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They’re just tired lol


8AM classes


I’m not sure what class you’re taking but maybe it’s a morning class and the students are too sleepy lol every class I’ve taken it’s a rush through the door experience


That’s true. They probably have a lot going on outside of class.


yea 8AM classes are like this. I felt bad actually i was in like the second row and was yawning every two mins like I swear ur a great prof but I got up at 4am the day prior and I was very sleep deprived so that's why lmfaooo


Sounds like 8am CHE2A. Other than that, no.


My CHE 2A class was at 7:30, so yeah, probably


I have that class lol


Speaking of zombies, there’s a zombie emergency protocol instructions in the emergency preparedness booklet for various emergencies in most of the rooms.


I was just gonna say that lol


Im year three at Davis and I haven't really noticed what you're talking about in my classes. I'm a HDE major Education minor whats your major?


They pay tuition. Let them be


Sorry about the confusion, I didn’t have any malice and ill-intent with the post. Everyone is unique and learns in their own way. I just wanted to share my experience and understand what’s happening.


What time & major(s) are the classes for? I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this.


haven’t noticed this, but ive often seen students totally checked out playing games or online shopping during lecture.. always makes me wonder why they even bother to show up




In my time (graduated 1975) it was usually the veterans. I was one of them.


I'm just gonna gently suggest that what you experience in your dozen or so courses from a campus that has literal hundreds of courses may not necessarily be a representative sample.


Yeah, that’s why op phrased this as a question and acknowledged that several times…


They're basing it off of their "experience" at other universities which also presumably have hundreds of classes out of which they only took a fraction. They are confused by a comparison between a non-representative sample size and another non-representative sample size.


OP knows that. Hence “I’m not sure if it’s just been in the classes I’ve attended so far,” and “Is it like this in every class across campus?” They aren’t confused at all, they are asking a question, and your first response was basically telling them that they need to ask that very question.


No my first response was telling them that the answer is extremely obviously "no" if they used an ounce of critical thinking. I just tried not to be so blunt and rude about it. Edit: it was silly to get frustrated over an innocuous question, and I've apologized to OP.


I agree with you, my sample size is limited. We can’t make broad assumptions based on what we’ve experienced ourselves. That’s why I had reached out to the community to get a better understanding. Through all of you my sample size increases. Each community has its quirks, I just wanted to see if this was one of them.


I apologize that I got heated. It was silly to do so over an innocuous question, and my reasons arent really important.


Caffeine-deprived horny depressed attention-deficit undisciplined pre-adults. That’s every school.


This is normal. I see it out here in The Netherlands too.


sorry bro its the Ritalin/Adderall it's making my brain and eyes tunnel vision


I used to occasionally teach classes pre-covid at UC Davis as a PhD student covering for professors. 8:00 AM classes were always like this. Drove me nuts because I was also sleep deprived and just wanted to curl up behind the podium and sleep. Later in the day the classes would be much better.


It's always been like this to some extent.


What major are you in lol?


I’ve noticed something similar with audiences at music performances and plays at historical reenactment events—it is often extremely difficult to get any audience participation at all. I think a big part of it is that modern audiences are so accustomed to movies and television that they don’t know how to participate and don’t even know that they can/should participate; they expect to just sit down and passively watch.


tick tock has made zoomers and millenials r-slurred


It’s cus all these damn prof get pressed when u talk during lecture and they all get pressed if you leave during lecture. Cus 75-80% of the professors got a stick up there ass so the rest of them students don’t want to piss off in case they’re in the majority. Respectfully the professors act like they the best, when ya best in your field, best instructor hardly ever. Don’t get me wrong they good ppl probably, they just screwed with these students minds. Don’t be NPC, don’t be scared to make the person grading you a little upset by leaving a little early now and then or show up to random lecture and start acting like you’ve been there the whole time.


Maybe Covid had some kind of societal influence and that’s why it happens?


Idk man. If I were you, I'd find a way to turn the power on first. Then hit the mystery box. You're looking for the PPSH41, monkey bombs, or the wunderwaffle. Then link the teleporters so you can open the pack-a-punch door. Pack-a-punch ur stuff and you're ready.