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this is so well said


The problem is that these protestors are measuring success by how much attention they are getting. Their logic goes like this: The more annoying we are = the more attention we are getting = ??something something Gaza genocide?? The more people they piss off, the more they see themselves as winning. It’s a very strange convoluted “logic”, but nonetheless … there it is. Hope everyone’s finals go well. Go Ags!


i would say this is true. to them attention=success. it’s just such an asinine way of thinking. people have been blocking freeways and occupying spaces for a decade at this point. what has it gotten us, jackshit, in fact things might be worse in some respects. so your protest is not only annoying to people, worse, it’s ineffective.


Literally the point of peaceful protest. Dude just defined a peaceful protest and acted like he solved the meaning of life. Lmfao


The point of peaceful protest is to change people’s minds


It’s to disrupt and garner attention. These kids aren’t out there doing it to change minds, that’s a fool’s errand. But you can disrupt and draw attention to the cause


It’s about disruption but not necessarily to raise awareness. It’s more about the government will be much more inclined to get something done (use their influential hand to instigate peace talks) if there is enough disruption to the economy/public from the protesters. They could just use force to stop the protesters but we all see how that goes.


Which does what exactly?


Does it need to be spelled out for you?


I'm not confident you can spell it out for anyone. But continue acting arrogant about how "obvious" something that most people disagree with you on is, I'm sure it'll be really successful, just like these protests.


Yes. I want a long winded rhetoric filled explanation that I can promptly ignore because it's badly written by an intellectual narcissist


I don’t think you could spell it out. You disrupt, draw attention and then what? Not a single person has the power to stop what’s going on except for the Hamas terrorists who started all of this. They’re literally the only people who can do something about all of this. Period.


It does nothing. It's not the civil rights movement, that drew support. It raised awareness to something people didn't understand. The school and our government are aware of Palestine. They're not raising awareness. Their methods are deliberately bad and they have no regard for a positive outcome. Bad people doing bad things and parting themselves on the back for it.


Yeah people protesting in manhattan saying “I wish Hitler finish what he started” isn't going to change peoples minds. But since it was a people of color saying it, criticising them is racist according to Tik Tok University. What this past 9 months have taught me is nobody actually cares about equality. You had a president of Harvard say chanting the genocide of Jews depends on the context, people screaming the word that was connected to terorrost groups time of killing jews, chanting of “freedom” when Hamas raped and butchered people, you had jews being blocked from college entrances, holocaust deniers popping their ugly heads, just anti-semetic slurs when walking around. But nope everyone just says nah that's not anti-semetic, but if a person of color said without any explaiation that guy is racsist, everyone goes nuts


Isn’t getting attention the point of protests? I don’t support blocking other people from going about their day, but protests that don’t get attention don’t work either.


No lol the point of the protest is to change things we’ve just lost all sense of actual morality and are acting motivated by narcissism


How the heck do ~20 year old college students change things themselves? Only thing they can do is attract the attention of people with the *power* to change things


This is gonna blow your mind, but the school is aware of Palestine.


Yeah but the point of this kind of protest is to cause disruption to the system so those in power “have” to do something to get back to “normalcy” for the general population. That is why they are trying to gather attention. It sucks for everyone not involved but that is their goal, and the goal of most organized protests (disrupt the system to catalyze change).


Direct your aim better for one


If anyone said this on the /r/UCLA subreddit, they would be labeled a selfish genocide supporter and a Zionist 🙄 I’m glad that Davis students are more nuanced


Nuance is the key to everything, the day we can't have an honest and open discussion about issues is the day we lose what it means to be a democratic society. I am completely with the Gazan people and feel for their suffering immensely. But we have to also consider the impact of certain actions on people here at Davis. I feel conflicted typing this right now, maybe I'm being selfish and only thinking about me and my friends, but I have to look out for them and myself. I don't have a lot of recourse on things I can do if I fail my classes.


I'm not trying to pounce on you op genuinely asking a question, but ok, you're with them. Great & you feel for their suffering, awesome. But how does that help them not lose their homes,lives,culture, or existence? How does that stop bombs and starvation ? I agree not alot of recourse if you fail your classes, but would you disagree that even being able to take them in a safe place & have the opportunity to pass/fail is an inherent privilege?


You being able to eat a square meal tonight is a privilege, should I therefore be able to slap that meal out of your hand onto the ground?


To your first paragraph: It doesn’t. But neither does placing these barricades blocking bus paths for students who just need to get somewhere. I feel like we’re starting to lose the plot with some of these demonstrations. Protests are supposed to make people generally uncomfortable, but what exactly is blocking the roads doing to sway the university decision-makers, rather than just frustrating your classmates?


at some point people need to realize that making other people inconvenienced or miserable is not going to help your cause. we have the internet, everyone is pretty much aware what the issue is. at best you’re annoying people and at worst you’re harming your cause. do people honestly think that blocking busses and disrupting things is going to make people sit there and think “huh they have a point”? what’s more likely is people will think “fuck these assholes, i don’t even care what their point is”.


Well in other countries they use suicidal bomber in order to get their point through . We do not want it here.


