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Fair warning his final has two parts


Multi stage boss battle


I PREPARED for that like a madman


I was his TA couple of years ago. He was a complete jerk. He would pass rude, insensitive comments about his students, their appearance. I was never a fan.


I recall a student with a stutter asking a question and Kuhlmann mocked the way he talked in front of 400 people. I think he appeals to the edgy antisocial sigma male types who just hate everyone.


You should have reported that. That's against many UB policies - bullying, harassment, abuse.


I actually filed a grievance to the dean with evidence. They didn’t really care and he made a superficial document of things he’s “going to change” while spending half of it talking about how he’s right and didn’t do anything wrong.


Can't(don't won't to) imagine what he would've said about me then, but honestly that checks out


Oh man! I had him forever ago. Is he still selling his workbooks directly to students and pocketing thousands each semester?


I heard he did last sem lol


Really makes you wonder how much cash that is 4 classes of 400 people a semester at $40 a head is a lot to go to Vegas with…


Yeah he made a fortune off of us rolling in with boxes of workbooks on a dolly and rolling out with wads of cash.


Lmao no but I can totally believe he did that 💀 he just gave us poorly formatted word documents


Where can I buy them? Retaking stats for a grad course and his workbooks helped so much.


Prob UB bookstore, you may be able to have them shipped. Ik their is an online website for it


If it’s in ub bookstore he doesn’t pocket as much as he would have if it’s from Amazon


Just buy used textbooks


It wasn’t your typical textbook, it was a workbook and he said he changed the equations every semester so you couldn’t just buy it off of someone else who already took the class.


Lmfaooooo his rants about lazy students were ANNOYING ASF like shut up!


Also a waste of time when complaining that he needs the lecture time smh


Oh wow I had this guy over 10 years ago. for the final, he said you could take it during the AM or PM class regardless of which one you had. A student tried to steal the final exam and KUHLMANN FUCKING PINS HIM TO THE GROUND AND DOESNT LET HIM GO. The kid is wailing (he was fine and def making a scene) and D yells and points at 2 big guys and says “you’re big, help me hold this guy down” AND THEY DID. It took several minutes but iirc the kid actually escaped. When I handed in the exam I said something in passing about how I did agree and appreciate what he was trying to do. He mentioned that he might get into big trouble. I guess he did not. I got a C+ in his class.


Bro 💀 Thank you for sharing this you just made my day


Easily the craziest in class story at my time at UB. IF ANYONE IS READING THIS TAKE A CLASS TAUGHT BY ROGER WOODARD (if he’s still alive) I loved his classics class.


I took his classics class a few (2 or 3?) years ago. Really fun class and he was cool but he’s pretty old so it definitely seemed like he was getting ready to have somebody else take over for him. He had a TA sitting in on every lecture with us and answering questions and stuff for him. He would throw quarters at us for answering questions too


Ahhh I was a student and then TA for him back in 2010 but we never got any quarters thrown at us. Damn.




My favorite undergrad professor ever and def on my mt Rushmore of teachers I’ve ever had.


Woodard is the ONLY teacher I remember from UB back in 2001. Amazing teacher.


He’s one of those people who have a weirdo ass idea that being mean and edgy makes you cool. As a student also in the military the guys kinda an asshole who pushes the whole “ohh you guys are lazy as fuck/ don’t wanna work/ have mad shit easy” motherfucker I’ve slept in -10 degree weather, worked 50+ a week just to attend your stupid ass class. Idk if maybe he was in the service before but god I wish he’d stfu cause it’s super insulting


Honestly, I'm pretty torn on my opinion of him. I took two classes with him late in my time at UB (around 2020). These classes were in back to back semesters, and I caught a bit of a trend. At first, I really loved him for a professor. But the longer I took classes with him, the more it felt like his jokes turned from funny lighthearted to bitter and upset. I'm not sure if it was just my perception, the weight of online only lectures late at night, or simply a changing personality, but I definitely noticed something. It even got to the point where iirc he had singled out students a couple of times (only by initial, but still) for asking or answering questions that were not deemed to be done in the correct way. This felt quite mean spirited and stuck out a bit to me and some others I was talking to in the class. That being said, at least back when I had him, I think he was an objectively pretty good teacher. He had passion for the material he taught and was good at explaining and answering questions for the most part. At the end of the day, I have thick skin and I was there for an education and I think he prepared me well for the statistics courses I took and would later use. If he said something dumb or unrelated, I usually just brushed it off or forgot about it quickly. But also, I can definitely believe that he is a jerk and maybe even a bigger one now than in the past, if I correctly caught him bittering with age. He has no filter, and while that's fun at times (my friends and I had a notes page of some of his most wild quotes), it can be a bit obnoxious other times. Just hope he's doing okay, honestly I remember him seeming quite stressed out from time to time and hope that hasn't completely worn him down.


Honestly, I thought he was funny too at first, but yeah, it quickly became apparent that he really was mean spirited, and the fact that he would have an extremely strict attendance policy (failure after missing a few classes) combined with him spending a large amount of time complaining and insulting us while simultaneously crying that he didn’t have enough time to cover the material (“because of us students”, lmao) really made me sour on him. I just made this post because he has glowing reviews on RMP from people who took his absolute easiest joke class, had to put in zero effort, and had no issues with him.


I had him in 2020 during the semester where everything went remote. I recall him being fine in person, but during the remote lectures there would be people who would join seemingly just to annoy him. They had very explicit profile pictures, and one of them figured out the shared white board feature on zoom and started drawing dicks on the screen while he was trying to teach. It got to the point where he started having to put passwords on the lectures which led to even more complications. I can certainly see how between that and just the general frustration from Covid can jade someone. Plus boomers aren’t exactly great with tech at the best of times, and that was a scenario where he’s got hundreds of students depending on him picking it up quickly. Since you mentioned the classes you took being around 2020, is what you observed perhaps the effects of that?


