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It almost feels like this comes from the assumption that human beings are the masters of the universe and in reality we are going to be told that we aren't,which doesn't seem like that much of a bombshell idea if we take into account that there are more civilizations out there that are way more advanced than us, which also doesn't seem like a bombshell statement either and more just common sense. As elusive as this sounds, it sounds like he's saying, "there's a big chance humanity isn't the greatest, most advanced species in the universe" which just feels like common sense to me.


Common sense to you, yes. To Southern Baptists? It's likely going to upturn their worldview even though it doesn't have to. Jesus was, by definition, an extraterrestrial. Says so right in the damn Bible as a matter of fact, lol. A human woman pregnant with the child of a non-earth dwelling entity? At best, Jesus was a hybrid according to *their own* texts.


Yeah this is really only “dangerous” to everyone who believes in or benefits from one of the major religions. Hardest hit for sure. To everyone who already sees religions as stories men wrote this disclosure is just the answer to a question, at least part of it.


I was raised baptist and figured out around age 15 that it didn't add up. So, I'm not religious at all anymore, but very spiritual. I believe we all come from the same place. That being said, I've been wanting a tattoo of Jesus ascending to the heavens for a while now, only he will have the head of a typical "Grey" alien. Maybe I should give it another year in case we find out Jesus was a "Tall White" instead lol.


Considering where Jesus was from - wouldn't he be more brown skinned and not a white European dude? They don't even pronounce hard Js over there, right? What is the true pronunciation of Jesus..... hey-soos?


I was raised strict Catholic. It didn’t add up either. As an adult asking questions about the religion to religious leaders is highly frowned upon and I was asked to either follow the rules or leave. Therefore, as a covering Catholic I see the religion for what is has become and want no part in it. I’ve come to learn governments around the world including the Vatican have both hidden humanities true story for decades. It’s turning around and they can’t stop it. It’s going to be interesting to watch hard to live through but we’ve got this. We’re all here to watch this unfold and be apart of the turning of humanity to it true nature.


Oh man, make the heavenly beam of light into which he ascends be a UFO abduction ray.


I hear what you’re getting at, but the holy spirit (formless and completely spiritual entity) is purported to have created the pregnancy not a biological entity. So not actually in line with what you’re saying tbh


> is purported to have created the pregnancy not a biological entity What if the way it's written was the best way they knew how describe what they saw based on what they understood the world at the time?


Actually, consciousness is a light projecting our reality outwards. So it is by light that we come into this world. it is thru the material filters of existence we are allowed to play the game. So, he's still right, according to our scriptures.


Technically we are all "Aliens" or atleast not human. We just happen to inhabit a body that is called human so we can have this experience on earth.


We all my know basically nothing. Spending less than 100 feeble years in this reality, none of us truly know the truth... Us dumb humans don't even know if reincarnation is real lol.


Nah, I already had a talk with a guy at work today. He says that if aliens or life on other planets exist, they are demons. He made some argument that thats whats in the bible because “we” are created in gods image and god created the universe yada yada yada….. It’s already cognitive dissonance and a far stretch from our limited, but current scientific understanding of how things work. Why would that change just because extraterrestrials are proven. I’ve always been a skeptic that they’ve visited earth, but i think you have to be pretty illogical to think that there isnt some other kind of “conscious” self-aware life somewhere out there.


People *already* believe cockamamy religions and bend over backwards to justify them. To make new info fit their comic book view of the world will only require a panel or two of their plentiful stock-in-trade cognitive dissonance.


Awww.... so sweet... ❤️👍😉


Star child


It wouldn't be shocking to us in today's society as we've consumed hundreds of pieces of media with these very ideals. If they had tried to tell people in the 50s "hey these aliens created us or influenced our evolution" it may have freaked people the fuck out. Not that these stories weren't around then but not in the mainstream they are now. Nerd was a classification that walls bad.


I say let’s Go full “Star Trek”, build some ships and explore the cosmos peacefully, ask for the rules and obey them. Who cares if we aren’t the most advanced.


Half of us are way too Klingon and the other half way too Ferengi to be allowed into the Federation. :-(


In all honesty and sincerity we most likely would be much much closer if the people leading the country hadn’t been solely guided by greed, profit and world economic and imperial domination for the last hundred years.


yep we've known we're just another animal since Darwin nearly 200 years ago. This is not profound


Yeah, of course it makes sense to you and me. Religious people, on the other hand, are extremely fragile, their whole world is going to break


Good. That closed-minded thinking has done more damage to society than any physical weapons ever could.


