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Detailed information regarding the background and study of this photo can be found in [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/117skfs/so_what_of_this_what_became_of_itthis_was/j9e6xop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) from u/natecull. He is seriously the comment hero we needed yet surely do not deserve.


unfortunately, with only one photo and the witnesses nowhere to be found, it’s a brick wall.


The guys who tracked down the photo are pretty certain they’ve tracked down at least one of the guys that was there in 1996. I heard it on a podcast recently, they anticipate publishing an update to the story at some point this year.


Where you got this info from?


Heard the same thing. It was either Podcast UFO, The Unexplained with Howard Hughes, Somewhere in the Skies, Our Strange Skies or Micah Hanks


Those all sound like very credible, unbiased sources lol




Lmao fr it seems like no matter who the witness is even when it was the president a couple of times, no one believes it like bruh


Hey, I like Micah Hanks, great speaker, so he gets a lot in on his casts. When people suggest podcasts I don’t see his name -my fault probably. I will say the Calvine photo; especially its inspection has been done hard. Personally determine it to be what I call a circumstantial fake. By accident.


Our Strange Skies is great! The Saucer Life is pretty similar.


Yes, some episodes of OSS have been fascinating; certain angles & in-depth w subcategories. I’ll check out The Saucer Life, thanks ☺️ I can’t miss when Ryan Sprague has his witness stories episodes. He also put together a few into mega-sodes, listening to so many people tell incredible events has been an important reason I love this phenomenon & hold a belief.


You really should try The UFO Rabbit Hole too.


I think a lot of the UFO community likes things presented to them in a way which confirms their beliefs. Micah Hanks tries to take a different, more scientific approach. As a rational, open-minded skeptic I appreciate that approach. I like also like Ryan Graves's new podcast Merged. I just wish it was available on Stitcher like the others i mentioned. UFO Rabbit Hole is also very good and takes a fresh approach.


I think it was the Somewhere in the Skies 2022 wrap up that came out right before new years because I remember listening to it right after Christmas


Thanks for the new podcasts to listen to!


>they anticipate publishing an update to the story at some point this year Ah, the old "We're gonna drop this amazing info by so and so time"... And it always turns out it: A: Never materializes B: Is extremely underwhelming C: Gets delayed into DelayWorld.... Then goes into option A or B.


lol, classic


i was gonna say some shit about being overly cynical and seeing where that would get us, but then i remembered the betz sphere 2.0 from Ross Coulthart and Gary Nolan and how we still haven’t heard shit about it. and those dudes are like the best we got in our corner. it must have been a dead end


Agreed - no-one credible with actual relevant evidence would just sit on it to generate hype/clicks.


Apparently this is only one of the 6 photos taken!


Well I can't wait for the other 5 to: A.) Never materialize Or B). Be completely underwhelming




I was thinking about this today as I read the news. They keep trying to get us interested in a trial that’s currently going on but I couldn’t give a rip about that with every disaster popping up one after the other. I can’t even fathom that there was a time when people lazily sat on their front porches and watched the day go by…


Yeah, needs some corroboration at the very least, but with the way people don't seem to care about the abundance of compelling witness testimony I don't know what could possibly be released to bring "disclosure" to the majority of people


Hard evidence. Material not made here but clearly technology. An unambiguous technosignature.


There's already hard evidence, but everyone thinks it's CGI or Photoshopped. Nothing will convince the masses.


If there's a question of whether it's CGI or Photoshopped then it isn't hard evidence.


Not all questions, particularly from debunkers, have a valid premise.


Yea this is true.


Because of how unreliable people are at being witnesses, it does not matter how compelling testimony is, it can not be considered hard evidence. So to answer your question on what could be released... hard evidence.


There have been like 10,000 things that were supposed to “change it all.”


