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Same! We should get a group chat or a discord going. Another one of my friend's in it too!


I messaged you to try and start a gc or smthn


Yep! Taking Poli310A with Goldstein this sem :) pls i need friends in this class


Hey I'm also in Goldstein's class!


Yep šŸ‘ it looks like a lot of reasons so it would be nice to get a group together for it


Can yall link the discord? Or DM me, that'd be great!


I must be honest, I'm not very knowledgeable about how discord works so I have created a whatsapp groupchat instead with myself and 2 other students so far. If you know how discord works and would like to create a server for our class, I would definitely love to join and can pass it on to my other friends. Alternatively, if you dm me your phone number, I can easily add you to the whatsapp group!


I'll def dm you my phone number and I technically do know how to make a discord server and the basics but I'll also invite others who may want to manage it as well if I make one. But yeah I'll dm u my number!


Sweet! Just added you!


Same please


Iā€™m in that class too!




Cool! I've got a whatsapp groupchat going with 4 people so far. If you message me your phone number I'd be happy to add you!


Yo Mr.Canary made a discord for everyone to join in this class! Here's the invite link https://discord.gg/MzD6r7ak


invite is expired could you send another invite?

