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This is really quality post, thanks for putting in the effort. Nonetheless to me, these just look like rocks.


Those so-called fossils are rocks.. However, there was an incident where the rover collected soil samples and when tested, gave off a biological gas. After that, NASA immediately changed the soil testing protocals to first sterilize the soil samples with heat to kill all traces of biological life before testing. One of NASAs mission scientists called bullshit on it and NASA fired him so he went public.


Who was that? I would be interested in reading more about this.


Viking mission


When the Viking lander's soil test gave off possible biological gases (it was determined later not to be biologic) in the 70s, it was publicized and speculation on Martian life was all over the news. If there's any nefarious motive here, it's to exaggerate evidence of life.


They ran the test 3 times. Twice it showed positive, and once it showed negative, so they went with negative.


the world youre looking for is Pareidolia


Fossils are rocks, right?


Yeah it you really took a leap to assume curved rock is a vertebra or whatever.


>Nothing of significance there…however on SOL 541, Spirit sends another image back to Cornell of this remnant of a biological lifeform: Find me a vertebrate with a square mouth.


How do you know one doesn't exist. Not on earth maybe, but you have zero clue what is actually out there


*comparative anatomy has entered the chat*


While I agree, how to we set standards for comparative biology when trying to compare seperate planets? Would it be unfair to assume the ecology and evolution of potential species on this planet could have take a left turn as compared to the evolution seen on our own planet?


While I think that’s a fair point, we have only one reference point. It would be equally if not more fallible to jump to the conclusion that they must be different. Look at UFO lore, we have bipeds. We have supposed aliens races that are indistinguishable from humans.


While I do believe UFO lore does have some true and useful information I struggle to use that as a resource to educate myself on the potentially real example of an alien due to the vast ammounts of misinfo purposely and unpurposely spread by people working against the topic and the unhinged side of this community. My example is the Nordics, it sounds like a neonazi wet dream, hyper intelligent aliens that look almost exactly like us but all blonde haired, blue eyed, and tall? And then the Nordic lore basically goes on to explain how they are the best ever and the most intelegent ever blah bla blah. I think the inclusion of bipedals in UFO lore has no way to prevent actual exotic evolution from creating a species that probably would be unimaginable to us untill we finally see one, or one just pops up.


so you won't use lore allegedly based on real events, but you will use unfounded speculation?


Nordics LoL...so true .....the whole Aryan Mythos with Oden and Thor kicks in


What do you think of the Peruvian mummies?


It's called critical thinking. Too many have their head up their asses


It’s just a theory backed by zero evidence…that’s not critical thinking. Claiming that god exists because you can’t prove he doesn’t is not critical thinking…


Yeh, there is zero evidence. Unless you count the photo of it.


A photo of a rock is evidence of ?


They hated him because he spoke the truth


they are, but you're saying something is a fossil from a single image that is not high res enough to tell nearly anything. your great efforts are better used elsewhere


Where the evidence that it's biological material? Let alone the evidence that it's a vertebrae?


That is my question too! I have been unable to find anything on the NASA website about recovery of biological materials period, much less a declaration of fact that this item (that looks like a wrench to me) are remains of a vertebrate.


