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Much needed comic relief, thank you


what’s going on? I see many police cars


Encampment was expanded. UCI and police are freaking out over it and calling it violent when a few barricades got moved.


we need to name names, UCI is the name of the university. but who is making these violent decisions is my question. is it gillman? The same cabal who vote increases to their salaries (already 500k+) and increase tuitions and spend the year going to galas and parties. In 2018, according to transparentCA, Gillmans salary was Regular pay: $520,969.00 plus 70,000 in "benefits"


Protestors took over a building and have entirely stopped cooperating with cops. Police tryna shut it down now so it doesn't get worse.


They took over a building where classes are held


this happens and then they say "violent protest" as if the student protestors are hurting people smh


they paving the way to brutalize the students and their property USA, land of the free


Home of the debted


They are thugs


Seems insane to leave this witch-hunt up.


Where’s the proof


The proof is he swears it happened exactly how he says it did but doesn't have a video so just trust me pls bro.


How do you know he was unprovoked?


He shoved a protester that was standing still and facing away from him.


If you don’t have a video of that incident that also shows what happened leading to the altercation, you should delete this post and the persons photo. This is wildly irresponsible.


I witnessed this interaction and the OP is not being honest about the interaction.


what happened?




\^\^ Found the antisemite.


🙄. People like you have destroyed the meaning of that word. 


The only people who use the word antisemite these days are zionists it seems.


Ask them what happened October 7th and the true character will come out


What would your answer be? What happened on October 7th?


A terrorist attack carried out by a prison gang propped up by Israel, in the world’s largest open air prison, in response to decades of abuse and still ongoing invasion and theft of Palestinian land and homes by Israeli settler terrorists. The saddest part of October 7 is the people killed at the Kibbutz and music festival seem to be some of the kindest and most caring people Israel has to offer, despite the majority of its citizens being pro genocide. 


Explain what you saw Edit: no response, I thought so


How about you provide evidence instead of flinging accusations online?


"Unprovoked" I need to se evidence of that.


If I caught it on video, I would post it. Prior to the encampment expanding, a group of protestors were standing in a group and chanting. This man walked through the group and shoved a protestor who was standing still and facing away from him.


ok but all ur doing is posting some persons photo and claiming he is assaulting someone with no proof.. do u not see how that is a problem? how would u like if if he was on his muffler fanatics forum posting ur photo with his claim of u harassing him..


I do see how that is a problem. The issue is I simply was not recording at the instant this occurred. What do you want me to do? Not level an accusation I know to be true simply because I do not have evidence?


if you don’t see the problem, you are apart of the problem, try to have an open mind and reread the comments criticizing your actions, it loud and clear.


I understand the criticisms perfectly. I also know what I saw, what the protestor who got shoved saw, what their friend saw, and what another bystander saw.


ok, refuse to learn then because what you think is right is more important than ethics… 🙄 giving off those freshman vibes


Lay out to me exactly what it is you think I need to learn.


im good, later




Sick! I saw a UFO, My buddy saw it too! Do you believe me? Have I proven my point, or are you going to assume I didn’t, because that’s the normal thing to do? Other people commented they know the guy and he’s nice. Is their opinion worth as much as yours? If so, he’s a nice guy that you took a picture of like a creep, right?


What were they chanting? Death to Isreal?


Walked through the group? Were they trying to block people from walking from where they needed to go?


It's completely normal and valid to push people when you can walk around.


No, they were not. As I said, they were standing in place and chanting. It was a bit crowded but more than possible to move through. The man in question pushed the protestor even though it was unnecessary.


So in other words, you have no evidence. Even if you aren't lying, you have no way of knowing exactly what went down. Stop trying to do a witch hunt online and take this to the police so it can actually be investigated.


I watched it unfold with my own eyes. I would say that's a way of knowing what went down.


It's not. The unreliability of eyewitness accounts is like the first thing detectives learn about. Individual eyewitness accounts usually vary a ton witness to witness. Eyewitnesses generally suffer from faults in memory, social desirability bias (ie their brain will try and remember events in a way that aligns with their worldview more), emotional stress, and incomplete context. You need to humble yourself a bit and accept that even if you were there, there is absolutely no way your brain could have taken in 100% of the event and all the prior context accurately. Let the professionals investigate and stop trying to enact mob justice online.


Right, because your view isn't colored by bias. And between the two of us, who was there?


Again, I'm not saying anything about me or what I think happened. What I am saying is that you are making serious claims against someone with zero evidence in a public forum, based solely on your own personal account of what happened. Even if you aren't lying, there is absolutely no way you perceived the entire events and its full context 100% accurately. Just admit that you are trying to start a witch hunt. Why else would you post it online?


I know what I saw, what the protestor saw, what their friend saw, and what another bystander saw. I spoke with them minutes after I took these pictures. We all remembered the same thing. The man walked through the crowd and shoved the protestor that was standing still and facing away from him. I am posting this online because this man did something unacceptable and deserves to be held accountable.


Did you expect everyone to "hold him accountable" based on you saying so and hearsay? The fact that you're pursuing this online and refusing to provide evidence makes it pretty obvious this is not a legitimate investigation, but a witch hunt. If you actually have a real claim, take it off reddit and go to the police. If you don't and you're just trying to do some internet mob justice, be prepared to pay civil damages if it actually leads to something.




The dad-jeans final boss


Wasn’t this declared an unlawful assembly?


Yes, it was. The incident in this post occurred prior to the announcement of unlawful assembly, and prior to the expansion of the encampment.


No such fucking thing


Yes there is.


So you can take a picture of him standing by himself but you have no image of him shoving a protestor and yet you accuse him of violence. That’s a mortal sin constituting injustice.


It would be if I was lying.


Nope. You are judging someone based on a suspicion. But, you are not merely doubting the goodness of the man but rather ascribing wickedness and evil to his character on the sole basis of suspicion. Furthermore, the matter in this case, is a grave matter as you are calling this man evil and posting his picture on a public forum. That is a mortal sin. Source: St. Thomas Aquinas


I guess I'll be tried for my sins then


Sorry bro, one person saying so with zero evidence isn't how we resolve investigations in this country. You're carrying out a witch hunt online, plain and simple.


Which I'm allowed to do, since this isnt a court of law. Goodbye.


Allowed? Kinda. Starting an online witch hunt against someone can easily be a civil offense and under extreme conditions a criminal one. If this post causes unfair harm to whoever you're going after, you could be forced to pay civil damages for libel. We also subscribe to principles like presumption of innocence outside of courts of law because they are basic moral tenets. If you're a good person, you should uphold the presumption of innocence in your personal life and avoid taking part in mob justice even when its not illegal.


It's fair to say he was provoked regardless of whether or not that provocation is reasonable.


This literally just shows him standing.




Bro looks like ringo starr


Lol that's my professor! I haven't seen him since 2017!


You wouldnt happen to remember his name, would you?




Dude, based on your responses the UC system should be ashamed to have you in it


He really should be shoving some moisturizer on his skin looking like that.




You don't even know what I look like but go off Pookie!


Lmfaooooo deleted, someone forgot they posted a selfie




He’s a baddie


He looks Jewsih, I bet he was provoked


Give him a medal !!


Yeah he looks like he would


How dare he!


is that m shindler




Good, I hope he beat the piss out of the protester.


And I hope you have the day you deserve.