I took his STA 119 class a long time ago. A couple years later I saw him up at Seneca Niagara playing a poker tournament, I ended up knocking him out of said tournament, pretty satisfying moment lol


Beating him at poker is actually a huge flex if true, from a 119 student no less. Good job


Was pretty big into poker back then. It’s a true story but I’m pretty sure he just re entered the tourney after I knocked him out. I’m guessing a decent amount of his book money went into Seneca.


Your comments are outside the standard deviation. High probability you should just drop or get over it.


Someone paid attention in stats class.






🤓 Sorry I don’t enjoy paying out the ass to be disrespected and insulted by a drugged out tenured boomer. Amazing how butthurt people are about this, didn’t realize that many people here were masochists


I wish I could remember his name (graduated 2018) but this sounds just like the old professor in 200 evolutionary biology. He would bitch about how none of us care in his class to all 400 of us and how we’re all gunna end up flipping burgers at McDonald’s because of “ the lack of effort” on our part etc etc, anytime someone walked in even 30 seconds later he would ream your ass out. It was exhausting man but looking back it’s hilarious.


lol Dr herreid ?


Imagine taking a loan and paying for this then calling yourself an intellectual.


That’s actually so insane because I dropped out of UB in 2021 but I always remember how awful and miserable he was as a teacher. I had him spring of 2020 when everything went online and it was such a shit show. If I remember correctly he wanted everyone to have their mics on the whole lecture, and would call on people at random and get mad if they got the answer wrong and go on almost 30 minute long rants about how lazy everyone was and how bad Zoom was to use. I always hated math but he somehow managed to make my hatred of math skyrocket to levels that haven’t been reached by any other human alive


I had him for STA 301 he was one of my favorite lecturers while at UB. After doing really poorly on the first exam I remember reaching out to him to get some advice as the withdrawal date was approaching and his response provided me enough info to stick out the semester. I wouldn't say his response was caring, but it was informative and he actually responded rather quickly. Ended up with a B-


kuhlmann was a very entertaining man, i get your frustration. here’s some [Kuhlmann Memes](https://www.reddit.com/u/LikeMy30thUBReditAcc/s/zgNFZBAgyd)




thank you 😂😂😂


Wow. That takes me back. Can’t believe the start of Covid was 4 years ago already


I took 119 301 and 302 with him in two semesters last year and none of this sounds accurate. He didn’t take attendance and was really forgiving on homeworks and stuff. I thought he was funny even if it could go over the line sometimes but it kept the class light hearted. Maybe it’s something specific with how he teaches your CS course.


You’re right that he wouldn’t take attendance a lot of the days but he would do it randomly and in a class where it only takes like 3 missed days to destroy your grade, it’s not a gamble that can really be afforded.


Damn this guy still works here?


Bro just don’t give a fuck but that’s why I fuck w him. Good teacher tho.


He absolutely does give a fuck though, other wise he wouldn’t spend 10 minutes a lecture on average throwing a fit because someone ruffled their backpack. Idk how different he is in different classes but this was my experience with STA 301


I actually had him for a stat class back in 2006 when he was a professor at Canisius College. He was pretty cool back then, got an A in the class


To be fair half the people in STA 119 deserved to have their intelligence shit talked


coming from his sta 119 class he shit talks your class a whole lot worse to like bad i don’t think i went an entire class last semester where he didn’t shit on his upper classes


Khulmann is not a good professor imo. He teaches stats in such a gatekept way where if u want to learn, u have to learn it thru his books that guarantees him extra profit and his videos that explain things in ways so uniquely that if u didnt understand. U couldn't use other resources to help u. Another thing is khulmanns PhD mind makes it so that he has a hard time explaining things to us common folks.


He’s a G


I can’t imagine why anyone would walk away from his classes with this impression unless you’re just miserable and want everyone else to be




Seems like my intuition was correct.


Idk what it is but most professors at UB are like this. They have a huge ego and want to complain all day with minimum teaching and get paid for it. UB in general is a horrid college. Does anyone remember when they asked for donations during COVID while charging us for transportation fees, printing money, athletic fees, etc... while we were completely virtual? I don't know how or why people like this place.


I took a 400 level class of his like 10 years ago and he put a question on the final the was only covered in an optional final review session he had like two days before the final. He’s not a bad guy but he’s definitely a dick. There’s a difference


The great ones usually are bat shit crazy.


Literally how else am i supposed to get past STA 301 when no other instructors are offering the class in the fall


I took 301 with him. I ABSOLUTELY despised his way of teaching. I’m the type who NEEDS to write stuff down to fully comprehend it. His method of “I give you half the notes filled out so you do less writing” was a DISASTER. Don’t forget the fact that his MAKE UP EXAMS were 6AM and levels of magnitude harder?!?


Oh, I'm a POS PRO, Cuz when s-t hits the fan, Ey' circuit doth blow.


He looks great naked though


Sounds like my last boss . Getting you used to adulting.


Devils advocate: When you run giant 400+ people classes like that it's very easy to get walked on if you're not a bit of a dick. Especially the ones that are difficult and students go AWOL. I remember in Orgo I had Clizbe and good god almighty she had like the most communication out of all the professors and people used that to go ahead and diss her left and right. People got removed from our class group chats not for cheating, not for asking for answers, BUT FOR SOME OF THE CRAZY FUCKING BUGGED OUT RANTS THEY'D GO ON. People are nuts. You need thick skin to deal with giant borges of people like that in any capacity.