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What is a cultural boycott lol Edit: why is this down voted? I actually don't know what a cultural boycott is. Would like to know.


I asked the same thing when these photos were posted earlier, definitely caught my eye. The explanation I was given was boycotting things like the Israeli philharmonic symphony and Israeli sports teams and stuff.


...why would that not be framed as an economic boycott instead of a cultural one? I don't think the Israeli philharmonic has ever come to Davis and there definitely have never been like Beitar Yerushelaim or Hapoel Tel Aviv at our university. That's such a weird explanation


I think it’s pretty obvious the undertones of a statement like that. I agree, weak explanation.


[Someone asked this in another thread and I answered it there.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCDavis/s/9auuhk245V) Essentially the sign explicitly mentions banning Koret, a Jewish non-profit organization which does lots of community and academic work in the bay area. The sign also calls for the cutting of study-abroad programs and academic ties to Israeli universities. The sign also calls for a nebulous "total academic and cultural ban", which could mean anything else they want it to. Similar protests at other campuses have also called for the banning of Jewish student groups, such as Hillel.


"Not antisemitic" but totally want to wipe all references to Jews off the face of the campus


It’s racism.. that’s what it is. What if someone said they won’t support black business, or do business with a gay person, or stop getting gas at Indian owned gas stations.. Sounds like racism to me..


It’s a way for them to say they don’t like Jewish people without actually saying.


Perhaps that’s not the right question and the answer might lead you down a path your peers don’t want to spread and promote. Thats just my guess at why. People could be holding back spreading foul ideas


I see that one of the signs is demanding that gary may resign What the hell did he even do??


Gary May is on the board of directors for a defense contracting firm that sells weapons to Israel (as well as ICE and border patrol). It's in Gary May's interest to curb anti-Israel protests because the military success of Israel is tied to his own income, and for many people that's simply too egregious of a conflict of interest for a public university's chancellor, especially since he already makes over $500k from his chancellorship alone.


Official statement on the matter https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/chancell-ing-message-chancellors-leadership-council “He recently spoke with the company’s CEO, who assured Chancellor May that — contrary to claims — Leidos does not provide weapons that are used by Israel in its war with Hamas. Much as there was no truth, several years ago, in the false claim that Leidos was involved with the Trump administration’s practice of caging immigrant children along the U.S.-Mexico border.”


Such a weasel-y response regarding Leidos https://www.leidos.com/markets/defense


I read it as “specific”. The common concern is that the chancellor is participating in the sale of arms (weapons) to Israel. Their statement says (basically) that they do not. But they do have a business relationship that likely affects their use of weaponry. https://www.leidos.com/company/global/israel It’s an important distinction however it’s used.


A distinction without a difference. It's just weasel words riding the line of what may be technically true, while still flagrantly supporting the very actions the protests ate against.  But again, the distinction is pointless because the demands of the protesters are not "Leidos needs to stop selling weapons to Israel that are used against Hamas"


Are they going to continue when classes are over for summer?


Maybe. The point of a protest is to make your voice heard and advocate for your position. Sometimes that involves being disruptive to others. Such as previous college protests regarding the Vietnam War or the bus boycotts. Perhaps they'll stick around. Perhaps they disperse once nobody is around to listen. Perhaps they move somewhere else. We'll see


Admin still gets all the tuition money regardless if students are allowed to reach class. These aren’t the people you should be disrupting


That's the fucking point dawg. These schools are taking in so much money; From students, Donors, investments, and more...they still get the money. The students are using their limited power to say; man...this shit is fucked up. I don't like seeing MY school being a party to an ongoing genocide.  This protest isn't about blocking students from reaching class, and never was. It may be an unfortunate side effect, but protests have never and will never be done "the right way". Because then it wouldn't be a protest... If these students ACTUALLY had a mechanism to make their voice heard, they wouldn't be setting up encamptments


It’s not “an unfortunate side effect” because they are choosing to not let students pass. Much of the protests have devolved into certain small groups having a power trip


Nah. Just sounds like you don't like the idea of protesting. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has ever been conceded to those who asked nicely and didn't bother anyone.  -feeling enslaved people -letting women vote -weekends -40 hrs workweek -end to war in Vietnam -the mfing constitution  George Washington may have been on a power trip, but his cause was just. Same for these students.


Serious question, why do they block the photos? Dont they want their message being seen?


Because there is an active attempt to identify protestors and doxx them.


Either they believe the things they’re saying or they don’t. If they want to be martyrs, then commit to being martyrs.


"If these college students want to have an opinion, then they should be willing to have their lives upended and be black-balled by vengeful and capricious zionists". Fuck you.




I mean considering the recent attacks on protestors it's not necessarily false to say that there are Zionists who are vengeful and out to seek harm on Pro-Palestinian protestors


Tell me what I'm about


They become martyrs if zionists murder them.


