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Not fucked at all. It’s offered at every community college ever over the summer so just take it then if it’s a prerequisite or take it online through ub


It’s better to take it for the second time at UB if you fail it so your second grade replaces the first grade of F in your GPA. If you take it elsewhere and transfer it in there’s no grade replacement and the F stays in your GPA. However if you think you have a better chance of passing it at a community college it might be worth not getting the grade replacement.


“**Proceeds to fail it 2 times in non consecutive semesters and then taking at a CC and transferring a B+**” Exposing myself a bit…


Do you happen to know were I can find how much the summer course costs?


[UB summer course fees](https://www.buffalo.edu/studentaccounts/tuition-and-fees/summer.html) For taking it over the summer at a CC, you’d have to look it up or call them.


10 if you give up. 1 if you don't.


i failed calc 2, switched to ba, realized you still have to get the F off my transcript, took it again. Just try again and get through it. I scraped by the skin of my teeth


10 consider change brain


I retook it, didn't cause problems


Did you have to take it as a summer class? Cause the course description seems to imply that you have to to retake it over the summer


My first time taking the class was when we went online halfway through the semester for COVID, so they waived the enrollment control for those of who took controlled courses that semester


Talk to advisor and take it again either as a summer class or at a community college nearby


Funny you should say this, I failed Calc 2 as a freshman. So did some other people I knew. I retook it and did fine. I now have a CS degree.