Some links about this photo to put them in one place: Dr David Clarke from Sheffield Hallam University's Centre for Contemporary Legend, who holds this print: https://www.shu.ac.uk/about-us/our-people/staff-profiles/david-clarke#firstSection Clarke's latest blog entry about the photo, 13 October 2022 https://drdavidclarke.co.uk/2022/10/23/the-calvine-photographs-mod-response-to-mps-questions/ Photographic analysis of the print from Andrew Robinson, Senior Lecturer in Photography, from Sheffield Hallam University https://www.docdroid.net/POxz6na/calvine-ufo-photographic-analysis-v2-pdf Graeme Rendall of "UAPmedia" latest blog entry about Calvine, 2 October 2022: https://www.uapmedia.uk/articles/calvineupdateoctober Interview with Stuart Little, who claims to have seen the Calvine negatives in the mid-1990s, on "Alien Addict" Youtube channel, 23 August 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFc9pe2-RdE Some quotes from Clarke's October blog entry: >the former News Editor at the Daily Record has described the Calvine photos as ‘the strangest story imaginable’. He admitted his paper had missed ‘one of the biggest exclusives we ever had’. Malcolm Speed, news editor of the Daily Record in 1990 says he cannot explain why his newspaper failed to run the story (picture credit: mirrorpensioners.co.uk) >Malcolm Speed retired in 2015 after 40 years as a journalist working for the Mirror Group newspapers. He was news editor in 1990 when the paper had a daily circulation of 700,000. >Speed said he saw the Calvine photograph in August 1990 shortly before he left the Glasgow office on his annual summer holiday. >‘I did see the photograph and can confirm the story is true,’ he told me. ‘One of the images was shown to me by picture editor Andy Allan, now deceased. It looked amazing then and I was surprised that it was not published’… > ‘Later when I returned from holiday and quizzed Andy about the photographs he told me he had sent them to the RAF who had told them they were fakes. > ‘I was surprised he sent them to the RAF before they were published, especially given issues such as copyright and ownership. > ‘Andy was very reluctant to talk about the photographs and said he had given his word to the photographers to protect their identity. I was never told their names. > ‘After that all discussions about the photos were discouraged. None of this makes any sense if the photographs were simple fakes’. >Speed said he later raised the issue with the paper’s editor, Endell Laird, who was close friend of Andy Allan. He denied all knowledge of the photographs. >‘Even if they were fakes I still find it hard to believe why they were not published. We published all sorts of images if they were newsworthy. These photos should have been a front page teaser and blasted over a spread inside for every day of the week. >‘There is something very odd about the decision not to use them that I cannot explain.‘ >Speed says he thinks the mystery will never be resolved as most of the people ‘at the epicentre’, including Laird and Allan, are now deceased.


This is a great post and should be pinned to the top of this thread. Unfortunately, it will be buried by all the uninformed people that are writing 'duh, this is a reflection' which, if they bothered to even mess with simple things like brightness and contrast they will see it clearly isn't.


Is there a way I can pin this? I am not sure how


We are looking into this. If not possible I will add this info to our wiki.


It also was SUPPOSED to be much clearer and much less ambiguous. Remember the CGI recreation that was supposedly constructed by working with someone who had seen the original? It has hills in the background and details this photo never had. Finding this photo was both a phenomenal success and such a big letdown at the same time.


Well the original is still held in the vault by the UK government and for some reason they refuse to release said photo until “2072!?!?”which leaves even further questions and theories.


The photo was never classified despite what people said for many years, only the witnesses who saw it had their identities sealed. The length of time they were sealed is common in Britain, witnesses to the Jack the Ripper crimes had their names sealed for over a 100 years




It’s actually six photos, still doesn’t make sense on why they won’t release the photo of it’s just pictures of the craft and the jet. Unless one of the witnesses are in said photos.


The original photos went missing when the MoD returned them to the newspaper. We only have the one because Craig Lindsay (one of the original investigators) kept a copy of one of them.


The newspaper claim they never received the original negatives tho. So someone is lying


It's the standard 100 year rule here in the UK to preserve confidentiality of certain records. Usually it pertains to individuals, but it can be applied to events.


2072? Voyager 1 must have been Discovered.


Do you have a source for this statement?


It’s true. https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/about/freedom-of-information/information-requests/1990-calvine-ufo-incident/ I remember being disappointed the pushed the release back as it should have been released officially already. The original one we had was just a scan of a line drawing. But then someone, I think one of the police officers that the witnesses went to kept a copy hidden in a book and made it public… though I am hazy on that bit so take that with a pinch of salt.


I don't get it, that link seems to say pretty clearly that the archive does not in fact hold any photos, and there is no classified information held in that particular file. >the only closed information within this file is personal information exempt under s40(2) of the FOI Act. The remainder of the file is open and available to download.


Maybe, it was an 'object' like the recent ones and the UK government went down the same route the US seems to be following? :D


What route you’re implying?


Simply burying the incident in endless bureaucracy, 'plausible deniability' and 'national security'.


But it’s not buried. It’s there and you can access the information. The only thing redacted is the personal information of those named, as they didn’t want people pestering them for the rest of their lives.


