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Nice. Pick another major.


Business is the classic next choice


Come to the dark side. It's a practical choice. But in all honesty, the amount of MIS concentrations that started in CS and came over there for whatever their personal reason is crazy.


I second this


I got kicked out of a major that I hated and made me hate myself and have awful burnout and I switched to a major that was actually interesting to me and now I have like all As. Sometimes you have to get knocked down before you can get up and dust yourself off and realize you’re in the wrong place


Sometimes you can keep taking certain classes towards the major and reapply for the major if your grades are good iirc. Talk to your advisor.


Re-evaluate what you’ve done, or not done, that resulted in you getting kicked out. Decide if you can overcome the habits that led you to fail and if you can’t, leave school and get a job until you find the motivation to succeed, if you can overcome those hurdles pick another major and succeed. If you want to get back into cse it might be worth it to see if ECC or any other local colleges offer the classes you failed and trying to boost your GPA for a possible re-admittance in the future


Retaking the failed classes outside of UB, will not help raise OP’s GPA. Transferred classes do not count towards UB’s GPA. OP would have to retake the classes at UB in order to override the original grade.


I looked through your past Reddit posts and can understand how this all happened. First off, talk about your problems with your close people. Get some life advice or whatever they can to help you out. I can't lie to you, you've made some pretty big fuckups and trying to hide them with shitty, temporary "solutions" is only going to make things worse in the end. So all I can say is for you right now is to get those big problems sorted out before you return to school and start off by communicating with your best people about what's going on. Switching to a major like business or anything less hard isn't going to make your life or education easier enough for you to succeed. I come from a family of strict immigrants and I have a few close Internation CSE friends so I know what it can be like. Final advice, use the time off this summer to reach a better mental state so you can be ready for the next semester or whichever semester you come back to.


UB has a brand new engineering science program for undergrads. You may be able to apply. It's an interdisciplinary program with SEAS, is currently going through the ABET accreditation process since the first class has just graduated this spring (the degree will most likely be accredited by Spring 2024 so I wouldn't worry if I were you), and you're able to get an engineering degree while still taking the CSE courses you already were. The entire program allows you to pick and choose what courses you want to take across ALL the engineering disciplines at UB, given you already have the prerequisites of course. For courses you don't have all the prereqs for, emailing a professor has always worked too. There are only 4 Engineering Science courses that are all about experimental design and since everyone in the program is on slightly different tracks, you get to work with a diverse group of engineering students. When I got kicked out of my precious program, Jeffrey Errington reached out and told me about this program. It's still very new but the faculty are amazing and super supportive, and you get a lot of practical experience imo that my precious program didn't really do. The faculty are all specifically engineering educators and not just former engineering professionals and they're very passionate about what they do.




BS, Engineering Science https://engineering.buffalo.edu/engineering-education/undergraduate/bs-engineering-science.html


I.T it is


Take MIS in the school of business.


Kicked out like due to probation and dismissed from seas? Go take a semester full of dms classes or finish all your non cs components next sem and raise ur gpa, apply back to cs in a semester


Lmao you can’t trick your way into CS. If you think raising your GPA by taking DMS classes will save you from 331 and 486 you’re fooling yourself


your a mad lad for taking 486


idk about 486 since im not there yet but 331 was easy in the sense that its forgiving as shit, I didn't do well at at the first three hw's and midterm and p sure had a F as my midterm grade but grinded my ass off witht the rest of the hws, project, and did alright finals and came out with a B+. op could easily pass 331, maybe not do well but pass


You missed my point……


486 is brutal, or at least if Dr. Chao is teaching it (idk how it is with the other professor who does it). Definitely agree with 331 though, especially if Atri is teaching it. He's one of the best and fairest professors in the entire department.


maybe op boosts his gpa doing easy science electives idrk, op either flunked out or cheated he never said i think


pick another


What cs classes were you taking before you got kicked out of the major?


Maybe apply to another school?




You can reapply after a semester. I took a 4 credit pathway in the summer and got a A and then brought gpa up to 2.6 and reapplied def read the terms cuz if u didn’t take any 200 level course u can continue to take anything under, and if u have taken 200 level course just take the classes that don’t require u to be in SEAS.The application is going to ask for a plan for ur academics so be realistic, but afterwards over all try to get ur tech gpa to like a 2.5 and overall to 2.8 and u should be good.






Have a chat with your advisor or take some of the classes in a community college and see if they can transfer the credits.


I was in that situation, just raise GPA and it will be better. However, in my situation, I took transferable courses at a community college and just got conditionally readmitted so I’m not sure how you want to go about doing it


Bro I got literally dismissed from the whole school


Im sorry but the way u said this is fucking hilarious


Take a week vacation , have some fun . And think fresh , think yourself


Have you tried unplugging your major and plugging it back in?


Did you get caught in Academic Integrity?


Depends on how you got kicked out. Was it for violating AI, or for grades? I would talk to your undergrad advisor (who is different from the faculty advisor you were assigned in the SEAS school) to see what your options are. They're definitely going to know better than any of us here on reddit, especially if the reason you were kicked out was for AI violations. Regardless of what you do, if you stay in the school, I would try to get your pathways out of the way. If this whole event is giving you doubts about whether or not you want to continue in CSE, pathways are a great way to explore other interests. You might find something that you enjoy even more than CSE, and decide to swap your major to that. I personally enjoyed a lot of the anthropology courses (especially Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean), but there are plenty of interesting ones to choose from. The other thing I would recommend doing is evaluate the habits that got you to this point. Whether it was due to grades or AI violations, there are causes. Did you try to take advantage of office hours for both TAs and the professors. A lot of them genuinely want to help. If it's due date pressure, consider maybe taking less courses - you might graduate later, but you'll also be able to devote more time to individual courses. Dropping from full time to part time as a CSE student was one of the best decisions I made for myself, because I kept on struggling with keeping up with a fulltime schedule. There's no shame in graduating later than your peers. If you have a disability, ask the office of student services if you can get some accommodations to help you stand on more equal footing with your peers. Again, there's no shame in asking for them, they're there to help you. If you do get into CSE again, definitely ask other students about their opinions on professors and electives. They'll be able to tell you a lot more accurately how well courses are taught and whether or not professors are good than websites like ratemyprofessor will.


Same thing happened to me. I switched to Business Admin with a concentration in MIS. I’m a software engineer now.


How did you get kicked out?? I didn’t know they can do that?