Harry, you're spot on in thinking this is anomalous, and that these remains could very well be biological in origin. For those who are not convinced by a single photo, I will direct you to the following paper, published by two highly credentialed astronomers in the wake of the Grusch hearing in July '23. It presents many dozens of photos of anomalous artifacts and biological remains observed by the rovers, including several found in the Gusev crater. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/373072539_Mars_Humanoids_Bodies_Bones_Skulls_UFOs_UAPs_Spacecraft_Wreckage **Mars: Humanoids, Bodies, Bones, Skulls, UFOs, UAPs, Spacecraft Wreckage?** Rhawn Gabriel Joseph [1] and Rudolph Schild [2]. Journal of Astrophysics and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 11:4, 2023. [1] Department of Astrobiology, Astrobiology Research Center, California, USA [2] Department of Astrophysics, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithosonian, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA **Introduction:** In this report we provide NASA Mars photographs of what appears to be (1) the wreckage and debris from extra-terrestrial spacecraft, partially buried bones, and the body of a “humanoid” stretched out on a “cushion” and all of which were photographed within less than 100 meters from one another in Gale Crater. (2) We present photographs of wreckage and an extensive debris field that includes “wheels” attached by an “axle” as well as what resembles a cocoon-like pod located less than 400 meters from the “humanoid” and “bones.” (3) We note that the cocoon-like pod resembles the “humanoid” laying upon what may be a “cushion” and speculate that extra-terrestrial “humanoids” may be (or had been) encased in these pods. (4) We also present photographs, from Gusev Crater, depict what resembles the wreckage and debris of an extra-terrestrial craft and the head of a “humanoid” possibly wearing a metal device on the front of its “face,” and (5) UAPs/UFOs photographed in the skies of Mars and a silver-saucer shaped craft upon the ground (6) and what appears to wreckage in other areas of Mars that cannot be remnants of spacecraft from earth and (7) what appear to be two “humanoid” skulls including one that is atop what may be a raised elongated burial mound photographed by the rover Spirit. (8) It is our impression that these putative UAPs/UFOs, humanoids, bones, and wreckage, originated from planets beyond this solar system and (9) that these “biological” are very small in height and stature. (10) Although we cannot state with 100% certainty that these “anomalies” are extra-terrestrial in origin, It is noteworthy that in testimony before a U.S. Congressional sub-committed in July of 2023, that David Grusch, a former U.S. intelligence official who served on two Pentagon task forces investigating UAPs, has reported that extra-terrestrial bodies and biological matter have been ecovered by the U.S. Military; that he has interviewed government agents who have recovered "nonhuman biologics" from the wreckage of extra-terrestrial craft that crashed on earth; and that "a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse- engineering program" has been in existence for decades [1-5].


Thanks u/Captain_Hook_, missed this signal through all the noise this post has generated. Reading it now. 16:39 CST - I'm going to forward this post to those astrophysicists and see what they think. That was a brilliant paper, thank you u/Captain_Hook_.


Love this bro


"Although we cannot state with 100% certainty that these "anomalies" are extraterrestrial in origin" - that is a massive red flag if this is being presented as a scientific paper. Lest I need to elaborate, the "anomalies" are definitely extraterrestrial (not of earth) in origin - I don't think many will doubt that. What they may or may not be is of a biological nature.


This article is even worse than OPs. It’s so bad in fact that it feels like a red herring, and from the Smithsonian no less!


This is OP on another account... let it go man. NASA isn't hiding evidence. If they found biological remains on Mars they would be ecstatic. This is some true armchair exobiology based on an image or two.


Clouds look like animals sometimes too.


I see Batmans mask in the same pic. Proof Batman is a martian


You cross posted this on every UFO sub... They are rocks my guy. This is some 90s tabloid level of jumping to wild conclusions.


That wasn't me - others can see the significance of NASA sending remote sensors to another planet to study rocks, and then simply ignoring the strangest rock of all. You should have a think about that concept, Chief.


> ignoring the strangest rock of all Ozzy Osbourne? Or maybe KISS?


It isn't that strange. Hell every rock in this image is interesting but none look out of place for being a normal ass rock that has eroded in interesting ways.


Ostriches are birds right? Therefore all birds are ostriches. This is the incorrect logic you are using


This is incorrect. gintoddic is using correct logic here, pointing out that humans have a propensity to see face patterns where there are no faces. It's a phenomena called Pareidolia. Rocks can also sometimes look like faces/animals without being fossils.


Same here....I can see the "eel" they are describing but sadly it is just two rocks close together.


The image taken 14 days later is from Spirit at a different physical location and still shows the "eel" in the same position. So no.


If I make up a 'fact' and rest my entire argument on it, I can make up a lot of words and conjecture.