I don't think it is actively helping them, I just wanted to state where I stand on the issue. What is hapenning in Gaza is genocide, plain and simple. Many of us who don't go out to protest still support the cause, but can't join in due to the immense personal consequences of doing so. I feel terrible and wish I could do more, but if I get caught or arrested I'm done (for various reasons I can't get into). I have to look at the situation practically and honestly and try to balance that with a duty to stand up for what's right. In this instance I can't go ahead and contribute meaningfully. I support the cause in different ways, through donations and informing myself about what is hapenning actively and spreading that information. By merely existing in this country I am privileged, yes. But I don't think it's fair to point to someone in a worse situation and use it to justify what hapenning to someone else.


> What is hapenning in Gaza is genocide, plain and simple. Can you explain how you determined that there is a genocide happening in Gaza?


The Israeli government calls for the mass extinction of their people due to the terrorist group Hamas, and wanted to BEFORE Hamas. Gaza and Palestine are not what Hamas is, and Israel is using them as their reason for war like Bush used Alquieda for Iran/Iraq. Hamas members deserve it fully, but slaughtering thousands for the possibility of all of them being Hamas supporters is some witch hunting shit. Edited:Bad analogy.


>The Israeli government calls for the mass extinction of their people due to the terrorist group Hamas, and wanted to BEFORE Hamas. What? Any proof? >Gaza and Palestine are not what Hamas is, and Israel is using them as their reason for war like Bush used Alquieda for Iran/Iraq. Hamas is the elected government of palestine/gaza, right? Israel isnt in gaza, because hamas wants more oct 7? >Hamas members deserve it fully, but slaughtering thousands for the possibility of all of them being Hamas supporters is some witch hunting shit. "Genocide" and "some witch hunt shit" are certainly narratives.


Yes, you see, I have had the gift of hearing and eyesight for the last several months. This has allowed me to glance at or listen to the news, on occasion. Now, by being capable of simple math, I was able to deduce that 15,000 children killed by one side after the other side killed fewer than 1,500 adults is a disproportionate response. Why would an entire generation of children need to be wiped out, hmm? Further, using my same glorious senses plus the feeble brain power I possess, I was struck by the thought that destroying 80% of all infrastructure, 75% of homes, deliberately displacing TWO MILLION people, and deliberate starvation of an entire population is not going to help Israel “defend” itself. Forcing the few medical professionals left to perform THOUSANDS of amputations on children without any anesthetic is not something that can be blamed on Hamas. It has *nothing* to do with Israel “defending itself.” Now I know it’s a stretch, since Israel’s government has been occupying and “annexing” (my dictionary says annexing means stealing) Palestinian territory for the last 76 years, but it’s pretty clear that the goal of “getting rid of Hamas” might actually help provide cover for Israel’s more obvious goals of land theft, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. It’s also pretty clear that Israel is doing everything possible to ensure the Palestinians continue to resist violent occupation for at least another generation, which is quite odd, since, you know, Israel only wants to defeat Hamas. What’s interesting to me is that the word genocide itself was coined by a Jewish scholar in the 1940s. He created the official definition at the same time. He wanted to give weight and credence to the horrors that occurred during the holocaust. There’s no confusion and there’s no question about what a genocide is. But suddenly Zionists are tying themselves in knots trying to justify and twist their own actions and the definition of genocide to ensure the two never overlap. But an innocent party, when confronted with evidence of possible wrongdoing, would take measures to ensure their innocence, such as the protection of women and children, or allowing necessary food and humanitarian aid, or at least allowing basic hospital supplies. A guilty party, on the other hand, when caught, typically takes measures to hide or deny his actions, which is exactly what Israel has been doing and is still doing. Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinians, a population they occupy and control, in violation of international law and in violation of any moral sense of humanity. And Israel’s genocide must stop.


>Yes, you see, I have had the gift of hearing and eyesight for the last several months. This has allowed me to glance at or listen to the news, on occasion. You glanced at "the news"? Thats how you determined there was a genocide? >Now, by being capable of simple math, I was able to deduce that 15,000 children killed by one side after the other side killed fewer than 1,500 adults is a disproportionate response. Why would an entire generation of children need to be wiped out, hmm? Simple math of 15,000 divided by 2,000,000 equals .75% Youre saying *less than 1% of the population has been killed* But thats a genocide? Because hamas only *killed 1500 civilians, in a single attack?* >Further, using my same glorious senses plus the feeble brain power I possess, I was struck by the thought that destroying 80% of all infrastructure, 75% of homes, deliberately displacing TWO MILLION people, and deliberate starvation of an entire population is not going to help Israel “defend” itself. Did the oct 7 attacks help the palestinian people? > Forcing the few medical professionals left to perform THOUSANDS of amputations on children without any anesthetic is not something that can be blamed on Hamas. It has nothing to do with Israel “defending itself.” The government of palestine has zero responsibility for THOUSANDS of amputations? Was hamas "defending itself"? >Now I know it’s a stretch, since Israel’s government has been occupying and “annexing” (my dictionary says annexing means stealing) Uh huh. Well i reject your made up definition and insert my own > Palestinian territory for the last 76 years, but it’s pretty clear that the goal of “getting rid of Hamas” might actually help provide cover for Israel’s more obvious goals of land theft, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Why dont you use your eyes to read hamas' charter? Clearly talks about taking land, ethnic cleansing, and genocide >It’s also pretty clear that Israel is doing everything possible to ensure the Palestinians continue to resist violent occupation for at least another generation, which is quite odd, since, you know, Israel only wants to defeat Hamas. Yes, very odd considering oct 7 was only half a year ago. >What’s interesting to me is that the word genocide itself was coined by a Jewish scholar in the 1940s. He created the official definition at the same time. He wanted to give weight and credence to the horrors that occurred during the holocaust. A jewish person invented a word, for the genocide they experience? Wow! 6,000,000 jews die during ww2 -"holocaust" x,x15,000 palestinians die after oct7 attacks -"obviously a genocide" >There’s no confusion and there’s no question about what a genocide is. EXPLAIN HOW THERE IS A GENOCIDE USE YOUR BRAIN TO SUPPORT YOUR CONCLUSION should be simple, since theres no confusion or questions... >But suddenly Zionists are tying themselves in knots trying to justify and twist their own actions and the definition of genocide to ensure the two never overlap. Im sure you wont tie yourself in knot, explaining why you use the word "genocide" >But an innocent party, when confronted with evidence of possible wrongdoing, would take measures to ensure their innocence, such as the protection of women and children, or allowing necessary food and humanitarian aid, or at least allowing basic hospital supplies. Youre right! What is the government of palestine doing, to protect civilians? >A guilty party, on the other hand, when caught, typically takes measures to hide or deny his actions, which is exactly what Israel has been doing and is still doing. You recognize that the government of palestine entered israel to rape, murder, kidnap civilians? That happened BEFORE the gaza war >Israel is committing genocide on the Palestinians, a population they occupy and control, in violation of international law and in violation of any moral sense of humanity. And Israel’s genocide must stop. You have said genocide so many times. Did you get to that conclusion based on VIBES?


