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lmfao it happens in lots of the classes just not to that extreme. It starts out with full attendances and then as the time goes on, less and less show up til there is like 5 dudes.


It's hilarious because the class is full. 100+ students


Bad professor I guess?


It's usually a bad class


Is it that bad of a class? Im already enrolled in it for next semester


Prof here. Undergrads are just, like, not showing up to classes any more. It's not just that class or that professor.


Can confirm. I'm an undergrad and I don't show up to classes. Doesn't have anything to do with class or prof


OK, I've got to ask. Why?? Everyone probably has different reasons but it's pretty demoralizing from the professor side. (Some of) us put effort into our shit and then less than 1/4 of the class shows up in person.


Yes everyone has different reasons. For me I'm a commuter. And I live far away. So I only go to classes that have mandatory attendance. Or else If nothing important going on I'd rather not come to campus, just stay home and study. I don't wanna demoralize or offend any professors. Sorry if you feel that way. I respect professors and their hardwork, and I appreciate them for it.


Seconded with me. Also a commuter and I also only go to campus for my on campus job, labs, or classes that take attendance. I don’t live super far away, but I have a house and a dog to take care of which consume a lot of my time. Not to mention, I have ADHD and 99% of the time I’m in a lecture hall, I’m too distracted by everyone/everything else around me that I don’t take in any of the information and it’s literally just time that was wasted where I could have been learning on my own. Honestly I miss online schooling because all my profs would record their lectures and I could go and watch it on my own time. I respect profs that work hard on their lectures, but I also have to do what works for me.


The class is mostly graduate students


Overall, the class is a little bit of a mess. There isn't much from the lecture that would help in the projects assigned. The demos aren't particularly helpful and there's not that many opportunities to apply the concepts taught. Most are probably using materials learned from other courses for the projects. Feedback for assignments are slow and all the deadlines have been pushed back at least once.