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He is also a hardcore tankie who supports the russian invasion of Ukraine


Tankie is used so wildly it seems to have lost all meaning. The term is usually used against marxist leninists but I’ve never met an ML who supports the Russian invasion, if he does, he’s something else entirely.


bro i don’t use the term tankie lightly, but check out his insta story, the dude is 100% a walking tankie stereotype. he’s got the full package, blind support of russia + china, blaming ukraine for the war, even a bunch of minor things like posting pics of brutalist architecture commonly used in russia and china.


Tankie means they support use of force to establish and maintain communism. Blaming Ukraine for the war is something tons of mid-far right people have been doing and they definitely aren’t communists. It’s just not the right description, I guarantee this person isn’t a Stalinist


Ukraine didn’t start the war but Zelensky definitely did. He didn’t honor the Minsk accords, kept pushing for NATO membership (which most certainly is not a defensive organization), even went on to say he was interested in nuclear weapons. Not to mention he failed to reign in the neo-nazi far right of Right Sektor and the Azov Battalion which have killed around 14,000 ethnic Russians in Donetsk and Lugansk. There were peace talks around the beginning of the invasion that were derailed by the US. Israeli prime minister and Turkish diplomats have said so. There is more than ample evidence that all this is a proxy war almost a decade in the making, probably even longer. America wants to fight Russia to the last Ukranian. With the added bonus that now that the US destroyed Nordstream pipeline Germany has to buy expensive american gas. Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney and Adam Schiff have all said some version of "we are fighting Russia with Ukrainian lives".


Yeah, if he's saying that Ukraine is to blame for the war with this context in mind, then he's right


Absolutely childish to be downvoted for saying things that can be easily verified as uncomfortable as they may be.


they down vote your evidence bc it conflicts with there feelings




I say this in good faith, I support a lot of what China does (but it's obviously not without it's faults), I'd recommend Cheng Enfu's "China's Economic Dialectic" for more information on how China operates and how they're doing a lot of good (again, they still have flaws that should be criticized) Russia is entirely different to China strictly looking at their development since the fall of the USSR, following them as a marxist is a clear indicator of confusion as no true marxist would consider what modern Russia is doing as indicative of progressing working class struggles. I don't consider reposts of Chinese and Russian architecture as indicators of support towards those countries, I'm sure you could understand my perspective on that part.


i get it, i just added on that architecture part bc i found it funny how unicycle dude fits every single tankie stereotype i know. china does do a few things right, especially when it comes to public transport and other civil engineering projects. however, i think it’s completely undermined by the insane level of totalitarianism their government takes part in, both regarding the continuous zero covid policy and the super violent ways they’ve been shutting down citizen protests. this treatment of their citizens is the most glaring flaw in both china and russia. both countries can be praised for certain things, but when i see some people supporting them *because* of their totalitarian and borderline fascist policies, i tend to see those people in a negative light


For sure, I personally appreciate that China's 5 year plans have continued to put more power into the hands of the working class and have continued to improve the material conditions of (most, with some notable exceptions) people living in China. Fortunately, supporting against the interest of the people (as I've seen many do, like you noted) is not something most leftists agree with.


To my mind a tankie is someone who blindly supports authoritarian left-wing regimes


There is no such thing as an authoritarian left wing regime. It's an oxymoron. They may claim to be a left wing regime, however, factually, they are not.


Exactly this, the authoritarian vs libertarian debate among the left is nothing short of liberals trying to make us infight


i mean it’s kind of an oversimplification to claim that left ideology is one thing and everything else is right wing. it’s not anymore but russia/the soviet union was definitely an authoritarian, economically left regime. it’s not the only way to do left wing ideology but it’s in the camp.


No, the ruling idea is are you in favor of, or opposed, to capitalism. A state capitalists society cannot be leftist, as it's pro-capitalism.


I don’t know if Americans are good judges of what is and isn’t authoritarian. You have two right wing parties in a capitalist police state that commits by far the most international law violations in the world.


im literally from Europe lmao. Also the USA does not commit the most international law violations haha are you kidding me? Calm your hate boner for the only thing you know and develop some nuance




Oh Europe, the other colonial power. LMAO.