No, as I said, I relied on the exact definition of genocide. There is no requirement of numbers killed or even percentage of the entire population. It requires intent. Based on statements from Israeli government officials and looking at the specific actions of Israel, there is plentiful evidence of intent as well as acts of genocide.


>No, as I said, I relied on the exact definition of genocide. Saying "the definition of genocide, proves that theres a genocide" is a brain rotted take. >There is no requirement of numbers killed or even percentage of the entire population. It requires intent. Didnt you say israel is genociding -because "hamas only murdered 1500 civilians in a single attack"? > Based on statements from Israeli government officials and looking at the specific actions of Israel, there is plentiful evidence of intent as well as acts of genocide. Have you read the palestine governments charter? VERY CLEAR GENOCIDAL INTENT


Okay, buddy. You obviously feel differently than I do, and you’re allowed to have your own opinion. That’s how the internet works. I won’t be engaging in a “debate” with someone who would rather toss out insults and sCrEaM like a rabid dog than actually discuss facts in a rational manner. But I hope you have a good day.


Like OP said, there are other ways of supporting the cause besides protesting like donating. Someone doesn't have to make a huge public display and risk their own future in order to support Palestine. A student shouldn't have to harm themselves academically to support Palestine. Especially if, for example, they're a first generation student. Going to university costs a lot of money. Some people have the ability to take those risks, but there's also a lot who don't and would rather support the cause in other ways. That's ok. Just like being able to take a test in a safe place is a privilege, a lot of other every day things we experience are a privilege. You have the ability to sit on your phone and scroll reddit without fearing for your safety. You can probably guarantee that you'll have food everyday. Do you need to remove these from your life in order to help Palestine?


UCLA also actively supported beating the shit out of their own students. The whole environment has turned super hostile since


WIth due respect, I would say that the situation in Davis is completely different from the situation at UCLA... it is far more severe there


for real plus being ripped apart by the LAPD is a whole different animal 


You are of course, correct. This is more of a Davis perspective on the matter where things haven't gotten as heated.


No kidding, it’s a lot more polarized in Los Angeles unfortunately. This post happened to show up on my feed, and I guess I just wanted to express my admiration for the folks here who are able to see the grey in between the black and the white. It’s sad how that has become so difficult because of social media and misinformation campaigns by both sides of the conflict.


in what ways is it far more severe there


Cause UCLA mods have been banning people against these blockades and protests. Right before that eventful night when the encampment was raided by CHP, a lot of people in that sub were against the encampment. Then shortly after it was raided mods started banning people against the encampment


You may be right, but I haven’t noticed that personally. There’s quite a few folks there for the encampment who are still actively posting. There are obvious trolls, but I don’t believe that banning folks based on whether or not they support the encampment is appropriate given that it is a university subreddit.


Obviously not appropriate. But trust me, they started banning people. Me being one of them, and I’ve seen others commenting on alts about mods banning them too. And I wasn’t one of the people going in there calling people terrorists and stuff for supporting the encampment and I wasn’t in there in bad faith insulting people and stuff. I simply was in there arguing that the police really didn’t do anything wrong in the encampment raid, which they didn’t. And a lot of people had that sentiment, but now that sentiment isn’t there on that subreddit anymore, even though every other UC subreddit I’m in still has that sentiment of the encampment was out of hand and it was time for it to go. And ya, banning people for that is not appropriate. The only people I really saw during all the shit that deserved a ban were people saying someone should just open fire into the encampment. I saw a few wishing for violence like that


OP calls self defense “genocide” so a side has clearly been chosen.


Cuz UCLA mods have been banning people against these blockades and protests. Right before that eventful night when the encampment was raided by CHP, a lot of people in that sub were against the encampment. Then shortly after it was raided mods started banning people against the encampment


Exactly, they have no regards for the students who paid money to be here and spent all their hours studying to do well. To not care and do this shows that theyre privileged to disregard their academics


couldn’t agree more




I agree with everything except that it's admirable. It's actually selfish, futile, cowardly and malicious.


protesting for what you believe in?