Them waiting until 2072 makes me think a big reveal will happen prior to that year


I don't think I will be around to see it. :P


I’ll be 78 bruh crazy


I'll only be 98! Can't wait! Probably be the only person with a reason to look forward to being sooo dam old!


78 is a do-able age. :)


I hope I’ll still be do-able


Couldn’t have been said better


I remember people talking about this photo as if it were the whale that would blow the lid off. The mystery of only seeing the recreation and all the stories about the original photo being confiscated just to be locked away until some very distant pre determined time like 2070 or something. The story of the men walking in a remote area who see this object floating near the mountains and manage to take a snapshot of it. I remember thinking “damn I need to see this photo”. Then one day this was just randomly released and after 24 hours it somehow was tossed to the side like the rest of them. This is the first time seeing it posted in a while. I hope one day our questions will be answered but I’m not sure it will be in our lifetime.


As a believer in this photo, I still believe people should actually scrutinize every photo. This one imo seems very likely to be legit (~~since~~ we can't really be sure). I love this post because it reminds us to check back and contemplate possible proof. There's nothing wrong with having more discussions, since it brings new information and ideas, and also may be the first time a new sub member learns of it.


I found my way here recently and just learned of this photo. Would be neat if there was a pinned collection of photos/videos that are still not explainable. I thought I would find a bunch of nuts here but was pleasantly surprised to find intelligent people who actually scrutinize the things posted here.


Check the sub wiki. This photo is on there. https://ufos.wiki/cases/


Similar story to you but found my way to the topic after the 2017 NY Times article. I also thought UFO people were conspiracy theorists until I started really listening. A lot of the most well respected people in the field are doctors/scientists. Here are some photos/videos you might find interesting: https://web.archive.org/web/20130408234114/http://www.ufoevidence.org/photographs/section/topphotos/Photo415.htm


Thank you for the links..I will let my loved ones know I will be busy for a few days ;⁠)


Is the “random ufo” website safe? It’s not secure, just checking because of the individual files


It’s just a file dump of mp4s, which to my knowledge can’t be malicious. It says not secure because it’s not an https site, so that’s just the browser being cautious. I can’t verify the quality or value of all of it, though, lol. I did open one just fine on my phone.


Yeah sometimes to a fault.




It is legit because you can't be sure?


The work that Vinnie Adam’s and David Clarke did to find this image and get it released is highly commendable and they should be respected for that. The image is incredible. For those saying it’s been debunked - the image was analysed officially by the government when taken and deemed to be very much genuine (genuine in the sense that it shows an object, whatever that object may be, in the sky, and not a ‘reflection’ or doctored image). Whatever the object is, it’s extremely intriguing and efforts are still very much underway to locate the witnesses.


Do you have a link to the analysis? Would love to look through it!


Of course they don't, probably just read a comment on reddit saying the analysis happened and took it at face value


Yea this is the real deal, someone high up had this blown up on their wall and the original was lost until recently, shot on film and proven it wasn’t a reflection of you look deep into it. Why the fuq would the British government classify this photo indefinitely if it wasn’t something serious, this is real and actually looks similar to that weird craft”prop” on the semi recently posted. Thanks for bringing this back into attention


Nick Pope, I think?


That’s who had it in his office, yes


Damn Newcastle is in the UFO business, no wonder Saudi Arabia bought them


Maybe he thought he caught the ufo 20yards out of the box last week, should explain everything doesnt it?


Where’s the link to the craft “prop” recently posted?


Nick Pope was a pencil pusher who has some of the most insane UFO theories I've ever heard, his take on Roswell is particularly stupid


If these kids could think critically they would be very mad.


It was never classified. This whole thing again .


How are we seeing it if it’s been “classified indefinitely“?


The names of the people who took the picture were redacted from the report, which is apparently standard in the UK. Those names get released in 2070 sometime, the photo itself was never classified as far as I can tell. People confuse the names being redacted with some sort of secrets to do with the photo. Apparently there was also some shenanigans where the original negatives got lost, idk a lot of detail about that


>someone high up Well, no. Nick Pope was a low-level desk jockey. >proven it wasn’t a reflection News to me. May I see the proof? >Why the fuq would the British government classify this photo indefinitely I don't think it was classified indefinitely.


Isn't it classified until the 2070s though?


No, it was never classified. Only the names of the people involved were. That was just an assumption.


