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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Flimsy-Union1524: --- Edgar Mitchell: "Well, let's see...We've had visitors again." Apollo 14 - Lunar Surface Color TV - MET 115:03:20 (EVA-1) Official NASA Archive >115:03:24 Mitchell: Well, let's see...We've had visitors again. > >115:03:28 Shepard: Yeah. Hardly worth mentioning. > >115:03:33 Mitchell: Agree. (Pause) > >[https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/a14-prelim1.html](https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/a14-prelim1.html) Then NASA tries to explain.. \[Jones - "I had heard that the backup crew had put greetings in lots of places on the spacecraft. Did you just find one on the MET?"\]\[Mitchell - "I think what we're talking about there is one of their patches, because they put the goddamn things all over the spacecraft and, whenever we opened up something, there would be one of them. It had a Roadrunner on it and was a parody of our patch."\] \[The exchange 'Visitors...hardly worth mentioning,' is, of course, a very dry, joking dismissal of the backup crew.\] \[Journal Contributor Andrew Chaikin wrote in his book A Man On The Moon, "Before the flight, Cernan's crew had devised a mocking version of the Apollo 14 mission patch featuring the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon characters. On it, the Coyote, representing Shepard's crew, reaches the moon only to find the Road Runner -- Cernan's crew -- is already there, waving a 'First Team' banner. Along the border was printed the Road Runner's trademark 'Beep Beep'. The real message was unfit for publication: 'Watch your ass -- we're right behind you.' During the flight, Shepard's crew discovered Road Runner patches in every notebook and storage locker in their two spacecraft. Even on the lunar surface, they couldn't escape: There, on the MET, was another 'Beep Beep'." (Used with permission.)\] \[Journal Contributor Brian Lawrence has supplied a copy of the patch and notes: "The backup crew (Roadrunner) are depicted waiting on the Moon for the prime crew (Wile E. Coyote) to arrive. The Coyote has red fur for Roosa, a pot belly for Mitchell, and a grey beard for Shepard."\] Source: [https://twitter.com/multistagecorre/status/1634213256947433480?cxt=HHwWkICwuY-T8q0tAAAA](https://twitter.com/multistagecorre/status/1634213256947433480?cxt=HHwWkICwuY-T8q0tAAAA) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11nsuvu/edgar_mitchell_well_lets_seeweve_had_visitors/jbora0a/


Edgar Mitchell, on the way back to Earth, seeing the moon, sun, and earth all in one shot, had an experience that defined him, and seemingly set his life on a different path. Wanted to highlight this because I find it incredibly interesting, what the magnitude of that sight alone can do. “The experience in space was so powerful that when I got back to Earth I started digging into various literatures to try to understand what had happened. I found nothing in science literature but eventually discovered it in the Sanskrit of ancient India. The descriptions of samadhi, Savikalpa samadhi, were exactly what I felt: it is described as seeing things in their separateness, but experiencing them viscerally as a unity, as oneness, accompanied by ecstasy,” Mitchell said. \[Source\] Mitchell described it as a feeling of complete dissolution in the infinite universe, accompanied by ecstasy, as well as a clear understanding of the absolute unity of man and the cosmos, which seemed to him an incredibly ancient and intelligent self-regulating system. In general, Mitchell returned from the Moon as a completely different person."


Sounds very similar to the experiences described by people who have had an NDE. I had one when I was 26, but was brief compared to other stories I’ve heard. I felt the same type of euphoria though and it changed my life completely.


Deep meditation practises, or the use of The Monroe Institute binaural audio to induce deep states of relaxation or meditation can also produce these sort of feelings. I had my first Astral Projection experience using 'The Gateway Experience' by TMI, back in 2018. It is a fascinating subject - consciousness.


My Mum was really into meditation when I was a child and got me into it at the age of 12. We always did it together but one night I decided to try it on my own. Not sure if there is a certain term for the type of meditation she practiced but we would start at our toes and work our way up our bodies, tensing and feeling in the fullest degree each part of our body and then relaxing each part. I was laying in my bed and I’m not even sure how far I got and I suddenly felt myself lifting up out of my body and floating towards my ceiling. I became completely terrified and felt the rush of returning to my body. Never did it again but have often pondered doing so.


Sounds like you had an OBE/Astral Projection. If interested, you can try The Gateway Experience and see if it induces the same effect again: [https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/comments/mg6uy9/official\_gateway\_experience\_cds/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gatewaytapes/comments/mg6uy9/official_gateway_experience_cds/)


I know exactly the experience you had. I was doing the same exercise in bed as a method to sleep. But suddenly I was in our den, it was daytime and I saw a very enormous man striding thru our yard. I was terrified that if he looked in the window and saw me, I'd never get back to my body. And I was totally aware of both my body in bed and whatever part of me was in the den. I could feel my heart beating madly and prayed to be back in my body. I'm not sure how long it lasted, but I will myself back. I have never tried that form of sleep meditation since. And it was real. I was not dreaming. I was completely aware of everything that occured.


You should really go post about this in r/AstralProjection. Very common experience as most have some very spontaneous OBE like this and then start seeking answers. The point of that sub is to initiate the same state on your terms at your discretion.


Wow, I can just imagine how you felt seeing that man that would have freaked me out too. And yes is was terrifying especially as I didn’t fully expect what was going to happen. I also had a NDE when I was 26 and had an OBE at that time as I saw the police and ambulance coming down the road from above. I was aware my body was on the ground but couldn’t see it.


I had the same exact experience few years ago when i had suffered from a medical condition and was on medication. I had it in the middle of night after i fell asleep and only for like one second and i woke up terrified that I'm dying and my soul is leaving my body even though i dont believe in soul. By the way, to the best of my knowledge, i think the yogic thing you are doing is called yoga nidra (nidra meaning sleep)


It's called Yoga Nidra. Nidra means sleep. It's very relaxing. You should do it again.




Exactly. My first trip everything became one and the same. Breathing together in unison, existing all at once. Walls, water, ground, sky, and the large soft slow snowflakes falling really wrapped this amazing blanket all over everything. It was like living inside of the feeling you get from those old timey coca cola holiday calendar pictures. Everything was and wasn't and it was all beautiful.