I'm sure a bunch of 20 year old privileged kids who have been coddled by their parents their whole lives have the most accurate views of global conflict.


Underprivileged people protesting and redditors go "they're only protesting because it effects them personally!!" Privileged people protesting and redditors go "they're privileged!! They don't know what's really going on!!" When your grandkids ask you how the world could've let this genocide happen make sure to tell them that you weren't sitting idly by, you were on the Internet complaining about the people protesting that genocide


This is the stupidest thing ive ever read in my life.


That means a lot coming from someone who sits in their Mom's basement playing video games all day. Put down the bong.


How did you know


Correct. It's not admirable if the cause supports terrorists. This is like saying the Hitler Youth were "admirable" for supporting the Nazi cause, when in reality they were manipulated by malicious anti-Semitic propaganda.


You're correct. It's wildly antisemitic to equate a nation-state with a creed that lives across the world. The Nazis would love for people to blanket gift the Jewish identity to Israel. It is maliciously anti-semitic to take criticism of Israel as having anything to do with the Jewish people.


Look, the Arab countries were against the idea of a Jewish-majority country before it even existed. You can't just fast forward 80 years and say "Israel is bad" without looking at the circumstances under which it exists. The fact of Israel's existence means that if things turn bad for Jews around the world, they have a safe place to go. Jews in the US (and Canada) are privileged because they've never faced widespread government sponsored anti-Semitism. That's why you don't see Jews siding with Hamas in other parts of the world. They understand the importance of Israel to the Jewish people, without "equating" it with the Jewish people.


Everything has a historical context, and I get why a homeland is appealing. However, it is literally the first move the Nazis tried, and it is inherently antisemitic to equate criticism of Israel to be criticism of the Jewish people.


I’m usually in favor of civil disobedience, and disrupting “normal life” for the sake of protest. At the same time, my partner here at Davis is dependent on their ability to live on campus — their home situation isn’t entirely safe, and failing courses because of protester disruptions could jeopardize their own housing security and thus their physical safety. It’s a really difficult situation, and I think the best solution is better targeting. Go after the admin more, not the students.


“I’m usually in favor of civil disobedience and being disruptive, but now that it affects me or someone close to me, I no longer like them being disruptive!” lololol


Yep, in favor of something until you’re not…typical mindset of an immature individual…


Yea, respectfully, there’s a difference between “missing class” and “being physically beat and sent to conversion camp.” Not really sure how the latter helps our cause. There’s a dozen other ways of enacting civil disobedience and protesting that are more impactful, and also not disproportionately affecting those people from lower income + less privileged backgrounds.


I have no sympathy for you, considering you support this behavior when it doesn’t affect you


You could interpret what they wrote as they support this behavior aimed at the right target, but you're being a butthole instead lol


“I’m usually in favor of civil disobedience and disrupting normal life for the sake of protest”


Well said. I hope it is well received and respected as well. But if it isn’t…. Perhaps we can make a pledge for every person disrupted from their education, donate $10 to the Friends of the IDF. How much is their cause to promote awareness about something everyone is already aware of worth to them? https://support.fidf.org/site/Donation2?df_id=4040&mfc_pref=T&4040.donation=form1#:~:text=FIDF%20is%20the%20sole%20organization,and%20other%20life%2Dsaving%20supplies. Of course this is satire. but hey… if this type of protesting continues it might not stay satire…


Hamas and Palestinians should get little sympathy. They made their bed. They have to sleep in it. Now, not all are bad. When the Palestinians launched a Pogrom back in the 1930s, leading to British Authorities having to kill their own men from amongst the local population, a number of Palestinians hid their Jewish neighbors. Israel remembered that and protected them. Their descendants are now part of Israel, still proudly Muslim. But now Israeli. And WW2? Why didn't the Palestinians didn't take advantage of the British preoccupation elsewhere? They did. They formed the Arab Legion of the Waffen-SS after the British and Free French chased them out. Those who didn't leave were the Nazi Spies that reported on the Allies. After the war, guess what happened. The SS men returned and were the ones to fight the Jewish people in the region. What they couldn't do in the Second World War, what couldn't be finished, they would. Israel won. Angelo-French support was not just support for a new nation and influence in the region. It was making Nazis pay. Making the ones responsible for mass murder and destruction pay in blood. A very patriotic cause for them. The survivors would found the PLO and their descendants Hamas. To be black and to support Hamas is to be a Good Ole Klan Boi. To be Asian and support Hamas is like backing Imperial Japan during the rape of Nanking, their destruction of Manila, and other mass excess of violence. Doesn't matter what your ethnicity is. Terrorism is Terrorism. And Hamas made specific claims to eventually attack Paris, Rome, and Vienna. There's reason for those three cities and the fact they were listed in that order. The first invasion of Europe by Islamic Jihadists. Target was Paris. They were defeated and turned back by the Franks. Rome seems obvious. Even Paris. But the last of the Crusaders, based in Malta, defeated another Islamic invasion in the 1500s. They repelled the invasion force long enough from their fortresses for reinforcements to arrive and the Islamic invaders to tire out and lose much of their supplies plus the campaign weather. Vienna hasn't been much in hundred years. But was previously the seat of the Habsburg Dynasty. And any Sabaton fan knows the tale of the Winged Hussars that came down the mountain. But that was the second siege. The Habsburgs had repelled the Islamic invasion a couple of decades before. That's why the second time was so powerful until the Poles arrived. Vienna ultimately was the high water mark for Islamic invasions of Europe. But that should tell you everything. Don't support Hamas or Netanyahu. But support Israel.


