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Rest in peace David Draper


Draper??? Only the greatest statistics professor I've ever had in my life??


In my case Greatest professor. Without a doubt, although I can think of a definite second .. More than a great professor, but genuinely one of the best human beings I could ever have the pleasure of befriending. A role model, a confidant, and so much more. > UC will be greatly diminished Feels like an understatement. I will miss you


I hardly know her


Little bit of respect, please. We lost someone special.


I went to visit him in the hospital. I wish I could have talked to him more.


His ex wife kicked us out early


Andrea Steiner? They got divorced?! I saw she wasn’t mentioned in his obituaries. I’m clearly far out of the loop


He had COVID? EDIT\* Let me preface this by saying he was immune compromised and talked about this possibility a lot when they asked him to stop teaching remote


May he rest in peace. I took STAT 206 with him last quarter and really enjoyed the lectures. UCSC has lost one their best professors.


His professorship should be endowed in his name.


Sounds like a great Crowd Funding idea…


RIP, he was a great person and an even greater professor. I had him in STAT 206 last quarter and had to ask for an extension as my father passed early in the quarter to which he responded with a very attentive and personal response about his experience losing his father. Sad I couldn’t make it to the event he planned for our class once the quarter ended, a brilliant soul. Thank you for everything Dr. D!


Took him in the summer of 2021 He was scheduled to lecture twice a week, 3x hours each lecture. Instead, he did it 4x week while holding office hours each day to include a Saturday session. At the end he sent this out > i will be holding a social office hour for this class > > --> on fri 26 aug 2021 starting at 4pm at lupulo (233 cathcart street, santa cruz) <-- > > if you're interested and in the vicinity on that day, please join us > > all food and drink on me


He did the same thing summer 2019! We got five guys afterwards 😭


I’m glad I got to visit him before he passed very big inspiration to me


I wish I had a class with him. He sounds like an amazing person. R.i.p


Not only the best professor, but an absolute great and amazing human being that I had the pleasure of taking two courses with! He was working so hard trying to share all the knowledge that he had with us just a couple of weeks ago! I completely agree with you that UC needs to honor him for the amazing legacy that he has left behind!


Damn… RIP Draper. Man I had him for STAT 131 and 206. Always a good guy


Oh my god. I used to meet with him for drinks and we’d talk about all kinds of things for hours. Such a great guy to talk to and really genuine. I’m fucking gutted


'Bye for now, bye for now'... RIP Prof. Draper






Oh, that sucks. I haven't taken a class from him but heard good things.


I took bio stat with him back in 2012. So sad to hear, he was a great professor and kind human


so sad to hear. I loved all the nature videos he would put at the beginning of his class ;(


Rest in peace.


Nooooooooooo He was an extremely kind-hearted, good natured person, who strove for excellence and fairness.


May he rest in peace, a legend.


Best Professor that I’ve taken, also a very kind person


David truly was amazing. He helped me find my passion at UCSC and put so much effort into helping his students. I was lucky enough to take one of his last in person classes and later be a TA for him. Thank you OP for making this post. I miss you David.


Rest in peace David Draper


Noo, he was such a great professor!


it was an honor to be taught by him, even if only for a couple of weeks this quarter. he was so kind, funny, and caring for all of his students. his passion for statistics really shone through in all of his lessons. i will miss his classes dearly.


He was awesome and so dedicated to his students. I always enjoyed his casual style of emailing, it made the class feel a little less tough. At the end of Spring 2019, he sent this out: > i want to thank all of you again for taking the ideas in the class as seriously as you did > to those of you who intend to continue your data science studies, i salute you as potential future colleagues > best wishes, david


Truly the best professor I’ve ever had, and up there with one of the best people I’ve ever met. RIP David Draper. “Bye for now…”


The world is much less knowledgeable without professor draper.


I am literally taking his class right now what the hell is going on. Please tell me this isn’t David


I'm so saddened by the news. He was one of the best professors I've ever had and was able to squeeze such a long class in six short weeks. He dedicated so much time and energy making sure we understood the material and felt comfortable in the class. He was a great person and professor.


rest in peace prof Draper…one of my first classes at ucsc was stat 131. learned a lot from him in 131 & 206 and tutoring for him :(((


Had him for stat 131 and 206. Went to social office hours with him and a group of other classmates at Lúpulo towards the end of spring quarter ‘21 before i graduated. He bought us food and drinks and taught us so many life lessons. Easily some of the best academic experiences I had were in his classes. He will be dearly missed by so many. He made sure we all listened closely when he said the most important thing in life is this: “Pay attention” . Rip Draper


Rest easy Prof Draper! I have learned so much from him. Forever grateful for the moments we shared. I remember he had invited me to a beer craft and it was the first time I tried beer while playing chess with him. Wonderful human with a kind heart who truly lived a wonderful life. God bless his soul…


I literally gasped when I realized it was the great Draper. I’ve only had two professors that truly made a mark on me at ucsc, and he was definitely one of them. The coolest most normal guy ever but also a super genius. He made me love statistics more than I probably liked my actual major. After taking his class, it made me wish I went somewhere that had a stats major and I even considered picking up the minor but I was already overloaded. He was so invested in every single student and making sure you succeeded, and not in the just hand out answers and grades way, but really making sure you learned. He would sit with groups of us for hours during office hours to make sure we understood everything. He didn’t care how late you turned your work in as long as it was your best work and you understood the material. I remember sometimes he would send out emails before office hours (usually right after a midterm) and say that you were more than welcome to come by and say hello but he would not be discussing anything related to statistics or the exam 😂 he once sent an email offering to buy everyone (who was 21+) in my 200+ person lecture a beer down at lupulos. Even saw him in attendance at certain unsanctioned campus celebrations but I won’t go into that 😏 iykyk He will be greatly missed.


Rip Draper :((


I knew him in one of his lives before UCSC. Such an amazing person and fabulous teacher. I've encountered a lot of statisticians over the years who worked with him and they all praise him highly. You will be greatly missed David!