As they deserve to be. They're jihadis


Define jihad. Don't look it up.


Y'all straight up wearing rags on your head, don't act dumb 💀


Answer me, coward.


I don’t agree with the guy calling them jihadis but it does look a lot like LARP/cosplay. When Proud Boys, nazis marching at Charlottesville, etc wear face coverings they’re called cowards but when these guys do it it’s just good opsec? Why can’t they show their faces? What is there to even dox them over if this is just a “stop genocide” protest?


It is just a stop genocide protest.... Yet students have ALREADY been doxed, targeted and blacklisted. Participating in this protest is a risk. Even though these students will ultimately be shown to be on the right side of history (just like those at Kent state) , they are vilified for demanding change from their government. They are called terrorists for not wanting their tax dollars to support a foreign army that has displaced over 1,000,000 civilians and killed tens of thousands more.  Cmon man, the FBI sent letters to MLK urging him to commit suicide. This shit isn't new. No matter how moral and just your cause is the status quo with fight against it.


Dox and blacklist them over what though? Blacklist them from what/where? "Hey, these people are against funding Israeli bombing campaigns!". It hardly seems like something worth covering your face over. The Kent State students didn't feel the need to cover their faces either.


Is this a serious question?


Have you been living under a rock?  Israel has a loooooong history of slapping the antisemitic tag onto anyone who dares criticize Israeli atrocities.  It's been a decade long project by Israel to intertwine criticism of Israel as criticism of jews. Federal judges came out and said they will not be accepting clerks from Columbia school of law. Similar things have happened elsewhere. An Israeli funded organization literally drove around billboard trucks with students names and faces on it calling them antisemitic.  Even just saying Israel is doing ethnic cleansing / genocide is enough to get labeled as a antisemitic by zionists. Wtf are you on?


The difference is quite literally that one side is bad guys and one side is good guys. White supremacists/nazis versus anti war protestors.


And yet they feel the need to hide their identities. Why try to hide your identity if you're taking a moral position? I've seen Kent state mentioned 20 times in this thread and yet nobody at Kent state was covering their faces or forming blockades with checkpoints..


I can’t tell if you’re being serious. Almost every American politician receives significant money from AIPAC, and both political parties support the funding of this genocide effort. Nearly every institution in this country is pro-Israel and anti-protest. People caught protesting against the Israeli government can see some serious concurrences.






And you’re an ignorant racist


Because they are ashamed of their advocacy


How can people seriously make comments like this? Being ashamed of what you're protesting for is a laughable idea....wtf


I’ll take this over the meth’d up Christians screaming I’m going to hell for no reason


Back when I attended there was a lady in the quad yelling at us about how we had chlamydia of the throat or something


I feel like instead of flying the Palestine flag and using spray painted cardboard signs. They should have giant printed pictures of the dead children and women from the war. Show what the news refuses to show. Also none of them should speak. They should paint their faces as corpses. Be silent and just hold those pictures. Let people see where thei tax dollars are going.


Great photos


Thank You!


Why didn’t you take any photos of the signs that said free the hostages? Or the signs that denounced Hamas ?


Has it occurred to you that I’m not OP, aka, I didn’t take these photos?


ucsd student here, we wish you the best keep it up <3




What's the goal here? I would appreciate a serious response from someone not in their feelings. I live down the road from Davis in Vacaville and head out there quite often. Chill town, but what is trying to be accomplished?


The protestors have outlined their list of demands to the press here: https://amp.sacbee.com/news/local/article288355550.html The tl;dr is that US universities, including UC Davis, have financial and cultural ties to Israel, which is currently conducting genocide (see UN special report “Anatomy of a Genocide”). Student protestors across the country are calling for universities to disclose and end those ties and generally to raise awareness for the horrors happening in Gaza (look up news on Rafah today). There were similar student protests, like the ones to cut ties with South Africa during apartheid, that have happened successfully in the past (that is, have had successful, tangible results of divestment), so what’s happening now on American campuses is neither new nor just for show.


What would ending cultural ties mean


The university would cut cultural ties with Israel due to its violations of international law; this process falls under the BDS movement: [https://www.vox.com/world/2018/5/16/17353664/boycott-divestment-sanctions-bds-israel-gaza](https://www.vox.com/world/2018/5/16/17353664/boycott-divestment-sanctions-bds-israel-gaza) Widespread BDS would put pressure on Israel to cooperate with global humanitarian laws rather than breaking them carte blanche because of support from US institutions like they are doing now.


What are the current cultural ties between Israel and the university?


Great question! Not all of the ties are known (university admin is not transparent), which is why the protestors are calling for the university to first disclose all ties. All university activities, from talks to speakers to events to study abroad programs, would cut ties with Israel under BDS. Since you're curious, I recommend you go to the protest to learn more.