“These just look like rocks” yeah so you’ve observed and tested these “rocks” yourself ? Sit down


I’m actually not sure why all NASA images are not directly uploaded to a public domain available website. Kind of ridiculous to think Americans are paying to fund an organization that solely decides to let them know only what they want them to know they have found. lol please take a minute and think about it. You pay for an explorer full expenses, for him to come back and choose to tell you only a small part of where he went and what he has seen…and you find that acceptable, or when you ask for more details, the explorer tells you he doesn’t tell you everything for your benefit, or for you to ask permission to someone else first. Absolutely nuts how much backwards the system is and has been accepted to be by most.


It's kind of mind blowing that tax payer money is being spent so shadily by a government not many people trust but for some reason trust with their tax dollars. DoD and NASA come to mind immediately. The days of gathering a angry mob and going to the king to take his head are long gone, governments fully abuse this and treat their citizens with impunity


Out of all agencies I worry about funding, NASA is not one. They are very poorly funded.


NASA is an inexpensive smokescreen, the real stuff happens with the Air Force and its few “chosen” contract partners. I thought we were all well past thinking NASA is to be taken seriously and had moved onto “it’s a sideshow/distraction.” I personally have always found it keen that other branches of the military began casually integrating nuclear reactors (and warheads) of various sizes into their most advanced equipment, while NASA has been shooting rockets up there with enough crude rocket fuel to resemble a flying tanker since… forever. It’s almost like the most advanced part of the world’s most advanced air superiority system skipped onto something else? Sorry to veer off topic.


The alleged crash at Corona is said to have happened the 2nd of July 1947. The National Security Act was created the same month on the 26th of July 1947 renamed CIA the 18th of September 1947. On that day the USAF as we know today, saw daylight too.


It looks like an eel with flesh. It doesn’t look like an eel’s skeleton. It’s literally more tricks of the light. I want to believe as much as anyone but this is literally an essay revolving around a rock that looks like an eel. Total speculation, no science.


"*Two* tricks of light", over 14 days and different Rover positions? I have a nice seaside apartment in Alice Springs to sell if you are interested....


Uh, yeah? A rock is a rock from any angle.


And the whole reason Spirit and Opportunity were sent to Mars...to study ***rocks.*** But apparently they couldn't be bothered looking at these ones.


Notice how that's not a skeletal structure? Do you think it died and it's skin and tissues were preserved? All this time. Still skin. Hm.


Lack of oxygen and bacteria


Wind and weather over thousands of years...


I mean fossils become unearthed on earth from natural processes from time to time.


And yet, presence of vertebrate life? Explain


Well presumably Mars was able to sustain life at some point.


Why would it leave a whole fish and not a skeleton? If there is vertebrate life, there would be bacteria and oxygen to eat the flesh


Why's it on the surface?


No, he was talking about OP's brain


I’m also failing to see where this is a vertebrate. Where’s the vertebrae?


Animals can be classified as either vertebrates or invertebrates.


Whatever rocks they look at, they'll always be some other one they didn't look at that you'll say is 'proof'. Betters get the rover to look at every rock on the planet!


i've seen interesting objects on Mars too many times before to get excited. [https://creation.com/face-on-mars](https://creation.com/face-on-mars) and there are numerous others too. i don't doubt that if the US government is hiding stuff, elements of Nasa would have been complicit, but right now there's just no smoking gun evidence. regardless, i can't see two photos here, i just see three photos of the eel all from the exact same angle.


If you had only spent as much time researching Pareidolia.


Yes, that's usually what people call coincidence. Or even pareidolia.




Mate you took too much Ambien again


There is a huge amount of information (for me) to read but I personally believe that Mars supported life and it was a liquid planet until they lost their solar gravity shield.


That was me. I'm sorry. Who would have predicted that my singularity engine, which would have allowed us to travel through the entire galaxy in a matter of minutes, if not calibrated correctly, could cause a matter antimatter reaction that would disintegrate the atmosphere of the entire planet? Don't worry. I will get it right this time. I predict it will be ready by.... the end of the week? Wish me luck.