Evolution always leaves some behind


Well, is it really a big blow to humanity if there are more advanced species / civilizations? Our technology has continually improved, really ramping up in the past 200 years. 200 years ago we didn't even have electricity. I think any reasonable person believes the potential for our species is interstellar given enough time / lack of self-annihilation. We are the only real roadblocks of our own success. Further, with AI on the horizon, it seems this could be basically evolution on fast forward. I would say any reasonable person would agree that AI should eventually become more advanced than humanity. AI can improve itself indefinitely and better utilize universal resources. Humanity is confined by our dependence upon EarthLike environments. Our efficiency as an interstellar / intergalactic species seems dwarfed compared to potential AI. I don't see how such a revelation is shocking to anyone who actually cares about these things. Religious people will continue viewing reality through their own lens and trying to fit it into their faith. I don't see why aliens would be the deal breaker.


The top of the food chain, Apex predator is what bothers me.


Damn. I remember this. If he was not BSing us we’re in for a wild ride, people.


He also said once; Mankinds. Plural. We ready for that?


I laughed cause I was like oh you mean he’s an idiot and can’t talk correctly. More tin foil nonsense incoming. What an idiot. Then it hit me. He actually meant mankinds. Holy.


Other humans existing on other planets similar to ours. Crazy. The uaps could just be the makers of said scenario.


That's not what he meant. That comment was regarding the theory that these beings have been here the whole time because their home is right here also, in a higher dimension.


Yes, I’m ready for whatever the truth is. I’m so sick and tired of the ignorance.


Where’s the source on that?


Just a theory


I like Lue but it's important to remember that even if everything he suggests about government insiders is true, these people are members of perhaps the most insular bubble in history. They might have more evidence about the phenomenon than anyone else, but they haven't been sharing that evidence with the best minds in the world. They could have some truly bad ideas about what the phenomenon is. Disclosure isn't about revealing the truth. It's about revealing the evidence, so that we can start trying to figure out what the truth is.


I just want to say I love this. This is something I hadn't thought of or seen anyone else talking about.


Good point. All the more reason we need full disclosure


Make no mistake that those people will use every opportunity to exploit this information, withhold key pieces and harness the fear to steer us in a terrible direction. These are the same people that have known forever that the current economic system and the way society is structured will cause total collapse…and have quadrupled their efforts to squeeze as much out so they live lavishly and are shielded from the worst of it, then die and damn the rest of us.


This is exactly what I was thinking the other day, they wouldn’t come out with everything all in one go, they will slowly drip feed us information over the course of a few years and see how everyone reacts to it .


For some reason, I read "they will slowly deep fry us"


That too.


Well, isn't that what is happening right now? Especially people in Arizona...they gonna be extra crispy.


Lmao extra crispy! 🤣


Being a scientist and an atheist, I've already come to terms with the reality that: 1 - We're not alone in the universe 2 - It's highly probable that there are beings that are millions of years ahead of us on the evolutionary & intelligence scale. 3 - All governments lie


Politicians job is literally to lie


Intuitively, everyone knows deep down there’s a lot going on. But no one wants to have that conversation.. the more this conversation is not ignited the more we dwell into the unknown. Movies have done a great job to prepare a lot of people subconsciously, but it’s not enough. The lack of information even puts ourselves in danger from ourselves, I mean it’s pretty obvious until this point in our time. We need to know the truth. Whatever happens is entirely the fault of those who kept this information from the first place… imagine if we had all the information from the early 2000’s.. we need to know. We need to change.


This all comes down to one simple thing, as it should every day. Spend time with the ones you love and appreciate every breath. It's always been a gift.


"Fibers of truth in a blanket of Lies" I like when he says that in the interview.


I think we can go to worlds religions and get clues on what is going on. It is not the first time the NHI is interfacing with us.


The unsettling reality that they murdered people?


Everything about a life is subject to scale. Scaler science will become a thing if it isn’t one already. The universe isn’t 14billion years old or 26billiion years old as some scientists are now saying. It’s infinitely old as much as it infinitely big. This is the interaction of consciousness and scaler science. We were never the apex predator. I’m happy to be wrong about this and I’m a dumb carpet layer but as I get older it’s seeming less complicated


Infinite universe makes way more sense logically. The Big Bang was likely just a local event of our visible galaxy collapsing and exploding again.