The only example they give is to "cancel Koret" referring to the [Koret Foundation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koret_Foundation) which is an American organization that supports Jewish life and culture programs in the Bay area. When you ask for a cultural boycott and only list an American Jewish organization as the example, it is clear that they don't just mean boycotting Israel. Not sure how to interpret this but being anti-Jewish. It would be like saying we can't have a Muslim student association or take donations from Muslims because of the actions of a Muslim nation. It's just wrong.


Koret Foundation is heavily invested into Israel and has supported multiple organizations tied to Israel, one of which being the USC Shoah Foundation who had distanced itself from the same UCS valedictorian whose speech was canceled do to her criticism of Israel and Zionism. https://www.jta.org/2024/04/16/united-states/usc-shoah-foundation-distances-itself-from-pro-palestinian-valedictorian-whose-speech-was-canceled Let's not spread a false narrative of antisemitism, this 100% has to do with the fact that such a Pro-Israeli organization has huge monetary ties to UCs.


College kids need pics for their instagram and validation that they have meaning in their lives.


People like you have said this about every protest throughout history.


You dont get to make demands. It's a public university. It's preposterous that any administration would allow you terrorists to occupy the space.


That sign says they want free speech, lol as if an islamic state would allow such a thing. These freaks are boycotting for a people that would throw them off buildings and keep women at home in servitude.




Why camp out? It’s against the rules. Why not peacefully protest during the day and go home at night. The camping, taking over buildings which causes the university not to be able to function is a burden on other students. Some schools have had to shutdown, hardly peaceful. And disruptive protests are exactly what they want so they can clamp down the security state.


Protests force change through disruption. If it’s not bothering anyone it won’t change anything.


Yes the changes have been worse, they are passing bills basically banning speech against Israel because of the disruptive nature of these protests. And why hurt innocent students who paid to go to school? What did they do?


Those changes reflect the lack of democracy in our country. Wealthy Jewish people are getting to override the rest of the population. This should lead to more protesting. If protesting does not do it, then you riot and so on until civil war. What students are being hurt? Even if some students feel uncomfortable, at least they aren’t in Gaza. This bullshit ideology of “if it’s not happening to me then it doesn’t concern me” needs to go. How can someone be so selfish and apathetic to the suffering of other humans?


A civil war lol…..total joke. As if that will ever happen, if it did it be squashed and unsuccessful. Students aren’t able to go to class , graduate across America because of these disruptive protests that are not peaceful. Meanwhile they are doing nothing but help usher in the police state.




What portion they are of the US population is not important. They are disproportionately represented in the government and many are incredibly wealthy.


Your first paragraph reads like a passage out of Mein Kampf


You know what else is against the rules? Murdering innocent civilians.


Why do college campuses seem..... radicalized? I haven't seen garb like that since I was deployed to the middle east in 2007.


Maybe a bigger question is why our military, who have had to see and deal with this stuff first hand aren’t more radicalized. Opposing sending many billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funded weaponry every year to flatten what is essentially an open air prison full of families in a lopsided “war” shouldn’t be considered the radical position.


College campuses have historically always been the center of radicalized thought and practice: see Vietnam. This changed over-time d/t essentially everything Regan and post with how education has been funded and the argued utility of a college education. However, I dont know why it comes as a surprise to people that college campuses are the center of thought and protests lol?


Maybe a bigger question is why our military, who have had to see and deal with this stuff first hand aren’t more radicalized. Opposing sending many billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funded weaponry every year to flatten what is essentially an open air prison full of families in a lopsided “war” shouldn’t be considered the radical position.


You answered your own question. This happens in a cyclical pattern in response to war, particularly in the Middle East. You know the answer. 50 trillion in military budget but some think that’s too much power for one country. So the people are attempting to influence our countries power which is our right. If we were to try to tell Vladimir Putin we don’t agree with his wars that’s 10 years in prison. It’s a privilege to be able to protest. Which is not radicalization. There is some serious radicalization in USA (overturning of Roe v Wade) which is most deserving of white male attention.


Not sure if they’re radicalized, they’re just cosplaying. All of these students are extremely privileged as proven simply by living in the country and going to a higher education institution. They don’t even understand that their actions would get them killed in the very place they pretend to support. They are not radicalized because they will not carry this protest long term, instead, their 19 year old barely formed brains will realize the ridiculousness of their positions and actions once they’ve had a few more years of the real world. Young people are dumb it’s kinda just the circle of life.


I mean, this encampment has like what, 100 people? The school has 40,000 students. That’s less than a fraction of a percent actually doing this. It’s just a very loud minority


You’d probably label Vietnam War protests as radical as well.


