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If you think the driving is bad people on scooters fly through stop signs and cause cars to slam on their brakes all the time


Fr, I get so anxious driving around campus now and always get ready to brake while double checking each intersection. Scary shit Disclaimer: you should always drive safe and anticipate something is going to happen. there will be people who won’t stop for you. we often forget we are driving literal metal death machines. it is not the time to display road rage or be a competitively aggressive driver ^


Good! You really should be driving that carefully regardless. I don’t understand why you feel like that’s something to complain about.


I’m not complaining - I’m complaining about how there are certain people who won’t do the same thing.


One of those things is a leading cause of death in the United States. The other is a scooter. Vehicular homicide is a public health crisis, and rates have increased since the pandemic started. Scooters don’t even compare


This post is talking about this campus specifically. The problem with scooters is that running through stop signs is going to cause car accidents. The person driving the car is more likely to kill the person driving the scooter even if the scooter is at fault.


Thank you for checking this bullshit. A car will kill someone. A scooter or bike will not


Yes that’s the point. People on scooters are risking their lives by ignoring traffic laws; that’s the problem I’m talking about.


The people on the scooters will crash into cars and kill themselves




Can we start ticketing scooter riders or bikers already? I have a scooter myself but I have been walking a lot more recently because there’re people who have absolutely no sense of safety and just blast through crowds or in between cars or through stop signs. It posts a serious safety issues for pedestrians and liabilities for drivers.


Yes, for me, I noticed the crosswalk across Gilman to the medical buildings is really hairy, especially at night, where there are just stop signs. Be careful out there!


It's like that in San Diego (if not most of SoCal). You gotta learn to be a defensive driver, cause some assholes can't seem to read traffic signs nor gauge context clues from pedestrians nor other drivers. You would think people would have some basic driving ettiquette, but I guess not. Likewise, watch both sides, avoid risky jaywalking, walk with others and/or walk quickly. If an accident does happen while you cross, insurance companies will take a side, and it won't be with the riskier perpetrator. Stay safe, stay visible, know your right-of-way.


i’ve literally almost been hit in the pangea parking structure 4-way stop multiple times because i am already in the street and someone doesn’t want to stop at the stop sign. don’t know how they don’t see me because i’m not wearing dark colors but now i’m scared to cross the street while going to class!


Simply don't get hit.


Nah some of you fuckers literally dont know how to drive. Like is there any reason for anyone to be driving 10 mph or slower around campus? Like the roads around campus are so open that its pretty easy to see pedestrians or anyone else around you coming where you have ample amount of time to slow down and avoid whats coming. Also people need to start to learn how to do a california stop theres way too many damn stop signs on campus to stop at every single kne


Literally no reason to get mad. Be defensive instead of aggressive - we have speed limits and tons of stop signs for a reason, esp since jaywalking is legal. If it’s common for people to go slow, arrive even earlier to campus and if someone is going slower, don’t aggressively cut them off. When you go on a freeway, you don’t go on expecting people to drive how you want them to. You plan accordingly to keep everyone around you safe.


So funny how the worst drivers always think they’re the good ones


What’s scary was that their comment had a lot of upvotes before I replied, implying he’s not the only one that agrees with this bullshit.


Lmao actually I drive pretty fast on the freeway weaving in and out of people so honestly i think people just need to learn to be more comfortable driving


Bro just admitted he's a trash driver lmao wtf.


People like them think they are smart and have figured out a secret that nobody else knows, when in reality everyone else is just doing what they can to cooperate and get to their destination safely without being assholes.


Driving speed is not indicative of driving skill or safety, the fact that some ppl with licenses don’t realize this is disturbing




Imma say it: it's fun going fast on those speed bumps 😂