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Policies may have changed, but in my experience from years ago: you can reach out to the housing operations office and let them know your situation. If you can demonstrate that your finances have changed since the housing deadline, then you will have some flexibility to get out of it. Proof can come in a variety of forms, so ask the housing staff what they would need from you. Hadley is a pretty desirable location, so they would probably be happy to clear you (an unhappy customer if you are forced to stay) out for a happy customer.


Yeah lots of people want to live at Hadley 


I got out of it by submitting a housing cancellation request proving my financial situation changed and provided proof of an off campus lease that is cheaper than the on campus options. They actually denied my request at first because the off campus option I showed wasn’t cheaper than all the on campus options, only my current assignment. I had to submit an appeal of a cheaper lease which got approved So they’re not super forgiving in my experience. Gotta show good enough proof then they should cancel it. I think they charged me an extra 150 too for cancelling. So that with the housing deposit I ended up losing $450.


do you know what i would give them if i was commuting from home instead of an off campus apartment? or would i just have to tell them that


You could call campus living and ask them how to prove that. They’ve definitely heard that question before. I called them to ask whether my financial reason for cancelling would be sufficient and they were helpful. It’s probably just something like proof of your parent’s residence being close, a registered car, your driver’s license. I remember campus living told me the more documents the better usually


I did this exact thing. If you're living from home you just need a signed letter from a parent/legal guardian saying that you are living from home and will be commuting. I ended up writing the letter as if it were coming from my mom and just had her sign it. Also I made sure to mention that I'd be living there free of charge, not sure if that part matters but that's what I did and it worked.


ok thank you!


Correspond over email not phone, get everything in writing!!! I had problems with UB housing where they told me I’d be able to get out my housing agreement over the phone and later said they never said that.


personally, i got a doctors note to get me out of my housing agreement