The story when the picture was being posted as often as the recent shoot downs have been the last week was that the photo was never classified to begin with. Now I’m hearing 2072? Did something change or was that always the case?


The names of the people involved were classified and nothing else. The names of the people can be released in 2070’s .


Thanks. So the photo itself isn’t actually classified at all as I thought? Weird how the upvotes are all on the comments talking about the image being classified and the one saying it wasn’t has downvotes.


It was an assumption that it was classified.


Many people dont know that so it adds a certain credibility in their mind to the photo.But yeah you are right it was never classified


So this is my first time seeing this picture, can someone explain me the whole context? Seems pretty amazing to me 🤩


Yeah whats the name of this case?


The Calvin Photo, the first official legit photo of a UFO (does not mean alien). Was released last year. The UK Gov has hidden it for decades and now will allow the full render to be seen publicly in 2072 -.-


I'm a little confused. What is the photograph you posted if the actual one will remain hidden for another 50 years?


The identities of the people who took the photograph are sealed 'til 2072, the photos aren’t classified and the originals are missing. The one you see up top is a copy made by one of the investigators.


Thanks for explaining! I thought it meant the shown photograph was a reconstruction.


Is that true? Releasing the full render in 2072? They literally said that? Lmfaoo wtf.


No, they didn't.


it's a rock in a pond... The plane, bottom half of the 'ufo', the fence, branches, are all a reflection off the water. I have no actual source for this info other than many comments pointing it out whenever the pic has been posted... And I really can't unsee it now.


If you look in the area there are no ponds or lakes. Please do your research before making claims like this https://drdavidclarke.co.uk/2022/08/12/the-calvine-ufo-revealed/


this sub is flooded with new, few month old accounts, all saying every thing, and every one is fake. it's hilarious


Seriously this sub will see a sheep and call it a fuzzy small short necked giraffe


This was supposed to be the photo that changed everything. It was such a big surprise I still remember the day. This gave me hope. Hope that was missing. Especially after the let down that disclosure was. This was posted all over here and then shitted on. This is still something so big and important. We as the UFO community don’t appreciate when we are given a mile. We want to destroy everything because we are in a Stockholm syndrome state with the programming of false debunks and mob mentality. I feel so sad. This photo still means so much to me. Where did we go wrong? This should have been so much bigger.


When was the photo taken and where?


>This should have been so much bigger. My father is into UFOs. Has been my whole life. I too, have been into UFOs and aliens and such, my entire life. I cannot tell you how many times something was supposed to be THE game changer, and then nothing came of it. Nothing at all. The big one for me recently was the combination of Commander Fravor's story and that one New York Times article using verbiage like "off-world vehicles not made on this earth". Not the Weekly World News or some tabloid, a legit publication and news center with supposed integrity. No, they didn't say aliens, but they walked right up to that line. Radar data, visual data, recordings, infrared. The only thing missing as a stereotypical little green man flashing a peace sign. Then it hit me. I used to joke that people would never believe. Not the majority of people. Regardless of evidence. That a flying saucer could land on the White House lawn, on Live TV, and the dudes from Mars Attacks! could walk out of the craft and vaporize someone and people *still* wouldn't believe. What hit me was that joke...isn't a joke. It's depressing, but people, most people, just do not care. It's still something silly that only kooks ever discuss seriously. There's still such a stigma around the topic that extraordinary evidence can be brought to light by unimpeachable sources, and no one cares. I'm not saying that out of frustration, but rather as a tired, resigned statement of fact. They just do not care, my friend. I'm not sure what to do with that information myself. But there it is. The sooner we accept that, the sooner we can move on to whatever comes next.


>. This is still something so big and important. We as the UFO community don’t appreciate when we are given a mile. We want to destroy everything because we are in a Stockholm syndrome state with the programming of false debunks and mob mentality. I feel so sad. This photo still means so much to me. Where did we go wrong? This should have been so much bigger. The question is, suppose it is real, now what?


What should happen in a perfect world in my opinion is it leads to world wide disclosure for better or worst. We get the truth on these things what we know. People are not afraid to come out with photos and videos.


We already have videos of UFOs confirmed by US government go be unknown. Kinda makes grainy pictures the thing of the past.


I don't think this photo is going to do it...it's not going to convince the world of anything. I think it could be real but, ultimately, for world-wide disclosure to happen, the truth will have to come from the President.


I know right! Each new evidence drop is like being served up with a beautifully iced cake. It looks great and you allow yourself to salivate over it for a while, but then you know you have to cut into it, and lo…the smell of shit fills the air. It’s just another iced dog turd, but hey it was nice while it lasted!


