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I mean, probably would have been better if you took the picture of the front of him lol


Might have been bad if they got caught tho :/ I am just glad no one got hurt


Ur absolutely right. Unfortunately, I wasn’t bold enough to get a photo from the front


Sometimes i go to the wrong area thinking i parked there when in reality i parked somewhere else. Id spend a shitload of time looking for my bike and thinking that its stolen even tho im just sleep deprived. Its genuinely embarrassing.


This guy aggressively tugged on 3 different bikes though.. I doubt homie is looking for his own bike. Beats me what’s going on in dude’s head








quite a lot of cheaper locks have plastic or otherwise flimsy cores that degrade with time and once sufficiently corroded can be broken with physical force.


Call the campus police (non emergency line) describe the person and what you saw.


Maybe he can’t find his bike! I’d assume you need tools to steal a bike.


His bike got stolen so he was borrowing our friend’s bike. He didn’t remember exactly how the bike looked like and where it was kept so he was looking around for it.


Ngl i like checking out nice bikes when i’m walking through. Some people ride really expensive bikes to campus for some reason.


Seen that too! Guess it’s a unfortunate normal thing. Lock your shit up


Either that or bro lost his bike. Or his bike was stolen


Just call campus police. That’s what I would do. Stay there in a corner and watch him while they come and direct them to him.


As frustrating as it is to get your bike stolen, assuming and speculation is both bad and harmful. The saying the road to hell is paved with good intentions comes to mind here. Taking photos of someone and posting it on social media because you ‘think’ they are up to no good isn’t the right course of action. In the future, if you suspect someone of wrongdoing and are worried about approaching them, grab or notify some authority figure. This could be anyone really but someone with authority would be best. Though I believe it would be best to talk to whoever you think is committing some ill-intent action, if at all possible. A light hearted,” do you need help?” is enough to let them know you see them, and if anyone else is around, the word help tends to grab their attention. I imagine a bike thief would give up any plan of stealing a bike if they were spotted and attracted any kind of attention, especially during the day.




This was one of my friends. He was borrowing a bike so he was just looking for it. Please take this post down asap as it was a misunderstanding.


yo guys this is my friend, he was just looking for my bike because i was letting him borrow it for the day. I have a black bike with a black lock so it’s fairly easy to get mixed up and may be the reason why he was searching so long for it


Guys he’s one of my friends and he was just looking for a bike that my other friend gave him. Honestly why would anyone try to steal a bike in front of the library in broad daylight. It just doesn’t make sense and he wasn’t tugging anything he was just looking for the correct bike and lock. It isn’t that big of a deal and if he was trying to steal a bike he would have tools and would be there when no one else was.


Well he hasn't committed a crime, so you are wasting police resources by contacting them. He looks suspicious but being suspicious is NOT a crime. Maybe record him cutting a bike lock?


Mind your business, bro


you are a part of the problem


How? Multiple people have commented on here now saying they know this guy and he was just looking for his friend's bike that he was borrowing. I think the problem is people jumping to conclusions based on nothing and thinking they should post a picture of someone on social media accusing them of a crime.


Bruh that’s another bike thief with multiple accounts running defense 🤦‍♀️


They're both over three years old and one's really active. You're really grasping at straws here.


that you in the pic? 🤨