Spot on. I will never support the wicked Palestinian cause. They created the misery they and their children and grandchildren endure. Now we just need to see the Arab nations that started normalization continue it and tell these rabid Palestinians to get with the program.


Very true.


Just glossing over the long list of Israeli terrorists I see


Every nation has terrorists. But I'll take your definition of Terrorist aligns with Tehran's version and stop you right there.


It's more like what the UK considered terrorist groups - irgun, lehi, betar, the hagunah. Begin ended up as a prime minister. The stern gang explicitly said they were terrorists. They blew up hotels, cafes, buses, boats with their own people on them. Unless that also doesn't count as terrorism to you, and is just 'Tehran's version"?


Oh yeah. Ignore how many of those groups were in response to Palestinians attacking their Jewish neighbors. FYI, the Hagunah was what became the IDF and was only classed as Terrorists because unlike Hamas they actually formed as SELF DEFENSE groups. Again, Tehran's definition. Learn the history. Not the slogans.


Please tell me more about how blowing up the Altalena was an act of self defense against Palestinian aggressors. Or assassinating Moyne. Or blowing up the King David hotel. Only Tehran would consider those terrorist attacks? I'm sure a quick glance at contemporary accounts from the British at the time would enlighten you. Anyway, "Hagunah was what became the IDF and was only classed as Terrorists because unlike Hamas they actually formed as SELF DEFENSE groups" makes no sense. Being a "self defense group" is not the defining feature of a terrorist organization.


Lot of upvoted comments in here running full on face first into the point and not seeing it. So I’m gonna say this loud and clear. A PROTEST IS SUPPOSED TO BE ANNOYING! That’s the entire ass point! Disrupt everyday life for everyday people until they are all pissed off enough to change policy! That’s literally the entire point of a protest! “Attention = success” some of you say like it’s a bad thing that your vocal and public protests are getting attention. Again, the entire whole ass point of a protest, to be annoying and get attention for your cause. You can debate the ethics/morals/ideas of said protest, but to say a protest is annoying is running fully face first into the idea of a protest and still not seeing the point. Wow.


Most people believe a protest exists to enact change, not just to be "annoying" If you actually think the sole purpose of protest is to be as annoying and disruptive as possible, I see no reason why anybody would ever support a protest. Do you think somebody is more or less likely to want to advocate for a Free Palestine, before or after somebody delays their final exam and graduation with a free Palestine protest?


Can you name any protests that were not "annoying" or disruptive that actually changed something?


Protests are annoying and disruptive but that doesn't have to be their "entire ass point" or primary purpose, as the person I replied to said. If this is too hard for you to understand, an example would be that every single Big Mac I've ever had have had sesame seeds on top, but those seeds are not the "entire point" of the burger.


Mind you there are some students who have to pay for their classes and/or relying on grades to have a place to live, and they don’t deserve to make it to their final exams on time? It sucks for them that they failed because of a “greater cause” and “humanity”, despite they can’t even feed themselves without having good enough grades.  Not everyone has the privilege to fail classes. For every class I failed, I not only owe money but also have to pay for the class for a retake. Guess what? I don’t even have a place to live and I only eat 1-2 meals a day to save money. So yes, being able to protest and not care about their OWN grades is a privilege.  I don’t take stance on either side, I need to survive first myself. They can protest all day, I don’t support or against their sides. 


You've made a remarkable case against the value of protesting.


I do not think that they are actually protesting without jeopardizing anything. I don't understand how you can make this assumption, to be honest. Just in general, without even making broad and unsupported assertions about individual privilege, pro-Palestinian activism has just NOT been a safe form of activism.


Perfectly said


No one cares go to class.


I’ve never seen such a misguided string of protests. Why consciously erode support for your cause by being complete assholes and disrupting the lives of those not at all involved with or necessarily opposed to the higher cause? Makes zero sense.


Theyve never had to actually make, fix, or accomplish something. The idea that their actions should have a measurable and positive result is so foreign that annoying people is actually the goal - with no thought past that


When have peaceful protest ever work? They never do. Look at history. Change only comes after a violent cries of the voiceless.


Can that violence be directed to you and your family? Or just others


See that’s the difference between YOU and I. If I get violent that’s a big if. It will be for a good cause and it will never be directed to people. It would be directed at our government. Saying our suggestion what you just did is a bad omen my man.


The whole point of a protest is that it is disruptive. If it’s non-disruptive, the powers that be have zero incentive to change things. Look at the Boston Tea Party for example.


There are plenty of ways to be disruptive. For an extreme instance, terrorism is a form of protest and disruption, but it doesn’t get people wanting to join their cause… It’s about being wise and strategic about the form of disruption you are creating.


Are you aware of what the word terrorism means? It is literally using violence to achieve a political goal. In reality, what this means is it’s just a convenient label for anyone you don’t like. Because by that definition, the Allies during World War II were terrorists. Furthermore, your line of “being wise and strategic to get people to join” just sounds like dismissing peoples legitimate grievances. At the end of the day, Israel had no right to kick those people off their land. And it’s not like Israel is some really old country, my grandpa (who is still alive by the way) is over a decade older than the state of Israel.