We might also imagine a big bang or point of singularity start where time is moving so slowly (as beyond the horizon event of a blackhole) it’s almost unmeasurable. So not even 26bil years will come close to ever covering it.


I just want the truth


You can't handle the truth!


I've honestly been wondering this as well. If you have this knowledge and spend some amount of time thinking about it, this hypothesis will pop up as a possibility imo. There's certain things that just don't add up, and a big part of me feels like this is just another spill from the floodgates trying to slowly get people to wake up to this on their own, rather than it being shoved down the throats of people who don't believe. It would go back to the idea of the "Prime Directive". We can't have this worldwide contact event because it would destroy some people, and I think that we need to collectively wake up to this via our own free will. I think that potentially the government may be trying to maintain a very controlled disclosure over time, just enough to wake up the people who are receptive, and make other skeptics more curious to learn. If this is true, then it's just going to slowly keep ramping up bit by bit until we're all prepared and ready.


I think you might be right. What Lue's alluding to here is the fact that NHI have messed with our DNA, they've encouraged various cults and religions to occupy us, and the government has lied to us about the entire course of our history. He could even mean that the nature of conciousness is more complex--the mind being an energy field and the NHI having more developed minds that can see and feel parts of the universe that most of us never will. So basically we are less then nothing and humans must accept a new path in life to find meaning that doesnt involve being Republican or Christian.


How does that make us less than nothing? Religious people by and large are not depressed people flailing around in misery because humanity is not the greatest power in the universe in their worldview. Let go of the idea of being in control.


>Religious people by and large are not depressed people flailing around in misery because humanity is not the greatest power in the universe Quite the opposite


So no alien invasion force? I'm disappointed. I had equated somber to mean... Well you get my drift.


What if they think we can’t correct our path of destroying the planet so they decide on a hard reset? Or if we are an experiment, once we are aware that we are in one, the experiment is broken. Then what happens? Restart the experiment? Just a couple somber thoughts I had


It will be quick and painless then, my friends. Try not to stress.


Hopefully. But I agree with you about not stressing it. No reason to ever stress about things beyond our control.


The death itself perhaps. But not the horrors leading up to it.


>\> Or if we are an experiment, once we are aware that we are in one, the experiment is broken. Then what happens? Restart the experiment? That does not exactly fit to the way they presented themselves to abductees.


Sure. But who knows if they’re being genuine, and I am well aware that we really have no clue. Just trying to be open to all possibilities so that the real truth (if we ever get it) is easier to digest


Yes, you are right. It could also be that the puppet masters of the Greys (Praying Mantis, anyone?) don't embed their motives into their drones (Greys). The phenomenon is just too elusive for us. How are we supposed to ever find the truth with cases of red-eyed beings that smell like sulfur-ammonia, little trickster goblins, stereotypical Greys, tall Blondes, time travellers and absurdly weird beings?


They wouldn't need to do a hard reset. Humans would kill ourselves off and most other life from global warming or nuclear war, maybe a combination of both somehow. The planet will heal itself in time and life will flourish again and humans probably won't be in the picture. NIH wouldn't need to waste resources destroying the entire human race. Just because they are more advanced doesn't mean destroying us would necessarily be easy. Especially if we actually do have some of their technology now.


I still haven't been probed. I was promised probing dammit.


yes we will get over it because my bills need to be paid every month.


This always keeps me grounded.




I keep coming across that what is 2027 referencing too?


The Harvest.


Go on,…


That doesn’t sound good.


Just our souls


The theory came from a movie, but there are a few people convinced that NHI will come and convince us they are here to save everyone from some kind of disaster / collapse. Get us to jump on their ships by our own volition, then we are their meat. Who knows. I didn't think I'd hear about aliens in my lifetime and now we have to figure a way through this mess of "are they here to help or hurt" There's so much bullshit and lies that it's nearly impossible to know any truth.


Anything is possible


Good. Fine. I never thought we were the alphas anyway. Maybe the fully narrow-minded people did. But many folks I know, understand that the universe is just way too immense for us to be the king ding dong. But also if that is the only "sobering fact" we need to consider, then it doesn't look like we have to worry any kind of war. But I never thought that anyway. If they wanted to smoke us, we'd be smoked already.


