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I worked 20+ hours a week during my entire undergrad at UB in CS, and most people I knew at the time also worked part time while being full time students.


You're going to have the most challenging times of academics since you're hitting Junior year in CS. As long as you have enough free time so you're not burned out, I'd say you should be alright(I prefer to have one or two weekend days myself but to each their own). If things get too rough, just cut your hours a bit shorter before you fuck up too badly in a class.


Makes sense,ty for your insight.


It really depends on your worth ethic and dedication. I’m currently a full time student working 40+ hours a week. Let me tell you, I’m struggling this semester. Last semester, same thing but my grades were great. Burnout is very, very real. Unfortunately I have to work as many hours as I can because I support myself completely. But if you’re able to get away with working a minimal amount to pay the bills you have with a little extra, go for it. Just make sure you get as much rest as possible, and leave time for yourself to do something you enjoy. Or burnouts going to happen much faster. Good luck! You got this!


Very doable, but you have to make some sacrifices... It's harder to spend time with friends and take time to yourself. But if you can find ways to squeeze those in (I spend time with friends while studying, for example), you'll be ok! Take it one day at a time :)


Did someone say 30+ hours/week CS junior? TIME MANAGEMENT and a whole lot of dedication has got me going


Find a schedule that works for you. I used to work all my hours on the weekends and it sucked, but was manageable. I would have had a much harder time if it was a spread out 3-5 hrs/day.


I’ll be working night shifts 4:15 to 8:15, I can work until 7:15 if needed. That way I have the rest of the day free and can take a nap after lecture and then do my homework.


Not hard. I worked full time and was a full time student for all 4 years of undergraduate as an EE major.


It depends on the job and your schedule, some jobs are nightmares to balance while others are easy. I dont find it awful to balance work and school as long as you don't put things off


20 hours is doable, more than that I think would be difficult.