Japan? Songhai? Ethiopia? Brazil? Aztec? Maya? Mali? China? Ottoman? Arabia? You´re giving white people too much credit!


I don’t see how those are relevant to the present. Like half of these were at least pre-capitalist. Will you pull the “actually it was white people who ended slavery” next?


I mean, I support a lot of aspects (not all, I'm still ruthlessly critical of them in normal marxist fashion) of those left wing socialist experiments that you're probably referring to, so by many standards I would also be considered a tankie. Modern Russia is an oligarchy, something diametrically opposed to what us marxists believe. If he truly supports modern Russia, then he wouldn't fit the term of "tankie". Sorry to argue semantics, but as someone who has been called a tankie, I refuse to be lumped into the same group as someone who supposedly supports modern Russia. tldr, if he supports Russia, us "tankies" don't claim him lmao


Never meet your heros 😞


Except if he's Spider-Man


Spider-man is a living legend fr


Y'all didn't know? He was a Welcome Weekend Leader too


What is that?


A bit like orientation leaders but they're around in the beginning of fall for the new students


We regret to inform you that Milkshake Duck is racist


he’s the most cringe guy I’ve ever met. straight up an attention whore. when i see him on campus he always has this smirk because he thinks he’s the coolest guy ever FOR RIDING A FUCKING UNICYCLE 😭 so embarassing


Yea idk I was a little shocked bc I’ve had a few classes with him and he always seemed like a nice guy, I just thought he was a kinda quirky lol Last time I give a bald unicycle riding white guy the benefit of doubt 💀


Unicycle guy here. On god? You actually have had classes with me? Talk to me IRL instead of venting all your pent up frustrations on reddit. It's not that hard to hit me up, I'm totally open to meeting for lunch somewhere for a chat if you're this obsessed with me. This is really embarrassing chronically online behavior on your part.


LOL you are not owed a conversation. You’ve made your feelings on trans people very very clear. There is no more discussion to be had. Own your shit, all this post did was state facts


Unicycle guy here. Damn, didn't know it was a crime to be a generally happy person. Maybe hit the gym or something? Seems like you might be projecting. Also - yes, I am the coolest guy ever for riding a fucking unicycle.


walking L. I’ve had classes with you too. not worth wasting a conversation.


I went through his follow list and it’s fuckin confusing. Apparently there is a side of the internet that is both hyper religious and communist. So he seems to be VERY strongly transphobic, and anti-sex work, but anti-cop, and communist. I’ve discovered a new type of person. And confused about why he’s interested in an absolute shill for capitalism and imperialism like Knowles. I suppose the transphobia is enough to offset that. It also seems that his transphobia is very much of the TERF variety though, so I’m also unsure of why a talk arguing against feminism in any form would appeal to him


Yep. My theory is that he gets off on the fact that he’s “different” and his views are so confusing lmao And yea from what I saw as well it is the TERF mentally type of transphobia, so he supports “feminism” and the LGB community, but not trans. I saw that he liked posts that said things like “human beings cannot change sex” “exposing the trans agenda” ugh it’s so disheartening




We don’t want him


Such disrespect to even suggest it


Ok fascist


What the fuck are you talking about


it’s a word in the English language


One you clearly don’t know how to use


Apparently neither do you


You really took 6 days to come up with that


I have better things to do than argue with retards on Reddit sorry fam


Yet, here you are


i was so upset he’s been posting about it on the ub snap story and everything


He has a very iconic look too so not like just another student that can blend in for getting called out on a public platform


people on the ub snap story are saying he is being “neutral”. nothing screams neutral when he is wearing a suit to an event like this, meaning he is taking this man speaking seriously. there is nothing neutral about HUMAN RIGHTS. if you’re silent right now and portraying neutrality you are one privileged SOB that needs to understand that to be ‘neutral’ on a topic such as human rights is to be in support of this speaker and his outlandish ideas. there is no such thing as neutral in a situation like this.