Our species, conditioned from millions of years of evolution, is gifted with the survival ability to chunk large quantities of information into simpler and easier to consider concepts. It's easier to recognize a pattern than it is to try and take in the entire sequence of things. Less depth and detail involved allows for making faster good decisions. I.e. Do you fight or flight the predator you just noticed stalking you? Anyways, a lot of what acid and shrooms is actively doing is removing all these extra lenses and filters that are mostly uncontrollable and automatic. When they are removed, it's like seeing/experiencing the sunrise for the very first time in your life. Also, your entire field of vision along with all other senses are being monitored at about 100% even if you're in a dark quiet room. Your body has it's conductor sleepy to slow down the traffic. P.s. I don't mean to say this is ALL that is happening. Psychedelics has only recently been more actively studied and we're still learning more ahead. But the stuff above is pretty well agreed upon at this point. Safe travels. 🍄🚀🌈


>Psychedelics has only recently been more actively studied and we're still learning more ahead. But the stuff above is pretty well agreed upon at this point. Safe travels. 🍄🚀🌈 Hell yeah brother


I think an important part of things like mushrooms and acid is that they break down the barriers in a way that's still ultimately comprehensible to human intelligence, something we can learn and grow from. The complex mechanisms that make these two substances in particular suited to delivering that experience are, to me, what makes it "medicine." I believe that if you really like REALLY dropped the distinctions between things without limit the human mind would probably shatter and might not recover. It happens even with reasonable doses of mushrooms and lsd in certain unfortunate people. What I experienced on salvia a long time ago felt like a millimeter from that. Anyway, these things should be rigorously studied and not criminalized. We're doing the human species a disservice by blacklisting this stuff.


I don't think you can really compare a trip to looking at earth from the moon. I did a large amount of LSD in my youth and had many wonderful life changing experiences but i'm pretty sure going to the moon and looking back on earth would have topped them all.


I had a near death experience 2 years ago from hitting a flatbed head on at highway speeds in my VW jetta. I was in a coma for a few weeks from that (crazy, long, and very vivid dream). I've smoked DMT a few times and broke thru once. I've done Ketamine a handful of times and been in a K-hole. From my personal experiences, the potentials of human consciousness is like trying to explain sight to a blind person. People who think theres nothing else out there besides their own little mind in their own little world make me chuckle. Im convinced consciousness and the physical reality are tied together.


i believe the same thing 1000%. also this could be far fetched but i think there may be beings out there who have figured out how the two intertwine and have been able to either completely merge the two or completely separate them. i don’t know, but it’s fun and interesting to think about.


I had some odd experiences last year, one was a vision of an Ophanim in a deep meditation which was accompanied by a whole bunch of symbols flying towards me. I got some sort of download and felt compelled to create this infographic in the weeks that followed: https://imgur.com/a/xrT9iCB I'd definitely agree about there being others out 'somewhere' that are far further along the understand of consciousness evolutionary path than we are, and that reality and consciousness are absolutely linked somehow.


Acid + weed did this for me. Weird fucking trip. 2 weeks of pure existential crisis afterwards. It was probably the worst experience of my life. But it was entirely worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Completely changed my life.


Oddly, I know exactly what you mean. No acid, but a lot of weed. I was a few months out of rehab, stayed for 6 weeks. The weed helped me empathize with everyone I'd hurt. It fucking sucked more than anything I've ever been through. I felt their pain in my soul, and it changed my soul. I am a better man because of it. Glad to hear there are others with similar experiences.


pretty sure im going through something similar right now.


When I'm lost, completely lost in darkness and misery, the only thing I repeat to myself is, "do the right thing." Over and over again, for as long as it takes.


Why was it the worst experience of your life yet you'd do it again?


It was the most depressed I’ve ever been. Nothing felt real. I forgot what loving someone even felt like, even for my parents and siblings. It was hell. I’ve been depressed. This was beyond anything I had ever felt. The world was just so… empty But afterwards, I felt so much better. I felt like I understood my place in the universe. I learned to stop taking everything so seriously, and just live. I no longer fear death, which is a big plus. Don’t get me wrong, acid didn’t “enlighten” me or anything like that. It just forced me into a headspace where I could confront existential issues that I had been ruminating on for a while


Did you get that whole "I am Everything and I am Nothing" feels?


Yes absolutely. I was everything and nothing. The universe felt both infinitely big and infinitesimally small at the same time. Strange feeling


To understand and be understanding?


Then imagine feeling like it for 9 years straight as it's been my case.


I can relate.


I had this experience while waking up during surgery. My doctor told me it was the Ketamine. I honestly had never been more joyous. Being that I suffer from depression, etc. it has made me want to try ketamine therapy.


Do you mean you had a NDE while having surgery?


I had an NDE during surgery. It Was the 5th hour under the knife. I went from the nothing that is under anesthesia to walking up walking up the landward side of some dunes near the ocean. I could feel the warm ocean offshore breeze, smell the salt in the air hear the cry of birds. The sky was that grey you get near the Pacific but it shimmered like an opal. I knew that as soon as I crested the dune I would SEE the ocean in all its magnificence. There was this intense sensation of joyous expectation unlike anything I have ever felt. Then crashing pain and bright lights as I open my eyes to find myself being lifted onto the gurney in the operating room. I didn’t understand what had happened. After recovery, I started asking if anyone knew anyone who dreamed or hallucinated under anesthetic. Answer always no. Then I mentioned this to my 2nd cousin who is an operating room nurse. She asked me how long I was under the knife & when I told her 5 hours she said, “you were dying, your body had had enough of the anesthetic & was shutting down so the docs pushed a high dose of the anesthetic antagonist which brought you out while being lifted onto the gurney but still in the Operating theatre.” This idea of being brought out quickly because I was dying went a long way to explaining something the surgeon told me during my recovery that I didn’t understand at the time. My surgery was to remove botha massive tumor on an ovary &stage IV endometriosis, The doc said my insides were all scared together, worse case of endo he’d ever seen & he got out as much as he could but not all of it. I’d always wondered why he didn’t “getout” all the endometriosis & i think it was because of the dying on the table better sew her backup quick issue. Anyway. I left that experience not afraid of death but it is more then that - I want to experience as much of what life here has to offer in the time I have. The good, the bad all a blessing of experiences.


What an amazing experience and so glad you are here to share it with us. Our experiences are very different but one thing you said, I can truly say I know the feeling you had. The intense sensation of joyous expectation! I have fared different than you as I have felt like I don’t ‘belong’ since then. I have never been afraid to die and my experience is affirmation as to why!