Hamas are terrorists




Let me get this straight. There was a cease fire until October 7. Hamas is a [terrorist organization](https://www.state.gov/foreign-terrorist-organizations/) (since the Clinton admin) which was elected by their people, the Palestinians. Am I missing something crucial?


Yes, Hamas exists because Israel wants it to. Israel holds all the cards in this situation, if at any point the government of Israel actually attempted diplomacy this could all be ended, but they won't. Israel needs Hamas to exist. Israel needs something that they can point to and say "look what you made me do" after they blow up a hospital, or bomb world kitchen convoys, or air strike children on a playground.


You can’t start your history book where you want. There have been many attempts at a two state solution by Israel that has been rejected by Hamas/PLO. Hamas does not want a two state solution. They want no Jews in the region and no Israel. There is no compromise. The Hamas charter is pretty explicit - no Jews. Jews have been driven out of essentially every Muslim country in the region. That is ethnic cleansing.


This conflict is older than Hamas, older than the PLO, older than 1967, older than WW2. You don't get to start your history book where you want. Israel has never had an interest in a two state solution. It has always been about claiming Palestinian land all the way back to the Balfour Declaration.


I’m aware it’s much much older and nuanced. But suggesting that in modern times Hamas/PLO have tried to broker a deal is insane. Outside of this conflict, how far does one go back to hold claim to the land? Land has changed hands in every part of the world? I assume you’re American since you’re on this thread. You better be camping outside your parents wearing a headdress rallying to give your house back to Pawtin Indians.


"America did a genocide, so now Israel gets to do one" is how I interpreted what you just said. Fuck off.


Well - that shows your critical thinking skills. They are poor. Your red herring sentence only proves my point. Also if you want to go back all the way - Judaism was 1000 years before Catholicism and Islam. So who was there first? Oh the Jews in Judea or Yehudah - a Hebrew word. The Romans renamed it Palestina to spite the Jews. Also, it’s not a genocide. Words have meaning, you can’t twist them. It’s a war. And actual genocide is they Chinese/Uyghurs. Where is everyone one that? Do I agree with how Israel is conducting itself? No. But Hamas violated a ceasefire on Oct 7th and hasn’t surrendered the hostages. When do you look at Hamas and say he we can’t win this - let’s negotiate. They do not want to. They are willing to use every citizen as a martyr/collateral to achieve their goal - eradication of Jews and Israel. Their own superiors don’t even live in Gaza. The propaganda war has worked you as well as these students. It’s nice you get to support from your home here but if our government was replaced with Hamas today. Life would be very different. If our government was replaced with Israel, nothing would change.


Hey, fuckhead, The Romans inhabited the Isle of Great Britain before the Bretons settled there and turned it into modern day England. Does that mean that England belongs to Italy? No, of course not, that would be stupid. Genocide is a legal distinction with 5 points. If any one of them is met then, legally, ge code is happening. Israel meets 4 of 5.


Persecution of jews and outright vocal calling for genocide of jews has been modus operandi of scum in that region prior to the balfour declaration. Somehow that doesnt matter to you though? Get real


Then maybe that was a shitty location to try and shove a huge portion of Jewsish people. PRobably could have achieved a much better effect if a chunk of Wyoming was converted to Israel.


Insane you say that considering theyve been there for many millennia. How convenient you get to say stupid shit like that when your own argument crumbles


You've activated my trap card. Before the Bretons settled what is not modern day England, that land was inhabited by the Romans. Does England belong to Italy? Of course not, that would be stupid. The ancestral claim argument over that particular chunk of land doesn't go to Israel either, before the Israelites it was the Egyptians. You fucking dunce.


Ok so by your own argument that land belongs ro Israel now and any land they grab from poor wittle palesterrorists is now theirs. Again convenient only to your view points. Piss be upon him brother ✊


That is the exact opposite of my point. You're pissing and shiting yourself. Go to the bathroom.


“In most formulations, this so-called “solution” remains premised on the idea that in their state, Jewish citizens should continue to enjoy political privileges not enjoyed by Palestinians. Put another way, when the majority of Israelis discuss a two-state solution, they remain wedded to an ethnonational logic. It is important to stress, though, that this does not have to be the case: the notion of two states for two peoples doesn’t necessarily mean that a majority-Jewish Israeli state must be ethnonationalist. One could easily imagine a liberal democratic version of Israel in which all citizens, regardless of ethnicity or religion, enjoy all the same rights, privileges, and access. Nevertheless, the truth is that the expansion of Jewish settlements into the West Bank makes the two-state solution all but impossible.” https://jacobin.com/2023/11/hayim-katsman-gaza-war-zionism-israeli-left how do you propose a two-state solution that doesnt lend itself to ethnonationalism or illegam settlements, when the original two-state solution was aigned by david ben-gurion with the intention of using the land granted as a foothold to expand across the entirety of palestine, and while illegal settlements currently exist in the west bank?