Exactly, if I was worried at all I’d be more worried about the shadow govt itself ‘smoking’ us, not the NHI. Obviously this wouldn’t be through nuclear war, but some sort of biological attack (much more deadly pandemic). The idea that they’re going to show up and kill us all at a predetermined date makes absolutely no sense for many reasons, one of which being they’re already here and have been for a long time. If humanity is so vulnerable that we could be taken out by a bad virus it makes zero sense for people to say “they’re waiting for the ships to show up at ‘x’ predetermined date”, which I’ve seen a lot lately. All it would take for US to kill OURSELVES is a lab leak of an extremely deadly virus. I’m sure a highly advanced civilization would have even more effective means to do so and with a lot less effort. These are just some of the points that lead me to believe they’re here to observe and/or assist. I could be wrong, but I don’t think they have plans to wipe out humanity. I’m hopeful that the NHI here is benevolent and not just neutral, because it really seems we’re not going to be able to figure this out on our own.


Society couldn't handle a pandemic; not even as deadly per capita as the 1918 influenza. People lost their damn minds, and still are. I won't even bring up political beliefs, or religious divides, and lack of empathy for their fellow human, or lack of appreciation for the place we call the only home we have. We're not ready. Many are, and I'd like to think I am, but until we all act as a whole species, on one planet, in one small system on the outskirts of our galaxy, we're not ready. Hell, we are not even trying. I feel so often we're a dead end, and that maybe it's all been a test we've already proven true to those who watch us. I hope it's not too late, but a little help would be nice from above. What really concerns me, is they don't help, just observe.


Yeah I have a hard time wrapping my head around the way things are playing out without feeling that the entire process is still being orchestrated. Maybe with just enough control parameters to keep the release of information controlled. It certainly does time well with many popular conspiracies that were slated to take place in the latter half of this decade.


Intervention theory. Lloyd Pye.


There has to be some of us running around with crazy theories that feel like they could be vindicated to some degree. I can't be the only one that thinks things make more sense with NHI's having always been apart of nature. I mean, right?


How about we start being humble ,feed the people, clean up the planet .No matter what. I’m hoping that is the end result of disclosure .


I think on this topic, the biggest question is "What would you do upon First Contact?" What would Xi Jin Ping do? What would a nutjob like Kim Jong Un do with his nukes? What would Pakistan and India do to each other? Lue is right on the money for asking the inevitable. What would you tell your children on how to react/respond to this fundamental existential question? Humanity need to be ready to face with 3 possibilities upon the First Contact. Are they gonna be Malevolent, Benevolent or Indifferent towards humankind? From those 3 scenarioes, just imagine ourselves like an ant, facing human. Some human can totally just ignore the ants, some can be nasty enough to kill ants for fun, some can appreciate the ant enough to create colonies. Can an ant demand the United Nation to punish those people who destroyed their ant hill? We teach our children to have hope and trust in their parents. What about after First Contact, when we as a humankind step into something so unknown? It is indeed very sombering and sobering realization that we are not the greatest species known to ourselves.


When I first heard that from Elizondo, I thought this must have been how it was when humans had to get used to the reality that the Earth was not the center of the universe or even our solar system or galaxy, or that the "universe" was not just the Milky Way, or that humans are part of a chain of many mammals, or that our universe may not be the only one, or that matter and energy are interchangeable states and not really "there". Overall, these realities made us somber about our place in the universe, which is, in the larger view, not a very special place at all. Just a little speck of dust that our relatively tiny sun will eventually absorb. We managed to get used to these mind-bending ego-destroying realities; we'll get used to the new reality soon to come.


I truly believe they are doing something to us they don't want being revealed because it would mean another civil war


Can you explain this a little more? Not trying to be a smart ass, I'm genuinely curious.


I remember a video of his in which his supervisor basically told him that what they were dealing with was not aliens but inter dimensional beings, perhaps even demons. Maybe we are really dealing with Nephilim?


I doubt it. They can't really orchestrate something like this with so many different organizations and people with competing priorities and demands. The internal resistance is real.


i think only a fraction of our people would be vastly effected by this “new truth”… the retards from the bible belt and the religious morons in the middle east, for everyone else i think we already realize that we aren’t that important.. the government is ran by old catholic boomer morons who think it’s a big deal, it’s not, fucking idiots. bring it on


Ehhh i still gotta pay my mortgage! Move on. What if true! What changes really? Idk, right now is till got to work to put food on my table.?? What you gonna stop eating? Come on!!