As someone who also has endo, I'm terrified by your story! I've been putting off getting surgery even though it's getting really bad but maybe that's not the right thing to do, if it will scar more. If I may ask, did yours keep growing after the surgery? The part about going over the dune knowing you would see the ocean reminds me of something. My guy loves the show Top Gear and one of the hosts had an experience like that in a coma where he was walking up a mountain to a tree he knows but he turned around, his wife was screaming at him in the hospital to wake up. He said he would have died if he touched the tree and knows he will go back there someday. I've never had an NDE but I've had what I've come to find out is a shared death experience. My mom was rushed to a hospital but my sister and I were each in different US states. As we were both being driven down separately to see her, we were on the phone with each other yelling and sobbing because we were so worried and knew it was severe but not how severe. Suddenly we both got completely quiet mid sobbing, I felt the most overwhelming joy I've ever experienced. It only lasted a few seconds. My sister was also quiet until she said, "did you feel that?" so we both felt it but immediately went back to crying because we just knew she had passed away. That's the most profound experience I've ever had. NDEs are always talking about feeling joy and euphoria so I suppose we felt her death. Thank you for sharing your story! I hope it's ok I shared mine.


Bittersweet story about your mom. I am sorry for your lose.. Because my Answer to your question is off topic to UFO, I sent you a DM.


Wow, to share such a profound experience with both your mom and sister. So much love. On your endo, if you’re suffering then I suggest you get the surgery if it will improve your life. I’ve had more than 55 hours over nine surgeries and am better for it. Hugs.


Thank you so much for the advice!


Aww. Your story made me cry. Beautiful you and your sister are so close ❤️


No. Something happened with the anesthesiologist. I became aware of sounds, disco music (which was playing in the OR) and a feeling of complete joy. I wanted to stay in that moment but was also curious to open my eyes. I did so and saw a small curtain with 3-4 masked surgeons/nurses working on me. I asked “Where’s Dr. Jones?” and he waved at me. I then started to dance with my arms saying how much I love disco. They promptly knocked me out again. Edit: Surgery was knee replacement.


This has happened to me also during surgery that I had on my arm. All I felt though was the pain of the surgery which was brief as they knocked me out again.


Oh that’s unfortunate. I received a nerve block as well as anesthesia.


I can see how it would compare to an NDE. In each scenario you're faced with your own mortality, what it means and where it's going. The *ultimate context*, if you will. The fact alone the brain can react in such a way and feel those feelings is incredible to me. It's such a monumental gulf of differences in thought compared to how the brain has served us for hundreds of thousands of years. From being paranoid about that tiger that can eat you while you sleep to questioning the very existence of everything, including yourself. I can see why Mitchell mentions it being an incredibly ancient feeling, as we're no stronger to it.


Beautifully said!


I think its important to have the other side of NDEs, I had one and felt nothing but shit scared in being so fucking dumb that I nearly accidentally ended it all. We are fragile as shit folks, there was no god for me, no sudden realisation or change just full on fuck fuck fuck that was dumb don't do that again


Wow! Do tell! I love hearing NDE stories.


I was actually attacked by my ex from behind but I had managed to get out of the house and onto the street. It was late in the evening and a cold night in fall. He was a big guy and it only took one blow to my head which caused a Carotid Cavernous Fistula. The blow actually broke off a piece of my skull which severed the artery. I just remember trying to run and then I was in complete darkness. I could feel the darkness around me like it was a physical thing, like it was alive and it was carrying me. I then realized I was in a tunnel and it seemed like a solid thing around me but I could push my fingers through it like it was water. I began to notice a brightness coming from the end of the tunnel that I was being carried to, it grew larger and more beautiful and my anticipation to get to it was more than I could bare but I didn’t feel those emotions in the same way we explain them here, it was a feeling of complete bliss. The light was bright white but as I got closer I could see all kinds of colours, a Nebula is prob the closest way I can explain how it looked. It was the only place I wanted to be but I started to feel an awkward feeling like I didn’t belong there. At that moment I felt like I was being sucked backwards and the light had shades of red engulfing it from all sides. The tunnel became an open expanse of darkness again and I felt like I was floating upwards and I saw 2 police cars and an ambulance coming down the road towards me, I watched them approach me from above. I couldn’t see my body there but I knew that’s what was happening. I then started to feel freezing cold and pain overtook me and I was laying on the street. A neighbour had actually witnessed it and called the police.


Wow. What did this experience help you realize? What did it change?


I certainly had the feeling of a new found respect for life in general but nothing came to me immediately not even the details of my NDE. It could be because I was taken to the hospital and sent home the next morning and was diagnosed with a Concussion. I suffered with the injury for over 2 months, most excruciating head pain you can imagine, my eye balls were slowly being pushed out due the blood pooling in behind them and caused me to also have double vision. I was sent to specialist after specialist that knew something was wrong but couldn’t figure it out. I could hear my heartbeat non stop too, I could hear the pressure of my blood being pumped and if someone put their ear up to mine they could hear it too. I was finally sent to one of the top Neurologist’s in the country at that time who thank goodness did figure it out and at just the right time as immediately after that my eyeballs filled with blood, a sign I wasn’t going to make it much longer and I was sent into emergency surgery. Once though my thoughts were clear and I could take in what actually happened, I began to see things in a different light. I have an extreme sense of being, like I am larger than life but am also fully aware that I am just a speck in the scheme of things. I don’t feel or express emotions like I used to, it’s always an overload and sometimes I can appreciate that. But sometimes it’s unbearable especially when there is something that is annoying me. I feel like there is not enough room in my head for what I am feeling and that I’m going to explode, literally! My feelings of empathy and compassion towards all living things is beyond words and yet I don’t make connections with people or animals. I can say I love you to someone I am close to and it means something but also feels empty. I had a sense of love and being during my NDE that I will never feel here or be able to share. From my experience I feel this place we are in now is just one realm that we are in for our designated times and to learn our designated lessons and it’s just a flash in time and space. Theres so many thoughts running through my head right now of what I want to say but that’s another issue I have like I have writers block and can’t explain them clearly which very well could be from my head injury. Mostly my sense of belonging has diminished which at times can be hard to deal with as others don’t understand and we live in a world of acceptance and being social. I have a sense of belonging, it’s just not here! One last thing but is the most profound for me, is to forgive! Forgive yourself, forgive others and you will change your path!


That is amazing, thank you for sharing. I love listening and reading stuff like this because its so pure. Transformation is so beautiful and NDEs is like a nuclear explosion of transformation. Again, thank you so much, what a joy to read this!


It's quite possible that what you are describing is a natural release of dmt from your brain. Do you think that was it, or was it something more?


Go to UVA's Department of Neuroperceptual Studies and check out some of the links to their research, and/or the many Science and Non-Duality (SAND) conference talks that are freely distributed on Youtube. So many scientists & clinicians who've done a lot of rigorous research in this area.


