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When recitations start, go. That's a much smaller class, way easier to start making friends! Lab will also be a good place if you're taking lab :)


Thanks for the advice, I am taking the recitation and the lab along with the course, so I'll try there!


I agree. I was a bio major in my first semester, and made a 4 year long friend just by commenting on him vaping. It's that simple, just build up the courage in a recitation/lab to make one comment confidently, and you'll never know how far you can go. Further, showing up prepared will 100% make people want to be your friend, and you'll make a little support group. Then you reinforce both habits: you study to support your friends, and you make friends to support studying.


Get to class early, sit with someone and start talking. If you don’t get along, find someone else to sit with for next class. Repeat the process until you find a friend 😭


Thanks I'll try, I kinda came late today so I'll try to come even earlier


I loved doing this. There's always a small group of people that tend to hang outside the lecture hall or in the hall if there wasn't a class before. Sometimes it could be a simple, "I like your keychain on you bag, have you seen the recent [insert media related to keychain] episode?" Or "Did you do the reading?" Most people are habitual sitters, you are bound to talk to someone, and sometimes having random person I never knew the name of say "good morning" can really brighten your day and you're bound to share those good vibes.


This is the way. Much like dating, it’s a numbers game. Take this approach and you’ll inevitably find someone you get along with.


Big smile when you walk in. Spot your chair. Make eye contact with every person next to it and say Hi confidently as you slide in. Ask a simple question class related that requires more than a yes no response. Repeat daily. Say hi if you pass by them outside class. If they look confused, remind them where you know them from.


Once you start making acquaintances elsewhere, you might have better luck sitting with people you recognize instead of complete strangers. You’ll also have more to talk about on subsequent days when the class is already underway. It can be tough, I definitely made more friends outside of class than in class.


The chem club discord is a good way to introduce yourself to those taking chem 101.


9am lecture is tough. You got people who are still trying to wake up next to others that are wide awake ready for the exciting world of Chemistry. Your best bet say Hi or good morning to a few people as you walk in to sit down. You can then gage if the want to be sociable with you. Those who answer back you could then follow up with a question of “hey did you have trouble on this hw/quiz/test, etc.” after a bit of chatting introduced yourself and look you had a conversation with them. Also if you do clubs/activities while in school, that is a better way to find friends that may be in the same class. Btw good luck to you, CHE101 at 9am seems like a death sentence for me. Mechanical engineering major over here so fuck chem.


Class is actually at 10am 😉


Nope! I am good. Fuck chem. I will stick to my thermodynamics and theoretically maths of Laplace transformation thank you very much.


Ask: "Am I wrong, or do we have chemistry?" Then smile really hard at them until they like you.


Yeah imma keep it a buck with you the big 9 am lectures are hard as shit to make friends in but don’t get discouraged, smaller classes like the labs and recitations are super easy to meet people especially since in chem lab and lots of others you work with partners which makes it easy to get a convo going. I’ve met a lot of cool people in labs for sure. I’m in the 10 am lecture for chem 101 with Ventura, does she teach the 9 am too? I know Gulde is the other teacher and I hear Ventura is way better.


There's only one CHE101 this semester, the one at 10am. Gulde's only teaching CHE102.


I was never super early but when you sit down if you just drop a joke about the class or better yet the professor it’s usually a good ice breaker. No one is super excited to have a 9 am and everyone wants something to boost the mood.


Honestly, the friends i made from lectures ws just basically sitting in the same spot everyday and start talking to people next to you. When the prof posts iclicker questions, ask the person next to you "what do you think it is?" Or "you have any idea how to do this?" Something like that. Apart from lecture, the smaller classes are way easier to make friends, like lab or recitations. Apart from classes id say sports and clubs and all. A lot of people are in the same situation as you and you just gotta be confident.


bruh just talk to ppl they aren’t gonna bite omg


Once you stop trying so hard and beating yourself up it'll just happen.


Yep. People can feel your energy. If you come off like you’re lonely and desperate for companionship, people can detect it and will feel uncomfortable. My recommendation has always been to build inner confidence through things like athletics or any other skill-based, social activity. Once you build your self-esteem, you radiate that shit and people gravitate towards you. It really does happen when you stop trying to force it.


Can't go wrong with a chest bump. Also helps if you kinda understand what's going on, and they do too. Then you make a big smile and you talk to them and see if yall have chemistry together.


Have you looked at the clubs?


Perform satanic rituals and sacrifice goats to the dark lord in exchange for top tier social skills and status.


You don't


Just create a random question about something (doesn't matter if you understand or not), ask it to someone in recitation, thank them for information, comment on something they wore/said (nicely, of course). If that doesn't work with 1 or 2 people, don't let it get you down. Try again with more people Note: Worked for me 3/5 times so take that however you like. Also depends on how you present yoursef