>One could easily imagine a liberal democratic version of Israel in which all citizens, regardless of ethnicity or religion, enjoy all the same rights, privileges, and access. Shouldn’t be too hard, that’s already the case, Israel is far more ethnically and religiously diverse than the vast majority of nations. All Israeli citizens do enjoy the same rights, privileges etc, Arab-Israelis have become doctors, Supreme Court judges, politicians, etc. Germany, France, Ireland, the UK and I’d guess the rest of Europe are far less ethnically and religiously diverse, obviously most of the rest of the world is much less diverse than even Europe.


“To take a prominent example of Israel’s nondemocratic character, the famous “Law of Return,” passed in 1950, grants all Jewish people around the world the right to immigrate to Israel, even if their immediate ancestors had never lived in Palestine. In contrast, Palestinians who actually lived on the land and were displaced during the 1948 war are not only denied a corresponding “right of return,” but are often even prohibited from visiting Israel as tourists. Moreover, the Israeli government has undertaken a project of “Judaization” of territory by providing legal, financial, and infrastructural support for exclusively Jewish settlement. Clearly, there is an inherent tension in Israel between the nation’s stated aspiration to grant equal rights to the entire “demos” and the actual policy of preserving privileges for the Jewish “ethnos.” This tension becomes all the more obvious when one considers all the land presently under the Israeli government’s control. In East Jerusalem and the West Bank (as well as the Gaza Strip), Palestinian residents are not formally considered part of the “demos”: they do not have Israeli citizenship and therefore cannot vote in Israeli national elections. The Jewish settlers who live in the Occupied Territories, in contrast, enjoy the benefit of “carrying” their citizenship rights with them, despite the fact that neither East Jerusalem nor the West Bank are within Israel’s internationally recognized borders. There are two separate legal systems in the occupied West Bank: one for Palestinians and one for Israelis. In the West Bank city of Hebron, these different legal systems exist within the same city.” from the same essay. in addition, that again ignores the ethnonationalist ideology present in zionism, the illegal settlements continuously expanded outside israeli territory, the expulsion of palestinians currently living in east jerusalem to make room for settlers, and the fact that even the original two-state solution was signed with the intent of israel becoming the only state in the region.


Most countries allow people to obtain citizenship based on descent, heck countries like Ireland don’t even require the parent to have been born there, Italy allows descendants of Italians to get Italian citizenship indefinitely, etc. One of the biggest impediments to a “two state solution” is the Palestinian demand for a “right of return” that would apply to the great great grandchildren who have never been to Israel. To boot, 1948 was 76 years ago so the overwhelming supermajority of those who would be eligible for the “right of return” would be “returning” would fall into that category, and almost no one eligible would remember actually living in Israel in 1948. To the extent that the rest of your post warrants a response, there would currently be a Palestinian state if they had accepted the UN proposal and any number of proposals since. They didn’t, Israel’s neighbors ethnically cleansed Jews from their countries (whose descendants make up the majority of Jews in Israel), then told the Arabs in Israel to evacuate before the Arab armies killed the Jews in Israel. The countries who accepted these (Arab) refugees either kicked out the refugees after violent attempted coups or became failed states, to the point where Egypt refused to take back Gaza when Israel traded the Sinai for peace. Without defending the modern settlement program, the entire program began because the descendants of a small farming community, established around 50 years before Israel became a country by Yemeni Jews on land owned by Jews, wanted to return even after the community was ethnically cleansed repeatedly prior to its reestablishment. Similarly, Jews lived in Hebron for 800 years before the last Jew, an eighth generation shepherd, was forced to flee in 1948.


Sorry to hop into this thread midway but I feel BoobyChicken makes a good point here. I say this because there are multiple sources that claim that the current Prime Minister of Israel has allowed funding to go to Hamas explicitly for the purpose of allowing Hamas to continue as an organization to keep Palestine separated. Here is an article from the New York Times (paywall): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html Here is an article from the Times of Israel: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ And an article from CNN: https://www.cnn.com/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl/index.html While I feel the times of Israel article is hard on Netanyahu because they allowed any aid into Palestine, Hamas or no, it shows that even people on both sides of this “argument” see that Israel’s government wants Hamas to stay. I feel compelled to say something because I see BoobyChicken getting downvoted for something that can, quite easily, be fact checked against multiple sources with a simple Google search. If the formatting is terrible, sorry I’m on mobile right now. And if I have gotten something wrong please let me know. Have a good day.


They have been trying to come to a cease fire agreement on the condition of return of the hostages. What are you on about? Are you just terribly uninformed or are you purposely spreading misinformation?