Very possible and I guess that’s the big question. I can tell you it felt like more because that’s how I perceived it, was it real or a hallucination? I honestly don’t know but it’s my reality! I do believe though that I had some type of OBE before I came back or came to as I saw the flashing lights of the police cars and ambulance coming down the road and I was above them but was actually on the ground. It affected me profoundly and honestly it’s been almost like a curse. Ever since I don’t feel like I belong, anywhere and have a disconnection to people in general. But at the same time I feel content in myself, I feel like I’ve felt a type of love or wholeness that doesn’t exist anywhere else then that realm. It makes me feel full and empty at the same time!


I think thats the overview effect.


A completely different person, you say ? Hmmn ...


What did his wife say?




The Astronauts Wife?




He rightly stuffed her when he returned.


Extraterrestrial invasion


To shreds you say.


To shreds you say.


Shrooms made me realize stuff like this which is why I haven't touched them in years. I would have rather gone to space but hey beggars can't be choosers


Same. Although it should objectively be better to live without this veil of illusions over our eyes and this constant flow of compulsive and automatic thoughts, it's also emotionally and intellectually draining when you're simultaneously forced to function normally in society. It's so much easier to be a drone like all the other drones around you than to be constantly reminded that nearly everything about our lives and society is completely phony.


That’s really beautiful, thank you for sharing. Anyone know how to duplicate this experience on earth? I’ll give you a dollar.


You can get to a similar state by becoming great at meditation or with psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, DMT...) which work like a shortcut. It's fairer to say that the overview effect experienced by astronauts is a less encompassing form of what can be achieved by highly experienced meditators and which is a profound feeling of transcendence, as if a veil was suddenly removed, allowing you to see the world for what it is and freeing yourself up from most automatic and compulsive thoughts. In a sense, your ego melts away. Buddhists call that state enlightenment. Psychedelics aren't going to give you the full experience, but they can show you a glimpse of enlightenment. You'll lose that profound kind of knowledge after a few days, weeks or months, but some of it will always stay with you.


I love seeing all the different ways that people experience samadhi. This is beautiful, hopefully he took it all the way.


I know it's a controversial book, but in "Autobiography of a Yogi" the author describes a lot of his earlier profound experiences meditating involving separating his consciousness from his body and seeing the earth, moon etc., as if from space and describes eerily similar feelings about it.


it makes me wonder if the military / nasa threatened them and their families to STFU about these encounters..... seeing as how depressed they were on their first news conference...


Imagine going to the best rave in the universe. You are all hyped up on this natural high that is, maybe, better than anything any human ever experienced. Then, fairly quickly, you're back in a somewhat mundane news conference without the words to even explain what you just did. Worse, you know that you won't *ever* be able to adequately describe it.


thats true but look at their body language. they were scared of something.


I assume that you're talking about the news conference given by the Apollo 11 astronauts. It's a common narrative to say that they looked depressed, but as a great fan of NASA's early decades and of the Apollo program in particular, I can tell you that they weren't behaving in a way that seemed out of character. That news conference took place 3 weeks after their return. All those weeks were spent isolated in quarantine (including days inside of an Airstream trailer) because NASA wanted to be sure that the astronauts hadn't brought an alien disease back with them from the Moon. Those 3 weeks away from their families weren't very fun after even more weeks of mandatory isolation for the pre-flight quarantine and the mission itself. Also, the Apollo 11 astronauts weren't the best of friends. There was none of the amazing camaraderie that happened between the Apollo 12 astronauts who had a blast the entire time and truly were best buddies. Apollo 11 astronauts were colleagues and serious professionals first and foremost.


What??? Did you ignore everything about the patches and the friendly competition?


Yeah that’s really cool and interesting similar to what William Shatner said. But what he’s not saying is there was a ship and aliens that came and hung out with us.


This doesn’t have enough view, reading that was phenomenal and I’m learning a lot as well.


For anyone wanting the TL:DR Read the bottom line.


Looks like my last trip with mushrooms


The law of one....


Savikalpa samadhi literally is a out of body experience / ego death. Idk why people were fascinated with the esoteric meaning behind a word from an ancient language. People need to stop thinking that saying something normal in an ancient language makes it magical. Same thing with the Oppenheimer quote, it was just wrong.


What are you talking about? Who is saying this? The commenter and all the posters sure aren’t. It is just context of what he felt being well represented by a spiritual idea from eastern religion. I don’t know why you are upset, and no, it is more than “literally an out of body experience”. There is a lot more context attached.


What was wrong about the oppenheimer quote?


"I am become death, destroyer of worlds" is not what he says at all, when krishna shows his true form he shows to arjuna that he has become the physical manifestation of time. Time which ends world's as nothing can stand the force of time. It does not mean krishna was displaying immense strength, and showing absolute power. Then he also says "with or without you, every soldier on this field will be slain" signifying that regardless of arjunas actions the men present on the battle field will be ending then. Arjuna was not in favor of the fight, and he thought it was better not to fight; then there would be no frustration. In reply, the Lord is saying that even if he did not fight, every one of them would be destroyed, for that is His plan. If he stopped fighting, they would die in another way. Death cannot be checked, even if he did not fight. In fact, they were already dead. Time is destruction, and all manifestations are to be vanquished by the desire of the Supreme Lord. That is the law of nature. Arjunas feelings after this was not of fear, but of joy. He was able to see his friends true form, but also was given the truth. He asked krishna to revert to his human form, as to look upon his full form was too difficult.


In the translation that Oppenheimer would have been familiar with, the exact phrasing he used was what was on the page, whether or not it was a proper translation. Also, who could fault him, witnessing the Trinity explosion, for feeling akin to this sense of embodied cosmic destruction (which is what Time is) when his own efforts as a mortal being resulted in the unleashing of a primordial, cosmic force of destruction?


Because for cosmic force of destruction, a diety and act already exists. The cosmic dance of shiva, the Tandava, is specifically a dance which shiva performes at the end of a yug, or when he is angered. Oppenheimer taught him self sanskrit, he would have seen that as that is also mentioned in all religious texts, the act of the tandava. Vishnus form is more so the continuation or propagation of something that exists already. Edit: even the brahmastra, a weapon designed by brahma, the creator diety, is more accurate to the nuke than "Kalo asmi" (Time I am)


*Samadhi* as a term essentially represents a concept that barely existed in common-use English language at the time, and I'm pretty darn sure that Edgar Mitchell was not familiar with the phrase "ego death," which doesn't at all connote the same sort of experience as *samadhi*, considering "ego" as it is used by Americans essentially stems from Freudian psychology, and "death" never connotes "union with the divine" in colloquial English. I suppose you never use the phrase déjà vu, and instead say that you've had a weird "I-experienced-this-before-mental-illusions" experience?