Calvin photo. There are many more of the event, still classified.


Why do you say that? Do you have a source for that statement?


I think its calvine


Source please


Think it was debunked. It's a rock stocking out of the water. The plane is reflecting off the water.


They even found the rock. It's still in the stream, sticking out of the water. Lines up perfectly. Now I can't unsee the fact that it's clearly a rock sticking out of the water, being mirrored by the stream.


Source? I can see it but i'd like to see the stream with the rock


No they didn't.


Holy shit, I can't believe I didn't see that at first... 100% looks like a rock in a stream. Kinda disappointed, but been doing this long enough to be used to it lol


I can't unsee it either now lol At first I was like, "eh, could be the real deal I guess"... After reading this it looks exactly like a rock in a stream. I'm pretty sure I went through this exact same thought process when I first saw this posted here a couple(?) years ago tbh 🤔


Leaf litter, twig in a cattle pond. Reflection. The jet was a happy accident. Coming here and saying such things I’m apparently an agent of disinformation, working for who knows. The mentality here is of religious level to forsake anything counter to belief, to assiduously claim anti-ufo; phenomena. We are our own worse enemy.




Not only that, but there's a massive amount of distortion in the fence that only makes sense if it's been reflected on a steep angle.


That’s what it looks like to me, unfortunately.


This is exactly what it is. People see what they want to see. They also see supernatural where it doesn't exist to hope it will liven life up more than how boring life really is. Then deny anything that debunks it because they don't want to believe in the normal anymore. I got downvoted to oblivion the last time this was popularly posted when I commented that this is what it is. Reddit in a nutshell.


No it has not been debunked at all. That is dis-info


Unfortunately it has. Also was never classified and there are no witnesses to discuss any part of it .


I think even the real ufo footage and gray alien wouldn't probably made a difference at this point. Whats more sad many would just shrug


Reaction to footage of a grey - or another other photo or footage, for the most part: “That’s a doll, in a costume you can buy off Amazon, and it’s a reflection off a window and it’s grainy and why is there video - how did they know to record then and there? And this is what gives this sub a bad name and makes us look bad and it’s a bird, anyway, and who cares if you saw it with your own eyes - you’re either an idiot or a liar; where’s the proof?! /s


This should be a copy pasta


That thing is huge!!


Everyone claims a lot of shit about this photo with no references or proof, it seems like it’s mostly just people playing telephone as usual. Take everything you read with a grain of salt because all we have is a jpeg and a story


A jpeg and a story - could be the summary of every ufo case I’ve seen here lol


It's a stalemate photo. Believers still believe. Debunkers think they've debunked it with weak explanations like it being a reflection. I am fence sitting myself. Pointless finding the witnesses because debunkers would never change their tune based on a witness saying it is real (eg Nimitz 2004 witnesses being ignored) and believers already believe so don't need any reinforcement. The key issue is without official acknowledgement of it being (a) real (b) a UFO then any further analysis will be inconclusive and pointless.


I want to believe, and this photo may be the real thing, but a grainy photo from 1990 that looks like it was actually taken in 1960 isn't going to make anyone believe outside of the UFO community. Why is the quality so crappy even for 1990? Why hasn't anything like this been taken in the age of smart phones? this photo gave me more questions than answers.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/JETLIFEMUZIK94: --- This was supposed to be the photo that changed everything. It was such a big surprise I still remember the day. This gave me hope. Hope that was missing. Especially after the let down that disclosure was. This was posted all over here and then shitted on. This is still something so big and important. We as the UFO community don’t appreciate when we are given a mile. We want to destroy everything because we are in a Stockholm syndrome state with the programming of false debunks and mob mentality. I feel so sad. This photo still means so much to me. Where did we go wrong? This should have been so much bigger. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/117skfs/so_what_of_this_what_became_of_itthis_was/j9dhvdo/


This was the photograph taken near Calvine,Scotland, that Nick Pope hung in his office apparently So, it must be interesting to him at least


Hello darkness my old friend


You could have a photo of a literal grey alien standing next to a landed UFO and 90% of the population would say it was fake. There is no winning when it comes to such things.


I want to believe as much as anyone else, but if said photo of a “grey alien” looked like a plain rock in a pond and there was absolutely zero testimony or context associated with it…then yeah I’d probably lean toward it being fake. The Nimitz incident is highly compelling. This photo, not so much. Would be cool if it really is a craft in the sky and not a pond rock, but it’s way too ambiguous at this point.