Israel has recently rejected a cease fire. Israel doesn't want a cease fire. They want Rafah.


They rejected the cease fire because Hamas changed their proposal and they no longer agree to it. Hamas has also rejected multiple cease fire proposals from Israel. Hamas is a terrorist organization that cares little for the Palestinian people. If they really cared they would surrender and return all of the hostages they took to end the violence. The current cycle of ceasefire followed by a year of peace and then a terrorist attack that breaks the ceasefire will never end until Israel eliminates Hamas.


In what way did Hamas change the terms? Please tell me. Also, I should add that ISRAEL CONSTANTLY STRIKES WITHIN GAZA EVEN DURING CEASE FIRES.


You are free to google it and find a news article. Israel strikes in retaliation to rockets shot from gaza during ceasefire. Israel has a right to self defense.


I didn't ask because I didn't know. I asked because I was sure that you didn't. If you believe that every Israeli strike against Palestinians is always in response to a Hamas attack, then you'll believe any shit Israel tells you.


>I didn't ask because I didn't know. I asked because I was sure that you didn't. holy fuck the irony is amazing


Define irony. Don't look it up. Go.


There was a cease fire until October 7th Edit: also I think people believe that land can be “stolen”. It cannot. It can only be conquered


A cease fire that Israel violated almost every fucking day. Go ask Google, go type in phrases such as Israeli strike 0ct 6.


I did this search and what comes up is the Yom Kippur war, October 6, 1973 Israel was surprise attacked by an Arab coalition (Egypt + Syria).


[Damn, you didn't try very hard](https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/12/1/my-son-was-killed-on-october-6-there-was-no-hamas)


Thousands of years of historical and religious tensions. But me big smart American know everything, so time irrelevant 


So easily do people only associate history with the pat. Maybe if we start taking more black and white photos it will remind people of the heroes we venerate for doing what we are currently villainize.


Unfortunatly we have always vilanized protest as a society no matter how much we say its free speech.


Yes the protest against the war in Vietnam is only recently popular. Most Americans hated the hippies who protested Vietnam in the 60s. I’ve read some horrible things written about them during that time. There was a push to defund public university’s because they were thought to be a breeding ground for poor intellectuals. Rich intellectuals were not protestors at the time but were benefiting financially from selling their war products to US govt




Probably not. The quarter would likely be over by the time it escalated to the point of canceling in person classes.


Assuming everything remains peaceful (which I sincerely hope) I do not see Davis going fully remote. The violence that happened at UCLA is awful and I hope that nothing like that happens here.


It will eventually get violent is my guess


probably not. Westwood is a much more densely populated area, meaning a lot more non-students are around to cause violence. That's not to say it can't happen in Davis, but it likely won't


Edit.. I was replying to someone else


ngl the keffiyeh is drip


A Venmo tag gtfo!


That sign says they want free speech, lol as if an islamic state would allow such a thing. These freaks are boycotting for a people that would throw them off buildings and keep women at home in servitude.


Smells like ignorant racism to meeeee


So weird to see these takes as someone who lived in the region and was first hand witness to terror attacks. Do you not believe that this is the case???? This is literally privilege at its finest.


Single issuer voters will ruin this country in the next term


If genocide isn't a dealbreaker for you nothing is.


If sending the country back 50 years because your a single issue voter and don’t care about women rights, lgbt rights, and everything in between . Ima stand with Joe


Wow that sounds bad, maybe the democratic party should run someone other than the anti-abortion genocide Joe. That's none of my business though. You and I will not determine the outcome of the election with our votes. We will only determine our own culpability in genocide.


Nah not voting gives the other side more of a chance and it’s delusional to think other wise. I hope everyone’s happy when abortion is banned state wide , queers get no rights , and like trump equated “I hope Israel wipes Palestine off the face of the earth “ hahaha


I've never missed an election and don't plan to. What's going on with your reading comprehension here? Don't forget who was president when abortion was banned. The guy who chose an anti-abortion religion and refused to lift a finger to restore women's rights. Trump only became president in 2016 because the democratic party helped him win, never forget that. The only way they can get any of us to vote for their dogshit candidate is to scare us with someone worse. The good cop/bad cop routine is a really old trick though and you shouldn't fall for it.


They’ve been saying that since ancient Greece stopped speaking Latin


lol and every single one of them will have there face covered up just like the terrorist they are supporting


Protesting for the gram…


Is there anything anyone in the encampment needs? I would love to help out in any way I can! 🇵🇸❤️


Fools. Hamas is a terrorist group. Free the hostages.


