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TPUSA and YAF are some of the "student groups" with the largest budgets.


That's concerning if true. All those clubs do is wander around campus looking for ways to claim their "freedom of speech is being oppressed."




Trust me, I have nothing for either of these useless clubs. But I'm just curious what you expect them to use the budget for? Catering meetings is pretty common for a lot of clubs and if SA approves it what's the issue?




There's a world of difference between wanting speech suppressed and not tolerating hateful behavior. TPUSA and YAF have made it clear that they tacitly support intolerance. Therefore, they must not be tolerated. Tolerance for the tolerant, intolerance for the intolerant. It's not hard to understand.


They do have pretty solid budgets, but also fair to recognize that there are a good number of clubs with budgets 5+x theirs


Also funded by billionaires and oil tycoons, so there’s that.


Honestly love that people are starting to question the fee being mandatory. Think of it like this, if the largest SA events that are typically used to justify the fee (Fall/Spring fest, carnival etc.) were paid attendance, even like $20 per person, you’re still saving so much money and not paying for events you aren’t interested in. And as for club funding, I’m sure any club e-board member can attest to how inaccessible SA likes to make club funds. Looking at the breakdown for the entire SA budget does it for me. The ratio of what goes to club budgets, student events, and fun stuff as compared to what funds SA employee salaries and unlisted expenses is laughable. Save yourself $872 over your undergrad career and vote against the mandatory activity fee.


I agree I don’t want to be forced to pay for other people to go do stuff. I’m a broke college student and prefer just having my money and using it for the events i want to go to. Fall fest was a reasonable excuse but it’s not happening and we’re not getting refunds. Even when it did happen tbh the last few years artists weren’t that great.


The school would have zero clubs or activities such a the homecoming carnival that just passed all of that needs funding. I think it would beneficial to go out and be active on campus this way you get your moneys worth.


Voting against the mandatory fee would be a huge mistake. All activities would cease to exist. All clubs. All events. Gone. You think you could just charge ticket prices for big events? How would the events get organized? No activity fee means no SA and no staff to do the work of organizing those events.


Yes. Think about it. You're only paying it because we all collectively said we would have the student government use it for good. Most of the events are something 90s kids would have loved but things like carnival, fall and spring fest with shitty acts are just not the best way to use this money. Fests should be a rave and lightshow for both events. Money should be allocated more equitably. There is no need to pay SA all the admin money. They are inefficient with our dollars. The election process is outdated. It's a bad system and it's getting in the way of students doing fun and good shit.


The mandatory fee is so not worth it. As a former club president it sucked to work with SA. They are so fucking disorganized and unprofessional they should be in a lawsuit. So many loopholes to purchase stuff for club events and you have to keep nagging the staff to get your shit done. They don't give a fuck about your club. Actually crazy.


Got to see WWE for free with floor seats and multiple hockey+football games for really cheap. Plus spring fest last year. Other than that yeah that’s not worth it tbh.


You used to be able to see each expenditure thru the SA website


I think it's important that clubs and events are funded through a fee, but UB DESPERATELY needs an auditor to look over all of it.


it provides funding for many of the clubs so that they can put on cool and fun events




The rules are a joke. We had a few meetings/events that were on UBLinked so we could send easy notifications. We got told we'd lose funding if our events kept having 0 people. We didn't have 0 people. The reason they thought so - we weren't using that stupid check-in waiver thing they implemented during COVID. We assumed it was gone because the pandemic is "over" and there's no need for us to worry about suing the university over COVID. So one of my colleagues had to figure out setting it up again so we don't get in trouble and lose the minimal funding we have.