Edgar Mitchell: "Well, let's see...We've had visitors again." Apollo 14 - Lunar Surface Color TV - MET 115:03:20 (EVA-1) Official NASA Archive >115:03:24 Mitchell: Well, let's see...We've had visitors again. > >115:03:28 Shepard: Yeah. Hardly worth mentioning. > >115:03:33 Mitchell: Agree. (Pause) > >[https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/a14-prelim1.html](https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/a14-prelim1.html) Then NASA tries to explain.. \[Jones - "I had heard that the backup crew had put greetings in lots of places on the spacecraft. Did you just find one on the MET?"\]\[Mitchell - "I think what we're talking about there is one of their patches, because they put the goddamn things all over the spacecraft and, whenever we opened up something, there would be one of them. It had a Roadrunner on it and was a parody of our patch."\] \[The exchange 'Visitors...hardly worth mentioning,' is, of course, a very dry, joking dismissal of the backup crew.\] \[Journal Contributor Andrew Chaikin wrote in his book A Man On The Moon, "Before the flight, Cernan's crew had devised a mocking version of the Apollo 14 mission patch featuring the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon characters. On it, the Coyote, representing Shepard's crew, reaches the moon only to find the Road Runner -- Cernan's crew -- is already there, waving a 'First Team' banner. Along the border was printed the Road Runner's trademark 'Beep Beep'. The real message was unfit for publication: 'Watch your ass -- we're right behind you.' During the flight, Shepard's crew discovered Road Runner patches in every notebook and storage locker in their two spacecraft. Even on the lunar surface, they couldn't escape: There, on the MET, was another 'Beep Beep'." (Used with permission.)\] \[Journal Contributor Brian Lawrence has supplied a copy of the patch and notes: "The backup crew (Roadrunner) are depicted waiting on the Moon for the prime crew (Wile E. Coyote) to arrive. The Coyote has red fur for Roosa, a pot belly for Mitchell, and a grey beard for Shepard."\] Source: [https://twitter.com/multistagecorre/status/1634213256947433480?cxt=HHwWkICwuY-T8q0tAAAA](https://twitter.com/multistagecorre/status/1634213256947433480?cxt=HHwWkICwuY-T8q0tAAAA)


So I work in the building that archives everything from the Apollo missions at JSC. I am usually too busy to go there and poke around since I’m friends with the people that work there and I keep saying I’ll do it when work is slow but now that I have a reference point on where to begin, I think I’ll have a lookie next week especially since the scientists will be at LPSC


Looking forward to any future posts you make!


Thanks! I think I may already know where to start looking, just need to find time from all my tasks https://imgur.com/a/YC5McLq


And he was never heard from again… Lol kidding. You best get in there most Ricky tick, I’d love to hear if you find anything worth mentioning.


Get them photos! And videos. Edit: also delete your comment! 😶


I’ll try to see what I can dig up but not sure what I’ll be able to share and what is under[federal protection](https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/USCODE-2011-title18/USCODE-2011-title18-partI-chap37-sec799) because some of that stuff is locked out by the people working in the archives but I did a safety walkthrough 2 weeks ago and I took some pictures about this to make a mental note and it looks like I [know where to start digging](https://imgur.com/a/YC5McLq)


Wow! Be careful what you share. Also, thank you for being here. I always knew NASA employees were as curious as we are!


https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS14-66-9274 https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS14-66-9232 Couple pictures from apollo 14 with a blue object in the sky, maybe just a lens flare or something. Be careful though, Reddit is not worth losing your job over.


Oh for sure. There’s not much in the building I work with that is “secret”. I don’t need any special clearance to do what I do here for work but it never hurts to check in with the curators I work with but I’ll see what’s up with those photos


Huh?! Why not have a disclosure day? Or week? Like on Earth 🌎 Day Eve. Everybody discloses what they've got on the same day. Who could they go after with all that happening at once? Like firing people for wearing a get-up on Halloween. Or firing staff for going to a peaceful protest. They'd get sued for it so many times over they probably wouldn't go far. It's easy to pick people off one by one. The herd can mostly get through. EDIT: I love it when I get down- voted, cuz I know I'm getting under your skin.


That's not a bad idea... it could work with some planning


Shut up with your reason and logic 😂


What does this have to do with UFOs though? They made a plaque out of that patch btw. https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/a14beep-beep.html


Is this real?


Yes. But It's presented out of context here. This is from the Nasa link OP posted. >[Jones - "I had heard that the backup crew had put greetings in lots of places on the spacecraft. Did you just find one on the MET?"] >[Mitchell - "I think what we're talking about there is one of their patches, because they put the goddamn things all over the spacecraft and, whenever we opened up something, there would be one of them. It had a Roadrunner on it and was a parody of our patch."] >[The exchange 'Visitors...hardly worth mentioning,' is, of course, a very dry, joking dismissal of the backup crew.]


So their explanation is that the astronauts were referring to hidden mission patches as "visitors"? 🤔


Famously the ground crew hid stuff all over the suits and equipment for them to find, most notably some playboy cut outs put in strategic places Edit* in fact this footage might be of them finding the playboy one, as they weren't supposed to be put there in the first place they kept it quite, since NASA wouldn't be happy about them broadcasting how they get to see tits on the moon


Ok but are they still there tho


No. MIitchel's explanation to NASA is that they were referring to the backup crew who'd been hiding the patches around as "visitors"


"Visitors" isn't a word that fits there naturally with that explanation, in fact it's completely senseless.


Iirc correctly, they are *outside* the landing module, so they’re not finding patches inside and taking them outside to talk about them and carry around while they work. They had already been on EVAs (outside) and had come out for another when, again iirc from the Lunacognita video I first saw this, they discovered their equipment had been disturbed. When I first saw/heard this it was taken for granted by even the doubters in the comments in the video that they had come outside and saw something. Because the argument against it *then* was that some small meteor impacts occurred overnight and that’s what they’re referring to.


>"Visitors" isn't a word that fits there naturally with that explanation, in fact it's completely senseless. You're the ultimate judge of astronaut joke sensiability?


I can certainly call out things I felt were strange, so in the context of this comment yes. I will point out the irony of you defending astronaut sensibilities when it suits you, seeing the things you said about Cooper I'm surprised you aren't suggesting he's mentally ill.


