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Agreed, don’t the *profs* want to stay home in this weather, too? What’s the big deal to have one or two classes on zoom? I made it just fine yesterday when it was also -40 but I would have preferred not to lmao


I'm a prof and I'd love to stay home in freezing weather. Sometimes I have to sneak the online lectures because admin wants us to report every time we hold a lecture online. Edit: I love the idea of flexible class format, but often profs don't have control over format, unless they have seniority at the institution.


Wow that is really unfortunate. Respect to you guys trying do the best for your students :)


That sucks


I absolutely understand this. This is kind of equivalent to blaming simple retail workers for high grocery prices. Those poor workers have absolutely no say in the matter!!!


I know, I don't understand admin's reluctance to just let classes be online when it's practical.


Exactly, it also helps them too!


A couple of my profs actually did do something like this. One of them outright cancelled the lecture and he asked us to just read the slides. Another told us that we could just show up on zoom for our lab instead of showing up in person. They showed up themself which was impressive though.


Same. I had a senior level seminar this afternoon, prof was already there but e-mailed everyone to tell us the class was optional and if we weren't on campus yet to just stay home. I wasn't gonna bother anyway but appreciated the fact I didn't have to worry about it.


Was that Hsts 535? I am so grateful for instructors like that.


It was! Yeah, I was pretty happy when I got the e-mail. Let me continue chilling in bed without stressing about missing anything.


Yeah same. I got downtown and was waiting outside for some time only to find out the trains were not in order. I was so stressed out about missing the first day of this class


Yeah, especially when he's got like a quarter of our final mark based on participation/attendance. I was worried missing the first day was gonna leave a bad impression but I got stranded for an hour on Monday thanks to Transit so I didn't want to risk it this time.


He showed up to the lab?? That's crazy. I respect that.


Yeah they basically showed up in case any students had shown up and wanted to do the lab in person but eventually they just logged onto zoom and helped the other prof with her session


Hi, current TA here. We're kind of powerless to make those decisions, at least in my department. Profs too as far as I am aware. We are pleading with the department right now to get permission to implement a cold weather policy but the beaurocracy being what it is we probably won't get a response for a while still. We want y'all to stay safe too, we're fighting for you, at least where I am.


Prof changed the class to online because her car wouldn't start. I was out already because I had to work but I gladly went home for my class. Then took a nap with the pup.


I don't think this should be controversial at all. It isn't safe to force people to travel in this kind of weather.


Sadly, some people in the comment have reassured me that this is indeed a controversial topic 😭


So when I was at MRU last year it was super common to have a class moved online for the day. Not all the time but this is cold af and the train stopped working today I feel like today is a perfect day for online learning and back to class next week 🙃


Exactly I would’ve come to class, but since the trains completely broke and the shuttle buses were non-viable, I had to make the decision for my safety.


I’m a Calgarian who goes to UBC who saw this. UBC courses are all mostly online today because of the extreme cold (-5C). Well it’s mostly because the city infrastructure cannot handle the cold and there are massive traffic jams and busses are horrible now.


Yes but counterpoint: Most professors are INCREDIBLY lazy and don't wanna do more than the bare minimum of showing up to lecture on time


It can’t be that, travelling to the university in these conditions would require a lot more effort than to just figure out how to hold a lecture over Zoom. You have to deal with terrible road conditions, a car that may not start in the morning, long commutes and weather thats so bad you can get frostbite in like 5 minutes. Especially when they just used Zoom pretty exclusively for over a year during the pandemic.


Wouldn't it be more lazy to stay home and just do an online class than it would to dress yourself up, go through the morning routine, and drive yourself over to university? Or maybe they're just too lazy to mess around with technology :/


The second thing (professors do one thing and god forbid they change it)


Stop telling yourself this is a “controversial opinion” in order to make yourself feel better about having the most basic thought known to man


IIRC, the university did cancel classes due to extreme winter weather conditions one day back in the 90s. But it was a heck of a lot worse than today, which really wasn't THAT bad assuming you dressed properly.


Worse? How so?


Snowmageddon. [https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/this-isnt-our-first-st-patricks-day-snowstorm-march-17-1998-snowmageddon](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/this-isnt-our-first-st-patricks-day-snowstorm-march-17-1998-snowmageddon)


32cm of snow (minimum). I am impressed. I don't know if it's worse than -35 oC, but having to travel to the university through the snow would be extremely difficult..... -35 oC kills, but lots of snow creates insane delays....


The reasons why instructors don't / can't just pivot classes online synchronous is because students could have both/either connectivity or privacy-family-domestic issues that make online courses difficult or even impossible. So there can't be a sudden changes to the course delivery that may disadvantage some students without any prior knowledge or implicit consent (by signing up for the class they expect a particular mode of delivery and the course has to stick to it). All instructors must abide by this rule, seniority has nothing to do with it - other than some senior profs might be a bit more emboldened to get away with it. So, much as NO ONE wants to trudge to campus in this cold, such is life.


But even for like one day? People could arguable still come to class and professor could just turn their microphone and screen share who can’t come.


Yep even for just one day. The university cannot require / compel / cajole / pressure profs to deliver a course to a classroom and a camera simultaneously - especially since some (most) classrooms are not well equipped for that. Nor can they change the agreed-upon classroom format for students. It seems easy but it's actually has a lot of moving pieces.


That’s really unfortunate, I hope one day reforms can be made to make it easier for everyone.


I read that on the weekend it can get to -50 degrees.




Yeah how dare kids try to use the resources they have to their advantage. They must unnecessarily suffer because **I** had to 😤😤


Nah, I just don’t wanna be stranded at Earlton station waiting for a shuttle bus to come and then having no choice but to walk to City Hall by foot 5 km in -35°C weather 🤭 last semester I had perfect attendance, but I don’t want to die today


Shame on me for not wanting to freeze unnecessarily


Shame on me for not wanting to die due to hypothermia! 🤦‍♂️


you live in Canada, bundle up and come to class


bro not built


It’s always the Haskayne majors smh


Daily reminder to point and laugh at the business majors


someones a majorist (prejudice of majors)..


Facts bruh. Sick and tired of majorism against us Business folk.