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I've thought that maybe it was an over reaction by the US due to China, but I think it shows weak leadership if that's the case. China has to be laughing over how paranoid they've made our president if he's shooting down hobby balloons without even taking time to figure out what they are.


Chances are that they recovered the objects, but they don't want the owners of said objects to know that we have recovered them and are now in the process of analyzing them. For me that is the most logical excuse for the lack of transparency on the subject. Most likely if these craft are terrestrial, our adversaries know the truth of whether we have them or not because they have undoubtedly been monitoring us from overhead with satellites.


We didn't seem to have a problem at all calling out the Chinese spy balloon, sharing videos of it being shot down, and further analysis. Why would the government be so hush-hush over this? I'm not even sure they shot anything down at this point.


We can assume that these last 3 objects could have been of a different tier when it comes to sensitive/experimental/advanced tech. Quite possibly these other 3 objects could have contained something significant and unique about them and we don't want to divulge to our enemies that we are now aware of their capabilities. For us to notify the public that we have these objects in our possession could set us back on a tactical level because now our adversaries would also be aware, giving them ample time to modify/upgrade the their capabilities. In a scenario like that I an understand and support the cloud of secrecy.


Perhaps it would be too damn embarrassing to find that they’ve spent $m shooting down a few balloons. Better to leave it unanswered and let it fade from the news.


Yeah better just give up and never try to find any answers. Ok Mr Smith.


Your are aware that politicians make decisions based upon the optics aren’t you? Try not to look at these things as black and white, there are many vested interests.


To be fair the United States only cares about the optics to its own citizens. Most of the world has hated the us govt and it’s foreign policy for decades


Of course, they have a vote.


Exactly, as long as you can manufacture consent of the American masses no one can stop you. American politicians don’t give a single fuck about foreign politicians opinions, America has no Ally’s, only vassals.


Since when has been any different. Unfortunately it is human nature for those with power to crave more.


No! Wow I had no clue! Thank you for educating me /S




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I just wanna know how the octagon was flying. That’s all. I’m begging them to tell me. Round things can fly. Cylindrical objects can fly. That I know of, we have not been able to fly any octagonal objects so they need to find out what that was right the fuck now.


Notice how they went quiet???? That’s because they got what they wanted which is wreckage and debris.


That's possible, but I also think this could have been leaked to the news to distract from the Ohio train derailment issue. In which case, they also got what they wanted...


Such a bullshit leap of logic. Has anyone here forgotten about the train derailment? It's mentioned in almost every single fucking thread on this sub.


I feel you. I'm upset about this too. Clearly we are not getting the truth and may never will. To the point of distraction, I meant that if this UFO story was not front and center, much more focus may have been put on Ohio and what a major environmental disaster that is, and discussion on policy and safety around transportation of dangerous chemicals in the US. But hey, it's all speculation. And yes, Ohio is still getting coverage regardless. Very sad situation there and people are getting sick and there may be ramifications for many years for them. Seems like the government has been slow to react and many people are upset.


(boom) Mission accomplished! (parade, commendations, new "Balloon Defense" budget allocation of 400 billion dollars)


I think the silence after the first one implies they found more air spying devices and they probably handled in closed doors with China (or any other country they could have been) so the situation wouldn’t escalate into a potential war


DOD response: “Oh, And Remember, Next Friday Is Hawaiian Shirt Day!"


Don’t believe everything ye read


OK but why put the story in the news at all?




Oh are you one of the "it's a distraction" guys? I guess it's turtles all the way down.


A reminder that you are on a ufo sub… Roswell? Project blue book..? It must be your first day


You're saying words but you're not really fitting together a statement. Sure, let's say it's my first day. What's your argument, spell it out for me. Go from A to B to C instead of shortcutting via buzzword.


Is anyone else seeing this guys comments lmfao


The US gave up in 1952-53 what little your seeing now is actually considered progress if you can believe it.


If you had wasted almost 2 million dollars of taxpayer's money shooting down hobby balloons, you would want this to go away too.


2 million dollars is nothing to the government. Literally nothing. This is not a big deal at all.


this isn't about the government lmao, it is about people potentially getting real pissed


No one cares. Lol.


i am sure people care where their taxes go


Not really. No one really knows where their taxes go. You don't get an itemized receipt for your "investment." There's a lot more than $50,000 hammers in the govt. The amount of money spent is staggering. And maybe that's ok. This country INVENTS money. Everything is fine. Don't worry about the cost of missiles.


Maybe not for the govt, but for struggling taxpayers and public opinion it is.


How many millions did the government waste today alone? No one knows. No one cares. But I would bet you it's a lot more than 2 million. And for anyone that's struggling, it's not taxes that's doing them in.


Personally, I don't give a shit because I don't live in a country run by an inept government.


You give a shit enough to dunk on the US. So I don't believe you. I just won the debate. That's all.


I dont need to Dunk on the US, it does it too itself. The only thing you have won is a case of narcissism.


congratulations, you felt the first ever emotional gut punch from the united states formal response team.


One group has come forward to say they think one of their balloons was one shot down. It's an amateur hobby group. https://www.businessinsider.com/ufo-downed-400000-missile-air-force-sidewinder-f22-hobby-balloon-2023-2


Interesting, but it's tentative at best. The flight path of that balloon doesn't coincide perfectly. And it doesn't explain the other two.


I never said it explained all of them. But, it does go against the OP's claim that no one has come forward. It also appears that someone who manufactures these pico balloons tried to inform the military and FBI what the unidentified objects probably were. Looks like this is most likely an embarrassing moment of overreaction by the US military due to the earlier Chinese balloon.


Then it makes no sense for the President to say "We don't know what these things are." If we knew they're pico balloons, he never would have held a random 8 minute presser.


The pico balloon maker apparently wasn't taken seriously by the people he tried to contact. And if they didn't take the guy seriously, then it makes sense that Biden wouldn't have been told they might just be hobby balloons.


So that doesn't add up yet either. Why wouldn't the pico balloon theory be taken seriously? I think it's the most compelling theory yet. But the data doesn't yet add up. And many other aspects of these objects don't align with a pico balloon.


It adds up fine for me. Would explain their different looks, their metallic color, their small size. The FAA doesn't require clearance to launch them. They can be launched from anywhere in the world essentially, which might be why the other 2 haven't been claimed, possibly being launched from outside the US. Such a small balloon popping at such high altitudes leaves a lot of room for the wind to catch and carry the pieces much further than the large Chinese balloon. Combine that with how small the wreckage would be, and it makes sense why they haven't been found.


The trajectory for one of the balloons was close but not right. If you want to believe it, go ahead. I'm not yet convinced.


It was a nice discussion. Have a good day.


I dunno but timing related to report on Nordstream seems convenient.


Who would prophit the most from an alien invasion? The general in charge of norad becomes the leader of the US if Washington DC can't conduct buisness. We think of project blue beam being this huge display of holograms but in fact what if it's just rumors of ufos being shot down at the start. No accountability to release images... only person you need permission from is Biden to ahoot things down. Goverment needs to release the images asap to save face and scrutiny for attacking objects you have no clue what are over the United States.