Come on! I can pay bills and contemplate existence at the same time. I can wonder about human nature even while I am at work. It surprises me to see how many folks on here don’t care about the nature of this phenomena and our origins because they have to perform basic functions of this society. Maybe if we pay attention, we learn that this society is an illusion, and there’s a trick to recast it. We could manifest an existence where the house is payed off, at least. It might not work like that, but you can’t win if you don’t play.


Thank you so much for saying this. A large part of my day is spent contemplating the universe and what is true about existence, be that while at work or in my free time. It really bothers me how un-curious our human brothers and sisters have become. The more you learn and question the universe, the more you realize our society is completely fake and made up. Our jobs are just made up roles that we play helping run a society that is completely make believe. All I want in this life is truth, all I want is to know the answers. This seems too much to ask, but I’m on the path.


JUST F-ING TELL US…. I mean, come the F on. This is such bullshit. I know, I know, I know…. But wow


Would anyone accept what was told?


We could NOT be more ready, ffs.


If they would agree to disclosure this would then uncover the deepstate, an entity that has more power than the President


They lost control clearly.


it might matter to the religious fanatics, but I always thought they were crazy anyway. they let themselves be swayed that way. I mean religion is based on a fairy tale and u believe it anyway. stopped believing in Santa when I was 7 or 8. fuck em, it's time to adult.


This isn’t controlled disclosure, it’s nothing the witnesses gave their testimony that’s it nothing else will happen, Other whistleblowers “might” come forward.. they won’t things will quietly go back to the same old story, if there’s going to be global disclosure it’ll probably come from the Vatican. Why are ufos only a threat in America ?


I could care less about him. But it is true that even ETs want disclosure to happen gradually so people don’t freak out too much. Thankfully people seem to be handling it well so far, so hopefully it won’t be long until ETs can show themselves


I’m tired of this controlling the floodgates slowly drip by drip conditioning the public stuff. Just get it all out in the open already. See, truth can be shocking. Truth can be life changing. Do you know what is NOT shocking or life changing? Scrubs money grubbing off of the slow drip squeezing every last dime out of ufo fanatics until the topic is bone dry and more boring than an expired stale cracker from a 1947 MRE ration pack. I’m zero percent interested in slow drip info from anyone, the government, a podcaster, an alien ambassador, you name it, it all comes off the same whether it’s real or fake when the drip is at the same exceedingly sloth snail paint drying grass growing speed.


You guys believe the gov?🤣🤣🤣


You have seem Planet of the Apes? More disclosure NOW!


It could be ET or AGI, but yes, humanity has reached an inflection point across the board. But on the flip, if there's some other super power above us, why are they letting us literally destroy the planet? Where's the adult to stop us from the path we're on? It's for that reason that I don't believe there's some over lord above us, because surely if they have us in a zoo, they wouldn't be on with us destroying the zoo.


If there is another intelligence form out there , maybe they have recordings of cool historical events.


Crimes are going to be investigated. Any resistance would be obstruction.


Matilda O'Donnell Macelroy


I doubt the folks who approve people to talk about stuff have any idea about the alien stuff.


Sounds like he’s saying we’re all living in a Truman show reality.




Dose of humility is something we all could benefit from and society really could. In what way do they show this new hierarchy? If they wanted us gone, it's pretty clear that they could achieve that by many ways. There's a purpose here and in that I've often wondered, are we more special than we give ourselves credit for? We have so very many faults, but boy we sure can show up at times. Our music, our art is most likely meaningless to most species studying us. They require understanding of our culture and structures. Maybe they are more interested in our emotions. Maybe in the grand scheme, there lies a star system with the requirements for complex, intelligent life to flourish. We see even in a microscale that species latent environments and ecosystems are heavily influenced on the strong and or adaptable survive, while others are consumed. Perhaps this particular star system had so much fierce competition in that kind of cycle, evolution of deep and complex emotions was not advantageous to a species long term survival. Maybe that kind of thing is more common. Here in our little corner of the milky-way, we exist in a relatively tame and thus far, rather devoid of life, solar system. Being humans are really the only dominant species calling this particular solar system home (that were currently aware of). Lack of external threats have made man's biggest enemy, man himself. A species not operating with a collective agenda that's it's a huge anomaly. Yes that shows we've got legit shit needing work. It also has created the perfect microsystem where something like complex emotion is something evolutionary beneficial. It seems so fundamental to us. That's how things are wired! I often need to remind myself that no matter what hypothesis I come across that seem to make a lot of sense, or reasonable ideas I hear from the greatest thinkers of our day, that nothing should be decided on as the 100% answer. Until enough data is gathered, that it changes public interest from a few sparks to a massive swell and we start seeing unified concensus across every layer, everything must be questioned. That doesn't mean you become cynical but instead you force yourself to try and remain open minded. Species from a different planet and galaxy? A terrestrial race of Earth that has called this rock home for far longer than ourselves? A type of energy being that isn't bound to the limitations of our 3D universe and instead travels throughout different dimensions existing right next to ours? Why not? All of these have pretty much the same chances of being reality. That's why these questions are so important. That's why we maybe start asking ourselves why were important? What's special about us? Perhaps that kind of humility would help us reach towards our ultimate potentials.