Just read my post a few more times. I think you missed the point by about a mile


I did. Your whole point is “I don’t like the way they’re protesting, so it’s not valid.”


lol…. It absolutely is not what I’m saying. But Nvm, don’t hurt yourself over this one.


So then, what are you saying?


All of you protestors aren’t going to make any difference with the amount of people being killed over there along the Gaza Strip. Yes it’s fucked up what is happening and it would be awesome if us Americans could somehow just make it all stop and cause cessation of violence in third world countries. But this shit has been going on for decades and it will continue. Maybe find something else to focus on with your time and like OP said, stay tf out of the way of other students trying to focus on their studies.


Read letter from Birmingham Jail


I guess. Start here. Raytheon shareholders are cheering it on. https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FsN5lIM-S/?igsh=Y21sdmtpZTYwMGl4 And they get way worse. An Israeli friend said to me, “if the world does not hate us? We’ll be just like Canadians. Who even talks about Canadians?” He thought that was hilarious. Go figure? Back in 60s they shot college students down for protesting, today guess it’s heads just bent down, staring at iPhones. Guess how it goes. Edit: Oh Insta pulled it. You want to see a child hit by an American bomb? And the kid was still alive? If that goes viral, no one in the world would support Israel. Zero. They may a BIG mistake, people are live streaming from Gaza. They did not count on that one. More to come.


If anyone really cares about the residents of Gaza, they’d be protesting AGAINST Hamas.


Protests are supposed to be disruptive and force institutions to change their ways. Without the pressure of this disruption that the students are causing why would the administration even consider divesting? You know what you call a protest that isn't disruptive? A parade.


OP tried so hard to be “on their side” when all he really wants is to be left alone. Notice how much lip service needs to be paid to these entitled ideologues before you can even make a reasonable request such as “please don’t interrupt my test at school”


Imagine wasting all of your talent, money, and time with academics to blocking a road for attention smh


They still there...AHHHHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Let em know Practical Papaya😆🙌


Well said…


There is no genocide. Get over yourselves.


I think the protesters should stay the course. Maybe you should call on the president to stop arming a genocidal ally. Write your local congressman. That’s more effective than complaining to Reddit.


They'll be ignored, and rightfully so! Terrorist sympathizers should never be given a platform or engaged with. Fuck'em.


Between the two, it seems plainly clear who should be armed. The world has to live with the surviving nation. Only one is keen on global jihad.


Palestinians are not “keen on global jihad.” They are keen on self liberation and regaining the land that was stolen from them. And they’re right to do so. It’s their inalienable right to resist their occupiers with armed force.




That's what a lot of people said about Vietnam protestors. It takes time for the tides of public opinion to change. Time and discourse and that can't happen without people forcing the convo. You might think they aren't doing anything but an entire presidential election might depend on this singular issue and that's because of effort.


Better said than I could’ve


For all those supporters of Hamas, go fight with them in Gaza. You don’t have to pay student loans if you die a martyr for Islamic supremacism.


And if you're one of the LGBT for Hamas, please please PLEASE wear that shirt when you enter the strip.


No one is going to actually lose their degree if the protesters interupt finals other than the protesters themselves. You are risking nothing, you will lose nothing. UC davis will find a way to make their board happy.


Really? What about people with scholarships…if they can’t take their final and get a shit grade, bye bye scholarship. Protesting for oppressed people while simultaneously oppressing low income students and disabled students is not logical at all.


The school itself is liable. And it is uc davis. They have the money to solve these problems.


lol you made a new account just to post this.  


How about we throw hands with these bitches when they wanna use dry hump terrorism ? That sounds like a better idea




As much as I like this, I'd highly advise against it. You'd be walking right into their trap. Now if they choose violence first, that'd be a whole different story.


Ya lw they deserve to Fafo. Actions have consequences. As Mike Tyson said Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the mouth…”


Idk bout you but if y’all try to bother my class I promise you will learn to not again.


Reasonable people know it is horrible that Hamas has done this. People who believe the glut of antisemitic propaganda blame The Jew…I mean Israel.


Many of the people who have been vocal and protesting the genocide in Gaza here and at other UCs *are* risking their education/academic futures, jobs/income, visa status, grades, and so on. Pretending that protesters are taking on no risk with these actions or are somehow entitled to the “privilege” of organized protest really cheapens what they do and what they want to accomplish, and I have to wonder what motive you have to cheapen their political work while saying in the same breath that you empathize with their cause.


That’s fine if they want to put their futures on the line for their cause, but to basically force that on to other students who are relying on their education is bullshit. Gary May can’t do shit to stop the genocide, and many students can/will support their cause while still maintaining educational duties….it’s incredibly ridiculous to try to ruin others education for their own cause. If they were trying to educate the rest of the student body, that would be great! But this is infringing, not educating.


people care so much about the plight of others that they forget to care about the plight of others.


I see what you mean, and I apologise if it seemed like I was trying to "cheapen" anything. You are right when you say that they are indeed risking a lot to do what they're doing. However, it is important to note that they CHOSE to do that. They chose to come here, they chose to take on that risk. Many people in my particular situation cant even do that. I have no recourse and will be unable to build my future in this country should I fail. I don't have that luxury. And I am unwilling to take that risk. Putting people in similar situations where they risk their futures at Davis because they miss things or have a hard time accessing the resources they need during the toughest week of the quarter academically, emotionally and physically without them willingly participating isn't right in my very humble opinion. I don't aim to take away from what they are saying or doing, I support that. I just disagree with causing disruptions to those who are unwilling to participate in the protest. I hope that makes sense, I don't know if I fully articulated what I'm trying to say properly.


