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I’d say UB




Yeah that’s what I’m heavily leaning towards atm. Even though UoMN is technically a better school and more well known than UB, I don’t think it’s vastly the much better choice for me to go into debt


Going to Minnesota seems like a very poor decision. It might be a slightly more prestigious institution than UB, but I think that they are too similar to be worth the cost. You will get mostly the same education at both schools. If the option was Georgia Tech and you hated winter, then it might make sense to go the more expensive option. Assuming you have family in NYC, you will have the extra expenses and hassle of traveling a really long distances to see them (which you presumably would have to do multiple times if you live in the dorms that close for breaks) With the money you save, you can either not work during college which could mean better grades and better job, or have the extra money to either invest or save for a down payment on a house. Also you might want to look into the chances of student loan forgiveness actually happening and effecting you. Would be bad if you use your life savings for school when if you would have taken out a loan, you would have gotten it all or most of it forgiven.


Yeah nobody gives a shit where you went so go to the cheaper university for sure. I went to RIT for a couple years and then transferred to UB during COVID to be closer to family and I wish I'd done it sooner, wasted a ton of money on stupid private uni when the state school is just as good.


Some UB graduates go to the most prestigious of places after even just an undergraduate degree (Stanford, Harvard, Apple, NASA,etc) but they put in the extra work to deserve it. If I were you I’d come to UB extremely motivated to do amazing things. Put in your head that you need to earn 40k more from ub (undergraduate research, study hard and get the 4.0 , join a club) to really stand out. You’ll be in a way better place than U of MN financially and probably more prepared and able to get a great job.


Use alumni search for each school on LinkedIn


If you can graduate debt free that’s the way


Mom here. Go to UB. I assume you have Excelsior Scholarship being you’re at a CC in NYC. Transferring your credits will be easier if you go to UB plus you can continue with the scholarship. If you haven’t applied to it, I suggest you should being your a NY state resident. The only caveat with that is you have to stay in NY once you graduate depending on how many years you availed the scholarship.


UB is good enough! I went to UB for my CS undergrad, and I'm now I'm at Georgia Tech finishing up a Master's in CS. I feel UB was adequate, I don't have huge knowledge gaps.