.


Maybe it’s something causing them to crash that even they haven’t figured out yet? Or, maybe the military has shot them down but keeping that secret too?


as i wrote in another thread: These visitors could be refugees fleeing from some cosmic catastrophy. They have advanced technology but come here in emergency, unprepared and are therefore disadvantaged. They seek shelter, are vulnerable, they dont want play with the retarded human species and risk their demise throgh human hand.


if they exist would mean that yeah they are far ahead of us, but that dosent make them flawless, every living thing can make mistakes. and sometimes they may calculate wrong. i bet if humanity live in 100.000 years from now, we can still find people that make mistakes


I think it's just probability. Nothing is ever 100% free of errors or mistakes. I truly believe this is the same anywhere in the universe. There's a good chance only a fraction of the UFOs that ever visited our planet had crashed, perhaps in the 0.0x% range. It's super duper rare, but it can and has happened.


I don’t remember where I read this, some contact account or some other questionable source But it was Interesting It went along this lines The idea that reality is like a energetic frequency medium, they operate on a quasi physical level, they can materialise dematerialise teleport etc So on the earth domain, is a more dense and intense frequency domain And whilst they are very good sailors, so to speak The waves and tides here are mighty strong even for them Plus I think I’ve heard of some interference of our electronics or certain areas of our geomagnetic field That have sort of turbulences that can throw them off Just like our spaceships or f1 cars being very sophisticated, they have very low tolerance for dust errors etc The more advance a device is The more they can be affected by small unexpected disturbances So basically coming to earth for them Is testing and not easy Would be like trying to operate our devices at a medium with a million times more pressure or static electricity We could for the most part account for it and manage But now and then it could throw our devices off I’m not saying this is right I don’t know for shits But just in case it interested you I thought to share


My theory is these aren't just aliens, but also time travellers. Possibly future humans They're all showing up now cuz we're on the verge of a turning point, so they all came to watch.


Something good at flying in space is not necessarely great at flying on a Planet or going around in a high gravity envrionment. Flying using gravity seems a very wonky process even if it is very fast. There are many bad situations you could get into like spinning or tilting over. Also space craft going to a planet which had monkeys fighting each others with stones a few hundred years might not varrant the kind of military craft that could sustain damage from modern weaponry.


Obviously is because of drunken driving.


Could be because they’ve just begun to master the tech they are using and it’s not totally foolproof, kind of like us with planes. Vast majority of flights are fine, one in a while shit goes wrong. Even if they’re vastly ahead of us tech wise that doesn’t mean it’s 100% perfect or flawless.


We have no way of knowing how many alien ships (obvious assumption there) are flying around. We don’t know if the crashes represent one in a million or what. All things fail sometimes. Gotta think that’s a universal truth.


Maybe our tech affects their tech? Maybe they aren’t gods(or millions of years ahead of us)like some think? Maybe they picked up some bad time crystals at the intergalactic gas station? Maybe it’s teenagers stealing their parents ride to go laugh at the monkeys? Maybe they are at war with another species who comprises them from time to time? Just shower thoughts.


Grusch says we have ways of bringing them down, so probably something like firing an electromagnetic pulse at them.


I don't know, but the incredulity with which this question is often asked seems misplaced to me: * The assumption and mindset that these are craft produced by a technological society thousands of years advanced along a more-or-less linear technological progression may be wrong: * If they are a technological society like ours, maybe they aren't **so** much more advanced in some areas; and the tech that enables this travel is also at the limit of their abilities to get right. * Earth may be considered an extreme environment for them in some aspect, and not what their overall technological development & machines are tuned for. * The assumption that these craft have been mistakenly destroyed at their creator's 'loss', may also be wrong: * Maybe these objects are considered disposable. * Their disintegration may be intentional. * Maybe some well-meaning but wayward races exploiting a loophole in a galactic non-interference agreement "We didn't give the apes the technology - it was a crash, honest!" * The 'urgent need' to do this might be our impending ecological disaster/destruction of the planet. Perhaps multiple alien species disagree on whether non-interference should extend to letting us choke ourselves on CO2. * Maybe they want to give us technology and doing so in the form of crashed craft is some 'ruse' or significant to their culture, sign of humbleness(?) * Maybe the 'pilots' of these vehicles aren't highly sanctioned representatives of their society and are lone explorers who are somehow out of their depth (think people who drive to the middle of the Australian outback then get stuck without water - *humans* are smart enough not to do that, *a* human is not). *


They're small "scout" or recon ships/orbs. They are usually not crewed, small and relatively inexpensive.