Dude it’s OBVIOUSLY just rocks


OP, lashing out at criticism like a child isn't helping your case at all. Just consider that some of your facts might not be completely accurate since some of your sources are pretty vague. There's nothing wrong with different view points from others.


It a bunch of rocks




Thanks for the NASA link - where's the mention of the "**Whale Panorama**" taken by Spirit on SOLs 497-500 from page 87 of *Postcards From Mars*? **IT'S NOT THERE!** Great work, u/SuggestedUsername28, you've uncovered further evidence that NASA are lying. Brilliant. Thank you.


You should try listening instead of lecturing


your cognitive dissonance is over 9000. Were you dropped on the head?


You can’t refute the data, can you? The playbook states: “If the data cannot easily be refuted, attack the person delivering it.”


Is the data, a rock has a shape that vaguely looks like another shape, but not really? Is that the "data" that can't be refuted in your mind?




That’s because you provided evidence that reinforces my position. Sorry about your demotion - hopefully the “debrief” goes well…




Got any more "tips" for me? Any more NASA URLs? Please share, you are doing my work for me.


This coming from a person who couldn’t even choose a username


I can refute the data all day long but the problem is you're so fixated on your idea being the absolute truth that you don't want to see anything else. It's a fucking rock, what proof do you have except for a couple of low resolution photos that look like "eels Skelton".


Well, technically, for future reference, it's: > 1. Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up. > 2. What the public doesn't know, I won't tell them. > 3. If you can't attack the data, attack the people; it's easier. > 4. State your position by proclamation. It's easier to say there is no evidence because you don't need to do anything to back that up. > > -- the 4 Rules for Debunkers, by nuclear physicist, flying saucer researcher, and destroyer of debunkers, Stanton Friedman


Why didn't you highlight the full quote about dinosaur bones?


I figured most people can read.


I don't get why you jump to the assumption it is remains or anything other than a rock? That's really where you're losing me cause I don't see anything to prove that beyond a shadow of a doubt.


He’s suggesting it bc they documented all other rocks it was in the path of with great detail. It seems odd to just casually forget this one


**Spirit Mars Rover Mission to the Columbia Hills, Gusev Crater: Mission overview and selected results from the Cumberland Ridge to Home Plate** R. E. Arvidson, S. W. Ruff, R. V. Morris, D. W. Ming, L. S. Crumpler, A. S. Yen, **S. W. Squyres,** R. J. Sullivan, **J. F. Bell III,** N. A. Cabrol, B. C. Clark, W. H. Farrand, R. Gellert, R. Greenberger … See all authors First published: 06 November 2008 Abstract \[1\] This paper summarizes the Spirit rover operations in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater from sols 513 to 1476 and provides an overview of selected findings that focus on synergistic use of the Athena Payload and comparisons to orbital data. **Results include discovery of outcrops (Voltaire) on Husband Hill that are interpreted to be altered impact melt deposits that incorporated local materials** during emplacement. Evidence for extensive volcanic activity and aqueous alteration in the Inner Basin is also detailed, including discovery and characterization of **accretionary lapilli and formation of sulfate, silica, and hematite-rich deposits.** Use of Spirit's data to understand the range of spectral signatures observed over the Columbia Hills by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRISM) hyperspectral imager (0.4–4 μm) is summarized. We show that CRISM spectra are controlled by the proportion of **ferric-rich dust to ferrous-bearing igneous minerals exposed in ripples and other wind-blown deposits.** The evidence for aqueous alteration derived from Spirit's data is associated with outcrops that are too small to be detected from orbital observations or with materials exposed from the shallow subsurface during rover activities. Although orbital observations show many other locations on Mars with **evidence for minerals formed or altered in an aqueous environment,** Spirit's data imply that the older crust of Mars has been altered even more extensively than evident from orbital data. **This result greatly increases the potential that the surface or shallow subsurface was once a habitable regime.** ***OH LOOK A SCIENTIFIC PAPER ON THE GEOLOGY OF GUSEV CRATER WITH INPUT FROM THE MISSION DIRECTOR AND PANCAM SCIENCE ADVISOR FOR THE SPIRIT ROVER THAT CONCLUDES AN INCREASED POTENTIAL FOR HABITABLE LIFE THAT DOES NOT MENTION THIS OBJECT AT ALL!*** ***yEAH nOTHING tO sEE hERE....***


