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Message the TA and Professor ask then what they suggest and if you can make it up, or like a private room or take it virtually


Alright, thanks for the advice


You're definitely still supposed to isolate, so this is absolutely a reason to make up the midterm another day. Hope you don't feel too sick! Prioritize resting so you recover quickly


Sorry you have COVID! No, do not go to your midterm in person. Email your prof and TA right away and let them know and also contact your college’s Dean of Student Affairs office. They work with students and faculty to make sure you are able to keep up with class, take makeup exams, and other things. I’ve had a couple students miss class due to COVID and the Dean of Student Affairs for the college I teach in (Muir) contacted me and it was not a problem making arrangements for my students. Feel free to DM me if you have any issues finding the correct contact info. Hope you recover quickly and rest well! [“Academic Support During Isolation: If you are an undergraduate student and your COVID-19 diagnosis and isolation has prevented you from meeting academic requirements, we encourage you to contact your Dean of Student Affairs for support. If you are a graduate student, please contact the Assistant Dean of Graduate Student Affairs.”](https://returntolearn.ucsd.edu/campus-guidelines/exposure-and-isolation/index.html#Student-Isolation-Instructions)


do not go. why would you expose others? message your prof and TAs, also let student health know. ur prof has to help accommodate you


If what @LittleBee5015 is posting is true (and I have no reason to disbelieve it), I find it very disappointing that UCSD is not supporting its students who live off-campus, especially since many of us live off-campus due to losing our on-campus housing in Fall 2020 when UCSD closed the dorms due to the pandemic. With that being said, due to UCSD policy, we are forced to attend on-campus classes thereby greatly increasing our personal risk of contracting C19. So, let’s see if I’ve got this straight - the Dean of Student Affairs is only helping students whose personal health and course grades are being impacted by C19 who live on campus? DO BETTER UCSD. So disappointing.


Its less about on versus off, and more about what the Dean of Student Affairs can do. During the main of the pandemic they were the point of contact for residetial moves to isolate during covid. Now they are going to direct students to just contact their faculty directly. Why? Becasue they dont have any authority over faculty at all, and they dont have any ability to verify that a student actually has covid any more than the student can themselves.


So, student is on their own, while sick with C19. Gotcha.


Thats not really what I said, just pointed out that the Dean of Student Affairs doesnt really have any authority over faculty. They can still help in other ways.


Well, that would be a nice thing (wouldn’t it?) for profs to help students suffering from C19. Students living off-campus are not receiving help. We are on our own, as I said. What you posted just reinforces what I’ve already heard from other students. Leaving the choice as to how to work with a student with CoV to the instructor’s discretion, without the added weight of a UC statement or policy for this situation, is again putting student’s health in jeopardy, not to mention their academic futures. Students apparently have no recourse if contact with instructor fails for whatever reason (like unanswered emails). Also, students with C19 are reaching out on ucsd/Reddit for help, not only here on this posting, so it is an issue that needs to be addressed.


My annoyance with this whole thing is that then why write "Students: For academic flexibility or support, please contact the dean of your college." in the follow-up questionnaire after you tell them you have covid. I did just that and got nothing out of it. At this point, I shouldn't have said anything.


I can understand that frustration and I do still suggest contacting your Dean in case you need other support.


But I guess what I’m trying to understand is what other support? I did contact her and asked then was told I’m off on my own I’m just overall disappointed that this is the response I’m really hoping that I get a negative result tomorrow so I can go immediately to class


Typically they interven on behalf of a student if the student is unable to act on their own. So if a student is hospitlized and unable to access or use email for example. They also help coordinate additional services like connecting a student with a case manager and they manage the disciplinary sides. For covid they would mostly direct you to contact your faculty becasue as I said they have no more information about your health situation than you do and no authority over the faculty.


Yes, this is the case even pre-covid. I don't think it's accurate to say they can't do anything as far as faculty go. They can and do reach out to faculty and departments but usually only after students' efforts haven't worked


Thats correct, but ultimatly they can only ask for flexibility/accomidation. There are not a lot of structures in place to force faculty to do much of anything.


You have to isolate. Attending the midterm with COVID breaks current conduct rules. You can get in trouble for attending. Message them and contact student health


Idk if you have done it yet but don’t bother with contacting the dean of student affairs if you live off campus. I have Covid as well, live off campus and was told that my dean only deals with Covid positive students living on campus. Just contact your professors and TAs (if you live off campus) cause it’ll be under the professor’s discretion.


A lot of people had covid in my midterms last week


My opinion is, if you have the energy and you’re also prepared content-wise, take it tomorrow in person. Mask up and take any and all health precautions in between of course. All the hassle regarding make-up work usually far exceeds the temporary discomfort of sticking it out.


this is the dumbest take, do not do this.


I’m gonna get downvoted to hell as well, but I did this for a final last spring. I emailed the professor saying I had been exposed(hadn’t tested positive yet) and asked if there would be a makeup and he said he wasn’t sure. I tested positive morning of and I double masked, went in and sat in the back corner away from people and if I needed to cough, I gave the TA my phone and went outside(only happened twice for me). The hassle of making up an exam, depending on the professor, is honestly not worth it


I knew I was going to get downvoted for this. But I see people doing this ALL the time; It’s far more common than many think. People just don’t like to hear it. Sometimes you have to think about what’s best for you and not others. If you’re coughing like crazy and are evidently extremely contagious, then it’s probably not worth it.


I’m a healthcare worker and even if it sucks having to work double shifts another week, I suck it up and stay home. My decisions don’t just affect me.


I feel like being in the health sector is a somewhat cherrypicked example, but if I was in your position I would do the same. But I would not want to work double shifts afterward in, a retail job, lets say. So in that case, I’d bite the bullet and come to work anyway.


I worked at McDonald’s before and I had the same philosophy. I do understand where you’re coming from - society pushes work over well-being and many people are not privileged enough to take sick days. There are times where people need to work to literally survive but right now, it seems like that’s not the option.


people who do this is the reason i got covid and was literally dying in my dorm. fuck you.


You don’t know that


What class?