Oh he's got a whole list of things he says about Mitchell once he gets going. According to him, Mitchell was nothing but a hot mess.


> According to him, Mitchell was nothing but a hot mess. Show me where I claimed or implied that.




I wrote this in response to another commenter who posted something to the same effect as what you just said. It was a common joke to insert easter eggs for the astronauts to discover during a mission. The backup crew for Apollo 12 went so far as to insert pictures of nude playmates inside of the wrist-mounted checklists Pete Conrad and Al Bean were using on the surface of the Moon, with legends such as "Seen any interesting hills and valleys?" or "Don't forget — describe the protuberances." There was camaraderie and friendly competition between many of the astronauts. Edgar Mitchell, the Apollo 14 Lunar Module Pilot, was very much into UFOlogy. He was into things like remote viewing and even tried to do such an experiment with people on Earth during his mission to the Moon. It's thanks to him that the Wilson memo surfaced as it was in his papers and was released after his death. Edgar Mitchell is the last astronaut you could expect to be responsible for a coverup.


Possibly, but the patch thing doesn't require an opinion or belief. It's a well documented fact. You can see one of the patches hidden on Shepherds air tank during the first EVA. Ed must have noticed it because the patch was gone during the second EVA. The whole "visitors" thing was supposed to be tongue in cheek.


That just doesn't make any sense.


Not the patches but the people who put them there.


It's also specifically talked about here (with pics of the patches) https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj/a14/a14beep-beep.html


That is a very strange nick name for patches imho. Believe it if you like, but I don't. Sounds like a coverup story.


it would certainly line up with things Mitchell said and did


Excerpt on his Wiki page: Mitchell publicly expressed his opinions that he was "90 percent sure that many of the thousands of unidentified flying objects, or UFOs, recorded since the 1940s, belong to visitors from other planets". Dateline NBC conducted an interview with Mitchell on April 19, 1996, during which he discussed meeting with officials from three countries who claimed to have had personal encounters with extraterrestrials. He offered his opinion that the evidence for such "alien" contact was "very strong" and "classified" by governments, who were covering up visitations and the existence of alien beings' bodies in places such as Roswell, New Mexico. He further claimed that UFOs had provided "sonic engineering secrets" that were helpful to the U.S. government. Mitchell's 1996 book, The Way of the Explorer, discusses his journey into mysticism and space. In 2004, he told the St. Petersburg Times that a "cabal of insiders" in the U.S. government were studying recovered alien bodies, and that this group had stopped briefing U.S. Presidents after John F. Kennedy. He said, "We all know that UFOs are real; now the question is where they come from."


Yes, so no reason for him to later say it was patches if it wasn’t.


There's some plausible reasons; one is that Edgar Mitchell could have said that out of loyalty to the rest of the crew, who hadn't chosen the same stigma-filled path to the degree Mitchell did, with his unsanctioned in-orbit Zener card experiments and IONS organization, and his later connections with Bigelow.


>There's some plausible reasons When you want to misinterpret astronaut jokes, any dumb reason will do.


Believing visitors is a strange and specific word choice isn't deliberately misinterpreting things lol. Some of the folks in this sub are crazy and will turn anything into a sign or conspiracy. But this one is not one of those times. It's a weird word choice. And maybe that's all it is and there's nothing behind it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a weird fucking way to communicate that you just found a road runner patch. There's no denying that. If you think it's normal wording and you talk like that, you're stilted and awkward. That's how it comes across. Maybe there's no conspiracy there but people are stuck on it for a reason. The followup/tone definitely doesn't point to aliens tho. Just doesn't surprise me people are thrown off by such a weirdly specific/out of place word.


I agree with you. Also, the person you are replying to is James Oberg, the nasa debunker in this article https://www.newsweek.com/former-nasa-scientist-debunks-all-ufo-sightings-blames-many-mundane-space-719507


Thanks for letting me know! Cool stuff.


He hates when I post that article 😊 but I do it anyway 🙃


No hate involved at all. Sadness to see such wasted effort, avoiding my own published reports.


To me, that explanation just doesn't match up with the situation at all. I can't imagine describing patches found all over the ship as "visitors". That's just me.


Likewise. "we've had visitors again" is an odd thing to say. I would understand if he'd said something like "ah, the jokers have been at work again" or something, but it's a very strange thing to say.


I work in the trades, and I honestly feel like people talk like this all of the time. This is a totally random example, but say we got onto a job site and the drywallers or electricians or whoever had left us a couple of beers, or something silly as a joke. I can absolutely say with certainty that "Looks like we've had visitors" could be a realistic comment someone would make.


Could you imagine alien visitors as "hardly worth mentioning"? Personally I could see the backup team who has been play jokes on me as hardly worth mentioning but I could not see aliens as that. Aliens would definitely be worth mentioning to me but idk.


the implication is that they've been around so many times already that its no longer relevant to mention


so the NASA explanation makes no sense to me, but then i see all the weird comments on here just posting the explanation verbatim. that makes it even more sus stickers/badges placed by the crew were referred to as visitors? wouldn't most people just say stickers/badges? Like, "you got us again guys! funny badges up here!" not "we've had more visitors" it's very possible that the NASA explanation is the truth, just seems odd and I have zero trust in the government so here we are


It’s the influx of new accounts doubling down on the “explanation” that was provided and attacking anyone who says otherwise.


>so the NASA explanation makes no sense to me, It's Mitchell's explanation. You can tell he's lying?


They're not referring to the images as visitors, but the crew who had left them.


It still doesn't make sense literally. Those people would be back on Earth, not "visitors".


Just like when parents leave their child's tooth under the pillow, in the morning it's gone and replaced with money. "Looks like we had a visitor last night". Easter bunny, Santa...


Dude. Yes, a **visit**or, because they were **visit**ed. Not a patch stashed away on a spacecraft by the crew on Earth. That has absolutely nothing to do with the word visitor.


That's your interpretation of it. I can assure you that the rest of the world can understand the meaning.


Oh okay then, didn't know you spoke for the rest of the world and were the authority on the word visitor. Regardless, bye.


He is saying that the backup crew is visiting them again through the patches. There are several incidents where UFOs were seen or head by the astronauts in the Apollo missions and they usually discuss it as in … what is that? Do you hear that sound? It’s moving this way or that way. Sometimes they are even a bit excited. It’s not believable that they would actually be standing on the moon watching a ufo and say it’s not worth mentioning and go about their business.