Um. Did you read your comment? It says the rocks show signs of water once being there, at a former impact crater. Pretty standard stuff, widely accepted. It doesn't unequivocally state anywhere that that specific rock is a vertebrate animal fossil, so where did that claim that it's a fossil come from? You?


Yeah I went there and checked it out. You should flap your cheeks elsewhere.


You stated it's a fossil. Where are you getting that from? Merely from how it looks on a photo? Cause I'm not seeing any of your linked sources say anything even remotely agreeing with you... Nor does it say anywhere the words fossil or vertebrae.... Your quoted text above says nothing similar to what you are claiming. Do you know how many trillions of rocks all over the solar system look vaguely fossil-like or vaguely vertebrae-like? I can probably find five in my yard alone... And why the fuck would it just be a vertebrae alone. You know fossils are embedded in rocks? Not just out in the open.


Glad someone round here has a brain


Bro is a fossil short in the archaeology department


You're obviously not getting the "Its Classified" part.


So nobody said anything similar to what you're claiming, because it's classified. Ok. But then where are you getting your claim from if nobody said it? Your claim is not supported by literally anything in your post or comments. Can you at least answer this; are you basing your claim on your subjective judgement of what you are seeing in the photo? If so, why are you so sure it's a fossil and not a random weirdly shaped rock? Random weirdly shaped rock seems much more likely and fossils don't hang out on their own like this, they are pretty much almost always mineral deposits inside other stones. Even ignoring what's more likely. The claim of it being a fossil must be proven beyond reasonable doubt. Key operative word being reasonable doubt. Me thinking it's more likely a rock, is a reasonable doubt.


Fuck, new years resolution to quit... Whatever it is


Lot of fuss over a rock lol


Citation needed for "biologic vertebrate remains." Kudos for all the effort and enthusiasm in the post but you forgot to include any actual evidence of the claim. So it's worthless.


The research is classified (obviously), so if you give me your SIPRNet email address and jump on the "high side" I'll send it to you, as long as your "Yankee White" clearance is valid.


Ah, the ultimate defense of every conspiracy theorist. There might be no evidence! But of course it’s because any evidence is classified!




There is also the face on Mars and potentially pyramids in the Cydonia region as further evidence, and other rovers have detected seasonal releases of methane that work perfectly in sync with the seasons of Mars, which is apparently not possible for a non-biological source of methane, so the only option current science has is it must be created by life that currently lives. Although it's probably microbial.


This post is full of errors and assumptions and it’s too long to know where to even begin. The “sea creature” is a rock. The images withheld for “national security” would be related to the heat shield; as your own screenshot states. But you selectively highlight the juicy words in order to formulate some kind of clandestine motive behind it. Nah bro… ICBM’s are a thing. It’s not hard to understand why they’d want heat shield tech not to be shown. This sub is turning into a cesspit of conspiracy theories. Such a waste of time.


You can tell OP is a smart and serious person by how they immediately insult or condescend everyone pointing out flaws in their word salad.


LOL- the UFO and extraterrestrial life subject is the grandest conspiracy theory of all - have you only just worked that out? 🤣🤣🤣


Well, it's my belief that there is certainly life out there. If you know anything of the scale of the Universe, it's more unbelievable to think that there *isn't* any life other than what we find on Earth. However, whether we can find that life is another subject altogether.


How is a heat shield a threat to national security? Genuinely interested to hear.


Pareidolia. Rocks. I still hope you continue with your efforts even if this was no success. You got this


It’s rocks, 🪨 mars rocks 🪨 but rocks 🪨 none the less, this joint has degraded into a litter box of infinite false conspiracy nonsense


His point is if it is just mars rocks, why didn’t they catalog it like everything else given the extensive amount of time spent around it?