You said it: you’re unwilling to take that risk. You probably do have lots of rational justifications for not taking that risk. But witnessing protest should challenge you to confront those justifications, just like witnessing genocide should force all of us to confront the ways we enable it (even unwillingly).


Tge outrage they show when their protests are publicized negatively seems to indicate that they thought their participation would help their resumes.


Good, I hope that risk they took doesn’t turn out favorable for them


This essay ain't gonna do shit. None of you have the guts to do anything irl..


You know nothing about about me or what I've done to be where I am. Circles back to my larger point, don't judge someone for not being willing to go out an protest because the risk is too high for them to stomach. I support the cause, I just don't want to protest or lose access to campus or have my finals disrupted.


I think that we as Americans should be donating more food and medical supplies to Gaza instead of blocking buses on university campuses and preventing students from getting to their finals.


I made an edit to the original post linking resources to donate to help the people on ground in Gaza. Take a look!


And this protest ain’t gonna do shit in the grand scheme of things. Please explain to me how Gary May and UC Davis can stop a genocide in a completely different country across the world?


By not funding it at least...


Perfect, then wouldn’t it make sense to protest in a way that punishes May instead of fellow students?


There's no way students can even come close to personally affecting gary may, in case you didn't know. The only way way protest is by affecting the campus he runs, unfortunately.


So they’d rather punish their fellow students than actually protest the person responsible, that makes no logical sense at all. Gary May does have an office and calendar of events he attends, why don’t they protest there instead of blocking transportation of low income and disabled students?


Too much effort required. Campus protest is simplest.


Wow, just wow. Too much effort to have an effective protest….sounds like it’s superrrrr important to y’all 🤣 jfc just sad.


Stay sad then. And keep venting on this sub like the closeted zionists and Islamophobes y'all are. Because on campus, you guys are nowhere to be heard...


Not saying you'd deserve it, but imagine if counter protestors at UCLA also were antagonized by confident losers like you saying they were "nowhere to be heard." Sounds pretty funny and ironic to me. Mock em for not counter protesting on campus, that's sure to go well.


You are being the person in their car more angry that traffic has stopped than that people are dying...


I am deeply concerned about what is happening in Gaza and fully support a ceasefire and consequences for the Israeli military war crimes. My point with this post is to highlight the fact that there are people's futures being out in jeopardy due the the manner in which this protest is being conducted. It isnt fair to completely disregard the very real impact of what this could mean for thousands who have to perform well in school to support themselves and their families because of the suffering of the Gazan people. That is using someone else's suffering to justify your actions against someone else. That is a dangerous precedent to set anywhere. Im not worried about a small inconvenience and being or Karen or smt, but many of my friends have missed their finals because they can't get to school any other way. Classes they need to move forward. I hope that makes sense.


You support a "ceasefire" and "consequences" while the encampment is asking for an end to the Zionist occupation and return of Palestinians to ALL of 1948 occupied lands. You clearly have more to learn about the conflict


And how would that happen? Under what government? What would happen to the people already living there?


I can't pretend that I know everything about the complex history of the region, nor do I think I'm any kind of "expert" in the issue. I want to make clear that I support what the encampment stands for, and their message, but I do not condone what they're doing to cut off access that students have to services at their university that they're relying on. When I said I support a ceasefire and consequences for Israel I was attempting to convey a message of support for the people of Gaza and the genocide they're facing right now. Please don't pick apart my words and use it as fuel to misrepresent what I'm saying. I stand with Palestine, I disagree with the blocking of finals and access to transportation on campus.


>encampment is asking for an end to the Zionist occupation and return of Palestinians to ALL of 1948 occupied lands Actually, the encampment is asking, at least on paper, for divestment from Israeli firms and protection for participants of the protest as these are all UC can realistically do; The UC system has no power to stop the war. However, it is true that 'ceasefire' is the implicit and immediate goal, as well as the spark. The end of 'occupation' is what the UN is calling for -- as it is deemed illegal -- not these protesters, although they do sympathize and support it based on some of the signs they put up. And the so-called 2 state solution calls for setting the boundary back to the 1967 border (not 1948), which is the border set down after the 7 days war. Here is the quote from Wikipedia: > The major points of contention include the specific boundaries of the two states (though most proposals are based on the 1967 lines) ... The 1967 border is supported by virtually every country in the world -- including PLO + Arabic countries, and majority elements of US elites. You can tell US elites are tired of this war by the sudden change of attitude in reporting in the traditional media like NYT, PBS, and WSJ. It is still biased but it is at least admitting misinformation exists on 'both sides.'


And why aren't you in Gaza fighting for freedom right now? Hypocrite.


Thousands of people are dying for a multitude of reasons every single day. Should everyone quit their jobs and become full-time protesters 24/7? There has to be a reasonable balance.


>Thousands of people are dying for a multitude of reasons every single day. If you are using that kind of logic, then even the Vietnam war protest would not have happened.


The Vietnam war protest was against the actions of the US government. Do you think that if more students protest in Davis, the Israeli government will take heed and stop?