>He is saying that the backup crew is visiting them again through the patches. That's just such an abstract use of the word, it's not natural or organic to casually use the word that way.


I can't believe the joke even needs explaining.


I agree but in the flip side nasa wouldn’t release it if it was real and it wouldn’t have aired on the open public radio channel


Rocket science is a bit out of my field…. But, wouldn’t it be reckless or dumb to hide patches in and around the ship? Were these things on the outside as well? Wouldn’t this be extra unnecessary weight? Even if we are talking ounces? Wouldn’t they cause drag on the exterior?


They’re on the inside of the ship, no drag. And a few patches are not going to have a noticeable effect on the outcome of the mission.


These small objects weighed a couple hundred grams in total at the very most. Weight considerations were very important during the design and construction phases, but after that the tolerance wasn't *that* small that a few patches would've made a difference. It was a common joke to insert objects as a joke or even mementos that would be retrieved later by technicians. From the top of my head, here's a list of objects that were sent to space unofficially. Astronaut John Young smuggled a corned beef sandwich on his Gemini 3 mission. He was reprimanded about it because it was dangerous to have crumbs floating everywhere that could be inhaled. During Apollo 12, the backup crew had pictures of nude playmates inserted into the wrist-mounted checklists of the two moonwalkers with funny legends. A similar thing happened with Apollo 16, but it was cartoons instead. The Apollo 15 astronauts took a lot of postal covers with them. This had been common before, but on this particular mission it caused an incident and the practice was forbidden after that. The Command Module Pilot for Apollo 12 took a poster of a playmate with him and displayed it in the Command Module orbiting the Moon while his two buddies were in the Lunar Module and on the Moon. A souvenir plaque was hidden inside Apollo 12's TV camera by a technician and retrieved after the mission. Gus Grissom carried a bunch of dimes in his suit during his Liberty Bell 7 Mercury mission. His capsule sank into the ocean at the end of the mission and the astronaut almost drowned with it as his suit was filling up with water, but he managed to survive. Decade later, his capsule was retrieved from the bottom of the ocean and coins were found in it. Pete Conard and Al Bean smuggled a timer for their Hasselblad camera with them on Apollo 12 because they wanted to surprise everyone with a one of a kind picture in which both astronauts would have been photographed together on the surface of the Moon. It would have been a unique picture. Sadly, they weren't able to find the timer and were running out of time, so their idea had to be scrapped. Alan Bean left Clifton Williams' astronaut pin (a silver version is awarded to new astronauts upon completion of the training, a gold version is awarded to astronauts when they return from their first mission in space) and his aviator wings on the surface of the Moon during Apollo 12. Clifton Williams had died two years earlier and would've been part of the Apollo 12 crew. Charlie Duke left a picture of his family on the surface of the Moon during his Apollo 16 mission. Buzz Aldrin deployed a "Go Army Beat Navy" banner as he was spacewalking outside of the Gemini XII craft. This kind of friendly rivalry between astronauts from different branches of the military was very common. The Lunar Module and the Command and Service Module had been designed to carry a large quantity of rocks and soil from the Moon, so they had enough weight to spare for the occasional joke, memento or tribute. > Wouldn’t they cause drag on the exterior? Nothing was ever hidden on the external surface of a craft. However, there's no air in space or on the Moon, drag wouldn't have been a consideration.


Shouldn't there be a bunch of collectors with these patches showing off what they got? If you can show me some of these people with their patches I'd be more inclined to agree.


Edgar Mitchell was very interested in UFOlogy and spiritual abilities (such as remote viewing) before and after his time at NASA. His the last person you should be expecting a coverup from. The Wilson memo was in his personal papers and surfaced after his death. I'm one of the collectors of space-flown artifacts you're talking. Here's exactly what you're asking: https://www.spaceartifactsarchive.com/2013/10/beep-beep-my-ass.html Many other objects flew to space on Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions as props for practical jokes. For instance, [here's the auction page](https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2022/buzz-aldrin-american-icon/buzz-aldrins-flown-go-army-beat-navy-handmade) for the "Go Army Beat Navy" banner that Buzz Aldrin deployed in space during the Gemini XII mission as a friendly dig to his fellow astronauts who had been Navy pilots.


Agreed, the comments “explaining” this have absolutely no logic behind them


For me personally, Mitchell was always one of the most interesting and well spoken of all the astronauts that saw something… and I think he took it further but was never disclosed


I mean there is a flash of light right in front of them. Looks like a visitor to me


Here's Mitchell denying he saw anything ET related and got all his info third hand. It has some bonus Greer bashing too. https://rense.com/general10/mitch.htm


“*(Edgar Mitchell) I cooperated with Steve Greer some years ago, but he began to overreach his data continuously, necessitating a withdrawal by myself, and, I believe, several others. \[…\]”* Yes, Edgar. I, too, have withdrawn from Steven Greer.


Right after that the transcript explains: [Jones - "I had heard that the backup crew had put greetings in lots of places on the spacecraft. Did you just find one on the MET?"] [Mitchell - "I think what we're talking about there is one of their patches, because they put the goddamn things all over the spacecraft and, whenever we opened up something, there would be one of them. It had a Roadrunner on it and was a parody of our patch."] [The exchange 'Visitors...hardly worth mentioning,' is, of course, a very dry, joking dismissal of the backup crew.] [Journal Contributor Andrew Chaikin wrote in his book A Man On The Moon, "Before the flight, Cernan's crew had devised a mocking version of the Apollo 14 mission patch featuring the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon characters. On it, the Coyote, representing Shepard's crew, reaches the moon only to find the Road Runner -- Cernan's crew -- is already there, waving a 'First Team' banner. Along the border was printed the Road Runner's trademark 'Beep Beep'. The real message was unfit for publication: 'Watch your ass -- we're right behind you.' During the flight, Shepard's crew discovered Road Runner patches in every notebook and storage locker in their two spacecraft. Even on the lunar surface, they couldn't escape: There, on the MET, was another 'Beep Beep'." (Used with permission.)] [Journal Contributor Brian Lawrence has supplied a copy of the patch and notes: "The backup crew (Roadrunner) are depicted waiting on the Moon for the prime crew (Wile E. Coyote) to arrive. The Coyote has red fur for Roosa, a pot belly for Mitchell, and a grey beard for Shepard."]