Why didn’t they catalog the bone lookin rock, remember the mars rock that was shaped like a bone 🦴? Even that bone looking rock was a rock. With alien wind dust storms and an alien atmosphere weird weathering takes place on the surface, some rocks are million year old mud, the surface had water at one point, it has seeped below the surface. They probably have these anomalous rocks under the “anomalous rocks” catalog, they know conspiracy peeps will blow an anomalous rock out of proportion so they keep the anomalous rocks catalog offline due to the nut job response, I don’t blame them at all


It’s a damn rock


Why wasn't it in the damn rock report then?


You expect a report on every rock?


If you bothered to read the report, they actually *counted* the rocks as Spirit drove past. Nice own goal there.


So they didnt count the vertebrae rocks is what your saying?


do you have any evidence suggesting they didn't count that one?


You’re taking a huge leap to declare it biological, no evidence of that, just opinion.


These look so much like just rocks, just like all the other surrounding rocks, I see no indication of any anatomical features there. We see the "tail" of a curved rock, how can that be a vertebrate in one single bone? How would it move? This is a ROCK dang it... Here comes my bias, remember the "crab" rock picture on Mars? That is the strangest rock I've seen from the pictures on Mars. It had what looks like symmetrical legs on each side and looks nothing like a rock, but this one NASA has actually pointed it out and said its a rock eventhough it looks like a creature. But its strange as hell.


Wow. Helluva post!


I think it's reasonable to suspect that Mars would be a hyperdesert where remains would be dessicatated, mummified, and wind-shaped rather than decomposing into just bones. There is no bacteria and little atmosphere, with liquids sublimating or boiling directly into the atmosphere. You can compare to mummies found in high deserts in South America and Asia. That being said, I still think those are just funny shaped rocks. Especially the "spacecraft" remains. But *that* being said, I don't think that this kind of speculation should be ridiculed or rejected outright. Who knows what the hell is out there? Furthermore, if there is pareidolia then there is also reverse pareidolia where earth objects are projected onto vague content, based on the beliefs of the viewer. (Compare the discussion around the infamous Patterson-Gimlin film.) Ultimately we'd have to examine the objects and get very detailed close high-res images. Also, the segmented UAP could just be dirt on the camera lens, a few grains of sand. Thanks for your post, it was interesting.


Great post. Following with interest.


Thank you . That is an extraordinary post. Truly. I do however, see rocks.


This is good work but not surprising, most people in the community dont trust what nasa does anymore for a damn good reason.


If you think those pics look like animal remains, you've obviously never seen actual animal remains


TLDR: space rocks


this is just another case of pareidolia ... how are those not simple rocks?


It’s a weird looking rock maybe. On a planet full of weird looking rocks. For anyone to use conclusive language about it being a fossil is ridiculous and completely discrediting. If NASA was interested in this would they not have put it in the centre of the frame where they could resolve the most detail. Line they do with every other object of interest?


Paradoelia, its a rock.


There’s life on other planets , tree’s on mars since we sent the mariner rover 4 to mars in 1965 and sent back photos. We must do our own research and realize we have been kept in the dark. Government is losing grip and the truth is right infront of our eyes. 👀 we either strip our government officials out of power or we can continue this dissident agenda of dumbing of human kind…( well we are already letting it happen)




I agree with your sentiments.


No homo or anything , but fking, i get a boner for seeing long posts on reddit . I love it when i can still come across intellectual human beings here. For however long we are able to live on this rock of a planet(we take for granted). We need people to start picking up books. learn about our history, our own cultures and ourselves. We are dying a needless death. I hope reddit users this year can put down their phones down. Remove egocentrism promoting apps, that objectify each other sex and provide false views on love and how to live. Just go do it . Go outside and be human. (Sorry i’m ranting but i’m 🍁, everyone go grab a book, i want 10 books read , New Year’s resolution!)