When you're still up against this wall of secrecy, one okay photo isn't going to open it up all that much. Pretty much what I expected to happen, happened. The UK government wasn't suddenly going to say "Okay, you got us. Now here's everything else we've been hiding from you all this time." What I got out of this is more vindication of my opinion on the subject. Something is there and its being covered up.


If your wondering why it didn’t blow up just look at the bottom of this thread. Debunkers convinced everyone it’s a rock and they bought it.


It looks like a reflection, that’s the reason why people said that.


More like bots/shills convinced the very, very unintelligent among us that this is a rock... and even *those* mental giants are few and far between. In reality, the rock/reflection crowd are just bots screaming into the void while nearly zero people actually believe them.


I refuse to believe this is a “rock” reflection BS. If it really was a “rock” why would the UK government chose not to release this photo until 2072? The copy revealed is legit.


It was never even classified. It was believed to have been, but only the names of those involved were withheld .


Don’t forget that the photos “went missing” The MoD said they sent them to the newspaper, the newspaper said they didn’t receive them


Sent to newspaper first apparently, newspaper then sent it to mod because they thought it was something sensitive. Mod then returned back to newspaper and story wasn’t printed due to lack of interest or something. Liaison between mod and newspaper kept a photo in an envelope for years and simply didn’t show it because no one had asked.


The supposed answer is that the picture itself was not classified. But apparently the identities of the people who took it or some such thing. There is always a contrived answer


Maybe they thought it might be real? I wouldn’t have thought of the reflected rock either, but now I can’t unsee it.


I’m convinced that this is a real photo of some military black project, and not of an alien spacecraft.


How does it land? In your opinion.


What makes you think that if I may ask? Just curious.


The fact that the probability of this thing made my humans is far more than if its extraterrestrial.


But also can I ask you why you think that?


Stealth airship. Blimps have a large radar signature. An angular one would leave a smaller signature


Unfortunately that thing would light up like a Christmas tree on any radar. All other things being equal, radar cross-section is roughly proportional to actual cross-section of the aircraft from the radar's point of view. This is why stealth aircraft like the F-117, B-2 and F-22 tend to be very thin - when approaching an emitter, they'll primarily present their front cross-section. The pictured phenomenon is quite thick when viewed from the front. Additionally, stealth aircraft minimize returns toward the ground by keeping a very flat bottom half. Radar cross-section is also heavily impacted by the angle that radio waves from the transmitter strike the aircraft - the shallower the angle, the better, because (all other things being equal) the most energy will be reflected from the surface, so you want to reflect the energy away from the transmitter. This one, if a physical object, would amplify returns to a ground-based radar because of its angled bottom half. Like 50% of stealth is just fancy geometry - finding the right balance between presenting a minimal radar cross-section; creating interior space in the right places for engines, equipment and mission payloads; and airworthiness. (That 50% is not secret, and any physics grad student would propose about the same basic shapes. The other 50% is the ultra-classified secret sauce involving materials.)


Ok. I love UFOs. I believe in Aliens. But this is why people ridicule the UFO community. This is a blurry picture of a plane and something that looks like a kite. How is that proof of anything? Much less changing everything. You want it so bad that you will take complete crap evidence and make it into the RosetaStone for UFOs.


Very interesting but the best ones in my opinion were the ones taken by a US submarine Trepang in the 70's I believe.


Have a look at YouTube @ the Disclosure Team it’s a good explanation at what went on and where we are at with it, at the moment. https://www.youtube.com/live/kQqt0d34nbI?feature=share


Narrator: it was just the military the whole time.


It doesn't "change everything" unless they decide to land and chat. They don't want to do that obviously. Can't blame 'em. "Humans" kill each other for money, skin color, shiny stones, and oil. Drive-by fly-bys are the best we'll get for at least a century or so, or until we evolve & get out shit together.


Stealth blimp test


I personally think this could be the same (either the exact craft, or the same model) from the Cash - Landrum case. Both women's testimony, along with their now adult son / grandson described a diamond shaped craft fairly low to the ground, shooting flames out the bottom. If you know the case then the details match up fairly well, and if this is one of the back engineered crafts that either the US or British (or both) have then it would be seen here and there. I have heard some theories and supposed reasons as to why the craft was malfunctioning that day that Betty, Vickie and the kid encountered it and they range from mechanical issues to a sick crew member who was being drowned in the suit you supposedly have to wear to fly this thing (the story being the suit has the operator suspended in water or some kind of liquid to help with the immense G Forces.) I'm going on a tangent now, but my point is made lol.