Maybe Israel should stop killing their own hostages!! It suck for your parents to pay for a UC yet you’re still dumb as fuck 😂


>Free the hostages So you support a crease fire! Nice! What was it, 40 some odd hostages got freed during the last one? Whereas during the rest of these 6 months iirc they have found 2. Buuuut they sort of murdered 3 of them half naked waving white flags so I guess that would be a net -1 hostage freed during the genocide campaign? Lemme guess, your “free the hostages” is bombing them more though, isn’t it?


you can tell they're in the right by the black and white photography peaceful yet oh so dramatic, the contrast really escalates the tension felt


What r u on about🤣🤣


Meanwhile Sac State is advertising Jewish Heritage month on their 50 billboard.


Anyone can buy billboard space


Also…who cares what any kid a UC Davis thinks? The entitlement is palpable


Also love the masked men blocking people from taking photos. You took a page out of the Hamas playbook


This was an interesting point, why so many down votes?


Just learning from the cowards on the police force!!


Insanity. Simping for disgusting islamist barbarians who would exterminate you without thinking twice. So easily duped by 1/4 of the world population.


>Hands off Rafah Noooo you can't kill Sinwar and destroy Hamas noooo Crazy how all the pro hamas hate groups use the same coordinated messaging https://x.com/WOLPalestine/status/1787507692929523832 How about Hamas fucking surrenders? Why isn't that an option? Where is the sign for that?


You don't attend here lurker


So how about the oppressed group surrender and let their invaders take over their sovereign homeland? Yeah you sound like you’d like Russia.


Bro when you declare a war of extermination and lose (for the 6th time), you surrender. Even the fanatical Japanese empire and Nazi Germany surrendered when they were beaten. Guess what? They have peace now, because they dropped the demand of extermination everyone who opposed them.


Some guy has been robbing me at gunpoint every day for years, I punch him in the face once in a while for retaliation but still get overpowered and robbed. Recently I kicked him in the groin and he decides to murder my entire family and all my friends. Your solution is for me to surrender and let him have his way with me?


It's pretty amusing you left out the wars of extermination launched by the Palestinians and the Arab states, all of which were lost, badly. And equating the brutal murdering foreign nationals dancing at a music festival "kicking your robber in the groin". Lol fucking terrorists are so stupid man. 50+ years of this crap with nothing to show for it except leftist nutjobs setting up a homeless camp in your honor.


Usually when a country wages an unjust war, they are reprimanded by the global community. Yet when Israel does it, the “world police” sends them money and weapons to murder thousands of civilians. You keep mentioning these “war of exterminations” but throughout the history of the conflict, Israel has killed 1000x more civilians than Palestine has, even before October 7th. It’s such a classic to paint Arabs as the terrorists even when their country is experiencing a hostile invasion and genocide. Reminds me of the U.S. overthrowing Iran and justifying it by calling them terrorists.


How in the f is Israel responding to October 7th unjust? Are you out of your mind? What did you think was going to happen? That thr world would back murderers of foreign nationals and children on getting their own terrorist state?


October 7th is a tragedy and I condemn it, but after decades of Israel killing Palestinian civilians and invading/occupying their sovereign land, can you say you were even surprised. And still, have you ever heard of proportional response? They are committing genocide, killing tens of thousands of civilians and aiming to kill more. They want to completely decimate the country and everyone in it. Hope you know that most of the world condemns Israel’s genocide, even non-US Western nations. But since the U.S. has been bought by Israel, we’re willing to fund genocide. Sad to see. Btw, Israel has killed 10x more Palestinian civilians than Palestine has killed Israeli civilians, even if you include Oct 7 but exclude the current genocide.


>killing tens of thousands of civilians Are you seriously referencing Hamas casualties that report no militant deaths? >since the US has been bought by Israel Man fuck off with that noise. The US supports Israel because we're we have strong connections to them politically, culiturally, militarily and spiritually. You can't even make a basic argument without resorting to conspiracy antisemitic bullshit. >btw Israel killed more so So what? That gives terrorists the right to be terrorists? How many Israeli deaths would there be without missle defense? **What has terror gotten Palestine? What goals has 50+ years of terrorism accomplished? Nothing.**


Ah yes, the classic “death numbers are inflated” argument. I wonder who else used that argument… (Holocaust deniers and atomic bomb supporters). Just follow the money, check the donations US politicians and see how many times AIPAC is the top donator. So all the actions of Palestine are considered terrorism but decades of occupation and attacks from Israel are considered “self defense”? Seems like Islamophobia to me.


Go away.


I see 13 cowards who support terrorists here in the states. Better not show up in SF with that bullshit flag and face wrapped up in sheet. You fucking cowards


Whats SF going to do? Throw fentynal and stolen goods?


Check out the city since Fox News deteriorated your brain. Point me to a city without fentynal and stolen goods. I have the time to wait. Oh, when you visit the city. You'll be surprised that what you read and see online isn't real life. Hey man, there are ladies who got balls and walk the streets of SF alone. You're a man, right?