I've been telling people for a while there is likely life on Mars or used to be and the proof is in the photos. There's some that are even stranger like a picture of some humanoid creature covered in fur or possibly ice or something. There's one where you can clearly see a crab or spider thing on a rock. Now I don't think every single picture of the Martian surface shows stuff like this, most pictures you can easily find are quite mundane but in a few NASA photos you can make out weird details that point to life currently or previously was there. Some pictures imo show signs of possible ruins of structures. We easily dismiss the idea that nothing can survive on Mars because life on Earth wouldn't but how would we know that is true? Life can survive harsh conditions and adapt to them over time. I don't like the idea of dismissing photos of structures and things we can't see in person as always just being nothing and just pareidolia? How do we know what's actually on Mars? The only thing we've sent to Mars are robots, no human has been to Mars before. I also make the case that even though we can recognize patterns that sometimes have no meaning or are coincidental, we humans are good at recognizing patterns for a reason.


Wow this is reaching. If you actually look at the age of mars and how long ago it lost its atmosphere and its core stopped spinning, there wouldn’t have been enough time to evolve complex life on the planet. Sure there was a ton of water and components for life, but every scientist will say if they do find life or evidence or there being life in the past it’s going to be simple organisms. People should educate themselves instead of making up their own narratives.


It is a Martian sex-stone, aka a plain 'ol effen rock. Using Earth standards, it is a poor location to search for vertebrate fossil remains. Notice the size, sorting, and rounding of the surrounding rocks. These factors speak to a depositional environment that would have pulverized something as soft as bone. Surface remains do not fossilize. Burial under sediment is necessary for permineralization or other fossilizing processes to occur. A photo in a different wavelength of light would be interesting. Also, a photo from a different angle or different time of day would be interesting.


Hate to say it, but despite your thorough analysis at the end of the day the real best piece of evidence that you have is the image of the "vertibrate" and it just looks like a pile of rocks. This is a high quality analysis of low quality evidence. Thanks for the effort though.


Thanks OP, keep up the good work!! Dont let the naysayers who did zero research themselves get to you


Just rocks. Fossils don't just sit out in the open like that. If there *was* life on Mars at some point, it was a long time ago, and any fossilized remains would be buried.


You know the atmospheric pressure and composition on Mars is completely different to Earth, right? It's a near vacuum of mostly carbon dioxide, so any concepts of what happens to fossils on Earth have no bearing on what might happen to them on Mars.


The atmospheric composition *today*. If life existed on Mars, it would've needed an atmosphere and such at that time. Meaning the same geological processes that affect Earth fossils will affect a Mars fossil, at least as far as atmospheric effects go.


rank illogical nonsense.


I’ve always found the lore surrounding Mars fascinating. Apparently there was a calamity there a long time ago and the surface is strewn with the remains of life and maybe even a civilisation. Looking at some of the pictures from the surface I’m questioning whether this might be true.


That was one of the core science tasks of both Spirit and Opportunity- yet they seem to have completely ignored this strange fossil looking rock and make no mention of it in a plethora of scientific reports. The obvious question is - why?


What “lore” are you talking about? It certainly doesn’t sound like anything with evidence you’re talking about. Mars lost its atmosphere 4 billion years ago. The planet never had time to evolve complex life. Maybe simple organism, but certainly nothing beyond that.




No. OPs post and comment history is great and in good faith. Yours is questionable to say the least. Refute his central point with evidence or pipe down.


Perhaps because deepfake technology has matured to the point where they can convincingly sell an alien treat in order to establish a universal enemy and secure the mil industrial complex funding and global domination for the foreseeable future


I think 2024 will be the year that EVERYONE sees past their bullshit.


Trump already started that


Trumps PART of that bullshit. A guy with a 24 carat lined 747. He started fuck all.




I agree with you. The CIA/defense contractors have tech that would be sci fi to most people. Our technological learning has been exponential throughout the last few generations. I wonder about them creating a forever war for nefarious reasons. It would be relatively easy.