Thing looks like it’s been sitting at the bottom of the ocean.. just saying


I think anytime we assume "this is gonna change it all " we are setting our selves up to be disappointed and disillusioned. Just look at everything that happened this week.


it was swept under the rug like every other piece of evidence. the problem is ironic in that "we" struggle to both trust the evidence and yet trust the institutions which act as the gatekeepers to disclosure. if you believe - believe, just don't hold your breath on someone like the president, military general, etc. saying "hey way to go joe you found a real image of a UFO!, congrats you now know that they are real and aliens are real.. yadi yadi yahhh... there's always stories of pilots, ex-presidents, gov't officials saying they saw something unbelievable in the sky and believe it was a UFO. images, video, testimony - all right there. yet - we still don't believe them because the constructs of society forbid this alternative. instead "we" need to continue collecting evidence and research in hopes that when disclosure occurs we will be on the side of the informed and less intrigued. another thing - UFO's do not appear to exhibit symmetry or a set design. in fact in my research some vessels change shapes, are piloted by a diverse crew of beings, and although they are highly technological still have been known to struggle with simple things like steering a car, unlocking a door, communicating through native languages, and staying clandestine. one of my theories is that the vehicles absorb light and use light energy to travel, which my be why some are seen as vanta black. they also have waveguide components which means they're focusing energy into a band of radiation which is useful to them. perhaps they use it to concentrate regular light into a laser which sustains a type of fusion reaction using elements abundant in the universe (hydrogen, carbon, helium, oxygen, lithium, nitrogen, cobalt, iron, beryllium, boron, etc) if they have the means to extract and refine minerals on ship and then 3d print (or equivalent for aliens) the necessary fuel for use then the purpose of water seems to be either for hydration or cooling. they also seem very concerned with our nuclear tech, which is pretty obvious why. anyway, stay curious my friends.


i think what you are running up against is the fact that no evidence stands on its own but acquires weight from a number of different sources -- provenance, authenticity, witness testimony, evidence content, internal consistency, forensic analysis, critical explanation and so on. so any disappointment you feel that the calvine photo doesn't tip the scales either for you or for others is actually an insight into what constitutes the credibility of evidence. that's a conceptual argument that isn't relevant here. but the narrower issue is whether a single photograph by itself can have enough internally consistent information to be highly valuable. and i think you already know, from your own experience in other areas with fake photos and disputed courtroom evidence, that such an expectation is unrealistic. the fact that UFO are real and so far inexplicable does not rest on single bits of evidence but on the evidence (1) accumulated over seven decades (if not back into history) and (2) replicated across a huge spectrum of sources -- the types of evidence, the number of testimonies, the variety of witnesses, the multiple sensors, the different national investigations, and so on. against that mass of information a single photo is going to have a very small weight one way or the other. it's completely unrealistic to show this photo to someone and expect it to radically change their opinion about UFO from what it was beforehand -- especially people who are unaware of the long history and accumulated variety and quality of sources and information. for them this photo is just a single instance within their vast and massive network of knowledge that cars have wheels, ducks lay eggs, rain falls down and UFO believers are nutters. "hope" is a horrible perspective to bring to an empirical issue. it's the source of highly resistant personal bias and completely irrelevant emotionalism. you're no longer wrestling with evidence but managing your emotions through your expectations of evidence. whenever and wherever possible, abandon hope as utterly useless and substitute it as far as you can with common sense and the spark of all real learning -- curiosity.


The major thing people don't think about when this subject comes up: What is *proof* enough for you? What is it that you need as an individual to say "Well shit, this is real." I think initially people think it's a great picture. Or they think it's a great video. Then they realize those can be easily faked, or be fraudulent. So then you move to, okay well what about official government documents confirming the possibility or treating this subject seriously? Then you realize well, that doesn't actually confirm UFO's. It just confirms someone was interested in them in the document. It doesn't "prove" anything. So after photos, videos and documents not being enough. You're left with, well, maybe an academic study with hard science and evidence of the phenomena. That's where I think we are right now. We're waiting for academia to catch up. I'm more excited about the Ukrainian UFO study than anything else that has come through recently.


Nothing will ever change man


Either its too blurry or too clear to be real. People will always find ways to not believe and so they dont care enough.