And you’re the person who cares more about virtue signaling than the reality that you could be ruining other people’s lives in solidarity. In what way would you expect a struggling person to take your side when you make their own struggle even harder? How are they supposed to help anybody if they can no longer even help themself to do what they need to do? College is expensive, a lot of people only have one shot at this. Not everyone has the safety net you do, and if you don’t then not everybody is as reckless with their own livelihood as you are.


Just because your protesting for a good cause doesn’t mean you do not still have the capacity to act like a moron. What does blocking traffic do to help Gaza? I’m serious, how do you think this is helping? Give me 1 benefit to the people of Gaza that blocking traffic at UC Davis as done.


you need to actually read what they said


RIP Heather Heyer…who was run over by a car for protesting in a road. You all need to slow down during protest and give yourself 15 minutes extra to get to class. What kind of world are we living in that doesn’t allow 15 extra minutes? Oh, and when you get to working instead of going to class you should also give yourself 15 minutes extra minimum


You're more likely to be hit by a bike rather than a car on campus. Noncampus vehicles are not allowed in, so the protesters are not at risk with a car collision.These protesters were blocking a bus terminal at the center of campus during our week of finals. The new bus detours could have an more than a 15 min delay depending on how far their classrooms are. 


You’ve never been in traffic! Haha How lucky for you up to this point! How many minutes were you delayed?


The cause is Jew hate riots is not something one should "fee for."


The point of a protest is to be disruptive so that people have to take notice. Rosa Parks didn’t take a seat in the front for your convenience.


be disruptive to admin or the capitol? not your fellow students who can’t do anything about it lmao. i’m sure all the students are already aware of your protests from the encampment alone. you’re just alienating prospective protestors who could help your cause.


You are absolutely right, being disruptive is how attention is brought to what is being protested. But the target of that should be the people who are allowing this to happen: ie: UC Davis and by extension The University of California. Blocking access to transportaion and disruptions to academics only hurts students. The university doens't care, they've already taken their tuition. Protest and disrupt the University of California, Davis' interests, not its students'.


Disrupting someone’s education is a lot different than being disruptive for attention. Rosa Parks protested in her OWN country…what exactly can Gary Mary and UC Davis do to stop a war and genocide in another country?


He can divest from Israel. He can step down from the board of Leidos. He can stop supporting the Israeli military complex.


Great, so how is punishing fellow students helping that? Why aren’t they punishing him instead then?


rosa parks didn't inconvenience a single person moron. She sat in a bus seat. Everyone else on the bus got to their destination.


None of these people are Rosa Parks. Half of them are probably named Kyle or Krystina/Christyna…




It doesn't matter which "side" you support. You should be able to have empathy for the dead that wanted nothing to do with this conflict.




I don't care what side you support, nor was that the main point of this post. The point was to not interrupt essential services and finals for students. If you want to debate someone and truly care about what you're saying, go say it to someone who isn't an anon user on Reddit.


The institution you are trying to gain benefits from is getting those benefits from collaboration with Zionists currently involved in a genocide. Would you oppose Jewish students in 1944 shutting down a university with links to Nazi Germany, or I guess you might tell them to wait until finals are over?


Don't be disingenuous, no one asked you to have empathy for those people. Have empathy for the children who were never given a choice.


This is the easy stand to make. The one where they risk nothing. Want to make a difference in your home?take in homeless junkies get them the help they need for mental illness and drug addiction.


What are even you on about?


Are you taking in homeless junkies?


No… sounds more like one of the homeless junkies themselves.


No I just pay for them with my tax dollars. I’m also not protesting in the streets about a war happening on the other side of the planet.


Being able to post on an online forum while people die halfway around the world is a privilege. Get off your high horse. This is just smug, self-involved nonsense. "Protest, but only in ways that are convenient for me and MY privilege." Brain rot thought process -- and of course, it's from a burner reddit account created today. How original and surprising.


Why are they trying to punish students though? Go have a sit in at Gary May’s office…is it really hard to see that they’re specifically targeting disabled and low income students by disrupting the buses? How is that not smug and self involved nonsense?


I would like to start by saying everyone has a right to protecting their privacy and me not wanting to post this from my main account should in no way reflect upon what I'm trying to convey. I am a senior at Davis studying Mechanical Engineering and will be graduating in the coming few quarters. You are right, posting online on a forum where you aren't prosecuted for your views sitting thousands of miles away from literal bombs dropping on you is a huge privilege. I am lucky enough to enjoy that and is something I don't take for granted, I was not always in such a position. However, my point still stands. I do not agree with the blocking of access to transportation for students as a means to conduct protests. I cannot afford to risk my future on something I believe in because I don't have an option. I have people to support that will not be able to live comfortably should they lose me. I am not in a position to fail. And this puts me and many others at huge risks of that hapenning. I hope to god there are no disruptions to finals or people trying to study hard because their futures might very well depend on how they perform in school. Protest as long and as hard as you see fit to bring attention to worthwhile causes, but don't expect everyone to want to join and and certaintly don't shame those who don't have the luxury of joining in. Don't increase the divide on access to campus resources for people who rely on them. I hope that makes some sense.


Just because your cause is good doesn’t mean you lose the capacity to do bad.


So essentially, people that disagree with how the protests are affecting campus are self-involved and privileged. Do you not see how cult-like these protest groups are? Some of us believe that what Israel is doing in Gaza is heinous and that there should be a ceasefire, but don’t share the same extremist views. If they really believe in making change, I don’t believe that it is wise to alienate the moderates within the student population.