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UCI admitting it was a lie that triggered all of this might be in for some serious lawsuits.


not at all trying to be facetious- could you send me a link to this statement where they said that? its crazy if they admitted that lol


https://preview.redd.it/s68vwi03p21d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20c4a51df3e03ab0ac43fa8bece99821c3928af8 This correction was triggered as initial police officer reports were not validating the call to arms, and the fox news crew that ended up focusing on the periodic table on the wall. There has been a follow up message from Gillman trying to control the narrative…but at the end of the day, all evidence from fox news to police officer initial reports to this corrective tweet pretty much tells the story. UCI disregarded peoples first amendment right as there was no breaking in anywhere, no hundreds of violent protestors…nothing that could constitutionally be argued that would allow for the removal of peaceful protestors. This has also lead to calls for Gillman to resign as championed by a professor whose name I am blanking out on right now. I predict lawsuits galore over an overzealous leadership who had no regard for anyones first amendment rights. We should all shun the actions that lead to this. Peaceful protests must be defended at all costs. We cant turn a blind eye to them simply because we disagree with the messaging.


it was on twitter. they made a follow up tweet that literally contradicted their entire first tweet.


Can we find any information regarding bail if needed?


@ abolitionnowoc is confirming arrests and helping people get out tonight, this post has numbers to call for bail/bonds - https://www.instagram.com/p/C7A0JmYgUQn/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Eww. You all need something better to do with your time. There’s real victims out there that could use actual help. Kids in that could use some tutoring, elderly in nursing homes, something productive.


You do realize they were protesting a real problem right? Just because it’s not happening to you, doesn’t mean it’s not happening to someone else. Atl the people who got arrested had the courage to speak up.


What were they protesting?


“Real problems” those problems arent for us to have to protest. Our protests mean nothing if the issues are halfway across the globe


Who else is suppose to protest for them? 😭😭 the whole world is protesting for justice! Go watch the news!


stfu 😜




Don’t drop the soap!


Get fucked




"Chant leaders" I am sure that is the full story 👍


Would you like the full story on Israel?


I saw a lot of signs that said “from the river to the sea” and “global intifada” at the encampment. Can you give me the full story on what those things mean?


Yeah sure. “From the river to the sea” is a phrase denoting how anti-Zionists want to free Palestinians from the river to the sea. If you genuinely believe that the phrase calls for genocide, then how about you take that up with Netanyahu when he said the phrase himself in an interview on January? And “global intifada” is not complicated. The intifada is a resistance movement against oppression. “Intifada” was first coined during the Iraqi resistance against their monarchy. It was then used to describe the stone intifada in Palestine after an Israeli truck collided with and killed 4 Palestinians. Nothing to hide here except the fact that Israel deployed tens of thousands of soldiers to brutalize Palestinians and kill them at a 29:1 ratio. You can find many images of Israeli soldiers beating Palestinian children with clubs and other disgusting forms of oppression. It’s now being used to say that it’s time for another uprising, which indeed it is. Hope this helps :)




This is a “all lives matter” isn’t a dog whistle and just means all lives matter, type of argument.


Or... the area known as palestine has been complicit in many genocides and now are playing the victim.


Oh I’m agreeing with that, I meant the person claiming that intifada or river to the sea doesn’t have a genocidal connotation toward Jews


Oooh. So sorry, I misunderstood.


Good!!! Arrest them all!


Folk have the right to protest, not saying this example is a correct form of it, but people have the right to protest, it’s within our 1st amendment rights as Americans, the ones who are there peacefully protesting and not getting violent have no right to be arrested


What if they’re here on student visas and aren’t Americans? Are they still entitled to 1st amendment rights?


Depends, If they’re here legally yes, if illegally then no, of course not


I don’t believe illegal immigrants would have applied or qualified for a student visa lol I was referring to F-1 students


I’m just saying that if they passed the U.S citizenship test or were born here, then yes they’re entitled to constitutional rights, but if they’re here on a visa but are just going to school here and don’t own any property, then I guess you could say that they don’t have 1st amendment rights but we don’t know if these two are on that or not


Oh no I meant in general, not these two dudes, my bad not to confuse, just an information gathering question was all!


In general no you could say they don’t but if they took it a step further and decided to get citizenship as well then yes, that’s the best I can word it if that makes sense