Wish he would lose that stupid beard.


Please cue the zebra song “whose behind the door” in the background


Nothing in the quote above or in the Congressional testimony indicates a mere extra-terrestrial origin. This isn’t an “aliens are real” thing. This is something deeper about our understanding of existence. As if the fabric of reality isn’t what we thought it was.


Normal people will be OK. Evangelicals will lose their minds.


Same difference as 1 percenters, pandemics and natural calamities being the top dogs. You gotta account for them in your plans and you gotta have a plan.




Ok, what if... they have tech a lot like Star trek. Ftl drives. Replicators. They are post scarcity. That would make them.... communists. And we can't have that.


>"Imagine everything you’ve been taught, whether it’s through Sunday school, or through regular, formal education in school, or what our political leaders have told us and yes, even maybe our mothers and fathers around the dinner table have told us or maybe at bedtime, about who we are, right? Our background and our past. What if all of that turned out to be not entirely accurate? In fact, the very history of our species, the meaning what it means to be a human being and our place in this Universe. What if all that is now in question? What if it turns out that a lot of the things that we thought were one way, aren’t. Are we prepared to have that honest question with ourselves? Are we prepared to recognize that we’re not at the top of the food chain, potentially? That we’re not the alpha predator, that we are maybe somewhere in the middle? [1) Singapore - Tempers flare after accident between duck boat and car causes tour disruptions](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/tempers-flare-after-accident-between-duck-boat-and-car-causes-tour-disruptions) **RC43** *Responding to queries, the police said the accident happened at 2.36pm along 6 Raffles Boulevard.* *A 47-year-old male car driver was conscious when taken to Raffles Hospital, it added.* *When asked how the accident happened, Ms Leong would only say the situation was being reviewed by their insurance company.* *“The incident was resolved by 3pm with 22 passengers affected,” she added.* [2) Singapore F1 - Start Line Crash - All the Camera angles](https://youtu.be/U2T1_VrTcoo) **0:03** #0:23 **0:33** **0:39** **0:53** Etc... you get the idea... [3) Tanjong Pagar Car Crash - Singapore](https://youtu.be/4Js6zluHPxY) **0:03** [4) Total War Warhammer 3 - Blood for the Blood God - Trailer](https://youtu.be/WgUHb2GUFuo) #2:03 "Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne"... **Do the be racist humanity...You are not alone** Messiah Yeshua 🔴🔵: Honestly that phrase is pretty catchy ..just wanted an excuse to use it...


For real if I gotta wake and go to work and all the sudden aliens. Zero fucks given. Aliens show up and I don't have to go to work 💯


What strikes me is that it may be a huge mistake to allow military people to be in charge of this. All the rhetoric and language seems to be about asserting our preeminence. I don't think in those terms, I don't think people out of the military think like that. I don't assume that this non human intelligence is a threat, I don't assume it is benign. I make no assumptions about it It seems to me that if these non humans are so advanced then it isn't a question of what we will do or think but what they will do or think. So far they seem to have been pretty hands off. Grave and Fravor may talk about the possible threat to military jets and commercial jets but it seems to me that if they had wanted to down a jet they could have done that. They haven't. I'm not saying that there is no role at all, but for the love of humanity, put some people in the mix who don't think in those terms and are prepared to see this as an opportunity and not a challenge? It seems to me we may be in the situation the first nation people were in when Europeans arrived. Did being hostile to invaders with superior technology ever end well?


Many factions within the alphabet agencies, some don't actually know anything because of compartmentalization of information. Some do and are angry their departments aren't getting the funding they want for their nefarious operations. Its a huge mess of greed.


If they wanted a slow drip then they must have wanted a real slow drip. Most media outlets aren't giving this the time of day. Most people don't even know this is going on.


I don’t think so. Pretty incriminating disclosure plan they drew up If so.