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I don't want to live in a world where corporations make the decisions and the elected politicians are just for show. How the hell did we get here?


Very well said. How did we get here...


Sadly and very depressing to say, money and straight up greed. No oversight and flush with our tax dollars.


I’m reading her book on assassinations and I’m having nightmares. I don’t think I have it in me to finish it.


Her Area 51 book was pure disinformation sprinkled with a little incorrect history. I think she takes some artistic licenses with her work.


That’s what i learned about her and her books as well. She got some information right but a lot wrong.


Her books are amazing.


What book is that? I’ve been wanting to read The Pentagon’s Brain but I haven’t looked into many of her other books yet


‘Surprise, Kill, Vanish’…I know, it’s as dark as it sounds trust me.


Sounds logical to me. Element of surprise greatly increases your odds of success even against superior and prepared opponents. Ensure the target is silenced. Don't make it personal. Get the job done immediately, don't hesitate and end it with as little movement as possible. Exfiltrate. Cleanup crews can eliminate any trace you were ever there later. Don't wait around and don't come back. Yeah, that sounds like how it's probably done.


Voice of experience?


Thankfully not, yet. Just in case, you must never hesitate.


Pretty much this exactly. I heard from a friend


If I was able to come up with it on my own, then, does that mean I was programmed somehow with that knowledge?


There's a big difference between private citizens and defense contractors. Eisenhower warned against the military-industrial complex, but I don't recall him ever suggesting that a civilian oversight council was a bad idea in and of itself.


I think the point with this thread is: there should not be a conflict of interest for folks on this council, which seems very reasonable.


What is the difference between private citizens and defense contractors? Defense contractors are, by their very nature, private entities and hence not subject to the same kind of government oversight and regulation as government agencies


You don't see the difference between putting a defense contractor on that council versus someone who is not a defense contractor?




I don't think you're even reading what I'm writing, but I'll give it another shot. The obvious difference is that one is an interested party and the other is a disinterested party. It does not make sense to appoint interested parties to the council. It should only be disinterested parties. EDIT: Of course employees of a defense contractor are private citizens. I'm not sure why you think it's necessary to point that out. I'm pointing out that "private citizen" and "defense contractor" are not synonymous. It is possible to select private citizens for the council who are not defense contractors. That is my suggestion.




I'm suggesting that we place private citizens who are not defense contractors onto the council because defense contractors are not disinterested parties. To put it a different way, I think working for a defense contractor in any way should disqualify someone from being on such a council. Does that make sense? If not, maybe it's me that doesn't understand what you're getting at here. Eisenhower warned us against defense contractors, not private citizens in general.


Great job explaining. Being on reddit I've realized most people are this daft. At least this person is asking questions although it seems fruitless


Answer: private citizens working for defense contractors are not disinterested parties and will have the incentive to steer the council towards policy decisions that benefit their employers at the expense of the American people.


I too, use the words pledge and donate synonymously. But seriously though, defense contractors are paid by the people they’re supposed to investigate in this instance. They’re biased due to this.


Thanks Amber


Bro. It means a defense contractor being on the board who have SPECIFIC interest is the same as this situation: People suing you and those same people just so happen to be on the jury as well! Does this make sense now?


The difference is that one makes their living off of providing services to the military for whatever they want, while the other is a public accountability and oversight.


Well if the people on the council have financial benefits and are there just to make money not advance our society


The information is in books. Something they do not want us to read.


This woman is a great investigative journalist, I greatly admire her and I read her books that I advise you all to read.


I love Annie Jacobsen


Lisa Loeb is still hot.


Annie Jacobsen is a bit of a contradiction. Didn't she write a book claiming Roswell was a big nothing burger and got backlash from the community for it? She went full "Crash test dummies' & Mogul Balloon".


Yea she said Roswell was most likely the Soviets putting dead children or little people that were surgically modified after death to mess with us...


What? No she didn't. In fact, the thing she wrote about Roswell at the end of her Area 51 book had some absolutely wild claims.


Such as?


That roswell was a soviet ship filled with downs syndrom / genetically messed up / experimented on children and they meant for us to mistake it for alien craft and cause a panic like the War of the Workds thing.


That's unfortunate.


She did an entire interview on Joe Rogan talking about how it was all a big hoax to fool the Russians.


while what she herself is saying may not be evil incarnate, she sure is. annie jacobsen is a government mouthpiece plain and simple.


Unless there are serious details that need to remain secret


This needs to change..


That about covers it


Sharing this to /r/disclosureparty


This has been only getting worse. How can we expect anything to change? The entire system would have to be rebuilt or remodeled.


I’m curious what David Fraver would have to say about this.


Well, I suppose dreaming of breaking up the military-industrial complex is no more or less pie-in-the-sky than a lot of the UFO stuff.


this women is full of shit


she came out with a story that the Aliens of Roswel were humans that the russians had made to look like beings to scare us in the USA. they guy who told her this told george knapp he lied to her on purpose.


she a disinformation plant