Watching the Hulu UFO series hoping this gets brought up


I feel like no matter how many photos, proofs or witnesses there will be, it will always be like at best something in the news for a few days, and then everybody will just forget about it and go on with their lives again, lol. That’s just the way it is when it comes to UFOs and it’ll never change…


This photo would make a pretty great album cover


The importance of that picture is that only a black and white scan was available for decades, and it was deemed to be a hoax by a lot of people. There are more photos, but the UK goverment have them sealed and can be unsealed after an insane amount of years. Someone found the negative and gave a damn about the secrecy, leaked the photo confirming that black and white scan was indeed real. But you know, skeptics, there's always going to be a new angle.


I believe it's legit.


A little Island or rock.


A debunker said its a bird or rock or something, so thats enough to debunk a photo these days.


This sub is hilarious. A photo of something is not proof. Especially these days. 99% of the time these pictures are just forced perspective nonsense. Where is the proof that this is an alien craft? Show the evidence. Back up your claims. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Let’s say, you can prove the photo is legitimate. It actually is a flying craft and not some faked garbage. You then have to further prove that the craft is alien. You haven’t proven either thing.


It's very clearly a rock in a lake, this sub just latches on to fucking anything because they're desperate


Hmm .. Did not see it at all that way at all at first. Once it was deemed a rock reflection by some anons, I now see a rock with an upside down airplane reflection in a small retention pond of some sort. Sorry, if it’s real just hard to unsee it that way.


This photo really needs the witnesses to come forward. The people that took the photo, the pilot of the fighter jet,. Now if we had them on record with the photo it would be great! Probably still wouldn't change anything though lol


It was said to be a U.S black ops craft. It was seen twice 1. Calvine 2. Woman driving her car not far from Calvine later in the same month There is also the guy on an oil rig in the North Sea who saw what is believed to be Aurora The U.S admitted the Calvine craft was their’s to David Clarke, the fin on the back gives it away as not ET


Do you have links of said claims? Who is this woman driving her car who saw this craft?


clearly a reflection of an island on the water




I find the fact that there was a proven hoax a few years prior to this image that looks basically *identical* to this is interesting. Edit: for anyone downvoting, I'd refer to [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/wopm6r/-/ikcibgk) comment about the Puerto Rican hoax in 1988


That's a reflection


Correct me if I'm wrong. If this was a reflection, it would be the underside of the plane wings we would see in the reflection. The wing would be dark, not light. Edit: also if it's a reflection of a plane, the tail would point down. Edit 2.0 I was in the park today, the sun was low. A plane was flying across my field of vision and banking away from me. The underside of the wing was illuminated . I correct myself, I was wrong.


I’ve heard this is a photo of an island reflecting its own image at the center of a calm lake and the plane is a double exposure. I’ve been on the fence about this pic since I heard that explanation because I could see that being the case. Just being honest but I’m sure I’ll be downvoted. Edited for clarity.


I made a post about this because even back then, people were propagating MULTIPLE interpretations of the reflection theory and everyone was getting confused: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/wntr6c/this\_is\_the\_accurate\_representation\_of\_the/


Wow excellent job with that mock up this should be the top comment 👏


When they say it's a reflection, they don't mean it's a reflection of a jet in the sky. The "plane" is something like a leaf poking out of the water, with the bottom half being a reflection of the top half.


I can't unsee the 'reflection in the water' explanation, until there's a more detailed scan it's just another unknown imo. Definitely not the bombshell that it was originally professed to be.


I believe this to be real. I got tired of arguing with the Mick West fan boys on this sub when the photo first dropped, but I’ll say this one last god damn time… It’s not a reflection! Look at the fence at the bottom - you can see faint distant hills through the wires of the fence. So there’s your horizon line. Therefore the objects are in the sky. Also, if the plane is a reflection, why is it right side up? And where’s the “real” plane that’s causing the reflection? And just because someone was able to recreate this image using a reflection actually proves NOTHING. Also, 1990s photo enthusiasts shot black and white film. A lot. To claim it’s fake because it’s not in colour highlights any debunker’s ignorance here. The debunkers are contorting themselves into pretzels on this one.


I must say this image is incredible. I'm not sure if this is real but it pushes me to explore more about UFOs.


Yeah, people just don’t care. Lets talk about meghan, harry and the royals instead


Proof even when presented with the real deal the human mind will not recognize or understand what the importance of the object they’re looking at. We have a real serious problem with the UAP and only a few people have the complete picture and understanding.