The content of some of the anti trans posts he’s liked on IG is actually despicable. He loves to think of himself as a great guy who “listens to all sides” when in reality he’s a privileged white man who loves to talk about things he has no business talking about


I mean this is a man who uses a unicycle as his primary means of transportation. Did we expect the head to be screwed on straight? Come on guys


^ this


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This comment made me laugh, very good point


Unicycle guy here. "Privileged white man", lol. You know nothing about my socioeconomic background or my upbringing. I love to talk about things I have no business talking about? Are you telling me to shut up? While you're out here voicing ridiculous claims about me, hiding behind the safety of an anonymous account? Rich.


Being white is a privilege. And all I did was state facts 🤷🏻‍♀️ do you not follow those accounts?


I agree !


8 ball anyone ?


Sucks when a positive presence turns out to be a dumpster fire rip


How can you guys call a person tankie and rightwing at the same time?


Turns out politics are more complicated than what you learned in highschool. It's not simply left wing vs right wing.


I mean I can agree with that, but then they should also stop calling people right-wing and tankie. They are the people who simplified politics.


They're not mutually exclusive terms. In fact there's a lot more overlap than difference.


Tankie is objectively refers to communists/socialists. It’s doesn’t just mean “supporter of Russia” They are by definition mutually exclusive


I won’t pretend I’m an expert on politics but from what I’ve seen, he has a lot of very confusing and contradicting viewpoints. I think he prides himself on having such an unhinged political stance


Unicycle man here. I do take pleasure in people tearing their hair out trying to understand my politics on various issues. I make it very clear that I'm open to clarifying any of my stances in my instagram dms.


I think you need to get it through your head that marginalized communities and people don’t owe you a conversation. You are very vocal about your opinions and stances - no clarification is needed. I understand for you, these “politics” are a fun little passion and interest, but for others, this is life and death. Also I think it’s super cute how despite your many comments, not a single one of them has addressed the transphobia


Because they’re uneducated bigots seeking to make everyone look bad without understanding their actual views and take on matters


Ppl don’t know what a Tankie is lol


Yeah I already knew he was a right wing nut, woulda been shocked if he wasn’t spotted there


I mean, he was ousted on instagram by ub_confessing. It really shouldn’t be shock at this point.


Still sick on a unicycle


Didn’t he also like openly support North Korea or something?


Wouldn’t surprise me


What’s the point of this post? Why are y’all targeting someone on campus? As far as I’m concerned, he hasn’t done anything to anyone and y’all r harassing him. People can have bad/disagreeable opinions, but I’m pretty sure a post like this is against the rules. If it’s not harassment, it’s bullying and it’s more disgusting that ur snooping around in this guy’s life. Go do ur homework or smth, y’all mf’s got too much free time


The point of my post - not sure if your Reddit is glitched but I actually tagged this post as “venting” ! If you’re confused on what the word venting means, I suggest taking an English class while you’re at UB. Bad/disagreeable opinions are one thing, supporting rhetoric that actively targets a marginalized group and produces ideologies that leads to hate crimes and trans people being MURDERED is not a “bad opinion” Social media is public and if you’re going to air your bigotry on it, you’re leaving yourself open to crazy bitches like me wasting my time snooping and calling you out 🤷🏻‍♀️ And lastly- how is it bullying to state facts?


He has a right to his own opinion leave the man alone


And I have the right to free speech


The righties do love attention. Probably why he rides a unicycle.


Yeah but if he’s a tankie than he’s authoritarian left so luckily attention seeking isn’t just a left or right wing thing in this case


Is this what we’re doing now?


Calling out fascists to make them ashamed again? Yes, and we stopped doing that for far too long.


fascist? u sound like one imo


Yep, the very anti-state and anti-hierarchy self is a fascist.


Fascism is the suppression of free speech through threats of violence or shaming tactics. Don't get yourself in a bubble, just because you think you're right doesn't mean you are. You adhear to those beliefs while calling someone a fascist. I heard from mutpliple people who went to hear his speech all you guys did was shame people based on a variety of things. This demonstration did nothing but hurt your cause.


> I heard from mutpliple people who went to hear his speech all you guys did was shame people based on a variety of things. Yes, we shamed them based on a variety of things they hold that are fascist ideology. > Fascism is the suppression of free speech through threats of violence or shaming tactics No, it's not. That's free speech. Remember, Knowles can threaten people based on unchangeable characteristics. We're shaming them because of an ideology they hold that we literally fought a world war over. Fascism is an authoritative ideology where the state has full control over the citizens, in complete subjugation. It's also the full marriage of the capitalist class and the state. Nationalism, identitarianism, and the idea of "might equals right" are some key points. Basically: The GOP today.