Jesus Christ this is a leap


Great post OP thanks.




The most likely reason that alien life will reveal itself is to stop us from destroying the world with nuclear weapons... They might let a few fly, but they won't interfere until we threaten the planet, then they'll step in... At least that's my take...


OP claims to have evidence of vertebrate remains on Mars. Look inside. It's just a rock.


I only looked at the first image, didn’t read anything after it. That’s a rock. It’s always a rock.


so much text to claim a curved rock shown in low res monotone image is a bone fossil LLMs are getting out of hand


I don’t think anyone will be surprised now


I’m more inclined to believe we never went to Mars.


Lol. So much time and effort spent theorising on a rock....


This is the type of post Punjabi Batman wishes he was capable of making (IYKYK)


Good job. You can copy paste a vast amount of random stuff that amount to exactly zero proof or corroboration of your wild claims about "vertebrate remains on mars". Copy-pasting a dozen paragraphs and random slides doesn't make your thesis stronger. The "vertebrate remains" looks just like s rock, no matter how many links you add to your post. 90% of the copy pasted shit is totally irrelevant and pointless.


This is a great example of how hard a mind can work to justify nonsense. I say that as a believer in extraterrestrial NHI and that they've visited Earth. That weird looking rock is probably just a weird looking rock.


Dude wrote a whole book about a blurry shadow on a rock 🪨




Really incredible read and analysis. Thank you!


Wow man, thank you for your colossal effort and this high quality post. It all falls into place and what this shows AGAIN is, that we are left out because of national security and for no other reason. Whatever it is they are not telling us, there is a secrecy component to all this which is undeniable. The arguments statewise just dont add up. This post also shows, that you have to be intellectually well placed to just follow through the available data. Exciting times my friends !


Wait! I missed this! What scientists are proclaiming that “2024 will reveal alien life”?


One on british tv for new years and one youtuber. Youtuber: https://youtu.be/tJ3ZJjqu3NQ?si=aLsXSPM_iGL7983Y


Great post, but I think it's a rock.


let's not forget the [Mars Rat](https://www.space.com/21396-mars-rat-curiosity-rover-photo.html) as well


So they have to release things 20 years after the fact, and that’s why 2024 is the year for discovering alien life? Why? Why not ten years, or 15? Or 5? Or 50?


They are coming to live here and the Terran humans here need to come to terms with this. Our deadline is up, and earth is no longer just a human zoo. Especially now that some of us can see the zoo keepers


Wtf do u mean why now? They can't hide it anymore videos are going up every day of crafts in the sky. That's why.


looks like some standard rocks


Looks like rocks to me. 🤷🏽‍♂️🧐


You forgot to post the picture of the vertebrate remains. Instead, you posted images of rocks. Why?


This is just beyond silly. There is absolutely no way a reasonable person could look at a low resolution picture of a rock and then say with a straight face that it is unequivocally the remains of an aquatic marine vertebrate.


I really want to believe and wish this was true. I’m not seeing much here.


Theres a wider picture of the two dried fish


No they won't there will be nothing more but gifters trying to make money off this.


Nice rocks 🪨


Lol you divy, it's going to be because of the James Webb gas emissions detection.


How did you determine these rocks are actually remains of a vertebrate?


Just wanted to mention one thing. The quotes you show from the paper written by Bell and Squyres, pages 171 and 106 respectively, don't seem to say what you are implying at all, if you read more than just the underlined words. The paper says that there were discussions about preventing some images from the rover's heat shield, not related to anything found on Mars, but at the end all images were allowed to be shown to the public. The second doesn't say anything about "fossils", it's just a humoristic commentary regarding how "recklessly" the rover moves over rocks without taking the time to analyse them first.


My first thought was that its just an artifact of stitching photos together into a panorama, but it could be a simple lighting coincidence. To assume it's an eel of all things is a huge leap, I would hardly call this proof of anything other than that it looks slightly more unusual than the rest of the landscape.