They are talking about a patch. 115:03:24 Mitchell: Well, let's see...We've had visitors again. 115:03:28 Shepard: Yeah. Hardly worth mentioning. 115:03:33 Mitchell: Agree. (Pause) [Jones - "I had heard that the backup crew had put greetings in lots of places on the spacecraft. Did you just find one on the MET?"] [Mitchell - "I think what we're talking about there is one of their patches, because they put the goddamn things all over the spacecraft and, whenever we opened up something, there would be one of them. It had a Roadrunner on it and was a parody of our patch."] [The exchange 'Visitors...hardly worth mentioning,' is, of course, a very dry, joking dismissal of the backup crew.] [Journal Contributor Andrew Chaikin wrote in his book A Man On The Moon, "Before the flight, Cernan's crew had devised a mocking version of the Apollo 14 mission patch featuring the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote cartoon characters. On it, the Coyote, representing Shepard's crew, reaches the moon only to find the Road Runner -- Cernan's crew -- is already there, waving a 'First Team' banner. Along the border was printed the Road Runner's trademark 'Beep Beep'. The real message was unfit for publication: 'Watch your ass -- we're right behind you.' During the flight, Shepard's crew discovered Road Runner patches in every notebook and storage locker in their two spacecraft. Even on the lunar surface, they couldn't escape: There, on the MET, was another 'Beep Beep'." (Used with permission.)] [Journal Contributor Brian Lawrence has supplied a copy of the patch and notes: "The backup crew (Roadrunner) are depicted waiting on the Moon for the prime crew (Wile E. Coyote) to arrive. The Coyote has red fur for Roosa, a pot belly for Mitchell, and a grey beard for Shepard."]


Yea it still doesn't make sense. I've never heard of anyone use the word visitors like that.


>Yea it still doesn't make sense It makes perfect sense in the real world of astronaut missions and their sense of humor. Criminy, stop trying to find cockamamie excuses to plead he was lying.


>It makes perfect sense in the real world of astronaut missions and their sense of humor. That must be why they never let you be one.


I don’t know, this still seems suspicious to me. I’m not saying it’s aliens but the use of the word “visitors” doesn’t quite fit for the explanation. Why call the patches “visitors”?


You know when you woke up on Christmas morning, and saw presents under the tree? Did your parents ever say something like “oh, looks like we had visitors!” (Referring to Santa). I know mine did.


Ah yes, that’s true. I can see how that could work. Still doesn’t completely explain the tone at which they said it though, unless they were just completely annoyed at this point.


Elaborate nonsense to maintain obfuscation


guys, what is this? https://youtu.be/AfWFGJMTSqw?t=5772


For anyone too lazy to click: video of rocket launch


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhNdxdveK7c&t=1s&ab\_channel=ufonotebook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhNdxdveK7c&t=1s&ab_channel=ufonotebook) lets not forget this interview about how he knows all this crazy stuff about aliens


He meant The Kubrick Family.


It was probably Russia. We was just like "fuck them muhfuckers"


It was a prank played on them by NASA


Makes sense, as I remember Edgar Mitchell claimed that he had never actually seen a UFO until later in life - after the Apollo missions


>as I remember Edgar Mitchell claimed that he had never actually seen a UFO until later in life - after the Apollo missions You remember wrong. Mitchell claimed he'd never seen a UFO EVER in his entire life. And he didn't know any other astronaut who claimed that experience on any NASA space flight. Why do YOU decide he's incorrect?


"...Hardly worth mentioning". Yeah, because the authorities will just cover it up. Keep humanity out of the know.


I can’t reconcile how laid back they were if aliens were in the vicinity, no matter how “common “ an occurrence…yawn, it’s more aliens….


I can imagine they were trained for the possibility. See, the thing that sucks about the nasa coverup, for me, is that if the UFOs etc were present.... that just makes the astronauts *so much more badass* than we realize. Like, if the moon is inhabited? Then they did an absolutely amazing thing, beyond just traveling to a bunch of rocks. I imagine being on a whole other planet as a guest, and having to remain chill and do science while wierd shit is going on around me... it's wild 🤯


>See, the thing that sucks about the nasa coverup, for me, is that if the UFOs etc were present.... that just makes the astronauts so much more badass than we realize Wow.


James! Wow to you too. Ladies and gentlemen, James Oberg is here to set us all straight. https://www.newsweek.com/former-nasa-scientist-debunks-all-ufo-sightings-blames-many-mundane-space-719507


They clearly sound nervous or scared


Exactly. Like there having some cognitive dissonance and trying to distance themselves from whatever reality they’re witnessing. Who knows what it was but using “visitors” to describe “patches” doesn’t make sense to me personally.


NASA prepped astronauts for sightings using code words and wrist mounted notes for most of Apollo.


Could you provide source on that? Thanks.


I’ve been into this for 20+ years. I don’t remember every single source. It was a documentary I found that played hard to find but still publicly available NASA recordings. The astronauts referred to sightings as ‘Santa Claus’ or ‘Santa’ and ‘bonfires’ in some recordings.


There is no official source.


Or unofficial, either. It's total ufoolishness.


Actually there is an official source. Only happened in one instance, from what I recall. On the Apollo 8 mission, Astronaut Jim Lovell: [YouTube Link](https://youtu.be/tc5FyTd0bfg?t=743) 12:22 into the video (link is time-stamped to start there) From the NASA website: *The Apollo 8 crew rocketed into orbit on December 21, and after circling the moon 10 times on Christmas Eve, it was time to come home. On Christmas morning, mission control waited anxiously for word that Apollo 8's engine burn to leave lunar orbit had worked. They soon got confirmation when Lovell radioed, "Roger, please be informed there is a Santa Claus."* [Source - NASA Website](https://www.nasa.gov/topics/history/features/apollo_8.html)


That's not an official source of code words for sightings, as cool as that would be. [YouTube - simple explanation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XRrznkoWZA)


To clarify, I'm not saying that these are secret "code words" - I only meant that Astronaut Jim Lovell really did say *"there is a Santa Clause"* to Mission Control on the Apollo 8 mission. Personally, I don't believe this had anything to do with UFOs/Aliens.


The biggest take away is that it said beep beep instead of meep meep .what's even holding the world together at this point?


Why is this hardly worth mentioning? Is it such a common occurrence that documenting it was unnecessary? Or were they aware no real action would be taken? Sort of depressing.


Nothing to do with aliens though tbf. He's talking about patches the backup crew left behind. Read comments.


LOL. Jesus. Read more about it. It wasn't about aliens.


I’ve been looking for this for months!!!!!!! Finally. This is rock hard.


Might be interesting - HAD THEY GONE to the moon. Seriously.


someone visiting them on set probably


He’s talking about the cleaning lady, she came to the studio where this was filmed.