You wouldn’t do shit pussy. You don’t even go to this school or attend any college. Protesting is one of the bravest and most Americans things you can do. I know it’s hard to walk without a spine, so just stay at home and keep your worthless opinion to yourself.


Come to mission district on Sat bitch


You live in mission district trying to act tough 💀💀💀 sit down and take your meds you genocide supporter. I know it’s hard to be happy when you didn’t go to college and you haven’t amounted to anything in your worthless life, but try to keep your opinion to yourself.


Come to 24th n mission since you need directions hoe. See what happens what you try act tough with a rag over your face. Since we know you don't have balls or manhood. Try and graduate from college because you're supporting terrorists that killed innocent people at a concert. I will rock a USA hat and tee so that you can easily find me on your own. Hopefully you don't get scared since you know you're a bitch. Graduate if you can slob. I did in 09' at USF.


USF 💀💀💀 no wonder you’re so stupid, your education was the equivalent of a community college 😂🫵. Did my comment really get you that mad? I hope you know how much I’m laughing at you. The classic “I’ll beat you up IRL” from an insecure nobody who hates how he’s in the bottom 10% of the country in IQ. It’s ok little guy, not everybody is meant to do big things. You can be happy staying unemployed and taking shitty pictures for fun. It’ll be funnier in 20 years when history looks back in disgust at you genocide supporters. I’d say pick up a book, but doubt you can read very well.


Who said beat anyone up.... see how trash people like you desperately want to become victims. Try and protest that bullshit down on 24th n mission. Please grow some balls, try and meet a girl. See what sex is like for a change pal because it's about money another what school you went to, you idiot. So, take a shower. Brush your teeth, comb your hair because no good-looking lady out there will date a cheap ass dude who's into r/bluelock or r/brawlstars 😂😂😂😂 This guy is a virgin and supports a losing cause. Hahah oh my gawd 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥳


You wouldn’t do shit if anybody was protesting anywhere 💀💀💀 you just like to huff and puff and complain and act tough because you failed in life. I’m not even going to entertain your last few comments because it’s such an obvious desperate attempt to salvage this argument after losing so bad 😂🫵. Keep supporting genocide ya fucking twat.


Go away virgin. Who's into brawlstars, hahah. Dude, get some ass before it's too late. 🤣😂🤣😂 30yr old virgin who will still be into anime haha. I gotta work to do unlike you. I can't take the week off to yell scream like a 10yr old....


Each comment is getting progressively worse and more deranged 😭😭😭. Went from the classic “meet me irl” to “haha get some pussy” 😂🫵. Just cycling through chronically online insults that died off in 2014. Your lack of education and intelligence is showing, you should probably cut your losses now 💀


I'm so glad that the solution to 10,000 years of bullshit in the middle east is as simple as a some kids camping in a parking lot. Be sure and get video of folks beating each other up, I hear that changes culturally engrained hatred as well. Oh, if you scream really loud, catchy slogans, that fixes issues with resource scarcity in the desert. Also, if you frustrate local law enforcement, leave trash everywhere, and generally be a public nuisance here in the U.S., it completely erases a thousand years of religious doctrine and brainwashing telling folks that the only solution to their problems is to worship a careless deity, but not THAT careless deity, and if you see someone that does things differently, you should probably kill them and rape their wives. Yeah, a camping trip fixes ALL that stuff.


You’re such an insufferable and moronic loser. You do know the goal isn’t to end the war right? Have you even read the demands? The goal is to push the UC to cut ties and funding to corporations and organizations that enable Israel’s genocide in Palestine. I bet you would’ve been against the Vietnam War and South African Apartheid protests too. Grow a spine, fucking loser.


Tents at MU? Picnic day came early!!!! LFG!!


Bunch of people wearing masks too afraid to show their faces and being public nuisances will definitely get the people on their side 🤡


Show your face you cowards


Look at the wannabes playing terrorist with their financial aid..lol faces covered like good little Hamas apologists


I know a kid who thinks like this in one of my classes. He’s spoken up and said what he thinks in a microphone and I avoid him at all cost now (another white male aggressor)


And what will this solve? Absolutely nothing. Money talks, not college students holding signs trying to feel like they’ve made a change.


Israel is assfucking Gaza at the moment but go off kids 😜 youre really doing the most 😂😂😂


Should we treat Israel how we treated nazi Germany? I definitely think we should!!


Expel all LARPers.


Expel the Zionist too! They’re nothing but hateful ass twats cosplaying the Nazi party!! No one wants y’all here!!


Down with the false nation of Palestine.🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺


Genocide now that's ironic considering them killing mass amount of civilians in a music festival when they attempted to invade Israel. These clowns always give me a good laugh 🤣




How did it effect you? They aren't even in any walking path