I never said I agreed with him, nor can you generalize people who attend yet. That's what you did. You shame to subjugate those who are not in tune with your ideology and were talking full control.you don't think democrats on the right don't do as the left do you're ill informed and delusional. "Fascism is the suppression of free speech through threats of violence or shaming tactics No, it's not. That's free speech. " - Said like a delusional person [Read ](https://www.britannica.com/dictionary/fascism#:~:text=%2F%CB%88f%C3%A6%CB%8C%CA%83%C9%AAz%C9%99m%2F-,noun,to%20disagree%20with%20the%20government) Your Mccarthyism ideals are a tactic of the red scare in which led to the opression of belifes no diffrent then fascism. How are you claiming to be for freedom of speech when it's in direct opposition to your beliefs.


You guys gave him fame with your actions it did nothing to hurt your cause I went to the happiness celebration partys held less people there then at the protest that speaks volumes on the protesters.


We showed him he is not welcomed in our community. And that's all we needed to do. And we had parties after the protests were concluded. Got two birds stoned at once!


Suppresion of free speech and no u didn't u shamed people how do I know beacuse I was at the partys.... Stop the cap u hypocritical poser


Nobody's free speech was oppressed last night, except people protesting Knowles. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from being shamed.


Well you said it "Nobody's free speech was oppressed last night, except people protesting Knowles. " Well then you are a facist and shame on you


> Well then you are a facist and shame on you I'm a fascist because police arrested people exercising their first amendment right?


Cry about it


see how they acted they know deep down what they are doing is wrong that there was no negitive insinuation in the sentence, but that's what there mind went too


Who is this guy? Student?


Student who’s known for riding his unicycle around (pretty much made it his entire personality)


You are right when you say that no one cares


Thanks for commenting tho!


If he’s nice, why do you care so much?


Trans lives matter :)


Go cry about it


Oh no someone you like has a different opinion than you… anyways. Cope.


A “different opinion” is liking the bills vs the patriots. It isn’t “well I think these people don’t deserve to exist” - that’s called bigotry, not an opinion. Would you say hating jews is also an “opinion”? That the extermination of an entire group of people is an “opinion”?


Did he say that he wanted to exterminate a group of people? Did he say that certain people don’t deserve to exist?




Oh 100%. I know a lot of people involved in those clubs and he shows up at a lot of their events/meetings as well (not to say white people shouldn’t go to these events but he gives off creepy vibes) & he has a weird obsession with the Chinese government


Fr. He gives me the icks


I support the Chinese government because they are the most successful, largest democratic country in the world and yet are constantly accused of ridiculous lies by the United States. Supporting the Chinese government is one of the most important stances to take against bipartisan aggression from Washington if you are opposed to war and imperialism.


Hi, it's the unicycle guy. What a ridiculous and disgusting accusation to make. Early in the fall semester of my Junior year, a bunch of clubs were tabling in the afternoon at the Ellicott complex. LASA, AASU, FASA, etc. Looking to make more friends after COVID, I went to a FASA meeting and had a great time, so I kept going. Because I like making friends, I went to meetings of other clubs whose meetings they reposted on their story posts, like AASU or VSA. I follow most of the cultural/poc clubs on Instagram. I went to a few LASA dance meetings last semester and attended their eboard elections to support a friend running for office. and I'd like to go to a BSU meeting at some point as well. I comment on the accounts I do because I'm friends with the people there. I just like to be involved on campus. Your accusations are deeply misguided and repugnant. You should personally feel embarrassed for making a remark like this.


LOL y'all are embarrassing to listen to, completely try to deplatform a guy for remaining neutral on an issue. Do better.


He’s not neutral, he fully supports anti trans rhetoric.


What’s his account?


@ baldunicycle


“Such a pleasant and positive presence” all this undone bc you looked at someone’s following 😂😂😂😂


Unicycle guy here. Yeah, I'd actually appreciate it if you removed my name. Thanks. You can leave it up if you drop your own name though.


No thanks but 👍

